THROUGH THE. Five-Element Perspectives on Environmental Energy. the C. L. E. A. R. approach to Feng Shui inspired by the gardens of China

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1 THROUGH THE I love your workbook. It s a work of love, with inspiring words, beautiful art and creative design. Thanks SO MUCH! ~ Qin Tang Mn/DOT Health & Wellness Committee St. Paul, Minnesota MOON GATE a workbook Five-Element Perspectives on Environmental Energy the C. L. E. A. R. approach to Feng Shui inspired by the gardens of China jeannine zumbach o hora artist karen r hollingsworth designer caroline lehman certified feng shui practitioner

2 rough the Moon Gate Five-Element Perspectives on Environmental Energy the C. L. E. A. R. approach to FengShui inspired by the gardens of China by caroline lehman a WORKBOOK published by Elemental Clarity copyright 2011 caroline lehman artwork copyright 2011 jeannine zumbach o hora design by karen r hollingsworth / CHI DOTS All rights reserved. e contents of this document may not be duplicated, forwarded, circulated or copied in any manner without permission from the publisher.


4 cartworkc COVER ILLUSTRATION moonlight garden A FRESH PERSPECTIVE new vistas 5 CHERRY BLOSSOM TREE new worlds 8 YIN/YANG 10 FIVE ELEMENT CYCLE 11 WATER MOON GATE gateway of stillness 28 WATER INSPIRATION a passage on solitude by omas Merton 40 WOOD MOON GATE gateway of beginnings 42 WOOD INSPIRATION a passage on tenacious growth by Douglas Wood 54 FIRE MOON GATE gateway of transformation 56 FIRE INSPIRATION I will not die an unlived life by Dawna Markova 68 EARTH MOON GATE gateway of nurturing 70 EARTH INSPIRATION there is nothing like an idea by Nora Naranjo-Morse 84 METAL MOON GATE gateway of refinement 86 METAL INSPIRATION autumn psalm of contentment by Edward Hays 98 BEYOND THE MOON GATE eagle poem by Joy Harjo 104 FIVE ELEMENT MOON GATE gateway of blissful union 106 LOTUS BLOSSOM 111 ELEMENTAL BAGUA 126

5 THE LINGERING GARDEN SUZHOU, CHINA Please join me in an exploration of the Five Element energies of a Chinese garden. As you see the view through the moon gate, you will be inspired to return home with a fresh vision of all that is possible in your own world! ~ Caroline

6 A FRESH PERSPECTIVE Every once in a while life offers a rare and precious gift: the opportunity to stand in a sacred doorway and look out upon a fresh, new vista. If you are paying attention in that moment, you may realize that everything has changed, and that your perspective on life has been altered forever by what you have seen. You will become aware that you have embarked on a new journey, one that presents an unexplored path and an undiscovered destination. Such a moment of new insight and awareness came to me in the fall of 2008, during a tour of China. I was not expecting a new perspective, but that is usually how such gifts arrive! I was there to study all the ways the ancient art of Feng Shui was enlightened by Chinese cosmic philosophy of energy flow and change, and in turn, the many ways it influenced Chinese culture. I learned that Feng Shui had a direct impact on the locations, construction, and orientation of burial sites, farm fields, palaces, temples, cities and homes. I found that there was something very reliable, logical, and practical about these old and wise environmental guidelines: for example, entrances were oriented towards the warmth of the south, mountains of protection against cold winds and enemies were found in the north, and undulating land forms and vegetation formed embracing arms that curved along the eastern and western sides of structures. ese principles provided solid solutions for creating functional, safe, and vibrant spaces that nurtured a sense of wellbeing and prosperity. More importantly, they assured the enriching flow of life-giving energy, or Ch i. While we saw many tremendous sights on this tour, none were as inspiring for me personally as the gardens we visited. It was in the southern gardens of Suzhou that I had the insightful doorway experience that shifted the way I look at spaces, the c5c

7 energy they contain, and the impact they have on us. I found myself looking through circular moon gates, encountering worlds unlike anything I had ever seen. Before me were unforgettable, complete environments. I can vividly recall the wonder of stepping across thresholds into what I can only describe as microcosms of the universe. I was enveloped by everything within those old garden walls: mountains, lakes and rivers, forests, sun and shade, mysterious passages, arching bridges, private spaces, open areas, clarity and mystery everything was represented in perfect balance and created in a scale that fit within the ancient garden walls. ese environments provided an experience of deep inspiration, renewed energy, rich enjoyment, warm comfort and refined beauty for me. ere is no doubt in my mind that they have had a similar impact on everyone who has visited them! ere was obviously something universal at work here, some expression that crosses every cultural barrier and speaks to every human mind and heart. e more I thought about this, the more I realized that the moon gates I stepped through were actually symbols of wholeness and completion. eir round shape served as a reminder of this eternal truth: everything moves in a circle. is is the way life is universally experienced, whether it is the arc of the sun that determines the activities of a day, the seasonal round that marks the passage of the year, or the grander journey of life from birth to death. All of these processes are understood as the way life unfolds, moves and transforms from one phase to the next. e simple turning of the circle held this clear message for me! e Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. e life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Black Elk c 6 c

8 As a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, in both the Black Sect and the Classic Compass Traditions*, I am trained to view environments through the lens of either the energy map of the Bagua or the sectors of the Lopan compass. I went to China with this perspective on space, but I came home with a new approach to working with Ch i. In reality, it is not new at all. It is one that is based on a very old understanding of how life unfolds and what brings harmony and balance to our human experience on this planet. In other words, my so-called fresh approach is really an ancient one, based on the wisdom that forms the foundation of what we understand as Feng Shui today. It is as if layers have been peeled away, and I find myself at the heart of the ancient wisdom that I love so much e Five Elements! In this workbook, I offer my garden-inspired, Five Element approach to Feng Shui. It is simple, it is clear, and it is appropriate for everyone interested in creating a balanced and complete environment. I will begin with a brief introduction to the art of Feng Shui that will include an overview of the Chinese philosophies of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. is will give you the background information you need to begin your own exploration of an Elemental approach to Feng Shui. I would like to encourage you to use the space provided to write down your thoughts and ideas, sketch your plans or just doodle your dreams. Let the beautiful artwork of Jeannine Zumbach O Hora continue to inspire you by bringing these meditative visions into your home. (visit page 121). I sincerely hope that this workbook will give you a wonderful new awareness of all the blessings your home holds for you, along with personal ways you can create your own places of life-giving possibility! *Please refer to the End Notes for more information on various schools of Feng Shui. c 7 c

9 BUILDING YOUR OWN WORLD: or why you need feng shui! Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world, a heaven. Know then, that the world exists for you... Build, therefore, your own world. Ralph Waldo Emerson It is human nature to create spaces. Whether you need basic shelter from the elements or desire embellished abodes that display beauty and refinement, your home is built to provide support and care through all of the phases of your life. However, Emerson s words encourage you take on a bigger challenge he admonishes you to create a world. is takes the concept of a house and lifts it to another level altogether! As in the gardens of China, a home would then become an enriched, whole environment that contains all that is. In this light, you might think of your home as the place that organically grows out of the earth below and stretches to the heavens above; as it does so, it connects you to the universe. When you think about it, what a glorious command Emerson gives you to Build, therefore, your own world. e encouraging news is that Feng Shui provides the tools to help you do just that! c 8 c

10 In Chinese, Feng Shui means Wind and Water, and it has to do with the human experience of the life-giving energy, or Ch i, that moves through the universe. In simplest terms, it works to balance the expansive, invisible energy that flows through the heavens ( Wind ) and the condensing, tangible and visible energy that gathers in the earth ( Water ) so that you can thrive within a complete environment. is ancient, universal, and timeless wisdom provides the insight you need to align yourself to the abundant flow of Ch i for a more peaceful, fulfilling and prosperous life. Often called the environmental art of placement, Feng Shui encourages you to see your outer landscapes as alive and vibrant with energy. It is also an art of awareness, offering an understanding of the effect that your inner landscape of personal energy and intention has on your wellbeing. erefore, it helps you grow in a realization of not only how your environments are impacting the quality of your life, but how you can shift the energy of your experience through your own thoughts and actions. is perspective is transformative; it enables you to see that your life is intimately connected to the energy flow of the whole universe, while giving you the tools you need to align and balance your human realm with the natural forces that move through your world. As you incorporate its principles, you receive illuminating answers and appropriate solutions to the following questions: How can I create peace and beauty in my life, both in my inner and my outer environments? How can I heal and restore my relationship with my space? Who am I, and how can I honor and reflect my personal essence in my environment? How can I move through times of transition and change with balance and integrity? Feng Shui is therefore about creating, healing, and discovery, but ultimately it is about love loving your life, loving your home, and sharing that love with others. When love flows freely, all beings thrive. ~ Terah Kathryn Collins c 9 c

11 FENG SHUI IS BASED ON FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES e first principle of Feng Shui starts with the scientific fact that everything is energy, or Ch i. is image of a lotus blossom symbolizes its limitless potential. Everything in the universe is within this all encompassing whole. Ch i fills, unites and influences all that exists. You discover that you are, in effect, ONE with everything, and you personally experience the energy that surrounds you. Because energy can have a draining impact, Feng Shui seeks to create harmonious spaces that provide good, supportive energy. e second principle of Feng Shui stems from the fact that the all-encompassing circle of Ch i is never static. It is in a constant state of change, and to reflect that reality, Feng Shui looks to the cycles, flow and patterns of nature to illustrate this ever-flowing dance of the universe. is yin/yang symbol expresses the dynamic shifting and balancing of Ch i between polar opposites. YANG YIN HEAVEN EARTH ACTIVE QUIET OUTER INNER HOT COLD DAY NIGHT Both expressions of energy are essential to the whole of Ch i; yin cannot exist without yang, and yang cannot exist without yin. ey interact in a state of perpetual motion, one actually giving rise to the other. c 10 c

12 is elegant symbol of polarity and complimentarity is further elaborated into the Five Element Model of the cyclical flow of energy over time. Not only does it provide an understanding of the essential building blocks of the universe, but it describes brilliantly how energy expresses itself through five distinct phases and transformations. NATURE S FIVE ELEMENT CYCLE E Each of the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal are therefore a symbol for the ways cosmic cycles play out in your own life: each represents a compass direction, a time of day, a season of the year, a human life phase and a unique expression of energy. Element energies are also transmitted in tangible ways through color, shape and substance. By working with these energetic and physical expressions, you can actually create a balanced, whole environment. erefore, through Feng Shui, you embrace the flow of cyclic change to build a world that gives you the support you need, that is in sync with the phase in which you find yourself, and that is in harmony with your own personal energy patterns. c 11 c

13 e third principle of Feng Shui states that your outer and your inner environments are intimately connected and reflect each other. In other words, your home or office serve as visual metaphors for your inner reality. Beyond that, your inner wellbeing is affected by the energy your environment gives you, for better or for worse. rough Feng Shui you gain a fresh perspective into this dynamic and are able to work on an energy-level to fashion healthy and healing places for yourself. e goal is to create spaces that reflect and support who YOU truly are! Lastly, the fourth principle of Feng Shui states that your intention is the most important thing you bring to any life situation. Intentional living holds power, potential and promise for your life. You begin to see that whatever you encounter is an opportunity for personal change and growth. You bring about intentional change in your life by: Seeing what is supporting you as well as what is holding you back. Getting clear about what you want for yourself. Asking for what you desire. Doing something with clear focus to honor that desire for your life. With clear intention and definite action, the energy will shift for you. It may be subtle, or it may be dramatic, but know that change is on its way. e ancient Chinese wisdom of Feng Shui opens your eyes to a dynamic universe filled with energy. You see clearly that you live in relationship with its flow. rough Feng Shui practices you are able to create supportive places for yourself that are in harmony with your own inner essence and in rhythm with your outer environments. As a result, you simply become a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled person! c 12 c

14 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION The environmental art of Feng Shui encourages you to think of your living spaces as living spaces, filled with vibrant Ch i. You actually have a relationship with your animated environment! When this energy is balanced and healthy, the home provides all you need to feel supported and whole in your life: inspiration, personal growth, joy, nurture, clarity and integrity. The key is living in balance within a complete environment. Drawing on your own personal life experience, take a moment to think of a place you have been that filled you with a sense of peace and well-being. Note what came to mind in the space below: Perhaps you envisioned a favorite vacation spot, a pleasant home or room, or being outside on a beautiful day. Everything felt comfortable, healthy, inspiring, and life giving. This is an example of good Ch i, or good energy. On the other hand, when energy is blocked, stagnant, overly strong or insufficient, you can feel it; there is something overwhelming, unpleasant, unhealthy, or draining about it. Take a moment to recall an experience or situation that felt uncomfortable in some way, and note it here: c 13 c

15 You may have imagined a desert sand storm, a stagnant swamp, a hurricane, or maybe even just a cluttered room. The energy was either flowing too slowly or much too quickly to be life-sustaining. This is an example of unbalanced Ch i energy flow. Living in an environment like this can be very challenging. You will tend to gravitate towards those places that offer a pleasant balance of wind and water energy. Feng Shui gives you a new perspective into your living spaces by helping you become aware of the flow of energy around you. As if you had just put on a new pair of glasses, all of a sudden you can clearly see that everything is energy. You can feel its influence, either as a supportive or a draining force. Take a moment to simply look at the things in your home. What do you see that you love? What do you have that fills you will a sense of happiness, a pleasant memory, or good, supportive energy? Make a list here: c 14 c

16 Now consider what is there in your home environment that you find draining to your energy. What do you see that you do not like? What is there that reminds you of something unpleasant, or that makes you feel overwhelmed? Note these things here: Being aware of the energy of everything around you is a perfect place to start when you are in the process of building your own world. Feng Shui then gives you the tools you need to initiate change by maximizing the good energy and omitting or limiting the draining energy in your environment. c 15 c

17 When you do this, you create harmonious, encouraging, peaceful, and vibrant environments in which you can thrive. Once you realize this, you are able to live with greater clarity of purpose and intention in your home, in your office, in your life! Begin to develop your own sensitivity to the energy in your various environments. Your personal reactions actually reveal truths about yourself! What are you learning about what you need to live a whole, complete life? Feng Shui also connects you with the earth energy that flows outside your home. It tunes you in to the cycles, processes, and transformations of nature. This ancient eco-art teaches that everything is connected, and so you come to see that you are an intricate part of everything, touched by it, and then affecting it in return. It encourages you to grow in awareness of the natural flow of energy, to live in harmony with it, and to seek ways to engage responsibly on its behalf. This is desperately needed in a world burdened with so many environmental challenges and changes. Practicing Feng Shui is actually a very practical way for you to care for the planet. c 16 c

18 It might be helpful to reflect on ways you can meaningfully connect with the natural world all around you. List your ideas here; they may include enjoyment of outdoor activities, volunteering, or supporting an environmental cause that is important to you: Feng Shui, therefore, is the art form that helps you work with environmental Ch i to balance it and to create living spaces that invite its life-giving energy. is very old understanding of how the universe unfolds speaks today with new power as we seek homes that nurture and support us in a world that can be challenging. Anything that can offer a simple and straightforward approach to working with energy is helpful. So, return with me now to China to see the view through the Moon Gate what wisdom does the garden hold for your life? Without going out of your door, You can know the ways of the world. Without peeping through your window, You can see the Way of Heaven. e farther you go, e less you know. us, the Sage knows without traveling, Sees without looking, achieves without Ado. Tao Te Ching Chapter 47 c 17 c

19 FENG SHUI THROUGH THE MOON GATE As I have mentioned, I entered China with an understanding of space and energy flow informed by my completed studies in the Black Sect Tradition of Feng Shui, along with my introductory studies in the Classic Compass Tradition. I was well versed in the use of a Bagua map, a flexible tool which divides a space into nine square or rectangular energy areas that reflect nine life issues and hold nine distinct energies: CONTEMPLATION: Your education and learning, as well as inner awareness, meditation, relaxation and spirituality. JOURNEY: Your destiny or path through life. FRIENDS: Your networks of support those who inspire, encourage and help you. Also associated with your contribution to others and travel. ELDERS: Your family of origin, teachers and mentors. UNITY: Your wellbeing on all levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. CREATIVITY: Anything you bring into the world or inspire children, students, creations and your own expression. BLESSINGS: Your abundance on all levels. ILLUMINATIONS: Your reputation and position in the world. Your integrity. RELATIONSHIPS: Your significant partnerships self, personal and business. c 18 c

20 BLACK SECT BAGUA BLESSINGS ILLUMINATIONS RELATIONSHIPS ELDERS UNITY CREATIVITY CONTEMPLATION JOURNEY FRIENDS * Please refer to the End Notes For further explanation of the Bagua ** I have provided a working Bagua on page 126. e gardens I visited in China were not designed according to the bagua and they did not use any Feng Shui embellishments based on that energy map. What they did contain was an old knowing, a universality, and a timelessness that developed into the deepest intentions of Feng Shui the creation of a beautiful and balanced space that was and continues to be life-giving. In essence, these gardens are a perfect expression of the Five Elements, the energy model that forms the base of Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui. e Five Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal are the energetic building blocks of the universe and symbols for the way all life phases, transitions and movements are revealed and experienced. ese five transmit their energy to you through not only their colors, shapes and composition, but in their functions and processes. Each Element reveals an aspect of nature, and together the Elements comprise all the dimensions of a complete life cycle. THIS wholeness is what the gardens of Suzhou offer. My personal experience of these gardens captured my imagination. I left China completely enraptured with the Five Elements a model that is as simple as a circle and as profound as all the universal processes it contains! c 19 c

21 e gardens of China reveal HOW these Elements can be incorporated into your exterior and interior living spaces. ey also reveal WHAT the result will be in your practical experience: a functional as well as a deeply profound balance in your home and therefore in your life. ere is obviously a wonderful, ancient wisdom at work here something that can help you create your own world brilliantly! Take a closer look... THE GATE ~ When you approach a moon gate and step through it into a Chinese garden, you catch a glimpse of an amazing world. Age has not diminished their refined beauty or lessened their appeal. e entrance gates in the outer walls can seem quite humble; the glory of the interior view comes as a wonderful surprise. You are greeted with a beautiful Ming Tang ~ a bright and welcoming entrance hall that serves as a transition place between the public outer world and the more private, inner space of the garden. e garden unfolds before you with simplicity and elegance; there is nothing superfluous to interrupt the graceful flow of Ch i. You wander along curving pathways as shifting views open before you into private as well as open areas. Your experience of meandering through the garden is enhanced with benches, bridges, pavilions, ornamental doorways, halls, corridors and, of course, moon gates. You notice the rich details ~ lovely carvings, textural mosaic walkways, intricate lattice work and skillfully painted sayings on the walls. Artisans have created mountains, lakes, waterfalls and forests through the skillful manipulation of rock, water and vegetation. e result is a perfect world on a small, intimate scale. You take in the very intentional balance of yang and yin elements within the garden: social spaces and private spaces, pathways for motion and sheltered corners for stillness, as well as bright areas mediated by shade. c 20 c

22 ese gardens were originally designed by the Chinese literati to inspire the arts of calligraphy, painting, and poetry. You feel the creative energy they still offer. You enjoy the gentle flow between interior living areas and the exterior gardens. e natural world becomes an integral part of the more private rooms, providing beauty and a constant source of life energy. e garden provides you a journey through its space... the opportunity for insight and transformation... and a profound experience for all your senses. THE KEY ~ As you know, visiting these gardens had a profound effect on me. I realized that the view through the moon gate provided a key to a new understanding on how to work with energy and space. So, upon returning home from China, I felt inspired to incorporate this experience in my Feng Shui practice. I asked myself these questions: What if, instead of dividing a living space into Bagua areas and then suggesting traditional Feng Shui cures to balance and shift the energy, you look at your home more holistically? In other words, when viewed from the perspective of a complete and vibrant environment, how can your home ideally provide the following: A microcosm that creates a feeling of wellbeing and wholeness in your life. Support for all the life cycles you encounter every day, every season, and every year. Everything you need to thrive in your personal, social, professional life. A place where you can be completely yourself, expressed in ways that are meaningful to you personally. When you think about it, this is simply good Feng Shui! And the reason why this matters is that in these challenging times, these points take on added import. You really must do everything you can to create a home environment that simply gives you peace, keeps you healthy, inspires your growth and lifts your spirits! c 21 c

23 If you take an honest look at your own home, you probably see something quite different from the beautiful, peaceful gardens of China. When you cross the threshold into your living spaces, do you feel the sense of tranquility, balance and wholeness that I just described? For some of you, your home enables you to function, but it may be simply an accumulation of your stuff, arranged without much intention or creativity. For others, your home is lovely and well designed, but it might be missing something you just can t quite put your finger on it. Most people would say that their home is definitely NOT a microcosm of the universe. Bringing wholeness and balance to this environment is a challenge. Where do you even START? Well, you can begin by considering those Chinese living areas and surrounding gardens. You might ask yourself: What is it about those spaces that make them so vital and so accessible to everyone who visits them? Why do they feel so good and so refreshing? What energetic qualities do they hold that would be helpful for you to apply to your own home? There are five distinct answers to these questions: 1. They provide quiet, private places for reflection, meditation, and creative thought. 2. They offer the space and the tools needed for learning, new growth, and artistic expression. 3. They have open areas for social gatherings with others. 4. They hold rooms for retreat and refuge, as well as areas for nurture and care. 5. They provide an atmosphere that promotes clarity of mind and fresh awareness of beauty. c 22 c

24 Each of these characteristics supports and provides the space for five different activities or functions that occur within the living areas and surrounding garden. Interestingly enough, these five functions of a Chinese garden and living enclosure correspond beautifully to the processes and attributes of the Chinese Five Elements their movement, their pattern, their flow, and their expression in your life. is is the key to the peace that countless people have experienced through the moon gate; this is the way to achieve perfect balance within your own walls. Let s explore this idea further THE REALIZATION ~ the key to the Moon Gate fits your Own Door! It now becomes clear that having all five Elements present within your home, as within these Chinese gardens, has a direct impact on your inner sense of wellbeing. After all, you do have an innate sense of wholeness; you recognize and appreciate it when it is there, and you can feel it when something is lacking or amiss. As the Chinese have long known, these Elements require space, energy flow, and tending if they are to be realized. As you pay attention to them in your home, and as you consciously bring their Elemental energy into balance, you find yourself surrounded by just what you need to be fully aware and engaged in your life. In the following pages I offer a simple and very basic approach to Feng Shui that is centered around two requirements: 1. All Five Element expressions and functions need to find a place somewhere within your living space. 2. Your home needs to reflect your own uniqueness; therefore, everything in it must be meaningful to you. e beauty of this approach is that it is accessible to everyone. I personally feel that it is helpful because some contemporary as well as traditional suggestions of Feng Shui might not resonate with you. c 23 c

25 So, I present a way to work with your home that is holistic and in your own language. If, however, it is appropriate and meaningful for you to use the basic guidelines of the various Feng Shui schools in working with energy to shift it (including using the Bagua, appropriate colors, furniture placement, adjustments and cures), then I strongly encourage it. I know these things to be very powerful and transformative. As a matter of fact, some of these Feng Shui adjustments are included in my suggestions in this workbook, so hopefully there is a little bit of something for everyone here! I invite you to join me in building your own world a place of good Ch i, peace, balance, and beauty that contains all the wonderful Elements of the universe for you. You won t be as concerned with exactly where within your home each aspect appears rather, you will assure the possibility for each Element to flourish somewhere within. As a result, your living spaces will enable you to flourish in return! Ultimately you will find yourself within the circle of the moon gate moving seamlessly with the rhythms and cycles of your inspired and brilliant life. c 24 c

26 GETTING C. L. E. A. R. THROUGH THE MOON GATE e circular moon gate provides a beautiful symbol of the continuous cycles of life, in which divine or cosmic energy moves in a predictable round through five distinct phases or transformations. Each aspect of this flow within the cycle is identified as one of the Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. It is helpful to think of each of these Five Elements as a way that energy moves and displays its unique physical forms and active qualities. Each represents a part of the whole revolving pattern that everything in the universe moves through. Each has its own colors, shapes, movement, and expression. And each has its own purpose within the cycle; because of this, all Elements are essential and necessary for life to unfold as it is intended. In the following sections, the Elements will be presented one at a time, starting with Water and then moving through the cycle with Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. While each Element has its own recognizable qualities, it is, at the same time, connected to all of the other energies within a web of nurturing and balancing relationships. No Element can exist without the support of the others. It is helpful to remember this point as you consider your own environment and begin to implement changes. All five aspects of Ch i are needed for energy to flow in a healthy and sustaining way. To help you move through the sections and explore each of the Five Elements in depth, you will be using my C. L. E. A. R. Process to discover how to work with these energy expressions in your own life. As you Claim, Look, Envision, Act, and Relish each Element, your goal will be to bring forward each of the five energies in ways that speak your language, honor your life,and reflect your own personal style. Keep in mind that incorporating even one suggestion into your space will shift the energy in your environment, and in your life! c 25 c

27 To assist you along the way in this personal journey, Jeannine Zumbach O Hora has created beautiful images to draw you into the realm of the Moon Gate. Please enter this space with a quiet and meditative heart and see what the garden has to say to you. As you listen to its wisdom, be prepared to experience various aspects of the Element energies in a personal way: deep inspiration, new growth, fresh enthusiasm, a sense of being nurtured and/or a desire to refine your life. e deepest intention of rough the Moon Gate is to guide you into a profound awareness of your own brilliance, and then to assist you in creating spaces that enable your unique light to shine. ere is something very powerful about the ancient and healing language of the Five Elements. ey connect you with the flow of the universe both around and within you in a deeply meaningful way. When you begin to see life s dynamic dance through the lens of Elemental energies, you experience the transformative nature of cycles personally. All of a sudden, your life is filled with the potential of fresh beginnings and renewal! Knowing how energy moves enables you to cultivate wisdom and patience in the process; you have confidence that things will unfold and develop in their own perfect time and way. And when you realize that the Elements are a source of renewing energy for you, you can draw on them to help you move through life with great understanding and clear vision! c 26 c

28 C. L. E. A. R. The Process Living with clarity of vision is a gift. There is nothing quite as powerful as knowing who you are and what you need to succeed in your life! The following five steps will help you get there: Claim space for the Elements to flourish in your environment Learn about each Element, where it is located in the energy cycle, how it is expressed in your environment, and how it is experienced in your life. Discover how the Element is revealed in the gardens of China. Understand why you need to create this energy in your own home. L K at your stuff from the perspective of energy Be honest about what you have and the impact it has on you; in other words, does your stuff support your life, or drain your energy? Take a good look around you are each of the Five Elements present? Envision your life anew according to the Elements Imagine what each Element space would be like for you. Consider the benefits of adding that to your life. ACT creatively Learn ways to incorporate the Five Elements into your living spaces. Find approaches that are appropriate for you. Relish your new sense of balance, wholeness and clarity! Enjoy the benefits of bringing all five Elements into your home. Dwell in spaces that reflect your evolving life and inspire your journey. Live the power and beauty of a life in Elemental Balance. c 27 c

29 Your journey Through The Moon Gate now begins! Join us for a life-changing exploration of the Five Elements I Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Our unique workbook offers you the tools to create the world you want complete Element information compelling and thought-provoking questions inspiring quotes meditative artwork intentional design for a deep experience of the Five Energies. Step with us through the moon gate and discover the peace, beauty and balance of an environment enriched with the Five Elements. Once you find your own ways to create them in your home, you will relish the results! You will see yourself living with more grace, strength, love, confidence and wisdom. You will simply have a more inspired life, supported by an environment that reflects who you really are! Contact us now to order your personal copy of THROUGH THE MOON GATE Your tour guides, Artwork: lotus blossom

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The New York School of Feng Shui Practitioner Certificate Course Intensive 4-day course October 12-15, 2017 with six online training modules Our purpose is to affirm our wholeness and to trace the common thread which unites all things. - Roger Green, Director The New York School of Feng Shui Practitioner Certificate Course Intensive 4-day course

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