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1 THE USAGE OF FIGURES OF SPEECH, IMAGERIES AND SYMBOLS ILLUSTRATING THE WORLD WAR 1 POEM OF BRITISH POET SUSILAWATI Jln. Raya Jatimakmur no. 8 Pondok Gede Bekasi, ABSTRACT This research aims to find out the theme on British poets, the figures of speech such as Simile, Metaphor, Irony, Synecdoche, Personification, Hyperbole, Imagery and Symbol. The source of the data of this research are How to Die by Siegfried Sasson, Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfried Owen, Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen,, Happy Warrior by Herbert Read, Before Action by H.N Hodgson, Back by Wilfried Gibson, and The Soldier by Rupert Brooke. The numbers of poems are seven. This research uses a qualitative method. The result of the study that the theme on British poet are Death (on How to Die poem), Sadness (on Anthem for Doomed Youth and Dulce et Decorum Est poems), Traumatic (on Happy Warrior poem), Wonder (on Before Action poem), and Patriotism (on Back and The Soldier poem). In death theme, figures of speech consist of simile, metaphor, the imageries consist of visual imagery and auditory imagery, and the symbols consist of natural symbol and conventional symbol. Figures of speech in sadness theme are simile and metaphor; the imageries are visual imagery, auditory imagery, tactile imagery, the symbols are natural symbol and conventional symbol. Wonder theme consists of personification figure of speech, visual imagery, auditory imagery, and natural symbol. Patriotism theme consists of hyperbole figure of speech, visual imagery, auditory imagery, tactile imagery, kinetic imagery, and natural symbol. Key Words: Poetry, Figure of Speech, Imagery, Symbol. BACKGROUND of the PROBLEM Poetry is a work of literature created by human being; it is the way for people to convey an emotion whether it happiness or sadness of powerful feeling. Everyone who has experience can share their life on poetry, so poetry is kind of media which full of creativity of human being. Therefore, poetry still exists as a formal art in this present period. If we study poetry carefully, poetry is like a puzzle that we have to pick it apart to see what the message of poetry has been hidden for us. We have to explore our mind to break down every section to know about poetry all together. Unfortunately, some people are not interested in English poetry; they think that they get bored by studying this work, because it needs more senses that we have to know in analyzing poetry. Poets make their poems more interesting by using the figure of speech, symbol, imagery and many others of elements which support the beauty of the poem. Sometimes some poems use the

2 figurativeness and images that make the reader confused when read a poem, in order to do this, the reader has to understand the meaning behind the word used. There are several elements of poem namely imagery, figurative language, symbol, allusion, tone, syntax, sounds, rhythm and mater. All the elements of poem together convey the meaning. Figurative speech runs out of the real meaning, we seldom find the figure of speech in our daily conversation but we often find it in poem and imagery represents the mood of poem, imagery is the image that we can feel our five senses that can be described on symbol which poet uses. Those helped us to convey the point of poem. Many poets use it, so the poem is more interesting for readers to read. Therefore, we need to read it carefully by creating the meaning, emotion, and the idea of poem. Based on the explanation above, the writer conducts this thesis entitled The Usage of Figure of Speech, imagery and Symbol Illustrating in the World War 1 Poem of British Poet in finding out figure of speech, imagery and symbol on World War 1 poems that contribute the theme in each poems, because the World War 1 poem is one of powerful poems from the period in old English poetry. Many poets or soldiers convey their experiences in war are written on powerful poem, so it can help us as young generation to get more knowledge on World War period. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Poetry (from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning ( Parrine (1974:553) said that poetry maybe defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than an ordinary language. This statement confirms that poetry is a kind of language because poetry is to say and to express more itself intensely. The word in our language can be equalized with compact, full of meaning capacity to use word to bare meaning. The word poem is from Greek word Poiema meaning something made, created. For some people poem is a work of art. Poem requires two parties to work: a reader and a listener (Robert, 1986:142). According to Karl Beckson and Arthur Ganz (1990:205), poem is a composition in which rhythmical, and usually metaphorical, language is used to create an aesthetic experience and to make statement which cannot be fully paraphrased in prose. Such elements are usually but not necessary present. Figure of speech is word or words are used to create an effect, often where they don t have the original or literal meaning. If someone says that they are 'starving', they do not mean that they are in fact dying of hunger, but that they are very hungry. This is a simple example of a figure of speech, where the word is used to heighten or increase the state that they are describing / The word imagery derives from Latin, meaning making of likenesses, imagery as general term converse the use of language to represent objects, actions, feeling, thought,

3 ideas, the state of mind and any sensory or extra sensory experience. An image does not necessarily mean a mental picture (Cuddon, 1998:115). The word symbol comes from Greece Symbolus means of something that tell to what it is to someone. Symbol is not a word, but the word that create symbol (Burton, 1973:25). According to Perrine, a symbol maybe defined as something that means more that what it is (Perrine, 1974:628). Perrine said star has a unique meaning and individual value (Perrine, 1969:86). RESEARCH METHOD Descriptive method is a method which is not just only on collecting and arranging the data, but also covers analysis and interpretations of the data (Surachmad, 1975:131). Qualitative method is a method is presented in the form of qualitative and descriptions (Wilkinson, 2000:7). RESULT OF STUDY Table 1. The themes on Siegfried Sasson, Wilfred Owen, Herbert Read, Wilfried Gibson, W.N Hodgson, and Rupert Brooke s Poem are: NO POEMS 1 How to die (By Siegfried Sasson) 2 Anthem for Doomed Youth (By Wilfred Owen) 3 Dulce et Decorun Est (By Wilfred Owen) 4 The Happy Warrior (By Herbert Read) 5. Before Action (By Wilfred Gibson) 6 Back (By W.N Hodgson) 7 The Soldier (By Rupert Brooke) COMMON THEME Death Sadness Sadness Traumatic Wonder Patriotism Patriotism SPECIFIC THEME The description how the soldier die on the battlefield. The sadness feeling of the soldier to his friend who dead on the battlefield. A pity if the soldier to his friend in war. The soldier is in his shock by seeing the murder of an enemy soldier. A prayer from the soldier to God before he goes to the battlefield. Killing an enemy on battlefield. The soldier would do everything to his country, England. Table 2.

4 Figures of Speech on How to Die poem by Siegfried Sasson contribute the Death theme. THEME WORD MEANING DEATH Sullen face white as chalk (How to Die, L=11) Tombs (How to Die, L=12) Simile Metaphor Table 3. Figures of Speech on Anthem for Doomed Youth and, Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen contribute the Sadness theme WORD MEANING SADNESS Die as cattle (Anthme for Simile Doomed Youth,L=1) Bent double like old beggars Simile under the sacks (Dulce et Decorun Est, L=1) Coughing like hags (Dulce et Simile Decorun Es, L=2) His hanging face like a devil s Simile sick of skin (Dulce et Decorun Esy, L=20 Obscene as cancer (Dulce et Simile Decorun Est, L=23). The monstrous anger of the Metaphor guns (Anthem for Doomed Youth, L=2). The shrill, demented choirs of Metaphor wailing shells (Anthem for Doomed Youth, L=7). Vile, incurable sores on Metaphore innocent tongues (Dulce et Decorun Est, L=24). Table 4 Figures of Speech on Happy Warrior poem by Herbert Read contribute Traumatic theme THEME WORD MEANING

5 TRAUMATIC The happy warrior (Happy Warrior,L=11). Bloody Saliva (Happy Warrior, L=6). Irony Synecdoche Table 5. Figure of speech on Before Action poem by W.N Hodgson contribute prayer or wonder theme THEME WORD MEANING WONDER The sun swings his noonday sword (Before Action,L=19). Personification Table 6 Figure of speech on Back and The Soldier poems by Wilfred Gibson and Rupert Brooke contribute Patriotism theme THEME WORD MEANING PATRIOTISM Who went across the sea Hyperbole (Back,L=6). Table 7 The imageries on How to Die poem by Siegfried Sasson that contribute Death theme THEME KIND of IMAGERY EXAMPLE The dying soldier DAETH Visual Imagery shifts his head, to watch the glory that return. He lifts his fingers toward the skies, where the holy brightness breaks the flame (line 5). Auditory Imagery His lips whispered a name (line 8).

6 Table 8. The imageries on Anthem for a Dommed Youth and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen contribute Sadness theme THEME KIND of IMAGERY EXAMPLE Sadness Visual Imagery Auditory Imagery Tactile Imagery Die as cattle Monstrous anger of the guns. candles not in the hands of boys but in their eyes. pall brow the pallor of the girls. Bent double like old beggars. We cursed through sludge. Man marched asleep. Bells The stuttering rifles rapid rattle. The wailing shells. Gas! Gas! Quick,boys! If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood. Come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs. Lame Blind Fatigue He plunges at me, guttering, choking, and drowning.

7 Table 9 The imageries on Happy Warrior poem by Siegfried Sasson contribute Traumatic theme THEME KIND of IMAGERY EXAMPLE Visual Imagery I saw him stab and stab again. Traumatic Kinetic Imagery His wild heart beats painful sobs. His strand hands clench and ice cold rifle. Tactile Imagery His aching jaws grip a hot parched tongue. His wide eyes search unconsciously He can t shriek. Table 9 The imageries on Before Action poem by W.N Hodgson contribute Wonder theme THEME KIND of IMAGERY EXAMPLE Wonder Visual Imagery By all the glories of the day and the cool evening benison By that sunset last sunset touch the lay. Hills Auditory Imagery By beauty lavishly outpoured. A hundred of the sunsets spill. The sun By all men s hopes and fears. All the wonders poets sing. The laughter

8 Table 10 The imageries on Back and The Soldier poems by Wilfred Gibson and Rupert Brooke contribute Patriotism theme. THEME KIND of IMAGERY EXAMPLE Patriotism Visual Imagery Auditory Imagery Tactile Imagery Kinetic Imagery If I should die, think only this if me that there s some corner of a foreign field that is forever England. There shall be, in that rich earth a richer dust concealed. They ask me where I ve been and what I ve done and seen. With my head and hands, killed men in foreign lands. A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, gave once her flower to love her always to roam, a body of England breathing air, washed by rivers, blest by suns of home. A pulse in the external mind, no less, give somewhere back the thoughts by England given. Table 11

9 The symbol on How to Die poem by Siegfried Sasson contribute the Death theme THEME KIND of SYMBOL EXAMPLE Natural Symbol Dark, cloud and glory Death Conventional Symbol Wreaths, tombs and hearses Table 12 The symbols on Anthem for Doomed Youth and, Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen contribute the Sadness theme THEME KIND of SYMBOL EXAMPLE Sadness Natural Symbol Conventional Symbol Holy, flowers, dusk, sea and devil. Bells or passing bells, candles Table 13 The symbol on Happy Warrior poem by Herbert Read contribute Traumatic theme THEME KIND of SYMBOL EXAMPLE Traumatic Natural Symbol Blood Table 14 cthe symbols on Before Action poem by W.N Hodgson that contribute Wonder theme THEME KIND of SYMBOL EXAMPLE Wonder Natural Symbol Glories, sunset, hills, blessing, Lord, and sun. Table 15

10 The symbol on Back and The Soldier poems by Wilfred Gibson and Rupert Brooke contribute Patriotism theme. THEME KIND of SYMBOL EXAMPLE Patriotism Natural Symbol Sea, earth, heaven, flower river and pulse CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Concussion The figures of speech that contribute the theme on Siegfried Sasson, Wilfred Owen, Herbert Read, Wilfried Gibson, W.N Hodgson, Rupert Brooke poems are simile and metaphor on death theme by Siegfried Sasson, simile, metaphor on sadness theme by Wilfred Owen, irony and synecdoche on traumatic theme by Herbert Read, personification on wonder theme by W.N. Hodgson, hyperbole on patriotism theme by Wilfred Gibson and Rupert Brooke. The imageries that contribute the theme on Siegfried Sasson, Wilfred Owen, Herbert Read, Wilfried Gibson, W.N Hodgson, Rupert Brooke poems are visual imagery, auditory imagery on death theme by Siegfried Sasson, visual imagery, auditory imagery, tactile imagery on sadness theme by Wilfred Owen, visual imagery, tactile imagery, kinetic imagery on traumatic theme by Herbert Read, visual and tactile imagery on wonder theme by W. N. Hodgson, visual imagery, tactile imagery, kinetic imagery on patriotism theme by Wilfred Gibson and Rupert Brooke. The symbols that contribute the theme on Siegfried Sasson, Wilfred Owen, Herbert Read, Wilfried Gibson, W.N Hodgson, Rupert Brooke poems are natural symbol and conventional symbol on death theme by Siegfried Sasson, natural symbol on sadness theme by Wilfred Owen, natural symbol imagery on traumatic theme by Herbert Read, natural symbol on wonder theme by W. N. Hodgson, and natural symbol on patriotism theme by Wilfred Gibson and Rupert Brooke. Suggestion This research only focuses on the figure of speech, imagery and symbol on poem. So the writer suggests for the next researcher to analyze the elements of poem like diction, rhythm, syntax and many others. In order to complete the next literature reference, people have to have more ability of understanding the element of poem so the researchers will be more competent in literature especially poetry field.

11 BIBLIOGRAPHY Beckson, Karl., and Ganz, Arhtur Literary Terms A Dictionary. (Third Edition). London: Andre Deutsch Limited Burton, S.H The Critism of Prose. London: Longman Group Limited. Cuddon, J.A A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. United Kingdom: Blackwell Peblisher. Parrine, Laurance Sounds and Sense. New York: Brance and World, Inc. Parrine, Laurence Literature: Structure Sound and Sense. (Second Edition). New York: Harper Collins Publisher. Robert, Philip Davies How Poetry Work. Great Britain: Cornwall. Suracmad, Winarno Dasar dan Tehnik Research: Pengantar Metodologi Ilmiah. Bandung: C.V Tarsito. Wilkinson, David The Researcher s Toolit-The Complete Guide to Practitioner research. London: Routledgefalmer. WEBSITES: ( / 2010.


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