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1 JURNALISM, 1-2, CURS 16 USEFUL WORDS (CUVINTE UZUALE) 1. Text: The three friends: This is John. John is a boy. This is Spot, the dog. This is Muff, the cat. All three of them are good friends. It s holiday time: Hurrah, hurrah! It s holiday-time! John is laughing and jumping about. The children are laughing and jumping about. Hurrah, hurrah! John cries, I am going to visit Granny (grandmother) and Grandpa (grandfather)! Setting off: The train sets off. John is waving good-bye. Spot is waving good-bye. Muff is also waving good-bye. John calls out: Good-bye, Mummy (mother), good-bye, Daddy (father)! Mummy and Daddy are also waving good-bye. Mummy calls out: Be a good boy, John! The Holiday begins: The sun is shining. Spot is still asleep in bed. John cries: Get up! Get up! Muff is already up. Granny is already up. Grandpa is already up. Everybody is up now. Get up, get up, Spot! What is Spot doing now? Spot is lying in bed. What is Muff doing now? Muff is already up. What is John crying? John is crying Get up, get up! The sun is shining John is already up. Muff is already up. Spot and Muff are already up. Granny and Grandpa are already up. John and Muff are already up. The sun shines every day. What is it doing now? The sun is shining now. John always plays football in the morning. What is he doing now? He is playing football now. Muff usually walks on the roof at night. What is she doing now? She is walking on the roof now. 2. The colours in English (= culorile) red [red] = roşu yellow [ jelou] = galben grey [grei] = gri mauve [məuv] = mov, lila indigo blue [indigəu blu:] = indigo white [wait] = alb green [gri:n] = verde black [blæk] = negru orange [orindз] = portocaliu blue [blu:] = albastru brown [braun] = maro pink [piŋk] = roz 1

2 * CONSOLIDATION 3 (exerciţii cu past tense si prezent perfect) 1. Correct each sentence. Use the past continuous or the past simple. (Corectaţi fiecare propoziţie. Folosiţi past simplu sau past continuu). a) When I was arriving at Dan s house, he was waiting outside. Arrived b) While we were doing a maths test, the head teacher was coming into the room. c) While we swam, it started to rain... d) While I was having a bath, the lights were going out.. e) Debra watched television when the storm began.. f) While I was walking to the shop I was losing my bag... g) What were you doing when I was seeing you yesterday? h) I was walking up the stairs when I was hearing the phone. 2. Complete each sentence. Use one word in each space. (Completaţi fiecare propoziţie. Folosiţi câte un cuvânt pentru fiecare spaţiu). a) Kate has taken.twenty photos of the children so far. b) Have you ever..this book? It s really good. c) Have you ever..to Egypt? d) The dog s not hungry. It hasn t..its dinner. e) I m going to bed. I think I ve.a cold. f) Oh no! I ve..my bag on the bus. g) Jim has just.a new mountain bike. It was very expensive. h) The washing machine doesn t work. I think I ve it. 3. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simple. (Treceţi verbele din paranteze la past simplu sau prezent perfect simplu). a) Tina isn t here. She (just go)...has just gone.to school. b) What time (you get up).this morning? c) Paul (have)..a bad car accident three years ago. d) I (live)..in the same house since e) What (you do).last night? f) Brian (not finish)..his work yet. g) Tine (arrive).here in h) (you see) Men in Black? It s a great film. 2

3 4. Complete each sentence or question with a time expression. (Completaţi fiecare propoziţie sau întrebare cu o expresie temporală). a) Sam has worked for the same company.for..three years. b) Karen hasn t finished her project c) A: What s Madrid like? B: I don t know. I have.been there. d) I waited at the bus-stop two hours. e) I ve had a phone call from my brother in Canada. f) Helen has lived here g) Have you..eaten Chinese food? 5. Rewrite each sentence using the words in capitals. Do not change the meaning. (Reformulaţi fiecare propoziţie folosind cuvintele scrie cu majuscule. Nu schimbaţi sensul) a) I last went to the cinema a long time ago. HAVEN T I haven t been to the cinema for a long time. b) Jane rode a bike to school. RIDE Jane.to school. c) Peter is at school. HAS Peter to school. d) Tim and Sue played in the garden every day. USED Tim and Sue e) How long were you in Turkey? STAY.in Turkey? f) Joe started living there three years ago. FOR Joe three years. g) Is this your first visit to Scotland? HAVE..before? 6. Correct each sentence or question. (Corectaţi fiecare propoziţie sau întrebare). a) When have you arrived here? Did you arrive b) What were you doing when I phoned you? c) I didn t do the shopping yet... d) When I was young I was wearing glasses. e) Dan arrived late because he was missing the bus. f) Peter, this is Mary. Did you meet before?.. g) I use to get up early every morning. 3

4 Think about grammar! Are the sentences true or false? (Gândiţi-vă la gramatică! Sunt adevărate sau false propoziţiile?) a) The present perfect simple connects the past with the present. b) In the present perfect, all irregular verbs end with en. c) Used to is for things that happened a long time ago. # PAST TIME: SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT AND SIMPLE PAST (ADVANCED POINTS) (Timpul trecut: Prezentul perfect simplu şi past tense simplu) 1. origins (origini) We normally use the simple present perfect when we are thinking about past events together with their present results. (În mod normal folosim prezentul perfect simplu când ne gândim la evenimente trecute şi la rezultatele lor prezente). I can t come to your party because I ve broken my leg. (Nu pot veni la petrecerea ta pentru că mi-am rupt piciorul). However, we usually prefer a simple past tense when we identify the person, thing, or circumstances responsible for a present situation (because we are focusing on the past cause, not the present result.) (Totuşi, de obicei preferăm un past tense simplu atunci când identificăm persoana, lucrul, sau circumstanţele responsabile pentru o situaţie prezentă). Compare (Comparaţi): Some fool has let the cat in. (Un prost a lăsat pisica înăuntru) Who let the cat in? (NOT Who has let the cat in?) (Cine a lăsat pisica înăuntru?) Look what John has given me! (Uite ce mi-a dat John!) Who gave you that watch? (NOT Who s given you that watch?) (Cine ţi-a dat ceasul acela?) Other examples (alte exemple): Why are you crying? Granny hit me. (NOT Granny has hit me) (De ce plângi? M-a bătut bunica) The Chinese invented paper. (NOT: The Chinese have invented paper) (Chinezii au inventat hârtia) That s a nice picture. Did you paint it yourself? (E un desen frumos. Tu l-ai pictat?) Some people think that Pericles was not written by Shakespeare. (Unii cred că Pericle nu a fost scris de Shakespeare) I m glad you were born. (Mă bucur că te-ai născut) How did you get that bruise? (Cum te-ai zgâriat?) 2. expectation and reality We use a past tense to refer to a belief that has just been shown to be true or false. It s not as big as I expected. (NOT..as I have expected) 4

5 You re older than I thought. (NOT than I have thought) But you promised.! (NOT..But you have promised) 3. Present perfect with past time adverbs (prezentul perfect cu adverbe de trecut) Grammars usually say that the present perfect tenses cannot be used together with expressions of finished time we can say I have seen him or I saw him yesterday, but not I have seen him yesterday. In fact, such structures are unusual but not impossible (though learners should avoid them). Here are some real examples taken from news broadcasts, newspaper articles, letters and conversations. (Gramaticile spun de obicei că prezentul perfect nu poate fi utilizat cu expresii de timp care exprima terminare putem spune I have seen him [l-am văzut], sau I saw him yesterday [l-am văzut ieri], dar nu I have seen him yesterday. De fapt, astfel de structuri sunt neobişnuite dar nu imposibile [deşi cei care învaţă ar trebui să le evite]. Iată câteva exemple reale luate din buletine de ştiri, articole de ziare, scrisori şi conversaţii): France has detonated a Hiroshima-sized nuclear bomb on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific at GMT on Wednesday. (Franţa a detonat o bombă nucleară de dimensiunea celei de la Hiroshima în Atolul Mururoa în Sudul Pacificului, miercuri, la ora GMT) Police have arrested more than 900 suspected drugs traffickers in raids throughout the country on Friday and Saturday. (În timpul unor raiduri prin toată ţara poliţia a arestat vineri şi sâmbăta mai mult de 900 de suspecţi de trafic de droguri).a runner who s beaten Linford Christie earlier this year. (..un alergător care l-a învins pe Lindford Christie mai demult anul acesta) A 24-year-old soldier has been killed in a road accident while on patrol last night. (Un soldat de 24 de ani a fost ucis într-un accident rutier pe când patrula azinoapte) A lot of the drivers will be thinking about the circuit, because we ve had some rain earlier today. (Mulţi şoferi s-or fi gândind la traseu/drum, din cauză că a plouat ceva mai devreme) The horse s trainer has had a winner here yesterday. (Dresorul de cai ai avut ieri un câştigător)..indicating that the geological activity has taken place a very long time ago. (indicând că activitatea geologică a avut loc cu foarte mult timp în urmă). Perhaps what has helped us to win eight major awards last year alone. (Poate că ceea ce ne-a ajutat să câştigăm opt premii majore numai anul trecut..) I have stocked the infirmary cupboard only yesterday. (Am adăugat dulapul la infirmerie doar ieri) I am pleased to confirm that Lloyds Bank has opened a Home Loan account for you on 19 th May (Am plăcerea să vă confirm că Banca Lloyds a deschis un Cont de Împrumuturi pe 19 mai 1982) 5

6 4. simple past for news (past tense simplu pentru ştiri) Recently, some British newspapers have started regularly using the simple past for smaller news announcements probably to save space. Some authentic examples from the front page of one newspaper (Recent, unele ziare britanice au început să utilizeze în mod obişnuit past tense simplu pentru ştiri/ anunţuri mai mici probabil pentru a economisi spaţiu. Iată câteva exemple autentice de pe prima pagină a unui ziar) : The Swedish prosecutor leading the Olaf Palme murder hunt resigned after accusing police chiefs of serious negligence. (Avocatul suedez care se ocupa cu găsirea criminalului în cazul uciderii lui Olaf Palme a demisionat după ce i-a acuzat pe şefii poliţiei de neglijenţă gravă) An unnamed Ulster businessman was shot dead by terrorists.. (Un om de afaceri anonim din Ulster a fost împuşcat mortal de terorişti) Driving wind and rain forced 600 out of 2500 teenagers to abandon the annual Ten Tor trek across Dartmoor. (Şofatul pe vânt şi ploaie i-a obligat pe 600 din cei 2500 de adolescenţi să abandoneze drumul Ten Tor prin Dartmoor) 5. American English (engleza americană) In American English the simple past is often used to give news. (În engleza americană past tense simplu este des folosit pentru ştiri/veşti). Did you hear? Switzerland declared/ has declared war on Mongolia! [USA] (Ai auzit? Elveţia a declarat război Mongoliei!) (UK Have you heard? Switzerland has declared war on Mongolia) Uh, honey, I lost/ have lost the keys [USA] (UK. I have lost.) (Of, iubire, am pierdut cheile.) Lucy just called. [USA] (UK Lucy has just called) (Tocmai a sunat Lucy) In American English, it is also possible to use the simple past with indefinite pasttime adverbs like already, yet, ever and before. (În engleza americană, se poate utiliza past tense simplu şi adverbe de timp nedefinite ca already = deja, yet = încă, ever = vreodată, şi before = înainte ) Did you eat already? (OR Have you eaten?) [USA] (Ai şi mâncat?) (UK Have you eaten already?) I didn t call Bobby yet. (OR I haven t called..) [USA] (Încă nu l-am chemat pe Bobby) (UK I haven t called.) 6. bad rules (reguli rele/proaste) Grammars sometimes say that the present perfect is not used with expressions referring to definite time. This is confusing the present perfect is not often used with finished time expressions, but it actually is very common with definite time expressions. 6

7 (Uneori gramaticile spun că prezentul perfect nu se utilizează cu expresii de timp referitoare la timp definit. Nu este clar prezentul perfect nu este de multe ori folosit cu expresii temporale care sa exprime o perioada terminată, dar este de fapt foarte obişnuit cu expresii referitoare la timp definit ). Compare (comparaţi): I ve lived here for exaclty three years, seven months and two days. Locuiesc aici de exact 3 ani, 7 luni şi 2 zile) (present perfect with very definite time-reference = prezent perfect cu o referire temporală foarte bine definită) Once upon a time a little girl lived with her mother in a lonely house in a dark forest. (simple past with very indefinite time-reference) (A fost odată ca niciodată / se povesteşte că [despre] o fetiţă care locuia/trăia cu mama ei într-o casă singuratică într-o pădure întunecată = past simplu cu o referire temporală foarte nedefinită) Note also that the choice between simple present perfect and simple past does not depend on whether we are talking about finished actions, as learners grammars sometimes suggest (though it has a lot to do with whether we are talking about finished time periods). (Observaţi de asemenea că alegerea între prezentul perfect simplu şi past tense simplu nu depinde de acţiuni terminate, aşa cum sugerează uneori unele gramatici [deşi are foarte mare legătură cu perioade terminate de timp ]. Compare (comparaţi): That cat has eaten your supper. (finished action present perfect) (Pisica ţi-a mâncat cina acţiune terminată prezent perfect) I ate the last of the eggs this morning. (finished action simple past) (Am mâncat ultimile ouă în dimineaţa asta - acţiune terminată past tense simplu) The choice also does not depend directly on whether events are recent (though recent events are more likely to be news, and we are more likely to be concerned about their present results, so many present perfect sentences are in fact about recent events). (Alegerea nu depinde direct nici de evenimente recente [deşi evenimentele recente devin cel mai probabil ştiri, şi suntem mai degrabă preocupaţi de rezultalele lor prezente, deci multe propoziţii cu prezentul perfect sunt de fapt despre evenimente recente) Compare (comparaţi): The French revolution has influenced every popular radical movement in Europe since (200-years-old event present perfect) (Revoluţia Franceză a influenţat fiecare mişcare populară radicală din Europa începând de la 1800 eveniment vechi de 200 de ani prezent perfect) Ann phoned five minutes ago (very recent event simple past) (Ana a telefonat acum 5 minute eveniment foarte recent past tense simplu) 7

8 7. this is the first time (este pentru prima dată) We use a simple present perfect tense in sentences constructed with this is/that is the first/ second / third/only/best/worst. (Folosim prezent perfect tense simplu în propoziţii construite cu this is/that is the first/ second / third/only/best/worst ) This is the first time that I ve heard her sing. (NOT This is the first time that I hear her sing) (Este pentru prima dată când o aud cântând) This is the fifth time you ve eaten this morning. (NOT This is the fifth time you eat.) (Este a 5a oară că mănânci în dimineaţa asta) vreodată) That s the third cake you ve eaten this morning. (Este a 3a prăjitură pe care o mănânci în dimineaţa asta) It s one of the most interesting books I ve ever read. (Este una dintre cele mai interesante cărţi pe care le-am citit When we talk about the past, we use past perfect tenses in these structures. (Când vorbim despre trecut, folosim past perfect tense în aceste structuri) It was the third time he had been in love that year. (NOT: the third time he was in love.) (Era a 3a oară că se îndrăgostise aul acela) THE PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE (Prezentul perfect continuu) 1. forms (forme) AFFIRMATIVE QUESTION NEGATIVE I have been working Have I been working? I have not been working You have been working Have you been working? You have not been working 2. use: general (folosire: în general) We use the present perfect progressive, in general, to talk about situations which started in the past and are still going on, or which have just stopped and have present results. (Folosim prezentul perfect continuu, în general, pentru a vorbi despre situaţii care au început în trecut şi sunt încă în desfăşurare, sau care tocmai s-au terminat şi au rezultate în prezent) I ve been keeping the bread in the top cupboard is that OK? (Ţin/am tot ţinut /păstrez/am tot păstrat pâinea în sertarul de sus e ok?) Sorry I m late. Have you been waiting long? (Scuze de întârziere. Aştepţi de mult?) 8

9 You look hot. Yes, I ve been running (Arăţi înfierbântat. Da, am tot alergat) We cannot use the present perfect progressive with expressions that refer to a finished period of time. (Nu putem folosi prezentul perfect continuu cu expresii care se referă la o perioadă de timp terminată). You look tired. Yes, I was cycling non-stop until five o clock. (NOT: I ve been cycling.) (Pari obosit. Da, am mers cu bicicleta continuu/non-stop până la ora 5) 3. Present perfect progressive and present (Prezentul perfect continuu şi prezentul) Both the present progressive and the present (simple or progressive) can be used to talk about situations which started in the past and are still going on. The difference is that the present perfect progressive has an up to now focus. It is commnon when we are talking about situations which are just coming to an end or may change, or when we are talking about how long a situation has lasted. (Atât prezentul perfect continuu cât şi prezentul [simplu sau continuu] pot fi folosite pentru a vorbi despre situaţii care au început în trecut şi sunt încă în desfăşurare. Diferenţa este că prezentul perfect continuu se concentrează pe perioada până acum. Se obişnuieşte atunci când vorbim despre situaţii care tocmai se termină sau pot să se schimbe, sau când vorbim despre cât de mult a durat o situaţie). Compare (comparaţi): I have violin lessons every two weeks. (Iau lecţii de vioară la fiecare 2 săptămâni) I ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I ll make it every week from now on. (Am tot luat lecţii de vioară la fiecare 2 săptămâni, dar cred că voi începe să iau săptămânal) boy. acesta drăguţ) Who is she talking to? (Cu cine vorbeşte?) Sorry I m late, darling. That s all right. I ve been talking to this nice (Scuze de întârziere, dragă. E ok. Am vorbit/vorbeam cu băiatul It s raining again. (Iar plouă) It s been raining since Christmas. (NOT: It s raining since Christmas) (Tot plouă de la Crăciun) Are you learning English? (Înveţi engleză?) How long have you been learning English? (NOT: How long are you learning English?) (De cât timp [tot] înveţi engleză?) 9

10 I hear you re working at Smiths. (Aud că lucrezi la Smiths) Yes, I ve been working there for about three months. (NOT.I m working there ) (Da, lucrez acolo cam de 3 luni) 4. Progressive and simple: continuation/ completion (continuu şi simplu: continuare/terminare [desăvârşire]) Both the present perfect tenses (simple and progressive) can be used to talk about recent actions and situations that have present results. There is an important difference. The present perfect progressive focuses on the action/ situation itself, looking at it as a continuous, extended activity (not necessarily finished). The simple present perfect, on the other hand, looks more at the ideas of completion and present result. (Şi prezentul simplu si cel continuu pot fi folosite pentru a vorbi despre acţiuni şi situaţii recente care au rezultate în prezent. Este o diferenţă importantă. Prezentul perfect continuu se concentrează pe acţiunea/situaţia în sine, privind-o ca pe activitate continuă, extinsă [nu neapărat terminată]. Prezentul perfect simplu, pe de altă parte, se concentrează mai mult pe ideile de desăvârşire şi rezultat în prezent). Compare (comparaţi): I must have a bath. I ve been gardening all afternoon. (focus on continuous activity) (Trebuie să fac o baie. Am grădinărit toată după-amiaza. atenţia este pe activitatea continuă). I ve planted a lot of new rose bushes (focus on result) (Am plantat o mulţime de noi tufe de trandafiri - atenţia este pe rezultat) I ve been reading your book. (focus on continuous activity) (Îţi citeam/ţi-am citit cartea - atenţia este pe activitatea continuă) I ve read your book. (focus on completion) (Ţi-am citit cartea - atenţia este pe terminarea acţiunii) I ve been learning irregular verbs all afternoon. (focus on continuous activity) (Am [tot] învăţat verbe neregulate toată după-amiaza - atenţia este pe activitatea continuă) I ve learnt all my irregular verbs. (focus on completion) (Mi-am învăţat toate verbele neregulate - atenţia este pe terminarea acţiunii) Sorry about the mess I ve been painting the house. (focus on continuous activity) (Scuze pentru mizerie/dezordine zugrăveam/am zugrăvit casa - atenţia este pe activitatea continuă) I ve painted two rooms since lunchtime. (focus on completion) (Am zugrăvit 2 camere de la prânz - terminarea acţiunii) 10

11 Who s been sleeping in my bed? (emphasis on continuous activity makes the action sound longer and more annoying) (Cine a dormit în patul meu? accent pe activitate continuă face ca acţiunea să pară mai lungă şi mai enervantă) I think she s slept enough I ll wake her up. (Cred că a dormit destul mă duc să o trezesc) 5. Progressive and simple: repeated actions (continuu şi simplu: acţiuni repetate) We can use the present perfect progressive to talk about repeated actions and events, but not if we say how often they have happened (because this stresses the idea of completion). (Putem folosi prezentul perfect continuu pentru a vorbi despre acţiuni şi evenimente repetate, dar nu dacă spunem cât de des s-au întâmplat [pentru ca aceasta pune accent pe ideea de terminare]) Compare (comparaţi): I ve been playing a lot of tennis recently. (Am tot jucat din plin tennis în ultima vreme) I ve played tennis three times this week. (Am jucat tenis de 3 ori săptămâna asta) 6. progressive and simple: temporary and permanent (continuu şi simplu: temporar şi permanent) We often prefer the present perfect progressive to talk about more temporary actions and situations; when we talk about longer-lasting or permanent situations we often prefer the simple present perfect. (Adesea preferăm prezentul perfect continuu pentru a vorbi despre acţiuni şi situaţii temporare; când vorbim despre situaţii de mai lungă durată sau permanente preferăm prezentul perfect simplu). Compare (comparaţi): That man has been standing on the corner all day. (Onul acela a stat la colţ toată ziua) For 900 years the castle has stood on the hill above the village. (De 900 de ani castelul a stat/stă/ este ridicat pe dealul de deasupra satului) I haven t been working very well recently. (Nu prea am lucrat bine în ultima vreme). He hasn t worked for years. (Nu a mai lucrat de ani de zile) I ve been living in Sue s flat for the last month. (Am stat în apartamentul lui Sue în ultima lună) My parents have lived in Bristol all their lives. (Părinţii mei au locuit în Bristol toată viaţa) Generally, however, both progressive and simple tenses are possible in cases like these, with a slight difference of emphasis. (În general, însă, şi prezentul perfect simplu şi cel continuu sunt posibile în astfel de cazuri, cu o foarte mică diferenţă de accent) It s been raining/ It s rained steadily since last Saturday. (A [tot] plouat constant de sâmbăta încoace) 11

12 ani) Harry has been working/ has worked in the same job for thirty years. (Harry lucrează/[tot] lucrează/ a [tot] lucrat în acelaşi pot de 30 de We generally use the progressive to talk about continuous change or development, even if this is permanent. (În general folosim prezentul perfect continuu pentru a vorbi despre schimbări, progrese, chiar dacă acestea sunt permanente.) Scientists believe that the universe has been expanding steadily since the beginning of time. (Oamenii de ştiinţă cred că universul s-a tot extins/se tot extinde constant de la începutul timpului). 7. non-progressive verbs (verbe care nu au aspect continuu): Some verbs are not used in progressive forms, even if the meaning is one for which a progressive form is more suitable. (Unele verbe nu sunt folosite la forma de continuu, chiar dacă sensul este unul pentru care forma de continuu este mai potrivită) I ve only known her for two days. (NOT: I ve only been knowing.) (O cunosc doare de 2 zile) She s had a cold since Monday. (NOT: She s been having a cold..) (Este răcită de luni) Activities: 1. Choose the most appropriate tense underlined. a. I can t believe it, inspector. You mean that Smith stole/has stolen/has been stealing money all this time! b. You three boys look very guilty! What did you do/have you done/have you been doing since I left/have left the room? c. Why on earth didn t you tell/haven t you told me about that loose floorboard? I tripped/have tripped over it just now and hurt myself. d. It s a long time since I saw/have seen/have been seeing your brother Paul. What did he do/has he done/has he been doing lately? e. I can t believe that you ate/have eaten/have been eating three pizzas already! I only brought/have only brought them in fifteen minutes ago! f. Don t forget that you didn t see/haven t seen Mrs Dawson. She has waited/has been waiting outside since g. What did you think/have you thought of Brighton? Did you stay/have you stayed there long? h. I feel really tired. I weeded/have weeded/have been weeding the garden for the last three hours and I didn t rest/haven t rested for a single moment. i. I m having problems with David. He has called/has been calling me up in the middle of the night and told/telling me his troubles. j. How long did you have/have you had/have you been having driving lessons? And did you take/have you taken/have you been taking your test yet? 12

13 2. Put each verb in brackets into the most appropriate perfect or past tense. a. I m sorry I haven t come/haven t been coming (not come) to class lately. I (work) late in the evenings for the past fortnight. b. So far (not notice) anything unusual, but we (not pay) very close attention. c. I wonder if Mary (reach) home yet? She (leave) too late to catch the bus. d. Here is the news. The Home Office (announce) that the two prisoners who (escape) from Dartmoor prison earlier this morning (give themselves up) to local police. e. (you make up) your minds? What (you decide) to do? f. Harry (leave) home rather suddenly and we (not hear) from him since. g. Recent research (show) that Columbus (not discover) America, but that Vikings (land) there five hundred years before him. h. I think that people (become) tired of the poor quality of television programmes, though they (improve) lately. i. (something happen) to the lines? I (try) to get through to Glasgow for the past hour. j. Bill (get) that new job, but he (complain) about it ever since. 3. Complete each sentence a) to j) with an appropriate ending from 1) to 10). Do not use an ending more than once. a. I haven t been feeling very well.(5) 1)..time and time again b. I went to the dentist s. 2) all my life c. I ve lived here 3)..so far d. Don t worry. I haven t been waiting. 4)..for the time being e. I ve written two pages.. 5).for the past hour or two f. I waited outside your house.. 6).yet g. I ve warned you about this 7).till half past eight h. I haven t made a decision 8).for a while i. The repair worked. 9)..the other day j. I ve decided to believe you 10).long 4. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. a. It s a long time since I last went to a football match. I haven t been to a football match for a long time. b. This is my second visit to Hungary. This is the second time c. I paid this bill earlier, actually. Actually I ve d. We haven t been swimming for ages. It s ages.. e. Mary started learning French five years ago. Mary has. f. I am on the tenth page of the letter I am writing. So far I. g. After I arrived here, I started to feel better. Since arriving here h. It s over twenty years since we got married. We have.. i. The last time I saw Dick was in I haven t. j. There is a definite improvement in your work. Lately your work.. 13

14 5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same. a. You have missed the beginning of the film. HAS The film has already started. b. I can t seem to stop sneezing lately. BEEN c. Paul is different from what he used to be. HAS d. This has been my home for thirty years. HAVE e. Eating Chinese food is new to me. BEFORE f. Is there any news? HAPPENED g. I bought my car in 1985 and I m still driving it. BEEN h. I don t know where my keys are. HAVE i. Sue doesn t have her dictionary with her; it s at home. HAS j. Tony hasn t been to Paris before. FIRST 6. Choose the most appropriate phrase for each situation. a. The price of petrol has risen/has been rising by 15% over the past year. b. No wonder you are overweight! You have eaten/you have been eating chocolates all day long! c. I ve read/i ve been reading War and Peace this morning. d. Doesn t this room look better? I ve put/i ve been putting some posters up on the walls. e. Don t disappoint me! I ve counted on you/i ve been counting on you. f. Don t forget your pills today. Have you taken them/have you been taking them? g. Who had worn/has been wearing my scarf? h. I think there s something wrong with your motorbike. It s made/it s been making some very funny noises. i. Jack has asked/has been asking for a pay-rise three times this year. j. I ve been phoning/i ve phoned Ann all evening, but there s no replay. 7. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase underlined. a. It s a long time since/when I last saw you. b. I ve seen Bill quite often lately/from time to time. c. Have you spoken to the director beforehand/already? d. I ve lived in the same house for years/for ever. e. I ve read the paper now/still. f. Diana has bought a computer two years ago/since then. g. Nothing much has been happening by now/so far. h. I ve finished reading her new book at last/this evening. i. Sue bought a CD player last week and she s been listening to music ever since/for a while. j. Sorry, but I haven t got that work finished already/yet. 14

15 8. Put each verb in brackets into either the past simple, present, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Ever since the day (1) decided (decide) to move to London, I (2) (worry) whether the decision I (3) (take) was the right one. As I (4) (already sell) my house and (5) (arrange) a new job, it is too late to change my mind. However, since then I (6) (hear) a lot of negative things about living in the capital, and lately some of them (begin) to bother me. I (8) (grow up) in a fairly small town and I (9) (spend) all my life there. I (10) (always want) to live in a big city and so when my company (11) (offer) me a job in their London office, I (12) (grab) at the chance. But according to a programme I (13) (just hear) on the radio, more and more people (14) (stop) working in London recently, and a lot of large companies (15) (choose) to move away from the centre. Of course I (16) (tell) my parents that I m moving and they (17) (accept) my decision, but when I (18) (tell) my friends they (19) (seem) rather shocked. Since then I (20) (hope) secretly that the company would tell me that the move was off! Interviews for Journalism Jobs It is virtually unheard of for anyone to get a media job without having an interview. While you might look the perfect candidate on paper, the company wants to be sure that they can work with you as an individual and that you can operate well in a stressful situation. The format for interview varies. Some will be very relaxed and informal. You will sit around a table with usually three or four company representatives, say the managing editor, editor, someone from personnel and perhaps a reporter. They will try to put you at ease because they want to reach the real you, not a nervous wreck! Other interviews, particularly for very large organizations, may take place in two stages, the second only if you are shortlisted. These are more formal and you may have to face a panel of interviewers. Try to look the part and wear what journalists working for that organization might wear. Wearing a business suit is not recommended in every case as it can look too formal and detract from what you are saying. However, if you are applying to be a business journalist, it would be essential. Try to look smart and authoritative. Wear the kind of outfit that would enable you to feel comfortable in any situation with any person you might meet on a report. Don t wear jeans! Don t go empty-handed. You have your original cuttings and by this time might have further examples of work to show. Have a think beforehand about how you will respond to questions. The panel will want to see someone who is quick and confident with a controlled sense of humour, not over-pushy and not too nervous. Always have an answer; don t say I don t know and try not to answer with one-word replies. It is quite normal at interviews to be asked to discuss a current affairs issue. It is a common complaint that many candidates tend to read all the papers from a few days before the interview. This knowledge is superficial. What editors really want to see is genuine long-term commitment to current affairs so that it is clear you understand 15

16 situations locally, at home and abroad in some depth. You may be asked to come up with story ideas there and then. Prepare beforehand and if you do not get asked, mention them at an appropriate time. Also suggest who you would use as spokespeaple and how you might angle the story. Radio and television journalist job interviews will often require the candidate to produce a treatment for a story on paper, including a short cue or script and a breakdown of how the package would be structured. Typical interview questions include: 1. Why do you want to work here? 2. What specific skills can you offer? 3.What are your ambitions? 1. A trick question often asked is: what would you like to be if you weren t a journalist? If you can think of another career you ll be crossed of the list. 2. Hypothetical questions sometimes arise, for example, someone has just telephoned the newsdesk to say they ve seen a UFO land. Your deadline is in half an hour. What would you do next? An appropriate answer might be that you would question the caller to discover whether they seem reputable. Are they alone or are there other witnesses you could speak to? If the caller seems genuine you would consult the news editor who would probably adivse you to contact the emergency services to find out whether they are aware of the reports. If so, what information do they have at this stage? Telephone shops, business or other contacts near the alleged scene of the event to see if they noticed any activity. Contact airports and so on. If you are ever in any doubt about how you would approach a story, do not reply I don t know. Say that you would seek the advice of the newsdesk or editor as that shows you are sensible and would not tackle something if you felt out of your depth. Don t always feel you have to agree with the interviewer. They often ask leading questions to see how you react. So if they openly question the way you would cover a story, but you are sure your idea would work, stick to your guns and explain your viewpoint. Most of all stay calm, think clearly and be polite that is what the editor will expect when they send you to represent their organization. Editors are looking for the person with the sort of personality that will help a young journalist go out and meet all sorts of different people in a variety of situations and will work well in an informal but friendly team environment. Journalism is a very competitive type of work which isn t going to attract people who want a regimented nineto-five existence. It s always going to need people who can think or breath news 24 hours a day. It s a job you never leave behind. All your mistakes and failures appear in public so a journalist must have scrupulous attention to detail and be prepared to dedicate time and patience to ensure they get their stories right. Always try to have a couple of questions to ask at the end of the interview which should not relate to how much time you get off. Make them something pro-active, like asking about promotion opportunities or in-house training. You can also enquire what the next stage of the selection process is and when you are likely to hear the outcome. 16

17 USEFUL WORDS FOR JOURNALISM Interview = interviu Managing editor = redactor (administativ) Editor = redactor şef Reporter = reporter To be shortlisted = a fi ales pe lista preferenţială Panel = comisie Business journalist = jurnalist la rubrica de afaceri Angle a story = a aborda o poveste/un articol dintr-un anume unghi/perspectivă Cue = 1. momentul exact când ceva trebuie să se petreacă într-o emisiune în direct sau înregistrată; 2. semnal pentru a începe o acţiune sau o activitate; 3. pregătirea unei înregistrări, video sau audio, astfel încât să poată fi redată imediat la semnalul regizorului. Script = scenariu Breakdown = 1. analiză a scenariului pentru a stabili planul de filmare şi/sau a costurilor 2. avarie, cădere a sistemului, a echipamentelor package = material în forma sa finită, pregătit pentru difuzare într-o emisiune mai mare: în emisiunile de ştiri sau în magazine. Conţine imagini filmate pe teren, relatarea reporterului sub forma de VO, stand-up-uri şi interviuri. Termen utilizat mai ales în redacţiile de ştiri leading questions = întrebări care sugerează răspunsul 17

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