Pus hing and Bra king Aid. Trans la ti on of the ori gi nal user s Ma nu al. V-max

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1 Pus hing and Bra king Aid Trans la ti on of the ori gi nal user s Ma nu al V-max GB

2 CE De cla ra ti on of con for mi ty The com pa ny AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH he re with de cla res that the pro ducts of the po wer sys tem V-max are de ve lo ped and ma nu fac tur ed ac - cor ding to the ge ne ral gui de li nes 2007/47/EG and 2006/42/EG of the Eu - ro pe an Union. This de cla ra ti on lo ses all va li di ty, if the abo ve men tio ned de vi ces have been tam pe red with or chan ged in any way wit hout the knowled ge and agree ment of the com pa ny AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik. Sig na tu re of the ma nu fac tu rer: Mar kus Al ber Ma na ging part ner AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH The power system V-max is being tested according to the norm DIN EN 12184:C11/99 at the institution for certification of medical products GmbH, Technical University Berlin. AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH Post fach D Albs tadt Tel.: Fax.: info@aat-on li ne.de li ne.de v-max_gb_02_2014 2

3 Tab le of con tents CE De cla ra ti on of con for mi ty Tab le of contents In tro duc ti on Pro duct des crip ti on Tech ni cal data De li very pa cka ge Op tio nal ac ces so ries As sem bly and Ope ra ti on Bra ckets Bat te ry pack Hook on the v-max Pus hing and control grip Anti-tilt sup port Sa fe ty in struc tions and awa re ness of po ten ti al ha zards Ge ne ral in for ma ti on Tech ni cal re qui re ments Cor rect use / at ten dant En vi ron men tal in flu en ces Cli ma tic con di tions Dri ving Spe ci al in struc tions Transportation Con di ti on of paths, walk ways etc Con trol and display ele ments Con trol grip ON/OFF push button Bat te ry char ge Bat te ry pack Ge ne ral in for ma ti on Chan ge of fu ses Trou ble shoo ting - mal functi on Care, main ten an ce and re cy cling/dis po sal Dif fe rent user Care Main ten an ce Re cy cling War ran ty and lia bi li ty War ran ty Lia bi li ty

4 1 Introduction v-max is a newly de ve lo ped pus hing and bra king aid ope ra ted by an as si - stant. The de vi ce di rect ly pro pels the back wheels of a wheel chair. Com pa red to com mon po wer sys tems the v-max pos ses ses con si der able ad van ta ges such as e.g. a per ma nent and ef fi cient po wer trans mis si on. 4

5 1.1 Product description Main features = Con trol grip = Dri ving unit =Wheels plus hand rim and toot hed ring = Bra ckets on the wheelchair = Anti-tilt support = Bat te ry pack plus bag and vel cro strip = pus hing grip 5

6 1.1.2 Control grip = Speed con trol = Ro cker switch bac kwards/for wards = Link to hold grips = He lix ca ble Driving unit = Bat te ry pack = So cket for po wer ca ble (out) and char ging ca ble (in) = Con trol grip = Po wer switch = Dri ving unit s link to the wheel chair = So cket for po wer ca ble on the v-max = Con trol pa nel Control panel = Push but ton ON/OFF = In di ca tor of bat te ry char ge and mal functi on 6

7 1.2 Technical data Measurements Weight Height = 24 cm Width = 47.5 cm Depth = 18.5 cm Driving unit, including grip = 8.2 kg Battery pack = 10.2 kg Power cable = 0.2 kg Battery bag plus velcro straps = 0.2 kg Battery charger = 0.3 kg Total weight = 19,1 kg Margins for mounting the v-max to the wheelchair Maximum permissible total weight Speed Capacity with one battery pack seat's width, minimum 36 cm / maximum negative camber: 5 % 200 kg (person, wheelchair, v-max)* continuously adjustable 6 km / per hour forward 3 km / per hour backward up to u 19 km** Maximum slope up to 20 %** Storage temperature / operation temperature Batteries Direct current motor - 20 C to + 60 C / - 10 C to + 50 C 2 x 12 V / 16 Ah 24 V / 130 W * Li mi ting va lu es sti pu la ted by the wheel chair ma nu fac tu rers must be no - ted and ob ser ved. ** Ran ge and clim bing ca pa ci ty de pend on the weight of the per son who is trans por ted as well as on the floor sur fa ces, the ground, the ter rain, etc. Weight and climbing diagram: In the interest of progress we reserve the right for technical changes. 7

8 1.3 Delivery package The de li very pa cka ge con tains: = Wheel chair wheels in clu ding hand rim and toot hed ring = Bat te ry pack plus bag = Char ger plus operator s ma nu al = dri ving unit plus pus hing and con trol grip...as well as the com po nents moun ted to the wheel chair such as the bra - cket, po wer ca ble and the bag for the bat te ry pack (no pic tu re). In ad di ti on a hol ding de vi ce is ne ces sa ry, which is at te ched to the wheel - chair be fo re hand. 1.4 Optional accessories = Anti-tilt support = Vol ta ge trans for mer for the car 8

9 2 Assembly and Operation The v-max can only be used in con nec ti on with a spe ci al bra cket which must be moun ted to your wheel chair. This bra cket may only be moun ted by AAT or dea lers aut ho ri zed by AAT. 2.1 Brackets All bra ckets are espe ci al ly de ve lo ped and ad jus ted to each in di vi du al wheel chair, which me ans that the bra cket, right, left, pic tur ed in this operator s ma nu al may dif fer from the one at ta ched to your wheel - chair. Be fo re each use, check whet her the bra cket is se cu re ly fas te ned to the wheel chair. In case screws have loo se ned or fal len out you may not use the v-max. Plea se con tact your dea ler im me di ate ly. Plea se note that moun ting the v-max to a wheel chair (de pen ding on the mo del) may re sult in re stric ting the ad just ment of its seat or back rest. Moun ting the v-max to a wheel chair (de pen ding on the mo del) may re - sult in a chan ge of the wheelchair s mea su re ments Attach and detach the wheels The re are full-floa ting ax les in the cen tre of your wheel chair wheels. Press the lo cking pin in the middle of the axle with your in dex fin ger to un lock the sys tem. Now you can take the wheel off. Plea se re mo ve one af ter the ot her. To put the wheels back on pro ceed in re ver se or der. 2.2 Bat te ry pack A bag for the bat te ry pack is at ta ched un der the seat of the wheel chair. Sim ply sli de the bat te ry pack into its bag......and fix it with a Vel cro strap. 9

10 2.3 Hook on the v-max To mount the v-max the po we red ax les must be in ser ted en ti re ly. Press the two sli de switch to ward the PRESS but ton un til they lock. See pic tu re on the right. Now sli de the v-max even ly, on both si des, into the brackets. Make sure the v-max with its wheel chair links is in a straight line when you in sert it into the bra ckets. Then the ma chi ne sli des au to ma ti cal ly into the ap pro pria te pla ce in the bra ckets. 10

11 Now you press the PRESS but ton to un lock the le vers and the po we red ax les come out.. The po wer unit is ac ti vat ed, if both sli de switch have rea ched their ou ter po si ti on. The dri ving unit lo cked pro per ly, if the wheel chair can not be mo ved ma - nu al ly any more. Now you can in sert the plug of the po wer ca ble into its so cket on the v-max. 11

12 Then you put the ot her plug of the po wer ca ble into its so cket on the bat te ry pack. 2.4 Pushing and control grip The wheel chair driver s at ten dant con trols all functions of the v-max by me ans of the con trol grip. Sin ce the con trol grip and the pus hing grip can be in stal led eit her on the right or the left side, the v-max is ideal for both right-hand ed or left-hand ed users. At the ends of the re gu lar wheel chair grips links are at ta ched into which you can stick both grips of the V-max on eit her side. The se par ti cu lar grip hol ders al low the user to in sert eit her one of the grips in va ri ous po si tions on the right or the left side, so an in di vi du al and com for tab le ad just ments ot the grips is pos si ble. 12

13 2.4.1 Attaching the grips Due to the spe ci al toot hing it is pos si ble to in sert the grips into the grip hol ders in the most com for tab le po si ti on for each in di vi du al users. See pic tu re on the right in di ca ting the grip po si tions which have pro ven most com for tab le for fre quent use Removal of the grip Pull the lo ca ting pin. The grip un locks and you can lift it out of the link. 13

14 In case you do not need the de vi ce for some time, sim ply re mo ve the grips and put them back into their re spec ti ve hol ders + on the v-max. If you like, re mo ve the v-max en ti re ly from the wheel chair and set the de - vi ce on its grips, which functi on as stur dy legs in such case. 14

15 2.5 Anti-tilt support You may ope ra te the v-max only with in stal led anti-tilt sup port. If your wheel chair does not have a tilt sup port, which is stan dard with most wheel chair ma nu fac tu rers, we can equip your wheel chair with the ne ces sa - ry anti tilt sup port as an op tio nal ac ces so ry of the v-max. Hol ding de vi ces for our anti-tilt sup port are al rea dy moun ted on the bra - ckets of the v-max Attaching and removing the tilt support Universal holding device Sli de the tilt sup port all the way into the hol ding de vi ce on the v-max. Lock it with the lo cking bolt. Push the lo cking bolt into the dril - ling on the hol ding de vi ce whi le you press the un lo cking but ton at the top of the lo cking bolt. When the lo cking bolt is in ser ted all the way you re lea se the un lo cking but ton on the lo cking bolt. Plea se check whet her the lo cking bolts are tight ly se cu red in the hol ding de vi ces. If you can re mo ve the lo cking bolts wit hout pres sing the un lo - cking but ton, they are not se cu red pro per ly. Plea se make sure that the tilt sup port is not jam med whe ne ver you use the v-max. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted tilt supp orts. Plea se note that no tilt sup port can se cu re all po ten ti al ly dif fi cult si tua - tions, thus avoid any ins tab le si tua tions even with moun ted tilt supp orts. To re mo ve the tilt sup port you press the un lo cking but ton on the lo cking bolt whi le you pull it out. Then take off the tilt sup port Multi holding device 1 Pull the lo cking bolt out si de wi se and sli de the tilt sup port all the way into the hol ding on the v-max. Plea se note the in struc tions writ - ten on the tilt supp orts. The one mar ked with an "R" ist the tilt sup port for the right side, the one mar ked with an "L" is the one for the left side, so that the dril lings for the lo cking bolts cor re spond. Plea se make sure that the tilt supp orts are se cu red in their re spec ti ve hol ding de vi ces. If you can pull them out, they are not se cu red pro per ly. Be fo re you start dri ving make sure that the tilt supp orts are not jam med. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted tilt supp orts. Plea se note that no tilt sup port can se cu re all po ten ti al ly dif fi cult si tua - tions, thus avoid any ins tab le si tua tions even with tilt supp orts. To re mo ve them you pull out the lo cking bolts and take them off. 15

16 Multi holding device 2 Pull the lo cking bolt out si de wi se and sli de the tilt sup port all the way into the hol ding on the v-max. Plea se note the in struc tions writ - ten on the tilt supp orts. The one mar ked with an "R" ist the tilt sup port for the right side, the one mar ked with an "L" is the one for the left side, so that the dril lings for the lo cking bolts cor re spond. Plea se make sure that the tilt supp orts are se cu red in their re spec ti ve hol ding de vi ces. If you can pull them out, they are not se cu red pro per ly. Be fo re you start dri ving make sure that the tilt supp orts are not jam med. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted tilt supp orts. Plea se note that no tilt sup port can se cu re all po ten ti al ly dif fi cult si tua - tions, thus avoid any ins tab le si tua tions even with tilt supp orts. To re mo ve them you pull out the lo cking bolts and take them off. 16

17 3 Safety instructions and awareness of potential hazards 3.1 General information All ge ne ral ru les for the safe use of a wheel chair ap ply wit hout re ser va ti on whi le ope ra ting the v-max. To as su re the safe use of the v-max, it is in dis pen sa ble to ob ser ve the fol - lo wing di rec tions. 3.2 Technical requirements At ta ching the bra ckets of the v-max on the wheel chair or ma king chan ges on said bra ckets can only be per for med by the com pa ny AAT Al ber An - triebs tech nik or their aut ho ri zed dea lers. The v-max may only be at ta ched to wheel chairs who se se ats mea su re at least 36 cm. All wheel chairs must be che cked ac cor ding to ge ne ral ly ac - knowled ged tech ni cal norms, and their operators ma nu als must be ap - plied when using the v-max. When ope ra ting the v-max all sti pu la tions re qui red by the wheel chair ma - nu fac tu rer, such as e.g. ma xi mum gra dient or ma xi mum load, as well as all ot her ge ne ral gui de li nes must be ob ser ved. In di ca ted li mit ations are not to be ex cee ded un der any cir cums tan ces. The ma xi mum to tal weight of 200 kg is com po sed of the weight of the per son to be trans por ted plus the weight of the wheel chair and the v-max. Plea se al ways check the air pres su re of pneu ma tic stee ring rol lers. The v-max dri ving qua li ties could be af fec ted ne ga ti ve ly, if the re is not enough air in the rol lers. The v-max plus its po wer unit is for the most part co ver ed by the hou sing. Ne ver the less, plea se make sure that whi le dri ving you do not put fin gers or hands into the ro ta ting area (e.g. chain wheel or dri ving pi ni on). Al - ways keep a safe dis tan ce. 3.3 Correct use / attendant Tho rough in struc ti on into the use of the v-max by your dea ler or a re pre - sen ta ti ve of AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik is part of the de li very pa cka ge and ta kes pla ce at an ap point ment of your choi ce. This is a free ser vi ce at no ex tra char ge. Do not use the v-max wit hout being trai ned to ope ra te it Only an at ten dant and not the wheel chair dri ver him- or her self may use the pus hing and bra king aid, v-max, be cau se of the dan ger of til ting the wheel chair, espe ci al ly when dri ving on slo pes.. In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the v-max may only be ope ra ted by peo ple in struc ted in the use of the de vi ce and furt her by peo ple who are phy si - cal ly and men tal ly ca pa ble to ma na ge the v-max in all si tua tions that may oc cur whi le using it. The at ten dant must be able to catch the wheel chair plus the per son sit - ting in it, if the chair should tilt bac kwards. Anti-tilt supp orts are ob li ga to - ry! 17

18 Plea se check the tilt supp orts be fo re each use. They may ne ver be jam - med. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards to wards the wall with moun ted tilt supp - orts. Should you feel in se cu re hand ling the v-max, plea se con tact your dea ler or one of the AAT re pre sen ta ti ves. 3.4 Environmental influences - electromagnetic compatibility Elec tro mag ne tic com pa ti bi li ty sig ni fies the ca pa ci ty of an elec tric de vi ce to functi on sa tis fac to ri ly in its elec tro mag ne tic en vi ron ment wit hout in ter - fe ring with ot her de vi ces that are also in said en vi ron ment. The v-max suc cess ful ly pas sed all the EMV tests re qui red by law. 3.5 Climatic conditions In or der for the v-max to work pro per ly, plea se do not ex po se the de vi ce to free zing con di tions for a lon ger pe ri od of time. Should this be una voi da - ble, make sure that the de vi ce is in an en vi ron ment abo ve 0 Cel si us for at least one hour. 3.6 Driving Ge ne ral ly all li mits of your wheel chair spe ci fied by the ma nu fac tu rer must be ob ser ved and not ex cee ded. Du ring dri ve rests ac ti va te the lo cking bra kes of the wheelchair. Al ways put your speed con trol in the po si ti on of its lo west pos si ble speed when you start dri ving. Although the V-max ma na ges gra dients up to 20 % ne ver ex ceed the ma - xi mum gra dient sti pu la ted by the ma nu fac tu rer of your wheel chair. It is ob li ga to ry to use anti-tilt supp orts. Plea se check the tilt supp orts be fo re each use. They may ne ver be jam - med. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards to wards the wall with moun ted tilt supp - orts. Du ring long uphill dri ve the de vi ce can au to ma ti cal ly switch of due to the in ter fe re of the tem pe ra tu re con trol ler (see chap ter 6 trou ble shoo - ting). Plea se be cau ti ous when you go downhill with full bat te ries. Going down a slo pe pro du ces elec tri ci ty which ad di tio nal ly char ges the bat te ries. This can lead to ex cess vol ta ge, in which case the de vi ce may turn it self off (plea se see chap ter 6 for trou ble shoo ting). To avoid ex cess vol ta ge du ring re gu lar ope ra ti on, the de vi ce au to ma ti cal ly re du ces the speed. 3.7 Special instructions for operation If the v-max is tur ned off, the wheel chair can not be mo ved ma nu al ly - the dri ving unit is blo cked-up. Ex cep ti on: the v-max is de ta ched when the 2 sli de swit ches to con nect the po wer unit are me cha ni cal ly lo cked. In such case the wheel chair may be mo ved (see chapter 2.3). In or der to achie ve the de si red bra king ef fect, you must turn on the v-max. 18

19 The v-max can be stop ped at any time - be it du ring re gu lar ope ra ti on, an emer gen cy si tua ti on or when mal functio ning - by pus hing and re lea sing the pa nic switch. Plea se turn to chap ter for furt her in for ma ti on on the pa nic switch. In case of mal functi on plea se con sult chap ter 6 for trou ble shoo ting. Al ways mas ter ramps bac kwards sin ce the stee ring rol lers may po ten ti al - ly block when you dri ve for ward. Plea se pull the wheel chair at its hand le not at the ones of the v-max. Also al ways check the height of your anti-tilt sup port and keep in mind the wheel chair manufacturer s sti pu - la ted ma xi mum height. Plea se note that the v-max may only be used with a wheel chair to stand up with in a sea ted po si ti on, i.e. the wheel chair may not be used in its stand up position! 3.8 Transportation You may lift the v-max from its bra ckets for trans por ta ti on (see chap ter 2.3). Be fo re using mass trans por ta ti on such as bu ses or sub ways, etc. or your per so nal ve hi cle, plea se de tach the v-max from your wheel chair! Al ways turn off the v-max be fo re trans por ta ti on! Du ring dri ve rests ac ti va te the lo cking bra kes of the wheel chair. When dri ving in a ve hi cle, plea se se cu re your wheel chair and the v-max ac cor ding to the re spec ti ve ru les re gu la ted by law. The air-tight bat te ries used in the v-max are not con si de red ha zar dous goods ac cor ding to the spe ci al re gu la tions A67 and GGVS Rn-Nr A, sec ti on 2 by IATA, thus they are ap pro ved by DOT and IATA for air tra vel. 3.9 Condition of paths, walkways etc. You should avoid ope ra ting the de vi ce on un for ti fied grounds (sand, mud, loo se gra vel, ice or snow). Plea se avoid using the v-max in the rain, ice, snow or ge ne ral wet con di - tions be cau se then the wheels grip on the ground is re du ced. The re is an in crea sed dan ger of slip ping and sli ding. Plea se ad just your dri ving sty le ac cor ding ly. 19

20 4 Control and display elements Your v-max is rea dy to go when you re cei ve it. Once the v-max is cor rect ly moun ted and con nec ted, you can turn it on and use it im me di ate ly. Plea se prac ti se using it with an emp ty wheel chair to get a fee ling for the ma chi ne and its functions. This also ap plies to the pa nic switch system. 4.1 Control grip The wheel chair driver s at ten dant uses all of the v-max s functions by me - ans of the con trol grip Speed control The speed con trol al lows you to pre-se lect the speed. Turn the speed con trol coun ter-cloc kwi se all the way for mi ni mum speed. You must be gin with mi ni mum speed when you use the v-max for the first time Rocker switch With the ro cker switch you de ter mi ne the di rec ti on and speed (up to the pre-se lec ted speed) of the v-max. Use the ro cker switch carefully. To dri ve for ward, press the lon ger, back part dof the ro cker switch. To dri ve bac kward, press the shor ter, front part of the ro cker switch. The v-max speeds up the more you press the ro cker switch un til you re ach the ma xi mum pres su re point. It slows down the more you re lea se the ro - cker switch. If the user lets go of the ro cking switch al to get her and it rea ches its neut - ral po si ti on, the po wer co mes to a stand still. To in crea se the bra king ef - fect the po wer re ver ses po les. Two se conds af ter standstill is rea ched, an elec tro-mag ne tic par king bra - ke be co mes ac ti ve. 20

21 4.1.3 Panic switch f du ring an emer gen cy you press the ro cker switch too hard so that the pres su re point is over co me, the so-cal led pa nic switch cau ses the v-max to go from dri ving mode into coast. As long as you keep the ro cker switch pres sed, you can dri ve the pa tient away from the dan ge rous si tua ti on. Ho we ver, as soon as you re lea se the ro cker switch the elec tro mag ne tic bra ke is ac ti vat ed. De pen ding on par ti cu lar cir cums tan ces the elec tro-mag ne tic brakes strong ef fect may bra ke the wheel chair so ab ruptly that it stops im me di - ate ly. The pa nic switch works both ways going bac kward and for ward as well as du ring mal functi on ex cept when the dis play is blin king red 7 ti mes (plea - se see chap ter 6 for trou ble shoo ting). 4.2 ON/OFF push button The key is fur nis hed with the sym bols 0/1 and lo ca ted on the po wer unit. By pres sing the key you turn your de vi ce on or off. If you have not used the v-max for lon ger than 5 minutes, it turns it self off au to ma ti cal ly. In such case press the but ton again to re ac ti va te the de vi ce. 21

22 4.3 Battery charge A num ber of LED s lo ca ted on the con trol pa nel next to the On/Off but ton in form you about the char ge of the bat te ry. LED's and their mea ning: If the di ode lights up in - - the first green co lumn: the bat te ry pack is 100 % char ged - the se cond green co lumn: the bat te ry pack is 80 % char ged - the third green co lumn: The abat te ry pack is 60 % char ged - the yel low co lumn: the bat te ry pack is 40 % char ged - the red co lumn: the bat te ry pack is 20 % char ged If the LED in the red co lumn lights up, you must re char ge the bat te ry pack. Due to the ex ten si ve self tests of the elec tro nics, it is pos si ble that the char ge in di ca ti on only shows 80 %, even though the bat te ries are full. Plea se wait ap pro xi ma te ly one mi nu te, then the char ge will be in di ca ted cor rect ly. Due to the bat te ries and the data re cor der, the charge s con di ti on is only then pro per ly in di ca ted if the ro cker switch is in a neut ral po si ti on. So if the ro cker switch is not pres sed, it may take up to one mi nu te un til the re is a chan ge in the batteries dis play. 22

23 5 Battery pack The bat te ry pack of the V-max is main ten an ce-free and re char ge ab le. Its du ra bi li ty de pends di rect ly on the num ber of char ging/disch ar ging cy cles. 5.1 General information If you take good care of your bat te ry pack by re char ging it re gu lar ly, you pro long its du ra bi li ty. The v-max s elec tro nics cons tant ly check the battery s char ge and thus pre vent a to tal disch ar ge, if used ade qua te ly. Avoid a to tal disch ar ge of the bat te ry pack. Re char ge it af ter each parti al disch ar ge, i.e. af ter each use of the v-max. If the bat te ry pack is to tal ly disch ar ged, it ta kes a ma xi mum of ap pro xi - ma te ly 10 hours to re char ge it. The bat te ry pack un der go es a so-cal led self-disch ar ge; the re fo re, you should con nect your bat te ry pack, whe ne ver pos si ble, to a char ger. The char ging au to ma tism, which swit ches from char ging the bat te ry to re tai - ning the char ge when it is full, kicks in and keeps the bat te ry from over - char ging. If your bat te ry pack has not rea ched its full ca pa ci ty, it is pos si ble that with a new bat te ry pack it ta kes a few char ging/disch ar ging cy cles to build up the full ca pa ci ty. The bat te ry pack can be char ged in any po si ti on. It is con si de red as safe as dry cells and ad mit ted to air tra vel by DOT and IATA. Al ways char ge your bat te ry pack with the AAT char ger de li ver ed with your v-max. This par ti cu lar char ger au to ma ti cal ly turns off when the bat - te ries are ful ly char ged kee ping them from being over char ged. If ful ly char ged bat te ries emp ty fas ter than usu al, they are pro ba bly used up. In such case have your bat te ries che cked by your lo cal dea ler and ex - chan ged, if ne ces sa ry Charging the batteries attached to the wheelchair To char ge the bat te ries you may lea ve the bat te ry pack in its bag at ta ched to the wheel chair. First pull the plug of the po wer ca ble, then in sert the plug of the char ger en ti re ly into the char ging so cket. Fi nal ly plug the char ger into the wall so cket. Du ring the char ging pro cess the LED dis play shows a cons tant oran ge light. As soon as the char ging pro cess is fi nis hed, the LED dis play shows a cons tant green light. Af ter wards you first re mo ve the charger s plug from the wall so cket, and then you pull the plug from the char ging so cket. 23

24 5.1.2 Charging the batteries in your vehicle By me ans of a vol ta ge trans for mer you may even char ge your bat te ry pack whi le dri ving your car. First re mo ve the po wer ca ble. Then ful ly in sert the plug of the char ger into the char ging so cket on the bat te ry pack. Then con nect the char ger to the vol ta ge trans for mer. Fi nal ly you plug the trans for - mer into the ci ga ret te lighter. Af ter wards you first pull the transformer s plug from the ci ga ret te lighter be fo re you dis con nect it from the char gern. 5.2 Change of fuses The bat te ry pack has two fu ses, each 40 A, in a dra wer. Once the lo wer fuse is burnt out, re pla ce it by the up per, ex tra fuse. If a chan ge of fu ses is ne ces sa ry, put a pin in the ope ning on the side of the bat te ry pack. This un locks the dra wer, so you may pull it out. You may not mend or by-pass a de fect fuse. Al ways re pla ce it with an iden ti cal one of the same am pe ra ge. AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH could of fer you re pla ce ments of the fu ses! Be fo re you ex chan ge the fu ses, plea se re mo ve the char ger from the bat - te ry pack! Should your fu ses burn out fre quent ly, plea se con tact AAT Al ber An - triebs tech nik GmbH or your aut ho ri zed dea ler. 24

25 6 Trouble shooting - malfunction If the re are pro blems using the V-max, plea se check the fol lo wing trou ble shoo ting chart and see whet her you can fix them your self. Problem v-max cannot be turned on Batteries don t charge Check and potential solution Is the charger connected to the v-max? If so, disconnect the charging cable and plug in the power cable Is the battery pack or the control unit empty? If so, charge the batteries and the control unit. Are the fuses damaged? If so, exchange the fuses If there is still a problem turning on the v-max, please contact your dealer. Please contact your dealer Mal functi on is in di ca ted by a blin king red light di ode in the con trol field. Plea se turn the de vi ce OFF and ON again. If the de vi ce is still in di ca ting mal functi on, char ge the bat te ries in case of low vol ta ge. In all ot her ca - ses, plea se con tact your dea ler. Red LED blinks 1 x Type of malfunction Malfunction of the motor, the motor controller or the battery pack 2 x Low voltage, batteries empty 3 x Overvoltage 4 x Electro-magnetic brake at fault 5 x Indicator for excess voltage 6 x Indicator for overstressing 7 x Temperature controller In ca ses of mal functi on such as the blin king of 1 4 ti mes we cons ci ous - ly ab stai ned from au to ma ti cal ly ac ti va ting the elec tro-mag ne tic bra kes as soon as the mal functi on is re cog ni zed whi le the de vi ce is dri ving. If you want to ac ti va te the elec tro-mag ne tic bra ke, push the ro cker switch hard to over co me the pres su re point and the pa nic switch is ac ti - vat ed. Then re lea se the ro cker switch. 25

26 In all ot her ca ses of mal functi on the elec tro-mag ne tic bra ke is au to ma ti - cal ly ac ti vat ed. Cau ti on: Should the dis play blink red 7 ti mes (over hea ting) then one has to wait for ap pro xi ma te ly 5 mi nu tes, de pen ding on the tem pe ra tur. In this con di ti on the de vi ce can not be ac ti vat ed by first swit ching it off and then on again. Should you have to move the wheel chair and the de vi ce is in said con di - ti on of mal functi on, you may only do so by me cha ni cal ly lo cking the sli - de swit ches of the po wer unit (see chap ter 2.3). Af ter coo ling down the de vi ce is au to ma ti cal ly in dri ving mode un less the coo ling pro cess took too long and it tur ned it self off, in which case it would sim ply have to be tur ned on again. In all ot her ca ses of mal functi on, plea se see your lo cal dea ler. 26

27 7 Care, maintenance and recycling To in su re the v-max s safe and pro per functio ning we re com mend a sa fe ty check done on the de vi ce every two ye ars, even though the re might not be any ou ter da ma ge or mal functi on evi dent. For sa fe ty rea sons this sa fe ty check or re pairs of any sort may only be per for med by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik. The de vi ce it self does not call for par ti cu lar main ten an ce or care ex cept for the oc ca sio nal clea ning (see chap ter 7.3.2). 7.1 Different user If the user chan ges (new user), we re com mend to have a sa fe ty check per - for med on the de vi ce. 7.2 Care Battery pack The v-max s bat te ries are air-tight, main ten an ce-free, re char ge ab le and of ex cel lent qua li ty. To tal disch ar ge le ads to loss of ca pa ci ty as well as a shor ter du ra bi li ty. The re fo re avoid a to tal disch ar ge by re char ging the bat te ries whe ne ver pos si ble! Char ging and ta king care of your bat te ries is the same thing in this case. If ful ly char ged bat te ries emp ty fas ter than usu al, they pre su ma bly are used up. Have them che cked by your lo cal dea ler or an AAT re pre sen ta ti - ve, and, if ne ces sa ry, ex chan ged Cleaning Plea se cle an your con trol unit, dri ving unit, bat te ry pack and bra ckets with a mild hou se hold clea ner. Plea se cle an the toot hed seg ments and the dri ve shaft s pi ni on re gu lar ly, sin ce the se parts can be out worn more ea si ly due to dirt and de bris. Make sure that no wa ter gets into the v-max; the re fo re, me re ly use a damp cloth for clea ning. In the in te rest of your sa fe ty, do not use a high-pres su re clea ning de vi ce. Plea se make sure that your wheel chair is clea ned ac cor ding to the manufacturer s spe ci fi ca tions. 27

28 7.3 Maintenance The V-max is a de vi ce par ti cu lar ly low in main ten an ce. Ne ver the less, for sa fe ty rea sons your v-max needs to be che cked once every 2 ye ars, even though the re may not be any mal functi on or ou ter da ma ge. Plea se con tact your dea ler or your AAT re pre sen ta ti ve con cer ning the main ten an ce work. 7.4 Recycling The v-max and its bat te ry pack are pro ducts of long du ra bi li ty. Ho we ver, if your v-max is old and has rea ched the end of its li fe span you may re turn its com po nents to AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or your lo cal dea ler to be re cy cled. A new law con cer ning elec tric and elec tro nic de vi ces (Elek trog) has been pas sed on March 24, 2005 re gu la ting the ta king back and re cy cling of old elec tric and elec tro nic de vi ces. Ac cor ding to the Fe de ral Office of En vi ron ment Pro tec ti on (Ger man BDU) the v-max is con si de red a me ans of trans por ta ti on and does not fall un der this law con cer ning the re cy cling of old elec tric or elec tro nic de vi ces (Elek trog, 2 pa ra graph 1 sen ten ce 1 (cross re fer en ce, Gui de li ne of the Eu ro pe an Par lia ment 2002/96/EG). 28

29 8 Warranty and liability 8.1 Warranty The re is a 24 month war ran ty (6 months on the bat te ry pack) on the v-max star ting from the date of pur cha se. The war ran ty co vers faul ty ma - te ri al and ma nu fac tu ring de fects. The war ran ty does not in clu de: na tu ral wear and tear (toot hed dri ving belt, toot hed seg ments, wheel chair wheels, dri ves haft) da ma ge cau sed by ope ra ti on bey ond set li mit ations da ma ge cau sed by im pro per hand ling for ced da ma ge un aut ho ri zed chan ges made on the de vi ce and/or its ac ces so ries da ma ge done by un law ful use of the v-max ex cee ding the ma xi mum load in di ca ted by the ma nu fac tu rer. da ma ge done by in ex pert char ging of the bat te ries. 8.2 Liability The ma nu fac tu rer AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH is not re spon si ble for the sa fe ty of the v-max if: the v-max was hand led and used inap pro pria te ly the v-max was not che cked every two ye ars by an aut ho ri zed dea ler or AAT GmbH the v-max was used not in ac cor dan ce with all in struc tions and pre - cau tions in clu ded in this user s ma nu al the v-max was used with in suf fi cient bat te ry char ge as sem bly, re pairs or ot her work was done by un aut ho ri zed per son nel parts or ac ces so ries ot her than tho se re com men ded by the ma nu fac - tu rer of the v-max were used parts of the v-max were chan ged or re mo ved en ti re ly. 29

30 Notes: 30

31 Notes: 31

32 AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH Post fach D Albs tadt Tel.: Fax.: info@aat-on li ne.de li ne.de

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