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3 Festival o pravima djece Children's Rights Festival / 11 / 2014 budimo heroji dječjih prava! let's be children's rights heroes! Kino Tuškanac, Zagreb Dvorana Lora, Split Gradska knjižnica Marka Marulića, Split Kino Karaman, Split Centar Joker, Split Dvorane CineStar Dubrovnik, Osijek, Rijeka, Slavonski Brod, Split, Šibenik, Varaždin, Zadar, Zagreb, Vukovar Tuškanac Cinema, Zagreb Lora Hall, Split Marko Marulić Library, Split Karaman Cinema, Split Joker Center, Split CineStar Cinemas Dubrovnik, Osijek, Rijeka, Slavonski Brod, Split, Šibenik, Varaždin, Zadar, Zagreb, Vukovar Ulaz na sve projekcije je slobodan. Free admission to all screenings.

4 festival o pravima djece children s rights festival 4 UVODNO introduction Šesti put po redu, upravo u vrijeme obilježavanja 25. godišnjice Konvencije o pravima djeteta, naš sve brojniji tim nastoji skrenuti pozornost na prava onih na kojima svijet ostaje. Jesmo li svjesni njihovih prava, koliko znamo o njima, kako i što činimo da bi njihovi životi imali jednake uvjete i okolnosti, ista prava pitamo se tako što slušamo poruke upravo njih samih - djece i mladih. Prioritetno i neizostavno, središnji dio našega Festivala i ove godine rezerviran je za stvaralaštvo djece i mladih, točnije za kratke filmove igrane, dokumentarne i animirane koje stvaraju u okviru svojih filmskih družina i klubova tijekom godine. Zajedničko im je to da na izravan ili neizravan način progovaraju o njima samima, njihovim životima, pogledima, stavovima, problemima, rješenjima iskreno i otvoreno. Naš partner Blitz Cinestar omogućio nam je projekciju tih malih/velikih umjetničkih radova na velikome platnu, u 10 hrvatskih gradova istovremeno, a njihovi vršnjaci sve su brojnija publika ovih filmova. S ponosom se prisjećamo prošle godine kad je u samo dva dana Festivala projekcijama prisustvovalo 6000 djece i mladih. Inkluzivni smo bili, jesmo, a bit ćemo i dalje. Cilj nam je ne samo nastaviti promovirati inkluziju i živjeti je, nego i potaknuti organizatore svih kulturnih događanja, kulturne ustanove, kazališta, kina, muzeje da učine umjetnost i kulturu dostupnom svima, posebice osobama s teškoćama vida i teškoćama sluha. For the sixth time in a row, around the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, this time its 25 th birthday, our growing team is trying to draw attention to the rights of those who shall inherit the earth. What is our level of awareness, how much we know, how and in what way we create equal conditions and opportunities, equal rights we ask ourselves and we try to hear precisely the voices of children and youth. First of all and inevitably, the central part of our Festival is once again this year dedicated to the children and youth s creativity, more accurately to short films fiction, documentary and animated made by their film crews and clubs throughout the year. The common trait is that they all directly or indirectly speak about them, their lives, views, opinions, problems, solutions honestly and openly. Our partner Blitz Cinestar has made it possible to show them on the big screen, in 10 Croatian cities simultaneously, with their peers as the ever growing audience. We proudly remember last year, when in only two days of the Festival, 6000 children and young people attended the film screenings. We were, are and will continue to be inclusive. Our aim is not only to continue to promote inclusion and breathe it, but also to motivate organisers of all the cultural events, cultural institutions, theatres, cinemas, museums to make art and culture available to everyone, especially the visually impaired and hard of hearing.

5 festival o pravima djece children s rights festival 5 Ove godine vraćamo se ponovno u Zagreb, barem najvećim dijelom svojega programa i programskih aktivnosti. Novost u odnosu na prethodne godine jest činjenica da imamo i grad-domaćina, odnosno pokrovitelja Festivala, a to je grad Zagreb, i grad-partnera ove godine to je grad Split. Značajno je to što će ove godine djeca, mladi i odrasli moći pratiti Festival na nekoliko lokacija u dva grada. Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo najaviti i po prvi put zemlju partnera, Bosnu i Hercegovinu. U Splitu ćemo ugostiti mlade autore čiji filmovi će biti prikazani na Festivalu. Filmovi koje ćemo prikazati proizvedeni su u okviru međunarodnog filmskog festivala Kratkofil Plus u Banja Luci, te u okviru organizacije One minute junior. Cjelovečernji igrani filmovi u vrijeme obilježavanja 25. Konvencije o pravima djeteta u zimskim večernjim satima u kinima Tuškanac u Zagrebu i Karaman u Splitu, vrijednim autorskim i ljudskim jezikom, odraslih odraslima, govore o djeci. Prilagođeni su jednako tako slijepim i slabovidnim osobama, kao i osobama s teškoćama sluha, te su i dostupni svima jer su projekcije besplatne. Dostupnost kulturnih sadržaja svima i svakome jednostavno nema cijenu, jednako kao i iste šanse za sve jer beskrajno je dragocjena vrijednost življenja kojoj težimo. This year we return to Zagreb with most of our programme and activities. A difference and novelty in comparison with the last year s programme is the fact that we have a host-city, the Festival sponsor Zagreb and a partnercity this year it is Split. Children, youth and grown-up audience will be able to follow the Festival simultaneously in two cities. With great pleasure we are presenting our first ever partner-country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Split we are hosting the children authors whose films will be shown at the Festival, produced at the international film festival Kratkofil Plus in Banja Luka and by One Minute Junior organisation. The feature-length fiction films at the time of the anniversary of the 25 th Conventions on the Rights of the Child in the winter evening hours at Tuškanac cinema in Zagreb and Karaman cinema in Split speak about children in a valuable authorial and human language, by grown-ups to grown-ups. They are adapted for the blind and visually impaired, as well as for hard of hearers, and are available to everyone as the admission is free. Availability of cultural events to everyone is priceless, as well as equal chances for everyone the value of life we strive for is infinitely precious. Welcome to the 6 th Children s Rights Festival! Dobro došli svi na 6. Festival o pravima djece!

6 festival o pravima djece pred našim nosom Pred našim nosom children s rights festival hidden in a plain sight Hidden in a Plain Sight 6 Upravo tu, pred našim nosom, svakodnevno se događa nasilje nad i među djecom. Tema nasilja stara je koliko i ljudski rod. Društveni napredak donosi sve veću senzibiliziranost za potrebe djece i sve više ulaganja u sprječavanje nasilja i u mjere zaštite od nasilja. No to što se čini nije dovoljno. Stoga je i Festival o pravima djece odlučio pozvati i potaknuti djecu, odrasle, udruge da dignu svoj glas. O tome je progovorio i unicef-ov ambasador dobre volje Liam Neeson kroz globalnu kampanju Zaustavimo nasilje nad djecom. Nakon kampanje uslijedilo je i Izvješće o nasilju nad djecom u svijetu koje dodatno ukazuje na probleme i još uvijek široko prihvaćenu toleranciju na nasilje nad djecom. A što djeca misle o tome? Koji je njihov stav? Imaju li razloga pozvati odrasle na odgovornost o tome koliko i što se čini kako bi se djecu zaštitilo od nasilja? Na ova pitanja usudilo se odgovoriti sedam dječjih filmskih družina kroz filmove koji su nastali nakon radionica i razgovora o tome zašto se događa nasilje među djecom, te što djeca i mladi očekuju od odraslih u sprječavanju i suzbijanju nasilja. Uz filmove djece, tu su i vrlo poticajni filmovi odraslih autora s kojima želimo potaknuti iskru razgovora i zagovaranja za jačanje zaštite djece od nasilja. Loptica odgovornosti za zaštitu od nasilja je u krilu odraslih roditelja, učitelja, donositelja odluka i politika, no kroz Festival želimo omogućiti djeci i mladima da ih se čuje, uvaži, te da se njihov glas prenese što dalje i šire. Festivalski tim Right here, in plain sight, violence among children happens every day. The issue of violence is as old as mankind. Social progress carries a growing sensitivity to the needs of children and ever more investment in the prevention of violence and protective measures. However, this is not enough. Therefore the Children s Rights Festival has decided to call and motivate children, adults and associations to make their voices heard. unicef Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson spoke about this in the global campaign End Violence Against Children. The World Report: Violence Against Children followed, additionally pointing to the issues and still widespread tolerance to violence against children. And what do children think about this? What is their opinion? Do they have a reason to ask the adults to be responsible about how much and what is done to protect the children against violence? Seven children film crews dared to offer an answer to these questions through films made after workshops and discussions about why violence among children occurs and what children and the young expect from adults in preventing and fighting violence. Next to the children s films, there are also stimulating films made by grown-up filmmakers aimed to spark a discussion and advocate strengthening the protection of children against violence. The ball of responsibility for the protection against violence is in the grown-ups court now parents, teachers, decision makers, politicians. However, this Festival wants to give a voice to the children and youth, make it count and spread the word far and wide. Festival s team

7 festival o pravima djece children s rights festival 7 Legenda za čitanje rasporeda događanja na sljedećoj stranici: Kino Tuškanac, Tuškanac 1, Zagreb Dvorana Lora, Poljudsko šetalište 1 (Dom HV), Split Gradska knjižnica Marka Marulića, Odjel multimedije, Palmotićeva 12, Split Event schedule navigation legend on the next page: Tuškanac Cinema, Tuškanac 1, Zagreb Lora Hall, Poljudsko šetalište 1, Split Marko Marulić Library, Palmotićeva 12, Split Dvorane CineStar Dubrovnik, Osijek, Rijeka, Slavonski Brod, Split, Šibenik, Varaždin, Zadar, Zagreb, Vukovar Kino Karaman, Ilićev prolaz, Split Centar Joker, Ulica Mike Tripala, Split CineStar Cinemas, Osijek, Rijeka, Slavonski Brod, Split, Šibenik, Varaždin, Zadar, Zagreb, Vukovar Karaman Cinema, Ilićev prolaz, Split Joker Center, Mika Tripalo s Street, Split Školski objektiv Dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole Mislim, dakle snimam Stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole U cipelama odraslih Večernji program Preko granice Kratki filmovi djece iz BiH Rame uz rame Radionice i popratni programi Film je prikladan za navedeni uzrast. School camera Children s creative work Matinee for Schoolchildren I think, therefore I record Youth creativity Matinee for High School Students In adults shoes Evening screenings Cross the border Bosnia and Herzegovinas children short films Work side by side Workshops and accompanying programs Movie is suitable for listed age. Svi filmovi prilagođeni su za osobe s oštećenjima sluha i vida. All the films are suitable for the hearing and sight impaired persons.

8 ponedjeljak, elja / monday, november 17 / th utorak, / tuesday, november th srijeda, / wednesday, november 19 th 10:00 10:0 00 am Filmska radionica / Film workshop Filmska radionica / Film workshop Filmska radionica / Film workshop 12:00 12:00 pm Svečano otvaranje u Splitu / Grand opening in Split Kratki filmovi djece iz bih s radionica Kratkofil Junior i One minute Junior Movies / Bosnia and Herzegovinas children short films made during workshops Kratkofil Junior i One minute Junior Movies Mjuzikl Srce na sceni / A musical play Heart on stage 17:00 19:00 7:00 pm 7 5:00 0 pm Svečano otvaranje u Zagrebu / Grand openin ing in Zagreb Kratki filmovi djece iz bih s radionice One minute Junior Movies / Bosnia and Herzegovinas children short films made during workshop One minute Junior Movies Kratki filmovi djece s radionica unicef-a o prevenciji nasilja / Short films by unicef workshop participants regarding violence prevention Natjecanje uspon do zvijezda, cjelovečernji igrani film / The Contest To the Stars and Back, feature film 9:00 21:00 9:00 am 9:00 pm 20:00 8:00 pm Izložba fotografija Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: tri priče i poplave / Photography exhibition Childhood in Croatia: three stories and the floods Izložba fotografija Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: tri priče i poplave / Photography exhibition Childhood in Croatia: three stories and the floods Izložba fotografija Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: tri priče i poplave / Photography exhibition Childhood in Croatia: three stories and the floods

9 četvrtak, petak, subota, / thursday, november 20 th / friday, november 21 st / saturday, november 22 nd Filmska radionica / Film workshop Filmska radionica / Film workshop Filmska radionica / Film workshop Dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole / Children s creative work Matinee for Schoolchildren Stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole / Youth creativity Matinee for High School Students Izbor kratkih filmova / Selection of short films Izbor kratkih filmova / Selection of short films Violet, cjelovečernji igrani film / Violet, feature film Crna ptica, cjelovečernji igrani film / Blackbird, feature film Izbor kratkih filmova / Selection of short films Natjecanje uspon do zvijezda, cjelovečernji igrani film / The Contest To the Stars and Back, feature film Izbor kratkih filmova / Selection of short films Violet, cjelovečernji igrani film / Violet, feature film Kratki film s Filmske radionice / Short film made during Film workshop Crna ptica, cjelovečernji igrani flim / Blackbird, feature film Izložba fotografija Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: tri priče i poplave / Photography exhibition Childhood in Croatia: three stories and the floods Izložba fotografija Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: tri priče i poplave / Photography exhibition Childhood in Croatia: three stories and the floods Izložba fotografija Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: tri priče i poplave / Photography exhibition Childhood in Croatia: three stories and the floods

10 u cipelama odraslih večernji program in adults shoes evening screenings 10 NATJECANJE - USPON DO ZVIJEZDA THE CONTEST - TO THE STARS AND BACK Redatelj / Director Martin Miehe-Renard Igrani film, dječji / Feature film, Children s film Danska / Denmark, 2013, 95 Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and Awards Berlin International Film Festival 2014 Festival dječjeg filma TIFF Kids 2014., Toronto, Kanada Biti stranac ne znači nužno da potječete izdaleka. Karl i njegova majka to otkrivaju kad se presele sa zapadne obale Danske u Nørrebro, dio Kopenhagena s mnoštvom različitih religija i etničkih skupina. Sawsan, mlada Muslimanka iz novog Karlovog razreda, postaje njegova zaštitnica i trudi se uključiti ga u život velikog grada, uputiti ga u njegov sleng i modernost. Sawsan je puno zrelija i izravnija od svojih vršnjaka, ali i u usporedbi s Karlom. Odnosno, tako se barem čini sve dok se ne ostvari njezin veliki san i njezina pjesma bude izabrana za dansku verziju natjecanja za dječju pjesmu Eurovizije. Sawsanin otac se tome protivi, ali Karl ima neke druge planove. Being a stranger doesn t necessarily mean to be coming from the farthest away. Karl and his mother are about to learn this when they move from the west coast of Denmark to the ethnically, and religiously, mixed area of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. Sawsan, a young Muslim girl in Karl s new class, takes him under her wings and tries to integrate him into the big city, with all its slang and hipness. Sawsan is far more experienced and blunt than you would normally see amongst her peers, but also in comparison with Karl. That is, only until her big dream comes true and one of her own songs is selected for the Danish version of the Eurovision Song Contest for kids. Sawsan s father says no, but Karl has other plans :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 kino karaman, split november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 20 th 8 pm karaman cinema, split

11 u cipelama odraslih večernji program in adults shoes evening screenings 11 VIOLET VIOLET Redatelj / Director Bas Devos Igrani film, drama / Feature film, Drama Belgija, Nizozemska / Belgium, Netherlands, 2013, 82 Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and Awards Berlin International Film Festival 2014 Velika nagrada žirija Generation 14+ / Grand Prix of the Generation 14+ CPH PIX 2014 natjecateljski program / competition Petnaestogodišnji Jesse jedini je svjedok napada nožem na njegovog prijatelja Jonasa. Sad se mora suočiti sa svojom obitelji i prijateljima iz kluba za BMX biciklizam i objasniti im ono što se ne može objasniti kako se osjeća zbog toga. Reakcije njegovih bližnjih i njegova nesposobnost da im odgovori na pitanja postupno izoliraju Jesseja, a sve veća tuga sprječava ga u tome da pronađe nekakvu utjehu. 15-year-old Jesse is the only one who witnessed the stabbing of his friend Jonas. Now he has to face his family and friends from the BMX riders crew and explain the unexplainable how he feels about it. The looks of his close ones and his inability to answer their questions gradually isolate Jesse and the growing grief prevents him from finding comfort :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 kino karaman, split november 20 th 5 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 21 st 8 pm karaman cinema, split

12 u cipelama odraslih večernji program in adults shoes evening screenings 12 CRNA PTICA Redatelj / Director Jason Buxton Igrani film, drama / Feature film, Drama Kanada / Canada, 2012, 103 BLACKBIRD Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and Awards Toronto International Film Festival 2012 Najbolji kanadski debitantski film / Best Canadian First Feature Film Seatlle International Film Festival 2013 Posebna nagrada žirija mladih Futurewave Jasonu Buxtonu / Jason Buxton, Futurewave Youth Special Jury Award Sarajevo Film Festival 2013 Crna ptica je film o Seanu Randallu, problematičnom tinejdžeru koji je pogrešno optužen da je namjeravao izvršiti pokolj sličan onome u srednjoj školi Columbine. Sve započinje neočekivanim zbližavanjem Seana (Connor Jessup) i popularne djevojke Deanne Roy (Alexia Fast). Deannin dečko počne se osjećati ugroženim zbog prijateljstva Seana i Deanne, što dovodi do nasilnog obračuna. Kako bi se obranio, Sean na internetu objavljuje prijetnju smrću i ubrzo je uhićen. Prilikom pretresa Seanovog doma, policija pronalazi puške, sačmarice, noževe i municiju koji pripadaju Seanovom ocu Rickyju (Michael Buie), strastvenom lovcu. Također pronalaze navodni plan osvete usmjeren protiv dvadesetak osoba koje su maltretirale Seana. Vladajuće institucije i mediji tvrde kako je za dlaku izbjegnuta još jedna situacija nalik onoj u Columbineu, a Sean se uskoro suočava sa zastrašujućim boravkom u maloljetničkom zatvoru. Jedino mu preostaje da se riješi svog mračnog imidža i dokaže Deanni i svojoj okolini da je nedužan. Crna ptica je film koji istražuje moć i opasnost društvenih medija i zlostavljanja preko interneta te istovremeno pokazuje kako su najgori zatvori najčešće oni u koje se sami zatvaramo. Blackbird is a film about a troubled teen, Sean Randall, who is falsely accused of planning a Columbine shooting scenario. It all begins when an unlikely bond forms between Sean (Connor Jessup) and a preppy teenage girl named Deanna Roy (Alexia Fast). Deanna s boyfriend is deeply threatened by Sean and Deanna s friendship, resulting in a violent confrontation. Seeking to protect himself, Sean issues a death threat online, and is swiftly arrested. When the police raid Sean s home, they find rifles, shotguns, knives and ammunition all property of Sean s father Ricky (Michael Buie), an avid hunter. They also find a supposed revenge plan targeting over twenty people who have tormented Sean. The authorities and the media proclaim another Columbine situation has been narrowly averted, and soon Sean faces a terrifying imprisonment in a youth detention facility. Sean s only hope is to overcome his dark image, and prove his innocence to Deanna and to his community. Blackbird is a film that explores the power, and the danger, of social media and cyber-bullying, while showing that the worst prisons are often the ones we create for ourselves :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 kino karaman, split november 21 nd 5 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 22 nd 8 pm karaman cinema, split

13 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole BUMERANG DOBROTE U 6.A oš Strahoninec, Čakovec Redatelj / Director Borna Topolnjak Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Jan Šimunić, Borna Stojko, Jurica Balenta, Tio Špicar Voditelji / Mentors Dijana Pasarić i Mario Kanižaj 8 30 igrani / fiction school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren BOOMERANG OF GOODNESS IN CLASS 6A 13 Sinopsis: Bumerang dobrote u 6. a igrani je film koji prikazuje svakodnevicu škole, svađe i nesuglasice učenika u školi, netrpeljivost i inat, ali i uzajamno pomaganje, njegovanje prijateljstva i pozitivnih međuljudskih odnosa. Synopsis: Boomerang of Goodness in Class 6A is a fiction film depicting daily school life, students arguments and conflicts, intolerance and spite, but also mutual helping, nurturing friendship and assertive human relationships :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

14 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole DJECO, IVICA SE ZOVEM Foto-kino klub Ivanovec, Čakovec school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren MY NAME IS IVICA 14 Redateljica / Director Nataša Kralj Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Stjepan Petković, Iva Bulović, Saša Bulović Voditelji / Mentors Nataša Kralj i Radovan Petković dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Ivan Munđar ide u šesti razred i voli crtati, osobito crtane junake i karikature. Polazi Školu animiranog filma u Čakovcu te voli svirati gitaru i čitati Alana Forda. Ivan živi s roditeljima koji odmalena potiču njegov interes za crtanje. Osvaja mnoge nagrade na likovnim natječajima. Synopsis: Ivan Munđar is a sixth-grader who likes to draw, especially cartoon heroes and caricatures. He attends the Animation School in Čakovec and likes playing the guitar and reading Alan Ford. Ivan lives with his parents, who have been supporting his interest in drawing since he was little. He has won many awards at visual art competitions :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

15 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole ZVIJEZDA šaf -Škola animiranog filma Čakovec, Čakovec Redatelj / Director Grupa autora / Group of authors Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Una Jakšić, Ema Vurušić Voditelj / Mentor Edo Lukman school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren STAR animirani / animated Sinopsis: Djevojčica se popne na krov i uzme zvijezdu s neba. Baci je, a ona na svom zemaljskom putovanju osvjetljava neobične mračne stvari. Synopsis: A little girls climbs on the roof and picks a star from the sky. She throws it away and it begins its earthly journey, illuminating strange dark things :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

16 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole ISTI, A TAKO RAZLIčITI oš Katarina Zrinska Mečenčani, Donji Kukuruzari school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren SAME, BUT SO DIFFERENT 16 Redateljica / Director Barbara Jurić Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Ruža Krišto, Nikola Brandić, Danijela Franjić, Josip Vučković Voditeljica / Mentor Jasna Kapelec 9 10 dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Filmska priča se temelji na ispovijesti učenice 5. razreda koja ima tjelesni invaliditet. U filmu iznosi svoja razmišljanja, stavove i osjećaje u odnosu na vlastiti nedostatak i općenito razinu tolerancije između drugih učenika u školi. Često poželi biti netko drugi, netko drugačiji... Synopsis: The storyline is based on the confession of a physically disabled fifth-grader. In the film she shares her ideas, views and feelings about her disability and generally about the level of her schoolmates tolerance. She often desires to be someone else, someone different :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

17 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole ZAGREB U SRCU Mali animatori, oš Sesvetska sela, Sesvete Redateljice / Directors Ivana Sudar, Sanja Bukal Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Marko Raić, Nino Lehki, Lorena Filipović, Antonija Filipović, Patricija Vadljević, Ivana Rašić, Ema Fumić, Korina Markušić, Melani Eva Rogić, Luka Žagar, Mia Perković, Petra Škledar, Maria Prgomet, Vilim Mikuš, Zvonimir Bučić school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren ZAGREB IN MY HEART animirani / animated Sinopsis: Animirani film prikazuje znamenitosti grada Zagreba: Jarun, Katedralu, Glavni kolodvor, Maksimir, hnk, Sljeme, Trg bana Jelačića, Dolac, kulu Lotrščak i stadion nk Dinamo. Unutar svakog kadra animirani su pojedini objekti. Film su po prvi put ilustrirali i animirali učenici od 1. do 4. razreda osnovne škole pod mentorstvom učiteljica. Synopsis: This animated film portrays famous Zagreb sights: Jarun, Cathedral, Central Station, Maksimir, Croatian National Theatre, Sljeme, Ban Jelačić Square, Dolac, Lotrščak Tower, and Dinamo Stadium. In every shot some elements are animated. The film contains first-time illustrations and animations by 1-4 graders, mentored by their teachers :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

18 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole NAŠ BILLY ELLIOT Filmska družina oš Lučac, Split school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren OUR BILLY ELLIOT 18 Redatelj / Director Pino Roglić Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Tihana Ujević, Bartol Čagalj Voditelji / Mentors Nataša Kokan i Nikola Majić 7 10 dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Film prati Roberta Žmirića tijekom jednoga jutra u Baletnom studiju Split. On je jedini muški plesač u dobi do 20 godina. O Robiju i njegovom izboru govore balerine, koreografkinja, baletan... Uvjeti u kojima vježba nisu idealni, a njegovom izboru dive se svi. Synopsis: This film is a story of Robert Žmirić during one morning at the Split Ballet Studio. He is the only male dancer up to 20 years of age. Ballet dancers and a choreographer discuss Robi and his choice, admired by everyone in spite of the practicing conditions which are far from ideal :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

19 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole čiji Filmsko-kreativni studio Vanima, Varaždin Redateljica / Director Mayda Rojnik Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Tena Gajski Voditelji / Mentors Sandra Malenica i Hrvoje Selec 2 08 animirani / animated school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren DIFFERENT 19 Sinopsis: Ne osjećaju se sva djeca i mladi dijelom skupine. Neki od njih osjećaju se izolirano, otuđuju se i na kraju ponekad posežu za onim najgorim. No, u ovoj priči drugačiji je ipak uspio susresti drugačijeg. Synopsis: Not all children and young ones feel part of the group. Some of them feel isolated, alienated and finally reach for the worst. However, in this story, a different has managed to meet another different :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

20 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole MOJA SESTRA Filmsko-kreativni studio Vanima, Varaždin school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren MY SISTER 20 Redateljica / Director Klementina Plantak Voditelji / Mentors Sandra Malenica i Hrvoje Selec 1 46 animirani / animated Sinopsis: Djevojčica je bila usamljena. Jednoga dana mama joj je rekla da je trudna. Rodila se sestra, ali djevojčica se nije htjela s njom igrati. I dalje se osjećala usamljeno i suvišno. Kad je sestra jednom tijekom igre pala, djevojčica je shvatila da je voli. Synopsis: A little girl was lonely. One day her mother told her she was pregnant. A sister was born, but the little girl did not want to play with her. She still felt lonely and unneeded. When her sister once fell when they were playing, the little girl realised she loved her :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

21 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole PATULJCI PRIJATELJI Filmsko-kreativni studio Vanima, Varaždin school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren FRIENDS DWARFS 21 Redatelj / Director Martin Horvat Voditelji / Mentors Sandra Malenica i Hrvoje Selec 1 24 animirani / animated Sinopsis: Mali i srednji patuljak se igraju. Dođe veliki patuljak i ode s malim. Srednji patuljak je zbog toga tužan. No, kad veliki i mali patuljak završe zajedno na klackalici koja pukne zbog neravnoteže, srednji patuljak uskoči i svi se igraju zajedno. Synopsis: The small and the medium-sized dwarf are playing. The big dwarf comes and leaves with the little dwarf. That makes the medium-sized dwarf sad. However, when the large and small dwarf end up on a seesaw together, it breaks because of the imbalance. The medium-sized dwarf jumps in and they are play cheerfully together :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

22 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole KATICA ZA SVE Hodači po žici, oš Rudeš, Zagreb Redateljica / Director Katarina Jukić Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Katarina Jukić, Bernard Cerić, Luka Katić, Fran Žužić, Katica Poplašen, Lovro Svetina, Karlo Juras, Mihaela Periš, Martina Jerković Voditeljice / Mentors Mirjana Jukić, Katica Šarić school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren GIRL FOR EVERYTHING dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Naizgled obična šestašica, omiljena je u društvu. Njezini prijatelji i članovi obitelji dive se toj krhkoj djevojčici. Katica vrlo zrelo razmišlja o svom životu, radu, obiteljskim vrijednostima i životnim tragedijama koje ju nisu zaobišle. Uspješno se bavi raznim školskim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima, voli prirodu, a nadasve je ponosna na svoje podrijetlo, svoju Bosnu. Razmišlja o svojoj budućnosti i uporno kroči prema svom cilju. Synopsis: A seemingly ordinary sixth-grader, quite popular among the people. Her friends and family members admire this fragile girl. Katica has very mature considerations about her life, work, family values and life tragedies that befell her. She is successful in her curricular and extracurricular activities, she loves nature, and is above all very proud of her origin, her Bosnia. She thinks about her future and steadfastly follows the path to her goal :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

23 školski objektiv dječje stvaralaštvo matineja za osnovne škole JA ZNAM SVOJ CILJ Filmska družina ZAG, oš Marije Jurić Zagorke, Zagreb Redateljica / Director Lukrecija Bednjički Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Ora Kovač, Paula Kovač, Josipa Krčelić, Katarina Čičić, Sara Dizdarević, Jan Jambrešić, Jelena Penava, Ammar Al Issa Voditeljice / Mentors Melita Horvatek Forjan, Nataša Jakob school camera children s creative work matinee for schoolchildren I KNOW MY GOAL TV-reportaža / TV-report Sinopsis: U oš Marije Jurić Zagorke nekolicina učenika članovi su izviđača 28. sdi Dubrava. Film nastoji opisati jedan dan u životu izviđačke jedinice. Od jutarnjega vježbanja, radnih aktivnosti, pripreme ručka, osvajanja izviđačkoga imuniteta, polaganja izviđačkih vještina, pripremanja večere, predaje dežurstva... Synopsis: The Marija Jurić Zagorka Elementary School is attended by several boy scout students the 28th sdi Dubrava. The film is trying to portray a day in the life of the boy scout unit. From morning workout and work activities, to lunch preparation, winning boy scout immunity, passing exams in boy scout skills, to dinner preparations, taking turns on call etc :00 dvorane cinestar november 20 th 12 pm cinestar cinemas

24 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole DISCIPLINA fkvk Zaprešić, Zaprešić Redateljica / Director Nika Štok Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Nika Božić, Borna Rendulić, Maksim Kiš, Ivan Žabčić Voditelj / Mentor Miroslav Klarić i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students DISCIPLINE igrani / fiction Sinopsis: U doba naših djedova i baka u školu se dolazilo u strahu. Pod nastavom bi tišina bila takva da se muha čuje. Učitelji su smjeli fizički kažnjavati učenike, tjerati ih u kut i vući za uši. Na našu sreću, to danas više nije tako. Synopsis: Our grandparents used to go to school frightened. The classes were so quiet that not even a fly was heard. Teachers were allowed to punish student physically, make them stand in the corner and pull their ears. Luckily for us, it is no longer so :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

25 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole CAREVO NOVO RUHO Medijski edukativni centar, Beograd Redatelj / Director International Workshop Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Una Belić, Jovana Durović, Milutin Vojnović Voditeljica / Mentor Milica Mihajlović i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students THE KING'S NEW SUIT animirani / animated Sinopsis: Film je inspiriran istoimenom Andersenovom bajkom. Teško je to priznati, ali car je gol. Synopsis: The film is based on Andersen s namesake fairy tale. It is hard to admit, but the emperor has nothing on at all :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

26 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole Muški učenički dom Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students HE 26 Redatelj / Director Neno Barović Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Anto Mišić, Božo Urđević, Niko Trče, Ivan Miloslavić, Ante Pavlović, Bruno Koludrović, Đuro Bilić, Stanko Bantić, Marko Borović, Paulo Vlašić, Ivica Pleština Voditelj / Mentor Miro Bronzić 6 20 dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Ovaj dokumentarac Muškog učeničkog doma Dubrovnik, nastao u suradnji s udrugom Škola filma Šipan, govori o naizgled običnom mladiću... Synopsis: This documentary made by the Dubrovnik Male Dormitory, in collaboration with the Šipan Film School association, is about a seemingly ordinary young man :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

27 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole OSMAŠI Kinoklub Vukovar i Kinoklub Zagreb, Zagreb Redatelji / Directors učenici oš Antun Bauer iz Vukovara Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers učenici oš Antun Bauer iz Vukovara Voditelji / Mentors Tomislav Šoban i Lea Mileta 8 50 igrani / fiction i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students EIGHTH GRADERS 27 Sinopsis: Ovo je priča o jednom razredu i njihovim odnosima. Nakon razlaza u osmom razredu nije kraj i rasplet se događa pet godina kasnije. Synopsis: A story about classmates and their relationships. The eighth grade is not the end; the closure happens five years later :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

28 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole Filmska grupa Gradske knjižnice Marka Marulića, Split i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students FACEBOOK 28 Redateljica / Director Vana Ćendo Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Oto Grubišić, Laura Šola, Vedran Bošnjak, Roza Škiljo, Damira Bočina, Nada Rakić, Ingrid Poljanić Voditelj / Mentor Toma Šimundža 4 19 igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Čak i jedna već stara i poderana knjiga lako može stvoriti nove prijatelje. Osmišljeno prema anegdoti iz djetinjstva legendarnog splitskog novinara Milorada Bibića Mosora. Synopsis: Even an old and torn book can easily make new friends. Based on a childhood anecdote of the legendary Split journalist Milorad Bibić Mosor :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

29 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole KAKO JE BILO NA ROĐENDANU Studio Kreativnih Ideja Gunja, Gunja i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students BIRTHDAY PARTY 29 Redatelji / Directors Grupa autora / Group of authors Voditelj / Mentor Josip Krunić 9 22 igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Brat i njegova starija sestra na rođendanskom su tulumu na jednom odmorištu u šumi blizu pruge. Sestra je trebala paziti na brata, ali ga u jednom trenutku zaboravlja. Synopsis: A brother and his older sister are at a birthday party, at a rest area in the woods near the railway tracks. The sister was supposed to look after her brother, but at one point she forgets about him :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

30 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole MJESTU Fresh, Limerick, Irska Redatelji / Directors Freddie & Luke Greenall & Brabazon Voditelji / Mentors Young Irish Film Makers i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students STILL igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Jedan dan u životu mladoga Conora otkriva mnoge zanimljivosti. Sve se zaključuje intrigantnim obratom na kraju filma. Synopsis: A day in the life of young Conor reveals many interesting things. The circle closes with an intriguing turn of events at the end of the film :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

31 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole ZLATNI PEHAR Centar za film i video Dubrava, Zagreb Redatelj / Director FranTikvić Voditelj / Mentor Vjekoslav Živković i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students GOLDEN CUP animirani / animated Sinopsis: Tko ne bi poželio barem jednom u životu stati na pobjedničko mjesto i visoko podignuti pehar? Synopsis: Who would not want, at least once, take the winner s position and raise the cup high? :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

32 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole SVI KOJI će ME UPOZNATI Manana Youth Center, Yerevan, Armenija Redateljica / Director Inessa Manukyan Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Hovnan Baghdasaryan, SiranManukyan, Norayr Baghdasaryan Voditeljica / Mentor Ruzanna Baghdasaryan i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students YURAQANCHIURY OV KHANDIPI INDZ / EVERYONE WHO WILL MEET ME slobodni stil / freestyle Sinopsis: Ovo je priča o tinejdžerici čiji roditelji imaju virus hiv-a. Iz njezine perspektive saznajemo kako društvo u kojem živimo tretira obitelji poput njezine. Synopsis: This is a story about a teenage girl whose parents have HIV. From her point of view we find out how the society we live in treats families like hers :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

33 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole APICA fkvk Zaprešić, Zaprešić i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students PAW 33 Redateljica / Director Lorena Mužinić Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Petra Kolak, Lara Ostriž Voditelj / Mentor Miroslav Klarić 5 58 dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Ovaj dokumentarac je priča o azilu za pse Šapica kojemu prijeti zatvaranje nakon brojnih pritužbi stanovnika Dubravice. Synopsis: This documentary is a story about the Šapica dog shelter, threatened with closing after numerous complaints made by the people of Dubravica :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

34 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole BALON, PTICA I JA Videoskupina Učeničkog doma Varaždin, Varaždin Redatelj / Director Teo Vukšan Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Ivona Seđek, Ivan Kristić, Lea Tot, Ivana Branović Voditeljica / Mentor Emilija Košćak i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students BALLOON, BIRD AND ME slobodni stil / freestyle Sinopsis : Film govori o ovisnosti na drukčiji način igrom ovisnosti balona, ptice i djevojke. Synopsis: This is a film about addiction done differently an addictive play of a balloon, a bird, and a girl :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

35 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole TURNIR Filmska grupa sš Ivana Trnskoga, Hrvatska Kostajnica Redatelj / Director Petar Prpić Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Petar Prpić, Marko Smojver, AlbijanParallagaj, Matea Mijočević, Antonio Toplak, Filip Bižić, Zvonimir Mustać Voditelj / Mentor Petar Prpić i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students THE TOURNAMENT slobodni stil / freestyle Sinopsis: U početku su učenici htjeli snimiti film o uređenju gradskog igrališta i o turniru. Međutim, tijekom nastajanja filma i turnira zbio se nemio događaj... Synopsis: Initially the students wanted to make a film about city playground design and a tournament. However, an unfortunate event occurred during the making of the film :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

36 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole MOJ JUNAK 3D Animation, Hong Kong Redatelj / Director Ching Chiu Lam Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Ching Fung Mak, Yiu Nam Wong, Wai Ho Chan Voditelj / Mentor Ka Chun Chan i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students MY HERO animirani / animated Sinopsis: Danas mnogo studenata ne voli učiti, ne poštuje svoje profesore i ne uvažava njihov trud. Ova animacija na neki je način oda učiteljima i njihovom herojstvu u današnjem obrazovnom sustavu. Synopsis: Many of today s students do not like learning, do not respect their teachers and do not appreciate their efforts. This animation is a kind of tribute to teachers and their heroism in today s education system :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

37 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole NEUOBIčAJEN StationNext, Hvidovre, Danska Redateljica / Director Anna Nørskov Henriksen Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Asta Emilie Stuhr Andersen, Lukas Aabel, Ida Åkerstrøm Knudsen, Arendse Lvind Andersen, Ferdinand Glad Bach, Șadun Bulut, Jahnni Bashir Voditelj / Mentor Nisse Koltze i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students UDE AF TAKT / OFF BEAT igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Mathias živi u grubom okruženju bandi. Kada dozna da se njegovom najboljem prijatelju Assadu pruža prilika za karijeru klasičnog glazbenika, a on je odbija, Mathias mora donijeti tešku odluku i odabrati između njihova prijateljstva i Assadove budućnosti. Synopsis: Mathias lives in a ruthless gang environment. When he finds out that his best friend Assad was given a chance to become a classic musician and he rejected it, Mathias has to make a difficult decision and choose between their friendship and Assad s future :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

38 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole ىوسىوهلاب samostalna produkcija, Kayed Hicham, Beirut, Libanon i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students BEL HAWA SAWA 38 Redatelj / Director Kayed Hicham 9 45 dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Firas i Zeina, libanonske školarke, pričaju o problemima koje u školi imaju zbog svog porijekla. Film je nastao na radionici realiziranoj u okviru projekta provedenog u javnim školama u Libanonu. Synopsis: Firas and Zeina, Lebanese schoolgirls, talk about the problems they encounter at school because of their origin. The film was made at a workshop which was part of a project implemented in Lebaese public schools :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

39 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole RAZGOVOR Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences, Seattle, sad i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students THE TALK 39 Redatelj / Director Hadley Hillel Voditeljica / Mentor Cheryll Hidalgo 4 38 igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Ovo je priča o obitelji i obiteljskim odnosima. Roditelji sinu tinejdžeru objave da se razvode. Situacija oko razvoda ubrzo eskalira i počnu svađe oko toga tko dobiva skrbništvo nad obiteljskom Chihuahuom. Synopsis: This is a story about a family and family relations. The parents announce their divorce to their teenage son. The divorce situation escalates and fights begin over who gets custody of the family Chihuahua :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

40 mislim, dakle snimam stvaralaštvo mladeži matineja za srednje škole AMAR Festival filma Zenica, Zenica Redateljica / Director Elma Hadžić Voditeljica / Mentor Kimeta Buševac i think, therefore i record youth creativity matinee for high school students A BOY CALLED AMAR dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Ovo je priča o Amaru Glumčeviću, dječaku s cerebralnom paralizom. Amar je izuzetno pametan dječačić, učenik drugog razreda osnovne škole, s jako puno interesa, koji govori samo o onome što ga čini sretnim. Synopsis: This is a story about Amar Glumčević, a boy with cerebral palsy. Amar is an extremely intelligent boy, an elementary school second-grader, with very many interests, who speaks only about what makes him happy :00 dvorane cinestar november 21 nd 12 pm cinestar cinemas

41 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies TRAGOM KOPITA Dječja filmska radionica Kratkofil Junior Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Vesna Malbašić, Mia Bijelić, Neda Tomašević, Miloš Ćebić, Nikola Bundalo, Una Lovre, Djordje Volaš, Branka Mikić, Marijana Latinović, Lana Dotlić, Marko Lujić, Sara Felštinski, Kolja Talić, Damjan Ajduković, Đorđe Čekić, Sofija Janjić, Sava Janjić, Milica Trubajić Voditelji / Mentors Branko Lazić, Božana Bijelić, Draško Gajić, Olga Stojković, Renata Panić, Dušica Ilić 4 00 igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Grupa djece glazbenika okuplja se na čudesan način te održava koncert na neočekivanom mjestu. cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies FOLLOWING THE HOOF Synopsis: A group of children musicians miraculously gathers and holds a concert at an unexpected place :00 dvorana lora, split november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

42 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies STRAVA U ŠKOLI DUHOVA Dječja filmska radionica Kratkofil Junior Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Vesna Malbašić, Mia Bijelić, Neda Tomašević, Miloš Ćebić, Nikola Bundalo, Una Lovre, Djordje Volaš, Branka Mikić, Marijana Latinović, Lana Dotlić, Marko Lujić, Sara Felštinski, Kolja Talić, Damjan Ajduković, Đorđe Čekić, Sofija Janjić, Sava Janjić, Milica Trubajić Voditelji / Mentors Branko Lazić, Božana Bijelić, Draško Gajić, Olga Stojković, Renata Panić, Dušica Ilić cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas' children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies NIGHTMARE IN GHOST SCHOOL eksperimentalni / experimental Sinopsis: Nesavjesnu djevojčicu proganja ekološka savjest. Synopsis: An unconscious little girl is haunted by her environmental awareness :00 dvorana lora, split november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

43 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies JE L' BILO DOBRO? Dječja filmska radionica Kratkofil Junior Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Vesna Malbašić, Mia Bijelić, Neda Tomašević, Miloš Ćebić, Nikola Bundalo, Una Lovre, Djordje Volaš, Branka Mikić, Marijana Latinović, Lana Dotlić, Marko Lujić, Sara Felštinski, Kolja Talić, Damjan Ajduković, Đorđe Čekić, Sofija Janjić, Sava Janjić, Milica Trubajić Voditelji / Mentors Branko Lazić, Božana Bijelić, Draško Gajić, Olga Stojković, Renata Panić, Dušica Ilić cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies WAS IT GOOD? dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Priča o dječjoj filmskoj radionici i o tome kako su je sudionici radionice doživjeli. Synopsis: A story about a film workshop for children and how the participants saw it :00 dvorana lora, split november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

44 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies PODIJELI TRENUTAK oš 19. april, Derventa i Zavod za slijepa i slabovida lica, Derventa Autorica Tea Milinković Voditelji / Mentors Feđa Talić, Ljubiša Vasić cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas' children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies SHARE THE MOMENT igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Tea ukazuje na to da treba kvalitetno iskoristiti svaki trenutak da bismo sebi i drugima uljepšali život i unijeli u njega malo boje. Dvjema djevojčicama je dosadno i ne znaju kako da se zabave, ali onda uče to od djece iz Zavoda za slijepe i slabovidne te im se pridružuju u igri. Synopsis: Tea teaches us that we should make the best out of each moment to make other people s lives and our own prettier and give them some colour. Two girls are bored and do not know how to have fun, but they learn it from the children at the Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired and join them in playing :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 dvorana lora, split november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

45 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies OBAVEZNO ŠKOLOVANJE oš Ivan Goran Kovačić, Gradačac Autorica Elma Vajzović Voditelji / Mentors Feđa Talić, Goran Radić cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies MANDATORY EDUCATION dokumentarni / documentary Sinopsis: Elma ukazuje na ekstremno težak položaj Roma u općini Gradačac i kroz razgovor s roditeljima nudi odgovore na pitanje zašto romska djeca ne pohađaju školu. Synopsis: Elma is proof of the extremely difficult position of the Roma in Gradačac municipality. In a conversation with her parents, she gives answers to the question why Roma children do not go to school :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 dvorana lora, split november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

46 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies ZNAKOVI LJUBAVI oš Trnovo, Trnovo i Centar za mlade Trnovo cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas' children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies SIGNS OF LOVE 46 Autorica Anđela Pržulj Voditelji / Mentors Alen Crnogorčević, Velibor Stančić, Berina Dž ović 1 00 igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Anđela i njezini kolege iz razreda uče znakovni jezik kako bi mogli komunicirati s učenicima koji ne čuju, te na taj način promoviraju inkluziju u obrazovanju za osobe s invaliditetom. Synopsis: Anđela and her classmates learn the sign language so that they could communicate with the student who cannot hear, and thus promote educational inclusion of the disabled :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 dvorana lora, split november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

47 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies NEVIDLJIVI ZID Gimnazija, Derventa Autorica Silvana Stojčić Voditelji / Mentors Draško Stojčević, Feđa Talić cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies INVISIBLE WALL igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Vuk je dječak koji se bavi plesom. Za ovu aktivnost njegovi vršnajci nemaju mnogo razumijevanja puno su prihvaćeniji oni koji treniraju nogomet. Vuk se ne predaje i pokušava porušiti postojeće zidove netolerancije. Synopsis: Vuk is a boy who does dance. His peers do not show much understanding for this activity; those who train football are much better accepted. Vuk will not give up and is trying to crush the standing walls of intolerance :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 dvorana lora, split november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

48 preko granice kratki filmovi djece iz bih filmovi iz programa kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies ONI ZNAJU cross the border bosnia and herzegovinas' children short films made during workshops kratkofil junior & one minute junior movies THEY KNOW 48 oš Ivan Mažuranić, Posušje Autorica Kata Martić Voditelji / Mentors Draško Stojčević, Feđa Talić 1 00 igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Kata ima prijatelje u razredu za djecu s poteškoćama u razvoju pri osnovnoj školi. Oni su je prihvatili i druže se s njom, a Kata se pita kako bismo se ponašali da je situacija obrnuta. Synopsis: Kata has friends in the class for children with difficulties in her elementary school. They accepted her and hang out with her, and Kata wonders how we would act if the situation were the other way around :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb :00 dvorana lora, split november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

49 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi izložba fotografija DJETINJSTVO U HRVATSKOJ: TRI PRIČE I POPLAVE work side by side workshops and accopanying programs photography exhibition CHILDHOOD IN CROaTIA: THREE STORIES AND THE FLOODS 49 Nakon premijere u Zagrebu, izložba fotografija unicef-a i Zbora fotoreportera Hrvatske Djetinjstvo u Hrvatskoj: Tri priče i poplave u sklopu 6. izdanja Festivala o pravima djece preselit će se u Split. Izložbu, koja kroz četiri različite priče govori o odrastanju u različitim životnim uvjetima i sredinama ukazujući na činjenicu da je svaki životni početak drukčiji te da nemaju sva djeca u Hrvatskoj jednake prilike ostvariti svoj puni potencijal, ugostit će centar Joker od 17. do 22. studenoga. Na izložbi su predstavljene fotografije triju autora: Vande Kljajo, Petra Fabijana i Ronalda Goršića čiji su koncepti odabrani na ovogodišnjem natječaju unicef-a i zfh. Fotografije Ronalda Goršića pričaju o Emi, Mariju i Sari, djeci s teškoćama u razvoju i njihovim slobodnim aktivnostima, a posredno o teškoćama s kojima se oni i njihove obitelji svakodnevno suočavaju. Fotografije Vande Kljajo pričaju o djeci na otoku Prviću, prednostima i manama života u relativno izoliranoj sredini. Fotografije Petra Fabijana pričaju o djevojčici Almas iz indijske obitelji koja živi u Rijeci i njezinoj integraciji u tamošnji vrtić, posredno i o uklapanju cijele obitelji u novi život u nepoznatoj zemlji. Uz ove tri priče, izložba donosi i unicef-ove fotografije djece u poplavljenim područjima Hrvatske i sudjedne Bosne i Hercegovine, skrećući pozornost na djecu čiji su se životi stubokom promijenili uslijed prirodne katastrofe. Kako bismo fotografije i izložbu približili i slijepim i slabovidnim osobama, na izložbi je dostupan i vodič na Brailleovom pismu s detaljnim opisima fotografija. The photography exhibition by unicef and Croatian Press Photographers Association Childhood in Croatia, presenting four different stories that speak about growing up in different conditions and environments, pointing to the fact that every life beginning is different and that not all children in Croatia have the same opportunities to realise their full potential. The exhibition presents photographs by three authors: Vanda Kljajo, Petar Fabijan and Ronald Goršić. Ronald Goršić s photographs tell the stories of Ema, Mario and Sara, children with development difficulties and their leisure activities, and indirectly they speak about the obstacles they and their families encounter on a daily basis. Vanda Kljajo s photographs portray the children from the island of Prvić, the advantages and disadvantages of living in a relatively isolated environment. Petar Fabijan s photographs speak about a girl called Almas from an Indian family living in Rijeka, and her integration in the local kindergarten. The exhibition includes unicef s photographs of children in the flooded areas of Croatia and the Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose lives suddenly changed due to a natural disaster. In order to bring the photographs close to the blind and visually impaired persons, a guidebook in Braille is available at the exhibition :00 21:00 centar joker, split november 17 th november 22 nd 9 am 9 pm joker center, split

50 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi SRCE NA SCENI Mjuzikl članova Udruge osoba s cerebralnom paralizom Srce Scenarist i redatelj Slavko Sobin Voditelj glazbene sekcije Mario Bavčević Asistentica režije Vesna Jerković Kostimografi mame Glumci Mario Kero, Ivana Babnik, Anđela Popović, Duško Mešin, Antonio Čović, Marino Vukušić, Petra Hrgović, Nikolina Biloš, Marija Grbeša, Vedrana Junaković, Zorana Vladislavić, Dino Ćatović, Edo Bulić, Tonči Škrobica, Stipe Kelava, Stipe Veić, Marko Vukašin, Jurica Jerković, Željan Tolj, Jerolim Runjić, Marija Vučemilović Grgić Bend Mario Bavčević mandolina, Joško Tomić akustična gitara, Ana Bavčević bas gitara, Alen Đurašinović bubnjevi. Katija Marketić prateći vokal, statistica i osobna asistentica, Ema Kuzmanić prateći vokal i statistica Asistenti na pozornici Vesna Jerković, Katica Vukušić, Marija Prvan i Slavko Sobin work side by side workshops and accopanying programs HEART ON STAGE A musical play by members of the Cerebral Palsy Association Heart Written and directed by Slavko Sobin Musical section manager Mario Bavčević Assistant director Vesna Jerković Costume designers Moms Cast Mario Kero, Ivana Babnik, Anđela Popović, Duško Mešin, Antonio Čović, Marino Vukušić, Petra Hrgović, Nikolina Biloš, Marija Grbeša, Vedrana Junaković, Zorana Vladislavić, Dino Ćatović, Edo Bulić, Tonči Škrobica, Stipe Kelava, Stipe Veić, Marko Vukašin, Jurica Jerković, Željan Tolj, Jerolim Runjić, Marija Vučemilović Grgić Band Mario Bavčević mandoline, Joško Tomić acoustic guitar, Ana Bavčević bass guitar, Alen Đurašinović drums, Katija Marketić back vocal, extra and personal assistant, Ema Kuzmanić back vocal and extra Stage assistants Vesna Jerković, Katica Vukušić, Marija Prvan and Slavko Sobin 50 Sinopsis: Dvije su obitelji u bogataškoj su sve odreda sinovi, a siromašni roditelji imaju kćeri. Marino, velika pjevačka zvijezda, tajna je ljubav Anđele, jedne od kćeri siromašne obitelji; beznadno je zaljubljena u njega, piše mu pisma i satima uzdiše uz njegovu sliku. U bogatoj kući nestaju stvari u pozadini svega je kupnja Hajduka. Stiže policija koja istražuje krađu, a u sve su umiješane i dvije koke. Menadžer Anđelina pisma skriva od Marina jer smatra da bi svijet propao kad bi se svi ljubili i grlili i kad nitko ne bi radio, a i on mora dobro živjeti od pjevačeve slave. Napetost u ovom ljubavno-krimićkom mjuziklu kulminirat će kad se u cijelu zbrku uključe poštar, zubar i učitelj Srce može napraviti čudo! Ove cure i momci ne poznaju ne može se, teško je, nemoguće Oni sviraju, slikaju, glume. Mjuzikl splitskog glumca Slavka Sobina Srce na sceni njihov je najnoviji pothvat. I doista, ostavljaju srce na sceni. Priča u kojoj se prepliću ljubav i nečasne namjere pokazat Synopsis: There are two families the rich one has only sons, the poor parents have daughters. Anđela, one of the daughters from the poor family, is secretly in love with Marino, a singing superstar: hopelessly smitten, she sends him love letters and spends hours sighing over his picture. There are things missing in the rich house the acquisition of Hajduk is behind it all. The police arrive to investigate the theft, and there are two chickens involved. The manager hides Anđela s letters from Marino because, in his view, the world would fall apart if everyone kissed and hugged and no one worked. He himself also needs to make a fine living off the singer s fame. The tension in this love-thriller-musical culminates when a postman, a dentist and a teacher get involved... A heart can perform miracles! These girls and boys have never heard of can t, hard, impossible etc. They play music, paint, act. Split actor Slavko Sobin s musical Heart on

51 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi work side by side workshops and accopanying programs 51 će kako su mali cerebralci, naši sugrađani, sposobni za svaki korak kroz svakodnevnicu. Ova ekipa ni u jednom trenutku nije posumnjala da može, da želi i da će uspjeti. Zar je itko i mogao misliti drugačije? Krenimo s njima. Srce vodi. Damir Šarac O Udruzi Srce : Udruga osoba s cerebralnom paralizom Srce iz Splita osnovana je godine. Bori se za socijalnu odgovornost prema osobama s invaliditetom. Svojim djelovanjem nastoji unaprijediti kvalitetu života osoba s invaliditetom i njihovih obitelji, te im omogućiti što neovisniji život. Udruga osigurava i promiče prava i samozastupanje osoba s cerebralnom paralizom. Djelovanje Udruge obuhvaća sve aspekte života: obitelj, zdravlje, obrazovanje, zapošljavanje, sport, rekreaciju, mobilnost i pristupačnost, te učinkovito informiranje. Misija Udruge jest unapređivanje cjelokupnog procesa uključivanja osoba s invaliditetom u zajednicu, a vizija izgradnja društva tolerancije u kojem nema socijalno isključenih građana. Stage is their latest endeavour. And they truly do leave their hearts on the stage. The story combining love and evil intentions will show how our young fellow citizens with cerebral palsy are capable of making every step in their daily lives. This team has never once doubted they can, they want, they will make it. Could anyone ever think differently? Let s follow them. The heart leads the way. Damir Šarac About Association Heart The Cerebral Palsy Association Heart was established in Split in It stands up for social responsibility in treatment of persons with disabilities. Its activities aim to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities and their families and provide them a more independent life. The association guarantees and promotes rights and self-representation of persons with cerebral palsy. Its activities span all the aspects of life: family, health, education, employment, sport, recreation, mobility and accessibility, as well as efficient information. The association s mission is the improvement of the entire process of community inclusion of persons with disabilities, and its vision is to build a society of tolerance where there are no socially excluded citizens :00 dvorana lora, split november 19 th 12 pm lora hall, split

52 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi COPY-PASTE Hodači po žici udruga za promicanje multimedijalnog sadržaja u svrhu prevencije Redatelji / Directors Filip Pupovac, Katarina Jukić, FranŽužić Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Laura Budimić, Bernard Cerić, Karlo Gagulić, Martina Jerković, Katarina Jukić, Tin Perlić, Katica Poplašen, Filip Pupovac, Mia Rogić, Lovro Svetina, FranŽužić Voditelji / Mentors Katica Šarić, Mirjana Jukić work side by side workshops and accopanying programs COPY-PASTE slobodni stil / freestyle Sinopsis: Film kroz dječji crtež i osobne dječje priče ukazuje na najčešće vrste nasilja kojima su djeca izložena: cyberbullying, vjersko i rasno nasilje, kvartovsko nasilje, nasilje starijih prema mlađima. Cilj je filma osvijestiti kod djece da su i oni i njihovi vršnjaci okruženi, često i izloženi, različitim oblicima nasilja koja se nižu, kopiraju i ponovno lijepe. No, nasilje se može prekinuti. Kod djece je potrebno razvijati svijest da su posebna, da imaju pravo na život bez nasilja, da mogu mijenjati svijet oko sebe. The film uses children s drawings and children s personal stories to point to the most frequent types of violence the children experience: cyberbullying, religious and racial violence, community violence, violence of older against younger children. The aim of the film is to raise awareness among the children that they and their peers are surrounded by and often exposed to different forms of violence that succeed, copy and paste each other. However, the vicious circle of violence can be interrupted. We need to raise awareness among children that they are special, that they are entitled to a life without violence, that they can change the world :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb

53 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi MISLIO SAM DA ću IGRATI oš Eugena Kumičića, Velika Gorica Redateljica / Director Antonela Barać Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Viktor Petrina, Vilim Petrina, Sven Rožić, Manuela Povoljnjak, Lucija Iličić, Ivana Vlahović, Rudi Babić, Nikola Ivanetić, Renato Cerovski, Mia Plečko, Sven Patrick Grabarić Voditeljica / Mentor Goranka Dimoski work side by side workshops and accopanying programs I THOUGHT I WOULD PLAY igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Skupina dječaka odbija primiti u društvo vršnjaka Vilija ismijavaju ga jer se druži s djevojčicama i pleše folklor, ne žele ga u košarkaškoj ekipi. Profesor uoči problem i pomogne zajedno s dvjema djevojčicama iz razreda da dječaci prihvate Vilija. A group of boys refuse to take their peer Vili into their company they make fun of him because he hangs out with girls and does folklore dancing, they do not want him in their basketball team. A teacher notices the problem and helps the other boys together with two girls from the class accept Vili :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb

54 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi TUŽ IBABA oš Sveti Petar Orehovec Redatelji / Directors Filmska grupa oš Sveti Petar Orehovec Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Ivan Funtak, Karla Senko, Jasmina Funtak, Ana-Marija Nemčić, Gabrijela Jelak, Ivan Višak, Karla Senko, Sofija Vukalović, Ivka Petric, Domagoj Blagaj, Marina Golec, Doroteja Mamek, Ivana Horvat Voditelj / Mentor Stojanka Lesički work side by side workshops and accopanying programs Tell-tale igrani / fiction Sinopsis: Djevojčica Maja opaža promjene kod svog prijatelja Luke Perića u novoj školskoj godini. Za razliku od ostalih učenika u razredu, koji u školi ne žele pričati o problemima u odnosu s Lukom jer ne žele biti tužibabe, Maja odluči reći razrednici što primjećuje kod svog prijatelja. Razrednica i sama primjećuje da se do prošle godine odličan učenik Luka jako promijenio. U posljednje vrijeme počeo je vraćati i potpuno prazne testove. Nakon razgovora s Majom, učiteljica odluči posjetiti Lukine roditelje i već pred njihovom kućom doznaje zbog čega se Luka tako drastično promijenio. A little girl Maja sees her friend Luka Perić changed with the new school year. Unlike other classmates, who refuse to talk about their problems with Luka because they do not want to turn out tell-tales, Maja decides to tell their class mistress what she noticed about her friend. The class mistress also sees that since last year Luka, an excellent student, has very much changed. Lately he began handing in completely blank tests. After a conversation with Maja, the teacher decides to pay a visit to Luka s parents and as she steps foot in front of their home she realises why Luka has changed so drastically :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb

55 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi MOGU OPROSTITI Filmska družina zag, oš Marije Jurić Zagorke work side by side workshops and accopanying programs I CAN FORGIVE 55 Redatelj / Director fd zag Na filmu sudjelovali / Filmmakers Katarina Čičić, Josipa Krčelić, Ora Kovač, Paula Kovač, Lucija Grabić, Lucija Lapov Ugrina, Josipa Filić, Nika Dodić, Ammar Al Issa, Jan Jamrešić, Jelena Penava, Tena Strčić Voditelji / Mentors Melita Horvatek Forjan, Nataša Jakob 7 20 dokumentarno-igrani / documentary-fiction Sinopsis: Film donosi sličice iz školskoga života, razmišljanja učenika o tome kako možemo i trebamo oprostiti kad smo povrijeđeni, te kako ne povrijediti drugoga. The film is a compilation of scenes from school life, students thoughts on how we can and should forgive when we are hurt and how not to hurt each other :00 kino tuškanac, zagreb FILMSKA RADIONICA Filmsku radionicu Gradske knjižnice Marka Marulića već godinama pohađaju mali filmofili splitskih osnovnih škola tijekom školske godine. Na radionici se uči i stječe praktično i teorijsko znanje o igranom, animiranom ili dokumentarnom filmu. Kao i svake godine, zbog skromne tehničke opremljenosti knjižnice radionica nastoji stvoriti dobre okolnosti kako bi se oživotvorile kvalitetne ideje koje ne ovise o budžetu nego se ostvaruju uz november 17 th 7 pm tuškanac cinema, zagreb FILM WORKSHOP For many years, the film workshop at the Marko Marulić City Library has been attended by little cinephiles from Split elementary schools throughout the year. At the workshop they learn and acquire practical and theoretical knowledge about fiction, animated or documentary film. Just like every year, due to the library s modest technical possibilities, the workshop tried to create good conditions to achieve good ideas that do not depend on budgetary limitations :00 gradska knjižnica marka marulića, split 17 th - 22 nd november 10 am marko marulić library, split

56 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi work side by side workshops and accopanying programs 56 minimalna novčana ulaganja i puno strpljenja i entuzijazma polaznika. Na ovogodišnjoj radionici snimat će se film za Festival o pravima djece, na temu Zaustavimo nasilje nad/među djecom. Film će biti prikazan posljednjeg dana Festivala u kinu Karaman, kao uvod u večernju projekciju. Ovu radionicu vodi mag. filma Tomo Šimundža, a na njoj sudjeluje do 10 učenika viših razreda osnovne škole. Rather, they are brought to life with minimum financial means and a lot of participants patience and enthusiasm. At this year s workshop, a Festival film under the title of Stop Violence Over/Among Children will be made. The film will be screened on the last day of the festival at Karaman cinema, as an introduction to the evening show. The workshop is mentored by Tomo Šimundža (MA in film), with ten higher grade elementary schoolchildren participating. PANEL-RASPRAVA NA TEMU 'VRŠNJAČKO ZLOSTAVLJANJE' S PROJEKCIJOM FILMA jel' ti žao?! O tome koliko su djeca i mladi okruženi nasiljem možemo gotovo svaki dan čitati u medijima. No, što o tome misle djeca i mladi? Koji su njihovi stavovi? Šesto izdanje Festivala o pravima djece bavi se temom nasilja nad djecom pa se tako na radionicama s dječjim filmskim družinama, ali i u programu Festivala namijenjenom široj publici, održavaju rasprave na kojima se razgovara o nasilju, o djeci koja čine nasilje i djeci koja ga trpe, ali i o šutljivoj većini koja promatra nasilje oko sebe. U sklopu ovogodišnjeg Festivala o pravima djece organiziramo panel-raspravu na temu Vršnjačko zlostavljanje, u kojoj će uz učenike srednjih škola sudjelovati i Mreža mladih savjetnika pravobraniteljice za djecu. Kao uvod u panel-raspravu bit će prikazan film Jel' ti žao?, nizozemska srednjoškolska drama koja je ove godine osvojila nagradu Young audience award Europske filmske akademije. Panel discussion on bullying and a screening of 'REGRET'! Almost every day in the media we read about how children and youth are surrounded by violence. But what do children and young think about it? What are their views? The sixth edition of the Children s Rights Festival deals with the issue of violence against children. The workshops with children s film crews and the Festival programme intended for broader audiences host discussions about violence, children committing violence and children suffering from it, but also about the silent majority observing the violence around them. This year s Children s Rights Festival organises a panel discussion on the topic of Bullying. Next to high school students, the participants will include the children s ombudsperson s Network of Youth Advisors. As an introduction to the panel discussion, a screening of Regret! will take place, a Dutch high school drama which this year won the Young Audience Award of the European Film

57 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi work side by side workshops and accopanying programs 57 jel' ti žao? Redatelj / Director Dave Schram Igrani film, srednjoškolska drama / Feature film, Highschool drama Nizozemska / Netherlands, 2013, regret! Festivali i nagrade / Festivals and Awards efa Nagrada mlade publike / Young Audience Award 2014 tiff Kids 2014, Toronto, Kanada Nagrada publike za najbolji igrani film / Audience Choice Award for Best Feature Film David se konačno zauzme za svog prijatelja Jochema koji je žrtva zlostavljanja u školi, no je li reagirao prekasno? Jochema njegovi vršnjaci u školi neprestano zlostavljaju. Njegov prijatelj David im se ne pridružuje u tome, ali se previše boji da bi im se usprotivio. Naizgled se čini da se Jochem ne opterećuje maltretiranjem, ali jednog jutra ravnatelj obavještava razred da se Jochem nije vratio kući nakon jedne zabave. David osjeća krivnju. S prijateljicom kreće u potragu za Jochemom kako bi mu se zajedno ispričali. Ali tijekom potrage pronalaze Jochemov ruksak u jezeru David finally defends his friend Jochem who is bullied at school, but do his actions come too late? Jochem's classmates bully him all the time. His friend David doesn't join in, but he is scared to say anything. On the face of it Jochem doesn't seem to let the harrassment get to him, but one morning the headmaster tells the class that he didn't come home after a party. David feels guilty. Together with a friend, he sets out to find Jochem and tell him they are sorry. But during their search, they find Jochem s backpack in a lake

58 rame uz rame radionice i popratni programi poliklinika suvag SUSRET S AUTOROM Projekcija filma Koko i duhovi, s podnapisima za osobe s oštećenjem sluha, te susret s redateljem filma Danielom Kušanom Festival o pravima djece svake godine nastoji skrenuti pozornost odraslih na teškoće s kojima se djeca susreću, kao i na pozitivne prakse koje ukazuju na načine suočavanja s tim teškoćama te unapređuju kvalitetu življenja djece i mladih. Beskrajno nam je važno sve obrazovne i kulturne sadržaje učiniti dostupne svima stoga smo i ove godine sve filmove prilagodili za osobe s oštećenjima vida i sluha. Na dan gluhih, 28. listopada, u suradnji s Poliklinikom Suvag organizirali smo projekciju filma za djecu i mlade, nakon koje je upriličen i susret s autorom. Nastavno na tradiciju ranijih godina susret sa scenaristicom te susret s književnicom ove godine djeca su nakon projekcije filma Koko i duhovi imala priliku družiti se s redateljem filma, Danielom Kušanom. Ovaj događaj bio je ne samo prilika da djeca dožive projekciju ekraniziranog književnog djela koje vole, nego i podsjećanje na važnost tako jednostavnog ali, nažalost, još uvijek rijetkog titla na filmu na materinskom jeziku. Djecu je posebno razveselio susret s autorom, koji je s njima podijelio svoje dragocjeno iskustvo rada s malim glumcima koji su utjelovili glavne likove ovog avanturističkog filma za djecu. work side by side workshops and accopanying programs the suvag polyclinic MEET THE FILMMAKER A screening of Koko and Ghosts with subtitles for the persons with hearing loss and a conversation with the film director, Daniel Kušan Every year, the Children s Rights Festival is trying to draw attention of adults to the difficulties children encounter, as well as to positive practices pointing to how they face these difficulties and improve the quality of life of both children and adults. We find it extremely important to make all the educational and cultural institutions available to everyone therefore this year we again adapted all the films to persons with impaired hearing and sight. On the International Deaf Day, 28 October, in association with the suvag Polyclinic, we organised a film screening for children and youth and afterwards a conversation with the author. Following the tradition meeting a screenwriter and meeting a writer this year the children after the screening of Koko and Ghosts had a chance to socialise with the film director, Daniel Kušan. This event was not only a chance for the children to experience a screening of an adapted literary work they love, but also a reminder to the importance of a simple but, unfortunately, still rare film title in their mother tongue. The children were particularly thrilled to meet the director, who shared with them his precious experience of working with little actors who embodied the protagonists of this adventure film for children. 58

59 notes 59 let's be children's rights heroes! h bilješke

60 tko je tko? who is who? 60 Domaćice 6. izdanja Festivala / Hosts of the 6 th Festival Zana Marjanović Bruna Bebić Bojana Gregorić Vejzović Voditelj programa otvaranja u Splitu / Host of the grand opening ceremony in Split Luka Nižetić Selektori filmova / Film Selectors Maja Flego Boško Picula Dizajn / Design Najlon / Dora Bilandžić Web hosting Interactive 1 Umjetnička direktorica Festivala / Festival s Artistic Director Tatjana Aćimović Produkcija i organizacija Festivala / Festival s Production and Organisation Izvršni producent Festivala / Executive Producer of the Festival Tvrtko Kurbaša Odnosi s javnošću / Public Relations Lori Vitaljić Zrinka Šamija Mario Gigović Službeni fotograf Festivala / Festival s Official Photographer Dario Hacek Urednica programske knjižice / Program Booklet Editor Marina Vujčić Ured unicef-a za Hrvatsku / unicef office in Croatia Gorana Dojčinović Nikolina Mucko Marin Ilej Hrvatski filmski savez / Croatian Film Association Vera Robić Škarica Marija Ratković Vidaković Agar Pata Mislav Vinković Nikola Bišćan Tamara Martinović Grad Split / City of Split Drago Davidović Ivana Viđak Bjedov Ured pravobranitelja za djecu / Office of the Ombudsman for Children Maja Flego Stručna podrška / Expert Support Udruga Zamisli Albina Žnidar Antonio Pavlović Branimir Šutalo Danijel Baričević Denis Marijon Gordana Glibo Martina Belić Svjetlana Marijon Ured pravobraniteljice za djecu Mreža mladih savjetnika / Children s ombudsperson s Network of Youth Advisors Marija Šikić Iva Rašić Tea Babić Moderatorica panel diskusije u Zagrebu / Moderator of the panel discussion in Zagreb Blaženka Leib Tumač znakovnog jezika / Sign Language Interpreter Suzana Denić Mirjana Juriša

61 tko je tko? who is who? 61 Glumci naratori i prijatelji Festivala / Actors Narrators and Friends Franka Klarić Kristina Krepela Marija Tadić Petra Težak Zrinka Kušević Damir Markovina Goran Grgić Robert Kurbaša Autori / Authors Udruga Srce / Association Heart Aliče Runjić Daniel Kušan Blitz CineStar Damir Milinić Luca Pinjuh Mario Tržić Robert Kovačević Medijski pokrovitelji / Media Sponsors T Portal Radio Dalmacija Dalmacija News Slobodna Dalmacija Antena Zagreb Tvrtke pokrovitelji i pomagači u realizaciji Festivala / Company Sponsors and Supporters in the realization of the Festival As Kongresni servis Biberon Residence Centar za vozila Hrvatske Cornaro Hotel Ekran Ekspert kongresni servis Euroteh Hotel Marul Hotel Palace Kinorama Opatija kongresi Simultana Tehnozavod Marušić Kulina pomagala Službeni auto prijevoznik Festivala / Official Festival transport Oryx Rent a car Zemlja partner Bosna i Hercegovina / Partner Country Bosnia & Herzegovina Kratkofil Plus Project Genesis Ured unicef-a za Bosnu i Hercegovinu Festival o pravima djece podržali su / The Children s Rights Festival is supported by: Hrvatski audiovizualni centar / Croatian Audiovisual Centre Grad Zagreb / City of Zagreb Grad Split / City of Split Zahvaljujemo / Thanks Jasenka Pregrad Jelena Kovačić Bruno Anković Nina Križan

62 EKRAN, d.o.o. Split

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