Class: 5. Total Time: 2 Hours. Male Female. Total Marks P U N J A B EDUCATION FOUNDATION

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1 Page 1 of 16 MODEL PAPER Academic Development Unit (ADU) We assure quality education Class: 5 Name: Father s Name: م 8 ؤا 5 م 8 GENDER Please tick one Male Female Total Time: 2 Hours Subject Total Marks: 100 Total Marks Mathematics 25 English 25 Urdu 25 General Knowledge 25 Total 100 Obtained Marks : aؤری ا ث ñ : aے ؤف a:ی ا ú: :h9 : ê hر : aف م ؤرا 1 ا 6 ñ ñ ن : ( Female )ؤا ڈ ث اؤر ( Male )ؤا ئ 2 ں ñ ñ a 3 a <واللاز اؤر م دی ا ر : aھ ñ 4 <وال : ؤ ñ a:h ث س 5 ؤہ ñ ã اؤر 5 ا ê : ê : اؤررف م<والاث ñ ñ : aؤرث لا ê 9 ا 5 ا د ñ ا a ا@ ل ہ 6 : aف : ú êë a:a ل ا ا ل ú: 5 ñ ا ث : êh ر ں 7 5 ٹ : 5 د ñ ا 8 hرہ ؤ 5 د: ê : آپ 5 ؤرêë ú: a:: 9 ا ل 5 ن 10 ا ل : ا زث a a85 ؤ hرہ اؤر 11 : aف اؤرد ñ ن ا رث 12 : : ê ر : ú ا 5 P U N J A B EDUCATION FOUNDATION

2 Page 2 of 16 MATHEMATICS SECTION I Total Marks: 25 Q. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (13) ñ ñ 1 a دا: ہ : د اؤراس ú: ب <وا 8 درجذ در اب 5 ا 1. Which one of the following is one billion? ñ 1 درجذ ñ (a) 100,000 (b) 1,000,000 (c) 10,000,000 (d) 1,000,000, LCM of 4 and 16 is : 8 فا 2 4 اؤر 5 16 ذؤ ا< (a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 16 (d) =? 3? = (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. What is the product of 0.6 and 3? : aب اؤر 53 (a)18 (b) 1.8 (c) 9 (d) 0.2 Km 5. 1 meter =.. (a)1000 (b) ا a :ا: a 5 (c) (d)

3 Page 3 of A relation between two quantities of the same kind by division is called: 6 ا دؤ ارؤں در 8 ñ (a) Ratio (c) Unitary method (b) Proportion 6 ہ 5 ا 5 (d) All of the above اؤ: ؤا م 7. An angle less than 90 o is called: (a)a right angle 8 زا ؤêë 90 o.7 ê زاؤ êë (b) An obtuse angle زاؤêë ê h (c) An acute angle س زاؤêë (d) A reflex angle دہ زا ؤêë 8. The perimeter of a square is 20cm. What is the length of its side? 8 ا س (a) 5cm (b) 25cm 2 a.8 اh 5 > اê 20 (c) 20cm 2 (d) 4cm 9. ( Number of quantities ) ( Average ) =? (a) Sum of quantities (c) Product of quantities êc ں 5 ارؤ ارؤں aب : (b) Difference of quantities (d) Division of quantities ( (اؤ ) < اد ارؤں ).9 hق 5 ارؤں ارؤں (44 4) 6 in simplified form is : (a) 27 (b) 30 8 ú : a: 3 (44 4) 6.10 (c) 36 (d) 72

4 Page 4 of Dividing 0.4 by 0.2,we get : 8 ñ : (a) 0.02 (b) (c) 2 (d) On a Fahrenheit scale the boiling point of water is : (a) 100 (b) 180 (c) 200 (d) 212 ولا ê 5 ñ ارث ê در رن ؤ An angle equal to 180 o is known as : (a) A straight angle (c) A right angle 8 زاؤ 180 o.13 ÿ زا ؤ ë ê (b) A reflex angle زاؤ êë س ê زا ؤ êë (d) An obtuse angle زا ؤêë ê h SECTION II Q.No.2. Answer the following short questions. (6x2=12) ú اب د a: 2 a <والاث <وال ر ê ذ (1) Multiply 345,627 by 10. (1) : aب 10 د ú (2) Find LCM by prime factorization method of 20, 25 and 50. فا ر > hد ê h9 ی م ú: (2) 20 25, اؤر 5 50 ذؤا< (3) Divide 0.05 by ú: 0.05 (3) (4) The weight of 56 books is 8kg. What is the weight of 152 such books? (4) 8 ں 5 ؤزن 58 : ام ا 8 ں 5 ؤزن 5 (5) Define acute angle. (6) Find the average of the numbers 10, 35, 50, 75 and 60. : ú h> دہزا ؤ êë (5) (6) 10 75, 50, 35 اؤر 60 5 اؤ م ú:

5 Page 5 of 16 ENGLISH SECTION - A Total Marks: 25 Q. No. 1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (13) 1. Identify a sentence. a) feared their neighbors. b) burry their newly born daughters alive. c) time before Islam d) The Arabs were worshiping idols. 2. Supper means: a) food eaten at one time b) superior c) a light meal eaten in the evening d) shiny yellow metal 3. Complete the sentence in Simple Present Tense: I up early every morning. a) get b) gets c) got d) getting 4. Identify the Countable noun. a) sugar b) advice c) electricity d) money 5. Complete the sentence by using the correct Ending Digraph: People usually lau at good jokes. a) th b) ng c) gh d) ph

6 Page 6 of Fill in the blank with an Action verb: I bright stars. a) eat b) saw c) jump d) went 7. Which of the following sentence shows Future Tense? a) He chooses a gift. b) He choose a gift. c) He will choose the gift. d) He chose a gift. 8. Fill in the blank with Adjective: The hills look beautiful. a) green b) greenly c) greens d) greenful 9. is the word that describes a verb. a) Noun b) Pronoun c) Adjective d) Adverb 10. Choose the correct Punctuated Sentence. a) How pretty is the child. b) How pretty is the child! c) How pretty is the child? d) How, pretty is the child. Read the passage carefully and answer the Q. No. 11, 12, 13. I live in a mountainous area which is an ideal tourist spot. Flying was my passion. Once I sighted an object that looked like a parachute. So I rode my bike to the spot. It was a balloon. One of my friends was standing there. He called me to help him. I held one of the ropes attached to the balloon. I was supposed to hold onto the rope until the balloon was filled with air and ready to fly. 11. When he was holding the rope, he was a) helping the pilot b) planning to fly c) playing with the rope d) playing with the balloon

7 Page 7 of Author s passion was. a) helping others b) flying balloons c) helping friends d) flying 13. Parachute resembles a. a) big ball b) big balloon c) big circle d) big bird SECTION B Attempt all questions. All questions are compulsory. Total Marks (12) Q.No.2. Use any two of the following words in meaningful sentences. Each sentence carries one mark. Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling. (2) Word Sentences Ignorance Virtue Parachute

8 Page 8 of 16 Q.No.3. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the question given at the end. (2) Once there lived a wise monkey. He was very clever. The other monkeys always listened to him. My Friends, he would say, This forest is not a safe place. Fierce giants live here. Remember; do not eat any strange food. Do not drink any strange water. Ask me first. Why was the forest not safe? Q.No.4. Use the given words to fill in the blanks. Do NOT use your own words. Each blank carries half (1/2) mark. (2) lump, coals, sandy, camped, glowed, fire Thousands of years ago, some fisherman for the night on a beach. After they went to sleep, the hot from their campfire far into the night. Q.No.5. Think about an exciting dream that you have had. Write a Personal Narrative about it. (6) You can use the following hints to write about it. What happened in the dream? Write the beginning by introducing the characters and the situation. Write the middle where the problem occurred. Write the ending where the problem was solved. Note: This question can include any detail question from the text book or topics provided in Supplementary Syllabus.

9 Page 9 of 16 اردؤ 258a M a <وال آ رê ا ثد ñ در اب : ددا: ہ ñ 13) ( <واa 1 ÿ " ا eدث" دی اں ا -1 b) a:ثh ( a:ثا@ (a) h a:ث ( d) ن a:ث در 5 د 8-2 ح ê êa b) ب ( (a) 9 ( d) (c) ا: hاز ؤا ñ œ د -3 ا: ( b) (a) ا مآ د d) ؤر ( (c) لا ر : ê ر : ج " h " ÿ -4 œ ( b) (a) ان 6 ( d) در (c) -5 " در" د 5 دa ( b) (a) ڈر@ ک ( d) ÿط (c) ا a -6 : ( b) (a) ز ن d) ( رؤح ã آ (c)

10 Page 10 of 16-7 "ا 8 ب ی" ل ñ ی ا ر ( b) ا (a) d) ی ( (c) 8 ب درجذ ñ زêë : ú -8 ( b ñ ا h د (a) ) ل M ñ ؤں 5 ( d) ñ غ (c) د -9 ڑہ م : : aی b) 5 ن ( (a) ن d) ( ؤادی (c) ڑی ñ ک ñ ا آزادر ور : 8 اؤر ؤ ری د ê ñ ñ ر ê ذ eرث : aھ : <والاث a اؤر 13 ا ث د ú ن ں ñ 1949 ئ ñ ñ آزاد ا رث ا ا ñ ں ا دؤa8 ے دؤ 5 آ ز ا دؤ@ ں ں ã د ñ ñ رث ک 1965 ئ ñ آزاد ا ñ -10 b) ( 1949 ئ (a) 1939 ئ d) ( 1969 ئ (c) 1959 ئ -11 ñ آزادر ور : 8 (b > دی ( : hب (a) ا: ان d) ( ا: hاق (c) ن : ú -12 ا êh ( b) در (a)

11 Page 11 of 16 ا ( d) (c) aہ ن ã د 1965 ئ -13 ñ ا: hاق b) ( ا: ان (a) ñ ( d) ا ن (c) ñ 6 <وا 8 "لا 2a ان "8 : د@ ث د ú 6 : aار ñ ں 5 ؤں ا ñ ñ <وا 83aدؤ م

12 Page 12 of 16 SCIENCE Total Marks: 25 Q.No.1. Encircle the correct answer from the following choices. (13) ñ اؤراس ú: ب ا اب 5 دا: ہ : د <وال درجذ ñ 81 a در 1. Tuberculosis is caused by: 5. 1 (a) Virus س ؤا: (b) Fungi رز (c) Protozoa : ؤ (d) Bacteria a 2. Antibiotics are used to control the growth of: ا ل (a) bacteria : 2 ا a (b) Algae ا (c) دے (d) Insects ڑے aے 3. An animal with joint legs: 8 ںؤالا ڑدار. 3 (a) Starfish ر (b) Earthworm ا لال (c) Snake 6 (d) Cockroach 6 4. Number of cotyledons in pea seed is: (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 < اد a: 5 ñ a The cause of populated rain water is: (a) Oil spills (c) Water vapor in the air رش 5 اa ن. 5 6 ہ رج ز h9 ی (b) Road dust د ل a8 ک 9 راث دآ ñ ا (d) Industrial smoke د 5 ر5

13 Page 13 of Water is always present in the air as: (a) Vapor د ñ ê ñ ا. 6 د 9 راث (b) Fog (c) frost œ (d) Cloud دل 7. Which of the following has definite shape?. 7 ان ص ñ (a) Oxygen آ (b) Solid وس (c) Gass (d) Liquid > 8. Friction produces : ا 6 اh. 8 (a) Cooling (c) Roughness ارث ک (b) Heat ú hدرا (d) Motion 8 9. The point about which a lever turns is called: و aم : ê. 9 ؤہ د (a) Effort ث (b) Load (c) weight (d) fulcrum م 10. Kinds of pollution are: -10 آ د ا م ñ (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

14 Page 14 of The object which does not allow light to pass through them are called: (a) Transparent (c) Translucent : aر ñ ñ. 11 ؤہ ا ñ رؤ رؤ ف (b) Luminous ف (d) Opaque ف a 12. The light from the sun reaches the earth in about: ñ ؤ ز ñ <ورج رؤ. 12 (a) 5 Minutes 5 (b) 15 Minutes 15 (c) 8 Minutes 8 (d) 10 Minutes Which of the following is an example of static electricity: (a) Electromagnet (c) Magnetic field ل 9 B. 13 : (b) Battery aی ان (d) Lightning آ 9 SECTION II Q.No.2. Answer the following short questions. (6 2 = 12) ú اب د a: 82 a <والاث ذ ê ر <وال (1) What are microorganisms? (1) رد ار ñ 8

15 Page 15 of 16 (2). What is common in animal and fungi? aک 8 ñ - (2) (3). When does matter change its state?.(3) دہ 8 ا fuse? What is ( 4 ) (4) - ز 8 (5).What is shadow? (5). êë 8 pollution? What ( 6 ) do you mean by (6) آ د hاد 8

16 Page 16 of 16

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