A Secret About Your Friends!

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1 Podcast 36 A Secret About Your Friends! Dictated by: Alex, Gulya, Gregorio, Burhan, Azin and Roberto Hello everybody. You re listening to Let s Master English and my name is Coach Shane. Hello everybody. Welcome back to Let s Master English. Thank you so much for downloading this Podcast. We have a great show. We have some interesting news. We've got a fantastic, it's actually pretty funny, fact from Country Shane. We've got a bunch of questions. And at the end of the Podcast I'm going to be reading your comments from itunes. So, now, today s Podcast is brought to you by Audible. They're our sponsor again. Audible, now, you can go to Let's Master English, get a free audio book. But I'll talk about them later. Enough chit-chat, let s getting to the news: How do you pick your friends? A new study suggests that your genes may play a role. No, not your blue jeans! Your sense of smell is a genetic trait and people with similar genes are attracted to similar smells which means they gather in similar areas and easily become friends. Interestingly, the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system suggesting a genetic desire to create a stronger human. What? What was all this? Okay, so, there is a key word gene. And do you know the spelling? G-e-n-e, genes. You ve heard of maybe the human genome project? I think in German they say genome, in America genome, gene, gene therapy, genetics, genetic trait. Yeah, this is the key word. So, if you've understand gene, then maybe the story is not too bad. Let me read it one more time in PR style, a little bit slowly. How do you pick your friends? A new study suggests that your genes may play a role. No, not your blue jeans! Your sense of smell is a genetic trait and people with similar genes are attracted to similar smells which means they gather in similar areas and easily become friends. Interestingly, the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system suggesting a genetic desire to create a stronger human. This is really interesting science research. So, there is a guy from The University of California, and another guy, two professors, another professor from Yale University. And they did research. And they have, they believe, they've discovered a link between friends and genes. So, do you have a best friend? Well, maybe you picked your best friend because of their genes. What do you think, is that, is that, does that make sense? Did you ever think of something like that, how genes, actually might influence who you meet, especially, in a partner, a husband or a wife? Did you ever think that genes might have influenced to your decision? Yeah, well, this is what the research suggests, this is what the research implies. Very interesting! So, let's go back to the first sentence. How do you pick your friends? How do you choose your friends? How do I choose my friends? You know, I never thought about that, I guess my environment. So, if I

2 work at an office, then my friends will probably be at the office. So, that's how I choose my friends. What about you? How do you choose your friends? Did you ever think about how you pick your friends? Probably not. Okay, the next sentence. A new study, this is research, scientific research, a new study, new research, suggests that your genes may play a role. Okay, so, genes is the first word here g-e-n-e-s, genes. Now, does everybody know what genes are? Yeah, they re, they re actually a part of DNA. And, we think of genes as defining physical characteristics. So, your genes will decide your hair color, your eye color you know, how big you are, if you're gonna be fat, if you're gonna be skinny, if you're gonna be bald. Yes, I have bald genes. Yeah, well, anyway, so this is the idea of genes. So, a new study suggests, and when we say suggests it means implies, it also means it's not scientific fact. There is no proof. But this is the information they're discovering, which they believe, means what- that your genes may play a role. When we say may it's the same thing as might. Might play a role, r-o-l-e, play a role, just like an acting role. So, to play a role means to be involved or to be influential. So, let's look at the sentence again. How do you pick your friends? Well, there is new scientific research would say your genes might be influential in how you pick a friend. Your genes might be involved in the decision making for choosing a friend. Wow, that's, that's interesting, very interesting. Now, if you're just listening to the story and you hear genes you might be thinking of blue jeans. So the next sentence: No, not your blue jeans! Blue jeans are pants, of course, very popular in America. I like Levi s jeans. What kind of jeans do you like? So, g-e-n-e-s genes, and blue jeans j-e-a-n-s are spelled differently, but are pronounced exactly the same. Exactly the same pronunciation in English, they are called homonyms. Words that sound alike but have different meanings. Okay? So, first three sentences very simple. Listen again: How do you pick your friends? A new study suggests that your genes may play a role. No, not your blue jeans! Your sense of smell is a genetic trait, okay so, now we got a difficult word here. A genetic trait g-e-n-e-t-i-c, that s gene as an adjective, genetic trait t-r-a-i-t. So, a trait would be a quality or a characteristic. So, genetic trait, a quality or a characteristic that is defined by genes. Okay, so, so once again: My hair color is a genetic trait. The hair color that I have is defined by my genes. So, here your sense of smell, is a genetic trait. Okay, so sense of smell- the ability to smell odors. Hmm I smell coffee. And to me coffee smells good. Now, to somebody else, they might not like the smell of coffee. So, actually the way they smell, the order that they sense is, could be different. The same think with colors. When I see a color and when somebody else sees the color, it actually might be different how they see it, how they describe it the sensations that they can see. It s actually different, because of our genes. So, once again your sense of smell is a genetic trait and people with similar genes are attracted to similar smells. Very interesting! So, let s think about food. Now, some foods smell great, but some foods, they don t smell so good, right? Yeah, of course there are some foods that just don t smell good. However the people who like those foods that don t smell good, to them, it s smells good. It really does. It smells good, it tastes good, they like it. In this situation we can actually say that our genes are different. Their smelling genes are different than my smelling genes. They enjoy that smell where I do not like that smell. Okay? So, do you think that guy and me will eat together? Probably not, because we like different

3 thinks. So, do you think we ll be friends? Maybe not. We might not be friends because we have this big difference. So, once again: Your sense of smell is a genetic trait and people with similar genes are attracted to similar smells which means they gather in similar areas and easily become friends. There you go. That makes sense, right? So, once again our genes are not telling us who to be friends with, but because of our genes we are influenced into areas, into places that other people with similar genes also like. So, we meet, it s easier for people with similar genes to actually meet. Hmm, it makes sense. Once again, you can imagine skin color. I would guess that if your skin color is black and you live in a city with many white people, many black people, probably more of your friends are black. Not always, of course not, but generally. Now is that because you don t like white people? I hope not. But it s probably because you are attracted to the skin color and that s a genetic quality. That s a genetic trait. The way your eyes see a color will influence whether you like it or not. The way your nose smells a food will influence whether you like the food or not. And people from similar genetic backgrounds tend to like the same things, whether it s audio, or visual or all factory the smells, sense of smell. Very interesting stuff. So, there we you go genes do influence how you pick your friends. Now there is another sentence: Interestingly, the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system. Now this is really interesting. So, the closer the friend- that means, you know we have a... you have a...you have lots of friends, but then you have a best friend, but then you have a really really really really best friend. So, the close the friend and then you have your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. Okay, so, we have different levels of friendship. But here the closer the friend the more different the genes for their immune system. What is the immune system? That's the part of your body, that fights disease. So, especially, you can just think of the white blood cells. The white blood cells run through your body fighting disease. That's part of the immune system. Now, are all humans... do we all have immune system? Yes, we all have immune systems. Are they the same? No, no. Some people have a very strong immune system. They never get a cold, they're always healthy. Some people have a weak immune system. They're always getting sick. Listen to the sentence again- the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system. Now, this is really interesting science. So, once again, me- I have a good immune system. I don't get sick too much. And I don't know but I'm going to guess that I have a very strong immune system that fights cancer. Let's just...i'm just guessing. So, my, I think my immune system is very strong for fighting cancer. But, my immune system is not that strong in preventing heart disease. Okay, so when it comes to cancer, my immune system...fights it. When it comes to heart diseasemy immune system is not so good. But what this research says is my best friend, or perhaps my girlfriend or my wife, she probably has a very different immune system, it might be the opposite. So, my girlfriend, she might have a really strong immune system to fight heart disease, but a weak immune system to fight cancer. Do you understand? And this is really amazing, because, let's be honest, do I know does Coach Shane know how strong his immune system is? No, of course not. We don't know that, okay? Does my girlfriend know how strong her immune system is? No, of course she doesn't. But, still somehow, when I choose my girlfriend, when she chooses me, our bodies somehow know that there, the immune systems are very different and if we got married and had a baby, then our baby would have an even stronger immune system. Isn't this amazing. This is really interesting.

4 So, listen again- Interestingly, the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system suggesting a genetic desire to create a stronger human. So, what this sentence means is, suggesting that our genes, Shane's genes and girlfriend's genes, they actually are communicating to each other, saying: Hey you're the opposite of me! Hey, you're the opposite of me! Let's get together and make a super baby. That's the idea. It's just amazing, very very interesting scientific research. Yeah...wow, isn't..i don't know what to say...i just think that it's really really.interesting science. So, what do you think? Let your genes pick your partner and maybe one day you'll have a super children. Okay, so once again, let's look at some vocabulary words: Gene: g-e-n-e that s a part of DNA which defines physical characteristics. Jeans: j-e-a-n-s, jeans, usually blue in color- they are type of pants Blue jeans. I like blue jeans. Something may play a role: something might be involved, something might be influential. Sense of smell: the ability to smell odors. A genetic trait: g-e-n-e-t-i-c t-r-a-i-t something defined by your genes. A quality defined by your genes. A genetic trait, once again: baldness- losing your hair on your head is the genetic trait that I have. Immune system: the part of your body, the system in your body that fights disease. Suggesting: implying. Desire: a longing, an urge. Those are the key words. I hope that you that understand the story. This is a tough story, it's, you know, kind of science related and it's not that easy, but I thought it was very interesting. Especially the ending, when they talk about the immune system. So, once again I hope that you understood. I m going to read it two more times, the first time nice and slow we can call it NPR 1 speed and the next time faster, normal, comfortable for me. How do you pick your friends? A new study suggests that your genes may play a role. No, not your blue jeans! Your sense of smell is a genetic trait and people with similar genes are attracted to similar smells which means they gather in similar areas and easily become friends. Interestingly, the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system suggesting a genetic desire to create a stronger human. How do you pick your friends? A new study suggests that your genes may play a role. No, not your blue jeans! Your sense of smell is a genetic trait and people with similar genes are attracted to similar smells which means they gather in similar areas and easily become friends. Interestingly, 1 National Public Radio

5 the closer the friend, the more different the genes for their immune system suggesting a genetic desire to create a stronger human. How re you doing everybody? This is Country Shane and I m here to bring you the facts: seventy five percent of man genes that determined what I look like are the same as a pumpkin s. This has been Country Shane bringing you the facts. Ok so everybody if you, if you have been wondering what does Country Shane look like that now he just told you. 75% of his genes, that s G-E-N-E-S are the same as a pumpkin s. Do you know what a pumpkin is? P-U-M-P-K-I-N. It s a vegetable, it s a big orange vegetable that in America they re especially popular during Hallowing, hallowing but also we have pumpkin pie especially at Thanksgiving, delicious. So country Shane, everybody, looks like a pumpkin. I love it. But wait a minute. Human genes are, I mean, my genes are like 99 point, is it 5? or 99.9 % the same as yours, our genes are all the same, so if country Shane s genes are 75% like a pumpkin s that means you and I are also the same. We ali look like pumpkin. May be some people look like pumpkins more than others. Oh! Once again thank you so much Country Shane. Alright it s time for questions and answers but before we begin I need to tell you about our sponsor, Audible. This is the Amazon Company. The very famous Amazon shopping company. If you go to that s a-u-d-i-b-l-e-t-r-i-a-l audibletrial.com/lme, Let s Master English, if you go to that site you can sign up and get a free audio book. That is an awesome deal. So if you go to and then click on, you know, try, it s gonna take you to a different webpage; but that s ok. The reason I give you that link is they re my sponsor. So they need to know when Coach Shane, when Let s Master English sends somebody. Because they are sponsor and I ll be totally honest. If you sign up with audibletrial, then audible does pay me a little bit of Money. It s not a lot and it s only one time,but everything helps. So, why am I pushing audibletrial.com? Cause it s great. I am an English teacher. My focus for the last twenty years, twenty five years has been listening skills and Audible has audio books which is all about listening. Now it s really difficult. Listening to ah, a book in English is not easy; but it s great practice. And, this is what I recommend. If you have a book in English, a book, a real book, read it, read it, enjoy it. I hope that you understand it. And then get the audio book version and listen to it. It s going to be much easier to understand and it s really going to help your listening skills and build your listening confidence. Also every month, I will have a book club and this month, the book that we are studying together, right now is Mitch ALBOM S, Tuesdays with Morrie, The tenth anniversary edition. So, if you sign up for audibletrial.com/lme and you don t have a book that you want to get, then I recommend that you get Mitch ALBOM s Tuesdays with Morrie, tenth anniversary edition and start listening to it. It s not that long it s only about three and a half hours. So you can listen to it hopefully several times. No it s not easy, it takes, takes some work; but listen to it. And this week right now it s July, This week, if you have any questions about this book send me an . Because, I will be making the my book club video on Friday or Saturday maybe Sunday. Ok, so at the end of the week I m making a video and if you have any questions about this audio book Tuesdays with Morrie then send them to me. My address is dailydictationmembers@gmail.com. Ok, send me your questions and uh

6 when I make my video, I ll be sure to, to answer the questions. If I get a hundred questions, of course I cannot answer every question, but I ll try to the pick the best questions and give you answers and I will talk about Tuesdays with Morrie. So next month, I m going to pick a different audio book and I have a couple of ideas. When I choose an audio book, I m going to hopefully keep it between three hours and six hours. I don t want anything too long. I think if, if it s a really long one then it s probably going to be more difficult and I want you guys to have the chance to listen to the audio book a couple of times, I think that would help you a lot. So anyway You can go there, you can sign up. Now they do require a credit card and after one month, they will charge you fourteen dollars and ninety five cents; but if you pay that money, you can get another book. So every month, so the first month it s free. You can get any book you want for free. And then the second month they re gonna charge you; but you also can buy that fourteen ninety five will give you a book, any book that they have. They have over hundred and fifty thousand audio books. They ve got everything. So, really excellent, excellent selection. So, I have been a member of Audible, Audible for gosh five months and I love it, I really enjoy it. Uh podcasts and audio books, that s my entertainment and I just absolutely love it. So I m recommending, I m recommending it to you. I think you might enjoy it too. Ok let s get to those questions. Our first question is from Fernando Lebed. Thank you for your videos, they re very useful and practical. My question for you: What is the most common expression used to encourage someone to do something or to cheer someone to do something. Give me a good answer Shane. OK, well I thought about this Fernando. Fernando is from Argentina by the way. Gracias, thank you Fernando. And there are 3 very common expressions that we use to encourage somebody to do something and these are those three: You can do it! Go for it! And Come on, c-o-m-e o-n, two words. Now what s important Fernando is how you say it. So I m gonna say these expressions several times in a real style English, ok? So here we go: You can do it! Go for it! Come on! Come on, you can do it! You can do it, go for it man! Come on! I know you can do it! You can do it! Come on, let s go! Do it! Yeah, I gave you a couple extras too. So hopefully Fernando, that will help you. Our next question comes from Meng-Yuan Huang: Hello coach Shane, I have difficulties in the al pronunciation in, like in the word algorithm and the au sound as in the word out. Ok so this is two questions. I m gonna take the first question. So, there is a word, algorithm, and Meng- Yuan wants to know the pronunciation for the al. So al, al it s a short a with the l sound. The short a is the same sound as the a in happy, cat, daddy, sad. I have a video on Coach Shane s ESL YouTube channel. You can just search, go to my channel and search for vowel sounds and I teach you

7 how to do the short a sound. It s a, it s a very tough sound for many students. So I want you to watch that video and then practice a, a, al-gorithm, al-gorithm. Now the next question is the au sound as in the word out. Ok, well actually yes, they are similar. So in America we have, there is a car, it s a European car called Audi, a-u-d-i, and the American pronunciation is Audi. And then we have the word o-u-t, out, out. And then we have the word c-o-w, cow, cow. Now the vowel sounds in all three words are the same Audi, out, cow. And if you ask an American what vowel sound is that, they ll usually say it s an ow sound like how, cow, now, ok? So those vowels all sound the same. So I hope that answers your question Meng-Yuan, and if not let me know. Our next question comes from Jalil. Jalil asks: what does nuance mean? Many times in your podcast, in your videos you say: the nuance is. It s a great question Jalil. Nuance spelling n-u-a-u-n-c-e and we have a couple of pronunciations in America: nuance, nuance and nuance. Now, actually this word comes from France. So it s a French word and I m guessing the French pronunciation is nuance, do you understand the nuance? So when I use it and when most Americans use it has the idea of deep meaning or hidden meaning or subtle, that s s-u-b-t-l-e meaning, ok? So the nuance of this expression is, the same thing would be the deep meaning, the deeper meaning, the hidden meaning of this expression is, OK? It s a great expression, it s a great word and we use it a lot. Our next question comes from Narcissa. Now she asked a question a couple podcasts ago and I, I spelled her name wrong, I spelled it Narsise, or NarsisI and I apologize, I apologize when I get your name wrong. And Narcissa also wanted to say, she is young student, a 16 year-old high school student, studying English with all of you guys, that s fantastic. I m so, so happy. Now, Narcissa has a question: the US pronunciation and UK pronunciation. American pronunciation, British pronunciation of these words: opportunity, often, opinion. OK, so, I m gonna give you both perfect American pronunciation: opportunity, opportunity, opportunity. Typical American pronunciation: opportunity, opportunity, opportunity. And I m not British but I will try the London accent in the UK and it should sound something like opportunity, opportunity, opportunity. But once again Coach Shane is not a British person, he s a Yankee. The next word, perfect American pronunciation: often, often, often, o-f-t-e-n, often. Typical American pronunciation often, often, often. And the British pronunciation would be something like often, often, often. And the last word, perfect American pronunciation: opinion, opinion, opinion, typical American pronunciation: opinion, opinion, opinion. And we ll guess that the British pronunciation opinion, oh, very similar to the American pronunciation. So I hope that comparison helps Narcissa, and I promise to get your name correct in the future. Now, we do have several more questions and several of the questions are what s the difference between this word and that word. I m gonna answer those in the next podcast. Now we do have several more questions and several of the questions are what is the difference between this word and that word, I'm gonna answer those in the next podcast, but I do wanna answer one more question from Joseph and Joseph asks how do I find the first podcasts from your other podcast Daily Easy English Expression, great question Joseph yeah, sometimes finding the podcast is difficult, so I'm

8 going to give you, two ways to find the podcast, now the first one, is an a service called stitcher, so you go to and then just go to the page and then you'll see on the top where it says Top shows, click on top shows and then you ll see categories where it says Education, click on Education, and then go down down, there are many podcasts, go all the way down to number 36 and you'll see Daily Easy English Expression, and at number 39, Let's Master English, yeah we're we are in the top 100, in the education area for stitcher, this is Stitcher is America's big podcast app, A-P-P, so you can use it on your phone too, but there, so you go, click on Daily Easy English Expression podcast and if you go down a little bit you can see where it says Older, older, recent episodes, just keep hitting older and eventually you'll be able to go all the way back to the first podcast, so that's one method. The other method, it might be easier, just go to this web page dailyeasyenglish.libsyn.com, so one more time dailyeasyenglish.libsyn l-i-b-s-y-n.com ok? Go there and you see my picture, it's so huge, I don't know why it's so huge, but then you'll see Archives 2014 July June May just click on May and go all the way down to the bottom of the page and I think it's on page 3, you can also find the podcast there, so yeah, thanks for asking and I hope that everybody who listens to Let's Master English podcast is also listening to Daily Easy English Expression podcast, thanks for the questions guys, keep on coming in. All right, it is time to finish up another Let's Master English podcast, but today like I said I want to say especial thank you to everybody who listens and downloads my podcasts, and especially to the people who leaves comments and on itunes is very important that we leave a comment and a rating, because that helps people find the podcast. So if it's s a popular podcast then it's easy to find, if it's not popular it's difficult to find. Ok, so I got a bunch of comments from all around the world, let's enjoy them. The first one is from Russia, this is Axel Bergdorf - the best English education podcast ever, thanks a lot Coach Shane. Spassivo thank you Axel. From Malaysia this is a Nenenenene... Totally recommended for English learners who are serious about improving their English, this podcast will guide you into the English speaking world, glad I found this podcast. Whuite my regards from Yut Mars. And I'm not exactly sure what that means but anyway thank you so much. I think you are my first comment from Malaysia and I sincerely appreciate it, thank you very much. Now our next comment, comes from Poland, this is Azic or Hazhik, I'm not sure about the pronunciation - great learning podcast, great podcast, thanks. Thank you very much. Our next one comes from China, this is Yorusuya Fubar - best podcast ever, awesome. Thank you so much you guys. Now the next one comes from the United States, Simon Shred - Hey brother, I've learned a lot from you, so keep doing the great work, cheers from Muracco, ok so actually this person is from Muracco, thank you so much, I appreciate that brother. Our next one is from Italy, this is Luz1967, that's my year 1967, - very nice and useful, I always interested and it's amusing, thanks Coach Shane. Gratzy, thank you much Luz1967. Our next one is from Brazil, - I'm into Let's Master English. From David Enel in Brazil. Obrigato David, I appreciate that so much. Our next one is from Spain Rico1909: muy bien o very good, Coach Shane es un instructor muy ameno y divertido, Coach Shane is a master in English, wauu very funny and useful, I spent my

9 time by car going to my job with this amazing guy. Thank you Coach and don't stop. Muchas gracias Rico, thank you so much for that awesome comment, I really appreciate it Rico. Next from Germany, Aqua star 4, - thank you Coach Shane for the best English learning podcast in the net it makes it a lot of fun to hear, to listen to English and I can improve my English very well, all the best from Germany, from Jeregan, thank you so much, danka shen Jeregan, I appreciate it so much. Next from the United States again Abdel Munen Makin, -dear Coach Shane thank you so much for your efforts in helping us master our English, we really appreciate what you're doing for us, your program is the best I ever listen to, keep up the excellent job, thank you so much. Abdel Munen thank you for that lovely comment, that means so much to me. Next from France -A really great podcast, the fact is even if you know what English words mean, you don't usually know, when and how you can use them in a conversation or when you're writing, much more better than learning definitions, Coach Shane teaches you the context of the words and that is the most important in improving your English, so thank you Coach Shane, you do a really great job this is from Markito06 and friends, guauu, merci bocu,... merci, merci bocu, does that make sense? merci, thank you so much Markito that means so much to me, yeah awesome, you make me smile. Next from Brazil again, this is Israel Arrauyo Arrauyo, I hope my pronunciation is OK, -how are you doing Coach Shane? I'm just passing by to say that you have helped me so much with your podcasts and videos on YouTube, I could say that my English comprehension is much better now, of course I have to keep studying to improve it, actually you deserve ten starts, but as you know, I can only give you five starts, best wishes. Obrigado Israel, thank you so much I really appreciate that, awesome. Next from Spain again, this is Aviat, Aviator oh I get it, Aviator number one, from Spain, - I just discovered your podcast and have become an addict. It's Javier from Spain, Javier, thank you for spelling the pronunciation of your name, Javier, and I figured out your number Aviator number one, I liked it, thank you very much. Next from the Ukraine, this is Julia Kuleshab, Julia Kuleshab, I hope my pronunciation is OK, - great podcast Shane, big thumb up. Thank to so much, spassivo, thank you, I think I can say spassivo, or is it spassivo, or spassiva, aaaaa my Ukraine, I... I knew it one time but I forgot, I apologize, thank you so much. Next from Colombia, Ivan Beltran - living far away from the home might be hard, but since I arrived to the United states, coach shave has been amazing company for me, I listen to him every single day and I feel that I been honing my spoken English continuously, thank you very much Coach Shane. Ivan Beltran thank you Ivan; Ivan I know your brother Alberto of you are anything like him, you're an awesome guy, thank you so much Ivan, it's great to be with you every day. Next from Italy again, awesome, this is Arwen a great way to learn English while having fun, I really enjoy Coach Shane lessons. Gratzi, thank you so much Arwen. Next from South Korea, Parc Buram, - you are my role model, what are you doing Coach Shane, I love to tune into your podcast, all of your saints make me laugh and smile, even now I'm still learning English, also your awesome podcast helps me a lot to get rid of this... Of the bad summer hit, thanks a million, I'm gonna keep listening to you in my daily life, take care always and good luck in your life. Well thank very much Pac Buram, yes I know the weather in Korea these days

10 is really hot, so I'm glad that my Solon humor is helping you, ups sorry everybody I spoke Korean, I'm not gonna translate, ok, and our last comment comes from the Czech Republic, this is Mamun31 - it wasn't easy for me to find how to write a review on ITunes? I'm an older mom of 4 children without IT skills, but finally, I've done it, your podcast is great, wonderful, so helpful, extremely good, fantastic, very important and funny, if I should say in one word I would say, it is the best one I ever listen to, there is only one little mistake, this podcast is addictive, I love it and I can give up, I can give up listening to it, other any mistakes in my written English? Well Mamil I fixed a couple of the mistakes, did you listen? But actually hoy English was excellent, your written English was fantastic and I'm so happy that you enjoy the podcast, you are a super mom, 4 children, amazing, well thank you so much for enjoying the podcast and to everybody out there I appreciate it. I know, it's not easy, studying every day, Let's Master English is a long podcast, you know, you probably wanna sleep... I hope you are not sleeping, specially if you are driving do not, I hope my podcast does not put you to sleep when you're driving. Anyway thanks to everybody, I appreciate it, that's it, I'm done talking aaa thank you, I'll see you next week and together Let's Master English.

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