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1 The 19h ANNUAL PÄRNU INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY AND ANTHROPOLOGY FILM FESTIVAL Estonia, Pärnu, July 3-10, 2005 XIX PÄRNU RAHVUSVAHELINE DOKUMENTAAL- JA ANTROPOLOOGIAFILMIDE FESTIVAL Pärnus, juulil a. Calendar for the next festivals: Järgmiste festivalide kalender: The festival is supported by Town of Pärnu, Ministry of Culture, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Estonian Film Foundation, French Cultural Center in Tallinn, Tallink, Estonian Air, Estonian TV Festival toimub Pärnu Linna, Kultuurkapitali, Eesti Filmi Sihtasutuse, Kultuuriministeeriumi, Prantsuse Kultuurikeskuse, Tallinki, Estonian Air i, Eesti Televisiooni toetusel.

2 2 The following directors have received Grand Prize for the best film of the festival - a desired handwoven West- Estonian blanket, in recognition of their master work: 1987 Asen Balikci (Canada) for Winter In Ice Camp 1988 Jon Jerstad (Norway) for Vidarosen 1989 Ivars Seleckis (Latvia) for Cross-street 1990 Hugo Zemp (France) for Song of Harmonics 1991 Lise Roos (Denmark) for The Allotment Garden 1992 Kari Happonen (Finland) for A Visit 1993 Heimo Lappalainen (Finland) for Taiga Nomads 1994 Makoto Sato (Japan) for Living on the Agano River 1995 Kersti Uibo (England-Estonia) for Edvard s Acre 1996 Sergei Dvortsevoy (Russia) for Paradise 1997 Thomas Stenderup (Denmark) for Portal to Peace 1998 Bente Milton (Denmark) for Gaia s Children 1999 Lasse Naukkarinen (Finland) for The Artist s Life 2000 Wen Pu Lin (China) for In Search of Shangri-La 2001 Jouko Aaltonen (Finland) for Kusum 2002 Maciej Adamek (Poland) for I Will Not Leave You Ulrika Bengts (Finland) Now You Are Hamlet 2004 Johan Palmgren (Sweden) Ebba And Torgny For the seventh year the special contest takes place on air of Estonian TV, too. Late night on July 9th, the tvaudience of our country will vote for the best film on modern family issue. The award will be made by the speaker of Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) Ene Ergma. The Estonian People s Award winners in the past are: 1999 U.Koch(Switzerland) for Saltmen of Tibet 2000 P.Hegedus (Australia) Grandfathers and Revolutions 2001 A.Varda (France) Cleaners and I 2002 K.Uibo (U.K) Narrow is the Gate 2003 N.Philibert (France) To Be And to Have 2004 J.Karsh (USA) My Flesh and Blood The jury for Grand Prize 2005: Murray Nossel (USA) Boaz Tal (Israel) Liivo Niglas (Estonia) The jury for art films: Walther Grotenhuis (Holland) Mark Sadan (USA) Harry Liivrand (Eesti) The jury for Estonian films: Cinta Forger (Holland) Hannu Sinisalo (Finland) Lauri Kärk (Eesti) The jury for medical films: Dr. Külvar Mand with doctors from Pärnu Festivali parima filmi auhinna - ihaldatud Lääne-Eesti teki - on viinud koju järgmised rezhissöörid oma meistritöödega: 1987 Asen Balikci Talv jäälaagris (Kanada) 1988 Jon Jerstad Vidarosen (Norra) 1989 Ivars Seleckis Põiktänav (Läti) 1990 Hugo Zemp Kõrilaulmine (Prantsusmaa) 1991 Lise Roos Renditud aed (Taani) 1992 Kari Happonen Külasläik (Soome) 1993 Heimo Lappalainen Taiga rändrahvas (Soome) 1994 Makoto Sato Elu Agano jõel (Jaapan) 1995 Kersti Uibo Evaldimaa (Inglismaa-Eesti) 1996 Sergei Dvortsevoi Paradiis (Venemaa) 1997 Thomas Stenderup Igavese rahu portaal (Taani) 1998 Bente Milton Gaia lapsed (Taani) 1999 Lasse Naukkarinen Kunstniku elu (Soome) 2000 Wen Pu Lin Otsides Shangri-La d (Hiina) 2001 Jouko Aaltonen Kusum (Soome) 2002 Maciej Adamek Ma ei jäta sind surmani (Poola) 2003 Ulrika Bengts Nüüd sa oled Hamlet (Soome) 2004 Johan Palmgren Ebba ja Torgny (Rootsi) Seitsmendat aastat võistlevad filmid lisaks Pärnu kinoekraanidele ka ETV-s. Missugune kaasaegset perekonnamudelit esitlev film võidab Eesti Rahva Auhinna, see sõltub teleauditooriumi hääletustulemusest 9.juulil. Auhinna annab üle Riigikogu esimees Ene Ergma. Varasemad laureaadid olgu kokku loetud siin: 1999 U. Koch Tiibeti soolamehed (Shveits) 2000 P. Hegedus Vanaisad ja revolutsioonid (Austraalia) 2001 A.Varda Järelnoppijad ja mina (Prantsusmaa) 2002 K.Uibo Kitsas on värav (Inglismaa) 2003 N. Philibert Olla ja omada (Prantsusmaa) 2004 J. Karsh Mu liha ja veri (USA) Peaauhinna zhürii 2005: Murray Nossel (USA) Boaz Tal (Iisrael) Liivo Niglas (Eesti) Kunstifilmide zhürii: Walther Grotenhuis (Holland) Mark Sadan (USA) Harry Liivrand (Eesti) Eesti filmide zhürii: Hannu Sinisalo (Soome) Cinta Grotenhuis (Holland) Lauri Kärk (Eesti) Meditsiinifilmide zhürii: Dr. Külvar Mand koos Pärnu arstidega

3 3 Dear guests and organisers of Pärnu Film Festival, The festival is an event which joins visually different cultural traditions of Estonia, Europe and the entire world. The films screened in the program of festival help to draw conclusions and to understand clearly what is happening in the world. I wish You to take more time to watch and see as many films as possible. Thank you for keeping the tradition of Pärnu Film Festival alive. Raivo Palmaru Minister of Culture Dear film makers, Pärnu is happy and we are lucky that the Pärnu Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival initiated by Mark Soosaar is taking place again, now for the nineteenth time already. In the buzy world with commercial orientation, every masterpiece that helps us to go back in search of our roots for a moment and shows man truthfully in his natural activities, is a refreshing oasis. I wish memorable film days to all the participants and guests and I hope that the presented films give a lot of new ideas to everyone. Good luck, dear film fans! Ahti Kõo Major of Pärnu Head Pärnu Filmifestivali festivali külastajad ja korraldajad! Pärnu filmifestival on sündmus, mis visuaalselt ühendab erinevalt tajutavaid Eesti, Euroopa ja kogu maailma kultuuritraditsioone. Festivalil linastuvad filmid aitavad teha järeldusi ning mõista selgemalt maailmas toimuvat. Soovin teile rohkem aega, et vaadata ja näha võimalikult palju festivalifilme. Tänan Teid Pärnu filmifestivali traditsiooni hoidmise ja korraldamise eest. Raivo Palmaru Kultuuriminister Lugupeetud filmitegijad! Pärnul on hea meel ja me oleme uhked, et taas, nüüd juba 19. korda toimub meie linnas hr. Mark Soosaare algatatud ja tema ettevõtmisel teoks saav Pärnu dokumentaal- ja antropoloogiafilmide festival. Üha kiirustavas ja kommertsile orienteeritud maailmas on kosutavaks oaasiks vaimurännakutel iga selline teos, mis aitab meil kasvõi hetketi minna tagasi algusse, oma juurte juurde ja kajastab inimest tema looduslikes ning loomulikes tegevustes ehedalt. Soovin kõigile osavõtjatele ja festivalile kaasaelavatele külalistele meeldejäävaid filmipäevi ja loodan, et festivalil esitatavad tööd annavad palju uusi mõtteid ja ideid kõigile. Edu Teile, head filmisõbrad! Ahti Kõo Pärnu linnapea.

4 4 Head sõbrad! Hoolimata 9.jaanuaril Pärnut tabanud hiiglaslikust üleujutusest, oleme elus koos 19-aastase filmifestivaliga.oleme iga festivaliga püüdnud leida uusi olulisi sõnumeid. Ega see väga keeruline olegi, sest uued sõnumid tulevad suurest maailmast, mis vist kunagi valmis ei saa nagu öeldkse nii inimese kui ka linna kohta. Seitse ETV ekraanil võistlevat filmi on pühendatud moodsatele perekonnamudelitele. Kaasaegne perekond ei sünni enam vajadusest tagada varanduse pärimist. Üha enam tõuseb esiplaanile armastus ja uue elu sünd, mille kaitsmiseks on ka vaja perekonda. Uued kooselu mudelid on valulised neile, kes tahaksid muutumatut, traditsioonilist maailma iga hinna eest säilitada. See pole aga võimalik. Paratamatult tuleb põlisväärtusi hoides kohaneda uute tuultega. Täiesti uudne on meditsiinifilmide programm. See viib vaataja teadjameeste ja rituaalidega ravitsejate juurde, uurib uut salapärast viirushaigust Aafrikas, kiikab vaimuhaigete loomemaailma. Meditsiinifilme hindab Pärnu arstidest erizhürii legendaarse tohtri Külvar Mandi juhtimisel. Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseumis toimunud traditsiooniline filmikava suurtest isiksustest kunstis on laienenud lisaks tuntud loojatele näitame ka portreid kummalistest, veel tunnustamata loojatest. Kuna sel aastal on meil palju filme Aafrikast, siis avame festivalipäeviks Epp Meisneri uhke maalinäituse Namiibiast. Kuna festivalile saabub mitmeid oma eriala suurepäraseid meistreid ning seegi festival leiab aset taas vanas armsas koolimajas, siis muutuvad mõned klassitoad meistriklassideks. Iisraeli fotograaf Boaz Tal ning ameerika fotokunstnik Mark Sadan õpetavad hea aktifoto tegemise saladusi, televisioonis võistlevate perefilmide autorid Murray Nossel, Lars Westman, Walther Grotenhuis ja Cinta Forger on palutud õpetama jälgimisfilmi metoodikat. Oma teadmisi annavad edasi ka eesti dokumentaalfilmi klassik Mati Põldre ja allakirjutanu. Filmikunst ilma muusikata on sama, mis pulm ilma pruudiröövita. Hea dokfilmigi tegemiseks on vaja üht helinat, mis kasvab rinna sees suuremaks (Ernst Enno luulest, äsjalahkunud kolleegi Olav Neulandi üht filmi meenutades). Just seepärast püüame täita Nikolai tänava pärnaallee, mis seob meie kaht festivalimaja, mõnusa muusikaga. Pillimehed ja lauljad võistlevad parima tänavamuusiku tiitlile, mis kuulutatakse välja meie auhinnaõhtul 9.juulil. Samal suveööl annab Riigikogu esimees Ene Ergma üle Eesti Rahva Auhinna ETV-s võistelnud parima filmi autorile. Laienenud on ka meie festivali geograafia. Muusikafilme näitame Villu Veski jazzifestivalil Ju jääb! Muhumaal, filme rahvuslikust käsitööst, kalurite ja talurahva elust Anu Raua Heimtali Rahvamajas ja Manija saare külakeskuses. Loodame, et osa enam kui sajast festivalifilmist jõuab eeltuleval talvel ka ETV ekraanile. Eriti tahaksin soovitada neid dokfilme, mis jutustavad laste elust taigas, vihmametsades, sõjakolletes. Mitte kõikjal pole ju elu nii ladus kui Eestis Mõnusat festivali! Mark Soosaar Festivali pealik Dear friends, Despite the great flood on January 9th in sinking Pärnu, we are still alive together with the 19-years-old film festival. With every festival we have tried to find fresh essential messages. It appears not to be very difficult because new messages are coming from all around the world which never seems to be as complete as any town or human being. The seven films on air of Estonian TV are dedicated to modern family models. The family of today is not born from the need to guarantee inheritance of fortune. Love and birth of a new life needing protection is getting more and more important. The new models of marriage are painful for those who would like to have the traditional world preserved unchanged. But it is not possible. Anyway, we have to adjust to new winds. The program of healthcare films is completely new at the festival. The films on health care are judged by the jury of doctors from Pärnu, headed by the legendary medical man Külvar Mand. The traditional film program at the Museum of New Art in Pärnu of well-known personalities in art will be expanded: next to the portraits of unknown and a bit strange creators. As we are showing many films on Africa, we have opened an outstanding exhibition of paintings from Namibia by Epp Meisner. Several great masters are coming to the festival. As the festival is taking place in an old and lovely schoolhouse, their master classes are going to be held. Two photo artists, the Israeli Boaz Tal and the American Mark Sadan will teach the secrets of making a good nude photo. The authors of the family films Murray Nossel, Lars Westman, Walther Grotenhuis and Cinta Forger are asked to share their experiences of the continuous following shooting method. The Estonian film maker Mati Põldre and me are going to spread our knowledge, too. There is no good wedding without bride kidnapping in Estonia and there is no good film without music in the film history. At least, a feeling of musical composition must be in the foundation of editing. This is why the festival street will be filled with music. There is going to be a contest on the title of the best street musician which will be announced on July, 9 th. The same night Ene Ergma, the speaker of Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) will give the Estonian People s Award to the best film of the TV competition. The geography of our festival has expanded, too. We are going to show the music films at the Future Music Festival Juu Jääb! on Muhu Island, films on traditional handicraft, life of fishermen and farmers at the Heimtali Folk Club run by recognized textile artist Anu Raud and at the community center of Manija Island. Hopefully, a part of more than a hundred films from our festival will be shown on the Estonian National TVchannel in future. I would especially advise the films about children in the rainforests, taiga and hotbeds of war. It is not everywhere that life can be as easy as in Estonia. Have a good time at the festival! Mark Soosaar Chief of the festival

5 5 FILMS in the alphabetical order FILMID tähestikulises järjekorras

6 6 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION 14 EPISODES 9 min Ukraine/The Netherlands (filmed in Chechen Republic of Ihkeria) Directed and edited by Murad Mazaev Photographed by Taras Protsuk, Islam Saydaev and Tepsurkaev Adam Produced by Chechen Films Distributed by Kaukasus TV Foundation, Postbus 844, 3000 AV Rotterdam, The Netherlands Tel Fax Chechen resistance fighters, a bus carrying women and children destroyed by Russian aircraft, mad people after bombardments, and blood and tears. Torn metal, the face of death, and helplessness are reflected in 14 episodes of the first and the second Russian-Chechen wars. One of the reporters who has shot the material Taras Protsuk from Ukrainian TV was killed in Iraq in April 8th, EPISOODI Autor Murad Mazaev Esimese ja teise Tshetsheenia-Venemaa sõja neljateistkümnes episoodis peegelduvad surm ning abitus. Üks selle materjali filmijatest, Ukraina telereporter Taras Protsuk, tapeti 8. aprillil aastal Iraagis. THE 3 ROOMS OF MELANCHOLIA 85 min Finland Directed and photographed by Pirjo Honkasalo Sound recorded by Martti Turunen Edited by Niels Pagh Andersen and Pirjo Honkasalo Produced by Millenium Film Ltd Distributed by Deckert Distribution, Peterssteinweg 13, DE Leipzig, Germany Tel Fax The inability of adults to resolve the Chechen war gives rise to a generation upon whom hatred has been visited like the issue of a deity incarnate. Children have taken on a burden of hatred which they believe springs from within. Russian children in Kronstadt, an island that lies before St. Petersburg where President Putin has established by decree a military school for orphaned children. They are being trained in the Kronstadt Cadet Academy as child soldiers. The imagined enemy is the Chechen, the foe whose utter defeat turns a soldier into a hero of the fatherland. The film shows Chechen children in Chechnya and Ingushetia, in the family of Xhadizhat Gataeva which now consists of 63 orphans for whom Xhadizhat has vowed to act as mother. MELANHOOLIA 3 TUBA Tshetsheenia sõda kasvatab vihkavat põlvkonda. Lapsed usuvad, et viha tuleb seestpoolt. Kroonlinna sõjakoolis kasvavad orvuks jäänud poisid sõduriteks. Nende kujuteldavaks vaenlaseks on tshetsheen, kelle hävitamine teeb sõdurist kangelase. Xhadizhat Gataeva on lapsendanud 63 orvuks jäänud last Tshetsheeniast ja Ingusheetiast. Ta on tõotanud olla neile ema eest.

7 Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION New Estonian Documentaries 7 THE 4 th WIFE AND HER AFRICAN HUSBAND 53 min Norway (filmed in Gambia and Germany) Directed by Ellen-Astri Lundby Photography by Runar Jarle Wiik Sound by Frode Løes Arnesen, Lydhodene Editing by Jon Jerstad Produced by Bente Olav, Frameline Film AS Distributed by Toril Simonsen, Norwegian Film Institute Dronningens gate 16, P.O. Box 482 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo, Norway Tel Fax A colourful portrait of a black and white marriage between a German business woman and an African polygamist. Rosemarie married Siaka 12 years ago, despite the fact that he had three wives from before. When Rosemarie takes a short trip to Germany, Siaka invests his business-money in a wreck of a Mercedes Benz. But it s not only the car that breaks down in this painfully intimate, highly entertaining and creative documentary. The cultural clash between Europe and Africa has seldom or never, been portrayed this ruthlessly close before. NELJAS NAINE JA TEMA AAFRIKA MEES Autor Ellen-Astri Lundby Värviküllane pilt must-valgest abielust saksa ärinaise ja aafriklasest mitmenaisepidaja vahel. Rosemarie abiellus Siakaga 12 aasta eest. Mehel oli enne juba kolm naist. Kui Rosemarie võtab ette lühiajalise reisi Saksamaale, paigutab Siaka oma ärirahad vanasse Mercedes Benzi. Euroopa ja Aafrika vahelist kultuuride kokkupõrget on harva nii halastamatu otsekohesusega portreteeritud. ADVENTURE HIGH 89 min Estonia (filmed in Mongolia/China/Tibet) Directed, recorded and produced by Liivo Niglas Edited by Liivo Niglas and Marju Juhkum Distributed by mp doc, 33-6 Põhja Street, Keila, Estonia Tel Five young men take a four-month break from their wellfunctioning and responsible grown-up life to travel by bicycle from Mongolia to Nepal hoping to experience old-fashioned travel adventures. TAVALINE SEIKLUS Autor Liivo Niglas Viie noormehe rattamatk Mongooliast Nepaali. Proovitakse järele, kas seiklustel leidub kohta täiskasvanute asjalikus maailmas. Üks viiest ratturist on filmi autor. Well-known and Unkown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION AIN T SO BUENAVISTA 9 min Cuba Directed and photographed by Eloy Enciso Produced and distributed by Eloy Enciso, EICTV Plaza Alqueria Nova, 7 pta 9, Gandia, Valencia, Spain Tel The Mexican is an old musician who earns a living playing music in the bars of Havana. He and his friends sing, dance and argue about the real life and reality of living. Some of the characters live in the real Havana, far away from the glamour of Buenavista Social Club. EEMAL BUENAVISTAST Autor Eloy Enciso Mehhiklane on vana muusik, kes teenib elatist Havanna baarides mängides. Koos oma sõpradega ta laulab, tantsib ja arutleb tõelise elu ja elu tõeluse üle. Mõned tegelased elavad aga tõelises Havannas, kaugel eemal glamuursest Buenavista Social Clubist.

8 8 Well-known and Unkown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION Docs for Kids and Youth ALPHONSE MUCHA: ART NOUVEAU VISIONARY 52 min Germany (filmed in Czech Republic/France/ Germany) Directed by Susanne Boehm Photography by Thomas Kutschker and Marcus Winterbauer Sound by Böris Jöns Editing by Regina Bärtschi Produced by Peter Roloff Distributed by German United Distributors, contact: Svenja Sudeikat, Breite Str , Köln, Germany Tel Fax Alphonse Mucha ( ) was the visionary master of Art Nouveau. Born in what is now known as the Czech Republic, Mucha had his artistic breakthrough in Paris in 1895 with his posters of the world famous actress Sarah Bernhardt. Since 1910, Charles R. Crane, an American millionaire financed the highlight of Mucha s artistic work: The Slav Epic the series of 20 monumental paintings, widely unknown in a Moravian castle. APE MARIA 28 min Italy Directed by Greta Mentzel Photography by Jorge Yetano Sound by Harald Herschbaumer Editing by Pia Profanter Produced by Georg Zeller Distributed by ZeLIG school for documentary Via Brennero 20, Bolzano, Italy Tel Fax The Ape pronounced Ah-pay by the Italian manufacturer Piaggio is a small three-wheeled vehicle. It requires no license to operate, while the minimum age to drive one is 14. For two sixteen-year-old boys from the South Tyrol region of Italy, Andreas and Platzer, the Ape means freedom. APE MARIA Autor Greta Mentzel Ape või Ah-pay nagu seda hääldab Itaalia ettevõtja Piaggio, on väike kolmerattaline sõiduk. Sellega sõitmiseks pole tarvis juhiluba ja juhtimiseks nõutav vanus on vähemalt 14. Kahele 16-aastasele Itaalia lõuna-tirooli poisile tähendab Ape vabadust. ALPHONSE MUCHA - JUUGENDI VISIONÄÄR Autor Susanne Boehm Alphonse Mucha ( ) oli suur juugendi nägemuse kandja. Sündinud Tshehhimaal, tegi Mucha aastal Pariisis endale nime plakatitega maailmakuulsast näitlejannast Sarah Bernhardt ist. Alates aastast toetas Ameerika miljonär Charles R. Crane oma rahadega Mucha kunstnikutöö suurteost Slaavi epopöa, mille kaksümmend vaid vähestele teadaolevat maali asuvad ühes Moraavia lossis.

9 Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION 9 BOUNDLESS LOVE: MY AFRICAN DREAM 40 min The Netherlands Directed and produced by Walther Grotenhuis and Cinta Forger Photographed by Adri Schrover, Rene Heijnen, Peter Mariouw Smit, Walther Grotenhuis Sound recorded by Wouter Veldhuis, Walther Grotenhuis Edited by Jaap de Goede, Jan Willem Looze Distributed by Olympic Films. D.L. Hudigstraat 38, 1019 TR Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel Fax Dutch AnneMarie (35) and African Amara (34) have a very close relationship. They have a daughter, Kadija (4). Amara is the leader of a band from Sierra Leone and AnneMarie is a social worker. AnneMarie has devoted her life to her husband s music and band. Her parents are quite sceptical about this. In their opinion, AnneMarie sacrifices herself in a wrong way. THE BOX 11 min Greece Directed, recorded, produced and distributed by Eva Stefani Edited by Alekos Samsonidis and Takis Gorgorinis 18 Panagi Benaki Street, Athens 11471, Greece Tel./Fax An elderly woman speeks back to her television set. As millions of human beings all around the world, she has changed her personal life against the glamour of the characters on TV-program. TELEPURK Autor Eva Stefani Vanem naine vestleb oma teleriga. Nagu miljonid inimesed üle kogu maailma on ka tema vahetanud oma isikliku elu telekangelaste sära vastu. PIIRITU ARMASTUS - MU AAFRIKA UNISTUS Autorid Walther Grotenhuis and Cinta Forger Hollandlanna AnneMarie (35) ja aafriklane Amara (34) on loonud peresuhted. Amara on ühe Sierra Leone muusikaansambli juht ja AnneMarie sotsiaaltöötaja. AnneMarie on pühendanud oma elu abikaasa muusikale ja ansamblile. Tema vanemate arvates ohverdab nende tütar end valesti.

10 10 Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION BRIDE KIDNAPPING IN KYRGYZSTAN 52 min Canada, Kyrgyzstan Directed and recorded by Petr Lom Edited by Petr Lom, Anatoly Sivoha Produced by Lom Film Distributed by Films Transit International, 252 Boulevard Gouin Est, Montreal, Quebec H3L 1A8, Canada Tel Fax In Kyrgyzstan, it is not unusual for a girl to go to school carefree in the morning but to end up a bride in a family of strangers by nightfall. It is no use to put up a struggle. Young Kairgul is calmly waiting for the school bus. She does not suspect that the man hanging out on the curb has evil intentions, but the next moment, he pushes her into a passing car and kidnaps her to become his bride. I don t want to be late for school, she shouts. Your classes are over, he dryly responds. In Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, men abduct a bride if they are not rich enough to pay a dowry. The kidnapping is often discussed beforehand in the potential groom s family: who has a car available, what the girl should be able to do, and where she will live. After the abduction, the new in-laws inform the girl s parents who often accept the proposal. Kidnapping a bride is the usual state of affairs. We have all been abducted, women tell a freshly kidnapped girl who reluctantly stands in a corner. Lifestyles THE BRIDGE 75 min. Romania (filmed in Romania/Ukraine) Directed and produced by Ileana Stanculescu Photographed by Nikola Wyrwich Sound recorded by Anusavan Salamanian Edited by Klaudia Begic 8 Macedonski Street, Bucharest , Romania Tel An old bridge between a Romanian-Ukrainian town has been rebuilt. People on both sides of the border hope to see each other again and to cross the river like in old times. But the bridge is closed and they are still separated. SILD Autor Ileana Stanculescu Rumeenia ja Ukraina piirijõel olnud vana sild on taas üles ehitatud. Kummalgi pool jõge asuvas linnas elavad inimesed lootsid üksteist taas näha nagu kunagi ammu. Kuid sild on suletud ja inimesed ikka eraldatud. PRUUDIRÖÖV KIRGIISIA MOODI Autor Petr Lom Kirgiisias võib hommikul muretult kooliteele asunud tütarlaps õhtuks leida end juba pruudina võhivõõraste inimeste juures. Mehed, kel pole pruudiluna maksmiseks piisavalt raha, muretsevad endale naise röövimise teel. Tihti arutatakse röövimist enne koos oma sugulastega - kes saab laenata autot, mida peab pruut oskama, kus ta elama hakkab? Pärast röövi informeerivad uued sugulased pruudi vanemaid, kes enamasti abieluettepaneku vastu võtavad. Meid kõiki on röövitud, rahustavad vanemad naised toanurgas vastupunnivat noorikut.

11 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION New Estonian Documentaries 11 BUILDING THE GHERKIN 90 min Switzerland (filmed in U.K./Switzerland) Directed by Mirjam von Arx Photographed by Fred Rotkopf Sound by Eddie Bannerman and Eric Arnaud Edited by Janet Taylor Produced by Kristian Widmer Distributed by ican films, Kreuzstrasse 2, 8034 Zürich, Switzerland Tel Fax Just a month and a day after the disastrous attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the first steel beam of a new tower nicknamed the erotic gherkin is erected in London. Is it the right decision to build a new iconic tower in the midst of London s financial district, destined to hold all employees of one of the world s largest re-insurance companies, on a site that has already been bombed twice before? The film is a deep view inside to the creative world of one of the most important contemporary British visionary, the architect Norman Foster. KURGI EHITAMINE Autor Mirjam von Arx Vaid kuu ja üks päev pärast Maailma kaubanduskeskuse rünnakut New Yorgis püstitatakse Londonis uue torni esimene terasest sammas. Peagi tekib hüüdnimi erootiline kurk. Kõiki kummitab küsimus: kas on õige püstitada Londoni ärikeskusesse uut ikoontorni, mis peaks mahutama maailma suurimad piiriülesed kindlustuskompaniid alal, mida on juba kahel korral pommitatud? Film on sügav sissevaade ühe tänapäeva briti suurima visionääri, arhitekt Norman Fosteri loomemaailma. BUY AN ELEPHANT 27 min Estonia Directed by Meelis Muhu and Õnne Luha Photography by Arvo Vilu, Erik Norkroos and Õnne Luha Sound by Mati Jaska Editing by Kersti Miilen Produced by Erik Norkroos Distributed by Rühm Pluss Null OÜ, Estonian Television, 21 Gonsiori Street, Tallinn 10147, Estonia Tel Fax Once a month, the Hostess invites 5-6 acquaintances to her home and organizes a memorable presentation of cleaning products for them. The Guests become Buyers who are ready to give kroons for the miraculous products. The husband of the Hostess stays in his room during the whole evening. OSTA ELEVANT ÄRA Autorid Meelis Muhu ja Õnne Luha Korra kuus kutsub Perenaine endale külla 5-6 daami, et korraldada üks meeldejääv puhastusvahendite demonstratsioon. Kauaoodatud Külalised muutuvad Ostjateks, kes on valmis imevahendite eest loovutama krooni. Umbes 3- tunnise programmi käigus saavad puhtamaks kõik osalejad. Perenaise abikaasa on aga sellel õhtul sulgunud oma ülemise korruse tuppa.

12 12 Docs for Kids and Youth Music on Screen CHEERLEADER 24 min USA Directed, edited and produced by Kimberlee Bassford Photography by Kimberless Bassford, Kerry Eleveld, Shilpi Gupta, Kelli Nero Sound by Turaya Bryant, Carlos Cruz, Kate Davidson, Kerry Eleveld, Vanessa Kaneshiro Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Street, Watertown MA, 02472, USA Tel Fax Cheerleader explores the quest to be a champion, the experience of being female, and the ins and outs of an All-American pastime, all through the eyes of some of the nation s youngest cheerleaders. KISAKOORIJUHT Autor Kimberlee Bassford Mida tähendab olla võitja, olla naine, millised on ühe ameerikaliku ajaviite plussid-miinused? Neid küsimusi vaetakse läbi selle maa noorimate kisakoorijuhtide silmade. CHICK COREA AND BOBBY McFERRIN WE PLAY! 60 min Germany (filmed in Germany/Switzerland) Directed by Bettina Ehrhardt Photographed by Volker Tittel, Amadeus Hiller, Hans Toni Aschwanden and Dennis Rosenberg Sound recorded by Sebastian Riederer von Paar Edited by Nigel Timperley Produced by bce film and Loft Music, in collaboration with SWR and Arte Distributed by bce film, Ainmillerstrasse 4, München, Germany Tel Fax Chick Corea and Bobby McFerrin: two musicians who cross the line between jazz and classical music. It s almost like we are two souls cut out of the same mould, says Bobby McFerrin. CHICK COREA JA BOBBY McFERRIN ME MÄNGIME Autor Bettina Ehrhardt Chick Corea ja Bobby McFerrin: kaks muusikut, kes ületavad piiri dzhässi ja klassikalise muusika vahel. Nagu oleksime kaks ühest vormist võetud hinge, ütleb Bobby McFerrin.

13 Docs for Kids and Youth Lifestyles IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION 13 CHILD OF BETHLEHEM 19 min UK and Palestine (filmed in Palestine) Directed, recorded by the children of Hope Flowers School, Bethlehem, Palestine. Their names are Rinad, Jad, Mohammad, Mohammad, Wisam, Marwam, Vera & Faris Edited by Zan Barberton & Will Bone Produced by Stuart Bamforth and Zan Barberton Distributed by Stuart Bamforth, 90 b Earlham Grove, Forest Gate, London E7 9AR, England Tel Fax 2003 years after the birth of local boy Jesus Christ, what s it like growing up on the streets of Bethlehem today? Impeccably shot by Palestinian children themselves, these 5 self-directed vignettes show what it s like to fall in love, fly a kite, and build a garden in a refugee camp. PETLEMA LAPSUKE Autorid on Petlema kooliõpilased Rinad, Jad, Mohammad, Mohammad, Wisam, Marwam, Vera ja Faris Mida tähendab kasvada üles Petlemas, siin sündinud Jeesus Kristusest kaks tuhat kolm aastat hiljem? Kaheksa- kuni kolmeteistaastaste laste ülesvõtted loovad pildi sellest, mida tähendab elu sõjatsoonis, kuidas siin armutakse, lennutatakse lohet ja rajatakse põgenikelaagris aeda. COMPADRE 82 min Sweden Directed and produced by Mikael Wiström Photographed and edited by Alberto Hersckovits, Mikael Wiström Sound recorded by Alberto Hersckovits, Marino Leon, Mikael Wiström Distributed by Manharen Film & TV Barnängsgatan 60, Stockholm, Sweden Tel Fax The Swedish photographer and journalist Mikael Wiström became friends with a family in Peru almost 30 years ago. He became Godfather to the children of family. Coming back to Peru, he unfortunately finds the family in the same very poor condition. The existential inequality puts great pressure on their friendship. RISTIISA Autor Mikael Wiström Rootslasest fotograafi rännak Peruusse ligi kolmekümne aastase ajavahemiku järel. Filmimees ja piltnik tuleb tagasi perekonna juurde, kus ta kunagi on pühitsetud lastele ristiisaks. Jõuka filmitegija ning vaesuses vaevleva pere vastandumine tekitab pingeid sõprussuhetes.

14 14 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION COMPETITION 26 min. Poland Directed by Maciej Adamek Photographed by Artur Zurawski Edited by Beata Baricis Produced by Ryszard Urbaniak 2/74 Pabla Nerudy Street, Warsaw, Poland Tel The characters in this film girls aged from 6 to 11 years, take part in a beauty contest for small children Mini Miss Poland. The film shows their dreams, which usually concern quick and easy success. And success means fame and money for them. One of the girls even says that if she doesn t succeed in becoming a model or an actress, she would like to retire, since retired people get money for nothing... KONKURSS Autor Maciej Adamek Poola väikeste tüdrukute unistus kergest edust vaadelduna läbi minimissikonkursi. Üks tüdrukutest väidab koguni, et kui tal ei õnnestu modelliks või näitlejannaks saada, sooviks ta pigem pensionile jääda, sest pensionärid saavad raha eimillegi eest Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION CREATING 21 min Serbia (Serbia & Montenegro) Directed by Vladimir Perovic Photographed by Aleksandar Nikolic, Borislav Ristovic and Ivan Zugic Sound by Vladimir Krstic Edited by Vladimir Malesevic Produced and distributed by Relja Obrenovic, BKTV, Bul. N. Tesle 42A, Novi Beograd, Serbia & Montenegro Tel Fax A large family in Knezevic doesn t need to live in a mansion to be happy, to love each other and to create something. Pictures painted, children born it seems this is pretty similar stuff, isn t it!? The process of making a piece of art and the process of biological reproduction are but two aspects of the same joy, same play, same creation... Life is art, art is life... LOOMINE Autor Vladimir Perovic Knezevicis elav perekond ei vaja uhket maja selleks, et õnnelik olla, üksteist armastada ja midagi luua. Pildid maalitud ja lapsed sünnitatud nii lihtne see paistabki!? Kunstitegemine ja bioloogilise taassünni protsess on vaid medali kaks külge samast rõõmust, samast mängust, samast loomingust Elu on kunst, kunst on elu Music on Screen CONTRA 30 min Israel Directed and produced by Ella Watermann Photographed by Idit Gan Zvi Edited by Tsippi Churi Distributed by Hedva Goldschmidt, Ma ale School of Television, Film and the Arts, Jerusalem 20 Shivtey Israel St. Jerusalem 95105, Israel Tel Fax Shlomo feels his connection to nature through the construction and restoration of musical instruments. A visit to his studio and workshop is a journey inside the contrabass (double bass) that he is restoring, shedding light on the inner world of a surprising musician. KONTRABASS Autor Ella Watermann Shlomo tunnetab looduslähedust muusikariistu meisterdades ja parandades. Külaskäik tema stuudiosse ja töökotta on rännak kontrabassi sisse, mida ta remondib. See heidab valgust imelise muusiku siseellu.

15 Modern Family Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION 15 DADDY 30 min Israel Directed by Yael Ingber Photographed by Guy Refael Edited by Barak Refaeli Produced by Beit Berl College, School of Art Film Dept. Yael Ingber, Yosef Eliyahu St. 7112, Tel-Aviv 64074, Israel Tel A year ago director s father, a man in his late fifties and a former military officer at the Israeli army, left the country and his family and moved to Vienna with nothing but his own principles. Yael Ingber, his eldest daughter, goes to Vienna to understand why and how he left everything he had for his principles and political ideas. ISA Autor Yael Ingber Aasta tagasi lahkus filmilooja hilistes viiekümnendates isa, endine Iisraeli armee sõjaväeohvitser, kodumaalt ja oma pere juurest, asudes elama Viini, kaasas ei midagi muud kui vaid omaenese põhimõtted. Vanim tütar järgneb talle Viini, et mõista, mis asjaolud panid isa nii toimima. THE DALÍ DIMENSION 53 min Spain (filmed in Spain/Belgium/UK/USA) Directed by Susi Marqués and Joan Ubeda Photography by Marc Martínez Sound by Juanma García Edited by María Masso Produced by Joan Ubeda Distributed by Accent Films International, Rue de la Gare 46, 1820 Montreux, Switzerland Tel Fax Salvador Dali had an obsession for science that lasted all his life and can be traced back to his paintings. Even his signature was directly influenced by a scientific image. He was a compulsive reader of scientific literature, from psychoanalysis to quantum mechanics, from mathematics to genetics. Moreover, he strived all his life to meet relevant scientists: he met Sigmund Freud, J.D. Watson, and many others. The scientists were surprised to discover that beyond the façade of a clownish showman there was a genius. DALI DIMENSIOON Autorid Susi Marqués and Joan Ubeda Salvador Dalil oli kinnisidee teaduse kohta, mida võib leida tema maalidest. Ta luges süstemaatiliselt teaduskirjandust, alustades psühhoanalüüsist ja lõpetades kvantmehaanikaga. Dali kohtus kuulsate teadlastega nagu Sigmund Freud, J.D. Watson jt. Üllatunud teadlased avastasid, et klounist show-mehe varjus peitus geenius, kellega võis arendada sisutihedat diskussiooni.

16 16 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION THE DANCE OF THE JAGUAR 49 min Belgium (filmed in Brazil) Directed and photographed by Paul Van Rooy Sound recorded by Geert Engels Edited by Neel Cockx Produced by Wouter Janssens Distributed by T.T.T.I. Leuvensesteenweg 510 box, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium Tel Fax Gustaaf Verswijfer is an anthropologist who spent years on the Amazon, living among the Kayapo Indians and becoming the only non-indian to speak their language. He even got adopted by one of the indians, Raoni, the tribe s chief. Although he was adopted, he couldn t go through initiation because he was already too old to receive this honour. Years later, he goes back, bringing his whole family along because the indians want to initiate his son, something that never happened to a white child. The ceremony lasting for several weeks, is called The Dance of the Jaguar. JAAGUARITANTS Autor Paul Van Rooy Antropoloog Gustaaf Verswijfer elas aastaid kayapo indiaanlaste juures, õppides esimese valge inimesena ära nende keele. Ta võeti omaks, kuid initsiatsiooni tseremooniaks oli ta liiga vana. Kayapod tahavad seda au osutada tema pojale. Music on Screen DERAILROADED: INSIDE THE MIND OF WILD MAN FISCHER 86 min USA Directed and sound recorded by Josh Rubin Photographed by Bryan Newman Edited by Josh Rubin, Jeremy Lubin and Howard Leder Produced by Jeremy Lubin Distributed by Ubin Twinz Productions 6312 _ W. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA Tel Fax To explain the title of the documentary is necessary to remind that de rail road ed (di ral rod ed) is a neologism; one man s psycholinguistic and schizo-musical metaphor for derailed, to have caused a train, mind or life to go off the tracks. In this film journey through the thunderstorms of the mind of paranoid-schizophrenic Larry Wild Man Fischer, we follow his discordant encounters in the music business. Institutionalized at 16 after attacking his mother with a knife, Fischer wandered the main streets of L.A. singing his totally unique brand of songs for 10 to passersby. Discovered by Frank Zappa, with whom he cut his first album, Fischer became an underground club and concert favorite, earning him the title of godfather of outsider music. Over the course of 40 years, he appeared on national television (Rowan & Martin s Laugh-in) and the Top 50 music charts in England, was the subject of his own comic book, was the first artist to be recorded on Rhino Records, and sang a duet with the late Rosemary Clooney. RÖÖPAST VÄLJAS - METSIKU MEHE FISCHERI MEELTES Autor Josh Rubin Teekond läbi paranoilise skisofreenikust muusiku Larry Wild Man Fischeri eluloo. See on rännak hüljatud lapsest piinatud geeniuseni. Pärast oma ema ründamist noaga, kui poiss oli 16-aastane, viidi ta parandusasutusse. Hiljem esines Fischer Los Angelese tänavatel täiesti uutlaadi lugudega. Pärast seda, kui Frank Zappa ta avastas, sai Fischerist underground-muusika favoriit, teenides aunimetuse outsider-muusika ristiisa

17 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION 17 DIVINE FLOW, BECOMING DIVIA DHARA 29 min Belgium (filmed in India) Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Carole Delaey, Sparrestraat 33, 9000 Gent, Belgium Tel Set in India, this documentary follows Sarah, a young and attractive Belgian woman designing clothes for export. Gradually this film researches a young lady seeking ways to deal with her past. The film takes a surprising turn when Sarah becomes Dhara, after having received this new name from her guru. She questions her guru and in a touching way finishes with her past. The documentary explores through Sarah, with respect and a sense of humour, the world of westerners in India who are trying to return meaning to their lives lost in the west. Shot in an observational way the film captures intense emotions and beautiful interactions. Through the edit the viewer is forced to share the experiences of westerners in India from an initial bewilderment to a growing feeling of ease. JUMALIK VOOG, SARAH DIVIA DHARA Autor Carole Delaey Noor rõivadisainerist belgia naine otsib Indias teid, kuidas oma minevikuga hakkama saada. Ta saab oma gurult uue nime Dhara. Õpetajat küsitledes teeb Sarah minevikuga liigutaval moel lõpparve. DO YOU LOVE ME? 49 min Denmark Directed, recorded by Lars Westman Edited by Niels Pagh Andersen Produced by Thomas Stenderup, Final Cut Productions ApS Distributed by Final Cut Productions ApS Forbindelsesvej 7, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Tel Director Lars Westman says about his new film: I have filmed birth, death and now: love. It s about my own love in life. I return to some of the women I have loved and lived with or loved and did not get to live with during my whole life. What attracted us to each other and why couldn t we live together? This journey takes me back in time. Back to moments of great tenderness. But also to memories that hurt. Ever since my childhood I ve longed for a family. I ve made numerous attempts. And I failed again and again. But the longing is still there. KAS SA ARMASTAD MIND? Autor Lars Westman Filmitegija Lars Westman uurib armastuse olemust, vesteldes oma endiste naistega. Lapsest saadik on ta unistanud oma perekonnast. Miks on aga suhted ikka ja jälle otsa saanud?

18 18 Modern Family Docs on Medicine DO YOU REMEMBER ME? 61 min Germany (filmed in Thailand) Directed by Alexander Heuken and Michaela Liechtenstein Edited by Frank Mueller Produced by gizago Film Distributed by TV2 Danmark, Sortedam Dossering 55A, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel AIDS, AIDS!, the kids scream at her. Nobody wants to have anything to do with 12-year old Guy. The girl is healthy, but her parents and her little sister are HIV-positive. Film tells the story of the mother Amnuy in the Northeast of Thailand, who loses her children. Amnuy and her family live separated from everybody else in a small village. Nobody visits their onceflourishing shop anymore. The neighbours are even afraid to touch the family s dog. Impoverished and mentally disturbed the family survives on their last small savings. As they run out of money, all they can do is escape. In this situation, the parents meet the German Karl Morsbach. The former manager is building up a new village. For Amnuy and her family the meeting of Karl Morsbach means hope for the very first time. But suddenly, the whole family disappears. The questions why? and where? receive many answers. KAS MÄLETAD MIND? Autorid Alexander Heuken and Michaela Liechtenstein Tai perekond, kes kannab aidsi viirust, on sunnitud kodukohast lahkuma, sest keegi ei taha nendega enam tegemist teha. Ehitades koos sakslase Karl Morsbachiga üles uut elu, tekib perel taas lootus. Äkitselt aga kaovad nad. Miks ja kuhu? Sellele leidub mitmesuguseid vastuseid. DOCTORS OF HAPPINESS 96 min Brazil Directed by Mara Mourão Photography by Helcio Alemao Nagamine Sound by Paulo Ricardo Nunes Edited by Rodrigo Menecucci Produced by Fernando Dias, Grifa Mixer Distributed by Tatiana Battaglia Dias, Grifa Mixer Cinematográfica Av. Chedid Jafet 222, São Paulo-SP , Brazil Tel Fax The documentary follows clowns visiting thousands of children in hospitals all around Brazil. The aim of this film is to transmit the importance of the social role played by art, focusing on the triumph of happiness brought about by the meetings between children and clowns inside the hospital. Besides accompanying the daily life of the clowns in the clinics, infirmaries and intensive care units, we can see the training and preparation all these clowns are supposed to undergo. ÕNNE TOHTRID Autor Mara Mourão Brasiilia lastehaiglates, haigetubades ja intensiivravipalatites lõbustavad patsiente klounid. Naerutamise kunst aitab leevendada paljude vaevusi. Õnne tohtrid pole juhuslikud veiderdajad, vaid on läbinud spetsiaalse ettevalmistuse.

19 Docs on Medicine Modern Family 19 THE ENIGMA OF SLEEP 52 min Italy Directed by Enrico Cerasuolo and Sergio Fergnachino Photography by Marc-André Batigne Sound by Tully Chen, Fabio Coggiola and Sonia Portoghesi Edited by Marco Duretti Produced by Zenit Arti Audiovisive Distributed by Gala sol, Piazza Martiri di Belfiore, Rome, Italy Tel Fax A chorus of characters tells the story of how sleep disorders have radically affected their lives. Generations of a family afflicted with a rare and lethal form of insomnia; a narcoleptic painter whose life is half a dream, half reality; nocturnal life of a sleep-walker; a lifeguard who has apneas 600 times during sleep; an ex-boxer whose career was KO-ed by narcolepsy; a man who is the world s only documented case of sleep without REM. What they re all looking for is a solution to the mysterious disturbances that afflict them. Thanks to developments in sleep science which seeks answers in patients sleeping lives some sufferers can be cured. For others, however, sleep disturbances remain invincible, because even for the leading experts who appear in this documentary shot in four countries, France, Israel, Italy and Switzerland sleep is still very much an enigma. MÕISTATUSLIK UNI Autorid Enrico Cerasuolo and Sergio Fergnachino Inimesi kummitavad mitmesugused unehäired kes kõnnib unes, kes ei tee une ja ärkveloleku vahel vahet, keda tabab saatuslik unetuse vorm Mõnda saab ravida, mõnda mitte. Ka mitmete Prantsusmaa, Iisraeli, Itaalia ja Shveitsi juhtivate erialaspetsialistide jaoks jääb uni suurel määral mõistatuseks. THE ESCAPE ARTISTS 54 min Israel (filmed in Belgium/Israel) Directed, photographed and sound by Rachel Rusinek Edited by Aviran Aldema Produced by Nimrod Shanit, Zed films Distributed by Shevi Perel, Filmline 11 Burla St., Tel Aviv 69364, Israel Tel Fax Miri, an Israeli performance artist joins her husband Adrian in a life with a Belgian traveling circus throughout Europe. Miri gives up a life of comfort and moves into an eight square-meter caravan to be with and work with Adrian. While Adrian is in the spotlight, playing the famous Comedia del Arte character El Capitano, Miri finds herself in the role of a servant, with her life lived mostly in the shadows backstage. The colorful arena of the theatrical circus provides a unique backdrop for a very delicate story of relationship, struggle and self-fulfillment. RÄNDNÄITLEJAD Autor Rachel Rusinek Iisraeli näitlejanna Miri järgneb oma mehele Adrianile, kes rändab koos Belgia tsirkusega. Kui mees on oma rolliga Comedia del Arte etenduses tähelepanu keskmes, siis naise roll on olla tagaplaanil. Kahe inimese lugu areneb teatraalsel foonil nii tagasilöökides kui ka teineteise mõistmises ja eneseteostuses.

20 20 New Estonian Documentary Docs on Medicine EVE AND DAWN 58 min Estonia Directed by Tarmo Rajaleid Photographed by Tarmo Rajaleid, Janis Kesans and Ain Lepp Sound recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Tarmo Rajaleid, Paekaare Street, Tallinn, Estonia Tel A human story about two women who like Eve and Dawn are total opposites but still share something in common. Riina Vändre is a single mother and a successful head of the PR department of the Estonian Ministry of Finance, who has dedicated herself in helping the homeless by organizing a social campaign Human Christmas for the Homeless. Mother of seven Galina Jegorova is one of the 3000 homeless in Tallinn. She has been living on the Pääsküla garbage dump for the last decade, just hoping to survive the next winter. EVERYTHING WAS LIFE 4 min UK Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Ellie Land Photographed by Ellie Land and Davey Gales 108, Meldon Terrace, Heaton, Newcastle Neg 5XQ, UK Tel Everything Was Life is a attractive documentary looking at the practice of female genital mutilation. KÕIK OLI ELU Autor Ellie Land Kütkestav dokumentaalfilm naisgenitaalide köndistamise protseduurist. HÄMARIK JA KOIT Autor Tarmo Rajaleid Inimlik lugu kahest naisest, kes nagu Hämarik ja Koit on teineteise vastandid. Riina Vändre on üksikema ja Rahandusministeeriumi edukas kommunikatsiooniosakonna juhataja, kes on oma vaba aja pühendanud kodutute inimeste aitamiseks, juhtides Oleviste koguduses heategevuskampaaniat Inimväärsed jõulud kodututele. Seitsme lapse ema Galina Jegorova on üks Tallinna 3000-st kodutust. Tänu Riina abile on Galina suutnud ellu jääda ka pärast Pääsküla prügimäe sulgemist ning elab koos elukaaslase ja koeraga prügila kõrval metsas.

21 Docs on Medicine Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION 21 EYES WIDE OPEN 58 min Italy (filmed in Malawi) Directed and recorded by Elisa Mereghetti and Marco Mensa Produced by ETHNOS Distributed by Vitagraph, Via 0Schiavonia 1, Bologna, Italy Tel Fax Catherine Phiri was a 40 year-old nurse from Malawi, mother of two children, who discovered to be HIV-positive after the death of her husband due to AIDS. Risking isolation and violence, Catherine decided to speak about her condition in public, and to use her voice to break the silence surrounding AIDS. The Salima HIV/AIDS Support Organization, which she founded in 1994, works to support AIDS orphans and to spread information on HIV-AIDS. As her illness was progressing, Catherine continued in her battle till the last day, with the same courage and determination which has marked all her life. PÄRANI SILMIL Autorid Elisa Mereghetti and Marco Mensa Catherine Phiri, 40-aastane medõde, kahe lapse ema Malawist, avastas pärast seda, kui ta abikaasa AIDSi suri, et ta on HIV-positiivne. Kartmata isolatsiooni jäämist ega vägivalda, otsustas ta oma seisundist avalikult rääkida ning murda AIDSi ümbritsev vaikimine. Tema poolt aastal asutatud organisatsioon toetab AIDSi tõttu orvuks jäänud lapsi. Catherine jätkas võitlust haiguse süvenedes kuni viimase elupäevani. FAMILY MATTERS 70 min Israel Directed by David Noy Photography by Yoram Ivry Sound by Ofir Leibovitch Edited by Eyal Tsarfati Produced by Yoram Ivry and David Noy, Cinemax Distributed by Cinephil, 18 Levontinstreet, Tel Aviv 65112, Israel Tel Fax How does a single heterosexual woman, who s tired of waiting for Mr. Right, behaves? If she desires to give birth to a child? This question occupied Dafna, until she met Itamar and Kai. They are a gay couple who decided to expand their family and to have a child. This triangle is the base of Family Matters, revealing the formation of an alternative family cell. None of the people involved had any idea what he/she was getting into, as issues like jealousy, identity, intimacy & partnerhood arose. The film follows the new born family in process, from the initial efforts to conceive, throughout the pregnancy, the birth itself up until the baby s first birthday. PEREKOND LOEB Autor David Noy Üksik heteroseksuaalne naine saab tuttavaks homopaariga, kes soovivad oma perekonda last. Kolmest lapsevanemast peret moodustades ei tea neist keegi, milliseks kooselu kujuneb. Keegi ei oska ette näha, et tekivad probleemid kadeduse, identiteedi, intiimsuse ja partnerluse küsimustes.

22 22 Lifestyles FARMER S TIME ON EARTH 58 min Sweden Directed and recorded by Peter Gerdehag Edited by Tell Johansson Produced by Johan Miderberg Distributed by TV2/Danmark Sortedam Dossering 55A, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel Fax Styrbjörn Ejneby and his wife Solveig run a farm in the middle of the breathtaking landscape of Småland, Sweden. Styrbjörn conducts his life after some basic but very firm ideals. One of them is that we shouldn t leave the earth in a worse condition than when we inherited it. This is why he uses horse and carriage and no chemicals or toxins in his farm. Suddenly Styrbjörns life takes an unexpected turn, and he is faced with the biggest challenge of his life. TALUPIDAJA AEG MAA PEAL Autor Peter Gerdehag Styrbjörn Ejneby ja tema naine Solveig peavad talu kesk silmipimestavalt kaunist Smålandi maastikku Rootsis. Talupidamine toimub lähtudes mõnedest väga kindlatest ideaalidest. Näiteks maad ei tohiks jätta tulevatele põlvedele halvemas seisukorras, kui see on pärides olnud. Sellepärast kasutabki ta hobust ja vankrit ega tarvita kemikaale ja mürke. Kuid elu teeb äkitselt ootamatu pöörde. Survival of Indigenous Peoples IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION FATA MORGANA 57 min Finland Directed and edited by Anastasia Lapsui and Markku Lehmuskallio Photography by Johannes Lehmuskallio Sound by Antero Honkanen Produced by Markku Lehmuskallio, Giron Filmi Oy Festival contact: Marja Pallassalo, The Finnish Film Foundation, Kanavakatu 12, FIN Helsinki, Finland Tel Fax He stands facing the sunrise. The day is dawning. Every morning the messenger bird pecks a tiny hole in the edge of the vault of heaven, and from the hole dawn seeps through. The bird makes the hole larger, so that the sun can come out from its hiding and light the earth. Fata Morgana is the epic story of Chukchis, the people whose livelihood is provided by the sea. FATAMORGAANA Autor Markku Lehmuskallio Ta seisab ja vaatab päikesetõusu. Päev koidab. Igal hommikul nokib sõnumitooja-lind taevavõlvi serva pisikese augu ja sellest august immitseb läbi koit. Lind nokib augu suuremaks, nii et päike võib peidust välja tulla ja kogu maa läita. See on eepiline lugu tshuktshidest, kelle elu sõltub merest.

23 Music on Screen Rituals 23 THE FESTIVAL IN THE DESERT 53 min France (filmed in Mali) Directed by Lionel Brouet Edited by Damien Duflos de Saint Amand Produced by Camera Lucida Productions/Triban Union Distributed by Camera Lucida Productions 67 Avenue de la République, Paris, France Tel Fax This is the most exotic World Music Festival to date, under the open sky in the middle of the sand dunes near Timbuktu (Mali). The Festival in Desert took place in January 2003 in the no-man s land of the blue-veiled Tuareg nomads of the Sahara Desert. The impressive outdoor stage featured top Malian talent including Ali Farka Touré and Oumou Sangaré, as well as the spine-tingling Tamasheq music of the Tuareg groups Tinariwen and Tartit. The list of international artists included notably former Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant (with Justin Adamas) and the French group Lo Jo who also helped organise the event. FESTIVAL KÕRBES Autor Lionel Brouet Üks eksootilisemaid muusikafestivale lageda taeva all ja liivadüünide vahel Timbuktu lähedal Malis. Siniloorilise Sahaara kõrbe tuareegi nomaadide juures esinevad nii kohalikud kui rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud jazzmuusikud. FOOD FOR LOVE: A SHTETL THAT S NO LONGER THERE 25 min The Netherlands Directed by Heddy Honigmann Photography by Adri Schrover Sound by Piotr van Dijk Edited by Patrick Minks Produced by Appel & Honigmann / Humanist Broadcasting Foundation Distributed by Susanna Scott / Idéale Audience International, 55, rue des Petites Ecuries, Paris, France Tel Fax The director s mother - Sonia Honigmann Pach - prepares Yiddish vrennekes just like her mother used to make them during the icy cold winters in Poland. The vrennekes bring back memories of her native village Grabowiec (which was destroyed in the war), of close relatives who were killed by the Nazi s, and her flight to Peru. The film also paints a disarming portrait of a mother and her daughter. ARMASTUS KÕHU KAUDU - KOGUKOND, MIDA ENAM POLE Autor Heddy Honigmann Võimas portree emast ja tütrest. Rezhissööri ema valmistab juudi varennikuid, täpselt nagu tema ema neid Poolas jäiselt külmal talvel valmistas. Varennikud meenutavad koduküla Grabowieci, mis hävis sõjas, lähedasi sugulasi, kelle natsid tapsid, ja lendu Peruusse.

24 24 Rituals Rituals FOOD FOR LOVE: RECIPE FOR RECON- CILIATION 25 min The Netherlands Directed by Heddy Honigmann Photography by Adri Schrover Sound by Piotr van Dijk Edited by Patrick Minks Produced by Appel & Honigmann / Humanist Broadcasting Foundation Distributed by Susanna Scott / Idéale Audience International, 55, rue des Petites Ecuries, Paris, France Tel Fax Shahrohk s grandmother never cooked. She was an independent woman, who had little time for her daughter. However, one day grandma decided to demonstrate her love for her daughter by cooking for her for the first time in her life. She made Iranian aubergine. Now, years later, Shahrohk gives cooking classes and teaches his students to make this dish. For the Iranian refugee Shahrohk this means a great deal. The aroma of traditional Persian dishes reminds him of his family and makes his sorrow more bearable ARMASTUS KÕHU KAUDU - LEPPIMISE RETSEPT Autor Heddy Honigmann Shahrohki vanaema ei valmistanud kunagi süüa. Ta oli iseseisev naine, kel oli oma tütre jaoks vähe aega. Siiski otsustas vanaema ühel päeval näidata üles armastust tütre vastu. Ta valmistas tütrele ja lapselastele baklazhaane iraani moodi. Nüüd, aastaid hiljem, annab Shahrohk kokanduse tunde ja õpetab sama roa valmistamist teistelegi. FOOD FOR LOVE: SAUDADE 25 min The Netherlands Directed by Heddy Honigmann Photography by Hans Bouma Sound by Piotr van Dijk Edited by Patrick Minks Produced by Appel & Honigmann / Humanist Broadcasting Foundation Distributed by Susanna Scott / Idéale Audience International, 55, rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010, Paris, France Tel Fax In Saudade, fado singer Mónica Triga and her mother make wild rabbit stew, a recipe Mónica learnt from her Portuguese granddad. Mónica s mother left the Portuguese dictatorship in 1965 for the Netherlands, while granddad stayed behind. Mónica talks and sings in fados full of love and melancholy about her grandfather s simple, honest life. ARMASTUS KÕHU KAUDU - SAUDADE Autor Heddy Honigmann Fado laulja Mónica Triga ja ta ema valmistavad metsjänese hautist. Retsepti sai Mónica oma portugali vanaisalt. Mónica ema pages aastal Portugali diktatuuri eest Hollandisse, vanaisa jäi aga kodumaale. Nii oma jutus kui ka armastusest ja melanhooliast tulvil fado lauludes jutustab Mónica oma vanaisa lihtsast ja ausast elust. Well-known and Unknown Makers FOOLING DUTCHMAN 21 min Estonia Directed and recorded by Mark Soosaar Produced and distributed by Weiko Saawa Film, Nikolai 15-4, Pärnu, Estonia Tel Fax Peter Diem created an art museum in the center of Amsterdam in his own name: AMSTERDIEM Museum of Modern Art. He had no money to purchase a collection of celebrities. So, he decided to paint all the art work himself. HULLAV HOLLANDLANE Autor Mark Soosaar Peter Diem asutas Amsterdami kesklinnas omanimelise kunstimuuseumi AMSTERDIEM i Moodsa Kunsti Muuseum. Tal polnud kunstikogu soetamiseks piisavalt raha, seepärast otsustas mees kõik pildid ise maalida.

25 New Estonian Documentaries Beliefs and Rituals 25 FOR A BETTER LIFE 51 min Estonia Directed and edited by Märt Sildvee Recorded by Arvo Vilu and Erik Norkroos Produced by Erik Norkroos Distributed by Rühm Pluss Null OÜ, 21 Gonsiori Street, Tallinn, Estonia Tel Fax Producers of medicines advertise antidepressants as a wonder drug that brings back the will to live, helps people out of critical conditions and increases their capacity for work. Their branding directly bears the message of a successful, quality life. The film critically examines the consumption of antidepressants, and the reasons behind their use and social stress. PAREMA ELU NIMEL Autor Märt Sildvee Ravimitootjad reklaamivad antidepressante kui imetablette, mis annavad tagasi elutahte, toovad välja kriitilisest seisundist ning tõstavad töövõimet. Nende reklaam kannab sõnumit edukus ja kvaliteetne elu. Märt Sildvee dokumentaalfilm Parema elu nimel uurib lähemalt, mida tähendab elu medikamentide mõju all. THE FORGOTTEN 35 min Croatia Directed and edited by Damir Cucic Photography by Boris Poljak Sound by Goran Strbac, Bernard Mihaljevic Produced by Vera Robic Skarica Distributed by Vanja Andrijevic, Croatian Film Clubs Association Dalmatinska 12, Zagreb, Croatia Tel Fax In the village of Pecno in Zhumberak hills, fifty kilometers from Croatian metropolis, life has remained the same for decades. So close, but at the same time so far away, live the last twenty inhabitants of this picturesque wilderness. Pictures and sounds portraying the forgotten and their wrinkled faces fighting their everyday battles with nature speak for themselves. UNUSTATUD Autor Damir Cucic Horvaatia pealinnast viiekümne kilomeetri kaugusel asuvas Pecno külas Zhumberaki mägedes on elu aastakümneid ühetaoliselt kulgenud. Nii lähedal ja samas nii kaugel suurlinnast elavad keset maalilist metsikut loodust kakskümmend viimast asukat. Oma igapäevavõitlust pidavate unustatute kortsulised portreed ning hääled räägivad iseenda eest.

26 26 Survival of Indigenous Peoples Docs on Medicine FROM THE INSIDE OUT 27 min USA Directed and produced by April Chabries Photographed by W. Grant Williams Edited by Dan Fredley Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Street, Watertown, MA 02472, USA Tel Fax In the Navajo language there is neither a word for religion nor art. The only word that could be used to describe both is hozho beauty, balance, order and harmony. Navajo history is turbulent and in order to survive the Navajo had to adapt. Baskets are a part of this history, changing throughout time and adapting with the people. They contribute to the balance, harmony, and beauty of Navajo life. In the 1970s Navajo basketry experienced a renaissance led by a group of families in the Douglas Mesa region of the Utah reservation. The film depicts both the new and old roles baskets play in the lives of contemporary basket-weavers. SISEMUSEST VÄLJAPOOLE Autor April Chabries Navaho keeles puuduvad sõnad religiooni ja ka kunsti tähistamiseks. Mõlemat võib aga väljendada sõnaga hozho ilu, tasakaal, kord ja harmoonia. Navahod on oma tormilise ajaloo vältel pidanud paljude muutustega kohanema. Niisamuti on muutusi läbi teinud nende kultuuris harmooniat, tasakaalu ja ilu tähistav iidne korvipunumise kunst. GET A LIFE 58 min Denmark (filmed in Nigeria) Directed by Michael Klint Photographed by Claus Bie Sound by Per Dybdal Jensen Edited by Morten Raarup Produced by Carsten Holst, Karoline Leth, Signe Birket-Smith Distributed by Danish Film Institute, Gothersgade 55, DK-1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel Fax In this documentary two film makers meet the true face of poverty in the developing countries. In a remote children s hospital in the northern part of Nigeria (in and around the provincial town Sokoto) there is a lot of suffering from the lethal, unknown hunger-disease Noma. And the film puts our view on the problems in the Third World. JÄÄDA ELLU Autorid Michael Klint ja Claus Bie Kaks taani filmitegijat satuvad silmitsi vaesusega Nigeerias, Sokoto linnas ja selle ümbruses. Nälg põhjustab hirmsasse nomatõppe haigestumist. Ainus abi selle vastu on kohalikus lastehaiglas tehtav ilma narkoosita lõikus.

27 Docs for Kids and Youth Docs on Medicine 27 GIRLS TO MOTHERS 45 min Nicaragua Directed and produced by Florence Jaugey Photography by Frank Pineda Sound by Armando Moreira Edited by Gerado Arce Distributed by Camila Films, APDO. P 149. Las Piedrecitas. Managua. Nicaragua Tel Fax An average of 400 children are born in Nicaragua every day, 100 of them to adolescent mothers. The documentary narrates the lives of three such adolescents: 14-year-old Kenia, from a poor neighborhood in Managua; 15-year-old Blanca, who lives deep in the mountains; and Viviana, a 16-year-old Miskito indigenous girl from the North Atlantic region. None of the three had planned to be a mother at such an early age. We sought them out and followed their lives for several months, learning about their families, their stories of love, their doubts, their hopes and the tough reality in which they went through their pregnancy and will have to raise their children. These are not stories with happy endings, these are stories that raise many questions about traditional behavior related to women s identity and what maternity means. TÜDRUKUST EMAKS Autor Florence Jaugey Nikaraaguas on iga neljas sünnitaja alaealine tütarlaps. Filmi kolme kangelanna lood pole just õnneliku lõpuga. Need tõstatavad mitmesuguseid küsimusi traditsioonilisest suhtumisest naise identiteeti ja emadusse. GOD IS ALIVE 12 min Iran Directed and produced by Tahereh Hassanzadeh Photography by Shahram Mirab Aghdam Sound by Shahram Mirab Aghdam Edited by Nasser Bakideh Distributed by Iranian Young Cinema Society (IYCS), No. 17, Ghandi Sq, Shariati ave, 15569, Tehran, Iran Tel Fax A review of the life of religious minorities in the Iranian geriatric house. JUMAL ELAB Autor Tahereh Hassanzadeh Lugu usuliste vähemusgruppide elust Iraani vanadekodus. New Estonian Documentaries GODSPEED 28 min Estonia (filmed in Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania/Poland/Germany/ France/Portugal) Directed, photographed and edited by Kullar Viimne Produced by Erik Norkroos Distributed by Rühm Pluss Null OÜ, 21 Gonsiori Street, Tallinn, Estonia Tel Fax The director s confession: Sometimes it seems to me that now is the best or then that this has all already been in any case it will not come from waiting or seeking. From the authors diary, November 2004, Portugal. JUMALAGA! Autor Kullar Viimne Vahel tundub mulle, et nüüd on kõige parem või siis, et see on juba olnud igal juhul ei tule see oodates ega otsides. Autori päevik, novembris 2004, Portugal.

28 28 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION GROCK KING OF CLOWNS 55 min Switzerland (filmed in Italy/Germany/ Switzerland) Directed by Felice Zenoni Photography by Björn Lindroos Sound by Hans-Peter Studer Edited by Christian Mueller Produced by Beat Hirt Distributed by Telepool GmbH Zuerich, Fernsehstrasse 1-4, Postfach, CH-8052 Zürich, Switzerland Tel Fax For the first time, a documentary provides a detailed account of the Clown of the Century s life story. Raised in the poorest conditions in the Bernese Jura, he made it to the stages of Paris, Berlin and London s Music Halls and became a world star by He was the best-paid stage artist in his time. Among his admirers were Winston Churchill but also Hitler and Goebbels. Special attention was given to Grock in the Third Reich. GROCK KLOUNIDE KUNINGAS Autor Felice Zenoni Vaesest Jura mägilinnakesest jõuda Pariisi, Berliini ja Londoni lavadele, saada aastal maailmamainega ja kõige paremini makstud täheks, pole päris tavaline. Aga just selline oli kloun Grocki tähelend. Teda imetlesid teiste hulgas Winston Churchill, aga ka Hitler ja Goebbels. Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION GROWING UP 58 min China P.R Directed by Wang Dongdong and Chang Yu Photographed, produced and distributed by Wang Dongdong Sound recorded by Chang Yu Edited by Wang Dongdong, Gai Wei and Xu Xiao Yu No.333 Han Shui Road Nangang Dist., Harbin, China Tel A story of the growing-up of children acrobats in the Heilongjiang Acrobatic Troup. The acrobats tough road to success is like the evolution of a butterfly from the small and protected cocoon to magnificent colored flying machine. SUUREKSSAAMINE Autorid Wang Dongdong ja Chang Yu Lugu Heilongjiangi trupi laps-akrobaatide sirgumisest. Akrobaatide karm teekond eduni on nagu liblika evolutsioon väikesest kaitstud kookonist suurejooneliseks värviliseks lennumasinaks!

29 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION Modern Family 29 THE GUGGENHEIM AND THE BARONESS 73 min Germany (filmed in Germany/USA) Directed by Dr. Sigrid Faltin Photography by Ingo Behring Sound by Marc Schmieder Edited by Mike Schlömer Produced and distributed by Witepepper Films, Schlierbergstrasse 25 a, Freiburg, Germany Tel Fax We know the Guggenheim Museum, but we do not know the story behind it. The story of its founding director: Hilla Rebay. She was the Queen of Art in the Thirties and Fourties. Why have we never heard of her before? GUGGENHEIM JA PARUNESS Autor Sigrid Faltin Me teame Guggenheimi muuseumi, kuid ei tea midagi selle tagamaadest. See siin on lugu muuseumi asutajast Hilla Rebayst. Ta oli kolmekümnendate-neljakümnendate aastate kunsti kuninganna. Miks pole me temast varem midagi kuulnud? HEAL MY HEART 29 min Sweden Directed and produced by Åse Fougner Photographed by Åse Fougner, Malin Korkeasalo, Makan E-Rahmati Sound recorded by Jesper Hemdarve and Johan Efrik Edited by Åse Fougner and Erlend Kristoffersen Distributed by Dramatiska Institutet, Box , Stockholm, Sweden Tel This is a documentary about the young Swedish couple Teo and Linda. Half a year ago they met on the internet and now they will get engaged. A love story about growing up and taking charge of your own life and about having someone to share everything with. RAVITSE MU SÜDANT Autor Åse Fougner Teo ja Linda kohtusid interneti teel. Nüüd kavatsevad nad kihluda. Armastuslugu suureks kasvamisest, ise hakkama saamisest ja kõige jagamisest koos teise inimesega.

30 30 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION HIDDEN GIFTS: THE MYSTERY OF ANGUS MacPHEE 24 min Scotland Directed by Nick Higgins Photography by Scott Ward Sound by Marcelo de Oliviera Edited by Tadgh O Sullivan Produced by Nick Higgins, Lansdowne Productions Ltd. 35 Lansdowne Crescent, Glasgow, G20 6NH, Scotland, UK Tel The documentary explores the mystery of art and mental illness. Angus MacPhee, the quiet big man from South Uist, wove clothes from grass. Diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1946 Angus was taken from his island home on South Uist to Craig Dunain psychiatric hospital among the hills near Inverness in the Scottish highlands. For fifty years he spoke not a single word to any member of the hospital staff. His presence was also an absence; his secret grass weaving his only form of expression. VARJATUD TALENT - ANGUS MacPHEE MÜSTEERIUM Autor Nick Higgins. Angus MacPhee, vaikiv suur mees Lõuna-Uisti saarelt Shotimaal, kudus rohust riideid. Ta tunnistati aastal skisofreenikuks ja viidi psühhiaatriahaiglasse. Viiekümne aasta jooksul ei rääkinud ta ühegi haigla töötajaga ühtegi sõna. Ta oli olemas ja ühtlasi ka polnud. Tema ainsaks väljendusvahendiks oli mõistatusik rohukudumine. Docs on Medicine I AM DEAF 75 min Russia Directed by Nikolay Makarov Photographed by Kirill Tikhomirov and Andrey Erastov Sound by Alrxander Alikov and Svetlana Akmanoba Edited by Dimitry Mashkovich Produced by Tatiana Maslina Distributed by studio Lennauchfilm, 4 Melnichnaya str., St. Petersburg, Russia Tel Fax We can see these people gesticulating silently and we cannot understand them In this film deaf people tell about themselves: how they hear and talk, how many different sign languages exist, why they do not think they are invalids and how sociable they are living in the world of their own. This film is destined not only for hearing people and is not only about the deaf, it is about the necessity of understanding each other... MA OLEN KURT Autor Nikolai Makarov Kurdid, kes suhtlevad omavahel viipekeeles, räägivad, kuidas nad kuulevad ja vestlevad, kui palju on olemas erinevaid viipekeeli, miks nad ei pea end invaliidideks ja mil määral nad saavad ümbritsevas elus osaleda. See on lugu vajadusest üksteist mõista.

31 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION Music on Screen 31 I LIKE IT A LOT 4 min USA Directed, edited, produced and distributed by Jay Rosenblatt Photographed by Thomas Logoreci Distributed by Rosenblatt Films, th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA Tel Fax A two-year-old child, an ice cream cone and a clean, white shirt. That s enough for a short film. MULLE MEELDIB SEE VÄGA Autor Jay Rosenblatt Kaheaastane laps, jäätisetorbik ja puhas valge särk. Piisavalt palju ühe lühifilmi jaoks. IF I WERE A SAXOPHONE 52 min Ukraine Directed by Olena Fetisova Photography by Oleg Zorin Sound by Bob Sheviakov Edited by Hanna Yarovenko Produced by Olena Fetisova Distributed by Olena Fetisova apt. 78, 2 Prospect Pavla Tychyny, Kiev, Ukraine Tel Fax It is wrongfully said that dreams come true only in the USA. Our film narrates about the fulfillment of the Ukrainian dreamit is some kind of a Ukrainian Cinderella story. Veronica Kozhukharova, a 22-years-old star of playing on classical saxophone who passed the way from an orphanage to the top of the world honor. Following her in the great black-and-white megapolises like Paris and Moscow as well as not so big Kiev or provincial Simferopole, through the stream of people in the streets, through the car traffic, sea waves, through the exams, storms of ovations and the loneliness of the nights, we will see that there are no miracles in life. There is just hard everyday work. And will the redhead Ukrainan beauty become the winner in a next international contest? KUI MA OLEKSIN SAKSOFON Autor Olena Fetisova Unistused ei täitu mitte ainult Ameerikas. Punapäine pisike ukraina saksofonist Veronica Kozhukharova on jõudnud lastekodust maailma tipptasemeni. Teda Pariisis, Moskvas, Kiievis kui ka Simferoopolis jälgides selgub, et elus ei juhtugi imesid, on vaid igapäevane raske töö. Kas punapea jääb eluvõitluses peale ja võidab järgmise rahvusvahelise konkursi?

32 32 Beliefs and Rituals Modern Family IN THE NAME OF GOD 9 min Macedonia Directed and photographed by Vladimir Bocev Edited by Daniel Veljanovski Produced and distributed by Museum of Macedonia, Kurciska b.b Skopje, Macedonia Tel , Fax One of the most widespread customs among Macedonians is making sacrifice - kurban. Sacrificing an animal, distribution of food and eating are the most important elements of the ritual. It can be noticed that people really believe in the beneficial influence of the custom upon the community. The custom reflects entire social system and the role of the Church in affirmation of this ritual. JUMALA NIMEL Autor Vladimir Bocev Makedoonlaste üks kõige enamlevinud kombeid on looma ohverdamine kurban. Selle juurde kuulub toidu jagamine ja söömise rituaal, millest usutakse kogukonnale kasu kerkivat. IT S NOT DARK YET 19 min Denmark (filmed in Denmark and Malawi) Directed by Maria Roslev Recorded by Silla Herbst Edited by Pernille Maj Hansen Produced by Jacob Kjøller Andersen Distributed by Victoria Gibson, The Danish Film Workshop Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel Fax Understanding that he cannot turn back time, Jacob sets out on a journey to come to terms with the choices that his Danish mother made for him early in his life. In the sad reality, he was denied the possibility of having a relationship with his African A HUNGARIAN father. It s Not Dark PASSPORT Yet is a documentary about family relations across borders. VEEL POLE PIME Autor Maria Roslev Lugu piiriülestest peresuhetest. Jacobi ema on taanlane. Tema isa, kellega pojal pole varasest noorusest peale olnud võimalust suhelda, on aafriklane. Lifestyles INDIA SONG 64 min Italy (filmed in India) Directed by Stefano Barberi Photographed by Giorgio Borgazzi Sound recorded by Madhav Ashvar Produced by Stefano Barberi and Etienne Chambolle Distributed by Etienne Chambolle, Flight Movie- France, 56, Rue du Temple, Paris, France Tel ; Fax A little sketch of the life and daily struggle for survival of a little community of fishermen in Kerala, a village in the Southwestern coast of India. INDIA LAUL Autor Stefano Barberi Kagu-India Kerala küla kalurite igapäevaelu ja võitlus ellujäämise nimel.

33 Beliefs and Rituals Survival of Indigenous Peoples 33 KORIAM S LAW 110 min. Australia Directed, recorded, produced and distributed by Gary Kildea 13 Faunce Crescent O Connor, Canberra ACT2602, Australia Tel./Fax In the deep village Matong, in Papua New Guinea, the Australian anthropologist Andrew Lattas meets Peter Avarea, a philosopher and medicine man. Through their dialogues the film maps one of the most falsely interpreted cultural phenomenon: the cargo cult. KORIAMI SEADUS Autor Gary Kildea Austraalia antropoloog Andrew Lattas kohtab Matongi külas Paapua Uus-Guineas endale võrdset paarimeest, filosoofi ja teadjameest Peter Avaread. Motiveerituna kahe mehe elavatest dialoogidest, kaardistab film siiani vääriti tõlgendatud kultuurinähtust ehk nn. kargokultust. Pomio Kivungi liikumise rajas aastal Koriam. Pälvides ametliku hukkamõistu, tahtis liikumise ideoloog paljastada tee täiusliku eluni, mille valged kolonistid olevat avastanud ja isekalt monopoliseerinud. Kivungi juhid uurisid misjonäride ilmutusi varjatud tõdedest ja koodidest. Nad uurisid ka koloniaalvalitsemise vorme, eriti raha ja bürokraatiat, et leida tõendeid võimu allikate kohta. Koriami peamine idee oli tagasitee leidmine esivanemate kunagise eksimuse juurde, mis oli tema rahva orjastatuse peapõhjuseks. Andrew on üks neist, kes peab õigeks, et kõik kultuurid kontrolliksid oma ideede õigsust. LA STRADA 29 min Croatia Directed by Damir Cucic Photography by Boris Poljak Sound by Goran Strbac and Martin Semencic Edited by Slaven Zecevic Produced by Vera Robic, Skarica Distributed by Vanja Andrijevic, Croatian Film Clubs Association Dalmatinska 12, Zagreb, Croatia Tel Fax Over a thousand meters long, and with 200 houses along it, main street of the Istrian town of Vodnjan has been a showroom of crafts and trades for centuries, a stage for processions and carnivals, and a meeting point of various languages, traditions and cultures... Film depicts the atmosphere of la strada at different times of day, peeks behind its walls and portrays the people brought in by the waves of history, migration and everyday life to this artery of a Mediterannean town. TÄNAV Autor Damir Cucic Vodnjani linna peatänav Horvaatias on sajandeid olnud käsitöö kaubanduse, rongkäikude ja karnevalide näitelava, paljude keelte kohtumispaik ja arvukate inimeste kodu.

34 34 Modern Family Docs for Kids and Youth THE LAND IS WAITING 59 min Romania Direction, photography and sound by Laurentiu Calciu Edited by Horia Marusca Produced by Rupert Wolfe Murray Distributed by Productive International Romania, Bulevard Ion Mihalache 315, Sc B, Ap 7, Bucharest, Romania Tel Fax This film explores the life of an extremely poor family, living in a village in northeast Romania. The parents have made incredible efforts to send all ten of their children to school. After less than one year of study, one of their sons had to give up Theological School. He chose to return to the village and help his family work on the tiny plot of land they own. MAA OOTAB Autor Laurentiu Calciu Äärmises vaesuses vaevlev rumeenia pere peab maal väikest talu. Üks nende poegadest jättis pärast esimest õpinguaastat teoloogiakooli pooleli ning tuli perele appi. THE LAND OF POLAND 23 min UK (filmed in Poland) Directed and photographed by Sebastian Godwin Sound recorded by Seyfi Teoman Produced by Weronika Czolnowska and Hugo Godwin Distributed by Talamasca Productions, 55 Monmouth Street, London WC2H9DG, UK Tel , Fax In the midst of the stunning Tatra mountains in southern Poland, a small community of Roma face discrimination and mistrust at the very heart of Europe. POOLAMAA Autor Sebastian Godwin Imekaunites Tatra mägedes tuleb väikesel mustlaskogukonnal seista silmitsi diskrimineerimise ning usaldamatusega ja seda otse tänase Euroopa keskmes! Docs on Medicine LEARNING TO SWALLOW 89 min USA Directed, photographed and produced by Danielle Beverly Distributed by Petunia Productions, 204 e. 7 th Street, #17, New York, NY 10009, USA Tel The life of Patsy, a charismatic bipolar artist, is permanently altered after a failed suicide attempt destroys her digestive system. An intimate four-year-long portrait of a woman facing the devastating consequences of her mental illness, this cinema verite style documentary involves viewers in a process of discovery. We follow Patsy come to terms with her condition, her family, and herself only to reinvigorate her creative voice along the way. ÕPPIDES NEELAMA Auto Danielle Beverly Pärast läbikukkunud enesetapukatset muutub bipolaarse karismaatilise kunstniku Patsy elu alatiseks. Nelja aastat haarav intiimne portree naisest, kes seisab silmitsi vaimuhaiguse hävitavate tagajärgedega. Naisest, kes jõuab läbi suhete taastamise oma pere ja iseendaga jõulise loomingulise kasvamiseni.

35 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION LIFE TO LIVE 20 min Poland Directed by Maciej Adamek Photography by Artur Zurawski Sound by Mirek Rok Edited by Slawek Gozdzki Produced by Radek Stys 2/74 Pabla Nerudy Street, Warsaw, Poland Tel Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION LIKE A BUTTERFLY 29 min Poland Directed by Ewa Pieta Photography by Alex Pavlovic Sound by Bartek Wozniak, Wojciech Slusarz Edited and produced by Miroslaw Grubek Distributed by MG Production, Sulejowek Ul., Sobieskiego 11 A, Poland Tel./Fax 35 Blind children are being prepared for an independent life by teachers in a Center for Blind People. They learn how to button up, to tie their shoelaces, how to move in the space around them. The things which are obvious and easy for people who can see for them are often very complicated. In spite of this though the children do not seem to be unhappy, on the contrary, they think that there are no barriers or limits for them. ELU TULEB ELADA Autor Maciej Adamek Pimedate keskuses harjutatakse lapsi iseseisva eluga. Mõni asi, mis on nägijatele imelihtne, valmistab neile suuri raskusi. Ometi arvavad nad, et suudavad kõike. Przemek was born with a severe physical handicap. Nobody believed that any verbal contact could be established with him. After many years spent in an institute, a therapist discovered the signals which Przemek was sending. So, when Przemek was already 16-years-old, the link with outer world was built up. Now he is writing very original poetry. NAGU LIBLIKAS Autor Ewa Pieta Przemek on sündinud sügava füüsilise puudega. Keegi ei suutnud poisiga kaua aega kontakteeruda. Pärast paljusid teadusinstituudis veedetuid aastaid avastati, et noorukil on tugevalt arenenud intellekt. Niisiis, alles 16-aastaselt avanes Przemekil võimalus välismaailmaga suhtlemiseks. Praegu kirjutab Przemek omanäolist luulet.

36 36 Docs for Kids and Youth LITTLE PEACE OF MINE 56 min Israel Directed and photographed by Eyal Avneri Sound recorded by Roi Eilat Edited by Arik Leibovitch Produced by Edna Kowarsky and Elinor Kowarsky Distributed by Philippa Kowarsky, 18 Levontine Str., Tel Aviv, Israel Tel Fax After watching a bus full of school children explode before his eyes, the Israeli boy Nadav decides to found Peace for the Future, a left-wing opposition party for children. In this way, he hopes to bridge the gap between Israeli and Palestinian children. MU VÄIKE RAHU Autor Eyal Avneri Pärast koolibussi plahvatuse pealtnägemist otsustab iisraeli poiss Nadav asutada vasakpoolse opositsioonipartei lastele. Ta loodab sillutada teed iisraeli ja palestiina laste vahele. Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION LIVING RIGHTS: ROY 27 min The Netherlands Directed and produced by Duco Tellegen Photographed by Peter Brugman and Danny Elsen Edited by Luce van de Weg Distributed by Foundation Dovana Films, Kievitdwarsstraat 37, 3514 VD Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel Fax Roy (10) and his family search in the mines for gold. A project that encourages children to go to school, has great impact on the family ties. ÕIGUS ELADA - ROY Autor Duco Tellegen Roy (10) ja tema pere otsivad kaevandustes kulda. Kooliskäimist soodustav projekt mõjutab tugevasti peresidemeid. Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION LIVING RIGHTS: LENA 27 min The Netherlands Directed and produced by Duco Tellegen Photographed by Peter Brugman and Danny Elsen Edited by Luce van de Weg Distributed by Foundation Dovana Films, Kievitdwarsstraat 37, 3514 VD Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel Fax Lena (12) lives with a foster mother since her mother can t take care of her. Chernobyl left a high level of radiation in the area. A possible adoption by an Italian family makes it hard for Lena to decide whether to stay or leave. ÕIGUS ELADA - LENA Autor Duco Tellegen Lena (12) elab koos kasuemaga, sest pärisema ei suuda tema eest hoolt kanda. Tshernobõl tekitas selles piirkonnas kõrge radiatsioonikiirguse. Võimalus minna elama Itaaliasse uude kasuperre nõuab Lenalt raske otsuse langetamist, kas jääda või lahkuda?

37 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION 37 LIVING RIGHTS: TOTI 27 min The Netherlands Directed and produced by Duco Tellegen Photographed by Peter Brugman and Danny Elsen Edited by Luce van de Weg Distributed by Foundation Dovana Films, Kievitdwarsstraat 37, 3514 VD Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel Fax The Maasai father of Toti (14) wanted to marry her off. Toti ran away and her twinsister was married off instead. After three years without contact, Toti tries to reunite with her sister and her family. ÕIGUS ELADA - TOTI Autor Duco Tellegen Toti (14) masailasest isa tahtis teda mehele panna. Tüdruk põgenes ja hoopis tema kaksikõde läks mehele. Pärast kolmeaastast lahusolekut püüab Toti taas leida kontakti õe ja perekonnaga. LIVING RIGHTS: YOSHI 27 min The Netherlands Directed and produced by Duco Tellegen Photographed by Peter Brugman and Danny Elsen Edited by Luce van de Weg Distributed by Foundation Dovana Films, Kievitdwarsstraat 37, 3514 VD Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel Fax Yoshinori Takeuchi (16) has Asperger Syndrome, a disorder related to autism. Recently he was transferred from a regular to a special school with severely handicapped. Yoshi feels lost between two worlds. He dreams of a solution to become normal. ÕIGUS ELADA - YOSHI Autor Duco Tellegen Yoshinori Takeuchil (16) on aspergeri sündroom, autismile sarnane tervisehäire. Hiljuti viidi ta üle raske puudega õpilastele mõeldud erikooli. Yoshi tunneb end kahe maailma vahel eksinuna ja unistab normaalsest elust.

38 38 Lifestyles IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION THE LOST TREASURE 26 min Croatia Directed by Branko Istvancic Photographed by Ivan Kovac Sound recorded by Rudi Cupac Edited by Robert Petrinec Produced by Vladimir Spicer Distributed by Vladimir Spicer, HRT, Prisavlje 3, Zagreb, Croatia Tel: Fax: The main protagonist, Dara, lives with her husband, Rade Mitrovic, in the vicinity of Benkovac, an area of typical Croatian rocky ground. They are the last people carrying an authentic culture. He carves in the old-fashioned way, while she takes her flock of sheep and goats to graze in a pasture at the time when there is possibility of her flock being attacked by hungry wolves. She is very skilled in leading the flock, her dogs, in a special way. By the dog s behavior she knows that wolves are approaching. The film follows the main protagonist s efforts to track down a lost sheep. She does this with careful investigation of all the relevant tracks of the lost sheep and despite sacrificing the time to do her household chores. This poetical documentary makes human existence uniquely miraculous Beliefs and Rituals THE MADONNA OF TINOS 58 min Greece Directed by Dimitris Gouziotis Photographed and produced by Kostas Nikolopoulos Sound recorded by Nikos Magganiotis Edited by Dimitra Bessi Distributed by Kostas Nikolopoulos, Jazz Movies, Ypypsilantou 55, Perama 18863, Athens, Greece Tel Every year more than a million believers, not only Greek Orthodox, but also Russians, Yugoslavians, Ethiopians, Catholics and Muslims, visit the island of Tinos just to kiss once the Holy Icon of Virgin Mary in the Temple of Annunciation. TINOSE MADONNA Autor Dimitris Gouziotis Igal aastal külastab enam kui miljon usklikku Tinose saart Egeuse meres, et sealses Paastumaarjapäeva kirikus Neitsi Maarja ikooni suudelda. KAOTATUD VARANDUS Autor Branko Istvancic Talunaine Dara elab koos mehega Benkovacis, Horvaatia mägismaal. Nad on viimased autentse pärimuskultuuri kandjad. Mees nikerdab ja teeb puutööd vanade meistrite kombel, naine karjatab oma suurt lambakarja...

39 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION 39 MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION: FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT S BUILDINGS AND LEGACY IN JAPAN 130 min USA, Japan Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Karen Severns, Koichi Mori 1273B Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan Tel Fax When 37-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright made his very first trip overseas in 1905, it was not to Europe - that mecca of Western architecture - but to Japan. *Magnificent Obsession* celebrates the centenary of that visit by providing the first comprehensive portrait of Wright s enduring impact on the country he called the most romantic, most beautiful on earth. During the six years he lived in Tokyo, from , Wright designed a dozen buildings and left another, equally significant, legacy: his transformative effect on the men who helped him build the Imperial Hotel. Many of them went on to create their own masterpieces, to alter Japan s cityscapes and mentor a new generation of architects. THE MAKING OF TEUNTJE 52 min The Netherlands Directed by Britta Hosman Photography and editing by Rob Smits Sound by Pieter Guyt, Benny Jansen, Bram Meindersma, Mike van der Sluijs, Wouter Veldhuis and Mark Witte Produced by Ilse van Huisstede Distributed by VPRO-tv sales & festivals, Sumatralaan 49, 1217 GP Hilversum, The Netherlands Tel Fax In the mid 80s, in Amsterdam, two sperm donors contributed to begetting Teun. She and her half sister Nikki are raised by three mothers. When she turns fourteen and one of the donors gets married, she reflects upon what he actually means to her. A portrait of a girl in search of her father. LUUES TEUNTJET Autor Britta Hosman Teun ja tema poolõde Nikki on doonorspermast sündinud lapsed, keda kasvatavad kolm ema. 14-aastasena mõistab Teun, kui oluline on talle isa ja hakkab teda otsima. UHKE KINNISIDEE - FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT I EHITUSED JA PÄRAND JAAPANIS Autorid Karin Severs ja Koichi Mori Maailmanimega ameerika arhitekt elas aastatel Tokios, kus ta projekteeris tosinkond hoonet. Seda vähetuntud lehekülge ehituskunstniku elust film uuribki.

40 40 Beliefs and Rituals IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION MANA BEYOND BELIEF 90 min France Directed by Peter Friedman, Roger Manley Photography by Jacques Besse Sound by Christian Lutz Edited by Laurent Pineau Produced by Jacques Debs Distributed by ADR Productions, 2 rue de la Roquette Paris, France Tel Fax All over the world, in every society, there are objects that have special power over people. People climb mountains or make pilgrimages just to see or touch them. They prostrate themselves or engage in rituals in their presence, caress them in the hopes of absorbing some of their magic, they enshrine them in temples or pass them on to descendants; wear them or store them in treasure houses or sometimes burn them. An individual object might hold power over only one group or even just one person, but the phenomenon of power objects is universal. By filming power objects around the world things that are precious because people believe they are and revealing the myriad activities and behaviors that take place around them, this documentary presents a new way of looking at what is happening all around us, all the time. Belief is not just religion; it drives the stock market, it determines how we deal with history and our personal memories, it underlies racism and war. Bringing together diverse cultures, characters, visual styles, music and fascinating objects, MANA helps us see the essential, invisible element underlying them all. Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION MARBLE THE MYTH OF SCULPTURE 51 min The Netherlands (filmed in Italy) Directed by Paul Beek Photographed by Thomas Kist Sound recorded by Eric Schupp Edited by Wim Louwrier Produced and distributed by DKP, Lelygracht 25, 1016 GR, The Netherlands Tel Italian artisans have been carving the finest marble, found in the mountains near Carrara, Northern Italy, for more than 2000 years. Famous artists, from Roman days until now, from Michelangelo to Henry Moore, from Amandus Adamson to Anthony Quinn, were attracted by the craftsmanship of the local artisans. Today the artists try to keep the artisans out of sight, because it disturbs their image as sculptors, the heroes who work the noble marble. MARMOR SKULPTUURI MÜÜT Autor Paul Beek Itaalia käsitöölised on Carrara marmoriga töötanud üle 2000 aasta. Nende oskused meelitavad ligi kuulsaid autoreid, kes aga püüavad ise esiplaanil seista, jättes tegelikud töömehed varju, et mitte lasta käest oma parima marmoriga töötava kangelase imagot. Carrara marmoris on oma kätt proovinud Michelangelo, Henry Moore, Anthony Quinn ja Amandus Adamson. MANA - ENAM KUI USK Autorid Peter Friedman, Roger Manley Filmitegijad rändavad läbi paljude maade ja uurivad, mis peitub kultusobjektide, pühamute, võimusümbolite taga.

41 New Estonian Documentaries New Estonian Documentaries 41 MARI SONG FESTIVAL 28 min Estonia Directed, photographed and edited by Alexei Alexeev Sound by Koit Pärna Produced and distributed by Alexei Alexeev Peetri 20-7, 76805, Paldiski Tel On the Volga River live the people called the Mari. The Singing People - this is what both, the Meadow Maris and the Mountain Maris are called. The Mari Song Festival was held for the third time in the Mountain Mari region where the big Jyngy River flows into the Volga. The occasion unites all the Maris both from their homeland and outside the Mari Republic. The festival is inspired by the tradition of the Estonian song festivals and is a powerful symbol of national cultural rebirth. While the Estonians consider the song festival to be the basis for national awakening, this event also symbolizes the beginning of summer for the Maris. After the Mari Song Festival comes the Day of Flowers. This tradition has existed for 100 years. Jaak Prozes, chief of the Finno-Ugric Foundation, brought the symbolic fire of the Estonian Song Festival to Mari-El. New folk music ensembles and At the Song Festival people can wear folk costumes. That arouses interest in the folk clothes of different regions where folk dance groups were founded. The psaltery is an old Finno-Ugric folk instrument. People play it in a horizontal position. It has been compared to a lying harp. For more than 20 years, in the Mountain Mari village of Yolasal, there has been a children s ensemble of psaltery players. The Mari people want to keep their song festival tradition alive forever. MARRIED TO HORSES 27 min Eesti Directed and photographed by Ago Ruus Sound recorded by Mart Otsa Edited by Sirje Haagel Produced by Maie Kerma, PROfilm Õismäe tee 11-23, Tallinn, Estonia Tel Ute Wolhrab is a German lady who has been living in Estonia for 10 years, trying to save the Tori horses which are in danger of dying out. For the media in Germany she is a hero who is living in a foreign country and having an important mission. But Estonians often think of her as a very stubborn and annoying person. LAULATATUD HOBUSTEGA Autor Ago Ruus Valgamaal, Hargo talus elab juba kümme aastat sakslanna Ute Wolhrab ja kasvatab hobuseid. Saksamaa ajalehtedes ja televisioonis on Ute kangelane, kes elab võõral maal ja püüab päästa võõrast kultuuri tori tõugu hobuseid. Eesti hobusekasvatajate ja -huviliste hulgas peetakse Utet aga kangeks ja tüütuks tegelaseks. LAULUPIDU MARIMAAL Autor Aleksei Aleksejev Volga jõe ääres elavad marid - laulurahvas, nagu nimetatakse nii mäe-, kui ka lauskmaa marisid. Juba kolmandat korda peetakse mäemaride juures laulupidu, mis ühendab Marimaal ja mujal elavaid marisid. Eesti laulupeo eeskujul sümboliseerib maride laulupidu rahvuslikku ja kultuurilist taassündi, aga ka suve algust. Pärast laulupidu tuleb lillepäev. See traditsioon on kestnud juba 100 aastat.

42 42 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION MARY PICKFORD 83 min USA Directed by Sue Williams Photographed by Bestor Cram Edited by Howard Sharp Produced by Sue Williams and Kathryn Dietz Distributed by Ambrica Productions, 72 Spring Street, #1002, New York New York 10012, USA Tel Fax In the early days of silent film, Mary Pickford soared to global fame, becoming the world s first international superstar. An actress of extraordinary talent, she was also a sophisticated businesswoman who helped shape the culture of celebrity that defines America today. MARY PICKFORD Autor Sue Williams Tummfilmi algaastail sai Mary Pickfordist maailma esimene superstaar. Erakordselt andekas näitleja oli ka tark ärinaine. Ta oli üks neist, kes vormis kuulsustekultuuri, mis on saanud tänapäeva Ameerika märksõnaks. Docs on Medicine MASSAGE 21 min China Directed, produced and distributed by Xu Guiqin Photographed by Qu Bo, Liu Rizhong and Yu Jinchao Sound by Yu Jinchao 162 Minquan Street, Shahekou Dis, Dalian, China Tel Fax Four of the families are all blind: grandma, father, mother and son. They live on massage. The film crew recorded their daily life during one year. The film attempts to show how they managed their lives well through their efforts. If life is meaningful even for blinds then what about the healthy people? MASSAAZH Autor Xu Quiqin Hiina film perekonnast, kus isa, ema, vanaema ja poeg on kõik pimedad. See aga ei heiduta neid. Teenistuseks on perele massaazh.

43 New Estonian Documentaries Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION 43 MASTER HUNTER: PORTRAIT OF MATI HÕBEMÄGI 26 min Estonia Directed and edited by Elen Lotman Photography by: Elen Lotman, Riho Västrik Sound by: Veljo Runnel, Koit Pärna Produced by: Riho Västrik Distributed by: Vesilind Ltd. Tartu mnt 51a, Tallinn, Estonia Tel , Fax: Mati Hõbemägi was the last leader of a Soviet collective farm in Järvamaa who after the collapse of the socialist way of living made a sharp turn. As a result of changes in society, he with a dozen of friends has turned the forests nearby famous all over Europe. JÄÄGERMEISTER Autor Elen Lotman Mati Hõbemägi oli viimane sotsialistliku suurmajandi juht Järvamaal Imaveres, kes vana korra kokkuvarisemise järel otsustas teha järsu ja täieliku kannapöörde. Tosina aastaga on mees koos mõttekaaslastega muutnud ümbruskonna metsad üle Euroopa tuntuks. MEET THE PRICK 26 min New Zealand Directed, photographed, edited and produced by Ilya Ruppeldt Sound recorded by Emilio Morales Distributed by Golem Productions, PO Box , NSMC, Auckland, New Zealand Tel Fax Tame Iti, world famous activist, stands up for his people. Uncompromising, ambitious, he s Tuhoe first, Maori second, and would claim Aotearoa as his country ahead of New Zealand. Meet the Prick picks up a phrase used by both sides in a clash between Tame Iti and a conservative politician. It s about a clash of cultures and values as seen from Iti s unique point of view as a Tuhoe, one of the children of the mist. SAAGE TUTTAVAKS TORKIJAGA Autor Ilya Ruppeldt Tame Iti on ülemaailmselt tuntud aktivist, kes seisab oma rahva eest. Tema ideed ja vaated põrkuvad kokku Uus-Meremaa konservatiivsete poliitikute omadega, nii nagu põrkuvad erinevad kultuurid mujalgi. Music on Screen MEADOWLANDS TO HOLYLAND 27 min South Africa, Israel Directed by Romi Kaplan Photography by Jurgen Schadeberg Sound by Ashi Milo Edited by Yair Oren Produced and distributed by Romi Kaplan, Rishonimst. 3-3, Tel Aviv, Israel Tel The Tshabalala Quartet has come to Israel with open hearts and willing ears, looking for fellow travelers on their musical journey through life. They are keen to explore new realms of music from traditions outside of their own. The quartet jam in a studio in East Jerusalem and a flat in Tel Aviv, by day visiting the famous churches in Jerusalem, and at night playing at the local cafe. The leader Dimpie Tshabalala has gone from a displaced apartheid childhood to become a musician of large spirit. The film leaves the viewer with a view of Israel colored by the sounds of its jazz musicians rather than the monotone of its politicians. KARJAMAALT MARJAMAALE Autor Romi Kaplan Dokfilm populaarse jazzkvarteti Tshabalala reisist Iisraeli.

44 44 Beliefs and Rituals IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION MEMORIES WITHOUT REMEMBERERS. THE LANJIA SORA TRIBE OF EASTERN INDIA 27 min Spain (filmed in India) Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Alba Mora and Anna Sanmartí, Ronda St. Antoni nº 72 pral.2ª Barcelona, Spain Tel At the beginning of the 80 ies a new road reached the most remote villages of Soraland, in Ganjam District, Orissa. From then on, the Lanjia Sora, a tribe with a very particular conception of illness, life and death got in touch with the people from the plains and was decisively influenced by the missionary action of several Christian groups. Around 90% of the young people have currently converted to Christianity (Catholic, Baptist and Pentecostal) and they have completely abandoned the old rites and traditions. MÄLESTUSED ILMA MÄLETAJATETA. IDA-INDIA LANJIA SORA SUGUHARU Autorid Alba Mora ja Anna Sanmartí Eelmise sajandi kaheksakümnendatel aastatel rajati India Ganjami piirkonna Soramaa kõige kaugemasse nurka uus maantee, mistõttu on sealse lanjia sora väga erilise haiguste ja surma kontseptsiooniga kultuur hääbumas. Kahjuks 90% siinsetest noortest on pööratud ristiusku ja nad on endised traditsioonid ja rituaalid hüljanud. Docs on Medicine THE MIND S NURSLING 30 min India, Estonia (filmed in India) Directed by Enrico Pizzolato and Riin Kranna Photographed by Dipak Nayak Sound by Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi Edited by Saikat S. Ray Produced by NGO Suport (Estonia), NGO Praajak (India), Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (India), Estonian Television Distributed by NGO Suport, R. Tobiase 2-3, Tallinn 10147, Estonia Tel Fax Kothis the transgender community in West-Bengal, India promote their fundamental rights. The term Kothi is used across South Asia with local variations. The Kothis often see themselves as non-english speaking, with a feminine homosexual identity. They largely belong to lower middle-class and feel their marginalisation in terms of language, education, socio-economic status as well as sexuality. VAIMU KASVANDIK Autorid Enrico Pizzolato ja Riin Kranna India Lääne-Bengali transseksuaalne kothi kogukond, keda sageli teatakse mitte-inglise-keelt-kõneleva naissoolise homoseksuaalse taustaga ja enamasti alam-keskklassi kuuluva inimgrupina, tunneb end keelelise, haridusliku, sotsiaalmajandusliku staatuse ja seksuaalsuse poolest kõrvaletõugatuna.

45 Music on Screen Docs for Kids and Youth 45 MOROCCO SWINGS 67 min The Netherlands (filmed in The Netherlands and Morocco) Directed by Barbara den Uyl Photography by Peter Brugman Sound by Jac Vleeshouwers Edited by Jan Ketelaars Produced by Leen van den Berg Distributed by Van der Hoop Film Productions, Van der Hoopstraat 80 Hs, 1051 VK Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel Fax: I ve had enough. With this clandestinely recorded and illegally distributed song, Najat Aâtabou shocked the whole Morocco twenty years ago. Her parents shed tears and her brothers threatened to kill her. Najat Aâtabou fled from her birthplace, the village of Khemisset in the Central Atlas and lived in hiding for three years in Casablanca. She is now an established star throughout the Arab world and is very popular in Moroccan communities in Western countries. In May 2004, Najat Aâtabou gave a master class in Amsterdam to four young Moroccan-Dutch female singers. Sena gourdoe, SêNA Casita, Karima Lemghari and Farna El-Kadmiri. MAROKO SVINGIB Autor Barbara den Uyl Mõnus muusikafilm maroko lauljatarist Najat Aâtabou st, kes õpetab Amsterdamis noortele araablastele oma kunsti. MUSICBREAK 45 min Germany Directed, photographed,edited and distributed by Doro Carl Sound recorded by Jens Röhm, David Buob and Stefanie Busch Produced by Kerstin Isenbeck and Jan Peters Abbildungszentrum, Arnoldstr , Hamburg, Germany Tel This documentary portraits school bands from the Schooltour workshop, founded by the German Phono- Akademie and the Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. How do you write a song in only one week? In Schönefeld and Dresden the everyday school life is not the same anymore. From writing their own songs, finding topics and lyrics, working out musical ideas, up to the recording of a CD, the kids develop unexpected capabilities. Though by performing at the final concert, one does not become a TV superstar, most are proud of their experience. A week, giving an insight into the world of creative teenagers. MUUSIKAPAUS Autor Doro Carl Põnev vaade teismeliste maailma. Schönefeldi ja Dresdeni kooliõpilased loovad algupärast muusikat. Kuigi keegi neist ei saa veel kohe superstaariks, on muusikamaailm huvitav ja üllatusrohke.

46 46 Modern Family MY AFRICAN FAMILY 80 min Switzerland (filmed in Switzerland/Ivery Coast) Directed by Thomas Thümena Photography by Otmar Schmid, Thomas Thümena and Léa Zézé Sound by Luc Yersin Edited by Myriam Flury Produced by Christian Davi, Hugofilm Distributed by Christof Neracher, Hugofilm, Zypressenstr. 76, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland Tel Fax Thomas is a slightly calculating film director from Zurich. Léa is a proud, liberated African woman. Together they form an explosive couple. She feels homesick, he thinks about the rent. She complains about her difficulty of integrating with the Swiss, he has to cope with importing monkey meat in his suitcase. This tragicomedy swings back and forth between laughter and tears at the couple s deep desire to remain together, in spite of their differences. Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION MY GOD 20 min Belarus Directed by Galina Adamovich Photography by Tatiana Loginova Sound by Sergey Siniavsky Edited by Yury Butko Produced by Oksana Eihart Distributed by Galina Adamovich Apt. 25, 28/37 Gikalo Str., Minsk, Belarus Tel Fax Yulite Karmasa is a local celebrity. Aged 84, she still sculptures. Her son Mikas is the only person who is sceptical and disapproving of her passion. MU JUMAL Autor Galina Adamovitsh Julite Karmasa on kohaliku kuulsusega skulptor. Hoolimata kaheksakümne neljandast eluaastast jätkab ta loomingut. Tema poeg Mikas aga on ema tegevuse suhtes skeptiline. MU AAFRIKA PEREKOND Autor Thomas Thümena Autorifilm segaabielust, kus mees on Euroopast ning naine Aafrikast. Naine igatseb tagasi mustale mandrile, mees peab päevast-päeva kalkuleerima, et elatisega välja tulla. Küllaltki irooniline enesepildistus filmi autori poolt.

47 Music on Screen New Estonian Documentaries 47 NAMIBIA CROSSINGS 90 min Switzerland (filmed on Namibia) Directed by Peter Liechti Photography by Peter Guyer and Peter Liechti Sound by Dieter Meyer Edited by Loredana Cristelli Produced by Franziska Reck Distributed by Carol Spycher, Accent Films International, Rue de la Gare 46, CH-1820 Montreux, Switzerland Tel Fax The Hambana Sound Company is a band made up of 12 musicians and singers, gathered from all over Namibia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Switzerland and Russia. Twelve very different persons travel through a country that is in the process of reinventing itself from scratch: Namibia, once former German-Southwest Africa. A search for the origins of music becomes a testing experience for each individual, taking them to the edge at times. Encounters with local music groups in remote provinces trigger a range of emotions dramatic and euphoric as well as sad. LÄBI NAMIIBIA Autor Peter Liechti Hambana Sound Company koosneb 12-st muusikust ja lauljast, kes on tulnud kokku Namiibiast, Zimbabwest, Angoolast, Shveitsist ja Venemaalt. Kaksteist väga erinevat isiksust rändavad läbi maa, mis seisab uue tee alguses. See on Namiibia, mis oli kunagi Saksa Kagu-Aafrika. Muusika päritolu otsingud on igale muusikule omamoodi katsumuseks. NATIVE ESTONIANS IN SIBERIA 56 min Estonia (filmed in Russia) Directed by Andres Korjus Photographed by Andrus Prikk, Arvo Vilu and Peeter Urbla Sound recorded by Olger Bernadt / Film Audio Edited by Sirje Haagel Produced by Ingrid Nõmmik and Peeter Urbla Distributed by Small Stream and Exitfilm AS, Exitfilm, 1 Madala Str., Tallinn, Estonia Tel Fax The documentary follows natural rhythm of the Estonians in Siberia. Far from their homeland already for 7-8 generations, still older people are speaking Estonian and like traditional Estonian way of life. At the same time younger people are loosing their identity, leaving villages to Siberian big cities and dreaming to be the Russians. EESTLASED SIBERIS Autor Andres Korjus Siberi eestlaste seitsmes-kaheksas põlvkond räägib ikka veel emakeelt ja järgib eesti külaelu traditsioone. Samas on eesti identiteet noorema põlvkonna elust kadumas, nad lahkuvad külast ja asuvad elama suurlinnadesse sooviga saada venelasteks.

48 48 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION NIKIWE 56 min South Africa Directed and produced by Ingrid Gavshon Photography by Karin Slater Sound by Themba Hlatswayo and Musa Radebe Edited by Philip Boltt Distributed by Angel Films, P.O. BOX 893, 2041 Houghton, South Africa Tel Fax Three orphans in South Africa whose mother died of AIDS. Their father, abandoned the children to live with another woman, are living on their own. 15-year-old Nikiwe looks after her brothers, Peter (12) and Mgungu (10). Her dream is to get identity papers which would give her legitimacy and access to a government grant to feed and clothe her family. NIKIWE Autor Ingrid Gavshon 15-aastane Nikiwe hoolitseb kahe noorema venna eest. Kõik kolm Lõuna-Aafrika last elavad omapead ja suures vaesuses. Nende ema suri aidsi ja isa läks teise naise juurde. Nikiwe unistab dokumentidest, mille abil saaks perele toetusraha taotleda. Music on Screen NO PLACE NOWHERE 70 min Chile Directed, photographed, edited and produced by José Luis Torres Leiva Sound recorded by José Luis Torres Leiva and Carlos Barros Distributed by JIRAFA, Pérez Rosales 787, Off. A, Valdivia, Chile Tel Fax A personal journey through image and time. It is the portrait of a marginal neighborhood. It is the encounter between reality and fiction. It is the constant search for truth within in the documentary. It is a music rehearsal and the continuous making of a film. It is a documentary more on questions rather than answers. EI MINGIT KOHTA KUSAGIL Autor José Luis Torres Leiva Rännak pildis ja ajas, marginaalse naabruse portree, reaalsuse ja kujutluse kohtumine, pidev tõe otsimine, muusikaproov ja pidev filmitegu. Pigem on tegemist küsimuste esitamise kui vastuste otsimisega.

49 Docs for Kids and Youth Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION 49 NOT JUST AN UGLY FACE 10 min UK Directed, photographed and distributed by Raj Yagnik Sound recorded by Suzy Cristinacce Edited by Charlotte Johnson Produced by Wired Flat 4, 49 Sancroft Street, London, UK Tel The World Gurning Championship takes place every September in the tiny town of Egremont in the North West of England. As far as anyone knows the competition dates back to Not Just an Ugly Face, shows the highs and lows of this tremendously daft contest. MITTE AINULT INETU NÄGU Autor Raj Yagnik st aastast peale peetaval kummalisel grimassitamise võistlusel Loode-Inglismaal Egremontis on omad head ja vead. NOTHING WITH NO ONE 14 min Cuba Directed, recorded by Marcos Pimentel Edited by Iván Castro Pena Produced by Pedro Díaz Distributed by International School of Film and Television from San Antonio de los Baños EICTV Cuba, Finca San Tranquilino, San Antonio de los Banos, La Habana, Cuba Tel Fax A documentary about an old man who lives with his son in mountains, isolated from the contact with the external world. A beautiful reflection about the time and the silence. EI MIDAGI MITTE KELLEGAGI Autor Marcos Pimentel Lugu vanast mehest, kes elab koos pojaga välismaailmast ära lõigatuna mägedes. See film on kaunis aja ja vaikuse peegeldus.

50 50 Lifestyles IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION ON THE SWAMPS 24 min Ukraine Directed by Maxim Surkov Photographed by Viktor Kabachenko Sound recorded and edited by Oleksiy Salov Produced and distributed by Svitlana Zinovyeva, Mayakovskogo Str.95 a #72 Kiev 02232, Ukraine Tel A film observing the mode of life and everyday existence of the Polesye countrymen whose survival depends on the cranberry crop on the marsh. SOO PEAL Autor Maxim Surkov Polesje maainimeste ellujäämine sõltub rabas leiduvast jõhvikasaagist. Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION ORWELL AGAINST THE TIDE 56 min Scotland (filmed in Scotland/Spain) Directed and produced by Mark Littlewood Photography by Oliver Cheesman Sound by Jim Smith Distributed by Pelicula Films Ltd, 5, Albert Rd. Brookfield, Johnstone, Renfrewshire, PA5 8UJ, Scotland Tel , Fax Besides the events in George Orwell s life and the universal impact of his works, the film looks at the connections between Orwell s ideas and his continuing contribution to the developing world. The documentary provides a new perspective on Orwell s life as we look beyond the public persona to uncover the heart, humor and humanity of the authentic Orwell. ORWELL VASTU LAINET Autor Mark Littlewood George Orwelli ideed mõjutavad jätkuvalt pidevalt arenevat maailma. Filmis avaneb uus vaatenurk tema elule ja loomingule. Beliefs and Rituals IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION OTHER WORLDS 75 min France Directed by Jan Kounen Photographed by Anne Paris and Jan Kounen Sound recorded by Jean-Jaques Hertz Edited by Stéphane Mazalaigue Produced by Ariel Zeitoun and Jan Kounen Distributed by Valérie Leroux, Ajoz films, 28 rue de Naples, Paris, France Tel Fax A journey into the heart of shamanism to unravel the mysteries that surround them. In the Peruvian Amazon, director Jan Kounen encounters master shaman Questembeta for an inside exploration of therapeutic rituals and sacred psychotropic plants used to reach a parallel universe. TEISED MAAILMAD Autor Jan Kounen Peashamaan Questembeta Peruu Amasoonaselt viib pühade psühhotroopsete taimede abil läbi teraapilisi rituaale, et jõuda paralleelsesse universumi. Docs on Medicine OUCH! 9 min Ireland Directed by Ken Wardrop Photographed by Kate McCullough Sound by Ruth Treacy Edited and produced by Andrew Freedman Distributed by Network Telvision Ireland, 23 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel Three men talk candidly about their experiences of being circumcised later in life. Ouch! is a funny and touching examination of life on either side of the foreskin divide. AI! Autor Ken Wardrop Kolm meest jagavad siiralt oma muljeid ümberlõikamisprotseduurist, mis nende puhul leidis aset hilisemas elus.

51 Modern Family IN THE TV-COMPETITION Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION 51 PATERNAL INSTINCT 75 min USA Directed by Murray Nossel PhotographY by Edward Marritz Sound by Judy Karp Edited by Susanne Rostock Produced by Craig Harwood and Murray Nossel Distributed by Jerome Deroy, Two Spirits Productions 114 Powers Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA Tel Mark and Erik are an unmarried gay couple who have been together for ten years. They long to have biological children. Searching for a surrogate mother on the Internet, they meet Wen, a wife, mother, and practicing witch. Over the next three years, this unique partnership encounters unforseen obstacles that challenge their desire for a child and threaten the growing bonds between them. It`s the ruthlessly honest portrait of an American family... with a 21st Century twist. ISAINSTINKT Autor Murray Nossel Mark ja Erik on homopaar, kes on koos elanud kümme aastat, kuid pole abielus. Nad igatsevad endale päris oma lapsi. Interneti kaudu surrogaatema otsides kohtuvad nad Weni ga, kes on abielus, kel on lapsed ja kes tagatipuks tegeleb nõidumisega. Kolme aasta vältel esitab lapsesoov sellele omapärasele suhtele mitmeid väljakutseid. THE PEOPLE OF ANGKOR 90 min France (filmed in Cambodia) Directed by Rithy Panh Photographed by Prum Hesar Edited by Marie Christine Rougerine and Isabelle Roudy Produced by Schuchman Amme, Institut National de l Audiovisuel Distributed by Michéle Gowtard, Institut National de l Audiovisuel 4 Avenue de l Europe, Bry-sur-Marne Cedex, France Tel Fax The archeological site of Angkor in was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century. Since then it has become emblematic, in the minds of Westerners, of monuments concealed by tropical flora. Today, after decades of war and in light of its recently status as a tourist attraction, Angkor is teeming with life. Small merchants, rice farmers and Buddhist priests help to perpetuate traditional ways of life: while guards, people working on the archeological site and guides contribute to tourist activities. ANGKORI RAHVAS Autor Rithy Panh Angkori templite arheoloogiaväärtused, mis avastati 19. sajandil, on selle paiga koos budistlike munkade, riisikasvatajate ning kaupmeestega muutnud turismimajanduse tõmbenumbriks. Kohalikud elanikud räägivad oma elust nende hinnaliste templite ümber.

52 52 Modern Family PIZZET (MAYBE THE LAST YEAR) 52 min Switzerland Directed and produced by Ivo Zen Photography by Milivoj Ivkovic Sound by Masaki Hatsui and Cédric Flückiger Edited by Anita Holdener Distributed by ALVA.Film, Rue Montbrillant 14, 1205 Genève, Switzerland Tel Portrait and chronicle of a farmhouse in Val Müstair, Grison mountains. A couple of old farmers hold on to their farming methods with tenacity and dignity. Pizzet means a land, neither too big nor too small. 11 acres are too little for modern farming. Tumasch and his wife Antonetta spent their whole life in this valley, taking care of the cattle and of their land. Have they ever wanted to do something else? Leave the country like their son who lives in Canada? PIZZET (VÕIB-OLLA VIIMANE AASTA) Autor Ivo Zen Üheteist-aakrine Shveitsi väikefarm mägedes ei vasta enam tänapäevase tootmise nõuetele. Talupidajatest abielupaar ei suuda jõuda otsusele, kas lõpetada oma elupõline töö ja lahkuda, nagu tegi nende poeg, kes elab Kanadas. Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION POOR LAND 5 min Poland Directed by Filip Marczewski Photographed by Szymon Lenkowski Sound by Sebastian Branski Edited by Boguslawa Furga and Rafal Listopad Produced and distributed by Andrzey Bednarek, The Polish National Film, TV and Theatre School, 61/63 Targowa Str Lodz, Poland Tel Fax The film shows ecologically the most destroyed region of Poland, with the highest level of unemployment. Exhausting, dangerous work in the illegal coalmines of Walbrzych for several zlotys shows the reality of labor and social system in Eastern Europe. VAENE MAA Autor Filip Marczewski Ida-Euroopa elanike ja ühiskonna olukord Poola ökoloogilises hävingus vaevlevas piirkonnas on kõige kõrgem töötuse protsent. Rasket ja ohtlikku tööd ebaseaduslikes Walbrzychi söekaevandustes tasustatakse vaid väheste zlottidega.

53 Lifestyles Well-known and Unknown Makers 53 PROSTITUTION BEHIND THE VEIL 58 min Denmark, Iran, Sweden Directed and photographed by Nahid Persson Sound recorded by Svante Björnstad Edited by Niels Pagh Andersen and Nahid Persson Produced by Jakob Høgel, Cosmo Doc ApS Distributed by Danish Film Institute, Gothersgade 55, DK-1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel Fax The film unveils the lives of two women, Minna and Fariba, in a city in Iran. The women are neighbours, good friends and support each other. Both of them have to have a living by prostitution and live with the widespread maltreatment of women and the double standards that permeate Iranian society today. PROSTITUTSIOON LOORI TAGA Autor Nahid Persson Kaks iraani naist, kes on naabrid ja head sõbrannad, peavad oma lapsi ülal töötades prostituutidena ja seda riigis, kus abielurikkumist võidakse karistada koguni surmanuhtlusega. THE RANGER 11 min Poland Directed by Grzegorz Muskala Photography by Piotr Niemyjski Sound by Slawomir Walczyk, Krzysztof Wismont Edited by Cecylia Pacura Produced and distributed by Polish National Film School, 61/63 Targowa Str Lodz, Poland Tel One must have iron health and an indestructible psyche. You must be disciplined until the deepest pain. There are two worlds in the life of Krzysztof M. In one world he is the man fighting the bandits and saving endangered lives, just like his tough television heroes. In the other world there are his naughty pupils at school and there is his beloved mother... JÄRELVAATAJA Autor Grzegorz Muskala Krzysztof M. elab kahes maailmas: ühes võitleb ta bandiitidega ja päästab elusid, teises kantseldab koolilapsi ja veel on seal tema armas ema...

54 54 Docs on Medicine SAVING XAVIER 55 min Australia (filmed in Australia/New Guinea) Directed and photographed by Stephen Frost Sound recorded by Peter Laughton Edited by Megan Turner Produced by Peta Concannon Distributed by Virtual Culture, P.O. BOX 312, Currumbin Q 4223, Australia Tel Fax sfpc@oz Sorcery, religion and medical science conspire to help a 235 kilogram man from the New Guinea islands save himself. XAVIERI PÄÄSTMINE Autor Stephen Frost Nõidus, usk ja meditsiiniteadus aitavad 235-kilogrammisel mehel Uus-Guineast end päästa. Docs on Medicine SAVING XAVIER Well-known and Unknown Makers SCREENING ROOM WITH JEAN ROUCH 64 min USA Directed and produced by Robert Gardner Photographed by Cal Hoyle, Tony Tawa and Jean Rouch Sound recorded by George Nahas Edited by Barbara Matas, Jessical Gidal Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Street, Watertown MA 02472, USA Tel Fax In the early 1970s a group of idealistic artists, lawyers, doctors and teachers saw an opportunity to change commercial television in Boston and the surrounding area. It would require years of litigation up to and including the Supreme Court, but the case was won and the Channel 5 license was endorsed to WCVB-TV. Screening Room was one of several programs. The idea was to give independent filmmakers an opportunity to discuss their work and show it to a large urban audience. In this program Robert Gardner hosts Jean Rouch, inventor of cinema verite style. THE SECOND RED LINE 26 min UK (filmed in Ghana) Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Veera Lehto, 238 Clarendon Street Hulme, Manchester M15 5AB, UK Tel In HIV testing, the second red line is the indication of a positive result. This film follows two volunteers working with HIV & AIDS sufferers in the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana. In the absence of medication, the only thing the volunteers can offer is care, compassion and religious faith. TEINE PUNANE JOON Autor Veera Lehto HI-viiruse testimisel näitab teine punane joon positiivset tulemust. Ghaanas Buduburami põgenikelaagris töötavad vabatahtlikud võivad ravimite puudumisel aidsihaigetele ja HIviirusest nakatunutele pakkuda vaid kaastunnet ja religioosset tuge. FILMISAALIS KOOS JEAN ROUCHIGA Autor Robert Gardner Tuntud filmiloojal Robert Gardneril õnnestus seitsmekümnendatel aastatel asutada Bostonis alternatiivne telekanal. Filmisaal oli üks selle kanali intellektuaalsetest saadetest. Saate mõte oli anda sõltumatutele filmitegijatele võimalus arutleda oma tööde üle ja näidata neid laiemale publikule. Saates on külaliseks cinema verite leiutaja Jean Rouch.

55 New Estonian Documentaries Modern Family 55 SILENT MOVIE ABOUT DEAF GIRL 40 min Estonia Directed and produced by Vahur Laiapea Photographed by Ergo Kuld and Urmas Sepp Sound recorded by Vahur Laiapea and Tiit Kikas Edited by Urmas Sepp Distributed by Ikoon OÜ, 5-14 Lastekodu Str, Tallinn, Estonia Tel Ragne is a 7-years-old deaf girl. She lives in Haiba orphanage and studies at Tallinn Deaf School. Her everyday language is the sign language of the deaf. In september 14th, 2004, Ragne was operated at the hospital of Tartu University. The cochlear hearing aid was implanted to her. The documentary follows Ragne s life before and after operation. The main question is do we know, what is best for Ragne? Where is and will be her home in deaf or hearing community? TUMMFILM KURDIST TÜDRUKUST Autor Vahur Laiapea Praegu seitsmeaastane Ragne elab kolmandast eluaastast alates Haiba lastekodus ja käib Tallinna Kurtide Kooli lasteaias. Pärast põhjalikke uuringuid otsustati Ragnele paigaldada kuulmist osaliselt taastav sisekõrva implantaat. Operatsioon toimus aasta septembris Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi kõrvakliinikus. Kas ja kui palju tüdruk uue aparaadi abil kuulma ja kõnelema hakkab, selgub alles pikema aja vältel. THE SISU STONE 64 min Finland Directed by Petteri Saario Photography by Petteri Saario, Jan Henriksson Sound by Johanna Lampi, Tiina Saario, Petteri Saario, Jan Henriksson Edited by Petteri Saario, Raimo Raitahila Produced by Petteri Saario, Tekstivirta Production Company Distributed by Seija Liuhto, Yle Export, Box 46, Yleisradio, Finland Tel Fax Even the impossible is possible as long as you have faith in yourself, says Göran, the father of the Stenroos family living on Husö, an island in the province of Åland. As if to add credibility to his words Göran has placed a large piece of granite the sisukivi, or sisu stone in an unnatural position onto the shore of his home island using a hidden rod for support. SISU-KIVI Autor Petteri Saario Isegi võimatu on võimalik, kui endasse uskuda, ütleb Göran Stenroos Husö saarelt Ålandilt. Et öeldule kaalu lisada, on Göran asetanud kodurannale sisu-kivi, mis seisab ebaloomulikult püsti ainult tänu peidetud toele...

56 56 Music on Screen SPIRITS OF THE UHADI 48 min South Africa Directed by Lauren Groenewald Photography by Miki Redelinghuys Sound by Annalet Steenkamp Edited by Matthew Brown and Miki Redelinghuys Produced by Miki Redelinghuys and Michele Constant Distributed by Plexus Films, PO BOX 12530, Mill Street, Gardens, 8001 Cape Town, South Africa Tel Fax A young Xhosa woman searches for her roots and reclaims her traditional heritage. Thandiswa Mazwai is an African Pop Star who represents the growing number of South African youth who are embracing their cultural roots and giving it a modern interpretation. UHADI VAIMUD Autor Lauren Groenewald Thandiswa Mazwai on aafrika popstaar, kes otsib oma juuri nagu paljud Lõuna-Aafrika noored. Ta interpreteerib taasleitud vana kultuuri kaasaegses vormis. Docs for Kids and Youth STEPS 15 min The Netherlands Directed by Ellen Blom Photographed by Marcel Prins Sound by Mike van Diem Edited by Luce van de Weg Produced by Gosia Dielessen, NCRV Jeugd Dokument Junior, NCRV-televisie, Postbus 25000, 1202 HB Hilversum, The Netherlands Tel Fax Thirteen-year old Jolanda goes to school and enjoys dancing. She is about to take part in a competition of partner dancing. The steps are easy and Jolanda shows the other people in the dance course how to do them. Jolanda has Down syndrome, and next year she ll have to leave the ordinary school and move into a special school. She s a bit scared about leaving all the familiar people of her class. On the last day, the class puts up a farewell party. SPIRITS OF THE UHADI Modern Family STRAIGHT A S 46 min Croatia Directed by Dana Budisavljevic Photographed by Dana Boo, Anne Marie Borsbom and Andrej Korovljev Edited by Tomislav Pavlic Produced by Nenad Puhovski Distributed by Factum Documentary Project, 26 Dezeliceva Street, Zagreb, Croatia Tel , Fax Life story of Lidija Shunjerga, the first woman in Croatia to talk openly about her profession as a porn actress. From an unhappy childhood in a small village through prostitution in Amsterdam, to an acclaimed porn actress and Playboy cover page... and then... back again to a small native village... OTSE A D Autor Dana Budisavljevic Lidija Shunjerga on esimene horvaatia naine, kes räägib avameelselt oma elust pornonäitlejana. Õnnetu lapsepõlv väikeses külas, prostituudiamet Amsterdamis, tunnustatud pornonäitleja ning Playboy kaanetüdruk ja siis taas väikses kodukülas. SAMMUD Autor Ellen Blom Kolmeteist-aastane Downi sündroomi põdev Jolanda käib koolis ja tegeleb tantsimisega, näidates teistelegi samme ette. Ta kavatseb osaleda ka tantsuvõistlustel. Järgmisel aastal tuleb tal erikooli minna, kuid klassikaaslastest on raske lahkuda.

57 Docs for Kids and Youth Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION 57 STRONGER THAN FEAR 52 min Germany (filmed in Germany/France/Cameroon) Directed by Ulrike Westermann Photographed by Pavel Schnabel Sound recorded by Jens Breith, Laurent Desmetz Edited by Gabriele Draeger-Herms, Silke Betscher Produced by Carl A. Fechner Distributed by Ulrike Westermann Dunkakshof 5, D Bremen, Germany Tel Fax On a corn field of southern Germany the body of a black boy was discovered. Solomon Mforbei Fusi was a fifteen-yearold from Bamenda, Cameroon. He was meant to take his destined role within the family when he only wanted to be free and independent. His dreams of a better life ended in the wheel of a plane. When the plane lands and the wheels come out his body plunges into a German field. HIRMUST TUGEVAM Autor Ulrike Westermann Lõuna-Saksamaa maisipõllult leitakse 14-aastase mustanahalise poisi surnukeha. Solomon Mforbei Fusi püüdis Kamerunist põgeneda. Tema unistused paremast elust lõppesid lennukiratta sees. Kui lennuk maandumisel rattad välja lasi, kukkus poiss alla. SUCKERFISH 8 min Canada Directed and produced by Lisa Jackson Photographed by Clancy Dennehy Distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, 101 Morse Street, Watertown, MA 02471, USA Tel , Fax When she was ten, Lisa Jackson fled Toronto to live with relatives in Vancouver, to escape her mother s depression, alcoholism and prescription drug abuse legacies of the residential school experience. Now, shifting through her memories and her mother s letters, she constructs a portrait of a mother whose drive to love her daughter triumphed over her demons of addiction. IMIKALA Autor Lisa Jackson Lisa Jackson põgenes 10-aastasena kodunt sugulaste juurde, et pääseda ema depressioonist, alkoholismist ja retseptiravimite liigtarvitamisest. Nüüd, mälestustes ja ema kirjades sorides paneb ta kokku ema portree, kelle armastus tütre vastu on saanud võitu sõltuvusdeemonitest. Docs for Kids and Youth SUDTIROL VOLUNTEER 44 min Italy Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed Geo Andrea Lanzi, Via Paolo VI No 18, Cologne (BS), Italia Tel In a mountain region of Italian Alps, at an altitude of 1500 m, the style of life and traditional works of the population living there along the seasons. LÕUNATIROOLI VABATAHTLIK AutorGeo Andrea Lanzi Elu ja traditsioonilised tööd läbi aastaaegade Itaalia Alpides 1500 meetri kõrgusel.

58 58 Lifestyles THE SWENKAS 72 min Denmark, South Africa (filmed in South Africa) Directed by Jeppe Rønde Photographed by Lars Skree, Sebastian Winterø and Nic Hofmeyr Sound recorded by Rune Palving and Lenny Nzoyi Edited by Oliver Bugge Coutté Produced and distributed by Cosmo Film A/S, 106A Ryesgade Street, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel Fax This documentary is a portrait of the Swenkas, a small group of working men in post-apartheid South Africa. Men who take great pride in putting on a flashy suit and stand out as an inspiration for others. The dressing up is not just something external and inconstant, but an integrated part of their internal spiritual and mental life, of their past, present and future. SWENKAD Apartheidijärgses Lõuna-Aafrikas riietub grupp mehi epakatesse kostüümidesse. Üleslöömine pole vaid väline, selles peitub meeste sisemine hinge- ja vaimuelu, olevik ja tulevik. Modern Family THIS WILL NEVER GO AWAY 76 min The Netherlands Directed by Petra Lataster-Czisch and Peter Lataster Photography by Peter Lataster Sound by Gert Jan Miedema Edited by Mario Steenbergen Produced by Carmen Cobos Distributed by Cobos Films BV, Falckstr. 49-II, 1017 VV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel Fax In an Amsterdam women s house Mirella, Sylvia and Johanna are sitting together. They have fled from their violent partners. The film observes the bickering and squabbling as well as the mutual support the women give each other while talking about their doubts, their uncertainties and their dreams for the future. SEE EI KAO KUNAGI Autorid Petra Lataster-Czisch ja Peter Lataster Mirella, Sylvia ja Johanna on oma vägivaldsete meespartnerite eest pagenud ühte Amsterdami naiste turvakodusse. Nad nääklevad omavahel, aga ka toetavad üksteist, rääkides oma kõhklustest ja tulevikuunistustest.

59 Docs for Kids and Youth IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION TINY KATERINA 24 min Russia (filmed in Siberia) Directed, photographed and distributed by Ivan Golovnev Sound recorded by Sergei Morozencko Edited by Yuri Yatcencko Produced by Andrei Golovnev 15/1-14, Prigorodnaya Street, Omsk, , Russia. Tel Fax Docs on Medicine TRANSAZIONI 29 min Italy Directed by Mary Nicotra Photography by Donatella Bagagiolo Sound and editing by Piero Lo palco Produced and distributed by Mary Nicotra, Associazione Donneinviaggio, Via Peyron 23, Torino, Italy Tel 59 Northwest Siberia, Russia. Tiny Khanty girl Katerina surveys and understands the outer world. She learns voices of people, animals, and other beings. Gradually she approaches the unknown, and unknown comes closer not far from Katerina s nomad camp an oilrig appears. PISIKE KATERINA Autor Ivan Golovnev Pisike handi tüdruk Katerina uurib ja õpib välismaailma tundma. Ta jõuab tasapisi tundmatule lähemale ja tundmatu läheneb temale kuni ühel päeval ilmub laagripaiga naabrusse naftapuurtorn. How are the lives of FtM subjects in transition? Which are their paths of narrative construction at level of identity? How does the phenomena challenge the social and scientific speech constructions and oblige them to a reflection on themselves? Which is the social and subjective background of an FtM subject? TRANSAZIONI Autor Mary Nicotra Kuidas toimub FtM subjektide elu muutumine meessoost naissoo poole? Milline on nende identiteet, milline sotsiaalne ja subjektiivne taust?

60 60 New Estonian Documentaries TRAVELLING SETO POTTERS. THE SECOND COMING 50 min Estonia Directed and produced by Peeter Urbla Photography by Andrus Prikk, Arvo Vilu and Peeter Urbla Sound by Horret Kuus Edited by Anri Rulkov Distributed by Exitfilm AS, 1 Madala Street, Tallinn, Estonia Tel Fax A merry one week journey of young Seto pottery venders in horse wagons through their exotic homeland, trading and barging, discovering their roots and reviving ancient traditions. The Setos are a small orthodox minority in picturesque South-East Estonia living close to nature and having vital connection to their cultural inheritance. POTISETOD. TEINE TULEMINE Autor Peeter Urbla Dokumentaalfilm viie potiseto lustakast teekonnast hobuvankritel läbi Setomaa Tartu Hansalaadale koos lõõtsa ja hansanapsuga. Modern Family IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION TRAVELS BY TRICYCLE 42 min China P.R. Directed, photographed and edited by Wang Dongdong and Qu Di Sound recorded by Chang Yu Produced and distributed by Wang Dongdong Tel With his self-built tricycle trailer, the 74-year-old Wang Yimin draws a lot of attraction in every town he enters this is because his 98-year-old mother is sitting in the back. They have been travelling across China for months. She had never left her place of residence, living on the sixth floor of her apartment like a bird in a cage. It was her wish to see more of China with her own eyes before she turned 100. REIS KOLMERATTALISEL Autorid Wang Dongdong ja Qu Di 74-aastane Wang Yimin tõmbab kõigi pilgud endale, sest rändab omaehitatud kolmerattalisel veokil ja veab kaasa 98- aastast ema. Nad sõidavad mööda Hiinat juba kuid, sest ema soovib näha midagi enamat kui tal seni kuuenda korruse korteriaknast on õnnestunud. Lifestyles THE TUNDRA SETTLERS 52 min Norway Directed by Anne Lajla Utsi Photographed by Torstein Nodland Sound recorded by Mads Olsen Edited by Robert Stengård Produced by Nils Thomas Utsi, Filbmagoahti AS Distributed by Toril Simonsen, Norwegian Film Institute, Dronningens Gate 16, P.O. Box 484 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo, Norway Tel Fax Frank Juhls from Denmark and Regine from Germany went to Finnmark in the far north of Norway in the 1950s. The Sami people warmly embraced these foreigners, dressing them up in the traditional Sami costume called «pesk». In return, the visitors became silversmiths, repairing old Sami jewellery the veritable silver treasure, which in turn became Juhls Silver Gallery. But with success comes jealousy... TUNDRA ASUNIKUD Autor Anne Lajla Utsi Frank Juhls Taanist ja Regine Saksamaalt rändasid aastatel kaugele põhja, Finnmarki maakonda Norras. Saami rahvas võttis nad soojalt vastu. Külalistest said hõbesepad, kes hakkasid parandama vanu saami ehteid, mis leidsid koha Juhlsi hõbedagaleriis. Kuid edu tekitas kadedust

61 61 Well-known and Unknown Makers IN THE ART FILMS COMPETITION UNDRESSING MY MOTHER 6 min Ireland Directed and sound recorded by Ken Wardrop Photographed by Kate McCullough Edited by Andrew Freedman Produced by Andrew Freedman and Kristin Brook Larsen Distributed by Network Television Ireland, 23 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel Undressing My Mother is a poignant documentary that explores a woman s unique take on her overweight and aging body. MINU EMA LAHTI RIIETADES Autor Ken Wardrop Teravavõitu uurimus ühe iiri naise ainulaadsest arvamusest oma ülekaalulise ja vananeva keha kohta. Survival of Indigenous Peoples IN THE GENERAL COMPETITION UPRIVER IN TIME 52 min The Netherlands Directed, recorded, produced and distributed by André Dryansky Edited by Ruth Louz Weesperstraat 186, 1018 DN Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel Fax Badé Adamé, a Saramaka Maroon, takes us back to his village in the rainforest of Suriname, where descendents of runaway slaves haven t yet forgotten their war against the Whites. ÕIGEL AJAL ÜLESJÕGE Autor Andre Dryansky Badé Adamé, Saramaka maroon, viib meid külasse Surinami vihmametsas, kus põgenenud orjade järeltulijad ei ole veel unustanud oma võitlust valgete vastu. Survival of Indigenous Peoples THE VEIL OF BERTA 73 min Chile Directed and produced by Esteban Larrain Photography by Rodrigo Nunez Sound by Santiago de la Cruz Edited by Felipe Guerrero Distributed by Esteban Larrain, Simon Gonzalez 7221, La Reina-Santiago, Chile Tel In the mountains in the south of Chile, the multinational enterprise Endesa is developing the Ralco project, building a gigantic dam that will stop the flow of the Bio-Bio River, and flood the land where the native Pehuenche community, Ralco Lepoy have lived for centuries. The company is opposed from the start by strong resistance of a small group of elderly Pehuenche women. Their leader is 88- year old Berta Quintremán. BERTA SALADUSLOOR. Autor Esteban Larrain Berta Quintremán, 88-aastane tshiili vanaproua juhib võitlust tema koduküla ohustava tammi rajajate vastu.

62 62 Docs for Kids and Youth THE WAY 26 min Russia Directed by Galina Kalinina Photographed by A. Komov, V. Sachkov and D. Katurga Sound recorded by Vadim Pushkarev and Pavel Dudin Produced by Eugene Sulla Distributed by State TV channel «Culture», 24, Maly Nikitskaia Street, Moscow, Russia Tel This is a story of two children of the boy and the girl. The story is about their life, their joys and sorrows. They live in Russia at the beginning of the 21th century. Children are the witnesses of the epoch-making historical events. TEE Autor Galina Kalinina Lapsed poiss ja tüdruk on tunnistajaiks XXI sajandi algul Venemaal aset leidvatele ajaloolistele muutustele. Modern Family WEDDING TO SEVERANCE 38 min Turkey Directed by M. Namik U_ur and Mustafa Sa_lam Photographed by Özgür Polat and Onur Erdem Produced by M. Namik Ugur Distributed by Ankara University Faculty of Communication, Ankara Üniversitesi Iletisim Fakültesi Cemal Gürsel Cad. A.Ü. Cebeci Yerleskesi Ankara, Turkey Tel , Fax Berdel, a sort of traditional marriage that has been common in the Southeastern Anatolia. According to this tradition, when a couple is marrying, the bride s brother and the groom s sister have to marry each other, too. Seydo couldn t marry with his love because of this tradition and poverty. LAHUSPULMAD Autorid M.Namik Ugur ja Mustafa Saglam Kagu-Anatoolia pulmatraditsioon nõuab, et pruudi vend ja peigmehe õde peavad samuti abielluma. Seydo ei saanud nii seetõttu kui ka vaesuse pärast abielluda oma armastatuga.

63 Docs for Kids and Youth Docs for Kids and Youth 63 WELCOME MR. POSTMAN 80 min. Mexico ( filmed in Mexico/Japan/Zimbabwe/Denmark) Directed by Madeleine Bondy Photography by Toni Kuhn Sound by Morten Holm Edited by Madeleine Bondy and Antonio Meza Produced by Madeleine Bondy and María Eugenia Sánchez Distributed by TV2 Sales, Sortedam Dossering 55A, DK Copenhagen, Denmark Tel Fax Four postmen and their families, from four different continents visit each other in this amazing documentary film which focuses on hopes and dreams, sorrows and laughter in daily life in countries as dissimilar as Mexico, Japan, Zimbabwe and Denmark. THE WHISTLE FROM RUDES 9 min Croatia Directed, recorded, edited, produced and distributed by Rudes Elementary School Videogroup, 51 Jablanska Street, Zagreb, Croatia Tel Fax A documentary on a teacher who has in addition to his profession been a drummer in a famous Croatian band. To record his life, the young film makers have used his student s statements and some archival material. VILESIGNAAL RUDESIST Autorid on Rudesi Põhikooli õpilased Lugu õpetajast, kes on varem olnud trummar ühes tuntud horvaatia ansamblis. TERETULEMAST, HÄRRA POSTILJON! Autor Madeleine Bondy Neli postiljoni ja nende peret erinevatelt mandritelt külastavad üksteist. Filmis avalduvad nende lootused ja unistused, mured ja naer nii erinevates maades nagu Mehhiko, Jaapan, Zimbabwe ja Taani.

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On these dates the submission has to be completed: online entry form as well as digital file have to be sent to Go Short.

On these dates the submission has to be completed: online entry form as well as digital file have to be sent to Go Short. 1.0 General requirements for entry 1.1 Films are eligible for Go Short competitions if: - The film is no longer than 30 minutes. - The film is produced in (geographical) Europe 1, the director or producer

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