Index. art, and anatomy, 202n9 automation images of, 209 struggling automaton, 209 auxiliary constructions, 79 80, 83, 92

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1 Index abstraction, 65 abstract systems, of thinking, 63 action Arendt on, 48, 249 motivation for, 227 and politics, 249 actions, and responsibility, 228 admiration, passion of, 51 affective body image, 188 affective relation, 4 5 aggression, 89, 90, 92 Alcoff, L., 138, 142 3, 159 alterity, 216 Althusser, L., 138 amateur, the, 73, 74, 77 8, 99n1 anger, 5 animation, becoming animated, 205, cel animation, 214 effects of, flip books, 206, 213 gendered forms of mechanical animation, 205 and Japan, 209 Leaf s sand-animation technique, Merleau-Ponty on, 217 spontaneity in, 218 anonymity, 238 Antigone, 125 7, 128 Apel, K.O., 232 appearing co-appearing, 116, 118, 121 event of, 107, 116 appropriation, 188 Arendt, H., 6, 43 8, 64 5, , 236, 241, 253 on action, 48, 249 body soul mind relation, on plurality, 246 notion of the Who, 43 7 Aristotle, 227, 233 concept of the soul, 49 art, and anatomy, 202n9 automation images of, 209 struggling automaton, 209 auxiliary constructions, 79 80, 83, 92 Bassett, L., 74, 74 5, 76 Battersby, C., 105 7, 124, 125, 127 Beauvoir, Simone de, 72 3, 75, 78 9, 90, 154 Being and Nothingness, 73, 141 Being and Time, 6, 142 Benhabib, S., 231, 232 Benjamin, J., 25 6, 28, 30 Berlin Wall, 248, 254 Between Past and Future, 236, 249, 254 birth, 107, , , thinking from, 238 Black Americans, 47, 58 9, 67n4 Black motherhood, 150, 151, Blanchot, M., 114, 116 bodily identity, 188 body and consciousness, 49 50, 60, 64, 68n13 contemporary reformulation, 187 exclusion in ethical concepts of a person, fragments, imaging technologies, 187, 188, 202n4 and intercorporeity, 56, 62 interrelational concept of, 53 7, 60 and mind, 49, 51 3 notion of, 186 organ transplants, otherness of the, physical and human, 179 as primordial institution, 61 reflections on, 169 relation to the Who,

2 Index 267 role in ontological concepts of a person, and self, 33 4 and soul, 46, 49 51, 56 7 and thinking, 5 body art, and feminism, 189 body image, affective, 188 and body schema, 197 ideal body image theory, 195 and psychoanalysis, Body Images, 194 body imaging, and art, 188 body schema, 192 and body image, body soul consciousness relation, 50, 63 4 reversibility, 57, 60 body soul consciousness mind problem, Boltzmann, L., 86 The Bonds of Love, 25, 26, 30 Bourdieu, P., 143 breast, in psychoanalysis, camera surveillance, 190 Carnot, N.L.S., 85 Cartesian concept of thinking, 3,6 Cartesian Ego, 170, 172 Cartesian Meditations, 34 causality, 248 Cavarero, A., 105 8, , , 120 3, Cavell, S., 215 Caws, P., 142 character, 31 chiasm, 43, 49, 55, 68n13 choice, Chow, R., 205, 207, 209, 219 citizenship, 23 Civilization and Its Discontents, 80 90, 92 civilization, 75 and women, Cixous, H., 205, 207, 209 class consciousness, 143 closed systems, in psychoanalysis, Collins, P.H., communication, 182 concrete other, 231 conscience, 230, 243n6 consciousness, and body, 49 50, 64 corporeal, self-reflection, 54 Corps étranger (video-installation), 188, 190 1, Corps propre, 191 7, 200 The Course of Recognition, 35, 38 Critique of Judgement, 247, 249, 252 cultural identity, 24, 38n5 cyberspace, 186 daimon, 44 Dastur, F., 107, Daunhauer, B.O., 33 De Anima, 49 dehumanization, 239 De Laurentis, T., 138 Deleuze, G., 216 Demeter, depressive stage, 198 Descartes, R., 2, 3 5, 50 1, 70 on body and soul, 50 1 destruction, 26, 39n11 diachronic identity, 174 difference, differentiation, 3, 6, 10, 19, 48, 59 61, 68n11 sexual, gender, 12, 68n9 differential, 47 DiQuinzio, P., 146, discourse ethics, 232, 233 doll woman-automaton, 205, 208 Don t Smile, You re on Camera (performance), 190 dual identity, 138, 140, 145 6, 157 Duncan, A., 190 écart, 56, 60 ego, 80, 81, 192 3, 195 concept of, 171 separation of, 81 2 ego formation, and imagery, The Ego and the Id, 80, 81 ego ideal, 194 Eichmann in Jerusalem, 256 Eisenstein, S., 206 Either/Or, 125 6, 128, 149

3 268 Index embodiment, , 173 ethical, 183 and the ethical concept of a person, Husserl s concept of, in the philosophy of Levinas, 180 emotion, 4, 46 7, 50, 56, 65, 69n18 emotional, 55, 64 Empfindung, empfinden, 54 6, 69nn17, 18, 19, 21 entropy, 86 Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Essays in Understanding, 247, 249 ethical concepts of a person, ethical embodiment, 183 ethics, 1 3, 6 8, 11 12, differential ethics, 8 discourse ethics, ethics of thinking, 5,8,19 utilitarian ethics, 1 2 of value, 1 exclusion, and inclusion, 147 experience and knowledge, 46 of the look, 141 and reflection, 64 6 and subjectivity, 7 and theory, 7 and thinking, 6 7, 65 Eye and Mind, 140 face, of the other, 52, 181 Fanon, F., feeling, 10, 46, 52, 54 6, 61, 69nn17, 18, 19, 21 feminism, and body art, 189 fiction, 207 flesh Merleau-Pontys s concept of, 48, 60 4, 68n11 transcendence of, 55 Foucault, M., 187 The Freud Journal, 96 Freud, S., 80 92, 194 5, 210 friendship, 33, 37, 40n16 Gallagher, S., 197 Gatens, M., 106 gender difference, and racial oppression, 152 gendered expectations, 147 General Psychological Theory, 88 generative function, of insight, 235 generative phenomenology, 238 generative temporality, German idealism, 3 god, and otherness, 4 Grosz, E., 143 Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, 227 Gürtler, S., 237 Gussow, M., 71, 72 Gwaltney, J.L., 153 Habermas, J., 232 habitus, 143 happiness, 1 2 Hatoum, M., 188, 190, 200 Head, H., 192 headscarves, and Muslim women, 23, 38n4 Hegel, G.W.F., on self, 25 6, 28 9 Heidegger, M., 6, 145 Héloïse complex, 72 4 hermeneutic function, of insight, hermeneutics, 8, 19 heteronomy, 182 Hilfrich, C., 208 Hoffman, 210 Honneth, A., 36 on the self, 28 9 human being comparison with person, 174, 175 definition of identity, 174 The Human Condition, 43, 48, 241, , 252, 261 Husserl, E., 6, 34, 179, 228, Hypparchia s Choice, 72 3, 90 1, 98 I concept of the, 2 3 and the other, 6, 56, 58 id, 80 ideal body image theory, 195 idealism, 51 transcendental, 51 2

4 Index 269 idealist thinking, 51 ideas, 62 idem and ipse, 31 2 identities, multiple, 157, identity, 31 2, 138 9, bodily, 188 choice of, 143 cultural and group, 23 4 definition of, 174 diachronic, 174 from a female subject position, 124 of a human being, definition, 174 of intellectuals, 140 interrelational, 47 and language, 27 and mental features, 175 and multiculturalism, 23 narrative, notions of, 42 3 and otherness, 7, 8 9, 63 and others, 43, 47 8, 63 4, 67, 143 personal, 23 personal and group, 24 qualitative, 43, 67n3 relational, 9 10, 44, 47, 49, 50, 53, 58, 63, 64, 66, 67n1 social, 144 The Image and Appearance of the Human Body, 192 imagery and ego formation, 193 and theory, 75, 77 imaging technologies, 187 8, 202n4 The Impossibility of Motherhood, 154 inclusion, and exclusion, 147 independence, 79 and judgement, and representivity, independent judgement, 257 indifferentiation, 11, 98 individual, , 142 5, , 153 4, 157 8, Individuals, theory of the person in (Peter Strawson), individuation, 172 by differentiation, 48 infertility, 156 infinity, 127 8, 135n44 insight concept of, distinguished from intuition, 234 generative function of, hermeneutic function of, normative function of, situative function of, 235 In Spite of Plato, 105 8, instinct, 82, 87 6, death, 89 institution, 61 co-institution, 69nn18, 19 intellectuals home life of, identity of, 140 mothers as, 12 13, 138, 144 6, interaction, 43, 46, 50 2, 55 7, 59, 62, 64, 69n19 intercorporeity, 50, 54 and intersubjectivity, reversibility, 60 3 and the Who, 56 7 Interior Scroll (performance), 189 internalization, 28 interpersonality, interpersonal, 43, 47, 56 intersubjective individuation, 172 intersubjectivity, 26, 55, 57 60, 170 and intercorporeity, reversibility, 47, 49 50, 55, 57, 60 3 and recognition, intrapsychic dimension, recognition, 28, 39 40n12 intuition, distinguished from insight, 234 invisible, 45 6, 49, 54 5, 61 3, 64 inwardness, and the concept of person, 178 Irigaray, L., 94, 95, 115, 141, 217 Isaacs, S., 199 Japan, and animation, 209 Jonas, H., 241 Jones, A., 190 judgement, 17 18, 229, of historical events, and independence, 257, moral, 256 8

5 270 Index judgement continued as pluralist speech, 251 political, of totalitarianism, 249 Kant, I., 1, 227, 246 7, 249, 252 on responsibility, 241 Kierkegaard, S., 125 6, 128, 149 Klein, M., 198, 200 Kofman, S., 91, 92 Korsgaard, C., Krauss, R., 206 Kristeva, J., 199 Lacan, J., 193 4, 196 Lajer-Burcharth, E., 190 language, 63 and identity, 27 Leaf, Caroline, 206 sand-animation technique, Le Breton, D., 186 Lectures on Kant s Political Philosophy, 229, 253, 255 Leder, D., 195 Le Doeuff, M.,72 3, 75, 90 1, 98 Levinas, E., 6, 34, concept of otherness, 51 2 libido, 87, 93, 98 Lieb, concept of, 179 The Life of the Mind, 46 7, 49, 65, 230, 246, life-world, 3 Like Subjects, Love Objects, 28 L institution. La passivité, 63 Lispector, C., 123 Locke, John, 173, 174 logic of un-relation, look, experience of the, 141 Lorde, A., 157 love, 29 31, 88, 95 being-in-love, 92 and recognition, 35 sexual, 86 Lund, Kátia, 71 2, 77, 79, 92, 95, 98 Lyotard, J-F., 117 McDonalds, 219, 222 3n31 Margulis, L., 86, 93, 94, 97 8 Marks, L., 200 Martin Alcoff, 138 Marxism, 143 master slave analysis, 25 mathematics, 63 meaning, and truth, 254 Measures of Distance, 200 Meditations of First Philosophy, 4, 50 Meirelles, Fernando, 71, 92 memory, 175 mental faculties, 80 mental features, and identity, 175 Merleau-Ponty, M., 43, 47, 49, 51, 63, 140, 191, 197, 199 on animation, 217 concept of otherness, 51 2 concept of relational identity as reversibility, on flesh, 48, 55 6, 60 1, 63 4, 68n11, 69nn18, 20 openness, 52, 54, 57 9, 69n18 ontology, 48 9 on sense, 52, 56 7, 61 3 The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa, 214 mind, 49 and body, 52 3 minority groups, 23, 38n3 mirror stage, 18, 193, 194 Modern Times (film), 205 moral acting, and responsibility, moral actions, 227 8, , 231, 240 moral insight, 228 morality, 236 moral judgement, and political judgement, and thinking, 257 moral questioning, 229 motherhood, 7, 11 12, 30, 72, , 237, 241 experience of being mothered, 155 mothers as intellectuals, 12 13, 138, 144 6, 153 4: ideological tensions, other mothers, 150, 151, 154 politics of mothering, 156 thought processes of mothers, Moyaert, P., 193 multiculturalism, and identity, 23

6 Index 271 multiple identities, Muslim women, and headscarves, 23, 38n4 Nancy, J-L., 186 narcissism, 11, 87, 88 9, 92, 95, 192 philosophical, 98 and women, 77 9, 90 3, 96 narrative identity, 32, natality, 105, 107, 110, 124 La Nature, New Introductory Lectures, 80 Ngai, S., 208, 220, 224 Nietzsche, F., 130n9 normative function, of insight, Norton, A., 47 object-relations theory, Oedipus, 110, Oneself as Another, 31, 33, 37 On Narcissism, 90, 91, 92 On Revolution, 21 ontology, 19, 48 9,58, 63 open systems, 76, 91 women as, 94 The Optical Unconscious, 206 organ transplants, Orpheus and Eurydice, 110, other, 1 20 affected by the, 4 5 as the I s antithesis, 3 concept of the, 1, 2 4, 8, 19 concrete, 231 contact with the, 4, 53, 55 6, 64 exclusion of the, 3, 5 6 face of the, 181 and the I, 6, interaction with the, 7, 43, 55, 64 Lévinas concept of the Other, 51 2 negative concept of, 2 open(ness) for the the, 6 7, 47, 52 4, 59, 69n18 recognition of the, 1, 5, 7 9, 15 relation with the, 2, 4, 6 7, 20, 50, 52 3, 56, 59, 66, 60n18 respect for the, 3, 5, 7, 14, 18 self and, 6 10 subordination of the, 5 woman as the other, 5 woman as the irrational other, 3 and the Who, 45, 55 6, 68n6 otherness, 2 8, 10 11, 13 14, 19 20, 51 2, 57 8, 60, 63 4, 66 of the body, 7, concept of, 6, 11, 19 exclusion of, 3, 5 and god, 4 heterogeneous, 3 and identity, 7, 8 9, 63 and intersubjectivity, 58 Levinas concept of, 51 2 Merleau-Ponty s concept of, 51 2 non-hierarchical concept of, 52 positive, 3, 5 of the self, of the I, 6, 9, 48, 57 8, 64 others, and identity, 43, 47 8, 63 4, 67, 143 outside in model, 143 Parekh, B., 24 Parfit, D., 175 passion, of admiration, 51 The Passion According to G.H., 123 The Passions of the Soul, 4, 5, 50 Penelope, 105, 122 Perry, G., 189 person comparison with human being, 174, 175 concept of, : and inwardness, 178 definition of concept, 174 ethical concept and embodiment, exclusion of body in ethical concepts of, in individuals, intersubjective concept of the, Locke s concept of, 174 role of body in ontological concepts, Strawson s definition, 171 personal identity, 23 and recognition, 24 Personal Identity, 175 personhood, 169

7 272 Index perspectives, of others and ourselves, 140 1, 142 phantasy, 199 The Phenomenal Woman, 107, phenomenology, 6 7, 14, 64 of recognition relations, 25 7 Phenomenology of Perception, 69n18, 141, 191, 197 Phenomenology of Spirit, 28 Philippi, D., 191 The Philosophical Imaginary, 72, 75 Philosophical Investigations, 45 philosophical narcissism, 98 philosophy, and women, 11, 73 7, 90 Picasso, 206 Plato, 44 pleasure, 86, 93 4 pleasure principle, 82, 83, 90 pluralism, 232 pluralist speech, 262 judgement as, 251 plurality, 19, , 115, 231, 233, 249, 250 1, 255 Arendt on, 246 political judgement, and moral judgement, politics, , 254 and action, 249 Politics, Philosophy, Terror, 259 Pollock, G., 189 praxis, 227 projection, 53 4 promising, 32 La prose du monde, 61 psychoanalysis, 25, 29, 192 and body image, closed systems in, mirror stage, 18, 193, 194 psychological connectedness, 175 public debate, 250, 261, 262 public domain, 188, 262 public realm, 129, 261 public space, 23, 251, 261 public sphere, 250, 254, 261 public world, 250 qualitative identity, 43, 67n3 quasi-memories, 175, 176 questioning, moral, 229 racial oppression, and gender difference, 152 rational morality, 1 Reagan, C.E., 33 reality principle, 82 Reasons and Persons, 175, 176 reciprocal appearances, 110, 111, 115 reciprocity, 36 7 recognition,1, 5, 7 9, 15, 19, 25 as gift, 35 8 and intersubjectivity, intrapsychic dimension, 28, 39 40n12 and love, 35 of the other outside, 26 7 and personal identity, 24, 39n6 recognition relations, phenomenology of, 25 7 reflection, and experience, 64 6 reflective judgement, reflective philosophy, 51 Relating Narratives, 106, , relational ethics, relational identity, 9 10, 42 3, 47, 49, 50, 53, 58, 63, 64, 66, 67n1 as intersubjectivity and intercorporeality, as reversibility, representitiveness, 255, res cogitans, 2, 4, 50 1, 60, 68n14 res extensa, 2, 4, 50 1, 60, 68n14 respect, 5, 7, 18 20, 36, 48, 65, 67n1, 232 responsibility, 3, 17, , 238, 243n4 causality, 241 Kant on, 241 and moral acting, and personal insight, 242 and the political world, 242 and subject, 241 reversibility, relational identity as, Rich, A., 155 Ricoeur, P., 31, 35, 38 on the self, 31 4 Rilke, R.M., 113

8 Index 273 Rorty, R.M., 244n14 Ruddick, S., The Safe House (film), 218 Sagan, D., 86, 93, 94, 97, 98 Salomé, L., 91, 95, 96, 97, 98 sameness (idem), 31 The Sand man, 207, 210 Sand or Peter and the Wolf, 211 Sartre, J-P., 73, 76, 141 Scheler, M., 234 Schilder, P., 192, 197 Schneeman, C., 189 Schües, C., 237 The Second Sex, 75 self and body, 7, 33 4, 54 Cavarero s conception of, 111 Hegel on the, 25, 26 Honneth on the, 28 9 Merleau-Ponty on the, 48 and other(s), otherness, 6 11, 24, 39n8, 48, 53 4, 56, 58 9, 64 personal, 52 in psychoanalysis, 25, 39n10 and reversibility, 55 Ricoeur on the, 31 4 Taylor on the, 27 8 self-ascription process, 172 self-consciousness, 178 self-constitution, 50, 60, 68n14 self-control, 5 self-esteem, 32 3, 36 selfhood (ipse), 31 self-reflection, 178 corporeal, 54 self-respect, 32, 33, 36 self-touching, 55 sensibility, 182 sexism, 75 6 The Sex of Knowing, 73 sexual difference, 106, 107, 122, 217 sexuality, 59 sexual love, 86 sexual violence, 5 Shadows of the Other, 28 shared gaze, situative function, of insight, 235 social esteem, 36 social identity, 144, , 163n24 Socrates, 257, 258 solicitude, 33 solipsism, 3, 5, 51, 67n1, 172 solipsist thinking, 3 soul Aristotle s concept, 49 and body, 50 1, 56 7, 60, 63 4 and consciousness, 49 50, 57, 60 Sources of the Self, 27, 178 space, 5, 44, 47, 48, 53 4, 57 9, 61, 64 7, 107, 109, , 117, 122 5, 207, 212, 222 3, 236, 240, 252 cultural space, 222 cyberspace, 186 public space, 23, 251, 261 spatio-temporal, 170, 172, , 183 symbolical space, 252 The Space of Literature, 114 Spivak, G., 156 strangeness, 186 8, 191, 195 7, Strawson, P., 170, 172, 173 The Struggle for Recognition, 24, 28 subject, 2 3 absolute, 2 3 autonomous, 14 conception of the, 1 ethical (moral), 3,7,14 embodied, 7 general, 1 rational, 1,14 separation of subject and object, 2 from the subject to intersubjectivity, 57 transcendental, 62 women as, 5 subjectivation, 138, 160n2 subjectivity, and experience, 7 subjectivity-turn, 2 Symposium, 44 Taylor, C., 178 on the self, 27 8 theory, and imagery, 75, 77 thermodynamics, 85 6, 87

9 274 Index thinking, 50 abstract systems of, 63 and body, 5 destructiveness of, 258 ethics of, 5,8,19 and experience, 65 from birth, 238 modes of, moral, 228 and moral judgement, 257 Thoné, A., 237 temporal, 12, 16, 55, 68, 107, 113, , 127, 129, 134, 135, 170, 172, 180, 183, 218, 219, 266 time, 12, 14, 31, 68, 85, 87, 105, 107 8, , , 134, 139, 143 4, 158, 160 2, , 174, 178, 180 Battersby s model, 127 totalitarianism, 247 judgement of, 249 transcendental approach, 52 transcendental intersubjectivity, 6 transcendental solipsism, 5 transparent body myth, 187 Troester, R., 150 truth, 254 and meaning, 254 Ueno, T., 208 universal humanity, universalism, 232 understanding, 48, 52, 57, 69n23 un-relation, logic of, utilitarian ethics, 1, 2 value ethics, 1 van Gogh, Theo, murder of, 39n7 Vetlesen, A.J., 237 Villa, D.R., 259 violence, 47 8 visage, 181 visage, philosophy of, 52 The Visible and the Invisible, 49, 53 4, 58, 68n11, 69nn18, 20 Volatile Bodies, 143 Waldenfels, B., 235 Walker, K., 43, 48, 53, 54, 59, 62, 66, 66n1, 67n4 Weber, E., 180 Weber, Max, 228 Weiss, G., 194 Wells, P., 213 Whitmore, L., 206, 218 Who Arendt s concept of the, 43 8, 63 and intercorporeity, 56 7 relation to the body, 46 8 relation to the other, 45, 55 6, 68n6 and the what, 131n11 Winnicott, D.W., 26 Wittgenstein, L., 45 woman-animator, 206, women and civilization, exclusion of, 3,5 as mentors, and narcissism, 77 9, 90, 91, 96 as open systems, 94 in philosophy, 5 6, 90 and philosophy, 73 7 world, Arendt on, 250


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