Recorded by DON McLEAN on UNITED ARTISTS Records AMERICAN PIE. I can still re-mem-ber how that. Em7. knew if. had. Am7. when I

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4 Recorded by ON McLEAN on UNITE ARTISTS Records AMERIAN PIE Ad lib. o oo Em7 o oooo Am x o o x o o o Em o oo Words and Music by ON McLEAN o Prologue: Em ooo c A mp c may - be they d be o Em o oo with ev - `ry pa-per oo o long, long x o o time a-go And ooo hap - py for a while. Am x o o I knew if I can still re-mem-ber how that I d de - li- ver. Bad news on o Em o oo x o o I o oo had Em7 o o ooo my chance that I Am x o o o Em ooo Am x o o mu -sic used to make me x o o smile could make those peo - ple dance and Am x o o But Feb-ru - ar - y made me shiv-er the door-step I could-n t take one more step Am7 x o o o x o o I can t re - mem - ber if I cried when I read a - bout his 1971 SONS OF UNIVERSAL, IN. and BENNY BIR MUSI All Rights for BENNY BIR MUSI Administered by SONS OF UNIVERSAL, IN. All Rights Reserved wid-owed bride, Authorized for use by Neil Freebern

5 2 oo o mf So Some-thing touched me deep In a moderate tempo oo o bye o Em ooo x o o in - side the x ooo o o 7 day the mu - bye, Miss A - mer - i - can Pie - sic rove oo o died. my x oo o o o o oo hev-y to the 1ev - ee but the x o o ooo 1ev - ee was dry. o Them oo o good ole this - ll be the day that I die, Em ooo 7 die. A7 x o o o *See the last page for the lyrics of stanzas 2,3 and 4. x boys o o were drink-in ooo whis-key and o ooo Em oo o rye This- ll be the day that I Am x o o To oda Sing - in *1. id you write the book of love and do you Authorized for use by Neil Freebern

6 x o o Am x o o o Em ooo 3 have faith in od a - bove? if the Bi - ble tells you so oo o o Em ooo Am7 x o o o Now do you be - lieve in rock and roll. an mu-sic save your x o o o Em ooo A7 x o o o mor - tal soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow? o Em ooo o Em ooo Well, I know that you re in love with him cause I saw you danc - in in the gym, You x o o ooo both kicked off your shoes. A7 x o o o Man, I Authorized for use by Neil Freebern

7 4 x o o o dig Em bronc o oo ooo those rhy - thm and blues. - in buck with a 7 Am x o o I was a lone pink car - na - tion and a o Em ooo oo o x o o - ly teen - age pick - up truck. But x o o I 7 knew I was out oo o of luck the day x o o oo o 7 the mu - - sic died. I start - ed sing - ing 4. ooo 7 ooo x o o o oo He was sing - in bye - bye, Miss A - mer - i - can Pie rove my Authorized for use by Neil Freebern

8 oo o x o o oo o 5 hev - y to the 1ev - ee but the 1ev - ee was dry. Them oo o x o o o oo were drink - in whis - key and rye good ole boys Sing - in o Em this- ll be the day that I 7 ooo die. A7 x o o o die, rit. Ad lib. o oo mp I met a o Em ooo This- ll be the day that I girl who sang o Em o oo the blues and Am x o o x o o o Em ooo I asked her for some hap - py news, But she just smiled and turned a - way. Authorized for use by Neil Freebern

9 6 oo o o Em oo o o oo I went down to the sa - cred store where I Am x o o ooo x o o o Em ooo x o o heard the mu - sic years be - fore But the man there said the mu - sic would-n t Em o ooo Am x o o play. And in the streets the chil - dren screamed, the Em o ooo Am x o o x o o ooo Am x o o lov - vers cried and the po - ets dreamed. But not a word was spo - ken the x o o oo o o Em o oo ooo church bells all were bro - ken. And the three men I ad - mire most, the Authorized for use by Neil Freebern

10 x o o 7 oo o o Em ooo 7 Fa - ther, Son and the Ho - ly host, They caught the last train for the coast the x o o Am7 x o o o day the mu 7 - sic ooo died. 7 And they were sing - oda oda x o o 7 ooo x o o o oo This - ll be the day that I die. 2. Now for ten years we ve been on our own, and moss grows fat on a rollin stone But that s not how it used to be when the jester sang for the king and queen In a coat he borrowed from James ean and a voice that came from you and me Oh and while the king was looking down, the jester stole his thorny crown The courtroom was adjourned, no verdict was returned And while Lennin read a book on Marx the quartet practiced in the park And we sang dirges in the dark The day the music died We were singin... bye- bye... etc. 3. Helter- skelter in the summer swelter the birds flew off with a fallout shelter Eight miles high and fallin fast,it landed foul on the grass The players tried for a forward pass, with the jester on the sidelines in a cast Now the half - time air was sweet perfume while the sergeants played a marching tune We all got up to dance but we never got the chance `ause the players tried to take the field, the marching band refused to yield o you recall what was revealed The day the music died We started singin... bye- bye... etc. 4. And there we were all in one place_ a generation lost in space With no time left to start again So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack Flash sat on a candlestick `ause fire is the devil s only friend And as I watched him on the stage my hands were clenched in fists of rage No angel born in hell could break that Satan s spell And as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrificial rite I saw Satan laughing with delight the day the music died. He was singin... bye- bye... etc. Authorized for use by Neil Freebern





















31 Ipanema Lyrics Tall and tan and young and lovely The girl from Ipanema goes walking And when she passes, each one she passes goes - ah When she walks, she s like a samba That swings so cool and sways so gentle That when she passes, each one she passes goes - ooh (ooh) but I watch her so sadly How can I tell her I love her Yes I would give my heart gladly But each day, when she walks to the sea She looks straight ahead, not at me Tall, (and) tan, (and) young, (and) lovely The girl from Ipanema goes walking And when she passes, I smile - but she doesn t see (doesn t see) (she just doesn t see, she never sees me,...)


33 eorgia Lyrics eorgia, eorgia, The whole day through Just an old sweet song Keeps eorgia on my mind I'm say eorgia eorgia A song of you omes as sweet and clear As moonlight through the pines Other arms reach out to me Other eyes smile tenderly Still in peaceful dreams I see The road leads back to you I said eorgia, Ooh eorgia, no peace I find Just an old sweet song Keeps eorgia on my mind Other arms reach out to me Other eyes smile tenderly Still in peaceful dreams I see The road leads back to you eorgia, eorgia, No peace, no peace I find Just this old, sweet song Keeps eorgia on my mind I said just an old sweet song, Keeps eorgia on my mind


35 In a Sentimental Mood Lyrics In a sentimental mood I can see the stars come through my room While your loving attitude Is like a flame that lights the gloom On the wings of every kiss rifts a melody so strange and sweet In this sentimental bliss You make my paradise complete Rose petals seem to fall It's all I could dream to call you mine My heart's a lighter thing Since you made this night a thing divine In a sentimental mood I'm within a world so heavenly For I never dreamt that you'd be loving sentimental me


37 I Remember lifford Lyrics I know he'll never be forgotten He was a king uncrowned I know I'll always remember The warmth of his sound Lingering long I'm sure he's still around For those who heard they respect him yet So those who hear won't forget The sound of each phrase Echoing time uncoantable by days The things he played are with us now And they'll endure should time allow Oh yes I remember lifford I seem to always fed him near somehow Every day I hear his lovely tone In every trumpet sound that has a beauty all its own So how can we say something so real has really gone away? I hear him now, I always will Believe me I remember lifford still.


39 Isn t it Romantic Lyrics Isn't it romantic? Music in the night, a dream that can be heard. Isn't it romantic? Moving shadows write the oldest magic word. I hear the breezes playing in the trees above While all the world is saying you were meant for love. Isn't it romantic Merely to be young on such a night as this? Isn't it romantic? Every note that's sung is like a lover's kiss. Sweet symbols in the moonlight, o you mean that I will fall in love perchance? Isn't it romance? (instrumental) Sweet symbols in the moonlight, o you mean that I will fall in love perchance? Isn't it romantic? Isn't it romance?


41 I ve ot Rhythm Lyrics I got rhythm, I got music, I got my man Who could ask for anything more? I've got daisies in green pastures I've got my man Who could ask for anything more? Old man trouble I don't mind him You won't find him 'round my door I've got starlight I've got sweet dreams I've got my man Who could ask for anything more? Old man trouble, I don't mind him You won't find him 'round my door I've got starlight I've got sweet dreams I've got my man Who could ask for anything more? Oh, I've got rhythm I've got music I've got daisies in green pastures I've got starlight I've got sweet dreams I've got my man Who could ask for anything more? I've got rhythm, I've got rhythm

42 Lyin Eyes ilbert/henleyfrrey & # c. œ j œ / 7 n œ œ œœ. œ /. œ. j œ / 7 n œ œ œœ. / œ 5 & # 7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ it y girls just seem to find out œ œ œ œ Œ /B œ œ ear ly how to Amin œ œ œ Œ j œ œ œ œ op-en doors with just a smile /. Œ 9 & # 7 œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Rich old man she won't have to wor - ry /B œ Ó j œ she'll Amin œ œ œ œ Œ j œ œ œ œ dress up in lace and go out in / style Ó 13 & # /F# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ /E / /B œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ Amin œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ / Big old house gets lone ly in th eve nin' I gues ev ery form of re fuge has its price. 17 & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ /E œ Œ Ó Amin A min œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ sus œ œ œ œ œ œ Breaks her heart to think her love is on ly gi ven to a man whose hands are co lod as ice. 20 & # / Œ. r œ She /F# /E / œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ tells him she must go out for the eve œ œ Œ Œ. r œ ning, /B to 23 & # sus/a A min œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ œ. com fort an old fr iend whos feel in' / œ down Œ Ó œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. Sheknows where she go in as she's lea - 26 & # bœ /E Amin œ œ œ Œ r œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. Amin sus œ œ œ œ œ Œ Œ œ œ. / œ œ. J œ vin' she's head-ed for the cheat en side of town. You can't hide your ly in 30 & # œ Œ Œ œ œ œ œ. Bmin œ œ œ Emin œ œ A min œ Œ œ œ œ 9 œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ eyes Though your smile is a thin dis guise but by now you would re al i

43 2 34 & # A œ Œ Œ. r œ Amin Amin/B œ œ œ œ œ Lyin Eyes œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ Œ Ó uitar fill A min Amin/B ze, ther ain't no way to hide your ly in' eyes 39 & # /E œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ She gets up and pours her self a œ œ œ strong one /B œ Ó œ Amin œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ stares out at the stars up in the sky œ Œ Ó / 43 & # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ /E œ œ Amin œ Œ r œ A min œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ noth er night it's gon na be a long one She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry 46 & # œ Œ / Ó /F# /E / œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ /B œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ my oh my you sure know how to a range things you set them up so sus/a Amin 49 & # œ œ œ œ nœ œ œ œ œ 53 & # Amin well so care ful ly sus œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ fun ny how your lyes œ Œ Œ œ œ. horus did nt change / œ œ. J œ /E œ Œ Œ. Amin things You're œ Œ Œ œ œ œ R œ still the same old girl you use to be You can't hide those ly in eyes and your smile 57 & # Bmin œ. œ œ œ Emin œ œ Amin œ Œ œ œ œ 9 œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ /F# A œ Œ Œ. r / œ is a thin dis guise but by now you would re al li ze there 61 & # Amin Amin/B œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ / œ Œ Œ œ œ. / œ œ. J œ œ Œ Œ œ œ œ aint no way to hide thos ly in eyes you can't hide those ly in eyes and your smile 65 & # bmin œ. œ œ œ Emin œ œ Amin œ Œ œ œ œ 9 œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ A œ Œ Œ. r œ 69 & # is a thin dis guise Amin Amin/B / œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ. œ œœ œ œ ŒŒ thought by now Tag Same progression r œ you would re a œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ. œ œœ œ li ze there œ ŒÓ ain'tno way to hide those ly in eyes there ain'tno way to hid those lyin eyes.








51 My Funny Valentine Lyrics My funny valentine Sweet comic valentine You make me smile with my heart Your looks are laughable Un photographable Yet you re my favorite work of art Is your figure less than reek Is your mouth a little weak When you open it to speak Are you smart? But don t change a hair for me Not if you care for me Stay little valentine stay Each day is valentine s day Is your figure less than reek Is your mouth a little weak When you open it to speak Are you smart? But don t you change one hair for me Not if you care for me Stay little valentine stay Each day is valentine s day





56 A Night in Tunisia Lyrics The moon is the same moon above you Aglow with its cool evening light But shining at night, in Tunisia Never does it shine so bright The stars are aglow in the heavens But only the wise understand That shining at night in Tunisia They guide you through the desert sand Words fail, to tell a tale Too exotic to be told Each nights a deeper night In a world, ages old The cares of the day seem to vanish The ending of day brings release Each wonderful night in Tunisia Where the nights are filled with peace (bridge) (scat) {repeat all twice} (scat) Each wonderful night in Tunisia



59 Stand Up Shuffle Bass and Kit 1a2a3a4a Keb Mo & # # # c Ó uitar A Blues Intro Ó Snare Roll A J Œ Ó Ó J Œ Ó 7& # # # Ó œ œ œ A œ nœ Œ Ó Œ nœ œ nœ œ et with me ba by I'm on your side 11 & # # # Ó œ œ œ œ œ Œ Ó Œ œ œ œ œ A 15 & # # # 17 & # # # 20 & # # # A et with me baby Ó j œ œ œ œ A œ œ œ œ œ œ œ change in the time A œ œ Œ Ó but I'm a Œ E Well there's a change I'm on your side A œ œ œ œ œ Œ in the wea ther nœ œ # œ Œ. j j œ œ œ œ n œ stub born man I won't nœ œ nœ œ A hange my mind j œ a œ œ œ et with me A ba by I'm on your side. Talk to me baby I'm on your side Talk with me baby I'm on your side I don't wanna argue Sure don't wanna fight Just tell me what's wrong And let me make it alright et with me baby I'm on your side I ll be your sugar daddy A A Just call on me I ll be your vigilante If that's what you need baby What I need to be girl (Last Four bars) et with me baby I'm on your side et with me baby I'm on your side Solo Section Now I don't wanna own you Like a private property ome on baby Just be nice to me et with me baby I'm on your side et with me baby I'm on your side









68 Take Five Lyrics Won't you stop and take A little time out with me Just take five Stop your busy day And take the time out To see if I'm alive Though I'm going out of my way Just so I can pass by each day Not a single word do we say It's a pantomime and not a play Still, I know our eyes often meet I feel tingles down to my feet When you smile, that's much too discreet Sends me on my way Wouldn't it be better Not to be so polite You could offer a light Start a little conversation now It's alright, just take five Just take five (Repeat all from 2nd verse on)




72 Keb Mo Tell Everybody I know Key: A Major Blues Feel: Bouncy Reggae feel with a swing Picked guitar Synth on Pan pipes & Jazz organ Tempo is medium about 100 uitar Introduction (Starts on f# 1+2+ Swing) rum fill A*** A*** *** A*** E** A*** lt`s no secret, l don`t care onna shout it out everywhere Well, l love my baby, hot, cold, fast, or slow l love my baby, gonna tell everybody l know A*** A*** *** A*** E** A*** E** A*** ln the evening in my bed l hear voices in my head They say, Never, never, ever let her go l love my baby,gonna tell everybody l know l love my baby,gonna tell everybody l know Verse: E * * A*** Other women, they don`t mean a thing to me E** E*** (Hit: 1 a &) Yeah, you can pick them all up, drop them all in the sea A*** A*** *** A*** E** A*** E** A*** `ause if l got no money, she don`t care She`ll open up her pocketbook and pay my fare l know she loves me, up, down, high, and low l love my baby, gonna tell everybody l know Love my baby, gonna tell everybody l know (Second Time Jump down to Vamp) Solo Section: A*** A*** *** A*** E** A*** A*** A*** *** A*** E** A*** (After solos go back up to Verse) A Major Vamp Section Oh, she`s a sweet thing Fine thing, baby Lovely thing, darling Tell everybody Tell my baby Hot, cold, fast, or slow Tell everybody Tell everybody l know, yeah Hey! reat big eyes reat big lips Little skinny legs ot them big, wide hips onna tell everybody Tell everybody l know l love my baby Hot, cold, fast, or slow (Hold last chord) l`m gonna tell Everybody l know



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