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2 UVODNIK Prije 10. godina tadašnja gradonačelnica gospođa Zdenka Buljan prepoznala je kulturološku vrijednost ideje filmskog festivala u gradu na Dunavu Vukovaru. U proteklih 10. godina od skromnih početaka festival je postao mjesto gdje se premijerno u Hrvatskoj prikazuju najbolji filmovi kako iz podunavlja tako i cijelog svijeta. Tu činjenicu nitko nam ne može oduzeti. Jesmo li mogli bolje? Jesmo u jednom segmentu, onom materijalnom. Kod nas je umjetnost postala politički obojena, onako, profesionalno vođena materijalnim. Traži se stav koji u pravilu veže pogled u apstraktno. On ne propituje, on vjeruje, lišavajući nas pozicije nijemog promatrača. Kreativni impuls ne dolazi iz ušančenog ideološkog rova. Rezultanta je kilava umjetnost radi umjetnosti - skandal, provokacija, sve samo ne potraga za vlastitom mijenom. Okovani lancima vjere, ideologije, nacije, boje kože, spola nikako da dokučimo kako smo svi ljudska bića. Umjetnost jest pogled u apstraktno, samo je danas malo onih koji istinski zure. Hvala svima koji su pomogli da festival doživi svoju malu obljetnicu. FOREWORD Ten years ago Mrs Zdenka Buljan who was a city mayor at the time recognised the cultural value of the film festival in the city on the river Danube - Vukovar. From the humble beginnings, in the past ten years the festival has become a place where the best films from the Danube region as well as from around the world have their Croatian premieres. This is the fact that no one can take away. Could we do better? We could in one segment a materialistic one. The art became politically colored and professionally guided by materialism. Everyone is asking for your stand, which binds the view in abstract. Stand does not question, it believes, depriving us of the position as a silent observer. Creative impulse does not come from ideological stand. The result is a wimp art for art s sake - scandal, provocation, anything but a quest for its own change. In chains of religion, ideology, nationality, color of the skin, sex... we cannot figure out the simple truth that we are just human beings. Art is the view in abstract, but today there are only few who truly gaze in. Thanks to everyone who helped festival to experience its own small anniversary. GLAVNI PROGRAM (KONKURENCIJA) MAIN PROGRAM (COMPETITION) Dugometražni igrani filmovi Feature films 24 TJEDNA / 24 WOCHEN / 24 WEEKS, Njemačka / Germany MADAM / FÉLVILÁG / DEMIMONDE, Mađarska / Hungary MATURA / BACALAUREAT / GRADUATION, Rumunjska / Romania OVO NIJE MOJE VRIJEME / ERNELLÁÉK FARKASÉKNÁL / IT S NOT THE TIME OF MY LIFE, Mađarska / Hungary TONI ERDMANN, Njemačka / Germany VLAŽNOST / HUMIDITY, Srbija / Serbia ZBOG TEBE / BECAUSE OF YOU, Hrvatska / Croatia ŽEĐ / JAJDA / THIRST, Bugarska / Bulgaria FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL 2 3

3 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films MADAM FÉLVILÁG DEMIMONDE Mađarska / Hungary Attila Szász Patricia Kovács, Dorka Gryllus, Laura Döbrösi 88 min Priča o trima ženama, poznatoj prostitutki, njezinoj domaćici te novoj sluškinji smještena u Budimpeštu Njihove strastvene, bizarne i kompleksne veze vode samo do jednoga - ubojstva. Attila Szász je diplomirao na Filmskoj akademiji u Budimpešti godine. Započeo je karijeru kao filmski kritičar, poslije je osnovao svoju distributersku firmu te postao glavnim urednikom Voxa, najvećeg mađarskog filmskog magazina. Režirao je kratkiš Most látszom, most nem látszom (2005.) te dva duga igrana filma A berni követ (2014.) i Félvilág (). The story of three women - a famous prostitute, her housekeeper and their new maid - living in Budapest of 1910s, whose passionate, bizarre and complex relationship can only lead to one thing: murder. Attila Szász graduated at the Academy of Drama and Film in Budapest in He started out as a film critic, later founded his own distribution company and became editor-in-chief of VOX, Hungary s biggest movie magazine. Directed the 30-minute short Most látszom, most nem látszom (2005) and two feature-length movies A berni követ (2014) and Félvilág (2015). 24 TJEDNA 24 WOCHEN 24 WEEKS ČETVRTAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / THURSDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Njemačka / Germany Anne Zohra Berrached Julia Jentsch, Bjarne Mädel, Johanna Gastdorf, Emilia Pieske 102 min SUBOTA, 23h, TERASA AGENCIJE ZA VODNE PUTOVE / SATURDAY, 23h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Astrid je komičarka koja živi od nasmijavanja ljudi. Suprug Markus njezin je menadžer i njih dvoje dobro funkcioniraju. Imaju devetogodišnju kćerku te očekuju drugo dijete. Kada shvate da se dijete neće roditi zdravo, u početku su optimistični i smatraju da će se moći nositi s time, iako ne znaju što ih zapravo čeka. Kako se bliži datum poroda, Astrid se počinje brinuti o budućnosti nerođenog djeteta, o obitelji i karijeri. Nakon mnogih razgovora i rasprava, Astrid shvaća da mora sama donijeti odluku koja će utjecati na njihove živote. Situaciju komplicira i činjenica da je ona, kao uspješna zabavljačica, u središtu zanimanja javnosti i medija. Anne Zohra Berrached rođena je u Erfurtu u Istočnoj Njemačkoj godine. Nakon studija pedagogije radila je kao profesorica drame u Londonu. Kao diplomski rad na filmskoj akademiji u Baden-Württembergu režirala je film Svetac&kurva koji je prikazan na festivalima diljem svijeta. Dvije majke, njezin drugi film, prikazan je u sekciji Perspektive Deutsches Kino na filmskom festivalu u Berlinu te je osvojio nagradu First Steps No Fear, kao i nagradu Dialogues en Perspective. Astrid is a comedian who makes people laugh for a living; her husband Markus is her manager and the two of them work well together. They have a nine-year-old daughter and are expecting their second child. When they learn that their child will not be born healthy, they are at first optimistic that they will be able to meet this challenge although they have no idea what awaits them. But the closer it gets to the due date, the more Astrid begins to worry about the future of her unborn child as well as that of her family and her career. After many discussions and arguments Astrid realises that the decision that will affect all their lives must be made by her alone. What complicates matters further is the fact that, as a successful entertainer, she is in the eye of the public and the media. Anne Zohra Berrached born in Erfurt, GDR in After studying social pedagogy she worked as a drama teacher in London. During her degree at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg she directed Eilige&Hure (Saint&Whore) which screened worldwide at festivals. Zwei Mütter (Two Mothers) screened in the Perspektive Deutsches Kino section of the Berlinale in 2013 and won the First Steps No Fear Award as well as the Dialogues en Perspective prize. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films 4 5

4 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films OVO NIJE MOJE VRIJEME ERNELLÁÉK FARKASÉKNÁL IT S NOT THE TIME OF MY LIFE MATURA BACALAUREAT GRADUATION Mađarska / Hungary Szabolcs Hajdu Imre Gelányi, Lujza Hajdu, Szabolcs Hajdu 81 min KARLOVY VARY INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Kristalni globus za najbolji film / Crystal Globe for best Film Najbolji glumac / Best actor (Szabolcs Hajdu) PONEDJELJAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / MONDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Ernella, Albert i njihova desetogodišnja kćerka Laura, u potrazi za boljim životom napuštaju zemlju. Kako se u Škotskoj njihovi snovi nisu ostvarili, vraćaju se u domovinu. Usred noći, pojavljuju se kod Eszter, Ernelline sestre. Ona za razliku od Ernelle koja se hrva s ozbiljnim financijskim problemima, sa suprugom Farkasom i petogodišnjim sinom Brunom živi boljim standardom. Dvije obitelji dosad nikad nisu živjele u istinskoj harmoniji. Mogu li, i koliko dugo, dvije obitelji izdržati zajedno pod istim krovom? Szabolcs Hajdu rođen je 21. siječnja godine u Debrecenu u Mađarskoj. Djeluje uspješno kao redatelj i glumac, a angažiran je i kao kazališni redatelj i scenarist. Pripada novom valu mađarskih redatelja, i jedan je od najtalentiranijih među njima. Unatoč svojim mlađim godinama, već je producirao četiri dugometražna filma, od kojih je svakako najpoznatiji White palms ( Bijeli dlanovi ), mađarski kandidat za Oscara u kategoriji najboljeg stranog filma. A year ago Ernella, Albert and their 10 year old daughter Laura left the country for a better life. They could not get along in Scotland so they came back. In the middle of the night they turn up at Eszter s, the sister s of Enella. Eszter, her husband Farkas and their 5 year old son Bruno live in better circumstances than Ernella s who struggle with serious financial problems. The two families have never been in real harmony with each other. Only Eszter s can feel that. Ernealla s love to be at Eszter s. Although they can t agree on anything. The question is that how the two families able to bear each other at Eszter s sublet and how long? Szabolcs Hajdu was born on January 26, 1972 in Debrecen, Hungary. He is an actor, director, theater director and screenwriter,known for Bibliothèque Pascal (2010), White Palms (2006) and Macerás ügyek (2001). Hajdu is a one of the most talented representatives of the new Hungarian director generation. Despite his young age he has already produced four feature films, and at least a dozen played. Rumunjska, Francuska, Belgija / Romania, France, Belgium Cristian Mungiu Adrian Titieni, Maria Draăgus, Lia Bugnar 127 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL Najbolja režija / Best Direction (Cristian Mungiu) PETAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / FRIDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Romeo Aldea (49) je liječnik koji živi u malom planinskom gradu u Transilvaniji gdje odgaja svoju kćerku Elizu s namjerom da, kada postane 18-godišnjakinja, napusti Rumunjsku kako bi se školovala i živjela u inozemstvu. Njegov plan blizu je ostvarenja jer je Eliza dobila stipendiju za studij psihologije u Velikoj Britaniji. Treba još samo položiti državnu maturu, formalnost za tako dobru učenicu. Dan prije prvog pisanog testa, Eliza je napadnuta zbog čega je njezina budućnost ugrožena. Romeo sada mora donijeti odluku. Postoji nekoliko načina da riješi ovu situaciju, ali ni jedan ne uključuje principe koje je on, kao otac, prenio na svoju kćerku. Cristian Mungiu (rođen 27. travnja 1968.) rumunjski je filmaš. Godine debitirao je filmom Zapad, da bi napisao i režirao svoj drugi film Četiri mjeseca, tri tjedna i dva dana. Film je primljen s puno entuzijazma, dobio je hvalospjeve kritike te je uvršten u službeni natjecateljski program filmskog festivala u Cannesu gdje je na kraju pobijedio i osvojio Zlatnu palmu. Njegov film iz godine Iza brda prikazan je u konkurenciji filmskog festivala u Cannesu gdje je Mungiu nagrađen za najbolji scenarij, dok su Cristina Flutur i Cosmina Stratan osvojile nagradu za najbolje glumice. Romeo Aldea (49), a physician living in a small mountain town in Transylvania, has raised his daughter Eliza with the idea that once she turns 18, she will leave to study and live abroad. His plan is close to succeeding - Eliza has won a scholarship to study psychology in the UK. She just has to pass her final exams aformality for such a good student. On the day before her first written exam, Eliza is assaulted in an attack that could jeopardize her entire future. Now Romeo has to make adecision. There are ways of solving the situation, but none of them using the principles he, as a father, has taught his daughter. Cristian Mungiu (born 27 April 1968) is a Romanian filmmaker. In 2002, he debuted with his first feature film Occident. In 2007 Mungiu wrote and directed his second feature, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days. The film was received enthusiastically, attracting critical praise and being selected in the official competition at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival, where it eventually won the coveted Palme d Or. His 2012 film Beyond the Hills was screened in competition at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival where Mungiu won the award for Best Screenplay and Cristina Flutur and Cosmina Stratan shared the award for Best Actress. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films 6 7

5 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films VLAŽNOST HUMIDITY TONI ERDMANN Srbija / Serbia Nikola Ljuca Miloš Timotijević, Tamara Krcunović, Maria Krakman, Katarina Marković 113 min UTORAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / TUESDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Petar je zgodan i karizmatični menadžer uspješne kompanije koja velike državne projekte opskrbljuje građevinskim materijalom. Po povratku s poslovnog puta, njegova žena Mina dočekuje ga na aerodromu. Oni dolaze kući i, dok on spava, Mina nestaje bez traga. Petar počinje lagati i skrivati njen nestanak, trudeći se održati savršenu sliku života koji je izgradio. Međutim, u kovitlacu sumnjivih poslovnih dogovora, priprema za obiteljsku slavu, sestrinih bračnih problema, nesanice i razuzdanih noćnih izlazaka po beogradskim klubovima, Petrovi strahovi sve više izlaze na površinu. Što se više trudi da ih potisne, oni su sve jači. Nikola Ljuca rođen je godine u Beogradu, gdje je završio filmsku režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti. Sudjelovao je na Sarajevo talent kampusu, zatim programu za razvoj scenarija pri Berlinskom filmskom festivalu i Akademije za filmske stvaratelje pri festivalu u Locarnu. Njegovi kratki filmovi Četvrtak i Narednik prikazivani su na brojnim festivalima na kojima su osvajali i nagrade. Njegov prvi dugometražni film je Vlažnost. Petar is a handsome, charismatic businessman working in a company that supplies building materials to big state construction projects. He returns from a business trip and his wife Mina picks him up at the airport. Upon their arrival home, Marina disappears without a trace and Petar hides the fact that she is gone from everyone he knows. Over the course of one week he s engaged in preparations for the family s Slava (an orthodox festivity), his sister s marital problems, shady business deals and wild partying. However, he can t sleep at night and starts running through the city till dawn. During the day, he still tries to maintain the picture-perfect image of himself. But, his fears are pouring out and the more he tries to suppress them, the harder they hit back. Nikola Ljuca is born in 1985 in Belgrade. He studied Film Directing at Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. His short films Thursday, Sergeant and Scenes With Women were screened at many international film festivals, winning several awards. He participated at the Sarajevo Talents, Berlinale Talents and Locarno. Humidity is his first feature film. Njemačka/Germany Maren Ade Peter Simonischek, Sandra Hüller, Michael Wittenborn 162 min SRIJEDA, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / WEDNESDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Winfried ne vidi često svoju zaposlenu kćerku Ines. Iznenada, nakon što mu je umro pas, ovaj profesor glazbenog odlučuje je iznenaditi posjetom. Neobičan potez jer je Ines ozbiljna žena od karijere koja radi na važnom projektu kao korporativni strateg u Bukureštu. No, kako bi se pogledali u oči, zemljopisna im promjena ne pomaže. Šaljivdžija Winfried svoju kćerku voli izluđivati jeftinim šalama. Otac i kćerka dogovore se da to mora prestati pa se Winfried vraća u Njemačku. Tamo stvara svoj slatkorječivi alter ego po imenu Toni Erdmann. Prerušen u odrapano odijelo, neobičnu periku te još neobičnije zube, Toni upada u Inesin poslovni život, predstavljajući se kao life coach njezina direktora. Drugi film Maren Ade Svi ostali osvojio je dva Srebrna medvjeda na filmskom festivalu u Berlinu Veliku nagradu žirija te nagradu Birgit Minichmayr za najbolju glumicu. Ova moderna drama o mladom paru u vezi prikazana je u više od 25 zemalja te je osvojila tri nominacije za German Film Award. Njezin prvi film The Forest For The Trees osvojio je Posebnu nagradu žirija na filmskom festivalu u Sundanceu 2005., te nominaciju za najbolji film na German Film Awardu. Winfried doesn t see much of his working daughter Ines. The suddenly student-less music teacher decides to surprise her with a visit after the death of his old dog. It s an awkward move because serious career woman Ines is working on an important project as a corporate strategist in Bucharest. The geographical change doesn t help the two to see more eye to eye. Practical joker Winfried loves to annoy his daughter with corny pranks. Father and daughter reach an impasse, and Winfried agrees to return home to Germany. Enter flashy Toni Erdmann : Winfried s smoothtalking alter ego. Disguised in a tacky suit, weird wig and even weirder fake teeth, Toni barges into Ines professional life, claiming to be her CEO s life coach. Maren Ade s second feature Everyone Else won two Silver Bears at the 2009 Berlin Film Festival - the Grand Jury Prize and Best Actress for Birgit Minichmayr. The modern relationship drama was released in over 25 countries and received three nominations for the German Film Award. Her first feature The Forest For The Trees won the Special Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival in 2005 and a Best Film nomination for the German Film Award. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films 8 9

6 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films ŽEĐ JAJDA THIRST Bugarska / Bulgaria Svetla Tsotsorkova Monika Naydenova, Alexander Benev, Svetla Yancheva 90 min Majka, otac i njihov 16-godišnji sin žive na brdu u malenom selu. Za život zarađuju pranjem hotelskih plahti. Zaliha vode je nedovoljna pa su često bez vode. Oni će angažirati oca i njegovu kćer koji se bave pronalaskom izvora vode. Dolaskom stranaca, obiteljska se ravnoteža nepovratno sruši. Svi se vole i mrze u isto vrijeme. Njihova je žeđ za ljubavlju tako jaka da vodi u smrt. Svetla Tsotsorkova rođena je godine u bugarskom Burgesu. Ona je glumica i producentica poznata po filmovima Žeđ (), Život sa Sofijom (2004.) te Vtori duzbai ( 2011.) The Mother, the Father and their 16-year-old son live on a hill, at the end of a village. They wash hotel sheets for a living. The water supply is inconsistent and they often find themselves without any water. A couple of drillers - a father and his daughter - arrive, in order to solve the water supply problem. The family s harmonious world shatters into pieces. Everyone loves and hates everyone else. The thirst for love is so great that only death could quench it. Svetla Tsotsorkova was born in 1977 in Burgas, Bulgaria. She is an actress and producer, known for Jajda (2015), Zhivot sas Sofia (2004) and Vtori dubal (2011). ZBOG TEBE PETAK, 23h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / FRIDAY, 23h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Hrvatska / Croatia Anđelko Jurkas Nataša Janjić, Jelena Perčin, Iva Visković, Marko Cindrić, Mario Kovač, Leona Paraminski 111 min Sedam međusobno povezanih priča o ljubavi, prijateljstvu, osjećajima, oružju, Balkanu, gluposti i ljudima uhvaćenima u momentu, povezanih s dobrim i pogrešnim odlukama i čiji se životi povezuju namjerno i nenamjerno u jednom tjednu njihovih života. Anđelo Jurkas je pisac, glazbenik, publicist, pjesnik, scenarist i redatelj. Rođen je u Koprivnici, a odrastao u Đurđevcu i Rijeci. Diplomirao je pravo i pedagogiju na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu. Objavio je šest publikacija a Zbog tebe je njegov redateljski debi. Crossword about seven interconnected stories of love, friendship, affection, guns, Balcan, stupidity and people caught in the moment, related with right and wrong decisions, whose lives intertwine intentionally and accidentally during one week of their lives. Angelo Jurkas is a writer, musician, publicist, lyricist, screenwriter and director. Jurkas was born in Koprivnica, Croatia. He grew up and brought up in the city of Rijeka and Podravina region, city of Đurđevac. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of University of Zagreb and from the Faculty of teacher education of University of Zagreb. Regarding literature work he has published six solo literary publications. Because of you is his directorial debut SUBOTA, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / SATURDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films 10 11

7 GLAVNI PROGRAM (KONKURENCIJA) MAIN PROGRAM (COMPETITION) Kratkometražni igrani filmovi Short films 4 KUTA KRUGA / 4 UGLA KRUGA / 4 CORNERS OF A CIRCLE, Srbija, Njemačka, Meksiko / Serbia, Germany, Mexico 90 STUPNJEVA SJEVERNO / 90 GRAD NORD / 90 DEGREES NORTH, Njemačka / Germany IGRA MALOG TIGRA / PLAYING THE TIGER, Hrvatska / Croatia LJUBAV NA KROVU SVIJETA / LJUBEZEN NA STREHI SVETA / LOVE ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD, Slovenija / Slovenia META / TARGET, Ukrajina/ Ukraine PITTER PATER U SRCU / PITTER PATTER GOES MY HEART, Austrija, Njemačka / Austria, Germany SVE ĆE BITI U REDU / ALLES WIRD GUT / EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY, Njemačka, Austrija / Germany, Austria ZVUK BETONA / BETONZAJ / THE SOUND OF CONCRETE, Mađarska / Hungary Srbija, Njemačka, Meksiko / Serbia, Germany, Mexico Katarina Stanković Francisco Márquez González, Alejandro Cisneros Razo, Zoe Šekularac Vuksanović, Marta Bjelica 25 min SUBOTA, 23h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / SATURDAY, 23h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS 4 KUTA KRUGA 4 UGLA KRUGA 4 CORNERS OF A CIRCLE Mladić luta ulicama Guanajuatoa u pratnji prijatelja. Sretan je što nije u bolnici koja je tužno i hladno mjesto. Grad mu donosi izgubljena sjećanja i osjećaje, daleko od bliske smrti. Miljama daleko u Beogradu, sudbine četiriju žena isprepliću se pukim slučajem kada se susreću s Fridinim duhom i pripremaju za život poslije smrti. Katarina Stanković dolazi iz Beograda. Diplomirala je na Audiovizualnim studijima na San Francisco Art Institutu te Gerrit Rietvald Akademiji u Amsterdamu Završila je poslijediplomski studij filma na Akademiji medijskih umjetnosti u Kölnu Režirala je nekoliko kratkih filmova te srednjemetražnih filmova uključujući Zimu koja je imala premijeru u Rotterdamu te je osvojila brojne međunarodne nagrade. A young man is roaming through the city of Guanajuato accompanied by his friend. He is happy to be away from the hospital, which is a sad and cold place. The city is his comfort bringing back lost memories and emotions, away from the approaching death. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in Belgrade, four women weave their own threads into the story of meaningful coincidences, the passing of time and re-living memories of Frida s spirit, preparing them all together for the afterlife. Katarina Stankovic comes from Belgrade, Serbia. After graduatingat Audiovisual Studies from the San Francisco Art Institute and Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2005, she completed her postgraduate studies in Film at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne in She has directed several shorts and mediumlength films including Zima which premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and won several prizes at international festivals. FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films 12 13

8 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films IGRA MALOG TIGRA PLAYING THE TIGER 90 STUPNJEVA SJEVERNO 90 GRAD NORD 90 DEGREES NORTH Hrvatska / Croatia REDATELJICA / DIRECTOR: Jasna Nanut Krešimir Mikić, Ana Stunić 24 min DANI HRVATSKOG FILMA / CROATIAN FILM DAYS Oktavijan za najbolji kratki film / Octavion for best short film PONEDJELJAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / MONDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Boška prvi put dolazi kod Tome doma. On im skuha ukusno jelo, a zatim gledaju film. Testirajući njegovo strpljenje, Boška pokušava otkriti je li Tomo onaj pravi ili još jedan krivi. Tomo nema tih nedoumica. Uvjeren je da su njih dvoje već u vezi. Jasna Nanut rođena je u Zagrebu godine. Radila je na televiziji 15 godina, a potom se posvetila filmu. Magistrirala je režiju na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti. Tijekom studija snimala je kratkiše koji su prikazivani na festivalima u Zagrebu, Puli i Sarajevu. Igra malog tigra njen je diplomski film, nagrađen nagradom kritike - Oktavijanom. Trenutačno snima novi kratkiš Tanya, u kojem glume Marina Redžepović i Krešimir Mikić. Boška visits Tomo for the first time. He cooks them a dinner; then they watch a movie. As the evening progresses, Boška tests Tomo s patience, trying to find out whether he is Mr Right, or another Mr Wrong. Tomo seems to have no such doubts. He is convinced they are already in a relationship. Jasna Nanut was born in Zagreb, Croatia in Worked in television for fifteen years, then decided to dedicate herself to filmmaking. Acquired an MA in Film and Television Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. During her studies she wrote and directed four student shorts that participated in Zagreb Film Festival, Pula Film Festival, Sarajevo Film Festival. Playing the Tiger is her graduate film, awarded with Oktavijan - Croatian Film Critics Award for best short. She is currently in post-production of her new short Tanya, starring Marina Redžepović and Krešimir Mikić. Njemačka / Germany REDATELJICA / DIRECTOR: Detsky Graffam Carsten Clemens, Stefan Dietrich, Jürgen Haug 21 min FLENSBURG SHORT FILM FESTIVAL Najbolji kratki film / Best short film BUDAPEST SHORT FILM FESTIVAL Srebrna BUSHO nagrada / Silver BUSHO award Činjenica je da dobri Nijemci u prometnim gužvama čekaju zeleno svjetlo. No, što kada se zeleni čovječuljak jednostavno ne pojavljuje? Fantastična crna komedija 90 stupnjeva sjeverno govori o Karlu, poslovnom čovjeku pod stresom koji je zatočen na zlom prometnom otoku -tu počinje bitka za preživljavanje. Detsky Graffam je radio kao redatelj i montažer na BBC-ju, Channelu 4, Nickeloedonu i Comedy Centralu. Njegovi su kratki filmovi dobili brojna priznanja. Trenutačno snima svoj dugometražni prvijenac. Njegov kratkiš Ministarstvo krivnje trenutačno se prikazuje na brojnim festivalima. It s a fact: good Germans wait at red traffic lights. But what do you do when the green man simply won t appear? In the fantastical black comedy 90 Grad Nord (90 Degrees North) Karl, a stressed businessman, is trapped by an evil traffic island - a bitter fight for survival follows. Detsky Graffam has worked as a director and editor for the BBC, Channel 4, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central. His short films have won several awards and prizes. Detsky is currently developing his feature film debut. The short film Ministry of Guilt is at present doing the festival circuit PETAK, 23h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / FRIDAY, 23h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films 14 15

9 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films LJUBAV NA KROVU SVIJETA LJUBEZEN NA STREHI SVETA LOVE ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD META TARGET Slovenija / Slovenia Jan Cvitkovič Ivo Barišić, Marjana Brecelj 16 min PETAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / FRIDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Živahan par u svojim 80-ima živi zajedno gotovo cijeli život. Imaju samo jedno drugo, a sve što im preostaje su male stvari i mali događaji. Žive u maloj, skromnoj kući u kojoj vlada idilična, ruralna atmosfera nekih minulih vremena. Jan Cvitkovič rođen je 1966.u Tolminu u Sloveniji. Nakon jedne godine studija fizike prebacuje se na arheologiju, gdje je diplomirao Svoj je interes zaustavio na snimanju filmova. Počeo je s pisanjem scenarija i glavnom ulogom u filmu U leru Janeza Burgera 1999., nastavio dugometražnim redateljskim prvijencem Kruh i mlijeko iz s kojim je na Mostri osvojio nagradu Luigi De Laurentis. Njegov kratki film Srce je komad mesa nagrađen je na festivalima u Cottbusu i Gijonu. Njegov drugi dugometražni film, Odgrobadogroba također je osvojio brojne nagrade, onu za najboljeg debitanta na San Sebastian Film Festivalu te nagradu ekumenskog žirija u Cottbusu. A vivacious 80-year-old couple have been together for what has virtually been their whole life. Each other is all they have got, and all that remains are little things and small events. They live in a modest little house with an idyllic old - fashioned rural atmosphere. Jan Cvitkovič (born 1966) is a critically acclaimed Slovenian film director, screenwriter and actor. After one year he dropped the study of physics,started studying archaeology and took a diploma in Since then he became interested in directing films. As of April 2007 he has already won a total of 12 awards and 3 nominations at various film festivals for his work, including the San Sebastian Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival. His first feature, the low budget Bread and Milk (2001), premiered at Mostra de cinema in Venice and won the Lion of the Future Award. His short film The Heart is a Piece of Meat was awarded in Cottbus and Gijon. Odgrobadogroba (Gravehopping), his next feature, won prize for best new director at San Sebastian Film Festival, and an award for Best Film by Ecumenucal jury at Cottbus Film Festival. Ukrajina / Ukraine Roman Popadko Leonid Popadko, Nikolay Popadko 13 min Mladić koji nikada nije držao oružje u vlastitim rukama, skriva se od novačenja u selu gdje mu živi djed. On ne zna što znači ubiti nekoga i što je zapravo rat. Kroz vlastito iskustvo shvatit će značenje koncepta rata i ubijanja. Roman Popadko diplomirao je na kijevskom Nacionalnom univerzitetu za teatar, film i televiziju kao filmski i televizijski redatelj. Zbog filma Meta pozvan je u Nacionalnu udrugu ukrajinskih snimatelja. Radi na ukrajinskom TV-kanalu 1+1, kao asistent redatelja. The guy who never held a weapon before is forced to hide from conscription in a village where his grandfather lives. He does not know what it means to kill somebody and what the war is. He will have to learn that form his own experience. Graduated in Karpenko-Kary Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television as film/television director. For the film Target he was invited to the National Associationof Cinematographers of Ukraine. Work at the leading Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 on live broadcast program as directors assistant SRIJEDA, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / WEDNESDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films 16 17

10 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films SVE ĆE BITI U REDU ALLES WIRD GUT EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY Njemačka, Austrija / Germany, Austria Patrick Vollrath Simon Schwarz, Julia Pointner 30 min Čini se da je to sasvim običan vikend, no nakon nekog vremena Lea osjeti da nešto ne štima. Počinje sudbinsko putovanje. Patrick Vollrath je njemački filmaš najpoznatiji po kratkišu Sve će biti u redu koji mu je donio kritičarske hvalospjeve te brojne nagrade, uključujući Bronzu za najbolji strani film na 42. Studentskoj filmskoj nagradi te nominaciju za najbolji kratki film na 88. dodjeli Oscara. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can t help feeling that something isn t right. So begins a fateful journey. Patrick Vollrath is a German filmmaker, best known for his short-film Everything Will Be Okay that earned him critical appraisal and several awards and nominations including Best Foreign Film Award Bronze Medal at 42nd Annual Student Film Awards and Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film nomination at the 88th Academy Awards. PITTER PATER U SRCU PITTER PATTER GOES MY HEART UTORAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / TUESDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Austrija, Njemačka, SAD / Austria, Germany, USA Christoph Rainer Vicky Krieps, Michael Maertens, Max Reimann 21 min SUBOTA, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / SATURDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Beskrajno romantična Lisa povlači očajničke poteze kako bi ponovno osvojila svog bivšeg dečka Alfa. Alf ima novu djevojku, a Lisa svog oca alkoholičara mora dovesti na snimanje kampanje za liječenje proširenih vena bez njegova znanja - sve to neće osobito pomoći. Tragedija je neminovna, a Lisa će doživjeti razočaranje. Christoph Rainer rođen je u Klosterneuburgu u Austriji, gdje je odrastao i otkrio svoju strast spram filma. Studirao je režiju kod Michaela Hanekea na filmskoj akademiji u Beču gdje je i diplomirao. Njegov kratki film Pitter Patter Goes My Heart nastao je tijekom razmjene studenata s filmskom akademijom u Baden-Württembergu. Godine dobio je Fulbrightovu stipendiju kako bi magistrirao na Columbia University u New Yorku. Godine je magistrirao te živi između New Yorka i Beča. Njegovi kratki filmovi prikazani su na više od 250 filmskih festivala diljem svijeta. The hopelessly romantic Lisa takes desperate measures to win her former lover back, Alf. But the fact that Alf already has a new girl at his side and that Lisa needs to bring her alcoholic father to an anti-varicose-campaign photo shooting without letting him know, is not particularly helping. The tragedy takes its course and Lisa finds her bitter, almost operatic end. Christoph Rainer was born 1985 in Klosterneuburg,Austria, where he grew up and discovered his passion for filmmaking. He studied directing with Michael Haneke at the Vienna Film Academy and graduated with a Bachelor degree. His short film Pitter Patter Goes My Heart was produced during an exchange semester at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg. In 2010 he received a Fulbright scholarship to pursue his Master at Columbia University in New York. In 2015 he finished his Master of Fine Arts with honors at Columbia University and lives now between New York and Vienna. His short films have been invited to over 250 film festivals worldwide. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films 18 19

11 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short films GLAVNI PROGRAM (KONKURENCIJA) MAIN PROGRAM (COMPETITION) Dokumentarni filmovi Documentaries Mađarska / Hungary István Kovács Dora Sztarenki, László Mátray 29 min TJEDAN MAĐARSKOG FILMA / HUNGARIAN FILM WEEK 2016 Nagrada za najbolji mađarski kratki film / Award for Best Hungarian Short film ZVUK BETONA BETONZAJ THE SOUND OF CONCRETE Dia je mlada boksačica koja živi na periferiji Budimpešte s majkom i mlađim bratom. Njezin je san natjecati se u Njemačkoj gdje može dobro zaraditi. Sve što je potrebno, jest da osvoji predstojeće natjecanje. Rođen u bivšoj Jugoslaviji kao dio mađarske manjine, István Kovács većinu je mladosti proveo u južnoj Mađarskoj u gradu Szegedu. Godine započinje studij režije na Univerzitetu za film i televiziju gdje je diplomirao u klasi Jánosa Szásza. Dia is a young female kickboxer who lives in the suburbs of Budapest with her mom and younger brother. Her dream is to compete in Germany where she can earn good money. All she has to do is to win her upcoming championship. Born in 1985 in then Yugoslavia as a Hungarian minority, István Kovács spent most his youth in the Southern Hungary town Szeged. He got enrolled to the University of Theatre and Film Arts of Budapets in where he recently got his director BA degree in the class of János Szász. 10 MILIJARDI- ŠTO JE NA VAŠEM TANJURU? /10 MILLIARDEN WIE WARDEN WIR ALLE SATT? / 10 BILLION - WHAT S ON YOUR PLATE?, Njemačka / Gerrmany DODIR ANĐELA / THE TOUCH OF AN ANGEL, Njemačka, Poljska / Germany, Poland FILMSKE TOPLICE / THE FILM SPA, Češka / Czech Republic HOTEL DALLAS, Rumunjska, SAD / Romania, USA KANDIDAT / CANDIDATE, Hrvatska / Croatia KAREL ZEMAN: FILMSKI PUSTOLOV / KAREL ZEMAN: ADVENTURER IN FILM, Češka, Francuska, Japan, Velika Britanija / Czech Republic, France, Japan, UK NEPROČIŠĆENO DISANJE: ISTINA O AEROTOKSIČNOM SINDROMU / UNFILTERED BREATHED IN: THE TRUTH ABOUT AEROTOXIC SYNDROME, Njemačka, Australija, Kanada, Francuska / Germany, Australia, Canada, France NK ROMI / FC ROMA, Češka / Czech Republic PRVI PUT / FIRST TIME, Hrvatska / Croatia TKO KOGA SPAŠAVA? EKONOMSKA KRIZA KAO POSLOVNI MODEL / WHO IS SAVING WHOM? THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AS BUSINESS MODEL, Njemačka, Australija, Grčka, Island / Germany, Australia, Greece, Iceland U RAVNOTEŽI / GLEICHGEWICHT / KEEPING BALANCE, Austrija / Austria ZABRANA S NEBA / HIMMELVERBOT / OUTSIDE, Njemačka, Rumunjska / Germany, Romania ČETVRTAK, 20.30h, TERASA AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE / THURSDAY, 20.30h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL 20 21

12 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries DODIR ANĐELA THE TOUCH OF AN ANGEL Njemačka / Germany Valentin Thurn 102 min ČETVRTAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / THURSDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR 10 MILIJARDI- ŠTO JE NA VAŠEM TANJURU? 10 MILLIARDEN WIE WARDEN WIR ALLE SATT? 10 BILLION - WHAT S ON YOUR PLATE? Do ljudska će populacija narasti do 10 milijardi. Usred vruće debate o kvaliteti hrane dolazi ovaj široki i analitički pogled na enormni spektar globalne proizvodnje hrane te njezine distribucije- od umjetnog mesa, insekata, industrijske zemljoradnje do trendi samokultivacije. Redatelj Valentin Thurn traži rješenja diljem svijeta i daje svoje viđenje budućnosti. Valentin Thurn je redatelj dokumentaraca za njemačke i međunarodne TV-kanale i kina. Osvojio je brojne domaće i međunarodne nagrade. Njegov film Taste the waste privukao je više od gledatelja samo u Njemačkoj i bio je jedan od najuspješnijih dokumentaraca u kino sezoni 2011./ Nagrađivan je zajedno s nastavkom Food savers te knjigom Die Essensvernichter. By 2050, the world population will grow to ten billion people. In the middle of the heated debate about food security, comes this broad and analytic look into the enormous spectrum of global food production and distribution - from artificial meat, insects, industrial farming to trendy self-cultivation. Director Valentin Thurn seeks for solutions worldwide and gives place for innovation and visions for our future. Valentin Thurn is a director of documentaries for German and international TV channels and cinema. He won various national and international Awards. His film Taste The Waste has attracted more than viewers in Germany alone and was one of the most successful documentaries in the cinema season 2011./ It has been awarded various times, together with the sequel Food Savers and the book Die Essensvernichter. Njemačka, Poljska / Germany, Poland Marek Tomasz Pawlowski 62 min UTORAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / TUESDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Vrlo osobna, poetična priča o gluhom čovjeku s fenomenalnom memorijom, koji, kako bi si olakšao bol prouzročenu zastrašujućim ratnim iskustvima, kreće na najteže životno putovanje. No, nije riječ samo o ratnoj priči već o dokazu kako najmanja gesta može spasiti nečiji život. Gluhi čovjek ponovno pronalazi svoja skrovišta i bunkere koji su i danas tu te proživljava traumatične uspomene iz tog doba. Film nam predstavlja i sasvim nepoznate činjenice, o postojanju propalog Ureda za emigraciju Židova u Palestini u gradu Auschwitzu, koji je vodio Schönkerov otac. Kroz cijelu je priču naglašena uloga Poljaka u spašavanju progonjenih Židova te ravnodušnosti međunarodne zajednice spram prijetnji koje je predstavljao nacizam. Marek Tomasz Pawlowski je poljski filmski redatelj, scenarist, producent i filmski pedagog. Diplomirao je režiju na State Higher Theatre School u Varšavi. Poznat je po filmovima Runaway (2006), Circus heartbroken (2009), The Jaster (2014) i Touch of an Angel (2015), filmu koji je osvojio prestižnu nagradu Gold World Medal za najbolji dokumentarni film na 59. izdanju New York Festivala, kao i Gold Remi Award za najbolji film na 49. Worldfestu u Houstonu. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries It is a very personal, poetic tale of a deaf man with a phenomenal memory who takes the most difficult journey of his life in order to ease the anguish of his wartime experiences. It is not just a wartime story but an account of how even the smallest gesture can save a life. The story presents completely unknown facts about the existence of a failed Bureau of Emigration of Jews to Palestine in Auschwitz town, run by father of Schönker.He finds his hiding places and bunkers still standing, bringing back horrific memories. The film emphasizes the role of Poles in saving persecuted Jews and indifference of the international community at large in the face of Nazi threats. Marek Tomasz Pawlowski is a polish film director, screenwriter, producer and educator. He has a graduate of the Directing Department of the State Higher Theatre School in Warsaw. He is known for Runaway (2006), Circus heartbroken (2009), The Jaster (2014) and Touch of an Angel (2015), film that won Gold World Medal a prestigious award of 59th Edition of New York Festivals for World s Best TV&Films 2016 in Documentaries category, and also won Gold Remi Award at 49th Edition of World Fest Houston

13 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries HOTEL DALLAS Rumunjska, SAD / Romania, USA Livia Ungur, Sherng-Lee Huang 75 min 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća u sumrak komunizma u Rumunjskoj, Dallas je bio jedina američka serija dopuštena za prikazivanje na tamošnjoj televiziji. Nudila je viziju bogatstva i glamura te je opčinila mase. Među opčinjenima su i Ilie i njegova kći Livia. On je sitni kriminalac te kapitalist, a ona je zaljubljena u zgodnog glavnog glumca, Patricka Duffyja. Nakon pada komunizma, Ilie gradi Hotel Dallas, vjernu kopiju kućerine iz serije. Livia emigrira u Ameriku... Ungur&Huang su supružnici i umjetnički dvojac koji živi u New Yorku. Snimaju filmove, izrađuju skulpture i instalacije te izvode performanse. Hotel Dallas njihov je prvi cjelovečernji igrani film. In the 80s, in the twilight of communist Romania, Dallas is the only American show allowed on TV. It offers a vision of wealth and glamour that captures the imagination of millions. Among them are Ilie and his daughter Livia. He is a small-time criminal and aspiring capitalist; she is in love with the show s handsome leading man, Patrick Duffy. After communism falls, Ilie builds the Hotel Dallas, a life-size copy of the Dallas mansion. Livia immigrates to America... Ungur&Huang is a wife-and-husband artist duo, based in New York City. They make films, sculptures, installations, and performances. Hotel Dallas is their first feature film. FILMSKE TOPLICE THE FILM SPA SUBOTA, 18.30h, CINESTAR / SATURDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Češka/ Czech Republic Miroslav Janek 77 min Kako je proteklo pedeseto izdanje međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Karlovym Varyima? Iako je prvi Festival održan davne 1946., zbog turbulentne povijesti 20. stoljeća, okruglo 50. izdanje moglo se slaviti tek u srpnju Povijest Festivala prati redatelj Miroslav Janek, u suradnji s dugogodišnjom umjetničkom savjetnicom Festivala Evom Zaoralovom. Još neviđeni arhivski materijali, fascinantne činjenice iz duge povijesti, intervjui, osebujni gosti, i sve što se događa(lo) iza reflektora filmske pozornice, svjedoči o jednoj drukčijoj slici Festivala. Kako se jedan filmski festival, godinama na milost i nemilost raznih političkih manipulacija i licemjernih slogana, uspio razviti u jedan od vodećih svjetskih filmskih A-festivala? Karlovy Vary Film Festival kakav ljubitelji sedme umjetnosti još dosad nisu vidjeli. Miroslav Janek češki je redatelj rođen godine u Nachodu u tadašnjoj Čehoslovačkoj. Godine emigrira najprije u Njemačku, a zatim se seli u SAD, gdje radi kao montažer i snimatelj, potpisujući cijeli niz kreativnih filmova. U Češku se vraća 1995., otkad radi za Češku televiziju, snimajući dokumentarne filmove. A history of the fifty editions of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Although first held in 1946, the twists and turns of the 20th century meant that the festival has only been able to celebrate its fiftieth edition in July The history of the festival is traced by director Miroslav Janek in cooperation with long-serving artistic consultant Eva Zaoralová, who talks to participants in early editions. Unseen period archives, fascinating facts from the unknown past, interviews about films, guests and what goes on behind the scenes show a different side to the festival at various periods. How did one of today s major A-list festivals, which for most of its history was at the mercy of political manipulation and hypocritical slogans, develop? The Karlovy Vary festival as the film fans of today have never seen. Miroslav Janek was born 1954 in Nachod, Czechoslovakia. In 1979, he emigrated to Germany and went on to live in USA. There he worked as film editor and cameraman, making a whole range of creative films. He returned to the Czech Republic in Since then he worked for the Czech Television making documentary films PONEDJELJAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / MONDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries 24 25

14 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries KAREL ZEMAN: FILMSKI PUSTOLOV / KAREL ZEMAN: ADVENTURER IN FILM Češka, Francuska, Japan, Velika Britanija / Czech Republic, France, Japan, UK Tomás Hodan 102 min Dokumentarac o Karelu Zemanu, čarobnjaku ili mađioničaru velikih ekrana. Bez pomoći digitalnih efekata, odveo je svjetsku publiku nazad u prapovijest, prema Mjesecu i duboko pod more. Biografski film koji sagledava život, rad i značaj ovog genija svjetske kinematografije. Zaviruje u kuhinju pionira filmskih trikova. Intervjuiramo današnje filmaše kako bismo saznali zašto Zemanovi filmovi žive i dan-danas te zašto su u brojnim pogledima bez premca? Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton, Koji Yamamura, Kosei Ono i drugi govore kako ih je Zeman inspirirao. Tomás Hodan je češki redatelj rođen godine u Pragu. Nakon mature završio je filmsku školu u Zlinu. Godine 2001., u suradnji s Češkom televizijom, snima igrani film Medici, nagrađen posebnom nagradom na Festivalu u Brnu. Kratki animirani film Delfin snimio je Snimao je dokumentarne filmove diljem svijeta, u Angoli, Siriji, Afganistanu, Cipru, Bosni i Hercegovini... S vremena na vrijeme, radi glazbene spotove. Poznat je po filmovima Pul ctvrté (2006.), Kancelár Blaník (2014.) i biografskom dokumentarcu Karel Zeman: Adventurer in Film (). A documentary about Karel Zeman, a magician of the big screen. Without digital effects he brought audiences around the world back to prehistory, forward to the Moon and deep under the Sea. Biographical film that looks back at the life, work and significance of the genius of world cinema. It looks into the kitchen of the film tricks pioneer. We interview today s filmmakers to find out why his films are still alive and in many ways unsurpassed. Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton, Koji Yamamura, Kosei Ono and others talk about their inspiration by Karel Zeman. Tomás Hodan is a (born 1980 in Prague) Czech screenwriter and director. After graduating in 2002, he finished film school in Zlin. In 2001 he made in cooperation with Czech Television feature film Medici, awarded the special prize of the festival director of the Brno Sixteen. He worked as a documentary filmmaker, especially abroad. So he filmed in Angola, Afghanistan, Syria, Cyprus and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2009 he completed a short animated film Delfin. Occasionally, he is making music videos (Up downstairs band). He is known for Pul ctvrté (2006), Kancelár Blaník (2014) and Karel Zeman: Adventurer in Film (2015). KANDIDAT CANDIDATE PONEDJELJAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / MONDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Hrvatska / Croatia Robert Tomić Zuber, Tomislav Pulić 62 min PETAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / FRIDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Tomislav P. (42) suvlasnik je u jednom zagrebačkom neboderu. Motiviran slučajnim dolaskom na sastanak suvlasnika, onim što je tad doživio i ratom obavijestima na oglasnoj ploči zgrade između dvaju kandidata za predstavnika stanara, odluči malo dublje zagrepsti u odnose u zgradi, zajednička sredstva i njihovo trošenje. Istovremeno, predizborna godina na parlamentarnoj razini sve više udara ritam stambenog izbornog procesa u njegovoj zgradi. Tomislav Pulić rođen je u Šibeniku. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu političkih znanosti u Zagrebu 1998.godine. Na HRT-u radi od Njegove rukovoditeljske godine kulminiraju mjestima Glavnog producenta HTV-a od do te direktora ORFEJ-a od do godine. Od do danas izvršni je producent PO kultura, umjetnost i religija. Kandidat je njegov debitantski film. Robert Tomić Zuber rođen je u Puli. Ovaj diplomirani sociolog, radio je kao novinar i urednik u hrvatskim tiskovinama, na radiju i televiziji. Posljednjeg desetljeća režirao je tri dokumentarna filma. Slučajni sin njegov drugi dokumentarni film, proglašen je najboljim hrvatskim dokumentarcem 2008., za što je nagrađen nagradom Oktavijan hrvatskih filmskih kritičara. Tomislav P. (42) is a co-owner in a residential highrise in Zagreb. Motivated by accidentally attending the co-op meeting, his experiences there, and the war on the building s notice board between the two candidates running for the tenants representative, he decides to delve a little deeper into the building relations, common resources and their expenditure. However, the parliament election year sets the pace of the residential building election to an incredible extent. Tomislav Pulić was born 1972 in Šibenik. He graduated from the Zagreb Faculty of Political Sciences in Since 1992 he has been working for HRT. His managerial duties reached their peak between 2009 and 2011 when he acted as the Chief Producer at Croatian Television and CEO at ORFEJ from 2011 to Since 2013 he has been the executive producer at the Department of Culture, Art and Religion. Candidate is his debut film. Robert Tomić Zuber was born in in Pula, Croatia. He was a journalist at national Croatian television and in Croatian newspapers and radio. On the laste decade he directed three documentaries. His second autobiographical documentary, An Accidental Son, received the award Oktavijan for the best documentary of the year on the Days of Croatian Film. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries 26 27

15 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries NK ROMI FC ROMA Njemačka, Australija, Kanada, Francuska / Germany, Australia, Canada, France Tim van Beveren 90 min UTORAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / TUESDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR NEPROČIŠĆENO DISANJE: ISTINA O AEROTOKSIČNOM SINDROMU / UNFILTERED BREATHED IN: THE TRUTH ABOUT AEROTOXIC SYNDROME Ovo je prvi dokumentarni film koji istražuje i otkriva tamnu stranu naizgled glamurozne industrije. Što se događa iza leđa javnosti koja putuje avionima? Misteriozna smrt jednog britanskog pilota, teško ozlijeđeni putnici, zataškavanja problema, jedva izbjegnute zrakoplovne katastrofe... Istraživački skalpel razotkriva polagane intoksikacije, uzrokovane izuzetno opasnim kemijskim spojevima i motornim uljima u turbinama modernih zrakoplova. Većina ljudi nije svjesna da zrak koji udišu stiže izravno iz turbina motora i posve nefiltriran ulazi u prostor za putnike. Tim van Beveren rođen je godine u Njemačkoj,a odrastao je u Düsseldorfu, Bonnu i Kölnu. Nakon položene mature završio je studij fotografije, studirao je pravo u Bonnu, a kasnije primijenjenu umjetnost u Italiji. Godinama radi i djeluje kao istraživački novinar, novinar reporter, pisac stručne literature, redatelj, pilot, a osobito se istaknuo kao stručnjak i savjetnik u području tehnologije, avijacije i sigurnosti leta. Danas živi i radi u Berlinu. This film is the first investigative documentary of its kind about the dark side of a previous glamorous industry. It deals with the mysterious death of a British pilot, heavily injured flightattendants and passengers, cover-ups and near air disasters. The film focuses on the partially slow intoxications caused by extremely dangerous chemical compounds within the jet-turbine engine oils of modern aircraft, which can get into the cabin breathing air. Most people are not aware that this breathing air aboard jet aircraft is directly taken of the turbine engines and comes unfiltered into the cabin. Tim van Beveren was born 1961 in Düsseldorf in Germany, but initially grew up in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Bonn. After graduation he studied photography and law in Bonn, and later Fine Arts in Urbino in Italy. He is a journalist, author, director, pilot and known as a critical expert in technology, aviation and flight safety. He lives in Berlin. Češka / Czech Republic Tomáš Bojar, Rozálie Kohoutová 75 min SRIJEDA, 18.30h, CINESTAR / WEDNESDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Prošle je godine jedna neobična nogometna ekipa počela igrati u najnižoj češkoj nogometnoj ligi - NK Juniori Romi koja je sastavljena od Roma. Iako svi znaju da UEFA ne podržava rasizam, još postoje mjesta gdje se ti igrači ne smatraju ravnopravnim protivnicima. Kako su Romi krajnje nepopularna manjina u Češkoj, tako su igrači drugih klubova odbili igrati s njima, što je naposljetku rezultiralo paradoksom - NK Romi su po defaultu počeli dobivati sve te neodigrane utakmice. Tako je ekipa, koja gotovo da nije ni šutnula loptu, umalo osvojila prvenstvo. Tomaš Bojar studirao je filozofiju i pravo na Charles Univerzitetu. Već cijelu dekadu radi na filmu, najprije kao scenarist, a poslije kao redatelj i producent. Rozálie Kohoutová studirala je dokumentarni film na FAMU. Primila je više nagrada za dokumentarac Romska djeca, svoj prvi film. Uspješno je završila studij filmom Kytlice, Zimmer frei. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries Last year an unusual football club started playing in the lowest Czech football league - the club TJ Junior Roma is composed mainly of Romani players. Even if every football fan knows the UEFA campaign Say No To Racism, there are still places where not all the players are considered equal on the football field. As the Roma minority is highly unpopular in the Czech Republic, players of other teams from the league refused to play with the Roma team resulting in a paradoxical situation TJ Roma has been winning most of the matches by default. The story of this football club is framed by a strange football season, in which a team, that had barely gotten to kick the ball, has almost won the league. Tomáš Bojar studied political philosophy and law at Charles University. He has been producing cinematic works for over a decade, first as a scriptwriter and script editor, later also as a director and producer (company Cinema Arsenal). Rozálie Kohoutová studied the Documentary Film Department at FAMU. She received several awards for Roma Boys, her first film. She successfully completed her studies at FAMU with the film Kytlice, Zimmer frei

16 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries TKO KOGA SPAŠAVA? EKONOMSKA KRIZA KAO POSLOVNI MODEL WHO IS SAVING WHOM? THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AS BUSINESS MODEL PRVI PUT THE FIRST TIME Njemačka, Australija, Grčka, Island / Germany, Australia, Greece, Iceland Leslie Franke, Herdolor Lorenz 104 min SUBOTA, 18.30h, CINESTAR / SUNDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Ovo nije još jedna priča o spašavanju banaka i eura. Film otkriva mnogo više o tome kako se vode ta spašavanja, pa sve do tragedije u Grčkoj - radikalne alteracije društva. Pretvorba privatnog duga u javni dug koja je bila predstavljena kao spas, nije samo demokraciju dovela do apsurda. Te politike koje se prakticiraju diljem Europske unije, i to ne samo u Grčkoj, dokazno su potpora neoliberalnog društva gdje su bogati još bogatiji, a siromašni još siromašniji. Leslie Franke rođena je u Berlinu. Studirala je ruski jezik i povijest u Hamburgu /87. bila je stipendistica na moskovskoj Filmskoj akademiji. Herdolor Lorenz rođen je u njemačkoj Fuldi. Studirao je politiku, povijest, njemačku književnost i filozofiju. Od godine radi kao filmaš i producent u Hamburgu. Who is saving whom? is not just another bank rescue and Euro rescue film. It reveals much more what it is that all the rescues hide, right up to the present day tragedy of Greece - the radical alteration ofsocieties. The transformation of private debt into public debt which has been papered over and presented as a rescue has not only driven democracy to absurdity. The rescue policies practiced throughout the EU, not just in Greece, are proven in the film to be a milestone in neo-liberal development which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Leslie Franke was born in Berlin/Germany. She studied Russian language and history in Hamburg/Germany. 1986/87 was a stipendist at Moscow university for films. Herdolor Lorenz was born in Fulda/Germany. He studied politics, history, German literature and philosophy. Since 1985 he lives as filmmaker and producer in Hamburg/Germany. Hrvatska, BIH / Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Mirjana Hrga 51 min PETAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / FRIDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Dokumentarni film donosi pozadinu povijesnog uspjeha hrvatskog sporta, osvajanje prve zlatne olimpijske medalje. Izborili su je na OI u Atlanti, SAD, rukometaši. Riječ je o posve netipičnoj ekipi, koja je uoči turnira bila osuđena na propast i ni jedan trener nije ju želio preuzeti. Ekipu su činila ponajbolja svjetska rukometna imena koja do dolaska legendarnog izbornika Velimira Kljajića Kljuna nitko nije uspio dovesti u red, a on će s njima osvojiti svjetski vrh. Dopustio im je da budu posljednji sportski boemi, zločesti momci naglašene individualnosti koji su na terenu ostavljali srce. Mirjana Hrga rođena je godine u Bjelovaru, gdje je odrasla i otkrila svoju strast prema rukometu. Studirala je na fakultetu Političkih znanosti u Zagrebu, smjer novinarstvo gdje je i diplomirala. Kao vanjskopolitički novinar izvještavala je iz svjetskih kriznih žarišta, od Ukrajine, Sirije, Gaze, Zapadne obale i mnogih drugih mjesta. Film Prvi put njen je prvi dokumentarni film. This documentary brings the background story of the historic success of Croatian sport, one of winning the first Olympic gold medal. It was won by handball team at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, USA. It was an entirely non-typical team, which in the eve of the tournament was doomed and no coach did not want to take. The team was made of some of the best world handball names and until the arrival of the legendary coach Velimir Kljajić Kljun nobody could put them into order, and Kljun did impossible- with them he won the world s top. He allowed them to be the last sports bohemians, the bad guys with high individuality who left heart on the ground. Mirjana Hrga was born in 1971 in Bjelovar, Croatia, where she grew up and discovered his passion for handball. She studied at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb, Department of Journalism, where she graduated. As a foreign journalist she was reporting from the world s hot spots, from Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, the West Bank and many other places. First time is her first documentary. GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries 30 31

17 GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries ZABRANA S NEBA HIMMELVERBOT OUTSIDE Njemačka, Rumunjska / Germany, Romania Andrei Schwartz 86 min Kada Gavriel izađe iz zatvora, sve što ima je deset eura i isteklu osobnu kartu, bez ideje kako država koju zna samo s televizije, izgleda u stvarnosti. Oslobođen je uvjetno bez socijalnog radnika koji se brine o njemu. No, umjesto njega, čekaju ga stroga majka i stari konflikti. Andrei Schwartz autor je i redatelj rođen u Bukureštu godine. Živi u Njemačkoj posljednjih 38 godina, iako je još usko povezan i s domovinom. Studirao je na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Hamburgu. Jedan je od najpoznatijih njemačko-rumunjskih filmaša, koji dobro razumije svoju zemlju i njezine ljude. When Gavriel walks out through the prison gate he only has got about 10 Euros, an expired ID card and no idea how the country he just knew from television up to this point would look like. The parolee is left alone without any social institutions or parole officers to assist him. Instead his overstrained mother and conflicts that have been repressing him for a long time are waiting at the Gate. Andrei Schwartzis an author and director. He was born in Bukarest, Romania in He still has a close connection to his homecountry, but has been living in Germany for 38 years. He studied at the School of Arts in Hamburg. He is one of the best known German-Romanian filmmakers - being able to understand the country and its people. U RAVNOTEŽI GLEICHGEWICHT KEEPING BALANCE SRIJEDA, 18.30h, CINESTAR / WEDNESDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR Austrija / Austria Bernhard Wenger 6 min SHORTS FILMFESTIVAL OFFENBURG Najbolji međunarodni film / Best international film WĘGIEL FILM FESTIVAL Posebno priznanje / Special mention Denise, dvadesetogodišnja djevojka, svakog dana posjećuje bečki zabavni park Prater. Tamo se vozi na elektronskoj Tagadi, ringišpilu koji joj pomaže da zaboravi bolnu prošlost. Bernhard Wenger rođen je u Salzburgu. Od studira na bečkoj Filmskoj akademiji. Kao producent, scenarist i redatelj, radi kratke filmove, glazbene spotove i reklame. Njegova posljednja dva kratkiša prikazana su na više od stotinu festivala, a njegovi se glazbeni spotovi vrte na TV-kanalima poput MTV-ja i Vive. Denise, a 20-year-old girl, visits nearly every day the Viennese Prater amusement park to take some rides with the electronic Tagada carousel because it helps her to get over her difficult past. Bernhard Wenger was born in 1992, in Salzburg. Since 2014 he has been studying at the Vienna Filmacademy. As a freelancer director, writer and producer, Bernhard Wenger makes short films, music videos and commercials. His last two short films were screened at over 100 filmfestivals all over the world, his music videos were played on the TV-channels MTV and ViVa ČETVRTAK, 18.30h, CINESTAR / THURSDAY, 18.30h, CINESTAR GLAVNI PROGRAM / MAIN PROGRAM / Dokumentarni filmovi / Documentaries 32 33

18 CAFE SOCIETY POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Svijet The World CAFE SOCIETY, SAD / USA GIMME DANGER, SAD / USA JA, DANIEL BLAKE / I, DANIEL BLAKE, VB / UK JULIETA, Španjolska, Spain KAPETAN FANTASTIČNI / CAPTAIN FANTASTIC, SAD / USA PATERSON, SAD / USA RASPJEVANA ULICA / SING STREET, Irska / Ireland SAD / USA Woody Allen Steve Carell, Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively 96 min UTORAK, 21h, PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / TUESDAY, 21h, CASTLE ELTZ PARK New York tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Budući da mu je dosta roditeljskih svađa i brata gangstera, Bobby Dorfman osjeća da mu je potrebna životna promjena. Odlučuje okušati sreću u Hollywoodu gdje ga ujak Phil, iznimno utjecajan agent, zapošljava u svojoj kompaniji. Bobby se u Hollywoodu ubrzo zaljubljuje, ali u djevojku koja ima dečka. Spreman je na prijateljstvo sve dok jednog dana ona ne pokuca na njegova vrata i kaže mu kako ju je dečko upravo ostavio. Sve se u Bobbyjevom životu mijenja, i to na romantičan način. Rođen u New Yorku 1. prosinca 1935., Woody Allen je američki redatelj, scenarist, glumac i autor koji je najpoznatiji po svojim romantičnim komedijama s elementima parodije i slapsticka. Allenov ključni film bio je Anne Hall s Diane Keaton. Za romantičnu komediju Ponoć u Parizu (2011.) je dobio Oscara za najbolji scenarij. New York in the 1930 s. As he has more and more trouble putting up with his bickering parents, his gangster brother and the family jewelry store, Bobby Dorfman feels like he needs a change of scenery! So he decides to go and try his luck in Hollywood where his highpowered agent uncle Phil hires him as an errand boy. In Hollywood he soon falls in love but unfortunately the girl has a boyfriend. Bobby settles for friendship - up until the day the girl knocks at his door, telling him her boyfriend just broke up with her. All of a sudden Bobby s life takes a new turn, and a very romantic one at that. Born in New York, on December 1, 1935, Woody Allen is an American film director, screenwriter, actor and author who is best known for his romantic comedy films containing elements of parody and slapstick. Allen s career breakthrough came in 1977 with Annie Hall, starring Diane Keaton. For the romantic comedy Midnight in Paris in 2011 he won the 2012 Oscar for best original screenplay. FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World 34 35

19 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World JA, DANIEL BLAKE I, DANIEL BLAKE GIMME DANGER VB / UK Ken Loach Dave Johns, Hayley Squires 100 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL Zlatna palma za najbolji film / Golden palm for best film ČETVRTAK, 21h, PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / THURSDAY, 21h, CASTLE ELTZ PARK Daniel Blake, 59, većinu svog života proveo je u Newcastleu radeći kao stolar. Nakon što je doživio srčani udar i gotovo pao sa skele, prvi put u životu treba pomoć države. Put mu se križa s onim samohrane majke Katie i njezine dvoje djece, Daisy i Dylan. Za Katie, jedina šansa da izbjegne jednosobni smještaj u londonskom hostelu za beskućnike bila je prihvaćanje stana u Newcastleu, gradu udaljenom 450 kilometara o kojem ne zna ništa. Daniel i Katie naći će se na ničijoj zemlji uhvaćeni u bodljikavoj žici birokracije koja odobrava socijalnu pomoć u današnjoj Velikoj Britaniji. Ken Loach (rođen 17. lipnja 1936.) britanski je redatelj čiji se radovi smatraju osnovom socijalnog realizma. Svojim prvim filmom Poor Cow (1967.) fokusirao se na život žene, pripadnice radničke klase, čiji je suprug u zatvoru. Uslijedio je dirljiv Kes (1970.). Daljnju pažnju privukao je filmom Tajni plan (1990.), političkim trilerom smještenim u sjevernoj Irskoj, koji je osvojio nagradu žirija na filmskom festivalu u Cannesu. Vjetar koji povija ječam (2006.) je prikaz irskih republikanaca koji su se dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća borili protiv britanske vladavine. Taj je film osvojio Zlatnu palmu u Cannesu. Daniel Blake, 59, has worked as a joiner most of his life in Newcastle. Now, after a heart attack and nearly falling from a scaffold, he needs help from the State for the first time in his life. He crosses paths with a single mother Katie and her two young children, Daisy and Dylan. Katie s only chance to escape a one-roomed homeless hostel in London has been to accept a flat in a city she doesn t know some 300 miles away. Daniel and Katie find themselves in no-man s land caught on the barbed wire of welfare bureaucracy in modern day Britain. Ken Loach, (born June 17, 1936) British film director whose works are considered landmarks of social realism. His first feature film, Poor Cow (1967), focuses on the life of a workingclass woman whose husband is in jail. It was followed by the poignant Kes (1970). He gained further attention with Hidden Agenda (1990), a political thriller set in Northern Ireland, which shared the jury prize at the Cannes film festival. The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006), is an affecting portrait of Irish Republicans in 1920 during their fight against British rule. The latter won the Cannes film festival s top prize, the Palme d Or. SAD / USA Jim Jarmusch 108 min SUBOTA, 23.00h, TERASA AGENCIJE ZA VODNE PUTOVE SATURDAY, 23.00h, TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS Nastavši u Ann Harbouru u Michiganu usred kontrakulturne revolucije, moćni i agresivni rock n roll zvuk benda The Stooges probio je krater u glazbenom pejzažu kasnih šezdesetih. Napadajući publiku mješavinom rocka, bluesa, R&B-a i free jazza, ovaj bend posijao je sjeme onoga što će u nadolazećim desetljećima biti nazvano punkom i alternativnim rockom. Gimme Danger priča je o The Stooges, jednom od najvećih rock n roll bendova svih vremena, smještena u glazbeni, kulturni, politički i povijesni kontekst, i prenosi njihove zgode i nezgode, istovremeno objašnjavajući razloge njihova početnog komercijalnog neuspjeha. Jim Jarmusch rođen je 22. siječnja godine u Ohiju. Njegov prvi igrani film Čudnije od raja (1984.) postavio je mladog filmaša na mapu i etablirao ga kao novi glas na filmu. Uskoro su uslijedili filmovi Pod udarom zakona (1986.) i Tajanstveni vlak (1989.) koji će očvrsnuti Jarmuschov stil i mjesto u svijetu nezavisnog filma. Kasniji filmovi kao što su Godina konja (1997.), Put samuraja (1999.), Slomljeno cvijeće (2005.) i Samo ljubavnici preživljavaju (2013.) pokazat će novu raznolikost u Jarmuschevom radu, ali njegov je stil uvijek samo njemu svojstven. Emerging from Ann Arbor Michigan amidst a countercultural revolution, The Stooges powerful and aggressive style of rock-n-roll blew a crater in the musical landscape of the late 1960s. Assaulting audiences with a blend of rock, blues, R&B, and free jazz, the band planted the seeds for what would be called punk and alternative rock in the decades that followed. Gimme Danger chronicles the story of The Stooges, one of the greatest rock-n-roll bands of all time, presenting the context of the Stooges emergence musically, culturally, politically, historically, and relates their adventures and misadventures while charting their inspirations and the reasons behind their initial commercial challenges. Jim Jarmusch was born in Ohio on January 22, His first feature film, Stranger Than Paradise (1984), put the young filmmaker on the map and established Jarmusch as new voice in cinema. He soon followed with Down by Law (1986) and Mystery Train (1989), films that would solidify both Jarmusch s style and place in the independent film world. Later films such as Year of the Horse (1997), Ghost Dog (1999), Broken Flowers (2005) and Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) would show a new diversity in Jarmusch s work, but his style has always very much been his own. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World 36 37

20 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World KAPETAN FANTASTIČNI CAPTAIN FANTASTIC JULIETA SAD / USA Matt Ross Viggo Mortensen, Frank Langella, Kathryn Hahn 118 min NAGRADE: UN CERTAIN REGARD nagrada za najboljeg redatelja na filmskom festivalu u Cannesu PETAK, 21h, PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / FRIDAY, 21h, CASTLE ELTZ PARK Duboko u šumama pacifičkog sjeverozapada, izoliran od društva, odani otac posvetio je svoj život transformaciji svoje šestero djece u posebne osobe. Međutim, kada tragedija pogodi obitelj, prisiljeni su napustiti raj koji su sami stvorili i započeti put kroz vanjski svijet, sasvim suprotan njegovoj ideji roditeljstva. Sve što je učio svoju djecu, doći će u pitanje. Matthew Brandon Matt Ross (rođen 3. siječnja godine) američki je glumac, redatelj i scenarist. Najpoznatiji je po ulogama Albyja Granta u HBO-seriji Big Love, Gavina Belsona u HBO-seriji Silicijska dolina, Glenna Odekirka u filmu Avijatičar, redatelja Martina Scorsesea i Eddieja Scotta u filmu Laku noć, i sretno iz godine. Prvi redateljski uradak bio je film 28 hotelskih soba koji je imao premijeru na filmskom festivalu u Sundanceu godine. Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, isolated from society, a devoted father dedicates his life to transforming his six young children into extraordinary adults. But when a tragedy strikes the family, they are forced to leave this self-created paradise and begin a journey into the outside world that challenges his idea of what it means to be a parent and brings into question everything he s taught them. Matthew Brandon Matt Ross (born January 3, 1970) is an American actor, director and screenwriter. He is best known for his role as Alby Grant in the HBO series, Big Love, Gavin Belson in HBO series Silicon Valley, Glenn Odekirk in The Aviator, directed by Martin Scorsese and as Eddie Scott in the 2005 film Good Night, and Good Luck. He also directed the feature film 28 Hotel Rooms which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in Španjolska / Spain Pedro Almodóvar Emma Suárez, Adriana Ugarte, Daniel Grao 98 min Julieta živi u Madridu sa svojom kćerkom Antiom. Obje tiho pate zbog gubitka Xoana, Antijinog oca i Julietinog supruga. Međutim, tuga ne zbližava ljude, već ih razdvaja. S napunjenih 18 godina, Antia napušta majku, bez riječi objašnjenja. Julieta je pokušava pronaći na sve načine, ali sve što otkriva jest da svoju kćerku vrlo slabo poznaje. Rođen 25. rujna godine u Calzada de Calatrava, španjolski redatelj Pedro Almodóvar postao je međunarodno priznati autor koji je režirao brojne filmove, a neki od njih bili su kontroverzni. Nakon hita Žene na rubu živčanog sloma, Almodóvar je osvojio Oscara za filmove Sve o mojoj majci i Pričaj s njom. Njegovi noviji filmovi uključuju naslove kao što su Volver, Slomljeni zagrljaji i Putnici ljubavnici. Julieta lives in Madrid with her daughter Antía. They both suffer in silence over the loss of Xoan, Antía s father and Julieta s husband. But at times grief doesn t bring people closer, it drives them apart. When Antía turns eighteen she abandons her mother, without a word of explanation. Julieta looks for her in every possible way, but all she discovers is how little she knows of her daughter. Born on September 25, 1949, in Calzada de Calatrava, Spain, Pedro Almodóvar went on to become an internationally recognized filmmaker who s directed more than a dozen movies, some of which have been controversial. After the hit Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Almodóvar won Academy Awards for All About My Mother and Talk to Her. His more recent films include Volver, Broken Embraces and I m So Excited SRIJEDA, 21h, PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / WEDNESDAY, 21h, CASTLE ELTZ PARK POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World 38 39

21 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World RASPJEVANA ULICA SING STREET PATERSON Irska /Ireland John Carney Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Aidan Gillen, Maria Doyle Kennedy 105 min PONEDJELJAK, 21h, PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / MONDAY, 21h, CASTLE ELTZ PARK Kada obitelj iz srednje klase postane prisiljena na skromniji život uslijed recesije u 80-im godinama prošlog stoljeća, njihov sin Connor morat će napustiti privatnu školu i preseliti se u javnu školu u centru Dublina. Usamljen je u školi - njegovi roditelji blizu su prekida - a jedini mu je prijatelj stariji brat koji je opsjednut glazbom. Kada ugleda misterioznu djevojku na igralištu, poput mnogih prije njega koji su je željeli zavesti, zamoli je da glumi u videospotu njegova benda. Jedini je problem što tek mora naći članove benda i vlastiti glazbeni stil. John Carney rođen je i odrastao u Dublinu, gdje je započeo karijeru svirajući bas u grupi The Frame i režirajući glazbene videospotove. Redateljski debi zbio se s filmom November Afternoon, nakon čega je režirao film On the Edge a Cillianom Murphyjem i Stephenom Reom u glavnoj ulozi. Uslijedio je hit-film Jednom (2006.) s Glenom Hansardom iz grupe The Frames, a zatim Zonad (2009.) koji je režirao s bratom Kieranom Carneyem i Pjesma koja ljubav znači (2013.) s Markom Ruffalom i Keirom Knightley. When a middle class family are forced to downsize as part of the 1980 s recession, middle child Conor has to leave his comfortable middleclass private school and move into a tough inner city public school. A loner at school - his parents are close to breaking up - his only friend is his music obsessed elder brother. However, when he spots a mysterious girl across the playground and, like many a smitten suitor before him, asks her to star in a music video for his band. The only problem is, he has yet to find his bandmates or his own musical style. John Carney was born and raised in Dublin, and got his start playing bass in the early lineup of The Frames and directing music videos. He made his feature directorial debut with November Afternoon (1996) before going on to direct Cillian Murphy and Stephen Rea in On the Edge (2001), and his former Frames bandmate Glen Hansard in the international hit Once (2006). His other films include Zonad (2009), co-directed with his brother Kieran Carney, and Begin Again (2013), which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and starred Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knightley. SAD / USA Jim Jarmusch Adam Driver, Golshifteh Farahani, Helen-Jean Arthur 113 min Paterson je vozač autobusa u gradu Patersonu, New Jersey. Drži se jednostavne rutine - vozi dnevnu rutu, promatra grad koji promiče ispred vjetrobranskog stakla i osluškuje dijelove razgovora koji se kovitlaju oko njega, zapisuje poeziju u bilježnicu, šeta svog psa, zaustavlja se u baru i ispije jednu pivu, a zatim dolazi kući svojoj supruzi Lauri. Za razliku od njegovog, Laurin se život neprestano mijenja. Novi snovi pojavljuju joj se gotovo svakodnevno. Paterson voli Lauru i ona voli njega. On podržava njene novootkrivene ambicije, ona slavi njegovu nadarenost za poeziju. Jim Jarmusch rođen je 22. siječnja godine u Ohiju. Njegov prvi igrani film Čudnije od raja (1984.) postavio je mladog filmaša na mapu i etablirao ga kao novi glas na filmu. Uskoro su uslijedili filmovi Pod udarom zakona (1986.) i Tajanstveni vlak (1989.) koji će očvrsnuti Jarmuschov stil i mjesto u svijetu nezavisnog filma. Kasniji filmovi kao što su Godina konja (1997.), Put samuraja (1999.), Slomljeno cvijeće (2005.) i Samo ljubavnici preživljavaju (2013.) pokazat će novu raznolikost u Jarmuschevom radu, ali njegov je stil uvijek samo njemu svojstven. Paterson is a bus driver in the city of Paterson, New Jersey. Every day, Paterson adheres to a simple routine: he drives his daily route, observing the city as it drifts across his windshield and overhearing fragments of conversation swirling around him; he writes poetry into a notebook; he walks his dog; he stops in a bar and drinks exactly one beer; he goes home to his wife, Laura. By contrast, Laura s world is ever changing. New dreams come to her almost daily. Paterson loves Laura and she loves him. He supports her newfound ambitions; she champions his gift for poetry. Jim Jarmusch was born in Ohio on January 22, His first feature film, Stranger Than Paradise (1984), put the young filmmaker on the map and established Jarmusch as new voice in cinema. He soon followed with Down by Law (1986) and Mystery Train (1989), films that would solidify both Jarmusch s style and place in the independent film world. Later films such as Year of the Horse (1997), Ghost Dog (1999), Broken Flowers (2005) and Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) would show a new diversity in Jarmusch s work, but his style has always very much been his own SUBOTA, 21h, PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / SATURDAY, 21h, CASTLE ELTZ PARK POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Svijet / The World 40 41

22 BELGICA POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Europo, otvori se Europe, open up BELGICA, Belgija / Belgium DIVOVSKI VAL / BØLGEN / THE WAVE, Norveška / Norway GLASNIJE OD BOMBI / LOUDER THAN BOMBS, NORVEŠKA, SAD / Norway, USA PISMA IZ RATA / CARTAS DE GUERRA/ LETTERS FROM WAR, Portugal SJEDINJENE DRŽAVE LJUBAVI / ZJEDNOCZONE STANY MIŁOŚCI / UNITED STATES OF LOVE, Poljska / Poland Belgija, Francuska / Belgium, France Felix van Groeningen Sam Louwyck, Stef Aerts, Tom Vermeir 127 min SUBOTA, 17h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / SATURDAY, 17h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND SUBOTA, 20.30h, ETNOLOŠKI CENTAR BELI MANASTIR / SATURDAY, 20.30h, ETHNOLOGIC CENTAR BELI MANASTIR Belgica je priča o dva brata: karizmatični i temperamentni Frank - suprug, otac i neizlječivi ženskaroš - i njegov ambiciozni ali nezreli, jednooki mlađi brat Jo, koji je vlasnik bara po imenu Belgica. Nakon što Frank pomogne da Belgica postane posjećeno mjesto s dobrom glazbom, lijepim ljudima i razvratnom zabavom, braća postaju poslovni partneri. Belgica ubrzo postaje veći i bolji bar, te se čini da su braća otkrili formulu za uspjeh, sve dok ne shvate da je vođenje posla na ovoj razini kompliciranije no što su mislili, zbog čega pati i njihov odnos i osobni životi. Filmove Felixa van Groeningena karakterizira fascinantan pogled na ljude u različitim situacijama. On se smatra jednim od pionira belgijskog novog vala, a njegovi radovi više su puta nagrađivani. The Misfortunates je prikazan u Cannesu godine u sekciji Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, dok je njegov sljedeći film The Broken Circle Breakdown bio nominiran za Oscara u kategoriji najboljeg stranog filma. Belgica je njegov peti film. Belgica is the story of two brothers: charismatic and temperamental Frank - a husband, father, and an incurable womanizer - and his ambitious-but-green, one-eyed younger brother Jo, who owns a dive bar called Belgica. When Frank helps Belgica become the place to be for great music, beautiful people, and debauched fun, the brothers become business partners to expand the bar. Belgica quickly becomes bigger and better, and the brothers seem to have discovered the formula for success - until they learn that running a business on this scale is more complicated than they realized, and their relationship and personal lives suffer. The films of Felix van Groeningen are characterized by a fascinating look at people in various settlements. He is considered one of the pioneers of the Belgian Nouvelle Vague, and his work has been awarded many times. The Misfortunates was selected in 2009 for the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs at Cannes, and his next film, The Broken Circle Breakdown, was an Academy Award nominee for Best Foreign Language Film. Belgica is his fifth feature film. FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europo, otvori se / Europe, open up 42 43

23 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europo, otvori se / Europe, open up GLASNIJE OD BOMBI LOUDER THAN BOMBS Norveška / Norway Roar Uthaug Kristoffer Joner, Ane Dahl Torp, Jonas Oftebro 105 min PETAK, 17h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / FRIDAY, 17h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND ČEVRTAK, 20.30h, ETNOLOŠKI CENTAR BELI MANASTIR / THURSDAY, 20.30h, ETHNOLOGIC CENTAR BELI MANASTIR DIVOVSKI VAL BØLGEN THE WAVE Iskusni geolog Kristian Eikfjord prihvatio je posao izvan grada. Kada zajedno s kolegama izmjeri manje podzemne geološke promjene, spreman je iseliti se s obitelji iz grada Geiranger. Kristian postaje zabrinut, njegove najgore noćne more počinju se ostvarivati, a katastrofa je neizbježna. Ima manje od deset minuta da reagira te u utrci s vremenom nastoji spasiti što više ljudi, uključujući i vlastitu obitelj. Roar Uthaug rođen je u norveškom gradu Lørenskog. Diplomirao je na Norveškoj filmskoj školi. Listu filmova koje je režirao čine naslovi Cold Prey (2006.), Magic Silver (2009.) i Bijeg (2012.) te televizijska serija Hellfjord (2012.). Divovski val je njegov posljednji film. The experienced geologist Kristian Eikfjord has accepted a job offer out of town. He is getting ready to move from the city of Geiranger with his family, when he and his colleagues measure small geological changes in the underground. Kristian gets worried and his worst nightmare is about to come true, when the alarm goes off and the disaster is inevitable. With less than 10 minutes to react, it becomes a race against time in order to save as many as possible including his own family. Roar Uthaug was born in Lørenskog, Norway. He is a graduate of the Norwegian Film School. His directing credits include the features Cold Prey (2006), Magic Silver (2009), and Escape (2012), and the series Hellfjord (2012). The Wave (2015) is his latest film. Norveška, SAD, Francuska, Danska / Norway, USA, France, Denmark Joachim Trier Gabriel Byrne, Isabelle Huppert, Jesse Eisenberg 109 min UTORAK, 17h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / TUESDAY, 17h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND SRIJEDA, 20.30h, ETNOLOŠKI CENTAR BELI MANASTIR / WEDNESDAY, 20.30h, ETHNOLOGIC CENTAR BELI MANASTIR Skorašnja izložba proslavljene fotografkinje Isabelle Reed, tri godine nakon njene prerane smrti, razlog je povratka njenog starijeg sina Jonaha u obiteljsku kuću gdje će provesti više vremena s ocem Geneom i povučenim mlađim bratom Conradom, no što je to činio posljednjih godina. Dok su sva trojica zajedno pod istim krovom, Gene se očajnički pokušava povezati sa svojim sinovima, ali se muči da pomiri njihove osjećaje spram žene koje se svatko prisjeća na drukčiji način. Rođen u Kopenhagenu godine, Joachim Trier odrastao je u filmaškoj obitelji u Norveškoj. Nakon što je pohađao Europski filmski koledž u Danskoj, školovao se u British National Film and Television School gdje je snimio nekoliko nagrađivanih kratkih filmova. Njegov debitantski film Reprise (2006.) osvojio je nekoliko međunarodnih nagrada, uključujući onu za najboljeg redatelja u Karlovym Varyma i Discovery Award u Torontu. Njegov drugi film Oslo, 31. kolovoza premijerno je prikazan u Cannesu u sekciji Izvjestan pogled, nakon čega je prikazan na festivalima u Torontu i Sundanceu. Osvojio je nekoliko nagrada i bio je nominiran za nagradu Cesar za najbolji strani film. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europo, otvori se / Europe, open up An upcoming exhibition celebrating photographer Isabelle Reed three years after her untimely death, brings her eldest son Jonah back to the family house - forcing him to spend more time with his father Gene and withdrawn younger brother Conrad than he has in years. With the three of them under the same roof, Gene tries desperately to connect with his two sons, but they struggle to reconcile their feelings about the woman they remember so differently. Born in Copenhagen, 1974, Joachim Trier grew up in Norway in a filmmaking family. After attending the European Film College in Denmark, he trained at the British National Film and Television School, where he made several award winning short films. His debut feature Reprise (2006) received numerous international awards, including Best Director at Karlovy Vary and the Discovery Award at Toronto. In 2011 his second feature film Oslo, August 31st premiered at Cannes in the Un Certain Regard program, and went on to play Toronto and Sundance. It won several international awards and was nominated for the César Award for Best Foreign Film

24 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europo, otvori se / Europe, open up SJEDINJENE DRŽAVE LJUBAVI ZJEDNOCZONE STANY MIŁOŚCI UNITED STATES OF LOVE Portugal Ivo Ferreira Miguel Nunes, Margarida Vila-Nova, Ricardo Pereira 105 min SRIJEDA, 17h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / WEDNESDAY, 17h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND UTORAK, 20.30h, ETNOLOŠKI CENTAR BELI MANASTIR / TUESDAY, 20.30h, ETHNOLOGIC CENTAR BELI MANASTIR PISMA IZ RATA CARTAS DE GUERRA LETTERS FROM WAR Pisma iz rata temelje se na knjizi slavnog portugalskog pisca Antonija Lobo Antunesa. Epistolarni roman objavljen donosi pisma mladog vojnika koja su upućena njegovoj ženi iz Angole u razdoblju od 1971./1973. tijekom Kolonijalnog rata. Baš kao Lobo Antunes, mladi je vojnik liječnik i želi uspjeti kao spisatelj. Ivo Ferreira rođen je u Lisabonu godine. Svoje prve dokumentarce snimio je na proputovanju Azijom. Snimio je brojne filmove, fokusirajući se pritom na antropološke dokumentarce u brojnim zemljama, uključujući i Angolu. Trenutno živi u Macau. Cartas da Guerra is based on a book by renowned Portuguese author António Lobo Antunes. The epistolary novel, published in 2005, brings together the letters of a young soldier that were sent to his wife from Angola between 1971 and 1973, during the Colonial War. Just like Lobo Antunes himself, the young soldier is a doctor and an aspiring writer. Ivo Ferreira was born in Lisbon, Portugal in He made his first documentary films whilst travelling in Asia. He has made a number of films focusing on anthropological documentary in various countries including Angola. He currently lives in Macau. Poljska, Švedska / Poland, Sweden Tomasz Wasilewski Julia Kijowska, Magdalena Cielecka, Dorota Kolak, Marta Nieradkiewicz 104 min ČETVRTAK, 17h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / THURSDAY, 17h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND PETAK, 20.30h, ETNOLOŠKI CENTAR BELI MANASTIR / FRIDAY, 20.30h, ETHNOLOGIC CENTAR BELI MANASTIR Početak je devedesetih godina i poljsko se društvo, nakon godina stagnacije, pokušava redefinirati. Tomasz Wasilewski prikazuje četiri žene u malom provincijskom gradu. Agati je privlačan svećenik te ga potajno promatra. Iza je učiteljica koja je u dugogodišnjoj vezi s oženjenim liječnikom. Profesorica ruskog jezika Renata želi blizak odnos s mladom susjedom Marzenom koja predaje sport i ples, dok Marzena sanja o svjetskoj manekenskoj karijeri. Rođen godine u Torunu, Poljska, Tomasz Wasilewski je redatelj i scenarist. Diplomac državne škole filma u Łódźu, bio je pomoćni redatelj Małgorzati Szumowskoj te u brojnim kazalištima, pisao je scenarije za poljsku televiziju te je režirao dva dugometražna filma. Njegov film Płynące Wieżowce (Floating Skyscrapers) osvojio je brojne nagrade, uključujući i onu za najbolji film u kategoriji East of the West u Karlovym Varyma. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europo, otvori se / Europe, open up It is the beginning of the 1990s and Polish society is trying to redefine itself after years of stagnation. Tomasz Wasilewski portrays four women in a small provincial town. Agata is attracted to a priest and secretly observes him. Iza is a head teacher who has been having a long-standing affair with a married doctor. Russian language teacher Renata seeks a closer relationship with her young neighbour Marzena who teaches sports and dance, while Marzena herself dreams of an international career as a model. Born in Torun, Poland in 1980, Tomasz Wasilewski is a director and screenwriter. A graduate of the National Film School in Łódź, he has been assistant director to Małgorzata Szumowska and at various renowned theatres, as well as writing screenplays for Polish television and directing two feature films. Płynące Wieżowce (Floating Skyscrapers) won a number of prizes including Best Film in the East of the West Competition at Karlovy Vary

25 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Europskih velikih pet European Big Five ALADINOVE NOVE AVANTURE / LES NOUVELLES AVANTURES D ALADIN / THE NEW ADVANTURES OF ALADDIN, Francuska, Belgija / France, Belgium KOLONIJA / COLONIA, Njemačka, Luksemburg, Francuska / Germany, Luxembourg, France NEBODER / HIGH-RISE, VB / UK SUBURRA, Italija, Francuska / Italy, France TRUMAN, Španjolska, Argentina / Spain, Argentina Francuska, Belgija / France, Belgium Arthur Benzaquen Kev Adams, Jean-Paul Rouve 107 min UTORAK, 14.30h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / TUESDAY, 14.30h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND SRIJEDA, 20h, KINO URANIA OSIJEK / WEDNESDAY, 20h, CINEMA URANIA OSIJEK ALADINOVE NOVE AVANTURE / LES NOUVELLES AVANTURES D ALADIN / THE NEW ADVANTURES OF ALADDIN Dvojica luzera Sam i Khalid rade kao Djedovi Božićnjaci u šoping centru, no njihov je plan zapravo opljačkati taj dućan. No, prije nego što krenu u svoj pothvat, naići će grupica djece koji će pošto-poto željeti čuti blagdansku priču. Sam tako počinje djeci pričati o Aladinu koji u dalekom Bagdadu susreće duha iz svjetiljke koji ispunjava želje. Klasična priča iz Tisuću i jedne noći ispričana na posve nov i originalan način. Arthur Benzaquen je francuski glumac i redatelj, a njegova dugometražna filmografija dosad bilježi naslove Quantum Love (2014.), Aladinove nove avanture () i Coco (2009.) A pair of losers working as department store Santas plan to rob the place after it closes. When a bunch of kids show up begging for a story, the men launch into an improvised version of the story of Aladdin. Arthur Benzaquen is an actor and director, known for Quantum Love (2014), The New Adventures of Aladdin (2015) and Coco (2009). FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europskih velikih pet / Europen Big Five 48 49

26 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europskih velikih pet / Europen Big Five NEBODER HIGH-RISE KOLONIJA COLONIA VB / UK Ben Wheatley Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller 119 min ČETVRTAK, 14.30h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / THURSDAY, 14.30h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND PETAK, 20h, KINO URANIA OSIJEK / FRIDAY, 20h, CINEMA URANIA OSIJEK Temeljen na knjizi J.G. Ballarda iz 1975., zapanjujuće maštovit film redatelja Bena Wheatleyja je retro-futuristička distopijska fantazmagorija koja je kroz neobičnu satiru svijeta 21. stoljeća ovog britanskog redatelja, prikazala milje koji je u knjizi smješten u vrijeme prije vladavine Margaret Thatcher. U središtu filma je mladi liječnik Robert Laing koji se seli u novu, luksuznu zgradu koju je dizajnirao ekscentrični arhitekt, gospodin Royal koji se smjestio u predivnom stanu na vrhu zgrade. Iako Royal tvrdi kako je izgradio ovaj neboder kako bi potaknuo promjene, taj brutalni betonski blok odiše atmosferom klasne svađe između stanara na višim i nižim katovima, čime započinju neobuzdani sukobi između odvojenih grupa ljudi koji završavaju u anarhiji, te se zgrada počinje urušavati iznutra. Ben Wheatley rođen je u Essexu u Engleskoj. Režirao je kratke i TV-filmove prije no što se preselio na film sa svojim debitantskim filmom Down Terrace (2009.). Njegovi sljedeći filmovi bili su Kill List (2011.), Sightseers (2012.) i A Field in England (2013.). Neboder je njegov posljednji film. Based on J.G. Ballard s 1975 novel, the startlingly imaginative new film from Ben Wheatley (Kill List, Sightseers) is a retro-futuristic, dystopian phantasmagoria that unleashes the British director s wicked satiric powers on our 21st-century world by revisiting the book s pre-thatcher-era milieu. The film centres on a young doctor, Robert Laing, who moves into a new luxury apartment building designed by the eccentric architect Mr. Royal, who occupies the paradisiacal penthouse suite. Though Royal says he built the high-rise as an agent for change, the Brutalist block of concrete has instead bred an atmosphere of incipient class strife between residents of the upper and lower floors - and what starts out as competitive hijinks between the segregated groups takes a turn toward tribalism and anarchy as the whole edifice begins to rot from within. Ben Wheatley was born in Essex, England. He directed web shorts and television before transitioning to cinema with his feature directorial debut, Down Terrace (2009). His features Kill List (2011), Sightseers (2012), and A Field in England (2013) all played the Festival. High-Rise (15) is his latest film. Njemačka, Luksemburg, Francuska / Germany, Luxembourg, France Florian Gallenberger Emma Watson, Daniel Brühl, Michael Nyqvist 110 min SRIJEDA, 14.30h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / WEDNESDAY, 14.30h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND UTORAK, 20h, KINO URANIA OSIJEK / TUESDAY, 20h, CINEMA URANIA OSIJEK Čile godine. Traje očajnička potraga mlade žene za dečkom kojeg su oteli i nasilno odveli, u ozloglašenu Koloniju Dignidad, sektu iz koje nitko nikad nije pobjegao. Florian Gallenberger rođen je u Münchenu u Njemačkoj. Njegovo prvo filmsko iskustvo bila je dječja glumačka uloga. Prije nego što se upisao na minhensku filmsku školu HFF, studirao je filozofiju. Na Munich Film School snimio je nekoliko kratkih filmova koji su bili nagrađivani, a njegov diplomski film Quiero Ser osvojio je Studentskog Oskara i Oskara za najbolji film. Često snima na lokacijama diljem svijeta pa je tako Quiero Ser sniman u Meksiku, njegov debitantski dugometražni film, također nagrađivani Shadows of Time u Indiji, a John Rabe u Kini, a koji je osvojio četiri njemačke filmske nagrade, uključujući i onu za najbolji film. Florian živi na relaciji Berlin-München. Chile A young woman s desperate search for her abducted boyfriend that draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody has ever escaped from. Florian Gallenberger was born in 1972 in Munich, Germany. His first film experience was a child actor. He studied philosophy before he went to Munich Film School HFF where he made several award winning live action short films. He won a Student Academy Award and Academy Award for his graduation film Quiero Ser. He often works abroad. Quiero Ser was shot in Mexico, Shadows of Time his award first feature film in India, and John Rabe in China. In 2009 John Rabe won 4 German Academy Awards including best film. Florian lives in Münich and Berlin. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europskih velikih pet / Europen Big Five 50 51

27 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europskih velikih pet / Europen Big Five TRUMAN Španjolska, Argentina / Spain, Argentina Cesc Gay Ricardo Darin, Javier Cámara, Dolores Fonzi 108 min Julianu neočekivano stiže u posjet prijatelj Tomas koji živi u dalekoj Kanadi. Dva prijatelja, u društvu Julianovog vjernog psa Trumana, proživjet će brojna iznenađenja i podijeliti emocije, potaknute ne baš jednostavnom životnom situacijom u kojoj se Julian odjednom našao. Cesc Gay rođen je godine u Barceloni, kao Francesc Gay i Puig. Djeluje godinama kao scenarist i redatelj, a njegova filmografija uključuje dugometražne filmove Jet Lag (2001.), Nico i Dani (2000.) i Truman () Julian receives an unexpected visit from his friend Tomas who lives in Canada. The two men, accompanied by Julian s faithful dog, Truman, will share emotional and surprising moments prompted by Julian s complicated situation. Cesc Gay was born in 1967 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain as Francesc Gay i Puig. He is a writer and director, known for Jet Lag (2001), Truman (2015) and Nico and Dani (2000). SUBURRA SAN SEBASTIAN FILM FESTIVAL Srebrna školjka za najboljeg glumca / Silver Shell for Best Actor SUBOTA, 14.30h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / SATURDAY, 14.30h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND SUBOTA, 20h, KINO URANIA OSIJEK / SATURDAY, 20h, CINEMA URANIA OSIJEK Italija, Francuska / Italy, France Stefano Sollima Pierfrancesco Favino, Greta Scarano, Jean-Hugues Anglade 130 min PETAK, 14.30h, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / FRIDAY, 14.30h, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND ČETVRTAK, 20h, KINO URANIA OSIJEK / THURSDAY, 20h, CINEMA URANIA OSIJEK Suburra, zloglasno susjedstvo u Rimu, pozornica je za ambicioznog trgovca nekretnina. Gangster poznat kao Samurai dokove Rima želi pretvoriti u novi Las Vegas. Država Italija, Vatikan i mafija - svi su uključeni. Svi lokalni mafijaški šefovi su se dogovorili da rade za taj zajednički cilj. Međutim, mir nije dugo trajao... Stefano Sollima rođen je u Rimu 4. svibnja Kao redatelj debitirao je kratkim igranim filmom Grazie nagrađenim na Torino film festivalu. Njegovi sljedeći kratkometražni igrani filmovi bili su u službenoj konkurenciji važnih festivala poput Cannesa i Venecije. Od aktivan je kao televizijski redatelj, a ga je, zbog uspjeha kod kritike, proslavila serija Romanzo criminale - La Serie. Potpisuje i scenarij za popularnu seriju Gomorrah koju je i režirao. Godine svjetlo dana ugledao je i njegov dugometražni prvijenac, kriminalistička drama ACAB (Svi su policajci gadovi). Suburra, an infamous neighborhood in Rome, is the stage for an ambitious real estate project. The Italian state, Vatican and the Mafia are all involved. In seven days, the mechanism will stall: Suburra will founder and be reborn. A gangster known as Samurai wants to turn the waterfront of Rome into a new Las Vegas. All the local mob bosses have agreed to work for this common goal. But peace is not to last long. Stefano Sollima (born 4 May 1966.) is an italian director and screenwriter born in Rome, Sollima. In Sollima debuted as a director with the short film Grazie, which was awarded at the Turin Film Festival. His following short films were selected in important festivals, including Cannes Film Festival, Venice Film Festival... Active as a television director since 1998., he had his breakout in 2008., thanks to the critical success of the Sky Cinema series Romanzo criminale La serie. In Sollima made his feature film debut with the crime-drama ACAB All Cops Are Bastards. Sollima is the creator and main director of the TV-series Gomorrah. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Europskih velikih pet / Europen Big Five 52 53

28 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Viking invazija Viking invasion KOMUNA / KOLLEKTIVET / THE COMMUNE, Danska, Švedska, Nizozemska / Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands OPASNA IGRA / DEN ALLVARSAMMA LEKEN / A SERIOUS GAME, Švedska / Sweden PORUKA U BOCI / FLASKEPOST FRA P/ A CONSPIRACY OF FAITH, Danska, Njemačka, Švedska, Norveška / Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway POSLJEDNJI KRALJ / BIRKEBEINERNE / THE LAST KING, Norveška / Norway RAT / KRIGEN / A WAR, Danska / Denmark Danska, Švedska, Nizozemska / Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands Thomas Vinterberg Trine Dyrholm, Ulrich Thomsen, Helene Reingaard Neumann 111 min SRIJEDA, 16h, KINO BOROVO / WEDNESDAY, 16h, CINEMA BOROVO PONEDJELJAK, 20.30h, CENTAR KULTURE VALPOVO / 2.8. MONDAY, 20.30h, VALPOVO CULTURE CENTER KOMUNA KOLLEKTIVET THE COMMUNE Erik, predavač na arhitekturi, nasljeđuje očevu veliku kuću u Hellerupu, sjeverno od Kopenhagena. Njegova supruga Anna, poznata TV-voditeljica, predlaže da pozovu prijatelje i ponude im da žive s njima, kako bi doskočila dosadi koja se počela pojavljivati u njihovu braku. Vrlo brzo, dvanaest muškaraca, žene i djece useljava se u njihovu kuću na selu, donosi zajedničke odluke, sudjeluje u razgovorima i pliva u obližnjem tjesnacu. No, ravnoteža među njima će se narušiti kada se Erik zaljubi u svoju studenticu Emmu koja se useljava u kuću. Četrnaestogodišnja Freja, kćerka Erika i Anne, s distance gleda razvoj događanja na svoj način. Rođen u Frederiksbergu, Danska, godine, Thomas Vinterberg diplomirao je na Danskoj filmskoj školi godine. Suosnivač je pokreta Dogma 95, te je režirao film Proslava, prvi film koji je poštivao pravila Dogme. Film je osvojio nekoliko međunarodnih nagrada, uključujući nagradu žirija u Cannesu. Nakon nekoliko filmova na engleskom, uključujući Dear Wendy 2005., vratio se danskoj kinematografiji. Godine režirao je film Lov koji je bio nominiran za Oscara i Zlatni globus. Erik, a lecturer in architecture, inherits his father s large old house in Hellerup, north of Copenhagen. His wife Anna, a well-known television newscaster, suggests that they invite their friends to come and live with them. In this way she hopes to evade the boredom that has begun to seep into their marriage. Before long, a dozen women, men and children move into the country house, make collective decisions, engage in discussions and go swimming together in the nearby Øresund strait. Their fragile equilibrium threatens to come undone when Erik falls in love with his student Emma and the young woman moves into the house. Fourteen-year-old Freja, daughter of Erik and Anna, aloofly observes these goings-on and seeks her own way. Born in Frederiksberg, Denmark in 1969, Thomas Vinterberg graduated from the National Film School of Denmark in A co-founder of the Dogma 95 movement, he directed Festen (The Celebration), the first film conforming to Dogma rules, in The film won international awards including the Jury Prize at Cannes. After several English-language productions, including Dear Wendy in 2005, he returned to Danish cinema. In 2012 Jagten (The Hunt) was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe. FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Viking invazija / Viking invasion 54 55

29 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Viking invazija / Viking invasion OPASNA IGRA DEN ALLVARSAMMA LEKEN A SERIOUS GAME Danska, Njemačka, Švedska, Norveška / Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway Hans Petter Moland Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares Fares, Jacob Oftebro, Pål Sverre Hagen 112 min SUBOTA, 16h, KINO BOROVO / SATURDAY, 16h, CINEMA BOROVO ČETVRTAK, 20.30h, CENTAR KULTURE VALPOVO / THURSDAY, 20.30h, VALPOVO CULTURE CENTER PORUKA U BOCI FLASKEPOST FRA P A CONSPIRACY OF FAITH Treći film iz serije nastalih prema knjigama danskog pisca krimića Jussi Adler-Olsena u čijem su središtu stručnjaci za hladne slučajeve iz Odjela Q, detektivi Carl Mørck i Assad. Priča filma vrti se oko dva slučaja. Prvi u središtu ima slučaj nestalih osoba, mladog brata i sestre koji su iznenada nestali, a drugi se bavi osam godina starom porukom u boci - poziv u pomoć otetog dječaka - koja je pronašla put od Škotske do Odjela Q. Istraga koju vode Carl i Assad pronaći će vezu između ovih dvaju naoko nepovezanih slučaja. Kako će kopati dublje, tako će se uplesti u stravičan slučaj - vjerski fanatizam, psihopatskog ubojicu, kao i nekoliko otetih braće i sestara čiji nestanak roditelji nikada nisu prijavili. Hans Petter Moland (rođen u Oslu, Norveška) je redatelj i scenarist. Najpoznatiji je po filmovima Aberdeen (2000.), In Order of Disappearance (2014.) i A Somewhat Gentle Man (2010.). A Conspiracy Of Faith is the third in the hit series of literary adaptations based on Danish mystery writer Jussi Adler s novels about cold case specialists Department Q, and detectives Carl Mørck and Assad. A Conspiracy of Faith revolves around the intersection of two cases. The first centers on the missing persons case of a young brother and sister who suddenly disappear; the second focuses on an eight-year-old message in a bottle a cry for help from a boy held in captivity that makes its way from Scotland to Department Q. Carl and Assad s investigation reveals a link between the seemingly unrelated incidents. As they dig deeper, they become enmeshed in a horrific case involving religious fanaticism, a psychopathic killer, and numerous abducted siblings who were never reported as missing by their parents. Hans Petter Moland (b. 1955, Oslo, Norway) is a director and writer. He is best known for Aberdeen (2000), In Order of Disappearance (2014) and A Somewhat Gentle Man (2010). Švedska / Sweden Pernilla August Sverrir Gudnason, Karin Franz Körlof, Liv Mjönes, Michael Nyqvist 115 min UTORAK, 16h, KINO BOROVO/ TUESDAY, 16H, CINEMA BOROVO SRIJEDA, 20.30h, CENTAR KULTURE VALPOVO / WEDNESDAY, 20.30h, VALPOVO CULTURE CENTER Redateljica Pernilla August adaptirala je istoimenu knjigu Hjalmara Söderberga iz na temelju scenarija Lone Scherfig ( Talijanski za početnike, Sve zbog jedne djevojke ). Radnja se odvija u Stockholmu na početku 20. stoljeća. Lydia, kćerka slikara, i Arvid, mladi novinar na početku svoje karijere, zaljubljuju se na prvi pogled. No, nije to vrijeme za njihovu sreću. Nakon iznenadne smrti oca, Lydia shvaća da je ostala bez nasljedstva. Vjerujući da joj nema što za ponuditi, siromašni Arvid, koji je odrastao u bijedi, bježi od ideje o braku, te se njih dvoje razilaze. Kada se deset godina kasnije ponovno sretnu - oboje u braku, imaju djecu - započinju strastvenu vezu s nepredvidivim posljedicama. Rođena u Švedskoj godine, Pernilla August je kao glumica surađivala s redateljima kao što su Ingmar Bergman i Bille August. Godine proglašena je najboljom glumicom na festivalu u Cannesu za ulogu u filmu The Best Intentions, dok je godine osvojila Srebrnog medvjeda za najbolju glumicu za ulogu u filmu Daybreak. Godine debitirala je kao redateljica s filmom Beyond koji je osvojio Nordic Council s Film Prize te tri švedske nagrade Guldbagge. Director Pernilla August s adaptation of Hjalmar Söderberg s classic 1912 novel of the same title is based on a screenplay by Lone Scherfig (Italian for Beginners, An Education). Stockholm at the beginning of the twentieth century. Lydia, the daughter of a landscape painter, and Arvid, a young journalist at the beginning of his career, fall in love at first sight. But the time is not ripe for their happiness: after the sudden death of her father, Lydia finds herself without an inheritance. Believing that he has nothing to offer her, penniless Arvid, who comes from a poor background, shies away from the idea of marriage. They part. When they meet again ten years later - both are now married and have children - they embark upon a passionate affair with unforeseeable consequences. Born in Sweden in 1958, Pernilla August worked as an actor with directors including Ingmar Bergman and Bille August. In 1992, she won the the Cannes Palme d Or for Best Actress in Den Goda Viljan (The Best Intentions) and, in 2004, the Silver Bear at the Berlinale for her performance in Om Jag Vänder Mig Om (Daybreak). In 2011, she made her directing debut with Svinalängorna (Beyond) which won the Nordic Council s Film Prize and three Swedish Guldbagge Awards. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Viking invazija / Viking invasion 56 57

30 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Viking invazija / Viking invasion RAT KRIGEN A WAR POSLJEDNJI KRALJ BIRKEBEINERNE THE LAST KING Danska/Denmark Tobias Lindholm Pilou Asbæk, Tuva Novotny, Dar Salim 115 min ČETVRTAK, 16h, KINO BOROVO/ THURSDAY, 16h, CINEMA BOROVO PETAK, 20.30h, CENTAR KULTURE VALPOVO / FRIDAY, 20.30h, VALPOVO CULTURE CENTER Kao redatelj napete Otmice i scenarist nagrađivanog Lova u kojem Mads Mikkelsen glumi žrtvu sumnje na pedofiliju, Tobias Lindholm pokazao se stručnjakom za anatomiju ljudske psihe pod pritiskom okoline. Njegov drugi samostalni igrani film beskompromisna je studija nerazjašnjenog ratnog zločina koja se nastavlja na dosadašnje preokupacije, uvlačeći gledatelja u um Clausa Pedersena, predvodnika vojne postrojbe u Afganistanu. Iako u suštini pošten i brižan, Claus će u žaru borbe zagrebati po tankoj granici između principa i protokola te donijeti odluku koja će spasiti vojnike pod njegovim zapovjedništvom, ali i ostaviti teške posljedice za njega i njegovu obitelj. Tobias Lindholm je redatelj i scenarist. Rođen autor je scenarija za nekoliko epizoda dobitnika BAFTA-e, serije Borgen ( ). Njegov drugi dugometražni film, Otmica (2012.), osvojio je kritiku u Veneciji i Torontu, a Lindholma je Variety proglasio jednim od 10 redatelja koji najviše obećavaju na festivalu u Palm Springsu. Godine u Ratu se vraća režiji i donosi priču iz srži stvarnosti, gdje uz glumce iz poznate serije Borgen, glume i pravi vojnici. As the director of the thrilling story A Hijacking and the writer of the award-winning The Hunt, in which Mads Mikelsen plays a victim of paedophilia accusations, Tobias Lindholm proved an expert in the anatomy of human psyche under pressure. An uncompromising analysis of alleged war crime, A War follows up on the previous preoccupations, getting inside the head of Claus Pedersen, leader of a military unit in Afghanistan. Essentially an honest and kind man, in the spur of the moment Claus will scratch the thin line between principles and protocol and make a decision that will save the lives of the soldiers under his command, but also cause difficult consequences for him and his family. The film was shown at festivals in Zurich and Venice, and it was also chosen to be the Danish Oscar candidate. Tobias Lindholm, director and writer. Born in he wrote several episodes of the BAFTAwinning TV-series Borgen ( ). His second feature, A Hijacking (2012), won critical acclaim in Venice and Toronto, and Variety named Lindholm one of the 10 directors to watch at the festival in Palm Springs. In 2015 he returned to directing with A War, a story deeply rooted in reality, with real soldiers appearing opposite the actors from the famous TV-series Borgen. Norveška / Norway Nils Gaup Jakob Oftebro, Kristofer Hivju, Pål Sverre Hagen 99 min PETAK, 16h, KINO BOROVO / FRIDAY, 16h, CINEMA BOROVO UTORAK, 20.30h, CENTAR KULTURE VALPOVO / TUESDAY, 20.30h, VALPOVO CULTURE CENTER Norveška je razorena građanskim ratom. Norveški se kralj bori za preživljavanje protiv crkvenih biskupa koji će učiniti sve kako bi pobijedili. Dok je kralj na samrtnoj postelji, njegova jedinog nasljednika čuvaju i drže u tajnosti. Pola kraljevstva želi dječaka mrtvog, ali dva će čovjeka za njega sve žrtvovati. Kako bi dvogodišnjeg budućeg kralja i njegovu majku spasili od okrutne sudbine, ta će dva ratnika krenuti na opasno putovanje kroz norvešku zimu... Nils Gaup (rođen 1955.) školovao se u Norveškoj akademiji za kazalište te je godine dobio diplomu glumca. Pored rada u kazalištu, Gaup je imao i nekih filmskih uloga te je pisao scenarije za kazališne predstave. Jedan od tih scenarija iskoristio je kako bi debitirao kao filmski redatelj, i to godine s filmom Pathfinder. Film je bio nominiran za Oscara u kategoriji najboljeg stranog filma. Otad Gaup konstantno radi na filmu i televiziji. Njegovi ostali filmovi uključuju francuskoameričku koprodukciju North Star (1996.), hvaljenu dramu Misery Harbour (1999.), te TV-serije Nini (1998.) i Deadline Torp. The Last King is set in Norway in The country is torn apart in a civil war. The Norwegian king is fighting for survival against the church s bishops, who will use any means available to obtain victory. While the king is on his deathbed, his only remaining heir is guarded in deep secret. Half the kingdom wants the boy dead, but two men will sacrifice everything to protect him. The two warriors set on a perilous journey through the harsh Norwegian winter landscape to rescue the two-year-old future king and his mother from a terrible fate. Nils Gaup (b. 1955) was educated at The Norwegian Theatre Academy, graduating as an actor in Besides his work in theater, Gaup also had some film roles, and wrote stage screenplays. One of these was also to become his debut as a film director, and after writing and preparing the film for several years Pathfinder (a.k.a. Ofelaš) premiered in The film being nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in Since then Gaup has had a steady output in both film and television. Gaup s other films include the French-American co-production North Star (1996), the critically acclaimed drama Misery Harbour (1999), the television series Nini (1998) and Deadline Torp. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Viking invazija / Viking invasion 58 59

31 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Francuski fokus French focus NEVINE / LES INNOCENTES, Francuska, Poljska / France, Poland NOVOSTI S MARSA / DES NOUVELLES DE LA PLANÈTE MARS / NEWS FROM PLANET MARS, Francuska, Belgija / France, Belgium MARGUERITE, Francuska, Češka, Belgija / France, Czech Republic, Belgium MOJ KRALJ / MY KING / MON ROI, Francuska / France SAINT AMOUR, Francuska, Belgija / France, Belgium ZALJEV LUĐAKA / SLACK BAY / MA LOUTE, Francuska, Njemačka / France, Germany Francuska, Poljska / France, Poland Anne Fontaine Lou de Laâge, Agata Buzek, Agata Kulesza 115 min UTORAK, 16h, CINESTAR / TUESDAY, 16h, CINESTAR NEVINE LES INNOCENTES INNOCENT Prosinac je i Drugi svjetski rat je konačno završio. Mathilde, mlada francuska liječnica Crvenog križa, našla se u Varšavi gdje brine o posljednjim francuskim vojnicima koji se vraćaju s fronta. Jedne noći časna sestra moli Mathilde da je hitno slijedi do samostana. U samostanu Mathilde ostaje šokirana jer se zatekne pred časnom koja se upravo porađa. Mathilde tako ulazi u privatni svijet časnih sestara gdje tajne izlaze na površinu, a moderno i znanstveno se sukobljava s vjerom i tradicijom. Časne sestre provode striktne dnevne rituale, ali unutar hladnih zidova samostana započinje opasna revolucija. Anne Fontaine je glumica, scenaristica i redateljica rođena u Luksemburgu Njezin film Dry Cleaning osvojio je nagradu za najbolji scenarij godine na festivalu u Veneciji. Njezin film Coco Before Chanel bio je nominiran za nagradu Cesar u šest kategorija, za nagradu BAFTA u četiri kategorije, nagradu Europske filmske akademije u tri kategorije te za Oscara za najbolji strani film. It s December 1945, and the Second World War is finally over. Mathilde, a young French Red Cross doctor, finds herself in Warsaw treating the last of the French soldiers returning from the front. One night, a nun appears at the clinic, begging Mathilde to follow her back to the convent on urgent business. What Mathilde finds there is shocking: a holy sister about to give birth. As Mathilde enters the sisters fiercely private world, secrets rise to the surface, and modernism and science clash with faith and tradition. The nuns go about their strict daily rituals, but inside the convent s chilly stone walls, echoing with their melancholic chants, a dangerous revolution is taking place. Anne Fontaine is an actress, screenwriter, and director born in Luxembourg, Her film Dry Cleaning won Best Screenplay at the 1997 Venice International Film Festival. Her other film, Coco Before Chanel, was nominated for six Cesar Awards, four BAFTA Awards, three European Film Awards, and one Academy Award. FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Francuski fokus / French focus 60 61

32 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Francuski fokus / French focus MARGUERITE Francuska, Češka, Belgija / France, Czech Republic, Belgium Xavier Giannoli Catherine Frot, André Marcon, Michel Fau 129 min Pariz, 20-e godine prošlog stoljeća. Marguerite Dumont je bogatašica zaljubljena u glazbu i operu. Iako nije najbolja pjevačica, voli pjevati za prijatelje. I prijatelji i njezin suprug podržavaju njezinu fantaziju. No, kada pokuša pjevati pred pravom publikom, nastane problem... Xavier Giannoli je rođen u francuskom mjestu Neuilly sur Seine. Redatelj je i scenarist poznat po filmovima Marguerite (), Quand j étais chanteur (2006.) i À l origine (2009.) Paris, 1920s. Marguerite Dumont is a wealthy woman, lover of the music and the opera. She loves to sing for her friends, although she s not a good singer. Both her friends and her husband have kept her fantasy. The problem begins when she decides to perform in front of a real audience. Xavier Giannoli was born in 1970 in Neuilly-sur- Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France. He is a director and writer, known for Marguerite (2015), Quand j étais chanteur (2006) and À l origine (2009). NOVOSTI S MARSA DES NOUVELLES DE LA PLANÈTE MARS NEWS FROM PLANET MARS ČETVRTAK, 16h, CINESTAR / THURSDAY, 16h, CINESTAR Francuska, Belgija / France, Belgium Dominik Moll François Damiens, Vincent Macaigne, Veerle Baetens, Jeanne Guittet 101 min SRIJEDA, 16h, CINESTAR / WEDNESDAY, 16h, CINESTAR Philippe Mars želi svakoga usrećiti. Želi biti dobar otac, prijateljski nastrojen bivši suprug, kolega od pomoći koji je pun razumijevanja za svog brata. No, njegov mali svijet iskače iz planirane orbite. Njegov sin uskoro postaje radikalni vegetarijanac, kćerka kompulzivna štreberica, a sestra izlaže golem crtež njihovih golih roditelja. Na poslu, mora se suočiti s divljanjem mentalno nestabilnog kolege Jeromea koji mu se jedne večeri pojavi na vratima s mladom djevojkom koja je upravo puštena s klinike. Dominik Moll rođen je u Brühlu u Njemačkoj. Studirao je film na fakultetu u New Yorku gdje je režirao svoje prve kratke filmove, a zatim je studirao i u Parizu na francuskoj Nacionalnoj filmskoj školi. Prije no što je počeo pisati i režirati vlastite filmove, radio je kao montažer i pomoćni redatelj s redateljima kao što su Marcel Ophüls i Laurent Cantet. Philippe Mars wants to please everyone. He wants to be a good father, a friendly ex-husband, a helpful colleague and an understanding brother. Unfortunately, his little world goes out of its planned orbit. His son becomes a hardcore vegetarian, his daughter a compulsive swot, whilst his sister exhibits giant paintings of their naked parents. At the office he must face the rampages of his mentally unstable colleague Jerôme who one night turns up at his door with a young woman in tow who has just been released from a clinic. Dominik Moll - Born in Brühl, Germany, in He studied film at the City College of New York where he directed his first shorts, and then at the French National Film School (IDHEC) in Paris. He worked as an editor and assistant director with directors including Marcel Ophüls and Laurent Cantet before he began writing and directing his own films. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Francuski fokus / French focus 62 63

33 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Francuski fokus / French focus SAINT AMOUR MOJ KRALJ MY KING MON ROI Francuska, Belgija / France, Belgium Benoît Delépine, Gustave Kervern Gérard Depardieu, Benoît Poelvoorde, Vincent Lacoste, Céline Sallette 101 min PONEDJELJAK, 16h, CINESTAR / MONDAY, 16h, CINESTAR Budući da može kušati vina francuskih vinskih regija šetajući od jednog štanda do drugog, Brunu je poljoprivredni sajam u Parizu - vrhunac godine. No, njegov otac Jean ima samo jedan cilj, osvajanje nagrade s bikom po imenu Nabuchodonosor. Bruno ne želi biti farmer i želi napustiti obiteljski posao. Benoît Delépine, rođen godine, je scenarist i redatelj. Osnivač je i pisac satiričkih TV-emisija Les Guignols de l info i Groland. Ujedno je i autor stripova kao što su L Imposteur (2000.), La Bombe (2002.) i God Killer (2003.). Gustave Kervern, rođen godine, je glumac, redatelj i autor knjiga kao što su Petits moments d ivresse (2008.) i Impertinents (2014.). Surađuje s Benoîtom Delépineom već 20 godina. Njihova je suradnja počela na televiziji, a debitirali su godine s filmom Aaltra. Njihov film Mammuth prikazan je u natjecateljskom dijelu Berlinalea godine. For Bruno, the agricultural show in Paris marks the high point of his year since it means he can go on a wine tasting tour through France s wine-growing regions and drink his way from one stand to the next without even leaving the exhibition hall. His father Jean apparently has but one aim in mind: to win a prize with his breeding bull Nabuchodonosor. Bruno is sick of being a farmer and wants to get out of the family business. Benoît Delépine born in 1958, he is a writer and director. He is founder and writer of the satirical television shows Les Guignols de l info and Groland. He has also written comic books such as L Imposteur (2000), La Bombe (2002) and God Killer (2003). Gustave Kervern born in 1962, he is an actor, director and author of books including Petits moments d ivresse (2008) and Impertinents (2014). He has been collaborating with Benoît Delépine for 20 years. They began in television before making their cinema debut in 2004 with Aaltra. Their film Mammuth was screened in the Berlinale Competition in Francuska / France Maïwenn Vincent Cassel, Emmanuelle Bercot, Louis Garrel, Isild Le Besco 124 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL Najbolja glumica (Emmanuelle Bercot) / Best actress (Emmanuelle Bercot) Tony je primljena u rehabilitacijski centar nakon ozbiljne skijaške nesreće. Ovisna o medicinskom osoblju i lijekovima, prisjeća se turbulentne veze koju je iskusila s Georgiom. Zašto su voljeli jedan drugoga? Tko je čovjek kojeg je toliko voljela? Kako je dopustila samoj sebi tu destruktivnu strast koja ju je gušila? Pred Tony se postavlja težak proces liječenja, tjelesni napor koji će je možda na kraju i spasiti... Rođena u Francuskoj godine, Maïwenn je glumica i redateljica. Glumom se počela baviti u djetinjstvu. Međunarodno je postala poznata ulogom u filmu Luca Bessona Peti element (1997.). Njih dvoje su kasnije započeli vezu, uslijed čega Maïwenn nekoliko godina nije snimala. Redateljski debi imala je s filmom Pardonnez-Moi godine. Njezin drugi film Polisse (2011.) osvojio je nagradu žirija na festivalu u Cannesu. Posljednji film Moj kralj prikazan je u konkurenciji za Zlatnu palmu filmskog festivala u Cannesu godine. Tony is admitted to a rehabilitation center after a serious ski accident. Dependent on the medical staff and pain relievers, she takes time to look back on a turbulent relationship that she experienced with Georgio. Why did they love each other? Who is this man that she loved so deeply? How did she allow herself to submit to this suffocating and destructive passion? For Tony, a difficult process of healing is in front of her, physical work which may finally set her free Born in France in 1976, Maïwenn is an actress and director. She started acting from an early age. She garnered international recognition for her appearance in Luc Besson s The Fifth Element (1997). The two later began a relationship, after which Maïwenn took a career break for several years. She directed her first feature film Pardonnez-Moi in Her second film Polisse (2011) won the Jury Prize at Cannes. Her last film, Mon Roi, was nominated for the Palme d Or at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival SUBOTA, 16h, CINESTAR / SATURDAY, 16h, CINESTAR POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Francuski fokus / French focus 64 65

34 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Francuski fokus / French focus POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović Djelo Hadziselimovic Selection Francuska, Njemačka / France, Germany Bruno Dumont Fabrice Luchini, Juliette Binoche, Valeria Brni Tedeschi 122 min PETAK, 16h, CINESTAR / FRIDAY, 16h, CINESTAR ZALJEV LUĐAKA MA LOUTE SLACK BAY Ljeto godine. Na sjevernoj obali Francuske dvojica nespretnih policajaca nalik Stanliju i Oliju istražuju misteriozni nestanak nekolicine turista u mjestu gdje žive dvije apsolutno različite obitelji. Ekscentrični incestuozni bogataši Van Peteghem i lokalni ribari kanibali Bréfort. Velike obitelji iskarikiranih likova spojit će neočekivana veza čudnog, pomalo zlobnog Ma Louta i transrodnog Billija Van Peteghema. Pronaći istinu o lokalnim nestancima turista, bit će pravi izazov među simpatičnim luđacima komedije premijerno prikazane na festivalu u Cannesu. Bruno Dumont je rođen u francuskom gradiću Bailleulu. Igrani filmovi - La vie de Jésus (1997), L Humanité (1999), Twentynine Palms (2003), Flandres (2006), Hadewijch (2009), Hors Satan (2011) i Camille Claudel 1915 (2013). L Humanité i Flandres dobili su nagradu Grand Prix u Cannesu. Summer On the coast of northern France, two clumsy policemen resembling Laurel and Hardy are investigating the mysterious disappearance of several tourists in a place where two totally different families reside: the eccentric, incestuous and wealthy Van Peteghems and cannibal fishermen the Bréforts. These two large families full of caricature-like characters will be brought together by the unexpected affair between the strange and somewhat malicious Ma Lout and transgender Billi Van Peteghem. Finding the truth about the disappeared tourists will be a true challenge among the likeable lunatics of the comedy that had its premiere in Cannes. Bruno Dumont was born in Bailleul, France. His feature films are La vie de Jésus (1997), L Humanité (1999), Twentynine Palms (2003), Flandres (2006), Hadewijch (2009), Hors Satan (2011) and Camille Claudel 1915 (2013). L Humanité and Flandres were both awarded the Grand Prix at Cannes. BARCELONA - SAN O NOGOMETNOM SAVRŠENSTVU / BARCA DREAMS, Španjolska / Spain GDJE JE SLJEDEĆA INVAZIJA / WHERE TO INVADE NEXT, SAD / USA MILES AHEAD, SAD / USA NOMA - MOJA SAVRŠENA OLUJA / NOMA MY PERFECT STORM, VB / UK PRVI PONEDJELJAK U SVIBNJU / THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY, SAD / USA FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL 66 67

35 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović / Djelo Hadziselimovic Selection Španjolska / Spain Jordi Llompart Josep Guardiola, Johan Cruyff, Andrés Iniesta 120 min SUBOTA, 21.30h, BAJADERA SATURDAY, 21.30h, BAJADERA BOAT BARCELONA - - SAN O NOGOMETNOM SAVRŠENSTVU BARCA DREAMS? Barcelona - San o nogometnom savršenstvu vodi nas kroz nevjerojatnu povijest jednog od najpopularnijih nogometnih klubova na svijetu, FC Barcelonu, slavljenu po mitovima i legendama, poput one o Lionelu Messiju, najboljem nogometašu na svijetu, o čuvenom treneru Pepu Guardioli ili o čovjeku koji je unio revoluciju u ovaj sport svojim inovativnim vizijama - Johanu Cruyffu. Film objašnjava dug put do slave i uspjeha koji je dosegnut generacijom Messija, Xavija Hernandeza i Andresa Inieste koji su stvoreni za nogomet u izuzetnoj školi La Masia. Ujedno, film razotkriva tajnu moćnog kluba povezanog s navijačima iz cijeloga svijeta kao i katalanskim identitetom, potvrđujući onu legendarnu Barca: više od kluba. Emotivno putovanje u srce kluba koji je utemeljio fascinantni sportaš Joan Gamper prije 115 godina. Jordi Llompart je redatelj, izvršni producent i scenarist filma Barcelona - San o nogometnom savršenstvu. Ovaj film treći je projekt Jordija Llomparta. Godine producirao je i režirao prvi 3D dugometražni film u Europi Magic journey to Africa. Barça Dreams takes us to the amazing history of one of the most popular football clubs on Earth, FC Barcelona, celebrated by its mites and legends, like the best world player of all times Lionel Messi, the famous coach Pep Guardiola or the man that revolutionized this sport with his innovative vision, Johan Cruyff. The film explains the long way to the fame and success reached by the Messi, Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta player s generation, all of them born to play football at the extraordinary school of La Masia; and unveils the secrets of a powerful sports club linked to the world fans as well as the Catalan identity, making true it s very unique legend Barça: more than a club. An emotional journey to the aim of the club, created by a remarkable sportsman, it s founder Joan Gamper, 115 years ago. Jordi Llompart - Director, Executive Producer and Screenwriter of Barça Dreams. Barça Dreams is the third international cinema project by Jordi Llompart, as a director, executive producer and screenwriter. In 2010, he already produced and directed the first 3D fiction feature film in Europe, Magic journey to Africa. SAD / USA Michael Moore 119 min PONEDJELJAK, 21.30h, BAJADERA MONDAY, 21.30h, BAJADERA BOAT GDJE JE SLJEDEĆA INVAZIJA? WHERE TO INVADE NEXT? Michael Moore, osvajač Oscara i autor dokumentarnih filmova, ponudio se Pentagonu da poduzme akciju invazije na udaljene zemlje, i to kao jedini vojnik. Tri su pravila u redateljevoj kampanji - ne pucaj ni na koga, ne otimaj naftu, vrati se s nečime korisnim za svoje Amerikance. Njegovo istraživačko putovanje zapravo služi agendi koju je sam osmislio - uvjeren je da negdje na svijetu postoji rješenje za sve veće američke socijalne probleme. Stoga prikuplja primjere kvalitetnijeg života i radnih uvjeta diljem svijeta, poput talijanskog prava na odmor, francuskih školskih obroka, finskog obrazovnog sustava, njemačkog obračuna s prošlošću te islandske spolne jednakosti. Michael Moore rođen je godine u Flintu u SAD-u. Njegov se prvi film Roger & Me (1989.) smatra pionirom modernih dokumentarnih filmova. S filmom koji je osvojio Oscara Ludi za oružjem (2002.) i osvajačem Zlatne palme u Cannesu godine Fahrenheit 9/11 stvorio je dokumentarce koji su postali hitovi na kino blagajnama. Ujedno je i uspješan pisac. Michael Moore živi u Traverseu, u državi Michigan, gdje je osnovao Traverse City Film Festival. Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore makes an offer to the Pentagon to immediately take on the task of invading faraway countries as a one-man army. There are three rules in the film director s campaign: don t shoot anyone, don t plunder any oil, bring back something useful for his fellow-americans. His research trip in fact serves another agenda of his own devising: he is convinced that somewhere in the world solutions already exist for the USA s pressing social problems. And so he collects examples of a better quality of life and better working conditions elsewhere such as Italy s holiday entitlement regulations, France s school meals, Finland s education system, Germany s approach to accounting for its past, and Iceland s gender equality. Born in Flint, USA in 1954, his first documentary Roger &Me (1989) was a trailblazer for modern documentary filmmaking. With the Oscar-winning Bowling For Columbine (2002) and Fahrenheit 9/11 (winner of the Palme d Or at Cannes in 2004), he created further boxoffice hit documentaries. He is also a successful writer of non-fiction. Michael Moore lives in Traverse City, Michigan, where he has founded the Traverse City Film Festival. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović / Djelo Hadziselimovic Selection 68 69

36 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović / Djelo Hadziselimovic Selection NOMA - MOJA SAVRŠENA OLUJA NOMA MY PERFECT STORM Velika Britanija / Great Britain Pierre Deschamps René Redzepi 100 min Noma My Perfect Storm je kreativno putovanje u misli Renéa Redzepija. Kako je uspio revolucionarizirati svijet gastronomije, izmisliti abecedu te rječnik koji je dodao novostvorenom pedigreu nordijske kuhinje, te ustanoviti novi jestivi svijet istovremeno radikalno mijenjajući imidž modernog kuhara? Njegova priča izgleda kao klasična bajka, ružno pače transformiralo se u predivnog labuda koji sada vlada kraljevstvom moderne kuhinje. No, ispod polirane površine, pojavljuju se pukotine starih rana. Godina bila je najgora u karijeri Renéa Redzepija. Film ga slijedi dok se bori da se vrati na vrh, obnavljajući Nomu i osvajajući ponovno titulu najboljeg restorana na svijetu godine, i to po četvrti put. Pierre Deschamps je suosnivač kompanije Documentree Films iz Brightona, Velika Britanija. Rođeni Francuz, Dechamps je izgradio svoj imidž radeći na francuskoj televiziji tijekom devedesetih godina kada je kao pomoćnik redatelja radio na više od 1500 televizijskih emisija s područja zabave. Pasionirani filmaš, Dechamps ima strast prema pričanju ljudskih priča koje povezuju ljude i zajednicu kako lokalno tako i globalno, s ciljem da se fokusira na sličnosti među ljudima, a ne različitosti. Noma, My Perfect Storm is a creative journey into the mind of René Redzepi. How did he manage to revolutionise the entire world of gastronomy, inventing the alphabet and vocabulary that would infuse newfound pedigree to Nordic cuisine and establish a new edible world while radically changing the image of the modern chef? His story has the feel of a classic fairy tale: the ugly duckling transformed into a majestic swan, who now reigns over the realm of modern gourmet cuisine. But beneath the polished surface, cracks appear in the form of old wounds stands as the worst year in René Redzepi s career. We follow him as he fights his way back to the top, reinventing Noma and reclaiming the title of best restaurant in the world in 2014 for the fourth time. Pierre Deschamps is co-founder of Documentree Films Ltd. based in Brighton, United Kingdom. Native French, Deschamps has a background within the French television industry during early 90 s with more than 1500 TV entertainment shows to his credit as assistant director. A passionate film maker, Deschamps has a desire to tell stories of human interest that unify people and communities locally and globally, with the aims to focus on human similarities rather than differences.. MILES AHEAD UTORAK, 21.30h, BAJADERA TUESDAY, 21.30h, BAJADERA BOAT SAD / USA Don Cheadle Don Cheadle, Emayatzy Corinealdi, Ewan McGregor 100 min Život i glazba neponovljivog Milesa Davisa, slavnog jazz glazbenika. Film Miles ahead nije samo o glazbi, već je riječ o tome što svi proživljavamo barem jednom u životu - propituje tko smo doista, što imamo za reći i kako ćemo to reći. Kako ćemo na kraju biti definirani i tko o tome odlučuje? Rođen u Missouriju Don Cheadle je ih glumio u serijama Slava, Zakon u L.A-u te Hill Street Blues. No, njegova uloga Mousea Alexandrea u filmu Vrag nosi plavu haljinu ga je proslavila. Cheadle je poslije glumio u brojnim slavnim filmovima kao što su Hotel Rwanda, Sudar i Iron man 2. An exploration of the life and music of Miles Davis. Miles ahead is not just about the music. It s about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so? Born in Missouri in 1964, Don Cheadle appeared in shows such as Fame, L.A. Law and Hill Street Blues throughout his early career in the 1980s. But it was his portrayal of trigger-happy Mouse Alexander in the film Devil in a Blue Dress that catapulted Cheadle to success. Cheadle went on to appear in many acclaimed films, such as Hotel Rwanda, Crash and Iron Man ČETVRTAK, 21.30h, BAJADERA THURSDAY, 21.30h, BAJADERA BOAT POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović / Djelo Hadziselimovic Selection 70 71

37 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović / Djelo Hadziselimovic Selection POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Austrijski fokus Austrian focus SAD / USA Andrew Rossi Andrew Bolton, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Jean-Paul Gaultier 91 min SRIJEDA, 21.30h, BAJADERA WEDNESDAY, 21.30h, BAJADERA BOAT PRVI PONEDJELJAK U SVIBNJU / THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY Prvi ponedjeljak u svibnju nudi jedinstven pogled iza scene na dva iznimna kulturološka događanja u New Yorku. Film prati stvaranje China: Through The Looking Glass, najposjećenije modne izložbe u povijesti The Costume Institute pri The Metropolitan Museum of Art, te prati Met Gala godine, dobrotvorno događanje krcato zvijezdama koje slave otvorenje izložbe. Cijenjeni filmaš Andrew Rossi pratio je osam mjeseci Annu Wintour, umjetničku direktoricu izdavačke kuće Condé Nast, glavnu urednicu magazina Vogue te dugogodišnju predsjednicu Met Gala, i Andrewa Boltona, ikonoklastičnog kustosa koji je osmislio cijeli šou, dok su pripremali večer za koju su se nadali da će zauvijek promijeniti svijet umjetnosti i mode. Andrew Rossi snimio je, režirao i producirao dokumentarac Page One koji je pratio reportere New York Timesa te je premijerno prikazan godine na filmskom festivalu u Sundanceu. Film je bio nominiran za dvije nagrade Emmy. Rossi je režirao, producirao, te je bio jedan od snimatelja i montažera dokumentarca Ivory Tower koji je istraživao kako studentski dug podriva ulogu fakulteta. Film je imao premijeru na filmskom festivalu u Sundanceu, prikazan je u kinima godine, a internetski portal Indiewire proglasio ga je jednim od najboljih dokumentaraca te godine. An unprecedented look behind the scenes of two of New York s premier cultural events, The First Monday in May follows the creation of China: Through The Looking Glass, the most attended fashion exhibition in the history of The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the 2015 Met Gala, the star-studded fundraiser that celebrates the opening of the exhibition. Acclaimed filmmaker Andrew Rossi follows Anna Wintour, Artistic Director of Condé Nast and editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine and longtime chair of the Met Gala, and Andrew Bolton, the iconoclastic curator who conceived the groundbreaking show, for eight months as they prepare for an evening they hope will take the worlds of art and fashion by storm. Andrew Rossi shot, directed, produced of Page One, which follows reporters on the media desk of the New York Times and premiered at the Sundance Film Festival It was also nominated for two News and Documentary Emmy awards. Rossi directed, produced and was one of the cinematographers and editors of Ivory Tower, which examines how student debt is undermining college s role. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was released theatrically in 2014 and named by Indiewire as one of the best documentaries of the year. DISATI / ATMEN / BREATHING, Austrija / Austria KRUH NAŠ SVAGDAŠNJI / UNSER TÄGLICH BROT / OUR DAILY BRAD, Njemačka / Austrija / Germany / Austria POD NAPONOM / ENERGIZED, Austrija / Austria UZMIMO LOVU / LET S MAKE MONEY, Austrija / Austria VELIKI MUZEJ / DAS GROßE MUSEUM / THE GREAT MUSEUM, Austrija / Austria FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL 72 73

38 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Austrijski fokus / Austrian focus KRUH NAŠ SVAGDAŠNJI UNSER TÄGLICH BROT OUR DAILY BRAD POD NAPONOM ENERGIZED Austrija / Austria Karl Markovics Thomas Schubert, Karin Lischka min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL EUROPA CINEMAS LABEL SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL SRCE SARAJEVA za najbolji film i glavnog glumca / HEART OF SARAJEVO for best film and best actor ČETVRTAK, 12:00, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / THURSDAY, 12:00, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND PETAK, 18:00, KINO BOROVO / FRIDAY, 18:00, BOROVO CINEMA DISATI ATMEN BREATHING Roman služi kaznu u maloljetničkom popravnom domu. Dobije priliku izaći prije vremena, no njegove su šanse vrlo male - nema obitelj i čini se neprilagođen u društvu. Nakon propalih pokušaja dobije probni posao u bečkoj mrtvačnici. Jednog dana suoči se s tijelom žene koja nosi njegovo prezime. Iako se ispostavi da to nije njegova majka, taj ga događaj natjera da se zapita o svojoj prošlosti i krene tražiti svoju pravu majku. Karl Markovics ( rođen 1963.) austrijski je glumac i redatelj. Glumio je Salomona Sorowitscha u filmu Krivotvoritelji iz koji je dobio Oscara u kategoriji najboljeg stranog filma. Osim toga, njegova je najvažnija uloga bila ona u osobito hvaljenoj austrijskoj crnoj komediji Komm, süßer Tod iz Disati je njegov redateljski debi. Roman is serving time in a juvenile detention center. He could be released on probation, but his chances are poor: he doesn t have family, and seems incapable of coping with society. After many failed attempts, Roman finds a probation job at the municipal morgue in Vienna. One day, Roman is faced with a dead woman who bears his family name. Even though it soon turns out that she is not his mother, Roman wonders about his past for the first time and starts looking for his mother. Karl Markovics (born 1963) is an Austrian actor and director. He starred as Salomon Sorowitsch in 2007 film The Counterfeiters, which was awarded the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film for that year. Prior to that, his most notable appearances have been in the highly-acclaimed Austrian black comedy Komm, süßer Tod (2001). Breathing is his directorial film debut. Njemačka, Austrija / Germany, Austria Nikolaus Geyrhalter Dobrodošli u svijet industrijske proizvodnje hrane i visokotehnologiziranih farmi. Monumentalni hladni prostori, nadrealni krajolici i bizarni zvukovi - svijet visoke tehnologije ostavlja malo mjesta za pojedinca. Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producent, redatelj i snimatelj, rođen je u Beču U dobi od 22 godine osnovao je vlastitu produkcijsku kuću (Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion). Njegovi su najznačajniji filmovi Pripyat, Drugdje i 7915 km min Welcome to the world of industrial food production and high-tech farming! Monumental spaces, surreal landscapes and bizarre sounds - a cool, industrial environment which leaves little space for individualism. Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer, director and cameraman was born in Vienna in At the age of twenty-two he founded his own production company (Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion). Among his films are the awardwinning Pripyat, Elsewhere and 7915 km PETAK, 12:00, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / FRIDAY, 12:00, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND ČETVRTAK, 18:00, KINO BOROVO / THURSDAY, 18:00, BOROVO CINEMA Austrija / Austria Hubert Canaval Nuklearne katastrofe, ratovi za naftu i plin, klimatske promjene te povećana potrošnja energije - došli smo do važne prekretnice. Nastaviti ovako nije opcija. No, kako možemo zadovoljiti energetske izvore, a da ne uništimo vlastitu egzistenciju? Hubert Canaval je austrijski redatelj i montažer rođen godine u Klagenfurtu. Njegova izabrana filmografija obuhvaća naslove: Kad planina zove (1996.), Doma, daleko od doma (2004.), Hvala (2008.) i Pod naponom (2014.). POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Austrijski fokus / Austrian focus min Nuclear disasters, wars over oil and gas, climate change and everincreasing energy consumption: We have reached an important crossroads. To keep on going like this is not an option. But how can we meet our energy needs without destroying our own existence? Hubert Canaval is austrian director and editor born in 1962 in Klagenfurt. His selected filmografy includes: When the Mountain calls (1996.), Home, far away from home ( 2004), Thank you (2008.) and Energized (2014) UTORAK, 12:00, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / TUESDAY, 12.00, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND SRIJEDA, 18:00, KINO BOROVO / WEDNESDAY, 18.00, BOROVO CINEMA 74 75

39 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Austrijski fokus / Austrian focus UZMIMO LOVU LET S MAKE MONEY Austrija / Austria Erwin Wagenhofer Zaradimo lovu prati trag našeg novca kroz cjelokupan svjetski financijski sustav. Wagenhofer zaviruje iza scene, u šarolik svijet banaka i osiguravajućih društava. Erwin Wagenhofer rođen je u Amstettenu u Austriji, a studirao je na bečkom Tehnološkom institutu. Radio je kao asistent redatelja, asistent snimatelja, scenarist i redatelj. Predaje na bečkoj Školi za primijenjenu umjetnost. Njegov opus uključuje televizijske dokumentarce i igrane filmove, reklame i kratke filmove min Let s Make Money follows the tracks of our money through the worldwide finance system. Wagenhofer looks behind the scenes of the colourful backdrop of banks and insurance companies. Erwin Wagenhofer is born in Amstetten, Austria, studied at the Vienna Institute of Technology. He has worked as an assistant director, assistant cameraman, writer, and director and has lectured at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. His body of work includes documentaries and features for broadcasting corporations, commercials, and short films SRIJEDA, 12:00, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / WEDNESDAY 12.00, DANUBIAN SAND ISLAND SUBOTA, 18:00, KINO BOROVO / SATURDAY, 18.00, BOROVO CINEMA VELIKI MUZEJ DAS GROßE MUSEUM THE GREAT MUSEUM Austrija / Austria Johannes Holzhausen Pogled iza kulisa Umjetničkopovijesnog muzeja u Beču. Pravo je zadovoljstvo pratiti kameru dok prikazuje veličanstvene sale i skladišta, usput slušajući kuratore o izložbenim primjercima, kao i zadržavajući se s interesom kod restauratorskih priča. Johannes Holzhausen je rođen u Salzburgu u Austriji. Studirao je povijest umjetnosti, a kasnije i film na Bečkoj filmskoj akademiji gdje je snimio svoj prvi dokumentarac Wen die Götter lieben min A look behind the scenes of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. It s a pleasure to follow the camera on its extended forays through the magnificent halls and well-stocked storage rooms, listening in on the exhibition curators and lingering with interest by the restorers. Johannes Holzhausen was born in Salzburg, Austria in He studied art history, later at the Vienna Film Academy, where he made his first documentary, Wen die Götter lieben SUBOTA, 12:00, KINO VUKOVARSKA ADA / SATURDAY, 12.00, DAUNUBIAN SAND ISLAND UTORAK, 18:00, KINO BOROVO / TUESDAY, 18.00, BOROVO CINEMA POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Arheo Archeo MEDIJSKA PROPAGANDA / PROPAGANDA GAME, Španjolska / Spain MUZEJ NEVINOSTI / INNOCENCE OF MEMORIES, VB / UK FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL MEDIJSKA PROPAGANDA PROPAGANDA GAME Španjolska / Spain Álvaro Longoria Sjeverna Koreja, poznata i kao pustinjačko kraljevstvo, možda je i najveći izvor nestabilnosti svjetskog mira. Njezina je granica stroga vojna utvrda. Manjak potpunih informacija koje ulaze i izlaze iz zemlje, savršena je pozornica za rat propagandom. Álvaro Longoria je rođen u španjolskom Santanderu. Producent je i redatelj poznat po naslovima Habitación en Roma (2010.), La zona (2007) i Che: Prvi dio (2008.). 98 min North Korea, formerly known as the hermit kingdom, is perhaps the largest source of instability as regards world peace. Its border is one of the most militarized in the world. The lack of impartial information, both inside and coming out of the country, is the perfect setting for a propaganda war. Álvaro Longoria was born in 1968 in Santander, Cantabria, Spain. He is a producer and director, known for Habitación en Roma (2010), La zona (2007) and Che: Part One (2008) PETAK, 11h, MUZEJ VUČEDOLSKE KULTURE / FRIDAY, 11h, VUCEDOL MUSEUM 76 77

40 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Arheo / Archeo POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Matineje Matinees MUZEJ NEVINOSTI INNOCENCE OF MEMORIES CRVENA KORNJAČA / LA TORTUE ROUGE / THE RED TURTLE, Francuska, Belgija, Japan / France, Belgium, Japan MALI PRINC / LE PETIT PRINCE / THE LITTLE PRINCE, Francuska / France IZUM ZA UNIŠTENJE / VYNÁLEZ ZKÁZY / INVENTION FOR DESTRUCTION, Češka / Czech Republic NEVJEROJATNE ZGODE BARUNA MÜNCHAUSENA / BARON PRÁSIL / THE FABULOUS BARON MÜNCHAUSEN, Češka / Czech Republic PUTOVANJE DO POČETKA VREMENA / CESTA DO PRAVĔKU / JOURNEY TO THE BEGGINING OF TIME, Češka / Czech Republic UKRADENI CEPELIN / UKRADENÁ VZDUCHOLOD / STOLEN AIRSHIP, Češka / Czech Republic VB / UK Grant Gee 97 min Emocionalno esejistički film koji je ujedno i meditacija o dobitniku Nobelove nagrade Orhanu Pamuku te njegovoj multimedijalnoj kreaciji Muzej nevinosti. Njegov istoimeni roman iz godine govori o zabranjenoj ljubavnoj aferi 1970-ih u Istanbulu između Kemala i Fusun, prodavačice koju muškarac sreće dok kupuje zaručnici dar. Grant Gee je redatelj i snimatelj, poznat po dokumentarcima Meeting People Is Easy (1998.), Joy Division (2007.) i Radiohead: 7 Television Commercials (1998.). Režirao je glazbene spotove za Radiohead, Stephena Malkmusa i Sparklehorse. Živi u Brightonu. Absorbing essay-film is a meditation or reverie about the Nobel prizewinner Orhan Pamuk and his multimedia creation The Museum of Innocence. His 2008 novel of that title is about a forbidden love affair in 70s Istanbul between a man named Kemal and Füsun, the shopgirl he meets while buying a present for his fiancee Grant Gee is a director and cinematographer, known for Meeting People Is Easy (1998), Joy Division (2007) and Radiohead: 7 Television Commercials (1998). He has directed music videos for Radiohead, Stephen Malkmus, and Sparklehorse. Currently lives in Brighton, England ČETVRTAK, 11h, MUZEJ VUČEDOLSKE KULTURE THURSDAY, 11h, VUCEDOL MUSEUM FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL 78 79

41 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Matineje / Matinees RETROSPEKTIVA KARELA ZEMANA KAREL ZEMAN S RETROSPECTIVE Autor: Nenad Polimac CRVENA KORNJAČA LA TORTUE ROUGE THE RED TURTLE Francuska, Belgija, Japan / France, Belgium, Japan Mornar pokušava pobjeći s pustog otoka pomoću improvizirane splavi. Njegov pokušaj spriječi kornjača koja mu uništi sklepano plovilo. Unatoč tome, mornar uspijeva pronaći novi život na pustom otoku, i to zahvaljujući čudnovatoj crvenoj kornjači. Michaël Dudok de Wit je nizozemski redatelj rođen godine u Utrechtu u Nizozemskoj. Crvena kornjača njegov je prvi dugometražni animirani film. Dudok de Wit iza sebe ima jednog osvojenog Oscara za svoj kratki animirani film Otac i kći (Father and Daughter) iz godine. Michaël Dudok de Wit 80 min A man marooned on a desert island tries desperately to escape, until one day he encounters a strange turtle that will change his life. Michaël Dudok de Wit was born on July 15, 1953 in Abcoude, Utrecht, Netherlands. He is known for his work on Father and Daughter (2000), Le moine et le poisson (1994) and The Red Turtle (2016). His most wellknown film Father and Daughter (2000) won an Academy Award. MALI PRINC LE PETIT PRINCE THE LITTLE PRINCE Francuska / France Mark Osborne Filmska animirana verzija kultnog remek-djela Antoinea de Saint Exuperija. U središtu je zbivanja Djevojčica koju majka polako priprema za svijet odraslih. Njihov susjed je ekscentrični dobronamjerni Avijatičar. On će Djevojčicu upoznati s nevjerojatnim novim svijetom... Mark Osborne rođen je 17. rujna u Trentonu u SAD-u. Američki je redatelj, scenarist, animator i producent, poznat po filmovima Kung Fu Panda (2008.), Spužva Bob (2004.) i Mali princ (). 108 min The first-ever animated feature film adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry s iconic masterpiece, The Little Prince. At the heart of it all is The Little Girl, who s being prepared by her mother for the very grown-up world in which they live only to be interrupted by her eccentric, kind-hearted neighbor, The Aviator. The Aviator introduces his new friend to an extraordinary world.. Mark Osborne was born on September 17, 1970 in Trenton, New Jersey, USA. He is a director, writer, animator and producer, best known for Kung Fu Panda (2008), The Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie (2004) and The little Prince (2015). Tko je najvažniji češki filmaš? Miloš Forman? Jirí Menzel? Neće biti, ime mu je Karel Zeman, a po riječima francuskog povjesničara Georgesa Sadoula utjecaj mu daleko nadmašuje slavu. Veliki češki animator Jan Švankmajer duguje mu jako puno, kultni filmaš Terry Gilliam tvrdi da je uvijek htio postići isto što i on, neosjetan spoj igranog i animiranog filma, a Tim Burton ga citira kao glavni uzor u jednom razdoblju karijere, usporedno s legendarnim Rayom Harryhausenom: ništa čudno jer je redatelj Bubimira i Batmana i sam počeo kao animator i divio se Zemanovim kreacijama. Budući da ta vrsta filmova nastaje jako sporo, Čeh je iza sebe ostavio impresivan opus od deset dugih i 20 kratkih filmova. Specijalnost mu je bila tzv. stop animacija, uzeo bi željeni objekt lutku od stakla, gline ili bilo čega drugog i natjerao ga da se pokrene, a zatim bi ga stopio s glumcima i realnim ambijentom. Otkrio sam ga još kao klinac, nisam tada baš bio lud za češkim filmovima, no Put u prahistoriju iz sa čudovištima koja su izazivala jezu bio je prava stvar u toj dobi, a kad su uslijedili Opasni pronalazak (preveden i kao Čudesni svijet Julesa Vernea ), Baron Prasil (ili Fantastični baron Munchausen ) i Ukradeni zrakoplov, Zemanov svijet fantastike postao mi je jedna od najvažnijih filmskih atrakcija. Danas bih najradije posjetio njegov muzej koji je otvoren u Pragu, ali valjda će i to jednom doći na red. Zemanove najvažnije inspiracije bili su književnik Jules Verne i filmski pionir i sanjar Georges Méliès. Krajnje je primjereno da mu Vukovar film festival upriliči retrospektivu, jer je prije pet godina imao za temu tvornicu Bata i njezin pogon u Zlinu, u čijem je animiranom odjelu Zeman neko vrijeme radio. Svaki film u programu je prava dragocjenost koja se ne smije propustiti PONEDJELJAK, 10:00, CINESTAR / SUBOTA, 10:00, CINESTAR / MONDAY, 10.00, CINESTAR SATURDAY, 10:00, CINESTAR POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Matineje / Matinees Who is the most important Czech filmmaker? Milos Forman? Jirí Menzel? His name is Karel Zeman, and in the words of French historian Georges Sadoul his influence far surpasses his fame. The great Czech animator Jan Švankmajer owes him a lot, iconic filmmaker Terry Gilliam claims that he always wanted to achieve the same as he did, blend of feature and animated film and Tim Burton cites him as a major role model in one period of his career, along with the legendary Ray Harryhausen : nothing strange because the director of Beetlejuice and Batman started as an animator and admired Zeman creations. Since this type of film is shot very slowly, a Czech left behind an impressive amount of work: ten long and 20 short films. His specialty was stop animation, he took the desired object - a doll made of glass, clay, or anything else - and forced him to run, and then he merged it with actors and real ambience. I found out about him as a kid, I wasn t crazy for the Czech films, but Journey to Prehistory from 1955 with the monsters that have caused the dam was the right thing at that age, and when they followed with Dangerous invention (translated and as the Wonderful world of Jules Verne ), Baron Prasil (or Fantasy Baron Munchausen ) and Stolen aircraft, Zeman fantasy world became for me one of the most important film attractions Today I would gladly visit his museum that opened in 2012 in Prague, and probably will do it some day. Zeman s most important inspiration was the writer Jules Verne and film pioneer and a dreamer Georges Mélièr. It is appropriate that the Vukovar Film Festival organizes a retrospective, because five years ago festival screened film about Bata factory and its plant in Zlin, in which the animation department Zeman worked. Each film in the program is a real treasure that should not be missed

42 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Matineje / Matinees PUTOVANJE DO POČETKA VREMENA CESTA DO PRAVĔKU JOURNEY TO THE BEGGINING OF TIME UKRADENI CEPELIN UKRADENÁ VZDUCHOLOD STOLEN AIRSHIP IZUM ZA UNIŠTENJE VYNÁLEZ ZKÁZY INVENTION FOR DESTRUCTION Češka / Czech Republic Karel Zeman Opak i zao milijunaš Artigas planira aktivirati supereksplozivnu napravu. Iz svog sjedišta koje se nalazi u golemom vulkanu, želi osvojiti cijeli svijet. Karel Zeman je bio češki filmski redatelj i animator, poznat kao jedna od najutjecajnijih osoba filmske animacije 20. stoljeća. Slavu stekao serijom filmova, najčešće temeljenih na klasičnim djelima fantastične i science fiction književnosti, u kojima je izuzetno efektno kombinirao animaciju s igranim scenama min An evil millionaire named Artigas plans to use a super-explosive device to conquer the world from his headquarters inside an enormous volcano. Karel Zeman was a Czech film director, artist, production designer and animator, best known for directing fantasy films combining live-action footage with animation. Because of his creative use of special effects and animation in his films, he has often been called the Czech Méliès SRIJEDA, 10:00, CINESTAR / WEDNESDAY, 10.00, CINESTAR NEVJEROJATNE ZGODE BARUNA MÜNCHAUSENA BARON PRÁSIL THE FABULOUS BARON MÜNCHAUSEN Češka / Czech Republic Karel Zeman Neobuzdani Baron Münchausen priča o svojim nebrojenim avanturama - od toga kako je sreo čovjeka na Mjesecu, do toga kako je sam samcat pobijedio cijelu tursku vojsku. Karel Zeman je bio češki filmski redatelj i animator, poznat kao jedna od najutjecajnijih osoba filmske animacije 20. stoljeća. Slavu stekao serijom filmova, najčešće temeljenih na klasičnim djelima fantastične i science fiction književnosti, u kojima je izuzetno efektno kombinirao animaciju s igranim scenama UTORAK, 10:00, CINESTAR TUESDAY, 10:00, CINESTAR min The outrageous Baron Münchausen tells of his many adventures, from meeting the Man in the Moon to defeating a Turkish army all by himself. Karel Zeman was a Czech film director, artist, production designer and animator, best known for directing fantasy films combining live-action footage with animation. Because of his creative use of special effects and animation in his films, he has often been called the Czech Méliès. Češka / Czech Republic Karel Zeman Najmlađi od četiri dječaka jednoga dana pronalazi fosilni ostatak trilobita. Njegov stariji prijatelj vodi ga na putovanje kroz prapovijest... Karel Zeman je bio češki filmski redatelj i animator, poznat kao jedna od najutjecajnijih osoba filmske animacije 20. stoljeća. Slavu stekao serijom filmova, najčešće temeljenih na klasičnim djelima fantastične i science fiction književnosti, u kojima je izuzetno efektno kombinirao animaciju s igranim scenama PETAK, 10:00, CINESTAR FRIDAY, 10:00, CINESTAR min Youngest of four boys one day finds a fossil of trilobite. So his older friend take him on journey through prehistory... Karel Zeman was a Czech film director, artist, production designer and animator, best known for directing fantasy films combining live-action footage with animation. Because of his creative use of special effects and animation in his films, he has often been called the Czech Méliès. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Matineje / Matinees Češka / Czech Republic Karel Zeman Petorica dječaka na praškoj izložbi ugledaju nevjerojatno čudo - cepelin koji je u vlasništvu biznismena i muljatora Findejsa. Karel Zeman je bio češki filmski redatelj i animator, poznat kao jedna od najutjecajnijih osoba filmske animacije 20. stoljeća. Slavu stekao serijom filmova, najčešće temeljenih na klasičnim djelima fantastične i science fiction književnosti, u kojima je izuzetno efektno kombinirao animaciju s igranim scenama ČETVRTAK 10h, CINESTAR / THURSDAY, 10h, CINESTAR min Five boys meet in Prague at the Prague Exhibition where they see a fantastic miracle - dirigible airship owned by the businessman (and trickster) Findejs. Karel Zeman was a Czech film director, artist, production designer and animator, best known for directing fantasy films combining live-action footage with animation. Because of his creative use of special effects and animation in his films, he has often been called the Czech Méliès

43 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Retrospektiva Akija Kaurismakija Aki Kaurismaki s Retrospective ČOVJEK BEZ PROŠLOSTI / MIES VAILLA MENNEISYYTTA / THE MAN WITHOUT A PAST, Finska, Njemačka, Francuska / Finland, Germany, France LENJINGRADSKI KAUBOJI IDU U AMERIKU / LENINGRAD COWBOYS GO AMERICA, Finska, Švedska / Finland, Sweden SJENKE U RAJU / VARJOJA PARATIISISSA / SHADOWS IN PARADISE, Finska / Finland SVJETLA U SUMRAKU / LAITAKAPUNGIN VALOT / LIGHTS IN THE DUSK, Finska, Njemačka, Francuska / Finland, Germany, France UNAJMIO SAM PLAĆENOG UBOJICU / I HIRED A CONTRACT KILLER, Finska, VB, Njemačka, Švedska, Francuska / Finland, UK, Germany, Sweden, France ZLOČIN I KAZNA / RIKOS JA RANGAISTUS / CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, Finska / Finland ČOVJEK BEZ PROŠLOSTI MIES VAILLA MENNEISYYTTA THE MAN WITHOUT A PAST Finska, Njemačka, Francuska / Finland, Germany, France Aki Kaurismaki Drugi dio finske trilogije Akija Kaurismakija. Priča prati čovjeka koji stiže u Helsinki gdje ga teško pretuku i on dobije amneziju. Ne može se sjetiti svog imena ni ičega iz prošlosti... Aki Kaurismaki najpoznatiji je finski filmski redatelj. Njegovi su filmovi izuzetno kratki, te su to ekscentrične parodije raznih žanrova (film ceste, film noir i rock mjuzikl), a nastanjuju ih pijani Finci te krase eklektični soundtrackovi temeljeni na rocku 50-ih prošlog stoljeća. Markku Peltola, Kati Outinen, Annikki Tähti min The second part of Aki Kaurismäki s Finland trilogy, the film follows a man who arrives in Helsinki and gets beaten up so severely he develops amnesia. Unable to remember his name or anything from his past life... Aki Kaurismaki is the most famous Finnish film director. His films are very short, eccentric parodies of various genres (road movies, film noir, rock musicals), populated by lugubrious harddrinking Finns and set to eclectic soundtracks, typically based around 50s rock n roll SRIJEDA, 14:00, KINO BOROVO / WEDNESDAY, 14.00, BOROVO CINEMA LENJINGRADSKI KAUBOJI IDU U AMERIKU LENINGRAD COWBOYS GO AMERICA Finska, Švedska / Finland, Sweden Aki Kaurismaki The Leningrad Cowboys, fikcijski ruski rock bend i njihov menadžer putuju u Ameriku u potrazi za slavom i bogatstvom. Aki Kaurismaki najpoznatiji je finski filmski redatelj. Njegovi su filmovi izuzetno kratki, te su to ekscentrične parodije raznih žanrova (film ceste, film noir i rock mjuzikl), a nastanjuju ih pijani Finci te krase eklektični soundtrackovi temeljeni na rocku 50-ih prošlog stoljeća. Matti Pellonpää, Kari Väänänen, Sakke Järvenpää min The Leningrad Cowboys, a fictional Russian rock band, and their manager, travel to America seeking fame and fortune. Aki Kaurismaki is the most famous Finnish film director. His films are very short, eccentric parodies of various genres (road movies, film noir, rock musicals), populated by lugubrious hard-drinking Finns and set to eclectic soundtracks, typically based around 50s rock n roll PONEDJELJAK, 14:00, KINO BOROVO / MONDAY, 14.00, BOROVO CINEMA FESTIVAL PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA DANUBE REGION FILM FESTIVAL POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Retrospektiva Akija Kaurismakija / Aki Kaurismaki s Retrospective 84 85

44 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Retrospektiva Akija Kaurismakija / Aki Kaurismaki s Retrospective PUTOVANJE DO UNAJMIO SAM PLAĆENOG UBOJICU I HIRED A CONTRACT KILLER ZLOČIN I KAZNA RIKOS JA RANGAISTUS CRIME AND PUNISHMENT SJENKE U RAJU VARJOJA PARATIISISSA SHADOWS IN PARADISE SVJETLA U SUMRAKU LAITAKAPUNGIN VALOT LIGHTS IN THE DUSK Finska, VB, Njemačka, Švedska, Francuska / Finland, UK, Germany, Sweden, France Aki Kaurismaki Nakon petnaestogodišnjeg staža Henri Boulanger je otpušten s posla. Šokiran, on pokuša samoubojstvo, no ne uspijeva pa unajmi plaćenog ubojicu da ga ubije u skorijoj budućnosti. Aki Kaurismaki najpoznatiji je finski filmski redatelj. Njegovi su filmovi izuzetno kratki, te su to ekscentrične parodije raznih žanrova (film ceste, film noir i rock mjuzikl), a nastanjuju ih pijani Finci te krase eklektični soundtrackovi temeljeni na rocku 50-ih prošlog stoljeća. Jean-Pierre Léaud, Margi Clarke, Kenneth Colley min After fifteen years service, Henri Boulanger is made redundant from his job. Shocked, he attempts suicide, but can t go through with it, so he hires a contract killer in a seedy bar to murder him at some unspecified time in the future. Aki Kaurismaki is the most famous Finnish film director. His films are very short, eccentric parodies of various genres (road movies, film noir, rock musicals), populated by lugubrious harddrinking Finns and set to eclectic soundtracks, typically based around 50s rock n roll SUBOTA, 14:00, KINO BOROVO SATURDAY, 14.00, BOROVO CINEMA Finska/ Finland Aki Kaurismaki Adaptacija romana ruskog pisca F. M. Dostojevskog, smještena u moderni Helsinki. Radnik u koljačnici Rahikainen ubije čovjeka i prisiljen je živjeti s posljedicama svoga djela. Aki Kaurismaki najpoznatiji je finski filmski redatelj. Njegovi su filmovi izuzetno kratki, te su to ekscentrične parodije raznih žanrova (film ceste, film noir i rock mjuzikl), a nastanjuju ih pijani Finci te krase eklektični soundtrackovi temeljeni na rocku 50-ih prošlog stoljeća. Markku Toikka, Aino Seppo, Esko Nikkari min PETAK, 14:00, KINO BOROVO FRIDAY, 14.00, BOROVO CINEMA An adaptation of Dostoyevsky s novel, set in modern Helsinki. Slaughterhouse worker Rahikainen murders a man, and is forced to live with the consequences of his actions. Aki Kaurismaki is the most famous Finnish film director. His films are very short, eccentric parodies of various genres (road movies, film noir, rock musicals), populated by lugubrious harddrinking Finns and set to eclectic soundtracks, typically based around 50s rock n roll. Finska / Finland Aki Kaurismaki U sivom Helsinkiju živi Nikander, stoički usamljeni smećar. Cigarete, kava, bingo i satovi engleskog ispunjavaju njegov život. Premalo je tu riječi, bez smijeha i radosti. Aki Kaurismaki najpoznatiji je finski filmski redatelj. Njegovi su filmovi izuzetno kratki, te su to ekscentrične parodije raznih žanrova (film ceste, film noir i rock mjuzikl), a nastanjuju ih pijani Finci te krase eklektični soundtrackovi temeljeni na rocku 50-ih prošlog stoljeća. Matti Pellonpää, Kati Outinen, Sakari Kuosmanen min In gray Helsinki, Nikander is a stoic, solitary garbage man. Cigarettes, coffee, bingo games, and English lessons border his circumscribed life. There are few words, no smiles, and no laughter. Aki Kaurismaki is the most famous Finnish film director. His films are very short, eccentric parodies of various genres (road movies, film noir, rock musicals), populated by lugubrious hard-drinking Finns and set to eclectic soundtracks, typically based around 50s rock n roll UTORAK, 14:00, KINO BOROVO TUESDAY, 14.00, BOROVO CINEMA Finska, Njemačka, Francuska / Finland, Germany, France Aki Kaurismaki Koistenin je tužan čovjek, bez osjećaja i prijatelja. On je noćni čuvar u Helsinkiju s idejom započinjanja vlastitog biznisa, no ne trudi se previše. Iz vedra neba privlačna plavuša baci oko na Koistenina. Aki Kaurismaki najpoznatiji je finski filmski redatelj. Njegovi su filmovi izuzetno kratki, te su to ekscentrične parodije raznih žanrova (film ceste, film noir i rock mjuzikl), a nastanjuju ih pijani Finci te krase eklektični soundtrackovi temeljeni na rocku 50-ih prošlog stoljeća. Janne Hyytiäinen, Maria Järvenhelmi, Maria Heiskanen min Koistenin is a sad sack, a man without affect or friends. He s a night-watchman in Helsinki with ideas of starting his own business, but nothing to go with those intentions. Out of the blue, a young sophisticated blonde woman attaches herself to Koistenin. Aki Kaurismaki is the most famous Finnish film director. His films are very short, eccentric parodies of various genres (road movies, film noir, rock musicals), populated by lugubrious harddrinking Finns and set to eclectic soundtracks, typically based around 50s rock n roll ČETVRTAK, 14:00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE THURSDAY, 14.00, BOROVO CINEMA POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Retrospektiva Akija Kaurismakija / Aki Kaurismaki s Retrospective 86 87

45 DODATNA DOGAĐANJA SPECIAL EVENTS FESTIVALSKA RADIONICA - Radionica Od ideje do realizacije FESTIVAL WORKSHOP - From idea to realization Radionica Od ideje do realizacije namijenjena je filmskim entuzijastima s iskustvom - ili bez, mladima - i duhom mladima, a koji žele napraviti svoj film. Polaznici će se prvi dan radionice naći pred praznim papirom i u potrazi za pravom i izvedivom idejom, a zadnji dan pred projekcijskim platnom i publikom. Između će ovladati filmskim jezikom, napisati scenarij, (glumiti - ako film bude igranoga roda), snimiti, režirati i montirati. Voditelj radionice je priznati hrvatski filmski redatelj Ivan Salaj. Workshop From idea to realization is intended for film enthusiasts with or no experience, for the young and those who feel young, for all those who want to make a movie. At their very first day participants will be in front of blank paper, looking for the right and feasible ideas, and on their last day in front of the projecting screen and the audience. They will master the film language, will write a script, (play in it - if it is a feature film), capture, direct and edit it. Workshop leader is eminent croatian director Ivan Salaj. RADIONICA ANIMIRANOG FILMA STOP ANIMACIJA ANIMATED FILM WORKSHOP STOP ANIMATION Radionica animiranog filma Stop animacija za najmlađe održava se treći put na ovogodišnjem Vukovar film festivalu. Vodi je hrvatski redatelj Zvonimir Rumboldt. Glavni je cilj radionice upoznati djecu (dob 7-12) s osnovama stvaranja filma te filmskim elementima u globalu, no i stjecanje praktičnog znanja potrebnog za kreiranje animiranog filma uz pomoć dostupnih sredstava poput digitalne kamere i osnovnog uređivačkog sofvera na kompjutoru. Radionica traje šest dana u blokovima po četiri sata. Maksimum polaznika jest 20. Radionica je besplatna za sve polaznike. Animated Film Workshop Stop animation for the youngest is being held for the third time at Vukovar film festival. It will be held by Croatian film director Zvonimir Rumboldt. The main objective of the workshop is to introduce children (ages 7-12) with the basics of Filmmaking and the film elements in general, but also to gain practical knowledge needed to create animated films with the help of accessible resources, like digital camera and basic editing software on the PC. The workshop is lasting for 6 days in blocks of 4 hours. Maximum of workshop is 20 participants. The Workshop is free of charge. DUNAVSKA SCENARISTIČKA RADIONICA DANUBIAN SCREENWRITING WORKSHOP 10. VUKOVAR FILM FESTIVAL održava tradicionalnu Dunavsku scenarističku radionicu od 22. do 27. kolovoza godine. Svrha programa je omogućiti scenaristima intenzivan rad na tekstu u opuštenoj stvaralačkoj atmosferi, prema potrebi uz podršku moderatorice, scenaristice Sanje Kovačević te kolega prisutnih na Vukovar film festivalu. Otvoren je svima koji razvijaju scenarij za dugometražni igrani film. Za sudjelovanje u radionici otvoren je natječaj na koji se prijavljuju svi zainteresirani. Od pristiglih prijava bit će izabrano petero sudionika različitih senzibiliteta kako bi se postigla produktivna grupna dinamika. Radionica je besplatna. Osim toga, Vukovar film festival polaznicima pokriva i smještaj s doručkom. 10th VUKOVAR FILM FESTIVAL maintains traditional Danubian screenwriting workshop from 22nd to 27th of August The purpose of the program is to achieve screenwriter s intensive work on the text in a relaxed creative atmosphere, if it is necessary with the support of the moderator, scriptwriter Sanja Kovačević and colleagues present at the Vukovar Film Festival. It is open to all who developed the script for the feature film. People can apply to participate in the workshop threw an open contest. From the applications received dramaturg Sanja Kovačević selects five participants of different sensibilities to achieve a productive group dynamics. The workshop is free. In addition, the Vukovar Film Festival covers accommodation and breakfast for all participants. AUTORSKA IZLOŽBA STRIP ALBUMA AL BUM TOMICA AUTH OR EXHIBITION OF AN COMIC AL BUM TOMICA Autorska izložba cjelovitog strip albuma Al Bum Tomica i drugih recentnih ilustracija iz knjiga i slikovnica, koju organiziraju Grad Vukovar, Gradski muzej i Hrvatski dom Vukovar. 21. kolovoza, 19.30h, otvaranje izložbe, GRADSKI MUZEJ VUKOVAR IZLOŽBA SLAMNATE SKULPTURE LOGA FESTIVALA EXHIBITION OF STRAW SCULPTURE OF THE FESTIVAL S LOGO RADIONICA SLAME STRAW WORKSHOP Author exhibition of the complete comic album Al Bum Tomica and other recent illustrations of books and picture books, organized by the City of Vukovar, City Museum and Croatian Home Vukovar , 19.30h, opening of the exhibition, VUKOVAR CITY MUSEUM RADIONICE STRIPA ZA DJECU I MLADE COMICS WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Na radionici stripa za djecu i mlade polaznici mogu kroz kreativan rad naučiti organizirati tablu stripa, kompoziciju kadra te kako vješto ispričati, odnosno nacrtati kratku priču. Voditelj radionice je Davor Schunk koji aktivno djeluje kao crtač, dizajner, animator i pjesnik. Uz to, zaslužan je za pokretanje Strip festivala FRA MA FU u Virovitici, autor je više uspješnih vizualnih identiteta i maskota, a odradio je i niz uspješnih radionica za djecu i mlade. Putuje po Europi i Africi i snima reportaže za televiziju i časopise kolovoza, 17-19h KNJIŽNICA NA OTVORENOM, PJEŠAČKA ZONA Kipar Nikola Faller, idejni pokretač umjetničke kolonije Slama (Udruge za poticanje umjetničke svijesti u društvu) koja se bavi svim oblicima umjetničkog izražaja, izložit će slamnatu skulpturu loga Vukovar film festivala. Događanje će zagrijati zvuk afričkih bubnjeva skupine RitmOS iz Osijeka koji sviraju autentičnu glazbu poznatu po nazivu European Djambe Sound. 22. kolovoza, 20h / AGENCIJA ZA VODNE PUTOVE Uz pomoć Udruge Slama i njihova voditelja, kipara Nikole Fallera, koji znaju rukovati tim osebujnim, prirodnim materijalom, polaznici će sudjelovati u kreativnom procesu rada sa slamom, pri čemu će se izrađivati neki od najznačajnijih simbola grada Vukovara, poput Vučedolske golubice. 23. kolovoza, 10-18h / PJEŠAČKA ZONA At the comics workshop children and young students can learn through creative work to organize comics, compose shot, and how skillfully tell or draw a short story. Workshop leader is Davor Schunk, who is active as an artist, designer, animator and poet. In addition, he launched Strip Festival FRA MA FU in Virovitica, he is the author of more successful visual identity and mascot, and did a series of successful workshops for children and youth. He travels through Europe and Africa and shootes reports for television and magazines , 17-19h LIBRARY IN THE OPEN, pedestrian zone Sculptor Nikola Faller, initiator of Straw Art Colony (Association for the promotion of artistic awareness in society) that deals with all forms of artistic expression, will exhibit a straw sculptureof the Vukovar film festival logo. The event will be heated up by the sound of African drums of Ritmos from Osijek, who play authentic music known as the European Djambi Sound , 20h / INLAND WATERWAYS AGENCY With the help of the Association of Straw and their leader, sculptor Nikola Faller, who know how to handle these distinctive, natural materials, participants will take part in the creative process of working with straw, where they will make some of the most important symbols of the city of Vukovar, like Vučedol dove , 10-18h / PEDESTRIAN ZONE POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Dodatna događanja / Special events 88 89

46 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Dodatna događanja / Special events BAJADERA - NOVA FESTIVALSKA LOKACIJA BAJADERA - NEW FESTIVAL LOCATION VUKOVAR WATERBUS BAJADERA je u potpunosti ustakljena, i omogućava jedinstven pogled na Grad i njegove znamenitosti: dvorac Eltz, Crkvu, Vodotoranj, tvornicu Borovo, luku Vukovar... Koncipirana je kao višenamjenski prostor; kao salon ili kao izložbeni prostor u kome se odvijaju umjetničke instalacije i postave kulturno turističkog sadržaja. Bajadera je nova festivalska lokacija gdje će se u večernjem terminu prkazivati filmovi iz sekcije Odabrao Đelo Hadžiselimović te gdje će se održati prezentacija novog filmskog kanal Dokutv. VUKOVAR WATERBUS BAJADERA is fully glazed, and provides a unique view of the city and its attractions: Eltz castle, Church, Water tower, Borovo factory, the port of Vukovar... It is conceived as a multi-purpose room; as a lounge or as an exhibition space. Bajadera is a new festival location where the films form section Djelo Hadziselimovic selection will be screened in evening time. Presentation of a new movie chanell DOKUTV will also take place on Bajadera boat. PREDSTAVLJANJE LEKSIKONA YU FILMA, AUTORA NENADA POLIMCA PRESENTATION OF YU FILM LEKSIKON BY AN AUTHOR NENAD POLIMAC Moderator: Daniel Rafaelić U zanimljivom i intrigantnom Leksikonu YU filma poznati filmski kritičar Jutarnjega lista Nenad Polimac sažima četrdesetak godina jugoslavenske filmske industrije. Leksikon predstavlja kritičarski pregled kultnih filmskih ostvarenja, ključnih osoba i fenomena koji su obilježili jugoslavensku kinematografiju: od svjetski značajnih filmova kao što su Skupljači perja, Bitka na Neretvi, Valter brani Sarajevo, Ko to tamo peva i Otac na službenome putu, preko prikaza filmskih legendi (Bulajić, Dvornik, Pavlović, Šerbedžija, Živojinović itd.) i gostiju iz svijeta (Y. Brynner, J. Chan, O. Welles, M. Streep) do pripadnika praške škole (Grlić, Kusturica, Paskaljević, Zafranović ), uspona i pada YU tržišta i alternativnih filmova. Moderator: Daniel Rafaelic In an interesting and intriguing Lexicon of YU film well known film critic of Jutarnji list Nenad Polimac summarizes forty years of the Yugoslav film industry. Lexicon represents critic review of cult films, key people and phenomena that marked the Yugoslav cinema from the world s famous films such as Skupljači perja, Bitka na Neretvi, Valter brani Sarajevo, Ko to tamo peva i Otac na službenome putu,over the film legends (Bulajić, Dvornik, Pavlovic, Serbedzija, Zivojinovic, etc.) and guests from around the world (Y. Brynner, J. Chan, O. Welles, M. Streep) to members of the Prague school (Grlic, Kusturica, Paskaljevic, Zafranović...), rise and fall of Yugoslavia markets and alternative films GRADSKA KNJIŽNICA VUKOVAR 18h CITY LIBRARY VUKOVAR, 18h 85 GODINA TVRTKE BATA / BOROVO KROZ FILMSKO GRADIVO 85 YEARS OF COMPANY BATA / BOROVO THROUGH FILM MATERIAL Obilježavajući 85 godina postojanja tvrtke Borovo Vukovar Državni arhiv u Vukovaru priređuje predstavljanje dokumentarnih filmova o povijesti tvrtke koja je obilježila gospodarstvo, ali i čitav identitet vukovarskog kraja u narednim desetljećima, sve do najnovijeg vremena. U bogatom večernjem programu bit će prikazani filmovi: - isječci u posjedu Hrvatskog državnog arhiva-odjela filmskog arhiva iz i o proizvodnji auto-guma u tvrtki Borovo d.d. Vukovar i posjetu Tita kombinatu Borovo - dokumentarni film Pedeset godina Borova ; Zagreb film; 1981.; Krsto Papić; 66 min. - dokumentarni film Borovo institut ; Zagreb film; 1985.; Krsto Papić; 13 min. Filmovi su u vlasništvu Hrvatskog državnog arhiva, a cilj nam je ukazati na značaj filmskog gradiva za kulturnu baštinu naše zavičajne povijesti. Program će biti popraćen video prezentacijom dokumentarnog arhivskog gradiva fonda Borovo-Kombinat gume i obuće u posjedu Državnog arhiva u Vukovaru uz prikaz najvrjednijih jedinica poput izvorne kolekcije obuće iz godine, starih plakata i odabranog materijala iz spomenutog fundusa. Organizatori programa su: DRŽAVNI ARHIV U VUKOVARU HRVATSKI DRŽAVNI ARHIV ODJEL FILMSKOG ARHIVA KINO BOROVO Mjesto i vrijeme: KINO BOROVO, , 10,00 sati Celebrating 85 years of existence of the company Borovo Vukovar National Archives in Vukovar organizes a presentation of documentary films on the company s history that marked the economy, but also the whole identity of the Vukovar area in the upcoming decades, until the present day. The rich evening program will screen movies: - Clips in the possession of the Croatian State Archives Departmentfilm archive from 1948 and 1965 on the production of tires in the company Borovo dd Vukovar and Tito s visit to Combine Borovo - Documentary Fifty years of Borovo ; Zagreb film; 1981.; Krsto Papic; 66 min. - Documentary Borovo Institute ; Zagreb film; 1985.; Krsto Papic; 13 min. Movies are owned by the Croatian State Archives, and our goal is to highlight the importance of film material for the cultural heritage of our local history. The program will be accompanied by a video presentation of documentary archives and records of the fund Borovo-Kombinat rubber and footwear in the possession of the National Archives in Vukovar with the presentation of the most valuable units like the original collection of shoes from 1935, old posters and selected materials from the holdings. The organizers of the program are: STATE ARCHIVES IN VUKOVAR CROATIAN STATE ARCHIVES - DEPARTMENT OF FILM ARCHIVE BOROVO CINEMA Time and place: BOROVO CINEMA, , 10:00 h POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Dodatna događanja / Special events 90 91

47 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAM / Dodatna događanja / Special events NULTI DAN - VUKOVARSKO ZAGRIJAVANJE DAY ZERO- VUKOVAR IS WARMING UP! TRUMBO Redatelj / Director : Jay Roach Američka biografska drama / American bio drama- ulaz slobodan/ Free entrance 21.8., PERIVOJ DVORCA ELTZ / CASTLE ELTZ PARK, 20.30h PELE LEGENDA JE ROĐENA / PELE BIRTH OF A LEGEND Redatelj / Directors: Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist Američka bio drama o najboljem nogometašu svih vremena / American bio drama of best football player of all time ulaz slobodan / Free entrance 21.8., TERASA AGENCIJE ZA VODNE PUTOVE / TERRACE OF AGENCY FOR INLAND WATERWAYS, 21h KONCERTI / CONCERTS - RADNIČKI DOM PARTY ZONA 22. kolovoza - Ariana Group Inc, afterparty DJ Omer 23. kolovoza - The Frajle, afterparty DJ Omer 24. kolovoza - Red Roosters, afterparty DJ Omer 25. kolovoza - Vukovarski bendovi, afterparty DJ Omer 26. kolovoza - Studio 54 DJ by Peper Club Zagreb, afterparty DJ Omer 27. kolovoza - Soulfingers, afterparty DJ Omer ŽIRI ZA KRATKOMETRAŽNI IGRANI I DUGOMETRAŽNI IGRANI FILM THE JURY FOR SHORT AND FEATURE FILMS Anita Juka Anita Juka je uspješna producentica i koproducentica dugometražnih igfranih filmova Tu koji je osvojio Kristalni globus specijalnu nagradu žirija na Karlyovim Varyima Film festivalu tegrand Prix na Milano film festivalu te Slovenku Damjana Kozolea koja je ušla u konkurenciju brojnih festivala kao što su oni u Varšavi, Sarajevu, Torontu i dr. Producirala je najuspješnije hrvatske filmove i dokumentarce koji su osvojili brojne nagrade na međunarodnim festivalima a koji su također ostvarili značajnu kino distribuciju na Balkanu. Među njima su dokumentarci Facing the Day, Bad Blue Boys, Blue Rose Garden. Producirala je dugometražni igrani film Ti mene nosiš. Anita Juka is successful producer and coproducer of feature films among which are Here (by Zrinko Ogresta) which won Crystal Globe - the Special Jury Prize at 39th Karlovy Vary IFF, Grand Prix at 9th Milan IFF etc.), Slovenian Girl (by Damjan Kozole) which was in competition at Warsaw, Sarajevo, Toronto, Reykjavik, Portorož, Valencia FF etc. She has produced the most successful Croatian fiction and creative documentaries that have won numerous awards at international festivals, but also achieved significant theatrical distribution in the Balkan countries. Among these are the creative documentaries Facing the Day, Bad Blue Boys, Blue Rose Garden, Anita Juka recently produced fiction feature film YOU CARRY ME. Anja Šovagović-Despot Završila je Klasičnu gimnaziju (Obrazovni centar za jezike) te srednju Funkcionalnu glazbenu školu u Zagrebu (smjer violončelo) u klasi profesorice Dobrile Berković. Diplomirala je glumu na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu godine. U Glumačkoj družini Histrion počinje s profesionalnim radom u kazalištu. Stalna je članica Dramskog kazališta Gavella u Zagrebu od 1. prosinca godine. Redovita je gošća Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara, Splitskog ljeta i Susreta glumaca u Zagvozdu. Odigrala je više od 50 glavnih uloga u kazalištu, više od 40 uloga na filmu i televiziji te mnoge i značajne uloge na Hrvatskom radiju. Sudjelovala je kao glumica na svjetskim kazališnim i filmskim festivalima. She graduated from Classical High School (Education Centre for Languages) and Functional secondary music school in Zagreb (direction cello). She graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in She begins with professional work in the theater working with Histrions. She is a permanent member of Gavella Drama Theatre in Zagreb from 1 December She is also regular guest of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Split Summer Festival and Zagvozd actors meeting. She played more than 50 leading roles in the theater, more than 40 roles in film and television and many significant role in the Croatian Radio. She has participated as an actress in numerous theater and film festivals. Igor Tomljanović Igor Tomljanović (48), novinar, urednik i filmski kritičar iz Zagreba. Diplomirao montažu na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Filmske kritike objavljuje od na Radiju 101, magazinu Globus, emisijama Hrvatskog radija, filmskim časopisima Kinoteka i Hrvatski filmski ljetopis te internetskim portalima net. hr i Bio je direktor programa Radija 101, glavni urednik kabelskog filmskog kanala Klasik TV te glavni urednik Prvog programa Hrvatske radiotelevizije. Sada radi kao urednik filmskog programa HRT-a. Igor Tomljanovic (48), journalist, editor and film critic from Zagreb. He graduated film and TV editing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. Film reviews published since 1989 on Radio 101, news magazine Globus, Croatian Radio broadcasts, film magazines Kinoteka and Hrvatski filmski ljetopis and internet portals and He was Program director of Radio 101, Editor-in-Chief of the cable TV channel Klasik TV and Editorin-Chief of the First channel of the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT1). Currently working as editor of the film program at HRT

48 ŽIRI ZA DOKUMENTARNI FILM THE JURY FOR DOCUMENTARY NAGRADE AWARDS Hubert Canaval Hubert Canaval je montažer, scenarist i filmski redatelj. Studirao je na bečkoj Filmskoj akademiji gdje danas predaje. Nakon što je montirao brojne filmove, posvetio se pisanju i režiranju. Nedavno je objavio knjigu Der Gott der Nullen te kazališnu dramu Das Neid Projekt. Hubert Canaval is an editor, scriptwriter and film director. He studied at the Film Academy Vienna, where he teaches today. After having edited a number of films, he focused on writing and directing documentaries. Recently he also published the narrative Der Gott der Nullen among others as well as the stage play Das Neid Projekt. Borislav Kolev Borislav Kolev je među najcjenjenijim filmskim kritičarima i novinarima koji se bave kulturom u Bugarskoj. Također je i poznat po strastvenom pisanju scenarija za sportske dokumentarce. Rođen diplomirao je na Akademiji za kazalište i film u Sofiji na smjeru Povijesti filma i Filmske režije. Stoičkov je njegov redateljski debi. Borislav Kolev is among the most respected film critics and art journalists in Bulgaria, also known for his passionate screenwriting for sport documentaries. Born in 1965, he graduated from the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia with a degree in Cinema History and Film Directing. Stoichkov is his directorial debut. Anne Schiltz Anne Schiltz je studirala na Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology u Manchesteru. Radi kao filmska autorica, uglavnom na filmovima prema stvarnim događajima. U njezine dokumentarce spadaju Sweet Life and all that goes with it (2002.), portret saksonske obitelji u Transilvaniji, i Gordian Troeller Revisited - Eritrea (2007.). Njezina zainteresiranost za glazbu odražava se u bliskoj suradnji s raznim izvođačima te glazbenim ansamblima. Cello Tales je njezin prvi dugometražni dokumentarni film. Anne Schiltz studied at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology in Manchester. She now works as a filmmaker, mainly on nonfiction films. Her documentaries include Sweet Life and all that goes with it (2002), a portrait of a Saxon family in Transylvania, and Gordian Troeller Revisited Eritrea (2007). Her interest in music is reflected in her close collaboration with various artists and musical ensembles. Cello Tales is her first feature documentary. NAGRADA ZA NAJBOLJI DUGOMETRAŽNI IGRANI FILM BEST FEATURE FILM Najbolji dugometražni igrani film 10. Vukovar film festivala bit će otkupljen za distribuciju. / Best Feature Film of the 10th Vukovar Film Festival will be bought out for distribution. NAGRADA ZA KRATKI IGRANI FILM BEST SHORT FILM Sponzor nagrade / Sponsored By Najbolji kratkometražni igrani film 10. Vukovar film festivala bit će nagrađen iznosom od 500 EUR. / Best short film of the 10th Vukovar Film Festival will be awarded with 500 EUR NAGRADA ZA NAJBOLJI DOKUMENTARNI FILM BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Sponzor nagrade / Sponsored By Najbolji dokumentarni film 10. Vukovar film festivala bit će nagrađen iznosom od EUR. / Best documentary film of the 10th Vukovar Film Festival will be awarded with EUR 94 95



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