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32 Student Association Essay Competition Junior Prose `Ü~ãéáçå vìåö=`üáåö=p~å=p^ ^=ïêáíéê=áå=íüé=ñìíìêé I myself especially love to write, and want to be a writer someday. This is partly due to the fact that writing can improve my writing skills. However, to a larger extent, I want to be a writer because of some really special reasons. A writer can express his or her own feelings freely through writing stories, essays, novels, etc. They can write something meaningful, touching or romantic. Through writing, they can deliver their messages to readers which play a role in inspiring changes in both the writer s and readers ways of living. Writers can also understand themselves betters too! They can always discover their own stories in writing, and to explore their own values so as to set goals for themselves. This keeps them from losing themselves in this bustling world. Moreover, a writer is usually more flexible than others in dealing with problems because they need to be creative too. Come up with new ideas in their works. Thus they can usually look at things in different ways. I think that to be a writer, which is very meaningful and useful, is the important element for one to live a happier life. And so I hope that I can become an inspiring writer someday. VU

33 Student Association Essay Competition Junior Prose N ëí =êìååéê=ìé h~á=i~á=pòé=p_ f=~ã=éêçìç=íç=äé=~=`üáåéëé In recent days, many people argued about whether they were patriotic or not. Although I don t know the definition of patriotism, I am sure that I am proud to be a Chinese! The long-in-time Chinese culture is one of the factors that I am so proud of. Chinese poets wrote many famous poems in old days especially in Tang and Song Dynasties. Even in today, we also learn these poems in school. Because the poems were written in few words and with deep meanings. Also, some pronounces of words in the poems rhymes with others, so we can read them fluently just like songs. Besides this, China also has many masterpieces such as Three kingdoms and Xiyouji. They were excellent and translated in many versions in different countries. On the other side, the style of Chinese classic buildings are quite special, too. They were built by wood and always had yards in front of the sitting rooms. In ancient times, different classes of the society have different types of houses. There are still many famous Chinese classic buildings in Beijing which attract thousands of tourists to visit every year. You see, how great our culture is! Besides the culture, I think Chinese people are very clever. For example, the ancient Chinese drew pictures to communicate with each other. Later, they invented Chinese characters, which are developed from pictures. The structures of Chinese character normally have some relations to their meanings. I think they are quite meaningful and easy to remember. Even Japan also uses some of Chinese characters in their culture. Chinese characters can be performed in calligraphy, too. It becomes one type of art and many people enjoy it very much. VV

34 I am proud to be a Chinese because my country is the third one to send astronaut into space. On 17 th October 2003, Yeung Liwai, who is the first Chinese astronaut, finished the space mission and returned to earth. This is the cheerful news for all Chinese in the world. It is an important milestone of Chinese technology. It ensured China s international position and changed drop-behind image of China. I, as a Chinese, is very excited to see the great process of China. I will proudly tell the people that I am a Chinese when I visit other countries. China is my mother country. I am proud to be a Chinese! NMM

35 Student Association Essay Competition Junior Prose O åç =êìååéê=ìé i~ì=`üìå=váå=p_ bóé=`~íåüéê Mandy was a beautiful and proud woman. She lived in a small town. Her flat was untidy because she liked throwing away the things she hated, not into the rubbish bin but on the floor. One day, at lunch time, she sat down in a coffee shop with some pieces of paper. What a rubbish project! She shouted loudly. The more she read, the more angry she was. She called the waiter to come and paid for her lunch. She scolded the marker of the project while walking out of the coffee shop. Suddenly, she tore all the papers and threw them on the street. Hey! Stop walking, eye catcher. A policeman patted on Mandy s shoulder. What s the matter, sir? Oh, how beautiful you are, eye catcher! I m going to give you something. Mandy was glad and said, Thank you, sir. Are you going to give me some flowers? You see, lots of people are watching us. I m shy. The policeman reply, Flowers!? You are so naive! You give me $1500, then I will buy them to you. Here is a Cheque and please write down your name. He gave Mandy a notice of fine and everyone laughed at her. Remember! You can throw anything away in your home but not on the street; otherwise your money will be thrown away too! NMN

36 Student Association Essay Competition Senior Prose `Ü~ãéáçå eç=v~å=eç=gçüå=r_ eçåö=hçåö=áå=íüé=ñìíìêé Welcome your visiting to Hong Kong in the 24 th century. I am your guide and responsible for the trip as well as your enjoyment in this metropolitan city. Before beginning our journey, let me briefly describe this city and also give you some background information about the lives of citizens in Hong Kong. Generally speaking, the whole city can be divided into three decks. Starting from the outermost one, they are namely Universe, Centrum and Nucleus respectively. As we come from the Mars, our shuttle spacecraft has to land on the spaceport located in the Universe deck. This deck is probably the masterpiece of science, technology, innovation and humans dream. Using the principle of magnetic theory, this deck is suspended in the air about 10, 000 meters above the ground. It provides extra 800km square of usable land for development and scientific research. All universities and colleges are located right here. There is no building higher than 20 storeys as required by the government to prevent congestion. All activities that are related to outer space have to be conducted on this deck. Moreover, there are two international airports, one spaceport and ten floating platform terminals. Floating platform is a means of transport used by citizens to travel from one deck to another. Platforms are designed to escalate up and down vertically with a speed of 8 meters per second. They can bear 5,000,000 tonnes of loads each time. Now, let us travel to the Centrum by the platform. Spectacular! Skyscrapers grow on the earth crust everywhere! Conventionally the Centrum has been human beings home for billions of years. Technological advancement in these three hundred years has transformed the impossible to be possible. All buildings standing here can withstand any natural hazards, such as earthquake, lighting, flooding and even fire. Skyscrapers here are built with space in between every 20 floors. That means excepting the first twenty storeys are built on land, the rest are separated from each other by the space. This design can facilitate the rapid transportation from building to buildings. Most of the constructions on the NMO

37 Centrum are more than 200 storeys tall. Inter-planet companies occupy most of the decks. Citizens in Hong Kong no longer rely on any communication devices anymore, thanks to scientists working on the Universe. They have nurtured a new type of cell that can serve the same purposes as computers or cellular phones, which have been used for centuries. Every citizen born in Hong Kong can receive a free injection of that kind of cell into his or her brain. Whenever they want to make a call to anyone, they can just think of the face of that target person and a connection will be established.. They do not need to speak; instead, their message can be transmitted as dictated by the mind. The cell can also serve as a receptor of microwave signals and digital broadcasts. The invention of a mini-sized vehicle named mosquito triggered a revolution on the transportation network. Soon after the launching of mosquito, mass transit system becomes obsolete. The mosquito looks like a transparent cube with an airscrew at the back. You don t need a license to drive the mosquito. What you have to do is to voice the name of your destination and the mosquito will find the shortest way to the destination automatically. That is why we can see people flying in the sky. Now, we are going to dive deep underground and head to the Nucleus. It is a newly developed underground entertainment and amusement locus. It is as big as Hong Kong Island. The only difference is that it is built 500 meters below the earth crust. As an artificial sun and oxygen production machines are installed there, living underground does not make any difference from the living on land. There are sports fields, shopping malls, theatres, restaurants, theme park, casinos, clubs... Every day and night, people enjoy themselves in their paradises. Among all, the Adventure house should be the most interesting one. Players can enter a virtual 3D world and act as characters there. Players not just can see by eyes but also feel by their other senses, such as temperature, pressure, gravity... Players can do whatever they like in the virtual reality space. Really Fantastic! I am sure you have been amazed by what you have seen. It is just a briefing; we will go around the city tomorrow. Let us settle down in our place and take a rest first. I am sure the 24 th century Hong Kong must delight your eyes at every turn!! NMP

38 Student Association Essay Competition Senior Prose N ëí =êìååéê=ìé eç=v~å=eç=gçüå=r_ mê~áëé=~í=ëåüççä Well done, good job, excellent, nice, great, perfect, good... I am sure these words are not queer to you. Maybe you are one of those generous people to give praise when you spot something good about others. Praising, in the western world, is probably a very common thing, particularly for those engaged in the education field. Owing to the differences in culture, the Chinese seldom praise as they think behaving well is one s obligation and praising seems to be redundant. Is that the case? Before the open-door policy was introduced, praising was not that common in Chinese society. Compared with the westerners world, obviously, the Chinese were more implicit. However, following the influx of the western culture in the late 1960s, the Chinese began to realize the power of praise in human psychology. Then, more and more traditional Chinese teachers began to accept the theory and tried to praise their students whenever they performed well. Nowadays, generally speaking, differences in culture are no longer an excuse for not giving praise. Praising may seem difficult to some teachers. A research was conducted years ago concerning what teachers felt about praising their students. Quite a significant percentage of interviewees said that they found it embarrassing when they praised students, particularly for those middle-aged male teachers. It was understandable that some people may still harbour feudal prejudice that praising wasn t be a masculine act; rather, it should be left to females. That was particularly serious in some Asian countries. This phenomenon may still exist, but it is believed to have improved a lot because everyone wants praise. Should praise just be reserved for those top clever students? In the past, it might be the case. However, recent researches suggest that teachers should not neglect the need of praise of students with average and lower intelligence. If not, it might just create an even longer gap than without NMQ

39 praising anyone, since less able students may then be discouraged by teachers visible biased preference. Even worse, they may feel neglected or being treated unfairly or even feel jealous of those being praised frequently. Nevertheless, it is a general phenomenon in many schools and this may explain some behavioural problems of certain groups of problem-students. Praising is an art which is good in itself. It can boost motivation, help build confidence and relieve stress and fear if used appropriately. Every student wishes to be praised by their respectable teachers, especially when they have got some remarkable achievements; able students are not an exception. The work diligently striving for not only academic excellence but also psychological satisfaction; such feeling is usually generated by teachers. Praising words are carved into students minds and will become the power to motivate them. Praising may not be confined to verbal means. For instance, a sticker on the test paper and writing some encouraging sentences can also serve the purpose. Doing so can improve the relations between teachers and students and at the same time avoid over praise in front of the peers. Despite the miraculous power of praise, we must note that there is a limit to praising. Whenever students take it for granted and teachers abuse the use of laudatory words, the value of praising will be undermined. Students will give a positive response and treasure appreciation only if teachers know when it is suitable to praise. There are some teachers who believe that they should say something positive whatsoever students perform. This philosophy has underestimated the impact that praising improperly, particularly when students have done something wrong, may indirectly encourage students to keep doing wrong. In fact, correction has to be made by telling them not to do that anymore and helping them improve themselves by means of praising. That is the point. Teachers, regardless of your nationality or culture, just try to find out something of your students that deserves your appreciation and be generous to praise for their good jobs. May everyone at school learn the art of praising today and fill the school with Honey of Words! NMR

40 Student Association Essay Competition Senior Prose O åç =oìååéê=ré eç=v~å=eç=gçüå R_ mêçéçë~ä=ñçê=ëåüççä=åäìäë In order to enhance schoolmates interest in art and in order to run a boffo Art Week, I d like to recommend three new extra-curricular clubs to be organized as part of the school s Art Week. Brief description of each of them and their respective advantages are outlined as followings: ^K=mçé=jìëáÅ=`äìÄ Pop music is a kind of newly developed art in the late 1960s. All modern music can be regarded as a part of it. They include popular songs performed by singers who are admired days and nights by the majority of the youth. It will sound so interesting to have such a club in our school. Activities such as teaching basic knowledge of pop music including its composition and format are welcomed by our schoolmates. Students can also have the chance to compose their own songs base on what they have learnt. They can also have the chance to perform their songs in front of other schoolmates during morning assemblies. A step further, we may proactively contact some entertainment companies to seek chance of paying visit to their places as to understand how pop music is produced in Hong Kong. Students may also chat with their favorite singers or composers in order to learn from them and thus broaden their horizon. Music teachers can give assistance to the group members, teaching them theories in pop music. That is not only for fun but also enriches their knowledge in music. Performing their songs in front of audiences can build up their confidence also it can bring about satisfaction. Through the activities they can enhance their sense of this kind of modern art. _K=qÜÉ~íÉê=`äìÄ Despite there are many theaters built in different parts in Hong Kong, students may never watched a drama, opera or music concert there. Therefore, NMS

41 one of the activities can be held by drama club is an outing to those theaters that can allow members to feel how the atmosphere is and what programmes are available there. We may also think of any possible joint-school activities such as joint-school variety show, musical intercommunion, drama script exchange... etc. Group members can also form small groups to join any legitimate drama competition if they are interested. Or they may perform a show in some public functions. Apart from that, audio facilities are particularly important to theaters performing artistic programmes. We may invite some theater managers to school and share their professional points on views on how a theatre should be built and what facilities should be included. Also, they can make a brief introduction to any audio devices that they think are worthwhile to give a rough idea to our schoolmates, about their functions and purposes. In the course of cooperation in carrying out a show, students on either school can familiarize with fellow teammates. They can learn essential social skills like effective communication, time management and interpersonal skills. It is also a very precious experience for our schoolmates to learn how to organize and hold a show successfully. They can also make use of their innovation to think of any breakthrough in the performance. Besides, their knowledge as well as the skill in setting up a stage and audio devices can contribute to any future functions organized at school or other venues. `K=cáäã=`äìÄ Film production is probably one of the most famous and important industries in Hong Kong. Many prominent international film stars also started their career in Hong Kong. The Film Club can organize quite a lot of activities to deepen group members understanding and interest in film and its production indeed. As computer technology is developing rapidly, there are various kinds of software available in the market for making movies. It can enable group members to draw animations in the computer and link them up to create a short video clip by means of their creativity. Getting outside of the campus, we can also pay a visit to any commercial production companies just like what the other two clubs do. The easiest as well as the NMT

42 most convenient way is to take a tour to a TV station where daily programmes or live shows are recorded there. Also, it won t take much time in traveling and booking as there are daily productions in the station. Practice makes perfect; also, taking more references can enhance their critical thinking in the subject. I d suggest letting group members to watch more films or various topics and of different directors. Out of the aspect of pure entertainment, group members can experience different styles and filming methods such as background music and camera position. They can understand what are others opinions towards different types of films through group discussions and sharing of opinions between members. This can probably increase the intercommunication between schoolmates and can widen their views towards an event or an object. Through activities, the way of independent and critical thinking can be developed. They also have to learn how to accept others opinions as well as the approaches to express themselves. Although I don t really agree to put too much emphasizes on acting, I d rather suggest having a game instead of taking the matter too seriously. Group members can form a few small groups and stimulate actual shooting of films. Some of the group members may capture the whole process and replay it after the game. They can discuss any possible improvement and also evaluate their performance. It really sounds so interesting and attractive! This has no any doubt that the Art Week provides a very precious chance for our schoolmates to have a deeper understanding of what ART is. By joining clubs mentioned above, schoolmates not only gain the knowledge out of text books, they can also get lots of fun and the activities can enable them to make friends with other forms and from different schools. It is hoped that they can bring the educational benefits of the school activities to the fullest extent. NMU

43 Student Association Essay Competition Senior Prose O åç =oìååéê=ré eç=v~å=eç=gçüå=r_ qéäéåçããìíáåöi=^çî~åí~öéë=~åç aáë~çî~åí~öéë Telecommuting, introduced in the late 20th century as a brand new concept of production, has impacted upon the world s companies with innovation and inspired them to take advantage of the modern scientific breakthrough to enhance their labor productivity. As you can imagine, telecommuting can be broadly defined as any method for working productively outside a traditional office. It varies from an executive who stays at home checking important commercial documents with his notebook, to a clerk who works on her desktop in the bedroom with a typing machine. It seemed to be incredible until some large firms attempted the brave trials to employ remote-employees. At the begining, many economists doubted its effectiveness in boosting a company s efficiency. However, it turned out with desirable results and from then on, telecommuting has become a new trend of working model and the population of (Small Office Home Office) SOHO has surged to a 7-digit number. According to the data from Cutter Consortium LLC in 2000, the number of telecommuters was estimated to be between 9 million and 24 million. The number is expected to have a steady increase of about 20% each year and will exceed 55 million by the end of this decade. In this article, we are going to look into this commercial revolution and discuss its advantages and disadvantages correspondingly. One of the most pleasant surprises about telecommuting is that it is a win-win-win situation for individual telecommuters, employers and the society as a whole. To employees (telecommuters), they can instantly eliminate the time, trouble and expense spent in traveling to their work place. Doing so may give an average person more hours for thinking, writing, NMV

44 telephoning, planning, and reporting work that keeps business running on the track. The benefit also improved employees mental and physical health as well. By working at home, they will have more time for the family, suffer from less stress and be able to make flexible use of time to relax themselves, take a rest and concentrate on their work. They will also feel in control of their lives in comparison with those physically travel to offices six days a week. For married employees who may also have children at home, can spare more time on their family members, particularly their sons or daughters, telling them stories, cooking meals, teaching and chatting with them. As a result, family relations will be improved and in turn they will have a higher incentive to work better and faster. Employer s top concern will be the cost of production as well as the profit brings by their companies. Recent polls conducted by American research companies came to the conclusion that production cost of companies that embarked upon the philosophy of telecommuting had dropped about 15 to 20%. The decrease was attributed to the cutting of those companies real estate costs as well as the extension of the pool of potential employees by implementing the principle of telecommuting. By doing so, those with commuting difficulties, physically disabled, child caring conflict or geographical barriers are possible to become part of the company. Companies can benefit form recruiting talents from all over the world and acquiring global commercial information more easily. Via telecommuting, there also shows a decline in absenteeism as there is less chance of catching infectious disease such as flu, cold from fellow workers. There seems to have every reason to implement telecommuting in modern commercial world. However, telecommuting may also bring about problems, either to employers and employees. Employers may find themselves lose direct control over employees They may encounter technical difficulties in monitoring work done by their employees. Managers acknowledge that it is much easier to monitor employees performance at offices than working at home. They are worried that employees may lose motivation and do not work as hard as they are in office under peer pressure. NNM

45 Telecommuters efficiency may drop gradually if they work alone at home for a long period of time. No matter how seriously an employee takes his/her work, leaving office for home should bring an ultimate relief of pressure and family warmth. Telecommuters may encounter confusion between work and relaxation as both activities take place in the same environment. As a result, they may cultivate an unhealthy working habit and finally become workaholic. Long working hours may also corrode their health and perseverance as they lack adequate exercise. They may get bored, feeling isolated and their social life narrowing as a consequence of lacking direct interaction with colleagues and friends. They may become frustrated and depressed and their overall working incentive and performance will drop eventually. No matter how controversial telecommuting is, it is certainly a possible way to commercial firms which aim at cutting production cost or simply intend to try out new ways of production. In my opinion, I buy this innovate concept and I believe it will trigger another revolution in defining commercial production and inter-personal co-operation. On top of this, it can also enhance labor productivity by saving cost and time on traveling from home to the office. Virtual companies comprising world - wide employees can also be possible under the principle of telecommuting. In spite of this, I do prefer working in office to working at home as either an employer or an employee. Like many telecommuters, I cannot stand the feeling of loneliness and isolation from the society. Digitalized faces and voices will definitely not be welcomed by anyone. As creativity is evolved between interaction with people and things around you, working alone at home will just make lives dull and meaningless. Nobody would wish to lose their skill in communicating with others and the opportunity to enjoy the environment and creatures in the world. Try to think, will there be any differences between a caged bird and a telecommuter who locks himself at home and works in front of the fluorescent screen all day long? Do you wish to be part of telecommuters if you are given a choice? My answer is NO! NNN

46 Student Association Essay Competition Senior Fiction `Ü~ãéáçå qëçá=i~é=háì=r_ jéí~ãçêéüçëáë This story happened two decades ago, when I was a student of 20. Some readers may consider the story too mythical, but this is a real event and it is the most important thing in my 40-year-old life, making me become a professor of environmental conservation. One day when I woke up in my bedroom, I found that I had become a crocodile. What! Crocodile! My God! I shouted. Fortunately, no one could hear my yell since Mum and Dad had gone out. Located in the rural areas, my house was remote from the crowd, near a natural habitat. I slowly crawled with my heavy footsteps towards a mirror. I could hardly believe that my body had become the body of a bulky reptile with hard rigid shelled skin. The skin was just the same as the material of my Mum s handbag. I hated my body because of the cold-blooded circulation and heavy weight. Feeling thirsty, I decided to go to the river in the habitat. As far as I knew, the river should be clean and beautiful and so it had been a utopia for various species of plants and animals, varying from algae to mammals, of course, including crocodiles. To my surprise and disappointment, the natural habitat and river were now ruined as though it were a dead planet. The river was dirty and dark, with colorful precipitates. I could scarcely find any plants or marine lives in the river. An unpleasant smell came into my nose. Why? It can t be! What s wrong here? I cried in a low voice. It seemed that my voice had attracted my species. A dark shape swam tremendously fast in the water, approaching me in a split second. He, belonging to the biggest species of crocodiles, was named Estuarine. Hello, my friend, he said. You are a new-comer, right? NNO

47 I could hear clearly what he said and I replied, Yes, nice to meet you. Come and follow me, he said. It s for your safety. On the way swimming up the stream, he said, I haven t seen any crocodiles for quite a long period of time. I am really glad that you are here. I have been alone for days and nights. Out of my curiosity, I asked, Why? Humans! he shouted. They have destroyed my homeland, killed and captured my relatives and taken away all the food here! I really wanna eat all humans in the world. I was frightened but soon calmed down. I asked him to tell me in detail. Decades ago, he sighed, my family and I started living. And there was no environmental pollution at all. Some years later, we found that the rain water was becoming more and more acidic. The acid made us irritated and uncomfortable. The acid also killed the fish. So it increased the difficulty in finding food. Furthermore, the humans started to discharge their wastes into the river. From then on, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the river decreased and some of my relatives died due to suffocation and hunger. Simultaneously, we found that the population of algae increased sharply. The hateful plants could release toxins, causing the death of a large number of marine lives, even crocodiles! Things were not so simple, he said. One day, some hunters equipped with fireguns and anesthetics came towards us, five men in total, hiding treacherously in the grass, and shot my family when we were not aware. Most of us were seriously hurt and could not move freely. My parents were too old and soon died of excessive bleeding. The hunters came up and used the knife to tear their skin. Then they removed the internal organs and carried NNP

48 the bodies onto a lorry. Other hunters ran towards my brothers and wife to inject some drugs into their bodies so that they would not be able to struggle against them. The hunters used some thick nylon ropes to tie them up and placed them into a small cage on the lorry... I am sorry to hear that, my friend. I sighed and shook my long tail. I was severely injured also but luckily I could get away from the bloody hands of humans. I had thought of saving the captured crocodiles as well as getting back my parents bodies, but the pain stopped me from doing so. The crocodile cried. These were not the pretentious sorrowful crocodile tears but were shed because all animals did not want to be killed. Here they come! Suddenly three men came. Buddies, let s go and get it, one of them shouted. It s the dark-hearted bloody humans again, the crocodile shouted. It is time I met my parents in front of Hades. Leave me now, my friend! I can t do so! I said and refused to leave. Go away now! he yelled, You must survive! You still need to help me spread the story I have told you. Listening to what he said, I could just leave silently. I could faintly hear the sound of shotguns when I had swum for a while.... Suddenly, hardly could I breathe so I lost my consciousness and could not move anymore. I wondered if I had got some chemicals into my body. Miraculously, when I woke up again, I found myself lying on a bed in a ward. In front of my eyes were my Mum and Dad. NNQ

49 Why am I here? I whispered. I should be floating on the water. You have woken up, dear son! cried my mother. Very soon, I realized my metamorphosis was over, since I found that my mother could recognize me. Now, just take a good dinner, Chris, she said Mum, can you promise me one thing? As long as you are healthy, I will. Can you throw away your crocodile-skinned handbag and promise me not to buy the same kind of products anymore? Sure, you are always my good kid. She nodded and smiled. I could hardly forget the promise I had made with the crocodile though I knew he had died already. Ten years after my metamorphosis, I became an international environmental conservation specialist, aiming at protecting the natural habitat and the endangering species. I have kept my promise to spread the story I have heard and.... I hope no such horrible story will be heard again. NNR

50 Student Association Essay Competition Senior Fiction N =ëí= oìååéê=ré eç=v~å=eç=gçüå=r_ `çëãáå=dìéëí m... Bobby, my lovely puppy, was licking my ear, telling me a new day had arrived. Moistened wind from the sea blew through the slits of the windows and brushed my dry face. Golden light rays reflecting from the mirror on the door of the wardrobe lighted up my messy room. There was a message for me: It is going to be a nice day. It was my practice to do exercise on the balcony. The scene was enchanting! Victoria Harbour seemed to be just a meter away! It was refreshing to take a deep breath and that would delight my heart and made me energetic. Looking up to the cloudless sky with a cup of hot coffee in my hand, I could see nothing but eagles, planes...and... a reddish brown fastmoving object at the very end of the coast. It was so far that I could hardly tell what it was. Soon after its appearance, it faded at the end of the coastline. A shuttle plane? Impossible. A falling star? Time is now 7:30am. I should not be that lucky to see a giant falling star in the morning... Thoughts cropped up in my mind. At the moment when I was overwhelmed by my imaginative world, Bobby barked in the dining room. I shouted it back and walked slowly back to my room... Mm... Naughty Booby, you ve switched the TV on yourself? I pointed at Bobby and said jokingly. He dashed towards the screen and jumped repeatedly with the expression that he wanted to show me something special. I put the cup of coffee near my lips and looked at the screen. There was, as usual, a music programme on TVB. Suddenly, the screen sparked and a blurred human figure appeared at the right hand side of the screen. I could not recall his name but I was sure he was a news-reporter. Behind him was a map of South China coast with an arrow pointing at a dot named Hong Kong. It was abnormal to see a professional reporter trembling. However, he was! He started speaking. He bent his arm and straightened his sweating NNS

51 wrist. A giant piece of rock from space has crashed into the sea. Now a 300-meter high wave is coming toward Hong Kong!! His trembling voice struck my heart. I dropped my coffee and Bobby fled to the kitchen. Oh my God! Oh my God! Nonono... that shouldn t be true. Nooo... I did not know how I should respond when I heard that breaking news. I just could not believe what he had just said. 300-meter... that means it is as high as a skyscraper!? That means it can demolish the whole city into a flat land!? I dare not keep thinking about it. I dashed toward the balcony... I could no longer see a calm blue sea but a circular wall approaching. It looked like a demon opening its mouth and was going to swallow everything obstructing its advance. Ships, tankers, even wrecked planes and cars were being carried with the giant tsunami. I could also see some sparks in the sky. Maybe the strong air current smashed the plane engines. Poor passengers had become the first victims. At that very moment, my heart sank and a tremendous worry surged up within me. I knew a catastrophe was about to happen. All the creatures would go under water in an hour. Civilization and wealth would come to nothing on a split second. I am supposed to have a relaxing day but what the hell-i am going to struggle for existence! I gave a kick to the TV and smashed a vase. Desperately, I found I could do nothing but seemed to be waiting to die. I knelt and prayed. Bang! Bang! Bang! Somebody gave hard strikes on the door. Chris! Open the door! NOW! that was my dad. He was not supposed to be in Hong Kong but in the USA. He grasped my arm and dragged me up the roof. He did not say a word... A helicopter, yes! A helicopter with its engines on and was about to take off. We ran straight to it and boarded the copter. Mom was on the copter too! She hugged me and wiped my tear. David! Lift! my dad ordered the pilot and the copter went straight to the dreadful sky. The wave was approaching in an astonishing speed. Everyone could predict its destruction. What a horrible scene: panic-stricken citizens rushed to the streets in no direction. I could see black dots moving like stream on every main road. No more traffic, as vehicles had been surrounded by crowds. Helpless people, I could do nothing to save them from peril. I blinded the NNT

52 window as I didn t want to see anymore. As soon as I put my palms over my face, I heard loud noises enveloping the copter on both sides. Two Chinese air-fighters flew towards the tall wave! A voice came from the loud speakers of the radio. FF16, ready to release Hydrogen Boom, waiting for permission from headquarter, over. Permission granted. Hardly had I opened my eyes, when two Hydrogen Booms exploded. Everyone on the copter didn t know how to respond at that moment. We were definitely shocked by what had just happened. The missiles disintegrated in front of the tall wave and exploded. Strong air current created a blaster resisting the progression of the lower part of the wave. The wave collapsed. The upper part fell down and collided with the lower part. Spectacular was the picture that a giant fountain was formed in the middle of South China sea. Black dots stopped moving, staying calm for seconds and then ran towards the Peak! Though the giant wave had been disintegrated, many small waves were approaching the Victoria Harbour in an even higher speed. Broken ships and planes were washed onto land by those torrential waves. Water flooded the whole Central. The whole island seemed to be sinking under water. A wrecked tanker crashed into a commercial building. With a continuous influx of sea water, buildings started to collapse. From east to west, buildings lying along the coast were greatly dashed. Windows were smashed and debris drifted onto the water. At the point of impact, seawater surged up the sky and gave rise to rainbows. Waves became weaker and weaker and finally the sea stayed calm again. Tall buildings had acted as barriers and stopped the fierce waves from devastating the city. My mobile rang. Home calling? I wondered. Oh! It s Bobby! He called me and barked on the phone! We flew back home and Bobby was waiting on the roof. He jumped onto me and his warmth reminded me that we were lucky enough to have escaped from such a catastrophe. NNU

53 Student Association Essay Competition Creative writing Senior Friction O åç =oìååéê=ré eç=v~å=eç=gçüå=r fljbp`^mb While I was playing tennis yesterday, my ball bounced out of the count. I chased it down a hill and into a park where it went into a dark cave that I had never seen before. I went inside the cave... It was a dark tunnel; the ground was wet and slippery. I found myself lost inside the tunnel after 5 minutes walk. I had no alternative but go deeper and deeper underground. I could hardy remember how far I had gone. Ouch! I lost my balance as I stepped on a pitch of oil on the ground. My body began to slide forward and finally stopped after hitting something heavy. It was a door, a bronze door! Having used lots of energy, I opened it eventually. To my greatest astonishment, what I could see was an abandoned underground railway station! One thing that was even more surprising was a connected light bulb hanging on the ceiling. Curiosity urged me to explore more. As I walked around, I found an old train cab parked near a dusty station. I boarded the train. I noticed a sentence on the front glass of the control panel, Read this aloud: Believe me, I can fly. It was a bit strange for me to read the word fly in the train, but anyway, I just did what it stated. Ei... The old train cab started to move! Fantastic! I wondered if I had just learnt magic. The train didn t travel a long distance and it stopped beside another station. Doors opened automatically and I left the train. The station was almost the same as the previous one except that there was a newly fixed door on the sidewall. It was not locked and I could open it easily. Bright light radiated into my eyes and made me feel so pain. I heard someone speaking below me at the moment when I was rubbing my eyes, G3FD 50cc, ED67 10cc, check one... it was incredible that there was a laboratory below me. I could see a group of scientists surrounding a man NNV

54 and injecting some chemicals into his body. Ar!! the man screamed bitterly, the bright light above my head and the scream made me feel sick. I could feel there was something wrong going on inside my head. I lost my balance and fell on the floor. I had been brought to a room when I regained consciousness. I could sense danger was getting close and closer. I tried to turn my head, but I failed to do so because my body was strapped tightly by ropes on a chair. I shouted for help but no one answered. A few minutes later, a man with his gun come to the room. He pointed it at my head and said, See, you can t leave here. If you are smart enough, co-operate with us. Then at least we can let you die with a value. I gave him a stern look and didn t say a word. He got closer to my face and warned me again, Don t try to play tricks. I am not that patient as what you imagine. I tried to search for something sharp as a weapon with my hands. Luckily, I found a fountain pen at the back of the chair. I gave that disgusting guy a hard kick on his stomach and grasped his neck with my arm. He dropped his gun and I stabbed the pen hard into his neck. Not long, he died of suffocation. I picked out a small knife in his pocket and cut all ropes to free myself. I changed to his uniform and fled. Without any destination, I ran in no direction until I reached a conference room. Five people were having a meeting. Mr. A, I am sure the new virus will be ready before next Friday. At that time, all the people in this planet will panic to buy our medicine. Haaa!! a middle - aged blonde man announced. Virus? Medicine?? Lots and lots of questions surfaced in my mind. Although I didn t really know what they were going to do, I could sense it was not something good. Hey! Don t run. You can never leave here! someone shouted and ran towards me. I turned my head and tried to shoot at him, but I failed. From corridor to corridor, from room to room, the chaser was getting farer from me, but I dare not slow down. I was trying to find a way out. When I was turning my head round and round, I could see a spaceship-like vehicle parked just at the end of the corridor. NOM

55 I jumped into it and started its engine. There were a screen and a microphone in front of me. At the bottom of the screen, there was a sentence I am singing in the sky. I read it aloud near the microphone as what I had done in the train. The spaceship began to accelerate along the long tunnel. I could see light beyond 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... the screen began counting down. Also, the sentence was blinking. Traveling at the speed of light, the spaceship took off. 3, 2, 1 displaying on the screen. Boom... the whole craft shook. When I looked back, the base was on fire, there was a serious explosion inside the base! Destruction Programme launching successfully. Base has been completely destroyed. I was amazed by the message displayed on the screen. At the bottom of the screen, a new sentence was blinking: Believe me, I can fly, I am singing in the sky NON

56 !"#"$#%&'()*+,!!"#!"#$ Q^! 9:!"#!"#$%&'()*&+, qéêêó!"#$%&'!"#$%&'()*+,-./"0!123%4!"#$%&'(()*+$,-.qéêêó!"#$%&!"#$%&'()(*+,-./ :!"#$%&'()*%+,-./012*3456"#789!"#$%&'(!"#" $%&!"#$%&!"#$%&'()*$+,-#./ !"6!"#$%&'()*+,-.%/ :;!"#$%&'()*+,-./01234!"#$!"#$%!"#$%&'()*+,-./' %!"#$%&'()*+,-!!"#$%&'()!!"#$%&'()*+,-./&012\!"!"#!"#$%&'()*+,-./012345!"#$%&'()*+,$-./01234'56 789:!"#$%&'()*+,-./012334)5'!-6!"#$%&'()*+,-.!"#$%&'()*+,-(%./01234#$556!"#$%&'()*+,#-./0%"1234",5%67!"#$% NOO

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58 !"#$"%&'()*+,!!"#$!"# Q_!"#!"!"#$%&'bjP!!"#$%&'()*+,-./012' !"#$%&'!"#$%&'()*+,&%-./ ()7!"#$%&'()*+,-./01-234'(+5678!"!"#$%&'()*+,$-&./012$3456! "#$%&'()*+,-!"#$%&'()*+,-./01234#56.!"#$%&''!()*%&+,-./0%&12!345$!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123*4567$89:!"#$%&'()*+,-."/01234&56, qéêêóbjn!"#$%&'()*+!"!"#!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'($%)*+&,$-.%&'/01234!"#$%&'()*+,-.!/012! :!"#$%!&'()*+,-./ :'(!"#$%&"'()*#+,-./01$%-"234567!"#$%&'()*+,-.&/')* !"#$"%&! "#$%&'()*+,!"#$%&'()!!"#$!"#$%&'()*+,-!!"#$!"#$!"#$%& NOQ

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60 !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 01#&23&-4,'56!"#$%&'()*+,-./0' '!"#$%&'()*+,-./0%&12345!!"#$%&'()*+,- NOS

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62 Hong Kong Youth Translation Competition 2004 Best Answer in Student Section (English Chinese) Translate the following passage, including the title, into Modern Standard Chinese. Candidates should pay attention to both accuracy and fluency. S` qüé=ééêéäéñáíó=çñ=vçìíü Man s youth is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever. It is the thing he cannot bear to lose, it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret, it is the thing whose loss he must lament forever, it is the thing whose loss he really welcomes with a sad and secret joy, the thing would never willingly relive again, could it be restored to him by any magic. Why is this? The reason is that the strange and bitter miracle of life is nowhere else so evident as in our youth.!"#$%!"#$ %&'()* +,-./0123-./45+!"#$%&'()*+,"#-./) !"#$%&'()*+,-./0' :!"##$%&'()*+,-./'0123(45678!"#$%&'() *+,-./ :;<!"#$%&'()*+,-./!"#$!"#$%&'()*+!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123!"#$%&#'(&#)*+,-./01 NOU

63 !" Ra!"#$%&'!()**+, -!./ !"#$$%&'!"#$%&'()*+,-./0!"#$%&'!"#$%!"&'&()*+,$-./0'1!"#$%&'()*+,%!"#!$%&'()*!"#!"#!"#$!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!+,-.!"# $%&'!"#$%&'()*)+,,-.!"!"#$%&'( =!"#$!"#$%=!"#$%&!'()*+=!"#!"#$% GGGGGGGGGG!"#$%&'()*+,#-./0123'145627!"#$%&'()*+,-.!"#$%&'()*+%,-./ ()6!""#$!%&#'()*+,-)./0$1234!"#$%&'()*+,-./&012345(6789!"#$%&'(!" NOV

64 !"#$=!"#$%&'()*+!"#$% &'()*+,--./0$12345%6!"#$%&'()*+,!"#$%&'()*+,-./01!"#$%&'()*+,-./ :;!"#$!"#$%&'()*+,-./% !"#$%&'()*+,-.#/ :!"#$%&'()*+,--./012$345678!"#$%&'()*+,-#./012!"# GGGGGGGGGG!"#$%&'#()*'+,-./% !"#$%&'()!"#$%!"#$%!"#$%&!!!"#$%&'()*+,-./0) :! "#$%&!%'()*+,-./ !"#$%&'()*+,-./ !"# $%&'(#!)*"+,-./01!2!"#$%&'()*+,-./012%*345!"#$%&'()*!$+,-./0123$45+!"#$ NPM

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