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1 UPUTE AUTORIMA ZA PRIPREMU RUKOPISA ČLANAKA ZA OBJAVLJIVANJE Sadržaj članka mora biti nov, istinit, važan i razumljiv. De Bakey L. Upute za objavljivanje radova u časopisu Medicinski vjesnik pripremljene su u skladu sa zahtjevima za pripremu rukopisa u biomedicinskim časopisima (URL adresa: Međunarodnoga odbora urednika medicinskih časopisa (engl. International Comitee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE). Rukopise članaka i drugih priloga za objavljivanje treba slati: poštom na adresu: Uredništvo Medicinskoga vjesnika, Klinički bolnički centar Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, HR Osijek e- poštom na adresu: Djelokrug i vrste priloga Medicinski vjesnik (Med Vjesn) objavljuje recenzirane članke iz područja Biomedicine i zdravstva (temeljne medicinske znanosti, kliničke medicinske znanosti, javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita, temeljna neuroznanost, klinička neuroznanost, veterinarska medicina, stomatologija, farmacija) te članke iz srodnih područja i druge vrste radova. Recenziraju se izvorni znanstveni članci, prethodna priopćenja, pregledni članci, stručni članci, izlaganja sa znanstvenih skupova, prikazi bolesnika, prilozi iz povijesti medicine i prikazi novih tehnologija. Kategoriju članaka predlaže autor, a konačnu odluku donosi Uredništvo na prijedlog recenzenta. Ne recenziraju se pozvana predavanja, uvodnici, prikazi knjiga, pisma uredništvu, studentski radovi, radovi medicinskih sestara i tehničara, prilozi iz zdravstvene službe, društvene vijesti, novosti iz medicine, pregledi medicinske literature i dokumentacije. Recenzija i objavljivanje Rukopise članaka Uredništvo šalje recenzentima bez imena autora, a recenzije autorima bez imena recenzenta zbog nepristranosti i zaštite svih sudionika u recenze skome postupku. Za objavljivanje se prihvaćaju jedino izvorni, još neobjavljeni članci i drugi prilozi. Nepodijeljenu odgovornost za iznesene stavove, podatke i priloge te sadržaj članka u cijelosti snosi autor, odnosno autori. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS: PREPARING MANUSCRIPTS OF ARTICLES TO BE PUBLISHED The content of the article must be new, true, important and understandable. De Bakey L. Instructions for publishing of articles in Medicinski Vjesnik are made in accordance with the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (URL Manuscripts of articles and other contributions should be sent: as priority mail to the below address of the Editorial Board: Editorial Board of Medicinski Vjesnik, University Hospital Osijek, Josipa Huttlera 4, HR Osijek by electronic mail ( medicinski.vjesnik@ Scope and Types of Contributions The Medicinski vjesnik (Med Vjesn) publishes peerreviewed articles in the field of Biomedicine and Health (basic medical sciences, clinical medical sciences, public health and healthcare, basic neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, veterinary, dentistry, pharmacy), as well as articles from other related fields and other papers. Articles subject to peer-review: original scientific papers, preliminary communications, reviews, professional papers, conference papers, case reports, supplements on history of medicine, and new technology overviews. The authors suggest the type of article but the Editorial Board makes the final decision on the basis of reviewer s suggestion. Contributions that are not peer-reviewed: invited papers, editorials, book reviews, letters-to-the-editor, papers authored by students, papers authored by nurses and medical technicians, contributions on public health care system, social news, medical news, and reviews of medical literature and documentation. Reviewing and Publishing The Editorial Board sends the manuscripts to reviewers without names of the authors, and the reviews are sent back to authors without revealing the names of the reviewers, in order to achieve unbiased situation and to protect all the participants in the reviewing process. Only original and unpublished articles and other contributions are accepted for publication. The author(s) bear the unshared responsibility for the presented views, data, attachments, and article content. 1

2 Odgovornost za časopis Urednik časopisa ima punu slobodu odlučivanja o izboru gradiva za časopis. U oblikovanju i provođenju uređivačke politike može zatražiti mišljenje Savjeta i Uredničkoga odbora kao samostalnoga tijela. Urednik se također brine i provodi politiku izdavanja suplemenata te objavljivanja oglasa i drugoga promidžbenog gradiva. Popratno pismo U popratnome pismu treba navesti ime, adresu i telefonski broj autora za dopisivanje koji će obaviti potrebne izmjene te prijedlog vrste članka. Ako je članak napisalo više autora, popratni dopis mora sadržavati očitovanje da su rukopis odobrili svi njegovi autori. Uz pismo treba priložiti potpisanu izjavu o autorstvu i izjavu o možebitnome sukobu interesa. Autorska prava Autorsko pravo na rukopis autor prenosi na nakladnike Medicinskoga vjesnika prije nego što započne postupak recenzije. Prava korištenja: Medicinski vjesnik časopis je u otvorenome pristupu. Nakladnici Medicinskoga vjesnika ne potražuju plaćanja autorskih prava za osobnu uporabu i edukaciju, ali uz obvezno navođenje izvora, sukladno licenci CC BY-NC-ND. Korištenje u komercijalne svrhe dozvoljeno je samo uz pisano odobrenje nakladnika. Radove objavljene u časopisu Medicinski vjesnik dozvoljeno je pohranjivati u institucijske i tematske repozitorije uz osiguravanje poveznica na mrežne stranice časopisa i Hrčka. Časopis autorima ne naplaćuje objavu radova. Etička načela Autori i Uredništvo snose odgovornost za etički sadržaj rukopisa koji objavljuju. Stoga sva istraživanja na ljudima moraju biti u skladu s temeljnim načelima Helsinške deklaracije. U istraživanjima na životinjama treba se pridržavati važećih zakonskih propisa. Responsibility for the Journal The editor of the journal has the full liberty in choosing the material for the journal. In formulating and conducting the editorial policy he can request the opinion of the Advisory Board, and the Editorial Board as an independent body. The editor also takes care of and conducts the policy of publishing supplements, as well as publishing advertisements and other advertising materials. Supplementary Letter Supplementary letter should contain name, address, and phone number of the corresponding author who will make necessary changes as well as suggest the article s classification. If the article was written by two or more authors, the letter needs to contain a statement that the manuscript is approved by all its authors. Along with the letter, the copyright statement and conflict of interest statement should be attached. Copyrights The author transfers the manuscript copyright to the publisher of the Medicinski vjesnik prior to commencement of the reviewing process. Copyright of articles: Journal Medicinski vjesnik is an Open Access journal. The publishers of Medicinski Vjesnik do not request payments guaranteed by the copyrights should it be for personal usage or educational purposes, under the condition that the source of information is quoted, according to the CC BY-NC-ND licence. The use for commercial purposes is granted upon written consent of the publishers. The papers published in Medicinski vjesnik can be deposited and self-archived in the institutional and thematic repositories providing the link to the journal s web pages and HRČAK. Journal does not charge article processing charges. Ethical Principles Authors and Editorial Board carry the responsibility for the ethical content of the manuscripts that they publish. Hence, all the research involving human subjects must be in accordance with the basic principles of the Helsinki declaration. In experiments with animals, the current law regulations should be respected. PRIPREMA RUKOPISA Rukopis članka mora biti napisan dvostrukim proredom, samo na jednoj stranici lista papira formata A4, u tri kopije, uključujući i tri kompleta tablica i ilustracija (grafikona, fotografija i sl.). Poželjno je da svako poglavlje rukopisa članka započne na novoj stranici. Na (prvoj) posebnoj stranici navodi se naslov članka, ime(na) i prezime(na) autora i nazivi ustanova u kojoj MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION The manuscript should be typed using double-spacing, on one side of the paper of A4 format, and in 3 copies including 3 sets of tables and illustrations (e.g., graphs or photographs). It is preferable to start each section of the manuscript on a separate sheet. The first page should contain the title of the article, the name(s) of author(s) and their affiliations together with 2

3 su zaposleni te ime i prezime, adresa ustanove i adresa e-pošte autora za dopisivanje. Slijedi sažetak članka u strukturiranome obliku s prikazom svrhe rada, ispitanika i postupaka, rezultata te zaključka na jeziku kojim je članak pisan. Ispod sažetka navodi se 4-10 ključnih riječi prema tezaurusu MeSH (URL adresa: Iza teksta rukopisa navodi se Literatura. Tablice i slike prilažu se na kraju rukopisa. Izvorni znanstveni članak sadrži neobjavljene rezultate znanstvenoga istraživanja. Treba biti iznesen na takav način da drugi znanstvenici mogu proučiti dokaze, ponoviti pokuse, provjeriti točnost rezultata i procijeniti donesene zaključke. Sastoji se od sljedećih dijelova: 1. Naslovna stranica sadržava naslov članka na hrvatskome i engleskome jeziku, ime(na) i prezime(na) autora, akademski stupanj, naziv i adresu ustanove u kojoj je istraživanje obavljeno, bilješku s podatkom o sadašnjoj adresi autora, ako se ona razlikuje od adrese ustanove u kojoj je istraživanje obavljeno, te bilješku s imenom i prezimenom i adresom e-pošte autora za dopisivanje. Nazive ustanova autora treba napisati prema istome redoslijedu kao i imena autora. Na dnu stranice autori trebaju predložiti skraćeni naslov članka do 40 znakova. 2. Sažetak i 4-10 ključnih riječi (najvažnijih za opisivanje i klasifikaciju sadržaja rada) prilažu se na posebnome papiru na jeziku kojim je članak pisan. Ako svoju priču možete ispričati sa 100 riječi, nemojte za istu svrhu upotrijebiti 200. Sažetak treba sadržavati svrhu istraživanja, opis materijala i metoda, osnovne rezultate i zaključke. Piše se u trećemu licu. Sažetak na engleskome jeziku piše se na posebnoj stranici, a sadržava i naslov članka te ključne riječi na engleskome jeziku. 3. Tekst rukopisa treba imati ovu strukturu: Uvod, Materijali i metode, Rezultati, Rasprava i Zaključak. a) Uvod treba sadržavati jasno postavljen problem, karakter i svrhu istraživanja, definicije svakoga stručnog izraza i objašnjenje kratica koje će se u članku uporabljivati. b) Materijali i metode pokazuju čitatelju kako se došlo do rezultata istraživanja. Metode se prikazuju sažeto prema kronološkome redoslijedu njihove primjene, ali s dovoljno pojedinosti tako da se čitatelju omogući ponavljanje opisanoga istraživanja. the name, affiliation, postal address and e- mail of the corresponding author. The following page should contain the abstract structured in several basic parts: Objective of work, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions written in the language used in the paper. Under the abstract there should be 4-10 key words used from MeSH, available from: MBrowser.html/. At the end of the manuscript, the list of References, Tables and illustrations should be attached Original scientific paper should contain unpublished results of original scientific research, which must be presented in sufficient detail in order for other researchers to analyze them, to reproduce the described experiments, check the accuracy of the results, and (re)evaluate the conclusions. It should consist of the following: 1. The title page should consist of: the title of the article in Croatian and English, name(s) of author(s), their academic rank, name and address of the institution where the research was carried out, notification of the present author s address if it is different to that where the research was performed, as well as the name, and address of the corresponding author. Names of author s institutions should be given in the same order as author s names. The authors are kindly requested to suggest the abbreviated article title (up to 40 characters) at the bottom of the page. 2. An abstract and 4-10 key words written in the same language as the article are to be submitted on a separate paper. If you can tell your story with 100 words, do not use 200 for the same purpose. The abstract should be structured in several basic parts: the purpose of the research, description of materials and methods, main results and conclusions. It should be written in an impersonal form. An abstract in English should be submitted on a separate sheet, and should contain the title of the article, as well as key words in English language. 3. The manuscript should have the following structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. a) The Introduction must clearly state the problem, the character and the purpose of the research, as well as the definitions of each individual specialized term. The abbreviations that are to be used in the article should be explained. b) The Materials and Methods section presents the ways and means by which the results were reached. Methods are presented in chronological order of their application but with enough details so that any competent scientist can reproduce the research. 3

4 c) Rezultati trebaju jasno i točno prikazati obrađene podatke. Ono što se vidi iz tablica i ilustracija nije potrebno ponavljati u tekstu. d) Rasprava daje mogućnost tumačenja i primjene rezultata istraživanja te usporedbe s postojećim znanjem. e) Zaključke treba izraziti što je moguće jasnije, a za svaki zaključak treba sažeti dokaze. 4. Zahvala osobama koje su pomogle u istraživanju. 5. Literatura. 6. Tablice. 7. Slike. Kratko priopćenje sadrži neobjavljene rezultate znanstvenog istraživanja ili opisuje originalnu laboratorijsku metodu. Nema više od 1000 riječi. Prethodno priopćenje sadrži neobjavljene preliminarne rezultate znanstvenoga istraživanja koje je poželjno brzo objaviti. Pregledni rad daje pregled prethodno objavljene literature koja se razmatra s određenoga stajališta i kritički vrednuje te se na osnovi toga često dolazi do vrlo važnih pa i novih zaključaka. Stručni radovi predstavljaju korisne priloge iz područja struke čija problematika nije vezana za izvorna istraživanja. To znači da materija ne mora predstavljati novost u svjetskim okvirima. Prikazi slučajeva opisuju i objašnjavaju pojedinačne slučajeve te sadrže ove elemente: uvod (očitovanje o tome zbog čega je slučaj vrijedno pročitati), prikaz slučaja ili tome prilagođeno poglavlje o materijalima i metodama te rezultatima, raspravu s dokazima, zaključke te odgovarajući pregled literature. Uvodnici u osnovi predstavljaju poruku Uredništva čitateljima Medicinskoga vjesnika. Uz to, mogu imati ulogu jezgrovitih kritičkih pregleda neke znanstvene teme, osobito najnovijih dostignuća pojedinoga područja, te ulogu komentara o nekome članku. Prikazi knjiga u pravilu se pišu na poziv Uredništva Medicinskoga vjesnika. Uredništvo okvirno određuje c) The Results should clearly and accurately present processed data. Data presented in tables and illustrations do not need to be repeated in the text. d) The Discussion provides the possibility of interpretation and use of the results derived from the research, as well as comparison with the existing knowledge. e) Conclusions ought to be expressed in the clearest possible way and for each conclusion the proofs should be summarized. 4. Acknowledgements to the persons who contributed to the research. 5. References. 6. Tables. 7. Illustrations. Short communication contains new unpublished scientific cognitions of a scientific research, or describes an original laboratory method. It should not contain more than 1000 words. Previous announcements contain new scientific cognitions, the importance of which requires immediate publishing. Reviews present an overview of previously published data which is being interpreted from a particular point of view, as well as critically evaluated, on the basis of which important, and even new conclusions, can be reached. Professional papers represent valuable contributions from the professional field whose topic is not related to original investigations. This means that the material does not need to present the novelty in a global framework. Case reports describe and explain individual cases, and contain the following elements: Introduction (statement on why the case is worth reading about), case description or adapted chapters on materials and methods, and results, discussion with arguments, conclusions, and a satisfactory overview of literature. Editorials represent a message from the Editorial Board to the readers of the Medicinski vjesnik. Other than this, they can serve the purpose of giving concise critical reviews of a certain scientific theme, especially of new achievements in a given field, as well as the purpose of article commenting. Book reviews are typically written upon the Editorial Board s request. Editorial Board sets the preliminary 4

5 duljinu prikaza. Treba odgovoriti na jedno od sljedećih pitanja: je li knjigu trebalo objaviti, je li bolja ili lošija u odnosu na slične knjige (ako one postoje) ili za koga knjiga može biti korisna? length. The presenter should answer to one of the following questions: was this book needed, is it better or worse than similar books (if there are any), or to whom might the book be useful. Pismo Uredništvu predstavlja minijaturni ekvivalent izvornoga znanstvenog članka, prikaza bolesnika, preglednoga članka ili uvodnika. Tablice i slike Tablice i opisi slika moraju biti dvojezični, na hrvatskome i engleskome jeziku, te povezani s tekstom. a) Tablice su način sažete prezentacije informacija, odnosno podataka koji olakšava njihovo razumijevanje. Ako se sadržaj tablice može izraziti s nekoliko rečenica, onda ga treba izraziti tekstualno. Tablicu treba uporabiti kada potencijalni čitatelj očekuje egzaktne vrijednosti za veći broj varijabli. Izrađuje se u Wordu i mora sadržavati eksperimentalne pojedinosti koje su potrebne za ponavljanje eksperimenata. Te pojedinosti treba navesti u bilješkama uz tablicu. U tekstu ih treba citirati u numeričkome poretku. Ako se tablica ne može prikazati na jednoj stranici, treba navesti nastavlja se i nastaviti je na drugoj posebnoj stranici s brojevima za naslove stupaca, dok naslove redaka treba ponoviti. b) Slike i njihove legende na hrvatskome i engleskome jeziku stavljaju se iza tablica, a trebaju sadržavati opise slika, objašnjenje kratica i simbola te statističke podatke. Slike treba uporabiti u ovim trima slučajevima: kada služe kao dokaz u prilog zaključku, kada očigledno predstavljaju bolje izražajno sredstvo nego tekst te kada neki podatak treba posebno istaknuti. Svaka slika također ima svoj redni broj prema redoslijedu kojim se pojavljuje u tekstu. Na poleđini slike treba označiti njihov vrh mekom olovkom. c) Grafikoni se koriste samo onda kada podaci pokazuju izrazite trendove. U protivnome se trebaju uporabiti tablice. Bolesnici sa slika ne smiju biti prepoznatljivi ili je uz slike potrebno dostaviti pismeni pristanak bolesnika, odnosno roditelja ili skrbnika malodobne osobe. U rukopis mogu biti uključene slike i tablice iz već objavljenih radova pod uvjetom da je dozvolu o tome autor priložio te da je pripadnost toga gradiva na odgovarajući način označio u tekstu. Letter to the Editorial Board represents a miniature equivalent of the original scientific paper, case report, and review or editorial. Tables and Illustrations The tables titles, and descriptions of illustrations should be both in Croatian and English language, and linked to the text. a) Tables are means of concise data presentation that simplify their understanding. If the content of a table can be summarized in a few sentences, it should be given in the text. Tables should be used when a potential reader expects exact values for a greater number of variables. It should be made in Word document, and contain experimental details needed for repeating the experiment. These details should be listed in legends accompanying the table. Tables should be cited in the text in a numerical order. In case the table does not fit on one page there should be a mark continued, and the table should be continued on the next, separate page, with numbers instead of column titles, while row titles should be repeated. b) Illustrations and their legends both in Croatian and English language should be placed after the Tables, and need to contain illustrations description, explanation of abbreviations and symbols, as well as statistical data. Illustrations should be used in the following three cases: when they serve as supporting evidence for the conclusion, when they are obviously more efficient means of expression than the text and when the data should be separately emphasized. Each illustration is also numbered in the order in which it appears in the text. On the back side of the photo there should be a soft pencil mark at the top. c) Graphs are only used when the data show obvious trends. Otherwise tables should suffice. The patient should not be recognizable from the photographs or signed consent should be obtained from the patient or his/her legal representative. The manuscript may include pictures and tables from works already published provided that the author s license was enclosed and that the affixing of the material was appropriately marked in the text. 5

6 Literatura Literatura se navodi prema zahtjevima Međunarodnoga odbora urednika medicinskih časopisa (URL adresa: html). Svaka se bibliografska jedinica iz literature navodi u tekstu rednim brojem, redoslijedom kako se citirala u radu. Prva je referencija iz literature u tekstu broj 1 i piše se u zagradi ovako (1). Naslove časopisa valja kratiti prema PubMed-u, bazi podataka US National Library of Medicine (NLM), dostupno na URL adresi: References References are quoted according to the requirements of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (URL: html/). The references should be listed in ordinal numbers and in the order of their appearance in the text. The first reference in the text is marked number 1 and written in brackets like this (1). Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the PubMed, US National Library of Medicine (NLM) data base, available from: URL: a) Časopisi / Articles in Journals: Članak u časopisu / Standard journal article: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002;347(4): Članak u časopisu ako ima više od 6 autora / More than six authors: Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, i sur. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002;935(1-2):40-6. Dodatak jedinstvenoga identifikatora baze podataka (neobavezno) / Optional addition of a database s unique identifier for the citation: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002;347(4): PubMed PMID: Forooghian F, Yeh S, Faia LJ, Nussenblatt RB. Uveitic foveal atrophy: clinical features and associations. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009;127(2): PubMed PMID: ; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC Dodatak registracijskoga broja kliničkoga istraživanja (neobavezno) / Optional addition of a clinical trial registration number: Trachtenberg F, Maserejian NN, Soncini JA, Hayes C, Tavares M. Does fluoride in compomers prevent future caries in children? J Dent Res. 2009;88(3): PubMed PMID: registration number: NCT Zajednički autor (organizacija kao autor) / Organization as author: Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002;40(5): Volumen sa suplementom / Volume with supplement: Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short- and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan. Headache. 2002;42 Suppl 2:S93-9. Broj sa suplementom / Issue with supplement: Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 1998;51(5 Suppl 4):S1-43. b) Knjige i ostale monografije / Books and Other Monographs: Osoba kao autor / Personal author(s): Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4. izd. St. Louis: Mosby; Urednik/ci kao autor/i / Editor(s), compiler(s) as author: Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, urednici. Operative obstetrics. 2. izd. New York: McGraw-Hill; Organizacija/e kao autor/i / Organization(s) as author: Advanced Life Support Group. Acute medical emergencies: the practical approach. London: BMJ Books; str. 6

7 Poglavlje iz knjige / Chapter in a book: Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invaliding microorganisms. U: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, urednici. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; str Kongresni zbornici / Conference proceedings: Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, urednici. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour Conference; rujna 2001.; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; Rad u zborniku / Conference paper: Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza s computational effort statistic for genetic programming. U: Foster JA, Lutton E, Miller J, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, urednici. Genetic programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; travnja 2002.; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer; str Sažetak sa skupa / Meeting abstract: AaS P, Myhrer T. Pretreatment and medical therapy of nerve-agent intoxication. U: CBMTS Industry IV. The Third World Congress on Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism; rujna 2005.; Dubrovnik. Tehnički program. str. 20. Sažetak br. 1. Disertacija / Dissertation: Cairns RB. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen [disertacija]. Berkley (CA): University of California; c) Ostali objavljeni materijali / Other Published Material: Novinski članak / Newspaper article: Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: study sees drop in assault rate. The Washington Post Aug 12;Odjelj. A:2 (kol. 4). Audiovizualni materijal / Audiovisual material: Chason KW, Sallustio S. Hospital preparedness for bioterrorism [videokaseta]. Secaucus (NJ): Network for Continuing Medical Education; Zakon i ostali normativni (pravni) akti / Law and other (legal) normative acts: Zakon o znanstvenoj djelatnosti i visokom obrazovanju, Službeni list Republike Hrvatske. N.N. Br. 139 (20. studeni 2013.). Zagreb: Narodne novine d. d. Pravilnik o mjerilima za priznavanje naziva primarijus, Službeni list Republike Hrvatske. N.N. Br. 28 (5.ožujka 2013.). Zagreb: Narodne novine d. d. Rječnik / Dictionary: Dorland s illustrated medical dictionary. 29. izd. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; Filamin; str d) Elektronički materijal / Electronic Material: CD-ROM: Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Anderson s electronic atlas of hematology [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Članak u online elektroničkom časopisu / Journal article on the Internet: Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [internet]. Lipanj [citirano 12. kolovoza 2002.];102(6):[otprilike 1 str.]. Dostupno na URL: Članak s DOI-em / Article with a Digital Object Identifier: Zhang M, Holman CD, Price SD, Sanfilippo FM, Preen DB, Bulsara MK. Comorbidity and repeat admission to hospital for adverse drug reactions in older adults: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 7 sij 2009;338:a2752. doi: /bmj.a2752. PubMed PMID: ; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC Knjiga na internetu / Monograph on the Internet: Foley KM, Gelband H, urednici. Improving palliative care for cancer [internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [citirano 9 Jul 2002]. Dostupno na URL: /html/. 7

8 Dio mrežnih stranica/web stranica / Part of a homepage/web site American Medical Association [internet]. Chicago: The Association; c [ažurirano 23 kol 2001; citirano 12 kol 2002]. AMA Office of Group Practice Liaison; [otprilike 2 zaslona]. Dostupno na URL: e) Baza podataka na internetu / Database on the Internet: Otvorena baza podataka / Open database: Who s Certified [Internet]. Evanston (IL): The American Board of Medical Specialists. c [cited 2001 Mar 8]. Available from: baza podataka / Closed database: Jablonski S. Online Multiple Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation (MCA/MR) Syndromes [internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); c1999 [ažurirano 20. stud 2001; citirano 12 kol 2002]. Dostupno na URL: Dio baze podataka na internetu / Part of a database on the Internet: MeSH Browser [internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); Meta-analysis [citirano 24 srp 2008]; [otprilike 2 str.]. Dostupno na URL: MeSH Unique ID: D


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