Spirit. Searching for the. Baisa6. of the Sages: and Sencha in Japan I. predisposed

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1 Serching for the (green lef te) tody serves s the focus of reltively obscure te Sench in the bkumtsu nd erly Meiji ers, its populrity eclipsed tht Yet Initil interest in sench, first cultivted in the 1730s, ws due to its culture, knowledge of which hd long been mrker of elite sttus in Jpn. sophisticted this knowledge hd been the exclusive domin of the highest levels of Jpnese Erlier, By the erly 18th century, educted Jpnese from ll wlks of life hd society. its vlues nd mteril culture to demonstrte their cultivtion nd improve pproprited socil stnding. 2 The continution of the trdition tody revels the persistence, their in diminished importnce, of Chinese-influenced lerning nd voctions in though Jpnese society: pproximtely one hundred seprte schools of senchd6 modem re in existence, locted in most mjor Jpnese cities. My intention here, though, is focus on its fluorescence in the erly modem er, when sench both reflected nd to the permetion into Jpnese society of Chinese idels nd esthetics. fcilitted Yugi L_ ( ), populrly known s Bis6 (the old te K6 is considered the ptrirch of the sench te ceremony. He idolized Lu Yu I seller), from their belief in its bility to fcilitte enlightenment. Yet Bis6 could not stemmed ttrcted s lrge nd s loyl following for his te hd not existing conditions hve the public for its cceptnce. While Bis6's chrismtic personlity did predisposed sench into the Kyoto limelight, others spred its ideology nd helped crete thrust ppel. ntionl the time Bis6 By on the scene in the first hlf of the 18th century, ll ppered necessry to the formtion of cult for sench existed. There ws incresed elements rticle is n nnotted version of the pper tht ws presented t the Assocition for Asin This nnul meeting in Honolulu, April, It introduces some of the ides I del with in Studies detiled form in my forthcoming book, Sench, Te of the Sges. Tht study trces the more Jpnese pprecition for mteril culture of the Chinese literti s it reltes to the sench history ceremony in Jpn from its inception to the present. te Similr considertions hve been ttributed to the development of modes of consumption in 2 See Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Socil Critique of the Judgement of Tste MA: Hrvrd University Press, 1984), especillypp (Cmbridge, For 3 English trnsltion, see Frncis Ross Crpenter, The Clssic of Te (Boston & Toronto: n of the Sges: Spirit nd Sench in Jpn I Bis6 Ptrici J. Grhm ceremony in Jpn. ofchnoyu, 6 r) j. flvor nd reltive ese of preprtion, which required neither n elborte ritul delicte expensive utensils. Moreover, its esteem resulted from ssocitions with Chin's nor Riku U, d. 804), the uthor of the Clssic of Te (Ch. Chfing _ J. Chky6), 3 (J. first te tretise, nd other ncient Chinese sges, whose fondness for te Chin's Western societies. Little, Brown nd Co., 1974). 34

2 of Chinese culturl trditions, with Chinese lerning promoted s the bsis understnding eduction mong ll clsses of society. Through renewed trde, Chinese books were for informtion on the steeping of green lef te (Ch. jinch), these books, Jpnese reders lerned of the intellectul nd esthetic Through in which to enjoy sench. Although Jpnese could not trvel brod, they environment Chinese Ming loylists, bku monks, s well s Newly imported Chinese luxury products were vilble for purchse in mjor mrkets: initilly, they were minly used s chnoyu lso nd dornments for disply in tokonom ]: C) of elite consumers; lter, they utensils dily utensils nd ccoutrements for sench. becme Bis6's time, Confucin scholrs hd developed new ideologies, such s By -, which promoted Chin's ncient sges, self-cultivtion, the merits of Kogku literture, nd expressions of individulity. These ides exerted especilly ppreciting influence in Kyoto in Bis6's dy. Te drinking itself lso ws undergoing strong trnsformtion following the deth of Sen no Rikyfi - lj ( ). rdicl steeped te ws known in Jpn from the lte 16th century nd by 1658, it ws Chinese sold by peddlers in Edo. The book Honch6 shokukn 7 i (Compendium of being ws common to drink number of cups of sench before brekfst. Contemporry it ssume this ws something like ordinry och or bnch i,-,, the lowest scholrs scholr Dzi Shundi 7 g - ; ( ), for exmple, wrote scthing Kogku bout chnoyu in his 1738 text, Dokugo j (Soliloquy). His remrks re comments politiclly elitist nd estheticlly dismissive. On the one hnd, he simultneously chnoyu thret to the socil order imposed by the Tokugw shogunte. He considered ] g ILl/ ] tj, et l., eds. Edogkujiten T. i -0t (Dictionry of Edo lerning) Mtsunosuke K6bund6, 1984), p (Tokyo: 1 fli of the Bunkden i t Mnpukuji. For discussion of this book in English, see Keene, World Within Wlls: Jpnese Literture of the Pre-Modern Er, Donld (Tokyo: Tuttle, 1976), pp widely ccessible. Among these, mny outlined the bsics of literti life, nd so included fvorite drink of the literti. were fmilir with Chinese customs, including jinch, from contcts with immigrnt from literte Chinese merchnts in Ngski. From these sources, s well s from populr printed books, they lerned of Chinese customs nd rchitecturl design. Food from Our Time), published in 1692, informs us tht mong the women of tht city, of green lef te in Jpn. 4 From the erly 18th century, this te ws populrly grde "Ingen ch" [. (Ingen's te), nmed for the founder of 0bku Zen whose clled drnk sench rther thn the mtch? preferred by the older Zen sects. 5 dherents there ws growing dissension mong followers of chnoyu: Concurrently, tensions between priest-prctitioners nd seculr msters, nd criticisms of chnoyu. The it encourged denil of distinctions mong the clsses in its celebrtion of poverty in felt the esthetics of the ccoutrements nd the design of the teroom, nd he objected to both the prctice of inviting commoners to te gtherings together with smuri. On the other 4 Kdoym Shigem ILl Nihon no och 6 r) Ji-3 -, (Te of Jpn), vol. 3, Och to bunk, 4[', (Te nd Culture) (Tokyo: Gy6sei Publishers, 1988), p. 23; nd Nishiym The smuri Morikw Kyoroku )ll l: ( ), hiku poet nd disciple of Bsh6, "Ingen te" in his Fftzoku monzen f (Anthology of Customs) of 1706, mentioned collection of hiku prose of the Bsh6 school. This reference ws provided by Mikio 35

3 Shundi decried chnoyu gtherings s pretentious, its utensils s filthy nd hnd, the custom of crwling through low door s insulting, nd the teroom overpriced, uthors s Mitni Nriysu --- ( ), known s the first Jpnese to ssimilte Chinese literti vlues the essence offfiryd (elegnce), word of mny nunces, which in this epitomized referred to his pure nd unssuming spirit, nd immersion it,. Chinese literti cse pursuits--composing clligrphy nd poetry, nd possibly, drinking sench. 8 Fdryd cme define sench esthetics, nd Jrzn's retret nd pstimes becme models for the to nd mbience ofsench gtherings. ppernce Sench lso required knowledge of Chinese philosophy, their temples hd dignified Chinese ppernce deep well. Reverence for these monks in elite politicl circles provided sench with the s stnding to compete with chnoyu, ssocited with rivl Rinzi Zen. necessry fml step. necessry to the formtion of cult for sench ws for someone to The Pul Vrley, "Chnoyu from Genroku to Modem Times," in Te in Jpn: Essys on the 6 ofchnoyu, ed. Pul Vrley nd Kumkur Iso (Honolulu: University of Hwii Press, History pp ), For 7 discussion of these issues see: Robert Wlter Krmer, "The Te Cult in History," PhD University of Chicgo, 1985, pp disserttion, For s discussion offijom in Jfzn nd Bshr's rt, see J. Thoms Rimer, "Ishikw Jrzn," in Hll of the Poetry Immortls, ed. J. Thoms Rimer, et l. (New York: Wetherhill, Shisendr: pp ), drk nd suffocting. 6 tmosphere Chinese elements lso mde incursions into wbi esthetics, both Contemporry in the choice of ccoutrements nd in discussions of Chinese te culture in texts by such J : [, ( ) nd Ybunouchi Chikushin ( ). Mitni Nriysu's 1728 text, gd-kn chshi (Records of,[, nd Jpnese Te), ws the first Jpnese te book to embrce both Chinese nd Chinese te history s single continuum. Ybunouchi Chikushin's tretise, Genryd Jpnese, (Tlks on the Origin of Te), published in 1745, elevted bove ll else chw contribution the Chinese literti to the formtion of the cult of 7 te. the of to develop s formidble te trdition, sench needed definitive order In nd spiritul identity of its own. Its followers found this in ideliztion of the esthetic lifestyle of such 17th century men s the smuri-recluse of Kyoto, Ishikw Jrzn literti )113 : fl_l sequestered in his Shisend6. 'dl _ hermitge, sukiy shoin while embellished with elements of Chinese design. Lter writers indicted tht Jrzn building clim to n estblished source of morl uthority, nd this ws provided by the sench-drintdng Chinese (3bku Zen monks. Renowned for their it s n lterntive voction to chnoyu nd this ws ccomplished by Bis6 promote 1). Rised in n Obku temple in Kyushu, Bis6 visited Ngski where it (plte ssumed tht he lerned how to prepre sench properly. Lter, he left the priesthood nd in impoverishment, selling sench in Kyoto from round 1735, from portble stll lived crried on his bck, nmed "Senk" '111 (den of the sges). Gregrious nd eccentric, he Bis6 ws respected s n eloquent Knshi, poet nd s first-rte clligrpher. He to be neither Buddhist, Confucin, nor Doist, but his untrmmeled climed ws obviously indebted to the reclusive nd heterodox idels found within philosophizing 36

4 1. It6 Jkuchfi ( ), Portrit of Bis6, frontispiece to the Bis6 Plte (Verses of the Old Te Seller). Tokyo Ntionl Museum collection. Photo gego Money L. Hickmn nd Ysuhiro St6, The Pintings of Jkuch (New fter: The Asi Society, 1989), plte 19. York: these ideologies. His idels nd sceticism served s inspirtion for those seeking ll from Jpn's hierrchicl nd incresingly mterilistic society. In their preference solce Kyoto's bunjin--pinters, poets, priests, nd Confucin scholrs--mny with ties included the Confucin cdemy of Ogyfi Sori,. :.9 to gined fme s one of Kyoto's In'fin I Jk, person whose precocity, Bis6 intellectul bility, or perceived spiritulity set him prt from the common strngeness, Te Seller) of 1763, describe his difficult circumstnces, but some, like the Old convey the essence of wht he ws relly propgting in the guise of te. following, priests nd knshi poets Kinryfi D6jin, [ Jk ( ) nd Rikunyo 7 1] (1737- Tendi the eccentric pinter It6 Jkuehfi ' 1 ( ), the Sh6kokuji plest Diten 1803), 7 - J " ( ), the Knshi poet nd Confucin scholr Ktym Hokki I.l_l Kenj6 ( ), the Nng pinter Ike Tig 7 ( ), nd the bibliophile ske brewer sench, Bis6's followers were provided with mens of obliquely critizing the for regime which hd mde chnoyu into required protocol. Friends nd dmirers bkufu folk nd mde him worthy of dmirtion. Mny of his poems, collected nd published in books, Bisnsh chfu ryku t _ / (Summry of the Plum Mountin the of Records bout Te) of 1748 nd Bis6 gego : g = (Verses of the Collection Prominent friends included the Confucin scholr Uno Meik I ( ), the Kimur Kenkd6 [ /f, ( ). 37

5 up Shop t the Renge6-in [Snjffsngend6] Setting plce of mine, so poor, This often even out of wter; I'm I offer you n elixir But chnges your very mrrow. Tht f'md me in the pines, You'll By the Hll of tke drink who knows? Come my rech Sgehood yourself.i You 1755, suffering from the infirmities of old ge, Bis6 stopped selling te nd mny of his utensils, s he did not wish for them to become tresured objects like bumed ccoutrements. However, he bestowed chnoyu upon his friends, nd mny were some by his dmirer Kimur Kenkd6, who sperheded the movement to exhlt him sketched cult hero fter his deth. Kenkd6s sketch lbum of Bis6's utensils, Bis6 chgu s [] (pictures of Bis6's te utensils), ws lter published posthumously zu in 1823 where his illustrtions by copied by Kenkd6's friend, the Nng son his were 2. Aoki Shukuy (c ), section of the Bis6 chki zufu Plte Record of Bisr's Te Implements), Accordin-folded lbum, (Pictoril woodblock print in ink, nd light colors on pper. pp ), This lbum is illustrted in color in Shufu tomo sh no J (Collected Records of Bis6) (Tokyo: Shufu no tomo sh, 1975), pp Thousnd Buddhs, In Aoki Shukuy : Yf (c ) in the ccordin-folded book Bis6 pinter zufu r []- (Pictoril Record of Bis6's Te Implements) (plte 2). chki Privte collection, Jpn Included in the Bis6 gego, the trnsltion of this 0 is by Normn Wddell, in "The Old poem Seller: The Life nd Poetry of Bis6," The Estern Buddhist, new series, XVII.2 (Autumn Te 38

6 Thus, indvertently, Bis6's followers begn the formliztion process for s they ll desired Chinese te utensils similr to his. Consequently, these ceremony blue porcelin tecups nd unglzed southern Chinese "Nnbn" wres--underglze kettles--begn to be imported in greter quntities. By the 1790s, some stonewre crftsmen in Kyoto, beginning with Kiyomizu Rokubei I - 7J (1733?- Jpnese,3 (overglze enmels with gold lef), sh6zui 4 ( type of underglze kinrnde wre), k6chi.. I _ ( type of yellow, purple, nd green overglze enmeled wres blue from southern Chin), nd celdon glzed wres. of the upper eschelons of the smuri clss who hd considered the originl fvorites wres s prized possessions nd utilized them for chnoyu. The porcelin Chinese ( ) nd followers: Aoki Mokubei - ; : ( ), Nin'mi D6hchi - ] _ ]\ his nd others. ( ), implemented in Jpn. These issues were ddressed by Bis6's friends nd followers, be Diten Kenj6,., nd Kimur Kenkd6, who together published some of primrily contemporry sench fn, 0ed Ryfih6 fl (d. c. 1756) of Osk, Another welthy merchnt who hd spent his youth in retirement outside Kyoto emulting ws wrote the first prcticl guides to prepring sench nd following He literti lifestyle.. Ryfih6 lso uthored texts on shell-collecting, the incense ceremony in his Gyu mnroku g: (Miscellneous Records of Elegnt Pstimes) of fetured Tl tis book ws bsed on lte Ming tretises on mteril culture nd served s guide to the correct selection nd use of objects for elegnt ctivities in which to drinking sench, dvice crefully heeded by lter followers of the cult (plte 3). while elucidted his intentions with his sttement tht "one could behold the nture of Ryfih6 hert from the things they possess, nd tht looking t person's ) nd not elegnt (g ) is nnoying. '' 3 (zoku In 1764, they published : new edition of the Qing text, Jinchjue -. (J. Sench ketsu; of steeped te) by Ye Jun, bsed on copy from Kenkd6's fmous collection, nd secrets ; 5 ] ig, ed., Chgoku chsho zensh [],,.J (Tokyo: Kyfiko shoin, 1987), Ch6f 1. vol. This pssge is from the introduction to the generl section on scholrs' utensils which is the m prt of volume one. It is disenssed in Tkhshi Hiroml ]g f Kydto geien no first )' - r ' ',. " b r-/-- : ('Networks of Art nd Literry Circles of Kyoto) nettowku Pelicn sh, 1988), pp (Tokyo: sench te hd strted copying the stonewre brziers nd kettles, while others begn devising 1799), types of porcelin utensils for sench in well-known Chinese styles--primrily new These wres hd ll previously been the dpttions by Kyoto potters were initited by Okud Eisen : []. JII poetry hd conveyed the essence of Chinese literti ttitudes towrds Bis6's but did not describe the more prcticl mtters of how sench ws to be prepred sench, ccording to Chinese precedents nor of how the literti wy of life he chmpioned could first Jpnese editions of Chinese books on te nd trnsltions into Jpnese of these the lymen who could not red the Knbun originls. 12 for Chinese literti life. nd flower rrnging in ddition to sench nd literti culture in generl, the ltter being engge things which re vulgr Ryfih6's Seiwn chw ' J -.] in 1774 their book, Chky6 sh6setsu (Detiled Explntion of the Te Clssic) becme the first in Jpnese of Lu Yu's tretise. For discussion of these nd other pre-modem expliction books on te tht hve survived in vrious Chinese nd Jpnese editions, see Nunome Chinese 39

7 3. Oed Ryfth6 (d. c. 1756), View of Chinese Scholr's Study, pge Plte the woodblock printed book, Gyd mnroku (Miscellneous Records of from on Te by the Azure Hrbor) of 1756, ws the first true tretise on sench in (Chts but it ws more philosophicl thn prcticl. It included prefce by the Osk Jpn, nd others who were Imperil loylists in the wning dys of the Tokugw scholrs sench represented silent protest ginst officil policy, even though its hegemony, vlues were ostensibly contrry o their creed. In his Seiffi sgen, Chinese-derived promoted the use of Nnbn tepots like those owned by Bis6 which he Akinri illustrted in his Sei sgen (plte 4). This book ws lso the first to define sench s For informtion bout Ryfih6 nd his reltionship with Tsug Teish6, )4 Nkmur Yukihiko see 1f _ Kinsei skk keniom j /t (Reserch on Writers of the Erly Modem e? Er) (Tokyo: Snichi shob6, 1961), pp Elegnt Pstimes), Privte collection, Jpn nd writer of populr yomihon fiction, Tsug Teish6.. (1718- physicin stted tht the book ws necessitted by sench's rpid rise in populrity c.1794),who public who needed instruction in its spiritul bsis. 4 mong the lst decde of the eighteenth century, sench gined wider populrity In the writings of the Osk kokugku [] (ntivist) scholr, physicin nd writer, through Akinri l--_ [] ')( ( ), uthor of the Seifii sgen -. - Ued Comments on the Wy of Pure Elegnce) of 1794, nd the Chk suigen (Miscellneous (Drunken Words of Te Addict) of c To Akinri nd lter kokugku 40

8 4. Ued Akinri ( ), Tecups nd Nnbn Style Tepot, pge Plte the woodblock printed book, Seif sgen (Miscellneous Comments from the on nd superior te trdition to chnoyu. 15 He wrote tht sench fcilitted spiritul rivl while chnoyu hd degenerted into little more thn enlightenment complicted ritul innumerble required rules. The uthor of its prefce, the Srri school Confucin with Murse Krtei f,-). ) ( ), defined the differences between the two scholr with the succinct sttement: "chnoyu is bout knowledge, but sench is bout trditions of spirit. ''16 purity the beginning of the nineteenth century, texts From sench gered to populr on begn outlining procedures, sometimes with fmilir terms for utensils udience from chnoyu. One such book in which utensils borrowed illustrted is the 1802 re hyshinn -, - - (Quick Guide to Sench) (plte 5) by Ryfiktei Rnsui Sench J LJA " 5 (Chts on Te by Ryrzn), by Abe Kenshfi 1, +[ (Ryrznd6 J chw, ft. first hlf of the nineteenth century), I_l_l disciple of the Confucin scholr nd Ri Sn'yo j I_1_1 [ ( ), first contined the term bunjinch Jk historin te) which described the drinking of sench s n djunct to other literti (scholrs' These took l lce in the intimte environment of privte residences ctivities. t or - : pinting nd clligrphy bnquets), which were often held in elegnt shogki Literti) (Osk: Osk shoseki, 1985), pp Wy of Pure Elegnce), Privte collection, Jpn 1, _ (ctive erly nineteenth century). In contrst, bunjin 7Z Jk writers -]r sench on to emphsize its integrl plce in their lifestyle. The 1828 book, Ryrznd6 continued For s short discussion of the Seifi2 sgen in English, see Blke Morgn Young, Ued Akinri University of British Columbi Press, 1982), pp (Vncouver: This t6 is discussed in: Tsukud Ikki 1 I 11 1I, Sench no tbi: bunjin no sokusei o pssge., 6 r),h. 69 / " : X" (Trvels with Sench, in the Footsteps of the tzunete 41

9 5. Ryfiktei Rnsui (ctive erly nineteenth century), Sench Utensils Plte Storge Cbinet, in from the woodblock book, Sench hyshinn (Quick pge tht prticipting in bunjin voctions such believed sench ttested to one's s sench grew in populrity, sophistiction, did the utensils preferred by the bunjin, s which reflected their owners' discrimintion. possessions 1835, sench surged in populrity when the mnufcture ofgyokuro, the In grde of green lef te, ws perfected. Preprtion methods for gyokuro finest incresed vriety of utensils, nd necessitted one needed to use these utensils s people sought guidnce properly, preprtion techniques, s well s selection of on pproprite for prticulr occsions. Thus, populr pocket-sized guides, such utensils s 47, Guide to sench), Privte collection, Jpn (plte 6). 17 Becuse most bunjin vills connoisseurs of Chinese ntiquities, were fetured the bunjinch of Chinese utensils or their close copies. As the generl public use For discussion of opulent shogki in Edo, 7 Andrew Mrkus, "Shogki: Celebrity see of the Lte Edo Period," Hrvrd Journl of Asitic Studies 53.1 (1993), Bnquets 137, 146- pp. 42

10 6. Tsubki C]:Enz LLI ( ), Pinting nd Clligrphy Prty Plte Sketch mounted s hnging scroll, ink on pper. Twr-ch6 (shogki), 7. Ktsushik 0i. (ft. second qurter, nineteenth century) Plte for Sench Utensils, pge from the book Sench tebiki no sh, Arrngement ky6iku iinki (Twr City Bord of Eduction Office) 1848 Sench tebiki no shff -: 03 (Secret Guide to Sench) which illustrted the gi (utensil rrngements), ppered (plte 7). kzri (Secret Guide to Sench), by Ymmoto Tokujun IJ_l (dtes unknown), Privte collection, Jpn 43

11 Techers, were lso required becuse detiled preprtion techniques were still trnsmitted nd not yet written bout in the books. The founder of the first secretly orgnized school for sench, Kgetsun 4- N 1, ws Tnk Kku6 [] formlly hnj6ki (Records of the Elegnt Plesures of Life in Osk) of c. Accompnying n illustrtion of him by the Osk Nng pinter Ysui Bokuzn _1_/(ctive erly nineteenth century) (plte 8), re comments tht to Kkuo,fziryff gt: : His methods 8 recorded in n unpublished, hndwritten mnuscript, Sei h6ch were sh6ki ' I- : - (A Detiled Explntion of the Elegnt Commodity of shoshiki Te), written in the Tenp6 er ( ) which survives tody in three lter hndwritten Boiled period) copies. (Meiji welthy ske merchnt of Osk. Kku6 lerned to prepre sench fi'om ( ), (3bku monk Monchfi J6fuku r J j[ ( ), direct disciple of Bis6, but the the first to estblish nd record set procedures for sench bsed on chnoyu. 8 ws to bunjin idels, Kku6's vision offffryff is included in the book, Nniwfftry Aspiring 44

12 of Life in Osk), Tenp6 er ( ). Knsi University Librry, Plesures Osk ment sitting quietly t home, brewing sench by the light of the moon, hoping to bottles, he remonstrted himself for selfishness nd together with his friends, precious dumped the wter into Osk's Yodo River (in pot specilly designed by ceremoniously friend Mokubei), thus shring bit of Chin with ll Osk's inhbitnts. Kku6's his were so fmous tht he ws invited to prepre sench for the shogun, dimyo, exploits tretise, the K6rkud6 kissben _ (K6rkud6's Tlks on Te Drinking) his 1857, tht sench preprtion needed to hrmonize with lws of universe tht were of scendncy of bunjinch ws over nd few kept its spirit live. Dominting sench, the sid, were schools of zokujinch/ r )k ("vulgr people's te"), like Ogw, which he lst leders ws the Nng pinter Tnomur Chokunyfi [] f ]] /, ( ), of mny Meiji sttesmen. Chokunyfi hosted nd documented public sench friend in the 1870s, in n effort to foster pprecition of high culture in the spirit of gtherings For 0 study of sench rchitecture which includes severl illustrtions of this structure, see 8. Ysui Bokuzn (ctive erly 19th century), Tnk Kku6 t Home, Plte from the woodblock book, Nniw f'dryd hnj6ki (Records of the Elegnt pge ttin loftiness of Lu Yu. To fully chieve this gol, Kku6 once sought to brew sench the wter obtined from Chin's West Lke. Yet when he finlly received severl with Kyoto's courtiers. 19 nd nd dimyo, interest in sench differed from tht of those Shogtml with the politicl sttus quo. They enjoyed it s privte pstime, disenfrnchised of their cultivtion of Chinese lerning. The oldest extnt sench te room in expressive the Snktei --- (Pvilion of Three Flowers), ws designed round 1850 existence, the Med Nriysu fl- [] ( ), the thirteenth dimyo of the cln, for his for residence. Its ppernce is typicl of the exotic Chinese tmosphere of sench te Edo with gourd-shped window, shelves for bunb6gu 7. -1, glss windows, rooms: doorpulls, blck lcquer screen used s fusum, nd nrwhl's horn inset hrdstone trnsom. 20 in erly school, ctered Kyoto's Founded in the Another sench Ogw, to courtiers. ( ), smuri-physicin, Kshin wrote in 1[ Kshin/ix Ogw by 1830s by Yin nd Yng, the five elements, four directions, nd the cycles of the governed This philosophy ppeled to courtiers s it invoked Hein court liturgies. They sesons. enjoyed it s pstime contrry to the mndted bkufu etiquette of chnoyu. The lso of these sench schools ws so gret tht by 1849, nother bunjin writer, the populrity Confucin scholr Fukd Seiichi : [] ( ), lmented in his 1849 Ngoy Bokusekiky6 sench ketsu ; : ) & (Chts on Sench by Bokusekiky6), tht book degenerte nd lcking in loftiness. were bunjinch continued to exert influence into the modem er. Nevertheless, One of its Biogrphicl informtion on Kku6 comes primrily from Tnk Seitum [] d j :t, Sench 19 -, ) l (Kgetsun School Sench) (Tokyo: Shufu no tomo sh, 1973), pp. Kgetsun J. Grhm, "On the Development of n Architecturl Setting for the Sench Te Ptriei Orienttions (September 1991), pp Ceremony," 45

13 kik 7 J - (civiliztion nd enlightenment). These should be regrded bunmei s the first public exhibitions of rt in Jpn, nd included rooms for disply of mong pintings nd clligrphies, decortive rts, flower nd bonsi 3 ( Chinese in ddition to sench environments. One of these tht Chokunyfi helped rrngements, took plce in northern Kyushu in 1874, nd orgnize ttended by no less thn 800 ws including locl officils. 21 The 1875 book, Seiwn meien zushi people, Chinese utensils which used exclusively. This publiction ws uthored by n were rt deler nd illustrted by Chokunyfi. Osk 9. Tnomur Chokunyfi ( ), lnterior View of Plte Room (seki ] ) Serving Sench, pge from the woodblock printed book, Seiwn meien for (Pictoril Record of Fmous [Chinese] Utensils Used t the Azure Se Te zushi Privte collection, USA Gthering), rts nd esthetics reflect Chinese literti idels filtered through the lenses Sench their Jpnese prctitioners' viewpoints nd experiences. Sench's widespred of represents strtling expnsion from its beginnings cceptnce quiet nd privte s of unorthodox individuls seeking to recrete the spirit of ncient Chinese voction The embrcing of sench by followers from different bckgrounds nd holding rnge of often conflicting ideologies revels the subtle process of trnsforming wide ides nd their deep ssimiltion into Jpn's culturl imported core. 2t A long set of three hndscrolls documenting this event is now owned by the Sint Louis (Pictoril Record of Fmous [Chinese] Utensils Used t the Azure Se Society Sench Gthering) (plte 9), commemorted nother sench gthering tht took plce in Osk in sges. Museum of Art. 46

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