4. 위대화의밑줄친 (D) 와의미가같은것은? 4)

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1 Listen & Speak 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. M: Did you know that Korea will be the sixth country to achieve the (A) of major sports events? W: What s that? M: It s (B) one country hosts both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup, and the IAAF World Championships in Athletics. W: All of these events have been held in Korea? M: (C). We ve only hosted three of them so far. But have you heard that the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Pyeongchang in 2018? That ll be the last one. W: Oh, that s right. I m (D)looking forward to watching the Olympics! 1. 위대화의빈칸 (A) 에들어갈적절한표현을두단어로쓰시오. 1) 4. 위대화의밑줄친 (D) 와의미가같은것은? 4) 1 inspecting into 2 anticipating in 3 consulting to 4 persisting in 5 examining 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. W: Minsu, what are you doing? M: I m reading some articles about. W: May I look at them? M: Sure! Have you heard about the actor Jeon Doyeon? She was invited to an international film festival and won an award! W: Wow. I guess Korean celebrities have become famous internationally. Look! This article says Rain, my favorite singer, was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. M: That s amazing. And this article below says that Girls Generation held a concert in South America. I m surprised that foreigners also like to sing and dance to Korean songs. They must really love Kpop. 2. 위대화의빈칸 (B) 에들어갈가장적절한것은? 2) 5. 위대화의빈칸에들어갈적절한표현을세단어로쓰시오. 5) 1 that 2 what 3 when 4 where 5 which 6. 위대화의내용과일치하지않는것은? 6) 3. 위대화의빈칸 (C) 에들어갈가장적절한것은? 3) 1 Already 2 Not yet 3 Never 4 Not until 5 Nothing 1 민수는한류에대한기사를읽고있다. 2 배우전도연은국제영화제에서상을받았다. 3 가수비가세계에서인기있는 100인에선정되었다. 4 소녀시대가남미에서콘서트를열었다. 5 외국인들이한국노래에맞춰춤을추고노래하기를좋아한다.

2 Welcome to Korea in the World. In today s news, Korea has been ranked as having the best wireless Internet services out of the OECD countries. Experts say the spread of smartphones and tablet computers has quickly driven up demand for faster and wider wireless Internet services. Also, Hangeul is being used by a tribe in Indonesia. The tribe has decided to use the Korean alphabet to write their spoken language. The leader of the tribe said they chose Hangeul because it is better suited to the sounds of their language than any other alphabet. We ll be right back with more on Korea s impressive international achievements after a short break. 7. Why has demand for faster and wider wireless Internet services quickly been driven up? 7) This is (A). We re about to discuss five reasons why Korea is a great place to live. Number one, Korea has a very convenient public transportation system. You can get around easily and quickly. Number two, Korea s Internet connections are the fastest in the world. Number three, Korean restaurants provide a lot of free side dishes. Number four, there are many shops that are open 24 hours, so you can shop (B)any time you want. Number five, you can find a lot of (C) 하나를사면, 하나더공짜로받는 offers in Korea. If you are interested in learning more about Korea, visit our website: 위글의빈칸 (A) 에들어갈가장적절한것은? 10) 8. Why did the leader of the tribe choose Hangeul to write their spoken language? 8) 1 Tourism Korea 3 Insight Korea 5 Paradise Korea 2 Calm Korea 4 Internet Korea 11. 위글의밑줄친 (B) 를한단어로바꾸어쓰시오. 11) 9. 다음대화의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것은? 9) M: What kind of international events ahave you been to in Korea? W: Well, bi ve been to the Jarasum International Jazz Festival and the Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival. cthe last one I went to was the Yeosu Expo. M: Wow, dyou have gone to quite a few international events! ewhy don t you take me with you next time? 12. 위글의밑줄친 (C) 의우리말을알맞게영작하시오. 12) 13. 위글의한국에대한내용과일치하지않는것은? 13) 1 매우편리한대중교통시스템을갖추고있다. 2 인터넷연결은세상에서가장빠르다. 3 식당에서는많은반찬을공짜로제공한다. 4 거의모든상점이 24시간문을연다. 5 할인행사를많이찾아볼수있다.

3 본문 It s summer in Korea, and it s getting hotter. Back home, I ate ice cream to stay cool. Koreans have a special way. They eat food that makes them asweat! One of the bstrangest sights I ve seen in Korea was people eating boiling hot samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) on the hottest day of the year. (A), it s a popular summer dish, especially on very hot days. When I asked one of them why, someone explained that it s because not only is it very healthy, but it also helps you ccalm down by causing you to sweat a lot. It s part of the traditional Korean idea of fighting fire with fire. I decided to try it for myself. It not only smelled delicious but also tasted great! Still, I wasn t sure about eating hot soup in such hot weather. (B), by the end of the meal, I had become da believer. I was covered in sweat, but I felt totally wonderful! When I go back home, I m going to show everyone the Korean secret for staying ecool and healthy in summer. 14. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중흐름상어색한것은? 14) 15. 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈적절한것은? 15) (A) (B) 1 For example However 2 In fact However 3 For example Therefore 4 In fact Therefore 5 Therefore Similarly 16. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? 16) 1 한국인들은이열치열로더위를이겨낸다. 2 가장더운날아주뜨거운삼계탕을먹는다. 3 땀을많이나게해서몸을보온을돕는다. 4 필자는식사후한국인의사고방식을이해했다. 5 필자는여름을건강하게보내는한국인의비결을고향사람들에게알려줄것이다. During the summer, I sometimes spend hot nights by the Han River with my friends. One night we had nothing to eat, so one of my friends made a call. Thirty minutes later, a man drove up on a motorcycle and handed us a pizza. I couldn t believe it! I guess my friend just told him (A) tree we were sitting under. Walking down the street, you can often see lots of delivery people on motorcycles pass by. (B) ait took some time to get used to it, I don t think I could live without baedal now. It would be very (C)! 17. 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈알맞은것은? 17) (A) (B) 1 which Although 2 whose Although 3 which Because 4 whose While 5 what Because 18. 위글의빈칸 (C) 에들어갈가장적절한것은? 18) 1 comfortable 2 inconvenient 3 unbelievable 4 imaginable 5 uncountable

4 19. 위글의밑줄친 a 가가리키는것은? 19) 1 delivery 2 a motorcycle 3 a call 4 baedal 5 to get used to it 20. 위글의주제로가장적절한것은? 20) 1 memories during a summer night 2 convenient delivery system in Korea 3 great popularity of motorcycles 4 delivery people on motorcycles 5 Korean strange scenes to foreigners When I moved to Korea, one of the first things my coworker taught me was how to say my address. I didn t understand a it was so important. They explained that I d often give it over the phone when I ordered things to be delivered. Korea has a lot of delivery services! The Korean word for delivery is baedal. Many restaurants here will deliver your order to your door at no extra charge. b really surprised me was that most of the food is delivered on real plates (A) in disposable containers. When you re finished, you just leave the dishes outside your door to be picked up later. (B), a lot of delivery services operate 24 hours a day! 21. 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈가장적절한것은? 21) (A) 1 rather than 2 less than 3 rather than (B) What s more What s more What's worse 4 less than What is called 5 so much as What is called 22. 위글의빈칸 a, b 에들어갈적절한것은? 22) a 1 why 2 why 3 how 4 how 5 what b That What What That It 23. 위글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 23) 1 The Korean Unique Culture 2 Various Kinds of Delicious Food 3 Special Delivery Service in Korea 4 Importance of Memorizing addresses 5 Many Kinds Of Delivery Services In Korea 24. 위글의내용과일치하지않는것은? 24) 1 The writer learned how to say his address from his coworker. 2 The writer realized how important it was to say address. 3 Because your order is delivered to your door, address must be correct when ordering things over the phone. 4 Most of the food is delivered in disposable containers at no extra charge. 5 Many delivery services in Korea can be available for free. 25. 다음주어진글에이어질순서로가장적절한것은? 25) I decided to try it for myself. It not only smelled delicious but also tasted great! (A) However, by the end of the meal, I had become a believer. I was covered in sweat, but I felt totally wonderful!

5 (B) When I go back home, I m going to show everyone the Korean secret for staying cool and healthy in summer. (C) Still, I wasn t sure about eating hot soup in such hot weather. 1 (A) (B) (C) 2 (B) (A) (C) 3 (B) (C) (A) 4 (C) (A) (B) 5 (C) (B) (A) Once I m clean, I get into the nearest bath. I can feel my muscles relax in the hot water. Next, I spend a few minutes in a very cold bath, ewhere really wakes me up! 26. 위글의주어진 (A) 에이어질순서로가장적절한것은? 26) 1 (B) (D) (C) 3 (C) (D) (B) 5 (D) (C) (B) 2 (C) (B) (D) 4 (D) (B) (C) (A) Although I enjoy my life in Korea, it can sometimes be very busy and stressful. Luckily, there s a convenient way to relax. Korea has many spas called jjimjilbangs, a which are quite different from the spas or saunas you see in the West. Here s b what usually happens when I go to (a)one. 27. 위글의밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중가리키는바가다른것은? 27) 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 28. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것은? 28) (B) My next stop is the sauna. (b)it s a small, hot room made of wood or stone. I breathe in the heavy air, and I feel like bread baking in an oven. Some people spend the night at (c)it, sleeping comfortably on soft mats, but I m ready to go home by then. Not only does my entire body feel refreshed, but all my tension is gone. Koreans really know! (C) When I walk around (d)it, I wear a Tshirt and shorts cgiven out at reception. I see some people playing board games or cards, while others eat boiled eggs, sikhye (a sweet rice drink), or seaweed soup. Even though there are a lot of people, everyone speaks quietly, so it s peaceful. 29. 위글의빈칸에들어갈가장적절한것은? 29) 1 how to overcome heat 2 when to go to sauna 3 what to have in sauna 4 how to relax 5 how to spend the night 30. 위글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 30) 1 My Life Busy and Stressful in Korea 2 Many Different Spas or Saunas in Korea 3 Hot Room Made of Wood or Stone 4 Jjimjilbangs: Relaxation for the Whole Body 5 Night Eating Habit of Korean People (D) At the reception of (e)it, I m given a key to a locker din which I can keep my clothes. I start by taking a nice hot shower.

6 31. 다음글의 (A)~(E) 중주어진문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? 31) In fact, it s a popular summer dish, especially on very hot days. It s summer in Korea, and it s getting hotter. Back home, I ate ice cream to stay cool. (A) Koreans have a special way. (B) They eat food that makes them sweat! (C) One of the strangest sights I ve seen in Korea was people eating boiling hot samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) on the hottest day of the year. (D) When I asked one of them why, someone explained that it s because not only is it very healthy, but it also helps you cool down by causing you to sweat a lot. (E) It s part of the traditional Korean idea of fighting fire with fire. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) [A] When I moved to Korea, aone of the first things my coworker taught me was how to say my address. I didn t understand why (A)it was so (a)[important/ insignificant]. They explained that I d often give (B)it over the phone when I ordered things bto be delivered. [B] What s more, a lot of delivery services operate 24 hours a day! During the summer, I sometimes spend hot nights by the Han River with my friends. One night we had c nothing eat, so one of my friends made a call. Thirty minutes later, a man drove up on a motorcycle and handed us a pizza. [C] Korea has a lot of delivery services! The Korean word for delivery is baedal. Many restaurants here will deliver your order to your door at no extra charge. What really surprised me was that most of the food is delivered on real plates rather than in (b)[disposable / recycling] containers. When you re finished, you just leave the dishes outside your door dto be picked up later. [D] I couldn t believe (C)it! I guess my friend just told him which tree we were sitting under. Walking down the street, you can often see lots of delivery people on motorcycles pass by. Although (D)it took some time eto get used to it, I don t think I could live without baedal now. (E)It would be very (c)[inconvenient / convenient]! 32. 위글의주어진 [A] 에이어질순서로가장적절한것은? 32) 1 [B] [D] [C] 3 [C] [D] [B] 5 [D] [C] [B] 2 [C] [B] [D] 4 [D] [B] [C] 33. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것은? 33) 34. 위글의밑줄친 (A)~(E) 중용법이다른것은? 34) 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 35. 위글의괄호 (a), (b), (c) 에서흐름상알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 35) (a) (b) (c) 1 important disposable inconvenient 2 important disposable convenient 3 important recycling inconvenient 4 insignificant disposable inconvenient 5 insignificant recycling convenient

7 36. 위글의내용과일치하는것은? 36) 1 The writer realized that how to say her address was of importance in Korea. 2 Every night the writer spent hot nights cooking and eating food with her friends by the Han River. 3 It took less than thirty minutes delivering the pizza by bike. 4 Most restaurants in Korea deliver customer's orders at some extra charge. 5 The writer got used to delivery culture, which can make her feel inconvenient. start by taking a nice hot shower. (B) Once I m clean, I get into the nearest bath. I can feel my muscles relax in the hot water. Next, I spend a few minutes in a very cold bath, which really wakes me up! (C) Korea has many spas called jjimjilbangs, which are quite different from the spas or saunas you see in the West. Here s what usually happens when I go to one. 1 (A) (B) (C) 2 (B) (A) (C) 3 (B) (C) (A) 4 (C) (A) (B) 5 (C) (B) (A) 37. 다음글의 (A)~(E) 중주어진문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? 37) Even though there are a lot of people, everyone speaks quietly, so it s peaceful. When I walk around the jjimjilbang, I wear a Tshirt and shorts given out at reception. (A) I see some people playing board games or cards, while others eat boiled eggs, sikhye (a sweet rice drink), or seaweed soup. (B) My next stop is the sauna. (C) It s a small, hot room made of wood or stone. (D) I breathe in the heavy air, and I feel like bread baking in an oven. (E) 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 38. 다음주어진글에이어질순서로가장적절한것은? 38) 39. 다음주어진글에이어질순서로가장적절한것은? 39) When I walk around the jjimjilbang, I wear a Tshirt and shorts given out at reception. I see some people playing board games or cards, while others eat boiled eggs, sikhye (a sweet rice drink), or seaweed soup. Even though there are a lot of people, everyone speaks quietly, so it s peaceful. (A) My next stop is the sauna. It s a small, hot room made of wood or stone. I breathe in the heavy air, and I feel like bread baking in an oven. (B) Not only does my entire body feel refreshed, but all my tension is gone. Koreans really know how to relax! (C) Some people spend the night at the jjimjilbang, sleeping comfortably on soft mats, but I m ready to go home by then. Although I enjoy my life in Korea, it can sometimes be very busy and stressful. Luckily, there s a convenient way to relax. 1 (A) (B) (C) 3 (B) (C) (A) 5 (C) (B) (A) 2 (A) (C) (B) 4 (C) (A) (B) (A) At the reception, I m given a key to a locker in which I can keep my clothes. I

8 고1 Lesson 7 실용영어1 PNRC 1 2 어법 / 어휘 40. 다음글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것을모두고르면? 40) It s summer in Korea, and it s getting hotter. Back home, I ate ice cream ato stay cool. Koreans have a special way. They eat food bthat makes them sweat! One of the strangest sights I ve seen in Korea cwere people eating boiling hot samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) on the hottest day of the year. In fact, it s a popular summer dish, especially on very hot days. When I asked one of them why, someone explained that it s because dnot only it is very healthy, but it also helps you cool down by causing you eto sweat a lot. It s part of the traditional Korean idea of fighting fire with fire. 41. 다음글의괄호 (A), (B), (C) 에서어법상알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 41) I decided to try it for myself. It not only smelled (A)[delicious / deliciously] but also tasted great! Still, I wasn t sure about eating hot soup in (B)[such / so] hot weather. However, by the end of the meal, I had become a believer. I was covered in sweat, but I felt totally wonderful! When I go back (C)[to home / home], I m going to show everyone the Korean secret for staying cool and healthy in summer. (A) (B) (C) delicious such to home delicious so home delicious deliciously deliciously such so such home home to home 42. 다음글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것은? 42) When I moved to Korea, one of the first things my coworker taught me was how to say my address. I didn t understand awhy was it so important. They explained that I d often give it over the phone when I ordered things bto be delivered. Korea has a lot of delivery services! The Korean word for delivery is baedal. Many restaurants here will deliver your order to your door at no extra charge. cwhat really surprised me was that most of the food is delivered on real plates rather than in ddisposable containers. When you re finished, you just leave the dishes outside your door to be picked up elater. What s more, a lot of delivery services operate 24 hours a day! 43. 다음글의괄호 (A), (B), (C) 에서어법상알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 43) (A)[During / While] the summer, I sometimes spend hot nights by the Han River with my friends. One night we had nothing to eat, so one of my friends made a call. Thirty minutes later, a man drove up on a motorcycle and handed us a pizza. I couldn t believe (B)[it / him]! I guess my

9 고1 Lesson 7 실용영어1 PNRC friend just told him which tree we were sitting under. Walking down the street, you can often see lots of delivery people on motorcycles (C)[passes / pass] by. Although it took some time to get used to it, I don t think I could live without baedal now. It would be very inconvenient! (A) (B) (C) 1 During it pass 2 During it passes 3 While him pass 4 While it pass 5 While him passes (A)[Despite / Although] I enjoy my life in Korea, it can sometimes be very busy and stressful. Luckily, there s a convenient way ato relax. Korea has many spas called jjimjilbangs, bwhich is quite different from the spas or saunas you see in the West. Here s cwhat usually happens when I go to one. At the reception, I m given a key to a locker (B)[which / in which] I can keep my clothes. I start by taking a nice hot shower. donce I m clean, I get into the nearest bath. I can feel my muscles erelaxed in the hot water. Next, I spend a few minutes in a very cold bath, which really (C)[wakes / wake] me up! 44. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것을모두고르면? 44) 45. 위글의괄호 (A), (B), (C) 에서어법상알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 45) (A) (B) (C) Despite which wake Despite in which wakes Although which wakes Although in which wake Although in which wakes 46. 다음글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것을모두고르면? 46) When I walk around the jjimjilbang, I wear a Tshirt and shorts agiven out at reception. I see some people playing board games or cards, while others eat bboiled eggs, sikhye (a sweet rice drink), or seaweed soup. Even though there are a lot of people, everyone speaks quietly, so it s peaceful. My next stop is the sauna. It s a small, hot room cmade from wood or stone. I breathe in the heavy air, and I feel like bread baking in an oven. Some people spend the night at the jjimjilbang, dsleeping comfortably on soft mats, but I m ready to go home by then. e Not only my entire body feels refreshed, but all my tension is gone. Koreans really know how to relax!

10 고1 Lesson 7 실용영어1 PNRC 주관식서술형 49. 위글의밑줄친 (C) 를주어진단어로시작하여다시쓰시오. 49) = Not only! It s summer in Korea, and it s getting hotter. Back home, I ate ice cream to stay cool. Koreans have a special way. They eat food that makes them sweat! One of the strangest sights I ve seen in Korea was people eating boiling hot samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) on the hottest day of the year. In fact, it s a popular summer dish, especially on very hot days. When I asked one of them why, someone explained that (A)[only/ is/ very healthy/ it s/ it/ because/ not], but it also helps you cool down by causing you to sweat a lot. It s part of the traditional Korean idea of (B) 이열치열. I decided to try it for myself. (C)It not only smelled delicious but also tasted great! Still, I wasn t sure about eating hot soup in such hot weather. However, by the end of the meal, I had become a believer. I was covered in sweat, but I felt totally wonderful! When I go back home, I m going to show everyone the Korean secret for staying cool and healthy in summer. 47. 위글의괄호 (A) 에주어진단어를흐름상알맞게배열하시오. 47) When I moved to Korea, one of the first things my coworker taught me was how to say my address. I didn t understand why (A)it was so important. They explained that I d often give (B)it over the phone when I ordered things to be delivered. Korea has a lot of delivery services! The Korean word for delivery is baedal. Many restaurants here will deliver your order to your door at no extra charge. What really surprised me was that most of the food is delivered on real plates rather than in disposable containers. When you re finished, you just leave the dishes outside your door to be picked up later. What s more, a lot of delivery services operate 24 hours a day! During the summer, I sometimes spend hot nights by the Han River with my friends. One night we had nothing to eat, so one of my friends made a call. Thirty minutes later, a man drove up on a motorcycle and handed us a pizza. I couldn t believe (C)it! I guess my friend just told him which tree we were sitting under. (D)Walking down the street, you can often see lots of delivery people on motorcycles pass by. Although it took some time to get used to (E)it, I don t think I could live without baedal now. (F)It would be very inconvenient! 48. 위글의밑줄친 (B) 의우리말을네단어의표현으로영작하시오. 48) 50. 위글의밑줄친 (A), (B) 가가리키는것을영어로각각쓰시오. 50) (A), (B)

11 51. 위글의밑줄친 (C), (E) 가가리키는것을우리말로각각쓰시오. 51) (C), (E) 52. 위글의밑줄친 (D) 를절로고쳐쓰시오. 52) 53. 위글의밑줄친 (F) 의 It 이가리키는것을찾아다음과같이고쳐쓸때빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 53) If it, it would be very inconvenient! (A)Although I enjoy my life in Korea, it can sometimes be very busy and stressful. Luckily, there s a convenient way to relax. Korea has many spas called jjimjilbangs, which are quite different from the spas or saunas you see in the West. Here s what usually happens when I go to one. At the reception, I m given a key to a locker in which I can keep my clothes. I start by taking a nice hot shower. Once I m clean, I get into the nearest bath. I can feel my muscles relax in the hot water. Next, I spend a few minutes in a very cold bath, which really wakes me up! When I walk around the jjimjilbang, I wear a Tshirt and shorts given out at reception. I see some people playing board games or cards, while others eat boiled eggs, sikhye (a sweet rice drink), or seaweed soup. (B)Even though there are a lot of people, everyone speaks quietly, so it s peaceful. My next stop is the sauna. It s a small, hot room made of wood or stone. I breathe in the heavy air, and (C)I feel like bread baking in an oven. Some people spend the night at the jjimjilbang, sleeping comfortably on soft mats, but I m ready to go home by then. Not only does my entire body feel (D), but all my (E) is gone. Koreans really know how to relax! 54. 위글의필자가탕안에들어갔을때, 느꼈던것을영어로쓰시오. 54) 55. 위글의밑줄친 (A) 와같은의미가되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 55) = my my life in Korea 56. 위글의밑줄친 (B) 와같은의미가되도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 56) = Despite a lot of people, 57. 위글의밑줄친 (C) 와같은의미가되도록빈칸을완성하시오. 57) I feel as bread baking in an oven. 58. 위글의빈칸 (D), (E) 에흐름상들어갈알맞은단어를주어진철자로시작하여각각쓰시오. 58) (D) r, (E) t

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