The Development of Heroism. A person in ancient Greece might say a hero is a man of great strength who stands between

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1 Period: 2 British Literature 4/10/2012 The Development of Heroism A person in ancient Greece might say a hero is a man of great strength who stands between humans and Gods. A person living in modern times might say that a hero is their grandma who fought cancer. So what steps were taken in order to change the common meaning of heroism? One might say that great literature has been able to make these steps. As one ponders the idea of heroism one can see that evolution of heroism from British literature such as Beowulf and Hamlet to modern literature such as The Great Gatsby and To Kill a Mockingbird. The start of British Literature, such as Beowulf, much relates to the ancient Greek mythology of a hero. Beowulf from the beginning is shown as an abnormal child from birth, and is immediately noticed for his strength. It is known from the first time he is introduced why he is considered a hero. Although Beowulf has things to overcome, Beowulf never had to earn his strength. Beowulf s character is masked by his strength throughout the first part of the poem. This would indicate that in the Old English period, the emotional characteristics of a hero were somewhat undefined or less important than the physical characteristics. It isn t until about line 967 one finds that Beowulf contains qualities such as, modesty. But I couldn t stop him from slipping my hold. The Lord allowed it, my lock on him wasn t strong

2 enough, and he struggled fiercely and broke and ran. Yet he bought his freedom at a high price, for he left his hand and arm and shoulder to show he had been here, a cold comfort for having come among us. ( , Heaney). It is also noticed that within this poem, Beowulf comes from a respectable family. This would show that only certain types of people can be considered heroes. The Poem of Beowulf focuses on the royals rather than the commoners, setting the readers preconceived ideas of who can be a hero. Beowulf is a great example of an early idea of a hero because its poem is black and white, it is clear about what is good and what is evil. Whenever talking about Grendel the monster of the story, adjectives are used to display darkness and woe. Then when darkness had dropped, Grendel went up to Herot. (30 31) Whenever Beowulf describes Beowulf, adjectives are used to show goodness and peace. Standing in the round curled prow they could see sparkling hills, high and green jutting up over the shore, and rejoicing. ( ) Beowulf suggests that only when someone is purely good can they be considered a hero. Rather than someone who is imperfect but tries their best. In this story Beowulf is also the only man that can stop Grendel from destroying the town, which is not at all realistic. When he heard about Grendel, Hygelac s thane was on home ground, over in Geatland. There was no one else like him alive. In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth, high born and powerful. He ordered a boat that would ply the waves. He announced his plan. ( , Heaney) Beowulf is set up to be the only hero in the story because the author has told one who to see as a hero. This reveals that old heroism required supernatural powers as well as, a unanimous agreement upon who was a hero. In Beowulf it is made clear that Grendel is only a monster, and tells the readers nothing but the bad qualities Grendel has. The monster relished his savage wa On the Danes, keeping the bloody feud alive, seeking no peace, offering no truce, accepting no settlement, no price in gold or land, and paying the living for one crime only with another. No one waited for reparation from his plundering

3 claws: that shadow of death hunted in the darkness, Stalked Hrothgar s warriors ( , Heaney). This sets up as a classic idea of a hero because Beowulf is not fighting someone who has any pros; he is only fighting someone with many cons. Beowulf overall shows that heroism was not possible for many, if at all. A hero was a one in a million kind of person in this story, and reveals the early definition of a hero. Hamlet is where it becomes even clearer that heroism has changed. Within the first few lines of Hamlet, one gains the idea that this tells a much more complicated story than Beowulf. Hamlet is a good early example of how heroism isn t easy for people to be. Hamlet throughout the playwright struggles with taking action. Hamlet is set up to be the hero because he is the prince and has the chance to save his mother from a bad man, as well as seek revenge on him for his father s death. However, Hamlet still struggles with fixing the problem. With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good; But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue. (Act 1, Scene 2, 6, Shakespeare) This would never be something Beowulf would do, which is perhaps why it is such an important piece of literature in the movement of heroism. Shakespeare is also one of the first to point out that there are different kinds of heroes. This marks a great change in heroism, because it allows for different opinions. He does this when he introduces Laertes and Horatio into the play. Laertes isn t afraid to take action and follow his instincts. One may see this most when Laertes seeks revenge on Hamlet for taking away his family. Horatio is a man who follows his thoughts and thinks of the most sensible course of action. Both can be considered heroes for the way they live their life. However, Shakespeare was also able to point out that choosing one way to live one s life isn t easy. He was able to show this through the main character of Hamlet. Since Hamlet cannot decide which way he wants to approach things, he is stuck doing nothing. Hamlet also brought up new ideas; such as if being a hero

4 was worth it or whether giving up was worth more. To be, or not to be, that is the question whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. To die to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end. (Act 3, scene 1, 55 87, Shakespeare) In this situation Hamlet is questioning the meaning of living; Beowulf never would have mentioned this. Hamlet becomes more modern by showing the troubles of a hero. Shakespeare could also be trying to say that heroism has to be passionately wanted because your actions with take the true course of ones feelings. The story of Hamlet also shows showed that not just the bad people are susceptible to dying. Perhaps the greatest example is when Ophelia who goes mad and becomes the ultimate victim. Ophelia starts out in the play as a strong girl who is in love with Hamlet. However, after he father is killed and Hamlet no longer wants to be with her, she dies, possibly killing herself. This aspect makes the story so different from earlier tales of heroism, because it shows a person can die tragically without doing anything wrong. In earlier tales this who never have happened, one would only be punished for doing something wrong. Hamlet instead becomes more realistic by showing people get hurt, and there is no one there to save them. Hamlet s story as a whole can represent how hard it can be to maintain one s heroism, as well as know what it takes to be a great hero. In The Great Gatsby, one is able to see even though Hamlet was hundreds of years before; the ideas within the play were taking shape as well as growing. Jay Gatsby from the beginning of the book is introduced as the hero, as well as the main character. This displays that the idea of Heroism has not grown because the heroes are introduced that way, rather than just a normal man. However, this is a small aspect that can be over looked when seeing all the other great changes in this piece of literature through heroism. In Hamlet, readers are able to know a great detail about Hamlet and his struggles in

5 life. Conversely, the same is not for Jay Gatsby who is introduced as a mystery. "Somebody told me that he killed a man once." "It's more that he was a German spy during the war." "You look at him sometimes when he thinks nobody's looking at him. I bet he killed a man." (43, Fitzgerald) This can create a wonderment of who Gatsby is and if he can really be considered a hero. This created a new way to introduce heroes, to show that society can be wrong about the ideas of people. This idea was never incorporated in Beowulf especially. The great Gatsby still focuses on the rich but also focuses on the poor seeming to grow the idea of heroism. Wilson (Myrtles husband) at the beginning of the book shows the potential of a hero by displaying a morally right man. However, the potential is lost in his own insecurities as well as quick accusation with Myrtle s death. This could reveal that Heroism has not grown after all by showing lower class people cannot measure up to heroes. This is shown to be untrue when one finds that Jay Gatsby too falls short of being a hero. Jay Gatsby earns a dishonest way to riches, and idealizes Daisy into something unrealistic. This shows that the ideas from Hamlet have grown in the The Great Gatsby because it recognizes that no one can be a hero all the time. This grows the idea of more realistic characters, while maintaining qualities of heroism. The Great Gatsby also addresses problems such as racism and the unfair treatment of women, showing again that not everything is simple to solve. Daisy, for example wishes that her daughter will become a fool. I hope she ll be a fool that s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. (17, Fitzgerald) Daisy says this to remind the readers that reality is not simple and not always the best world to live in. It also shows that there is no direct villain that can be slain, such as in Beowulf. The heroic qualities are not lost in this novel even though it becomes more realistic. One can see this through when Jay Gatsby takes full responsibility for the car accident which killed Myrtle, even though he wasn t driving. Jay Gatsby also does not drink and chooses not to drink because he was able to learn from other people s

6 mistakes, such as Dan Cody. These actions show that Gatsby is selfless, and wise, two characteristics that could be deemed important in heroism. The Great Gatsby shows growth in not only becoming more realistic but also revealing characteristics a hero should obtain. To Kill a Mocking Bird is the most modern day view of heroism and can be seen through the importance of morals the book focuses on. In To Kill a Mocking bird, Atticus is set up to not look like a hero. Atticus is old, often reads and wears glasses. Atticus in this novel is set up to show the morals a hero should have rather than the physique a hero should have. The best example of this is how Atticus treats his children when they begin to answer their problems through violence. First of all,' he said, 'If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. (30, Harper) When Jem cuts Miss Dubose s flowers out of rage, Atticus makes Jem read to the woman every day for a month. Atticus s goal was for Jem to see all of Miss Dubose and realize that she has had her own personal struggles. In the novel Atticus shows that he loves Miss Dubose despite her flaws because of the courage she displays with her addiction problems. Atticus is able to lead a life of showing rather than telling his qualities and wants to pass them on to his children. This idea is something none of the other great books of literature mentioned. This becomes a very modern idea because it becomes focused on being hero in everyday life, such as reading to Mrs. Dubose. Though, a glimpse of old fashion heroism is seen when Atticus shoots a mad dog with amazing accuracy from a long distance. However, the idea of morals immediately comes into play, when it is explained Atticus never told his children of this talent. This implies that bravery, to Atticus has nothing to do with weapons or killing. I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you

7 begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. (116, Harper) Stories such as Hamlet, lack this idea because the story revolves around revenge and the courage to do it. Stories such as To Kill a Mocking Bird, is the complete opposite, revenge would be the easy thing to do but is not courageous. To Kill a Mocking Bird also develops new ideas from The Great Gatsby by reinforces there is not one villain but rather the entire society. The society lashes out on Atticus when he offers to defend a black man, and even takes it out on Atticus s children. The Great Gatsby touches on the idea of society s cruelty but does not flesh it out in the story. Nevertheless, one also sees the good things about the society, which continues the idea of The Great Gatsby that not everyone is a hero at all times. In this novel Atticus continues to represent good morals that become characteristics of a hero. Atticus chooses his own path by becoming a lawyer rather than taking over the family farm. Atticus then shows generosity by letting poor families such as the Cunningham s pay in goods rather than in money. Atticus leads the life of a hero that cannot be seen at first glance. This shows that heroism has grown into persona and not outwards strength. Another aspect that makes To Kill a Mocking Bird represents modern heroism ideas is that it has two main heroes in the novel. The other hero, Boo Radley is widely different from the heroism Atticus represents. This shows the growth in the idea that there are different kinds of heroes. In Hamlet, there are only two kinds of heroes; in To Kill a Mocking Bird every hero is different according to their circumstances. Boo represents a misinterpreted man. Boo heroism relates to Jay Gatsby s heroism with rumors spreading around that are untrue. However, in Boo s case, Boo has not lied to the public about his life. He instead is a character that is innocent but was punished because of the flaws of society. Although Boo is considered crazy by most of the town in Maycomb, Boo proves that he is different to both Scout and Jem. Over the course of the book Boo gives presents to both Jem and Scout, but

8 leaves it up to them to respond to his friendship. Boo lets the children come to him by leaving the presents in his tree, and letting them at their own will receive the present. "Tin foil was sticking out of a knot hole just above my eye level, winking at me in the afternoon sun. I stood on my tiptoe, hastily looked around once more, reached into the hole, and withdrew two pieces of chewing gum minus their outer wrappers." (33, Harper) This brings the idea of not only lovingness but patience and understanding of people. He wants Scout and Jem to find his presents and choose whether or not to accept them. The difference that Boo really makes in heroism is the reliance of traits. The only things the readers know about Boo are the rumors and the kindness he has shown Jem and Scout during the first part of the book. The reader is given no factual idea physical characteristics of Boo, but only has the rumors of society to rely on. This helps readers to define Boo as a hero by personas they see. Boo also shows the suffering people can act more like heroes then the elite. Scout and Jem for example, make a snowman that resembles Mr. Avery because they do not like him. Boo carves Scout and Jem out of soap because he considers them as friends. Boo also gives this soap figure as a gift, while Jem and Scout s snowman is for mockery. Boo has the knowledge that Jem and Scout do not possess because he knows what it is like to be treated badly. Therefore, he is less inclined to treat someone with distaste or become caught up in himself. Beowulf, Hamlet, and The Great Gatsby did not show a suffering innocent hero like To Kill a Mock Bird does. Boo Radley also shows the new ideas of heroism with doing good deeds because he wants too. This idea is proved when he puts a blanket around Scout, not expecting anything in return. Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn't know it when he put the blanket around you. (30, Harper) This shows a great example to the definition of hero today which is, person with flaws doing a nice thing because they want to. To Kill a Mocking Bird is able to encompass a few early ideas as well as create new ideas that become the modern day definition

9 of heroism. Heroism is something that is valuable in every story. However, it is seen that throughout time heroism has not meant the exact same thing. The best part about heroism is that it is always growing through great pieces of literature such as, Beowulf, Hamlet, The Great Gatsby, and To a Kill a Mocking Bird. Works Cited Print. Fitzgerald, F. Scott, and Matthew J. Bruccoli. The great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, Hinds, Gareth. Beowulf. Cambridge, Mass.: Candlewick Press, Print. "How has heroism evolved over time? Curiosity." Curiosity. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar < for heroism changed>. Lee, Harper. To kill a mockingbird. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Print. Shakespeare, William, AndreÌ Gide, and Jacques Schiffrin. Hamlet. EÌ d. bilingue ed. New York: Pantheon Books, Print. "SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides." SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar <

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