College of MUSIC. James Forger, DEAN UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS. Ad mis sion as a Ju nior to the Col lege of Mu sic

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1 College of MUSIC James Forger, DEAN The College of Music offers undergraduate programs leading to the de grees of Bach e lor of Mu sic and Bach e lor of Arts, and grad u - ate pro grams lead ing to the de grees of Mas ter of Mu sic, Mas ter of Arts, Doc tor of Phi los o phy, and Doc tor of Mu si cal Arts. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS All de gree pro grams in the College of Mu sic are ac cred ited by the National Association of Schools of Music. All stu dents in Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro grams in the Col - lege of Mu sic must suc cess fully pass an Up per Di vi sion Per for - mance Examination as a prerequisite for enrollment into applied mu sic at the 300-level. The ex am i na tion is ad min is tered by the fac ulty of the area of study at the con clu sion of the fourth se mes - ter of applied music at the 100-level. In ad di tion to meet ing the re quire ments for ad mis sion to the university, ac cep tance into an un der grad u ate pro gram in the Col - lege of Mu sic re quires sat is fac tory per for mance on a ma jor in stru - ment or in voice as de ter mined by au di tion. Can di dates who wish to ma jor in com po si tion must sub mit a port fo lio for re view and ap proval by the area fac ulty. Trans fer credit in mu sic the ory and mu sic per for mance is val i - dated by ex am i na tion. Trans fer credit in other mu sic courses must have the ap proval of the Col lege of Mu sic. Gen eral Re quire ments for All of the Bach e lor's De gree Pro grams in the Col lege of Mu sic 1. All of the fol low ing core courses: MUS 180 Fundamentals of Music...2 MUS 181 Musicianship I...3 MUS 182 Ear Train ing and Sight Sing ing I...1 MUS 183 Ear Train ing and Sight Sing ing II...1 MUS 211 His tory of West ern Mu sic to MUS 212 His tory of West ern Mu sic Since MUS 280 Musicianship II...3 MUS 281 Musicianship III...3 MUS 282 Ad vanced Ear Train ing and Sight Sing ing I...1 MUS 283 Ad vanced Ear Train ing and Sight Sing ing II...1 MUS th Cen tury Mu sic The ory (W) One of the fol low ing ethnomusicology courses:... 2 MUS 409 American Music....2 MUS 425 Mu sic of South Asia and its Di as pora...2 MUS 426 Mu sic of Af rica....2 MUS 429 Mu sic of East Asia....2 MUS 430 Mu sic of the Ca rib bean...2 MUS 436 Pop u lar Mu sic of Black Amer ica...2 MUS 443 Anthropology of Music....2 as a Ju nior to the Col lege of Mu sic 1. Com ple tion of at least 56 cred its ac cept able to the college. 2. An ac a demic re cord in all work ac cepted by the college which meets the re quire ments of Ac a demic Stand ing of Un der - graduate Students. 3. Ac cep tance into a de gree pro gram in the college. Grad u a tion Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Arts De gree in Mu sic 1. The University requirements for bachelor s degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education sec tion of the cat a - log. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Arts de gree that are listed be low: a. Courses used to sat isfy the Uni ver sity In te gra tive Stud - ies re quire ment can not be counted in the ful fill ment of any other re quire ment. b. The specific requirements, including a capstone experience, of a ma jor lead ing to the Bach e lor of Arts de gree in the Col lege. 1

2 Undergraduate Programs Sec ond year com pe tency in a foreign c. lan guage. This re quire ment may be sat is fied by plac ing into a 300 level for eign lan guage course based on a Mich i gan State Uni - versity placement test. d. Cognate requirement: Stu dents must com plete two cog nates of 12 cred its each. Both the cog nates and the re lated courses must be approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Stud ies in the Col lege of Mu sic. (1) The courses in each cog nate shall be in a sin gle discipline or thematic area. (2) At least one of the cog nates must be in a field out - side the Col lege of Mu sic. (3) One 300 or 400 level course of at least 3 cred its must be in cluded in one of the cog nates. (4) Courses at the level in the same lan guage that were used to sat isfy the for eign lan guage re - quire ment de scribed above in 1.c., or courses at the level in an other for eign lan guage, may be counted to ward this re quire ment. e. Credit requirement: (1) At least 30 cred its in courses at the 300 level and above. (2) At least 30, but not more than 54 cred its in Mu sic courses in clud ing cred its in level courses in mu sic per for mance and en sem ble and 100-level courses in mu sic the ory. (3) A min i mum grade-point av er age of 2.0 in courses in the ma jor that count to ward the de gree. Grad u a tion Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Mu sic De gree 1. The University requirements for bachelor s degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education sec tion of the cat a - log. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree that are listed be low: a. Courses used to sat isfy the Uni ver sity In te gra tive Stud - ies re quire ment can not be counted in the ful fill ment of any other re quire ment. b. The specific requirements, including a capstone experience, of a ma jor lead ing to the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in the Col lege of Mu sic. c. Credit requirement. (1) At least 30 cred its in courses at the 300 level and above. d. A min i mum grade point av er age of 2.0 in all of the Mu sic courses that count to ward the de gree. Honors Study The Col lege of Mu sic en cour ages hon ors stu dents to de velop dis - tinctive undergraduate programs. The Director of Student Affairs serves as ad vi sor to Hon ors Col lege stu dents, and it is the ad vi - sor s re spon si bil ity to help the stu dent plan a rig or ous and bal - anced pro gram which will also re flect the student s special interests and competencies. The college of fers hon ors op por tu ni ties, chiefly through Hon ors Op tions in courses, pri vate les sons, and sem i nars at both in tro - duc tory and ad vanced lev els. These agree ments, through prior ar range ment, per mit the stu dent to earn Hon ors credit for spe cial - ized study be yond the usual re quire ments of the course. 2 Pol icy on Com bin ing Jazz and Clas si cal Ap plied Stud ies Any com bin ing of jazz and clas si cal pri vate les sons will be de ter - mined on an in di vid ual ba sis by the re spec tive ap plied ar eas. This pol icy will serve to as sure that suf fi cient at ten tion is given to the acquisition of the necessary repertoire and skills, especially in the pri mary area. If a stu dent wishes to change from clas si cal to jazz or vice versa, an au di tion will be re quired prior to the fi nal de ci - sion. COMPOSITION The Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in com po si tion is de - signed for stu dents who are in ter ested in ob tain ing an in tro duc - tion to the tech nique of com po si tion and for stu dents who are preparing for advanced study in composition, music theory, or musicology. Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Mu sic De gree in Com po si tion 1. The Uni ver sity re quire ments for bach e lor's de grees as de scribed in the Undergradu - ate Education sec tion of this cat a log; 120 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in Com po si tion. The Uni ver sity's Tier II writ ing re quire ment for the Com po si tion ma jor is met by com - plet ing Mu sic 381. That course is ref er enced in item 3. b. be low. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree. 3. The fol low ing re quire ments for the ma jor: a. Capstone experience. Preparation and direction of a half-hour recital of original compositions during the se nior year. Com po si tions for sev eral per form ing me dia should be in cluded in the re cital. The stu dent must dem on strate a com mand of compositional tech - nique to the sat is fac tion of the ap pro pri ate fac ulty. b. The courses that are listed above un der the head ing Gen eral Re quire ments for All of the Bach e lor's De gree Pro grams in the Col lege of Mu sic c. Music activity requirement:... 8 All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in com po si tion are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se - mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. Mu sic ma jors must per form an au di tion for place ment into an en sem ble in or der to re ceive en - sem ble credit to ward their de gree. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Stu dents who are en rolled in the com po si tion ma jor for more than eight se - mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. How ever, no more than 8 cred its that are re lated to the ma jor en sem ble re quire ment may be counted to ward the re - quire ments for the de gree. d. Piano proficiency requirement:... 2 All stu dents in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in com po si - tion whose per for mance area is not pi ano are re quired to dem on - strate pro fi ciency in pi ano to the sat is fac tion of the ap pro pri ate fac ulty. Stu dents are re quired to com plete a min i mum of 2 cred its of Mu - sic 150M. Any cred its earned in Mu sic 150M be yond 2 cred its will not count to wards the de gree pro gram. Stu dents who take the pi - ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion and place into Mu sic 150M may take the Mu sic 150M waiver ex am i na tion on a one-time ba sis. For the waiver ex am i na tion, stu dents will be re quired to play all of the se - lec tions re quired in the pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion prior to en - roll ing in Mu sic 150M. The pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion may only be taken while the stu dent is en rolled in Mu sic 150M. Stu dents will take a place ment ex am i na tion be fore be gin ning any pi ano courses. The place ment ex am i na tion will de ter mine the ap pro pri ate place ment in Mu sic 141, 142 or 150M. Stu dents choos ing to en roll with out tak ing the place ment ex am i na tion, may only en roll in Mu sic 141. e. Com plete the re quire ments for one of the fol low ing 5 per for mance ar eas: (1) Pi ano (12 cred its): Pri vate in struc tion in pi ano. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 150A and 4 cred its of Mu sic 350A (12 cred its). (2) Stringed Instruments: Harp, Vi o lin, Vi ola, Cello, and Dou ble Bass (12 cred its): Pri vate in struc tion in harp, vi o lin, vi ola, cello, or dou ble bass. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the fol low ing pairs of courses, with 8 cred its in the 100 level course and 4 cred its in the 300 level course:

3 Undergraduate Programs Mu sic 150C, 350C; 152A, 352A; 152B, 352B; 152C, 352C; 152D, 352D (12 cred its). (3) Wind In stru ments: Flute, Oboe, Clar i net, Sax o phone, Bas - soon, Trum pet, Horn, Trom bone, Eu pho nium, and Tuba (12 cred its): Private instruction in flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bas soon, trum pet, horn, trom bone, eu pho nium, or tuba. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the following pairs of courses, with 8 cred its in the 100 level course and 4 cred its in the 300 level course: Mu sic 153A, 353A; 153B, 353B; 153C, 353C; 153D, 353D; 153E, 353E; 154A, 354A; 154B, 354B; 154C, 354C; 154D, 354D; 154E, 354E (12 cred its). (4) Percussion Instruments (12 credits): Private instruction in percussion instruments. This re - quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 155 and 4 cred its of Mu sic 355 (12 cred its). (5) Voice (12 cred its): (b) Pri vate in struc tion in voice. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 6 cred its of Mu sic 151 and 4 cred its of Mu sic 351 (10 cred its). Both of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 143 Eng lish Dic tion for Singers...1 MUS 144 Ital ian Dic tion for Singers...1 f. All of the fol low ing courses: MUS 335 Ensemble Conducting I...2 MUS 380 Mu si cal Styles and Forms...3 MUS 441 Introduction to Computer Music...3 MUS 480 Counterpoint...2 MUS 483 Composition...8 MUS 484 Instrumentation and Basic Orchestration...2 g. One of the fol low ing courses:... 2 MUS 336A Ensemble Conducting II: Instrumental...2 MUS 336B Ensemble Conducting II: Choral...2 h. One of the fol low ing courses:... 2 MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 413 Keyboard Literature to Mid 19th Century...2 MUS 414 Keyboard Literature since the Mid 19th Century...2 MUS 415 Art Song Literature: German... 2 MUS 416 Art Song Lit er a ture: French, Span ish, and Italian. 2 MUS 417 Art Song Literature: British and American MUS 418 Opera and Oratorio Aria Repertoire...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature...2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature...2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 JAZZ STUD IES The Bach e lor of Mu sic in Jazz Stud ies is a pro fes sional de gree pro gram. It in cludes the com mon core courses of all other Bach e - lor of Mu sic de gree pro grams and the shared ob jec tives of mu si - cal literacy, development of aural skills, understanding of a broad repertoire, and attainment of analytical skills. Uniquely, this pro - gram seeks to de velop a high level of com pe tency in jazz per for - mance, and in compositional, scor ing, and ar rang ing skills. It also strives to prepare individuals to understand the literature and his - tor i cal and cul tural con text of jazz. Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Mu sic De gree in Jazz Stud ies 1. The Uni ver sity re quire ments for bach e lor s de grees as de scribed in the Undergradu - ate Education sec tion of this cat a log; 120 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in Jazz Stud ies. The Uni ver sity s Tier II writ ing re quire ment for the Jazz Stud ies ma jor is met by com - plet ing Mu sic 381. That course is ref er enced in item 3. a. be low. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree. 3. The fol low ing re quire ments for the ma jor: a. All of the core courses that are listed above un der the head ing Gen eral Re quire ments for All of the Bach e lor s De gree Pro grams in the Col lege of Mu sic b. Music activity requirement All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in jazz stud ies are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se - mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Stu dents who are en rolled in the jazz stud ies ma jor for more than eight se - mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. c. Com plete the re quire ments for one of the fol low ing five per for mance ar eas: (1) Pi ano (16 cred its) Private instruction in piano. This requirement must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 150J and 8 cred its of Mu sic 350J. (2) Stringed In stru ments: Harp, Vi o lin, Vi ola, Cello and Dou ble Bass (16 cred its) Pri vate in struc tion in harp, vi o lin, vi ola, cello or dou ble bass. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 152J and 8 cred its of Mu sic 352J. (3) Wind Instruments: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bas - soon, Trum pet, Horn, Trom bone, Eu pho nium and Tuba (16 credits) Private instruction in flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bas soon, trum pet, horn, trom bone, eu pho nium, or tuba. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 153J and 8 cred its of Mu sic 353J or 8 cred its of Mu sic 154J and 8 cred its of Mu sic 354J. (4) Percussion Instruments (16 credits) Private instruction in percussion instruments. This re - quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 155J and 8 cred its of Mu sic 355J. (5) Voice (16 cred its) Pri vate in struc tion in voice. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 151J and 8 cred its of Mu sic 351J. d. All of the fol low ing courses: MUS 131 Jazz Combo...2 MUS 185 Jazz Styles and Anal y sis I....2 MUS 186 Jazz Styles and Anal y sis II...2 MUS 301 Advanced Jazz Musicianship I...3 MUS 302 Advanced Jazz Musicianship II...3 MUS 303 Advanced Jazz Musicianship III...3 MUS 304 Advanced Jazz Musicianship IV...3 MUS 400 Jazz Arranging and Composition I...2 MUS 401 Jazz Arranging and Composition II...2 MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 438 Jazz Pedagogy I...2 MUS 439 Jazz Pedagogy II....2 e. Com plete 6 ad di tional cred its of jazz elec tives as ap proved by the stu dent s ac a demic ad vi sor MUSIC The Bach e lor of Arts de gree pro gram with a ma jor in mu sic is a lib eral arts pro gram with a strong em pha sis in mu sic. It may ful fill the re quire ments for en trance into a Mas ter of Mu sic pro gram; it does not provide preparation for teacher certification in music. Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Arts De gree in Mu sic 1. The Uni ver sity re quire ments for bach e lor's de grees as de scribed in the Undergradu - ate Education sec tion of this cat a log; 120 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Arts de gree in Mu sic. The Uni ver sity's Tier II writ ing re quire ment for the Mu sic ma jor is met by com plet ing Mu sic 381. That course is ref er enced in item 3. b. be low. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Arts de gree. 3. The fol low ing re quire ments for the ma jor: a. One of the fol low ing two op tions: (1) Per form a se nior re cital that is sat is fac tory to the ap pro pri ate fac ulty. (2) Sub mit a pa per that is sat is fac tory to the ap pro pri ate fac ulty. The topic of the pa per must be ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic Cur ric u lum Com mit - tee. The successful completion of this requirement satisfies the capstone experience re quire ment for the mu sic ma jor. b. The courses that are listed above un der the head ing Gen eral Re quire ments for All of the Bach e lor's De gree Pro grams in the Col lege of Mu sic with the ex cep tion of Mu sic 282 and c. Music activity requirement:... 4 All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Arts de gree pro gram in mu sic are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem ble as des ig - nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing four se mes ters of their en - roll ment in the pro gram. Mu sic ma jors must per form an au di tion for place ment into an en sem ble in or der to re ceive en sem ble credit to ward their de gree. d. Mu sic pro fi ciency re quire ment. All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Arts de gree pro gram in mu sic are re quired to dem on strate pro fi ciency in the per for mance area that the stu dent se lects to sat isfy re quire ment 3.e. be low. Stu dents who have com pleted 4 cred its in the 100 level pri vate in - 3

4 Undergraduate Programs struc tion course in their per for mance area, but who have not yet dem on strated pro fi ciency to the sat is fac tion of the ap pro pri ate fac ulty, must con tinue to en roll in the 100 level pri vate in struc tion course un til they have met the pro fi ciency re quire ment. How ever, no more than 4 cred its in the 100 level pri vate in struc tion course may be counted to ward the re quire ments for the de gree. All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Arts de gree pro gram in music must successfully complete an Upper Division Performance Ex am i na tion as re quired by their spe cific area in or der to en roll in 300-level les sons. Those who do not pass this ex am i na tion must con tinue to en roll in the 100-level pri vate in struc tion course un til it is passed. How ever, no more than four cred its in the 100-level pri vate in struc tion course may be counted to ward the re quire ments for the degree. e. Com plete the re quire ments for one of the fol low ing five per for mance areas:... 8 or 10 (1) Piano (8 cred its): Pri vate in struc tion in pi ano. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 4 cred its of Mu sic 150A and 4 cred its of Mu sic 350A (8 cred its). (2) Stringed In stru ments: Harp, Vi o lin, Vi ola, Cello, and Dou ble Bass (8 cred its): Pri vate in struc tion in harp, vi o lin, vi ola, cello, or dou ble bass. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the fol low ing pairs of courses, with 4 cred its in the 100 level course and 4 cred its in the 300 level course: Mu sic 150C, 350C; 152A, 352A; 152B, 352B; 152C, 352C; 152D, 352D (8 cred its). (3) Wind In stru ments: Flute, Oboe, Clar i net, Sax o phone, Bas - soon, Trum pet, Horn, Trom bone, Eu pho nium, and Tuba (8 cred its): Private instruction in flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bas soon, trum pet, horn, trom bone, eu pho nium, or tuba. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the following pairs of courses, with 4 cred its in the 100 level course and 4 cred its in the 300 level course: Mu sic 153A, 353A; 153B, 353B; 153C, 353C; 153D, 353D; 153E, 353E; 154A, 354A; 154B, 354B; 154C, 354C; 154D, 354D; 154E, 354E (8 cred its). (4) Percussion Instruments (8 credits): Private instruction in percussion instruments. This re - quire ment must be met by com plet ing 4 cred its of Mu sic 155 and 4 cred its of Mu sic 355 (8 cred its). (5) Voice (10 cred its): (b) Pri vate in struc tion in voice. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 4 cred its of Mu sic 151 and 4 cred its of Mu sic 351 (8 cred its). Both of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 143 Eng lish Dic tion for Singers...1 MUS 144 Ital ian Dic tion for Singers...1 f. One of the fol low ing courses:... 2 MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 413 Keyboard Literature to Mid 19th Century...2 MUS 414 Keyboard Literature since the Mid 19th Cen tury...2 MUS 415 Art Song Lit er a ture: Ger man...2 MUS 416 Art Song Lit er a ture: French, Span ish, and Ital ian 2 MUS 417 Art Song Literature: British and American MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature...2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature...2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 MU SIC ED U CA TION The Bach e lor of Mu sic in Mu sic Ed u ca tion pro vides for the com - pre hen sive train ing of mu sic teach ers. It al lows stu dents to de - velop a pro gram of study tai lored to their in ter ests and needs as teachers. Students are encouraged to develop their musicianship through en sem bles, pri vate les sons, con duct ing classes, the cre - ative musicianship component, and a wide variety of instrumental and voice classes. Stu dents de velop their skills as ed u ca tors in courses that be gin in the fresh man year and cul mi nate in a stu - dent teaching/professional development semester. Graduates of this pro gram will be able to plan, im ple ment, and as sess mu sic in - struc tion in a va ri ety of in struc tional set tings and for a va ri ety of student populations. The B.M. in Mu sic Ed u ca tion de gree leads to mu sic teacher cer tif i ca tion by the State of Mich i gan in grades K-12. To be rec om - mended for cer tif i ca tion, per sons must com plete all course re - 4 quire ments and any ad di tional stan dards or tests set forth by the Department of Teacher Education or the Michigan Department of Education. A jazz stud ies mi nor is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in the bach e lor's de gree pro gram in mu sic ed u ca tion. Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Mu sic De gree in Mu sic Ed u ca tion 1. The Uni ver sity re quire ments for bach e lor s de grees as de scribed in the Undergradu - ate Education sec tion of this cat a log; 128 to 140 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in Mu sic Ed u ca tion with pi ano as the per for mance area, whereas 130 to 142 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in Mu sic Ed u ca tion with stringed in stru - ments, wind in stru ments, per cus sion, or voice as the per form ing area. For the Bach e - lor of Mu sic de gree in Mu sic Ed u ca tion with jazz as the per form ing area, 136 to 146 cred its are re quired. The Uni ver sity s Tier II writ ing re quire ment for the Mu sic Ed u ca tion ma jor is met by com plet ing Mu sic 381. That course is ref er enced in item 3. a. be low. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree. The completion of Music 495 satisfies the capstone experience requirement for the Music Education major. 3. The fol low ing re quire ments for the ma jor: a. All of the core courses that are listed above un der the head ing Gen eral Re quire ments for All of the Bach e lor s De gree Pro grams in the Col lege of Mu sic b. Music activity requirement All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in mu sic ed u ca tion are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Stu dents who are en rolled in the mu sic ed u ca tion ma jor for more than eight se mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. Stu dents for whom a jazz in stru ment is their pri - mary per for mance fo cus must par tic i pate in a band/wind en sem - ble, choir, or non-jazz or ches tra for at least two of these se mes ters. c. Com plete the re quire ments for one of the fol low ing four per for mance ar eas: to 22 (1) Pi ano (16 cred its) Pri vate in struc tion in pi ano. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 150A and 8 cred its of Mu sic 350A. (2) Stringed Instruments: Vi o lin, Vi ola, Cello, Dou ble Bass, and Harp; Wind Instruments: Flute, Oboe, Clar i net, Sax o phone, Bas soon, Trum pet, Horn, Trom bone, Eu pho nium, and Tuba; and Percussion Instruments (18 cred its) (b) Private instruction in violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp, flute, oboe, clar i net, sax o phone, bas soon, trum - pet, horn, trom bone, eu pho nium, tuba, and per cus sion in stru ments. This re quire ment must be met by com plet - ing one of the fol low ing pairs of courses, with 8 cred its in the 100-level course and 8 cred its in the 300-level course: Mu sic 152A and 352A; 152B and 352B; 152C and 352C; 152D and 352D; 150C and 350C; 153A and 353A; 153B and 353B; 153C and 353C; 153D and 353D; 153E and 353E; 154A and 354A; 154B and 354B; 154C and 354C; 154D and 354D; 154E and 354E; 155 and 355 (16 cred its) Both of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): For stu dents who have stud ied pi ano pre vi ously, this re - quire ment may be waived by ex am i na tion. MUS 141 Class In struc tion in Pi ano I...1 MUS 142 Class In struc tion in Pi ano II....1 (3) Voice (18 cred its): (b) (c) Pri vate in struc tion in voice. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 8 cred its of Mu sic 151 and 6 cred its of Mu sic 351 (14 cred its) Both of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): For stu dents who have stud ied pi ano pre vi ously, this re - quire ment may be waived by ex am i na tion. MUS 141 Class In struc tion in Pi ano I...1 MUS 142 Class In struc tion in Pi ano II....1 Both of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 248 Ger man Dic tion for Sing ers....1 MUS 249 French Dic tion for Sing ers....1 (4) Jazz In stru ments: Pi ano: Jazz, Wood wind In stru ments (flute, oboe, clar i net, sax o phone, bas soon); Jazz, Brass In - stru ments (trum pet, horn, trom bone, eu pho nium, tuba); Jazz, Stringed In stru ments; Jazz, Per cus sion In stru ments; Jazz (20 to 22 credits) Pri vate In struc tion in Pi ano: Jazz, Wood wind In stru - ments: Jazz, Brass In stru ments: Jazz, Stringed In stru - ments: Jazz, Per cus sion In stru ments: Jazz. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the fol -

5 Undergraduate Programs (b) low ing pairs of courses, with 8 cred its in the 100-level course and 8 cred its in the 300-level course: MUS 150J and MUS 350J; MUS 152J and MUS 352J; MUS 153J and MUS 353J; MUS 154J and MUS 354J; MUS 155J and MUS 355J. One of the fol low ing two-se mes ter se quences (4 or 6 cred its): (i) MUS 230 Beginning Jazz Improvisation I..2 MUS 231 Beginning Jazz Improvisation II. 2 (ii) MUS 301 Advanced Jazz Musicianship I..3 MUS 302 Advanced Jazz Musicianship II. 3 d. Two of the fol low ing courses (4 to 6 cred its): MUS 112 Chamber Music...2 MUS 131 Jazz Combo...2 MUS 150J Piano: Jazz... 2 MUS 151J Voice: Jazz... 2 MUS 152J Stringed Instruments: Jazz... 2 MUS 153J Woodwind Instruments: Jazz... 2 MUS 154J Brass Instruments: Jazz... 2 MUS 155J Percussion Instruments: Jazz... 2 MUS 210 Song Writ ing...2 MUS 230 Beginning Jazz Improvisation I...2 MUS 231 Beginning Jazz Improvisation II...2 MUS 301 Advanced Jazz Musicianship I...3 MUS 302 Advanced Jazz Musicianship II...3 MUS 303 Advanced Jazz Musicianship III...3 MUS 304 Advanced Jazz Musicianship IV...3 MUS 441 Introduction to Computer Music...3 MUS 483 Composition...2 MUS 484 Instrumentation and Basic Orchestration...2 Courses used to ful fill this re quire ment may not be used to ful fill re - quire ment 3. c. above. e. One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 413 Keyboard Literature to Mid-19 th Cen tury...2 MUS 414 Keyboard Literature since the Mid-19 th Century...2 MUS 415 Art Song Literature: German... 2 MUS 416 Art Song Lit er a ture: French, Span ish and Ital ian. 2 MUS 417 Art Song Literature: British and American MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18 th Cen tury...2 MUS th Cen tury Eu ro pean-amer i can Mu sic Lit er a ture...2 MUS th Cen tury Eu ro pean-amer i can Mu sic Lit er a ture...2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Music, Sexuality, and Gender... 2 f. All of the fol low ing courses (32 cred its): MUS 163 Class Instruction in Clarinet...1 MUS 171 Class In struc tion in Stringed In stru ments I...1 MUS 173 Class Instruction in Percussion Instruments I...1 MUS 177 Introduction to Music Education...2 MUS 277 Principles of Music Education...3 MUS 335 Ensemble Conducting I...2 MUS 495 Stu dent Teach ing in Mu sic...9 TE 150 Reflections on Learning...3 TE 250 Human Diversity, Power, and Opportunity in Social Institutions....3 TE 302 Learn ers and Learn ing in Con text - Secondary (W)....4 TE 496 Be com ing a School Mu sic Teacher....3 Stu dents who take MUS 153C and MUS 353C to sat isfy the re - quire ment 3. c. 2. above must com plete MUS 162 Class In - struc tion in Flute and Sax o phone in lieu of MUS 163. g. One of the fol low ing courses: Stu dents whose per for mance area is voice must take: MUS 143 Eng lish Dic tion for Singers...1 Stu dents whose per for mance area is not voice must take: MUS 145 Class In struc tion in Voice I...1 h. One of the fol low ing courses: MUS 165 Class In struc tion in High Brass In stru ments...1 MUS 166 Class In struc tion in Low Brass In stru ments...1 i. Three of the fol low ing courses: Stu dents whose per for mance area is voice must take Mu sic 144 as one of the elec tives. Stu dents who wish to teach bands are strongly en cour aged to take Mu sic 162, 164, 174, and 165 or 166. Stu dents who wish to teach strings are strongly en cour aged to take Mu sic 172. Stu dents who wish to teach cho ral or gen eral mu - sic are strongly en cour aged to take Mu sic 160, 241 and 242. The elec tives se lected can not in clude the course used to sat isfy sec - tion 3. h. above. MUS 144 Ital ian Dic tion for Singers...1 MUS 160 Class In struc tion in Gui tar...1 MUS 162 Class In struc tion in Flute and Sax o phone....1 MUS 164 Class In struc tion in Dou ble Reed In stru ments...1 MUS 165 Class In struc tion in High Brass In stru ments...1 MUS 166 Class In struc tion in Low Brass In stru ments...1 MUS 172 Class In struc tion in Stringed Instruments II....1 MUS 174 Class Instruction in Percussion Instruments II...1 MUS 241 Ad vanced Class In struc tion in Pi ano I....1 MUS 242 Ad vanced Class In struc tion in Pi ano II...1 j. One of the fol low ing courses: MUS 336A Ensemble Conducting II: Instrumental... 2 MUS 336B Ensemble Conducting II: Choral... 2 k. One of the fol low ing courses: MUS 455 Teaching Instrumental Music...3 MUS 456 Teaching Stringed Instruments...3 MUS 468 Teaching Choral Music...3 l. One of the fol low ing courses: MUS 467 Teach ing Gen eral Mu sic in the El e men tary School...3 MUS 469 Teaching Secondary Classroom Music....3 m. Two courses from the fol low ing (4 to 6 cred its): The elec tives se lected must be dif fer ent from those courses used to sat isfy sec tions 3. j., 3. k., and 3. l. above. MUS 336A Ensemble Conducting II: Instrumental... 2 MUS 336B Ensemble Conducting II: Choral... 2 MUS 340 Methods and Literature for Voice...3 MUS 341 String Pedagogy...2 MUS 438 Jazz Pedagogy I...2 MUS 455 Teaching Instrumental Music...3 MUS 456 Teaching Stringed Instruments...3 MUS 461 March ing Band Meth ods...2 MUS 465 Mu sic in Early Child hood....2 MUS 467 Teach ing Gen eral Mu sic in the El e men tary School...3 MUS 468 Teaching Choral Music...3 MUS 469 Teaching Secondary Classroom Music....3 MU SIC PER FOR MANCE The Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in mu sic per for mance re quires concentrated study in one of the fol low ing five per for mance ar - eas: pi ano, stringed in stru ments, wind in stru ments, per cus sion in stru ments, or voice. Stu dents who se lect stringed in stru ments or wind in stru ments as their per for mance area choose one in stru - ment as their ma jor in stru ment. Stu dents who do not meet the min i mal stan dards of mu si cian - ship of the Col lege of Mu sic may need to be en rolled in the bach e - lor's de gree pro gram in mu sic per for mance more than the usual four years in or der to qual ify for a de gree. A Spe cial iza tion in Piano Ped a gogy is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in the bach e lor's de gree pro gram in mu sic per for mance with pi ano as the per for mance area. A jazz stud ies mi nor is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in the bach e lor's de gree pro gram in mu sic per for - mance. Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Mu sic De gree in Mu sic Per for mance 1. The Uni ver sity re quire ments for bach e lor's de grees as de scribed in the Undergradu - ate Education sec tion of this cat a log; 120 to 132 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree in Mu sic Per for mance. The Uni ver sity's Tier II writ ing re quire ment for the Mu sic Per for mance ma jor is met by com plet ing Mu sic 381. That course is ref er enced in item 3. c. be low. 2. The re quire ments of the Col lege of Mu sic for the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree. 3. The fol low ing re quire ments for the ma jor: a. Dem on strate a high stan dard of ex cel lence, pro fi ciency in pub lic per for mance, and a sub stan tial rep er toire in one of the five per for - mance ar eas, as judged by the ap pro pri ate fac ulty. b. Per form a se nior re cital that is sat is fac tory to the ap pro pri ate fac - ulty. The suc cess ful com ple tion of the se nior re cital sat is fies the capstone experience requirement for the music performance ma - jor. c. The courses that are listed above un der the head ing Gen eral Re quire ments for All of the Bach e lor's De gree Pro grams in the Col lege of Mu sic d. Com plete the re quire ments for one of the fol low ing five per for mance areas: to 64 (1) Pi ano (52 cred its): Pri vate in struc tion in pi ano. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 12 cred its of Mu sic 150A and 12 cred - its of Mu sic 350A (24 cred its). A min i mum grade point av er age of 2.00 for the 24 cred its of Mu sic 150A and 350A is re quired. (b) All of the fol low ing courses (24 cred its): MUS 112 Chamber Music...2 MUS 149 Keyboard Skills...1 MUS 337 Conducting for Music Performance Majors...1 MUS 346 Keyboard Methods and Literature I...2 MUS 347 Keyboard Methods and Literature II...2 MUS 348 Piano Accompanying....6 MUS 349 Piano Performance...6 5

6 Undergraduate Programs 6 MUS 413 Keyboard Literature to Mid 19th Century...2 MUS 414 Keyboard Literature since the Mid 19th Cen tury...2 (c) One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 415 Art Song Literature: German... 2 MUS 416 Art Song Lit er a ture: French, Span ish and Ital ian...2 MUS 417 Art Song Literature: British and American...2 MUS 418 Opera and Oratorio Aria Literature...2 MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature....2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature....2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 (d) Mu sic ac tiv ity re quire ment (2 cred its): All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree program in music performance whose performance area is pi ano are re quired to com plete 2 cred its in a ma jor en - semble. Pi ano ma jors, for their one year of en sem ble par tic i pa - tion, are al lowed to choose from any ma jor en sem ble in the Col lege of Music. (2) Stringed In stru ments: Harp, Vi o lin, Vi ola, Cello, and Dou ble Bass (50 cred its): (b) (c) (d) (e) Pri vate in struc tion in harp, vi o lin, vi ola, cello, or dou ble bass. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the fol low ing pairs of courses, with 12 cred its in the 100 level course and 12 cred its in the 300 level course: Mu sic 150C, 350C; 152A, 352A; 152B, 352B; 152C, 352C; 152D, 352D (24 cred its). A min i mum grade point av er age of 2.00 for the 24 cred its in the pair of courses is required. Music activity requirement (8 credits): All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree program in music performance whose performance area is not pi ano are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem - ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Per for mance ma jors are re quired to au di tion for and be placed into an en sem ble within their spe cific area of ex per tise, i.e. instrumentalists must audi - tion for in stru men tal en sem bles and voice ma jors must au di tion for cho ral en sem bles. Stu dents who are en - rolled in the mu sic per for mance ma jor for more than eight se mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. How ever, no more than 8 cred its that are re lated to the ma jor en sem ble re - quire ment may be counted to ward the re quire ments for the de gree. Piano proficiency requirement (2 credits): All stu dents in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in mu sic per for mance whose per for mance area is not pi - ano are re quired to dem on strate pro fi ciency in pi ano to the satisfaction of the appropriate faculty. Students are re quired to com plete a min i mum of 2 cred its of MUS 150M. Any cred its earned in Mu sic 150M be yond 2 cred - its will not count to wards the de gree pro gram. Stu dents who take the piano proficiency examination and place into Mu sic 150M may take the Mu sic 150M waiver ex am i - na tion on a one-time ba sis. For the waiver ex am i na tion, stu dents will be re quired to play all of the se lec tions re - quired in the pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion prior to en - rolling in Music 150M. The piano proficiency examination may only be taken while the student is enrolled in Music 150M. Students will take a placement examination before beginning any piano courses. The placement examination will determine the appropriate placement in Music 141, 142 or 150M. Stu dents choos ing to en roll with out tak ing the place ment ex am i na tion may only en roll in Mu sic 141. All of the fol low ing courses (12 cred its): MUS 112 Chamber Music...4 MUS 337 Conducting for Music Performance Majors...1 MUS 341 String Pedagogy...2 MUS 380 Mu si cal Styles and Forms...3 MUS 434 Orchestral Musicianship...2 One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature....2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature....2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 (f) One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 480 Counterpoint...2 MUS 484 Instrumentation and Basic Orchestration....2 (3) Wind In stru ments: Flute, Oboe, Clar i net, Sax o phone, Bas - soon, Trum pet, Horn, Trom bone, Eu pho nium, and Tuba (46 cred its): (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Private instruction in flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bas soon, trum pet, horn, trom bone, eu pho nium, or tuba. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing one of the fol low ing pairs of courses, with 12 cred its in the 100 level course and 12 cred its in the 300 level course: Mu sic 153A, 353A; 153B, 353B; 153C, 353C; 153D, 353D; 153E, 353E; 154A, 354A; 154B, 354B; 154C, 354C; 154D, 354D; 154E, 354E (24 cred its). A min i mum grade point av er age of 2.00 for the 24 cred its in the pair of courses is re quired. Music activity requirement (8 credits): All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree program in music performance whose performance area is not pi ano are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem - ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Per for mance ma jors are re quired to au di tion for and be placed into an en sem ble within their spe cific area of ex per tise, i.e. instrumentalists must audition for instrumental ensembles and voice majors must au di tion for cho ral en sem bles. Stu dents who are en - rolled in the mu sic per for mance ma jor for more than eight se mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. How ever, no more than 8 cred its that are re lated to the ma jor en sem ble re - quire ment may be counted to ward the re quire ments for the de gree. Piano proficiency requirement (2 credits): All stu dents in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in mu sic per for mance whose per for mance area is not pi - ano are re quired to dem on strate pro fi ciency in pi ano to the satisfaction of the appropriate faculty. Students are re quired to com plete a min i mum of 2 cred its of MUS 150M. Any cred its earned in Mu sic 150M be yond 2 cred - its will not count to wards the de gree pro gram. Stu dents who take the piano proficiency examination and place into Mu sic 150M may take the Mu sic 150M waiver ex am - i na tion on a one-time ba sis. For the waiver ex am i na tion, stu dents will be re quired to play all of the se lec tions re - quired in the pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion prior to en - roll ing in Mu sic 150M. The pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion may only be taken while the student is enrolled in Music 150M. Stu dents will take a place ment ex am i na tion be fore be - gin ning any pi ano courses. The place ment ex am i na tion will de ter mine the ap pro pri ate place ment in Mu sic 141, 142 or 150M. Stu dents choos ing to en roll with out tak ing the place ment ex am i na tion may only en roll in Mu sic 141. All of the fol low ing courses (8 cred its): MUS 112 Chamber Music...4 MUS 337 Conducting for Music Performance Majors...1 MUS 380 Mu si cal Styles and Forms...3 One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature....2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature....2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 480 Counterpoint...2 MUS 484 Instrumentation and Basic Orchestration....2 (4) Per cus sion In stru ments (50 cred its): Private instruction in percussion instruments. This re - quire ment must be met by com plet ing 12 cred its of Mu - sic 155 and 12 cred its of Mu sic 355 (24 cred its). A min i mum grade point av er age of 2.00 for the 24 cred its of Mu sic 155 and 355 is re quired. (b) Mu sic ac tiv ity re quire ment (8 cred its): All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree program in music performance whose performance area is not pi ano are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem - ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Per for mance ma jors are re quired to

7 Undergraduate Programs au di tion for and be placed into an en sem ble within their spe cific area of ex per tise, i.e. in stru men tal ists must au di - tion for in stru men tal en sem bles and voice ma jors must au di tion for cho ral en sem bles. Stu dents who are en - rolled in the mu sic per for mance ma jor for more than eight se mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. How ever, no more than 8 cred its that are re lated to the ma jor en sem ble re - quire ment may be counted to ward the re quire ments for the de gree. (c) Piano proficiency requirement (2 credits): All stu dents in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in mu sic per for mance whose per for mance area is not pi - ano are re quired to dem on strate pro fi ciency in pi ano to the satisfaction of the appropriate faculty. Students are re quired to com plete a min i mum of 2 cred its of MUS 150M. Any cred its earned in Mu sic 150M be yond 2 cred - its will not count to wards the de gree pro gram. Stu dents who take the piano proficiency examination and place into Mu sic 150M may take the Mu sic 150M waiver ex am i - na tion on a one-time ba sis. For the waiver ex am i na tion, stu dents will be re quired to play all of the se lec tions re - quired in the pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion prior to en - rolling in Music 150M. The piano proficiency examination may only be taken while the student is enrolled in Music 150M. Students will take a placement examination before beginning any piano courses. The placement examination will determine the appropriate placement in Music 141, 142 or 150M. Stu dents choos ing to en roll with out tak ing the place ment ex am i na tion may only en roll in Mu sic 141. (d) All of the fol low ing courses (12 cred its): MUS 129 Percussion Ensemble...4 MUS 337 Conducting for Music Performance Majors...1 MUS 380 Mu si cal Styles and Forms...3 MUS 491 Spe cial Top ics in Mu sic....4 To be counted to ward this re quire ment, the con tent of Mu sic 491 must fo cus on stu dio teach ing of per cus sion instruments or on percussion literature. (e) One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature....2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature....2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 (f) One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 480 Counterpoint...2 MUS 484 Instrumentation and Basic Orchestration....2 (5) Voice (52 to 64 cred its): Pri vate in struc tion in voice. This re quire ment must be met by com plet ing 12 cred its of Mu sic 151 and 12 cred its of Mu sic 351 (24 cred its). A min i mum grade point av er - age of 2.00 for the 24 cred its of Mu sic 151 and 351 is re - quired. (b) Mu sic ac tiv ity re quire ment (8 cred its): All stu dents en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree program in music performance whose performance area is not pi ano are re quired to par tic i pate in a ma jor en sem - ble as des ig nated by the Col lege of Mu sic dur ing each fall and spring se mes ter of en roll ment in the pro gram. A min i mum of 8 cred its in courses ap proved by the Col lege of Mu sic is re quired. Per for mance ma jors are re quired to au di tion for and be placed into an en sem ble within their spe cific area of ex per tise, i.e. instrumentalists must audi - tion for in stru men tal en sem bles and voice ma jors must au di tion for cho ral en sem bles. Stu dents who are en - rolled in the mu sic per for mance ma jor for more than eight se mes ters are re quired to com plete more than 8 cred its to sat isfy this re quire ment. How ever, no more than 8 cred its that are re lated to the ma jor en sem ble re - quire ment may be counted to ward the re quire ments for the de gree. (c) Piano proficiency requirement (2 credits): All stu dents in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in mu sic per for mance whose per for mance area is not pi - ano are re quired to dem on strate pro fi ciency in pi ano to the satisfaction of the appropriate faculty. Students are re quired to com plete a min i mum of 2 cred its of MUS 150M. Any cred its earned in Mu sic 150M be yond 2 cred - its will not count to wards the de gree pro gram. Stu dents who take the piano proficiency examination and place into Mu sic 150M may take the Mu sic 150M waiver ex am i - na tion on a one-time ba sis. For the waiver ex am i na tion, stu dents will be re quired to play all of the se lec tions re - quired in the pi ano pro fi ciency ex am i na tion prior to en - rolling in Music 150M. The piano proficiency examination may only be taken while the student is enrolled in Music 150M. Students will take a placement examination before beginning any piano courses. The placement examination will determine the appropriate placement in Music 141, 142 or 150M. Stu dents choos ing to en roll with out tak ing the place ment ex am i na tion may only en roll in Mu sic 141. (d) For eign lan guage re quire ment (0 to 12 cred its): All of the fol low ing courses (12 cred its): FRN 101 El e men tary French I...4 GRM 101 El e men tary Ger man I...4 ITL 101 El e men tary Ital ian I...4 Stu dents who speak or have stud ied French, Ger man, or Ital ian and wish to waive this re quire ment for any of those lan guages must dem on strate, by a place ment test, pro fi ciency for place ment in the French, German or Ital ian 102 course. (e) All of the fol low ing courses (13 cred its) MUS 143 Eng lish Dic tion for Sing ers...1 MUS 144 Ital ian Dic tion for Sing ers...1 MUS 248 Ger man Dic tion for Sing ers....1 MUS 249 French Dic tion for Sing ers....1 MUS 337 Conducting for Music Performance Majors...1 MUS 340 Methods and Literature for Voice...3 MUS 415 Art Song Lit er a ture: Ger man...2 MUS 416 Art Song Lit er a ture: French, Span ish Italian....2 MUS 435 Opera Theatre....1 (f) One of the fol low ing courses (1 credit): MUS 481 Act ing for Sing ers...1 MUS 482 Op era Scene Study....1 (g) One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 417 Art Song Literature: British and American...2 MUS 418 Opera and Oratorio Aria Repertoire...2 (h) One of the fol low ing courses (2 cred its): MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 419 Baroque Music...2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury...2 MUS th Century European-American Music Literature...2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature....2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era...2 MUS 424 Women in Mu sic...2 MI NOR IN JAZZ STUD IES This mi nor is de signed to pre pare stu dents for chal lenges en - coun tered in the pro cesses of teach ing jazz mu si cian ship. Through anal y sis of their own learn ing and study of sev eral role mod els and men tors stu dents em ploy tech niques that im part and sustain basic principles that are necessary for the development of jazz study. This mi nor will con cen trate on the re fine ment of skills used in pri vate in struc tion, re hearsal tech niques for small jazz en - sem bles, and the de vel op ment of struc tured tech niques for use in class room in struc tion. Stu dents will ap ply their skills us ing col - leagues and com bos from the Mich i gan State Uni ver sity jazz pro - gram as sub jects. A jazz stud ies mi nor is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in Mu sic Ed u ca tion and the Bach e lor of Mu sic de gree pro gram in Mu sic Performance. At least 12 unique cred its counted to wards the re - quire ments for a stu dent s mi nor must not be used to ful fill the re - quire ments for that stu dent s ma jor. Re quire ments for the Mi nor in Jazz Studies 1. All of the fol low ing courses: MUS 130 Jazz Band...1 MUS 131 Jazz Combo...2 MUS 185 Jazz Styles and Anal y sis I....2 MUS 230 Beginning Jazz Improvisation I...2 MUS 410 Jazz His tory....2 MUS 438 Jazz Pedagogy I...2 MUS 439 Jazz Pedagogy II Com plete 2 cred its from the fol low ing courses:... 2 MUS 150J Piano: Jazz... 1 MUS 151J Voice: Jazz... 1 MUS 152J Stringed Instruments: Jazz... 1 MUS 153J Woodwind Instruments: Jazz

College of MUSIC. James Forger, DEAN UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS. Admission as a Junior to the College of Music

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