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2 Europska udruga klavirskih pedagoga Hrvatske 6. MEĐUNARODNO PIJANISTIČKO NATJECANJE SVETISLAV STANČIĆ veljače Zagreb 6 th SVETISLAV STANČIĆ INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION 3 rd 8 th February 2018 Zagreb www. svetislavstancic. com. hr

3 Pokroviteljstvo 6. Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Svetislav Stančić / 6 th Svetislav Stančić International Piano Competition is held under patronage of dr. sc. Nina Obuljen Koržinek Ministrica kulture Republike Hrvatske, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Milan Bandić Gradonačelnik Grada Zagreba, Major of the City of Zagreb U ime Ministarstva kulture i u osobno ime upućujem srdačnu dobrodošlicu svim natjecateljima i Ocjenjivačkome sudu 6. Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Svetislav Stančić. Nazvano imenom uvaženoga profesora na zagrebačkoj Muzičkoj akademiji i pijanista koji je odgojio plejadu hrvatskih umjetnika i velikih koncertanata, Natjecanje na svoj način oživljava uspomenu na njegovu duhovnu baštinu čiji se utjecaj nastavlja kroz nove naraštaje glazbenika. U narednim danima hrvatski i inozemni natjecatelji sudjelovat će u jednoj od najtežih klasičnih izvedbenih disciplina predstavljajući ne samo svoje interpretativne kreacije nego i pedagoške škole iz kojih dolaze. Za sve sudionike, a osobito one koji ponesu visoka priznanja, Zagreb i Republika Hrvatska ostaju upisani kao sredina koja promovira kulturu mladih i stvara poticajno okruženje razvoju umjetničkih karijera nadolazećih glazbenika. Upućujem čestitke prvonagrađenima želeći svim sudionicima puno uspjeha na ovogodišnjem Međunarodnom pijanističkom natjecanju Svetislav Stančić. Ministrica kulture dr. sc. Nina Obuljen Koržinek On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and on my own behalf, I extend a warm welcome to all the contestants and the Jury of the 6 th International Piano Competition Svetislav Stančić. Bearing the name of the esteemed professor at the Zagreb Academy of Music, and a pianist who raised a multitude of Croatian musicians and great concert artists, the late Svetislav Stančić, the Competition revives the memory of his great spiritual heritage, whose influence continues throughout new generations of musicians. In the coming days, Croatian and foreign contestants will take part in one of the most difficult classical performance disciplines, presenting not only their interpretative creations, but also the pedagogical schools they come from. To all the contestants, and especially to those who acquire high awards, the city of Zagreb and the Republic of Croatia will be remembered as a place which promotes the culture of young people and creates an encouraging environment for the development of artistic careers of upcoming musicians. I congratulate the first-place winners and I wish all the contestants great success in this year s International Piano Competition Svetislav Stančić. 5 Minister of Culture dr. sc. Nina Obuljen Koržinek

4 6 Poštovani ljubitelji glazbe Dear music lovers 7 i dragi natjecatelji, and dear contestants, zadovoljstvo mi je što vas kao pokrovitelj 6. Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Svetislav Stančić mogu srdačno pozdraviti. Ovo natjecanje je za mlade glazbenike veliki izazov te je sjajna prilika za njihovu afirmaciju pred publikom, kritičarima i ocjenjivačkim sudom, ali i za stjecanje pijanističkog iskustva. Zahvaljujem organizatoru natjecanja EPTA-i - Hrvatskoj udruzi klavirskih pedagoga što čuva uspomenu na Svetislava Stančića, hrvatskog pijanista, skladatelja i pedagoga. Svim natjecateljima želim uspješan nastup te ugodan boravak u Zagrebu! Gradonačelnik Grada Zagreba Milan Bandić it is my pleasure to welcome you as the patron of the 6 th Svetislav Stancic International Piano Competition. For young musicians, this competition is a great challenge and a wonderful opportunity for their affirmation in front of an audience, the critics and the jury, but also for gaining experience as pianists. I wish to thank the promoter of the event, the EPTA - Croatian Piano Teachers Association, for preserving the memory of Svetislav Stančić, a great Croatian pianist, composer and pedagogue. I wish all the contestants a successful performance and a pleasant stay in Zagreb! Major of the City of Zagreb Milan Bandić

5 8 Ja sam počeo karijeru kao pijanist i kompozitor. Međutim, u isto vrijeme bavio sam se i pedagogijom. I konačno, uvidio sam da jedno i drugo ne ide i da bi bilo jedno ili drugo na štetu, bilo za pijanistiku, bilo za kompoziciju ili pedagogiju. Dvadesetisedme sam prekinuo kao pijanist i kompozitor i posvetio sam se samo pedagogiji. Ja mislim da nisam krivo učinio. I started my career as a pianist and a composer. However, I simultaneously taught as well. Finally, I came to realize that I can t do both, that one would impair the other, be it pianistic art and composition, or teaching. In 1927 I stopped being a pianist and a composer and dedicated myself to teaching alone. I think I made the right choice. 9 Svetislav Stančić Svetislav Stančić (Zagreb, Zagreb, ) svojim je djelovanjem obilježio više desetljeća glazbenog života Zagreba i Hrvatske, kao pijanist, skladatelj i pedagog. Glazbu je počeo učiti 1909., a Glazbenu školu zagrebačkog Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda završio je godine, glasovir kod Emilije pl. Makanec, a kompoziciju u razredu Vjekoslava Rosenberga-Ružića. Godine odlazi u Berlin gdje do privatno uči glasovir kod Heinricha Bartha i Conrada Ansorgea, dok u razdoblju na majstorskoj školi berlinske Akademije umjetnosti studira kompoziciju kod Ferruccia Busonija. Školovanje u razredu tog talijanskog skladatelja i pijanista ostavlja na Stančića, čini se, najdublje dojmove koji će se odraziti na sve kasnije njegovo umjetničko i pedagoško djelovanje. Još od godine, a napose po povratku iz Berlina u Zagreb, Stančić razvija intenzivnu pijanističku djelatnost izvodeći profilirane cjelovečernje programe, svirajući djela svoja i drugih domaćih i inozemnih autora, osmišljujući posebne autorske i tematske večeri, te nastupajući u različitim komornim sastavima. Od 1927., kada se posvećuje isključivo pedagoškom radu, ostaje na zagrebačkoj Muzičkoj akademiji, sve do kad je suspendiran i umirovljen, a ponovno se vraća do umirovljenja u oba navrata kao profesor i pročelnik Glasovir- Svetislav Stančić Svetislav Stančić (Zagreb, 1895 Zagreb, 1970) marked several decades of musical life in Zagreb and Croatia with his work as a pianist, pedagogue, and composer. He started learning music in 1909, and finished the Croatian Music Institute s Music School in 1914 where he studied piano under Emilija Makanec and composition under Vjekoslav Rosenberg-Ružić. In 1918 he left for Berlin where he was taking private lessons in piano with Heinrich Barth and Conrad Ansorge until 1922, while studying composition under Ferrucio Busoni at the Berlin Arts Academy. His studies under the Italian composer and pianist seem to had left the greatest impression on Stančić which will reflect in all his ensuing artistic and pedagogical activities. He then returned to Zagreb where he became the professor and then head of the piano department at the Royal Academy of Music. Ever since 1915, and especially after returning to Zagreb, Stančić had developed an intensive piano career, performing profiled evening programs with his compositions and the works of other Croatian and international composers, creating special thematic and authorial evenings where he interpreted pieces by great masters and performing in different chamber ensembles. In 1927 he dedicated himself exclusively to pedagogical work at the Zagreb Music skog odjela. Kako u prijašnjem pijanističkom, tako i u pedagoškom radu Stančić u hrvatsku kulturnu sredinu unosi načela profesionalizma i visokih umjetničkih kriterija, kao odraz temeljita obrazovanja, ali i vlastita ljudskog karaktera. Iz njegova razreda izlazi više generacija istaknutih hrvatskih pijanista, među kojima mnogi razvijaju zapažene (međunarodne) karijere. O Stančićevu pedagoškom pristupu najbolje svjedoči njegov učenik, pijanist i skladatelj, Ivo Maček ( ): Uporno (je) otklanjao i u tehničkom i u interpretativnom pogledu sve ono izvještačeno, sve ono artificijelno što nije prirodno proizlazilo iz samog umjetničkog djela koje je za njega ostajalo jedini osnov njegovih nastojanja. S druge strane (... ) on je uvijek tolerantno priznavao i onakve realizacije koje se nisu u cijelosti poklapale s njegovim shvaćanjem, ako je osjećao da rezultiraju iz umjetnički poštenih pobuda te imaju onu uvjerljivost koja je svojstvena jakim umjetničkim ličnostima (... ). Ladislav Šaban Academy, all until 1941 when he was suspended and then retired, and then again from 1945 until finally retiring in 1965 both times as a professor and head of the Piano Department. As in his previous pianist career, through his pedagogical work Stančić brought principles of professionalism and high artistic standards into Croatian cultural milieu, and these reflected both his education and his personal character. He educated numerous generations of distinguished Croatian pianists, among which some developed remarkable (international) careers. His approach to teaching is best described by one of his students, a pianist and a composer, the late Ivo Maček ( ): He persistently dismissed all that is unnatural both in technical and in interpretative sense, all that is artificial and that did not naturally come from the piece of art itself, and that remained the sole basis of his efforts. On the other hand (... ) he always tolerated and acknowledged those realizations which did not conform completely to his own views, if he sensed these were a result of honest artistic intentions and contained the credibility characteristic of strong artistic personalities (... ). Ladislav Šaban

6 10 IZ ARHIVE NATJECANJA / FROM THE COMPETITION S ARCHIVE NAGRAĐENI NATJECATELJI / AWARDED COMPETITORS I. Konstantin Krasnitsky, Bjelorusija / Belarus II. Daria Petrova, Rusija / Russia III. Federico Gianello, Italija / Italy IV. Ragna Schirmer, Njemačka / Germany I. Tali Morgulis, Izrael / Israel II. Ruben Dalibaltayan, Armenija / Armenia III. Toomas Vana, Estonija / Estonia IV. Zrinka Ivančić, Hrvatska / Croatia & (ex aequo) Kadri-Ann Sumera, Finska / Finland I. Dimitry Ulasiuk, Bjelorusija / Belarus II. Georgy Tchaidze, Rusija / Russia III. Fatimat Merdanova, Rusija / Russia & (ex aequo) Ksenia Yelagina, Ukrajina / Ukraine IV. Bruno Vlahek, Hrvatska / Croatia I. Scipione Sangiovanni, Italija / Italy II. Andrey Gugnin, Rusija / Russia III. Stephanie Proost, Belgija / Belgium & (ex aequo) Varvara Nepomnashchaya, Rusija / Russia I. nagrada nije dodijeljena / none II. Tsvetkov Danil, Rusija / Russia III. Aljoša Jurinić, Petar Klasan, Hrvatska / Croatia ČLANOVI OCJENJIVAČKOG SUDA / MEMBERS OF THE BORD OF JUDGES (abecednim redom / in alphabetical order) Diane Andersen, Belgija / Belgium Jean-Francois Antonioli, Švicarska / Switzerland Sulamita Aronovsky, Velika Britanija / Great Britain Dmitrij Baškirov, Rusija, Španjolska / Russia, Spain Michael Bell, Velika Britanija / Great Britain Sebastian Benda, Austrija / Austria Philip Fowke, Velika Britanija / Great Britain Ida Gamulin, Hrvatska / Croatia Ljubomir Gašparović, Hrvatska / Croatia Valentin Georghiu, Rumunjska / Rumania Sandor Gjorgy, SAD / USA Naum Grubert, Nizozemska / The Netherlands Pavica Gvozdić, Hrvatska / Croatia Eugen Indjic, SAD, Francuska / USA, France Claude Helffer, Francuska / France Julian Jacobson, Velika Britanija / Great Britain Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Njemačka / Germany Klaus Kaufmann, Njemačka / Germany Rudolf Kehrer, Švicarska / Switzerland Vladimir Krpan, Hrvatska / Croatia Viktor Merzhanov, Rusija / Russia Radomir Melmuka, Republika Češka / Czech Republic Jurica Murai, Hrvatska / Croatia Jerome Rose, Velika Britanija / Great Britain Johan Schmidt, Belgija / Belgim Aleksandar Serdar, Srbija / Serbia Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak, Slovenija / Slovenia Malcolm Troup, Velika Britanija / Great Britain Eliso Virsaladze, Rusija, Njemačka / Russia, Germany Liqing Yang, NR Kina / PR China OCJENJIVAČKI SUD / BOARD OF JUDGES (abecednim redom / in alphabetical order) Martina Filjak, Hrvatska / Croatia Ida Gamulin, Hrvatska / Croatia Naum Grubert, Nizozemska / The Netherlands Eugen Indjic, SAD, Francuska / USA, France predsjednik / President Vladimir Krpan, Hrvatska / Croatia Natalia Trull, Ruska federacija / Russian Federation Dina Yoffe, Izrael-Njemačka / Israel-Germany 11

7 12 Pijanistica Martina Filjak ubraja se među najdarovitije hrvatske glazbenike mlađe One of the most exciting Croatian young artists to emerge in recent years, Martina melodije primjerice Bartókova suita Na otvorenome, Six Encores od Beria The artist s extensive repertoire ranges from Bach to Berio and encompasses more 13 generacije koja svojom istovremeno Filjak is garnering international praise (Wasserklavier, Erdenklavier, Feuerklavier than 30 piano concertos. She is dedicated strastvenom i lirskom svirkom te for her poetic passion and technical i Luftklavier) te Ravelova Une barque sur to continuous exploring of piano literature tehničkom perfekcijom oduševljava mastery at the keyboard as well as for l océan spadaju među njezina najdraža and various concert formats. Performing međunarodnu javnost kao umjetnica her charismatic personality and magnetic djela. Istovremeno je privlači komorno with orchestra takes the biggest part of galvanizirajuće snage s magnetskom stage presence. muziciranje ali i tehnički i intelektualno her time and she frequently states that she scenskom prisutnosti. Martina Filjak came to international zahtjevna i komplicirana djela kao što su enjoys the interaction and the exchange Pažnju šire međunarodne javnosti privukla je 2009., kada je osvojila Zlatnu medalju i niz posebnih priznanja na renomiranom međunarodnom natjecanju u Clevelandu, attention by winning the Gold Medal, the 1st prize and the Beethoven prize at the Cleveland International Piano Competition in 2009, which brought her Beethovenova Hammerklavier Sonata i Bartókov Klavirski koncert br. 2. Kao solistica uz orkestar i izvedbama klavirskih recitala nastupala je u poznatim of energy between so many musicians on the stage. An avid chamber musician, she frequently takes part in chamber music festivals, te ubrzo potom debitirala u dvoranama numerous engagements in the United dvoranama poput Concertgebouw u and has participated in the recording of Konzerthaus u Berlinu, Musikverein u Beču kao i dvorani Zankel u Carnegie Hallu. Neposredno prije Clevelanda bila je dobitnica prve nagrada na natjecanjima Viotti (2007. ) i Maria Canals u Barceloni (2008. ) te bila laureat natjecanja Busoni u Bolzanu. U Hrvatskoj je nagrađivana nagradama States and internationally. Prior to that, she won 1st prizes at the Maria Canals Piano Competition (Barcelona) and the Viotti Piano Competition (Vercelli), and was a laureate at the Busoni Piano Competition. In recent years, Ms Filjak has performed with esteemed orchestras including The Cleveland Orchestra, San Diego Symphony Amsterdamu, Carnegie Hall u New Yorku, Musikverein u Beču, Salle Gaveau u Parisu, Auditori i Palau de la Musica u Barceloni, Konzerthaus u Berlinu, Teatro San Carlo u Napulju, Auditorium di Milano, Oriental Art Center u Šangaju, Severance Hall u Clevelandu. Tijekom sezone Martina nastupa Schumann s Andante and Variations with cellists Jan Vogler and Christian Poltera, released on Sony Classical (August 2013). Her recording of Sonatas by Padre Antonio Soler was released in 2011 on the Naxos label. During the season, Miss Filjak appears in Brazil and Japan and performs Milka Trnina Hrvatskoga društva glazbenih Orchestra, The Florida Orchestra, the u Brazilu, Japanu te uz Japan Century with the Osaka Century Symphony umjetnika, državnom nagradom Strasbourg Philharmonic, Barcelona Symphony i Alana Buribayeva, Slovensku Orchestra and Alan Buribayev, the Vladimir Nazor za izvedbe Brahmsova Symphony, Bilbao Symphony and the Filharmoniju i Marcela Lehningera, Slovenian Philharmonic and Marcelo Prvoga koncerta i Kelemenova koncerta, Granada Symphony; the Deutsche Radio Zagrebačku Filharmoniju i Hansa Grafa, Lehninger, the Sinfonieorchester Aachen Orlandom za nastup na Dubrovačkim Philharmonie, the Staatskapelle Weimar; Sinfonieorchester Aachen i Kazema and Kazem Abdullah, the Zagreb ljetnim igrama, Juditom za izvedbu the Israel Chamber Orchestra as well as Abdullaha. Tijekom iste sezone debitira Philharmonic and Hans Graf. She debuts koncerta Dore Pejacevic na Splitskom ljetu a odlikovana je Redom Hrvatskog the Orchestre Symphonique de Nancy. She has been heard in major international s Milanskim Orchestra Simfonica La Verdi kao i u ciklusu Serate Musicali. with the Orchestra Sinfonica La Verdi in Milano as well as at Milan s Serate pletera za postignuća u glazbi. venues such as the Concertgebouw U sezoni predstavila se Musicali. Upcoming performances in Rođena je u glazbeničkoj obitelji, počela Amsterdam, Konzerthaus Berlin, l Auditori uz Staatskapelle Halle, Bremensku feature her with the Staatskapelle je učiti glasovir s pet godina, a već u and Palau de la Música Catalana in Filharmoniju, Bilkent Symphony, Phoenix Halle and Josep Caballe Domenech, the šestoj prvi put javno nastupa. Glazbenu Barcelona, Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall Symphony, San Antonio Symphony, Las Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra and je naobrazbu stekla na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu i na bečkom Konzervatoriju, in New York, Boston s Jordan Hall, Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Sala Verdi in Milan, Vegas Philharmonic kao i uz Pro Musica Chamber Orchestra s koncertima Ravela, Markus Poschner, the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra and Stefan Sanderling, the a potom ju završila u renomiranoj klasi Salle Gaveau in Paris, Musikverein and Beethovena, Rahmanjinova i Saint-Saensa. Phoenix Symphony and Tito Munoz za soliste u Hannoveru. Pohađala je the Konzerthaus in Vienna, NDR Hall in the San Antonio Symphony and Karina i majstorske tečajeve na prestižnoj Hannover, Residenz in Munich, Auditorio Canellakis, the Las Vegas Philharmonic Klavirskoj akademiji na jezeru Como u Nacional in Madrid. and Donato Cabrera, and the Pro Italiji. Her most recent conductor collaborations Musica Chamber Orchestra and David Martinin široki repertoar obuhvaća include JoAnn Falletta, Michael Danzmayr in performances of concerti literaturu od Bacha do Beria te preko Schonwandt, Christoph Poppen, Hans by Beethoven, Ravel, Brahms, Saint-Saens trideset klavirskih koncerata. Kao osoba Graf, Sebastian Lang Lessing, Josep and Rachmaninov. koja voli prirodu i u njoj je istinski Caballe-Domenech, Tito Munoz, sretna, oduševljava se glazbom koja Christopher Warren-Green and Stefan evocira zvukove prirode i folklorne Sanderling. Photo: Romano Grozić

8 14 Ida Gamulin diplomirala je na Muzičkoj Ida Gamulin graduated from the Music Naum Grubert (1951., Riga, Estonija) Naum Grubert (1951, Riga, Estonia) was 15 akademiji u Zagrebu u razredu prof. Jurice Academy in Zagreb where she studied with studirao je u klasi Teodora Gutmana u trained under Teodor Gutman in Moscow. Muraia, a usavršavala se u Weimaru kod Jurica Murai. She continued her training Moskvi. Samo godinu nakon osvojene 2. In 1978, only a year after winning the 2 nd Rudolfa Kehrera te u Londonu kod Alfreda with Rudolf Kehrer in Weimar and with Alfred nagrade na Međunarodnom pijanističkom prize at the Montreal International Piano Brendela, Johna Lilla, Stephena Kovacevicha Brendel, John Lill, Stephen Kovacevich, natjecanju u Montrealu, pobjeđuje na Competition, he won the first prize at i Annie Fischer. Godine osvaja and Annie Fischer in London. She won the glasovitom Čajkovski natjecanju u Moskvi, the famous Tchaikovsky Competition Nagradu Myra Hess te debitira u Londonu Myra Hess Award in 1983 and her very successful intenzivno koncertira u Rusiji i in Moscow. He had an intense concert s velikim uspjehom, rezultat kojega su bila debut in London resulted in two u drugim europskim zemljama i prije career in Russia and other European i dva kasnija nastupa u Queen Elizabeth more performances at the Queen Elizabeth nego je zauvijek napustio Rusiju, 1983., countries even before leaving Russia Hall nakon kojih započinje njena međunarodna Hall, which marked the beginning of i nastanio se u Nizozemskoj gdje i danas for Netherlands in He has given karijera: Izvanredno nadarena pijanistica her international career. An exceptionally živi. Održao je brojne recitale i koncerte u numerous recitals and concerts in dokazala se kao vrhunski interpret talented pianist proved herself as a top in- suradnji s glasovitim svjetskim orkestrima collaboration with the world s famous Bacha i Beethovena (Daily Telegraph); terpreter of Bach and Beethoven (Daily kao što su London Symphony Orchestra, orchestras, such as the London Symphony Ona je zaista majstor legata i raskošne Telegraph); She is a true master of legato BBC Symphony Orchestra, Concergebouw Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, sonornosti (The Times). Dobitnica je i with luxurious sonority (The Times). Ms. Orchestra, Kölnska filharmonija, Concergebouw Orchestra, Cologne nagrada Svetislav Stančić, Milka Trnina te Gamulin also received the Svetislav Stančić Tonkünstler Orchester Wien, Orchestre de Philharmonic, Tonkünstler Orchester specijalne nagrade Festivala u Freiburgu. Award, Milka Trnina Award, and the special la Suisse Romande, Helsinška filharmonija, Wien, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Nastupala je solistički i uz orkestre u gotovo award of the Freiburg Festival. She has ap- Orkestar Kirov iz Petrograda, Filharmonijski Helsinki Philharmonic, Kirov Orchestra svim europskim zemljama, Rusiji i Sjepeared solo and with orchestras in almost orkestar Nizozemskog radija, of St. Petersburg, the Philharmonic dinjenim Državama surađujući s uglednim all European countries, as well as in Russia Rotterdamski orkestar i dr. Sudjelovao je Orchestra of the Dutch Radio, Rotterdam dirigentima C. Richterom, H. Haenchenom, and the United States, working with distinguished na različitim festivalima, među ostalima Orchestra, etc. Mr. Grubert has also N. Aleksejevim, U. Lajovicom, kao i s vodećim conductors C. Richter, H. Hae- na Lichefield (Velika Britanija), Cadaqués participated in various festivals, including hrvatskim orkestrima i dirigentima. nchen, N. Alekseyev, U. Lajovic. She has also (Španjolska, Lockenhaus (Austrija) te na Lichefield (Great Britain), Cadaqués Također je gošća međunarodnih festivala performed with Croatia s leading orchestras Gergijev festivalu (Holandija). Surađivao (Spain), Lockenhaus (Austria) and the u Spolettu, Freiburgu, Varni, Dubrovniku, and conductors. She has appeared in je s dirigentima kao što su P. Berglund, Gergiev Festival (Holland). He has worked Stratfordu, Janaček festivalu i dr. Snimala international festivals of Spoletto, Freiburg, S. Commissiona, J. Fournet, H. Stein, C. with conductors such as P. Berglund, je za BBC, CBS, France Musique, S. A. Radio, Varna, Dubrovnik, Stratford, at the Janaček Seaman, V. Handly, M. Bamert, E. Bour, E. S. Commissiona, J. Fournet, H. Stein, C. Bayerischer Rundfunk te druge radio Festival, etc. Ms. Gamulin has recorded for Spanjaard, V. Sinajski, Th. Sanderling, V. Seaman, V. Handly, M. Bamert, E. Bour, E. i TV stanice. Nakon prve ploče objavljene BBC, CBS, France Musique, S. A. Radio, Bayerischer Gergijev, C. P. Flor, A. Ceccato, J. Svetlanov, Spanjaard, V. Sinaiski, Th. Sanderling, V. u Londonu (EMI-Mava), objavila je još četrnaest Rundfunk and other radio and TV S. Skrovačevskij. Na njegovim nosačima Gergiev, C. P. Flor, A. Ceccato, J. Svetlanov, nosača zvuka za Croatiu Records. networks. After releasing her first album zvuka zabilježene su izvedbe djela F. S. Skrovachevsky. His recordings include Njena snimka Brahmsove Sonate u fis-molu in London (EMI-Mava), she recorded fourteen Schuberta, F. Liszta, M. P. Musorgskog, the works of F. Schubert, F. Liszt, M. P. proglašena je najboljom izvedbom prema more CDs for Croatia Records. The US S. Rahmanjinova i R. Schumanna. Mussorgsky, S. Rachmaninov, and R. ocjeni američkog Classical Music Directory Classical Music Directory named her recorded Kao profesor glasovira djeluje na Schumann. He teaches piano at the Za tisak je priredila cjelokupan opus performance of Brahms s Sonata in Amsterdamskom konzervatoriju te na Amsterdam Conservatory and the Royal glasovirskih minijatura Dore Pejačević čije F sharp minor as the best performance of Kraljevskom konzervatoriju u Den Haagu. Conservatory of The Hague. His students stvaralaštvo godinama sustavno promovira She has been promoting the work of Studenti mu postižu zapažene uspjehe na have been very successful in national and Ugledna hrvatska skladateljska imena Dora Pejačević, and edited all of her piano državnim i međunarodnim pijanističkim international piano competitions. (B. Papandopulo, M. Kelemen, A. Klobučar, miniatures for print. Renowned Croatian natjecanjima. I. Kuljerić, I. Josipović, B. Šipuš) na njen poticaj composers B. Papandopulo, M. Kelemen, A. napisali su skladbe koje je s uspjehom Klobučar, I. Kuljerić, I. Josipović, and B. Šipuš praizvela. Članica je ocjenjivačkih sudova composed works for her which she successfully međunarodnih pijanističkih natjecanja i performed. She is a jury member predsjednica hrvatske EPTA-e. Redoviti je for international piano competitions and profesor glasovira na Muzičkoj akademiji serves as the President of EPTA Croatia. Ms. u Zagrebu. Gamulin is also a full-professor at the Music Academy in Zagreb. Photo: Friso Spolestra

9 16 Eugen Indjic (1947., Beograd), kao četverogodišnjak, emigrirao je s majkom u Sjedinjene Američke Države, gdje prima i prvu poduku iz glasovira kod Stephani Ljubov, te već kao devetogodišnjak ostvaruje uspješan nastup uz Springfield Symphony Orchestra. Studij nastavlja kod Aleksandra Borovskog u Bostonu, s kojim kreće i na svoju prvu koncertnu turneju u Dansku, a diplomu stječe na Phillips Academy u Andoveru. Kao stipendist Leonarda Bernsteina, 1969., završava studij muzikologije i kompozicije u klasi Laurencea Bermana i Leona Kirchnera, za vrijeme kojeg se usavršavao i u glasoviru na Juilliard School of Music kod Mieczysława Münza i Leea Thompsona. Godine 1968., susreće se s Arthurom Rubinsteinom, koji mu ostaje mentor Eugen Indjic (1947, Belgrade) was four years old when he emigrated with his mother to the United States, where he received his first training in piano with Stephani Lubov. He was nine when he appeared with the Springfield Symphony Orchestra with great success. He continued his training with Alexander Borovsky in Boston, with whom he went on his first concert tour to Denmark. He subsequently graduated from the Phillips Academy of Andover. As a Leonard Bernstein Scholar he graduated from the musicology and composition classes of Laurence Berman and Leon Kirchner in 1969, taking private piano lessons at the Juilliard School of Music with Mieczysław Münz and Lee Thompson at the same time. In 1968, he met Arthur Rubinstein, who Vladimir Krpan rođen je u Sv. Ivanu Zelini. Diplomirao je u razredu Svetislava Stančića na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, magistrirao je na Accademiji di S. Cecilia u Rimu u razredu Carla Zecchija, studirao je kod Guida Agostija komornu glazbu u Rimu i klavir u Sieni, muzikologiju kod Luigija Ronge na Rimskom sveučlilištu, usavršavao se kod Renza Silvestrija na Konzervatoriju di S. Cecilia u Rimu, a potom niz godina kod Artura Benedettija Michelangelija u Arezzu, Sieni, Bergamu i Luganu. Utemeljitelj je klavirskog odjela Visoke muzičke škole u Skopju 1968., a od predaje na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, Vladimir Krpan was born on 1938 in Sv. Ivan Zelina (Croatia). He graduated from the Zagreb Academy of Music under Svetislav Stančić and got his MA degree from the Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome under Carlo Zecchi. He later studied chamber music with Guido Agosti in Rome, piano in Siena and musicology with Luigi Ronga at the Rome University. He continued his piano studies with Renzo Silvestri at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome and later with Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli in Arezzo, Siena, Bergamo and Lugano. The founder of the piano department at the Skopje (Macedonia) High School of 17 i prijatelj sve do svoje smrti, nazivajući Indjica remained a friend and mentor until his death, gdje je odgojio nekoliko naraštaja Music, Vladimir Krpan has been teaching pijanistom svjetskog ranga, rijetke glazbene i umjetničke savršenosti. Studij kompozicije nastavlja kod Nadie Boulanger u Parizu te, 1972., seli u Francusku koja mu postaje novi dom. Kao dobitnik nagrada na tri međunarodna natjecanja, onom u Varšavi (1970. ), Leedsu (1972. ) te calling Indjic a world-class pianist of rare musical and artistic perfection. He continued to study composition with Nadia Boulanger in Paris, and then definitely settled in France in As a prize-winner at three international competitions in Warsaw (1970), Leeds (1972) and the Rubinstein izuzetnih mladih pijanista. Djelovanje mu je usmjereno prema unapređenju nastavnog plana i programa na matičnoj ustanovi, s naglaskom na tehničkom, tonskom, pedalizacijskom i repertoarnom pomaku, pri čemu kombinira najbolju at the Zagreb Academy of Music since 1971, where he brought up several generations of young pianists. He is focused on improving teaching plans and programmes, particularly when the technique, pedal work and repertoire are na natjecanju Rubinstein (1974. ), započinje suradnju Competition (1974) Indjic started collabo- tradiciju tzv. Stančićeve Zagrebačke concerned, combining the best tradition s brojnim vodećim orkestrima Sjedinjenih rating with numerous leading orchestras of the glasovirske škole i bogato nasljeđe of the so called Stančić Zagreb piano school Američkih Država, Južne Amerike, Europe i Azije, United States, South America, Europe, and Asia, talijanske pijanističke škole, posebno with the rich heritage of the Italian school, pod ravnanjem istaknutih dirigenata među kojima su L. Bernstein, J. Bělohlávek, J. C. Casadesus, V. Fedosejev, V. Gergijev, M. Gielen, E. Jochum, R. Kubelík, E. Leinsdorf, T. Sanderling, G. Sinopoli, G. Solti, L. von Matačić, E. de Waart, A. Wit i D. Zinman. Redovito nastupa na najvećim svjetskim conducted by prominent conductors, including L. Bernstein, J. Bělohlávek, J. C. Casadesus, V. Fedoseyev, V. Gergiev, M. Gielen, E. Jochum, R. Kubelík, E. Leinsdorf, T. Sanderling, G. Sinopoli, G. Solti, L. von Matačić, E. de Waart, A. Wit and D. Zinman. He performs regularly on the world s Michelangelijeve. U njegovu djelovanju osobito mjesto zauzimaju skladbe hrvatskih skladatelja, a standardni klasični repertoar nerijetko slaže u neobične stilske cjeline. Surađivao je s brojnim glasovitim dirigentima te particularly that of Michelangeli. Very important in his repertoire are pieces by Croatian composers and he often makes unusual combinations of styles in his classical repertoire programmes. He has worked with numerous famous pozornicama, kao što su Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher greatest stages, such as Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher gostovao u svim hrvatskim i europskim conductors and performed in major Hall, Queen Elisabeth Hall, Concergebouw, Musikverein, Salle Pleyel i Théâtre des Champs- Elysées, Dvorana Čajkovski te La Scala. Snimao je djela F. Chopina, C. Debussyja, R. Schumanna kao i I. Stravinskog, L. van Beethovena te S. Rahmanjinova Hall, Queen Elisabeth Hall, Concergebouw, Musikverein, Salle Pleyel, Théâtre des Champs- Elysées, The Tchaikovsky Hall and La Scala. He has recorded works by F. Chopin, C. Debussy, R. Schumann, as well as I. Stravinsky, L. van Beethoven glazbenim središtima, a višekratno u SAD, Rusiji, zemljama Bliskog i Dalekog Istoka, Iranu, Indiji, Sjevernoj i Južnoj Koreji, Turskoj i Tajlandu. Autor je televizijskog serijala Hrvatska Croatian and European music centres as well as in the USA, Russia, Near and Far East, Iran, India, North and South Corea, Turkey and Thailand. He made a TV serie The Croatian Piano za Polskie Nagrania / Muza, Sony, RCA and S. Rachmaninov for Polskie Nagrania / Muza, glasovirska glazba, redaktor je djela Music, edited works of Croatian composers Victor, Claves i Calliope i dr. Indjic redovito održava majstorske tečajeve u Europi, primjerice u povijesnoj Schola Cantorum u Parizu, u Japanu i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama te je član ocjenjivačkih sudova međunarodnih pijanističkih natjecanja kao što su Chopin, Liszt Wroclaw, Rubinstein Tel Aviv, Prague Spring Festival, Lisbon Vianna Da Motta i dr. Od rezidencijalni je umjetnik Praškog simfonijskog orkestra. Sony, RCA Victor, Claves and Calliope. Indjic holds regular master classes in Europe, e. g. at the historic Schola Cantorum in Paris, in Japan and the United States. He also sits on the jury for piano competitions such as Chopin, Liszt Wroclaw, Rubinstein Tel Aviv, Prague Spring Festival, Lisbon Vianna Da Motta, etc. In 2010 he became an artist in residence at the Prague Symphony Orchestra. hrvatskih skladatelja te autor mnogih stručnih tekstova u hrvatskim i inozemnim strukovnim glasilima. Snimio je nekoliko tisuća minuta solističke i komorne glazbe za radijske i TV postaje, realizirao 20 LP-ja i više od dvadeset kompaktnih ploča za razne nakladnike. Odsvirao je tisuće koncerata: solistički, s and wrote many texts for specialised magazines both at home and abroad. He has extensively recorded both as a soloist and chamber musician for radio and television, in addition to 20 LP records and 15 CDs on various labels. He has performed at several thousand recitals and chamber music concerts, with Phto: Jimmy Cohrssen Phto: Dinko Bažulić

10 18 orkestrima, s Triom Orlando (čiji je član od utemeljenja ) te s Katarionom Krpan the Orlando Trio (whose member he has been since foundation in 1985) and in a Natalia Trull studirala je glasovir u Sankt Peterburgu, a glazbenu naobrazbu Natalia Trull began studying the piano in St. Petersburg. She later moved to Moscow 19 u klavirskom duu. piano duo with Katarina Krpan. nastavlja Moskovskom konzervatoriju where she graduated from the Moscow Utemeljitelj je hrvatske sekcije EPTA-e He has also founded the Croatian gdje je i diplomirala. Učila je kod Y. Conservatory. Among her teachers were i njena Međunarodnog natjecanja za department of the European Piano Zaka, M. Voskresenskya i T. Kravchenka. professors Y. Zak, M. Voskresensky and T. mlade u Osijeku te Međunarodnog Teachers Association (EPTA), as well as the godine osvaja prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom Kravchenko. natjecanja Svetislav Stančić u Zagrebu. Član je brojnih ocjenjivačkih sudova na inozemnim pijanističkim natjecanjima te EPTA International Competition for Young Pianists in Osijek, and the Svetislav Stančić International Piano Competition in Zagreb. pijanističkom natjecanju u Beogradu. Međutim, najveći uspjeh postigla je godine osvajajući drugu nagradu Her performance career was launched when she won first prize at the Belgrade voditelj velikog broja majstorskih tečajeva A jury member of many international na Međunarodnom pijanističkom na- International Piano Competition in za pijaniste i komorne glazbenike. piano competitions, he has taught at tjecanju Čajkovski. Javnost je bila osupnuta However, the biggest success Vladimir Krpan danas je počasni numerous piano and chamber music njezinim tumačenjem djela Schuberta i came in 1986 she won the silver medal predsjednik hrvatske sekcije Europskog udruženja glasovirskih pedagoga (EPTA) master courses. Vladimir Krpan is a honorary chairman of Stravinskog gdje je suita Petrouška ostavila dubok dojam na javnost i kritičare. Godine at the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition. The public was swept off its i član Hrvatskoga društva glazbenih the Croatian department of EPTA and a Natalia Trull je nagrađena Grand feet by her interpretation of composers umjetnika (HDGU). member of the Croatian Musicians Society Prixom na Klavirskom majstorskom natjecanju such as Schubert and Stravinsky. Her Dobitnik je mnogih nagrada. Najvažnije (HDGU). Monte-Carlo (gdje nastupaju samo Petroushka suite left an everlasting su Milka Trnina Hrvatskog društva Most important among the numerous pobjednici međunarodnih natjecanja). impression on the public and critics alike. brilliant performances of the Tchaikovsky glazbenih umjetnika (1966. ), Josip awards he has received are: Milka Trnina Izvanredna kontrola i fantastična virtuoznost In 1993, Natalia Trull was awarded the concerto were in Hollywood Bowl under Slavenski dnevnika Vjesnik (1971. ), of the Croatian Musicians Society (1966), Nataliu Trull svrstava u jedin- Grand Prix at the Piano Masters Competition Eri Klas and the Los Angeles Philharmonic godišnja nagrada Vladimir Nazor (1974. ), Josip Slavenski of the Vjesnik magazine stvenu klasu, te je kao izvođač izuzetno in Monte-Carlo (where only winners of Orchestra and in Suntory Hall with Tokyo Zvono Lotrščak Večernjeg lista za najbolje (1971), Vladimir Nazor annual state tražena po cijelome svijetu. Među uglednim international competitions are accepted Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by koncerte zagrrebačkih sezona (1974. award (1974), Zvono Lotrščak of the orkestrima s kojima je nastupala su as participants). Koizumi Kazuhiro ( season)., ), Orlando Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara (1978. ), Zlatna lira Saveza muzičkih Večernji list magazine for Zagreb concert of the season (1974, 1975), Orlando of Londonski simfonijski orkestar, Los Angeles Filharmonijski orkestar, Japanska Natalia Trull s complete control and Natalia Trull is frequently invited to teach to the U. S. A., Japan, Italy, Germany and umjetnika Jugoslavije (1979. ), Vatroslav the Dubrovnik Summer Festival (1978), filharmonija, Orkestar de Monte-Carlo, fantastic virtuosity place her in a class of South America. She is Professor at the Lisinski Hrvatskog društva skladatelja Zlatna lira of the Yugoslav Association of Simfonijski orkestar Tonhalle i svi veliki her own, and she is in great demand as a Moscow Tchaikovky Concervatory and (1980., ), Nagrada grada Zagreba Musicians (1979), Vatroslav Lisinski of the ruski simfonijski orkestri. Natalia Trull performer all over the world. Among the Guest Professor at the Como Accademia (1994. ), Porin Hrvatske diskografske Croatian Composers Society (1980, 1995), je također nastupala s dirigentima kao distinguished orchestras with whom she Europea di Musica (Italy). udruge za poseban doprinos hrvatskoj The City of Zagreb Award (1994), Porin što su Raphael Frubeck de Burgos, Raymond has performed are the London Symphony glazbenoj kulturi (2001. ), Kantor dnevnika for special contribution in Croatian music Leppard, Jean-Bernard Pommier, Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic Vjesnik i Varaždinskih baroknih večeri za (2001), Kantor of the Vjesnik magazine for Eri Klas, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Vassily Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, najbolju izvedbu djela J. S. Bacha (2004. best interpretation of pieces by J. S. Bach Sinaisky, Yuri Temirkanov i mnogi drugi. Orchestre de Monte-Carlo, Tonhalle ), Nagrada za životno djelo Hrvatskoga društva glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga (2005. ), Nagrada Vladimir Nazor za životno djelo (2006. ), Zlatno zvono Hrvatskog društva glazbenih umjetnika (2008. ). on Varaždin Baroque Evenings (2004. ), Vladimir Nazor award for life-work (2005). He holds the Danica Hrvatska Order (Marko Marulić) for his merits in culture (1995), and Italian president Carlo Azzeglio Ciampi Njezin repertoar uključuje više od 50 koncerata od kojih se koncert Čajkovskog pokazao najpopularnijim. Njezini posebno zapamćeni nastupi s izvedbom koncerta P. I. Čajkovskog bili su u Hollywood Bowlu Symphony Orchestra and all of the major Russian Symphony Orchestras. Natalia Trull has also played with such conductors as Raphael Frubeck de Burgos, Raymond Leppard, Jean-Bernard Pommier, Eri Klas, Odlikovan je odličjem reda Danice presented him with the Prometheus award pod vodstvom Eri Klasa uz Los Angeles Filharmoniju Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Vassily Sinaisky, hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića za zasluge u kulturi (1995. ), a za visoka umjetnička dostignuća u kulturnoj suradnji među narodima talijanski mu je predsjednik Carlo Azzeglio Ciampi uručio nagradu (2001) for high artistic achievemnts in cultural cooperation between nations. te u Suntory Hallu s Tokijskom filharmonijom uz dirigenta Koizumi Kazuhiro (sezona ). Natalia Trull često drži seminare u SAD-u, Japanu, Italiji, Njemačkoj i Južnoj Americi. Profesorica Yuri Temirkanov and many others. Her repertoire includes over 50 concertos, of which the Tchaikovsky concerto has proved to be the most popular, the Prometej (2001. ) je na Konzervatoriju Čajkovski u Moskvi pianist having performed the work te gostujući profesor u Como Accademia Europea di Musica (Italija). on over one hundred occasions in the world s leading concert halls. Her most

11 20 Porijeklom iz Rige (Latvija), Dina Yoffe diplomirala je na Čajkovski konzervatoriju u Moskvi kod Vere Gornostayeva, jedne od najpoznatijih nasljednika Originally from Riga (Latvia), Dina Yoffe graduated from the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Moscow under the Professor Vera Gornostayeva, one of the most 21 legendarnog Heinricha Neuhausa. important proponents of the legendary Heinrich Neuhaus school. Osvaja nagrade na međunarodnim glasovirskim natjecanjima R. Schumann i F. Chopin, a ubrzo započinje uspješnu solističku i orkestralnu karijeru koncertima s Izraelskom filharmonijom pod dirigentskom palicom Zubina Mehte, orkestrom NHK pod Neville Marrinerom, Moskovskom filharmonijom s Valerijem Gergijevim i Dmitrijem Kitayenkom, tokijskim Metropolitan Orkestrom s Jamesom De Perstom, Orkestarom Kremerata Baltica i Gidonom Kremerom, Moskovskim solistom i Yuri Bashmetom te orkestrom Sinfonia Varsovia pod vodstvom Jaceka Kaspszyka. Dina Yoffe nastupila je u najprestižnijim dvoranama: Barbican centru u Londonu, Suntory Hall u Tokiju, Sala Verdi u Milanu, Musikverein i Konzerthaus u Beču, Velika dvorana moskovskog konzervatorija, Salle Playel u Parizu, Kraljevske palače u Haagu za njezino veličanstvo Kraljica Beatrice. Dina Yoffe aktivno je sudjelovala na glazbenim festivalima gdje je nastupila s mnogim međunarodno poznatim glazbenicima, kao što su G. Kremer, Y. Bashmet, V. Tretiakov, V. Repin, M. Vaiman, M. Brunello i drugi. Član je žirija međunarodnih glasovirskih natjecanja - Cleveland (SAD), F. Chopin (Varšava), Arthur Rubinstein (Tel Aviv), F. Liszt (Weimar), Maria Canals (Barcelona), Hamamtsu (Japan) i mnogih drugih. Ms. Yoffe vodi majstorske tečajeve u Europi, Japanu i SAD-u. Profesorica je na Glazbenoj akademiji u Hamburgu (Njemačka), gostujući profesor na Glazbenoj akademiji u Aichiju (Japan), profesor na Glazbenoj akademiji Top prize winner at the R. Schumann and F. Chopin International Piano Competitions, she enjoys a successful solo and orchestral career, highlighted by concerts with the Israel Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta, NHK orchestra under Neville Marriner, Moscow Philharmonic with Valery Gerglev and Dmitri Kitayenko, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra with James De Prest, Orchestra Kremerata Baltica under Gidon Kremer, Moscow Soloist under Yuri Bashmet, Orchestra Sinfonia Varsovia under Jacek Kaspszyk. Dina Yoffe performed in the most prestigeous halls: the Barbican Centre in London, Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Sala Verdi in Milano, Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna, Great Hall of Moscow Consevatory, Salle Playel in Paris, Royal Palace in the Hague for her Majesty Queen Beatrice. Dina Yoffe is also an active participant in Music Festivals, where she played together with many internationally renowned musicians, such as G. Kremer, Y. Bashmet, V. Tretiakov, V. Repin, M. Vaiman, M. Brunello. Jury member of international piano competitions - Cleveland (USA), Chopin (Warsaw), Arthur Rubinstein (Tel-Aviv), Liszt (Weimar), Maria Canals (Barcelona), Hamamtsu (Japan) and many others. Ms. Yoffe conducts master classes in Europe, Japan and USA. She was a Professor at the Rubin Academy of Music in Tel-Aviv University (Israel), visiting Professor at Aichi University of Arts (Ja- Artur Rubinštajn u Tel Avivu (Izrael), gostujući profesor na akademiji u Krakowu (Poljska), profesor na Concervatorio Liceo u Barceloni (Španjolska), gostujući profesor na Središnjem konzervatoriju u Pekingu (Kina), profesor na Talent Music Masters Academy u Bresciu u Italiji. Ujedno je i umjetnička ravnateljica glazbenog ljeta u Malagi (Španjolska). Počasna je članica Japanskog udruženja učitelja glasovira. Njeni su učenici pobjednici mnogih nacionalnih i međunarodnih klavirskih natjecanja. Mnogi od njih podučavaju na glazbenim akademijama u SAD-u, Europi i Japanu. Dina Yoffe ima brojne radio, TV i diskografske snimke. Među njenim izdanjima posebno su cijenjene snimke Chopinova 24 preludija (VD-VDC-1334), Fantazija u f-molu i 19 Velcera (CD-VICC-63), zatim Skriabin / Chopin 24 Preludija op. 11 i 24 Preludija op. 28, potom Schumannove simfonijske etide op. 13 i Kreisleriana op. 16 (AGPL- 003), kao i djela F. Chopina, F. Schuberta, R. Schumanna, S. Prokofjeva i drugih. Potom je zanimljiva snimka CD-a u seriji Real Chopin NIFC 012 na Pleyel klaviru (Pariz, ) s programom Chopina i CD sa snimkom Sonate u fis-molu R. Schumanna i Četiri Scherza F. Chopina (PAMP- 1036/2009), DVD s live snimkama djela A Scriabina, S. Rahmanjinova za NHK (Japan), komorne glazbe F. Schuberta (XCP- 5026), S. Prokofjeva, K. Szymanowskog (AGPL-001), te I. Stravinskog, C. Francka i dr. pan), Guest Professor at the Musikhochschule in Hamburg (Germany), Visiting Professor ay the Music Academy in Krakow (Poland), Distinguished Professor at the Concervatorio Liceo in Barcelona (Spain), Guest Professor at Central Conservatory Beijing (China), Professor at the Talent Music Masters Academy in Brescia, Italy. She is also Artistic Director of Festival and Master Classes Musical Summer in Malaga (Spain). She is Honorary member of Japan Piano Teachers Association. Her students are winners of national and international piano competitions. Many of them are teaching in Music Academies in USA, Europe and Japan. Dina Yoffe has numerous Radio, TV and commercial recordings. Among her record releases are Chopin s 24 Preludes (VD-VDC-1334), Fantasy in f-minor and 19 Waltzes (CD-VICC-63), Skriabin/Chopin 24 Preludes op. 11 and 24 Preludes op. 28 special version, Schumann - Symphony Etudes op. 13 and Kreisleriana Op. 16 (AGPL-003), as well as works by F. Chopin, F. Schubert, R. Schumann, S. P rokofiev, etc. CD s in seria Real Chopin NIFC 012 on Pleyel piano (Paris,1848) with Chopin program and CD with R. Schumann Sonata in F Sharp minor and F. Chopin Four Scherzo s (PAMP-1036/2009), DVD live recordings with works of A. Scriabin, S. Rachmaninov for NHK (Japan), Chamber music of F. Schubert (XCP-5026), S. Prokofiev, K. Szymanowsky (AGPL-001), I. Stravinsky, C. Franck and others.

12 22 PRAVILNIK NATJECANJA COMPETITION RULES 13. Zadana skladba biti će dostupna u pdf od 1.rujna 2017 na The Jury reserves the right to interrupt any competitor whose program exceeds the agreed duration Međunarodno pijanističko natjecanje Svetislav Stančić održat će se od 3. do 8. veljače u Zagrebu. 1. The 6 th Svetislav Stančić International Piano Competition will be held in Zagreb from 3 th to 8 th February Natjecanju mogu pristupiti svi pijanisti do 35 godina starosti (1.siječnja) 3. Natjecanje će se održati u tri etape: 1. etapa recital (trajanje do 30 minuta) 2. etapa recital (trajanje do 60 minuta) 3. etapa finale, koncert za glasovir uz pratnju simfonijskog orkestra. 4. Sve etape natjecanja bit će otvorene za slušateljstvo. 5. Rok prijave za natjecatelje iz Hrvatske je 15. prosinca Prijave moraju sadržavati: a) čitko ispunjen prijavni list b) noviju fotografiju (digitalna, 300dpi) c) fotokopiju domovnice, odnosno putovnice za natjecatelje iz inozemstva d) uplatu kotizacije od 100 u kunskoj protuvrijednosti na račun Udruge klavirskih pedagoga Hrvatske, Trg Republike Hrvatske 12, Zagreb, Croatia (s naznakom uplate S. Stancic ) pri Zagrebackoj banci, Trg Republike Hrvatske 12, Zagreb, IBAN HR Krivo navođenje bilo kojeg podatka u prijavi bit će razlogom diskvalifikacije natjecatelja. 7. Promjena programa navedenog u prijavi nije dopuštena. 8. Sva djela izvode se napamet. 2. The competition is opened for all pianists up to 35 years of age (1 st January). 3. The competition falls into three stages: 1 st stage: recital (up to 30 minutes) 2 nd stage: recital (up to 60 minutes) final stage: piano concerto (accompanied by a symphony orchestra). 4. All competition stages are open to the public. 5. Deadline for submitting on-line applications is December 15 th 2017 for applicants from countries with a visa regime for Croatia, and December 15 th for all other applicants. Each application must contain the following: a) a neatly completed application form b) a recent photo (digital 300 dpi) c) copy of the passport for applicants from abroad. d) proof of the payment of 100 paid to the bank account of Udruga klavirskih pedagoga-epta, Trg Republike Hrvatske 12, Zagreb at Zagrebačka banka, Trg Republike Hrvatske 12, Zagreb, IBAN HR ; SWIFT/BIC code:zabahr2x. 6. Any incorrect information in the application will result in disqualification of the competitor. 7. Changes regarding the program stated in the application form will not be permitted. 14. Nastupi u prvoj i drugoj etapi odvijaju se abecednim redom, počevši sa slovom S (Stančić). Redoslijed nastupa u finalnoj etapi određuje ocjenjivački sud. 15. Natjecatelji se moraju osobno javiti u ured natjecanja 3. veljače (ukoliko s organizatorom nije unaprijed drugačije dogovoreno). 16. Ocjenjivački sud će odabrati najviše 12 natjecatelja koji će se plasirati u drugu etapu i najviše 6 natjecatelja koji će se plasirati u treću etapu. 17. Svi sudionici natjecanja dobit će Priznanje o sudjelovanju. 18. Ocjenjivački sud može ne dodijeliti neku od nagrada ili po potrebi dodijeliti nagradu ex aequo (osim prve nagrade). 19. Natjecatelji nemaju pravo žalbe na odluke ocjenjivačkog suda. 20. Potpisom prijave natjecatelj prihvaća pravila natjecanja i odluke ocjenjivačkog suda. 21. U slučaju bilo kakvih nejasnoća uzrokovanih prijevodom, mjerodavnim se smatra tekst pravilnika na hrvatskom jeziku. 13. The compulsory piece will be available in pdf from 1.September 2017 on Performances in First and Second Stage will be held in alphabetic order starting with the letter S (Stančić). 15. All competitors have to contact the competition office on 3 rd February 2018 in person, submitting valid documentation, including passports (if not agreed otherwise by a special permit of the competition office). 16. The Jury will choose no more than 12 competitors to reach the second stage and no more than 6 competitors to reach the final stage. 17. All competitors will be presented with Certificates of Participation. 18. The Jury reserves the right not to award all prizes, or to award an ex aequo prize (except for the first prize). 19. Possible complaints against Jury decisions will not be taken into consideration. 20. By submitting the application, competitors indicate that they accept all conditions and decisions of the competition. 21. In the case of any ambiguities caused by translation, the Croatian text of the regulations is considered authoritative. 9. Natjecateljima će biti omogućeno svakodnevno vježbanje kao i akustička proba glasovira u dvorani natjecanja. 10. Finalisti će imati jedan pokus s orkestrom. 11. EPTA - Hrvatska zadržava sva prava za radio i TV snimanja tijekom svih etapa natjecanja, bez naknade. 12. Ocjenjivački sud ima pravo prekinuti svakog natjecatelja čiji program prekoračuje zadanu minutažu. 8. All music has to be performed by heart. 9. Daily practice, as well as a piano rehearsal at the competition hall, will be provided for all participants. 10. The finalists will have one rehearsal with the accompanying symphony orchestra. 11. EPTA Croatia reserves all rights for radio and TV broadcasts during all stages of the competition without any compensation to the competitors.

13 24 PROGRAM NATJECANJA P. I. Čajkovski: COMPETITION PROGRAM P. I. Tchaikovsky koncert u b-molu, op. 23 Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor Op. 23 PRVI IZLUČNI KRUG recital u trajanju do 30 minuta 1. Tri koncertne virtuozne etide (jedna F. Chopina) 2. J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga iz WTK I. ili II. 3. Jedna ili više skladbi (ciklus) po slobodnom izboru (napisane do ) U drugi izlučni krug plasirat će se najviše 12 natjecatelja. S. Prokofjev: 3. koncert u C-duru, op. 26 S. Rahmanjinov: 2. koncert u c-molu, op koncert u d-molu, op. 30 FIRST STAGE recital up to 30 minutes 1. Three virtuoso concert etudes (one by F. Chopin) 2. J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue from WTK I or II 3. One or more pieces (cycle) of free chioce written before 1918 No more than 12 competitors will pass to Second Stage. S. Prokofiev Concerto No. 3 in C-Major Op. 26 S. Rachmaninov Concerto No. 2 in C-Minor Op. 18 Concerto No. 3 in D-Minor Op. 30 DRUGI IZLUČNI KRUG recital u trajanju do 60 minuta 1. Sonata L. van Beethovena 2. Zadana skladba: Boris Papandopulo: Tri capriccia po Paganiniju 3. Skladba ili skladbe po slobodnom izboru U finale će se plasirati najviše 6 natjecatelja. FINALE Koncert uz simfonijski orkestar. Izvodi se jedan od sljedećih klavirskih koncerata: L. van Beethoven: 4. koncert u G-duru, op koncert u Es-duru, op. 73 R. Schumann: Koncert u a-molu, op. 54 E. Grieg: Koncert u a-molu F. Chopin: 1. koncert u e-molu, op koncert u f- molu, op. 21 F. Liszt: 1. koncert u Es-duru J. Brahms: 1. koncert u d-molu, op. 15 SECOND STAGE recital up to 60 minutes 1. Sonata by L. van Beethoven 2. Obligatory piece by Croatian composer: Boris Papandopulo: Three Capriccios after Paganini 3. One or more pieces of free chioce No more than 6 competitors will pass to the Final Stage. FINAL STAGE Concert with a symphony orchestra. One of the following piano concertos to be performed: L. van Beethoven Concerto No. 4 in G-Major Op. 58 Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major Op. 73 R. Schumann Concerto in A-Minor Op. 54 E. Grieg Concerto in A-Minor F. Chopin Concerto No. 1 in E-Minor Op. 11 Concerto No. 2 in F-Minor Op. 21 F. Liszt Concerto No. 1 in E-Flat Major J. Brahms: Concerto No. 1 in D-Minor Op. 15

14 26 NAGRADE AWARDS ZADANA SKLADBA HRVATSKOG SKLADATELJA COMPULSORY COMPOSITION BY CROATIAN COMPOSER 27 Boris Papandopulo: Tri capriccia po Paganiniju Boris Papandopulo: Three Capriccios after Paganini Službene nagrade 1. nagrada: Diploma kn* 2. nagrada: Diploma kn* 3. nagrada: Diploma kn* 4. nagrada: Diploma kn* *(porez i prirez snosi nagrađeni natjecatelj) Posebne nagrade - Nagrada (500 ) i priznanje Hrvatskog društva skladatelja za najbolju izvedbu zadane skladbe hrvatskog autora po ocjeni ocjenjivačkog suda. - Nagrada Dubrovačkog simfonijskog orkestra najbolje plasiranom hrvatskom natjecatelju u finalu - Koncert s Orkestrom prema odluci ocjenjivačkog suda. - Nagrada Simfonijskog orkestra Hrvatske radiotelevizije Koncert s Orkestrom najboljem finalistu po ocjeni dirigenta i članova Simfonijskog orkestra Hrvatske radiotelevizije. - Zlatnik s motivom Zagreba najboljem finalistu prema glasovima publike. Official Awards 1 st prize: Diploma kn* 2 nd prize: Diploma kn* 3 rd prize: Diploma kn* 4 th prize: Diploma kn* *(official taxes to be paid by the awarded Competitor) Special Awards - Cash Award (500 ) and a Certificate by the Croatian Composers Society for the best interpretation of the compulsory piece by Croatian Composer. - A concert with the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra for the best Croatian finalist (as decided by the Board of Judges). - A concert with the Symphony Orchestra of Croatian Radiotelevision for the best Finalist (as decided by the Conductor and the Members of the Orchestra). - A Golden Coin with a motif of Zagreb for the best Finalist by audience poll. Boris Papandopulo (Honnef am Rhein, Zagreb, 1991.) pripada među najzanimljivije i vjerojatno najoriginalnije hrvatske skladatelje. Iskušao se u gotovo svim glazbenim formama. Svojedobno je bio predstavnik nacionalne orijentacije u glazbi, da bi zatim prihvatio moderniji glazbeni govor, poput neobaroka s njegovim motoričkim karakteristikama, zatim atonalnost (premda je njegova glazba ostala uglavnom tonalna), a povremeno čak i dodekafoniju. Papandopulova glazba je pretežito vesela, optimistička i ponekad čak bezbrižna; ona naginje briljantnoj dekorativnosti sa širokom uporabom kromatike (za koju je uvijek bio vezan), a ponekad i polifone igre tonova. Papandopulo je napisao preko 300 skladbi. Autor je brojnih scenskih djela (opere i baleti), orkestralnih djela (simfonije, Sinfonietta za gudače, mnogi koncerti za razne instrumente, itd.), komorne glazbe (gudački kvarteti, Kvintet za klarinet, Suita za violinu i klavir, itd.), vokalne glazbe (od solo pjesme do kantata i oratorija), a naročito klavirske glazbe. I sam dobar pijanist, Papandopulo je napisao znatan broj klavirskih djela koja posebno ocrtavaju njegovu umjetničku ličnost. Među ovim djelima ističu se: 2 sonate, Kolo, Contradanza, Scherzo fantastico, Osam studija i Tri capriccia. Papandopulova Tri Capriccia za klavir obrada su Paganinijevih capriccia br.18, br. 14 i br. 5 skladanih godine. Tri Capriccia bila su zadana kompozicija 1. EPTA natjecanja Svetislav Stančić u Zagrebu 1999.godine Boris Papandopulo (Honnef am Rhein, 1906 Zagreb, 1991) was probably the most interesting and certainly one of the most prolific Croatian composers. He has tried his hand at all musical forms. At one time, he was a proponent of the national orientation in music and built his compositions on the foundations of Croatian folk music. At another time, he rejected this orientation completely, adopting international musical elements of the neo-baroque style and on occasion even dodecaphony. Papandopulo s music is mostly cheerful, optimistic, in place care-free; it tends towards the brilliantly decorative, with an ample use of chromaticism (to which Papandopulo was always remained attached), and polyphonic play. Papandopulo wrote over 300 compositions. He is the author of a number stage works, (operas and ballets), orchestral works (symphonies, Sinfonietta for strings, many concertos for various instruments, etc.), chamber pieces (strings quartets, Quintet for Clarinet, Suite for Violin and Piano, etc.), vocal music (from solo songs to the cantata and oratorio), and particularly piano music. Himself a good pianist, Papandopulo has written a considerable number of piano music, which shed particular light upon his artistic personality. Among this composition the very important are: 2 sonatas, Kolo (The Reel-Dance), Contradanza, Scherzo fantastico, Eight Studies and Three Capriccios. Papandopulo s Three Capriccios for piano are interpretation of Paganini s capriccio No. 18, No. 14 and No. 5 composed in Three Capriccios was the compulsory composition of 1 st EPTA competition Svetislav Stančić held in Zagreb in 1999.

15 28 DIRIGENT I ORKESTAR U FINALU THE ORCHESTRA AND THE CONDUCTOR FOR THE FINAL ROUND 29 SIMFONIJSKI ORKESTAR HRVATSKE RADIOTELEVIZIJE stasao je postupnim povećavanjem prvog radijskog orkestra osnovanog 1929., samo tri godine nakon početka emitiranja tadašnjega Radio-Zagreba. Od godine počinje djelovati pod nazivom Simfonijski orkestar Radio-televizije Zagreb, od do naziv mu je Zagrebački simfoničari RTZ-a, a od nosi današnji naziv. Na čelu toga orkestra stajali su mnogi ugledni dirigenti: P. Dešpalj, K. Šipuš, J. Daniel, O. Danon, M. Horvat, U. Lajovic, V. Kranjčević i N. Bareza. Među mnogim dirigentima i solistima s kojima je taj ansambl surađivao bili su i L. von Matačić, I. Markevič, F. Konwitschny, C. Abbado, L. Maazel, Z. Mehta, E. Bour, S. Šulek, K. Penderecki, A. Janigro, A. Navarra, L. Kogan, H. Szeryng, A. Ciccolini, R. Pospiš-Baldani, D. Vejzović, D. Tomšič Srebotnjak, R. Klepač, I. Pogorelić, M. Rostropovič, M. Fedotov, E. Gruberova, J. Carreras, R. Raimondi, B. Hendricks, L. Pavarotti i dr. Uz redovitu koncertnu djelatnost u Zagrebu, te obvezu redovitog sudjelovanja u radijskom i televizijskom programu, Orkestar gostuje diljem domovine i u inozemstvu. Na tim je gostovanjima stekao priznanja te postao zaslužnim promicateljem hrvatske kulture u svijetu. Početkom Domovinskog rata glazbenici Simfonijskog orkestra HRT-a, služeći domovini, održali su desetke koncerata na bojištima, od Osijeka, Pakraca, Lipika, Đakova, Gospića, Vinkovaca i Bošnjaka do Šibenika, Zadra, Karlovca, pa i Sarajeva. Uz klasični i suvremeni repertoar te snimanja za potrebe Hrvatske radiotelevizije i diskografskih tvrtki, Orkestar se skrbi i za hrvatsku glazbenu baštinu i suvremeno hrvatsko stvaralaštvo. U diskografskom opusu ističu se autorski albumi hrvatskih skladatelja S. Šuleka, M. Kelemena i M. Belamarića, serija CD-a posvećenih šefovima dirigentima Orkestra, Alpska simfonija R. Straussa te album s djelima talijanskog skladatelja G. Marinuzzija st. U sezoni /2011. Orkestar je obilježio osamdesetu obljetnicu postojanja te je tom prigodom objavljena monografija o njegovu djelovanju uz dvostruki album na koji su uvrštene snimke šefova dirigenata: M. Horvata, K. Šipuša, J. Daniela, P. Dešpalja, V. Kranjčevića, O. Danona, U. Lajovica i N. Bareze. CROATIAN RADIOTELEVISION SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA has gradually grown from the first radio orchestra esta blished in 1929, only four years after Radio Zagreb (as it was then called) started broadcasting. In 1957 it was renamed Zagreb Radio Television Symphony Orchestra. From 1975 to 1990 the orchestra was called RTZ Zagreb Symphonics, and in 1991 assumed its current name. The Orchestra has been led by numerous distinguished conductors: P. Dešpalj, K. Šipuš, J. Daniel, O. Danon, M. Horvat, U. Lajovic, V. Kranjčević and N. Bareza. The many conductors and soloists that the ensemble has collaborated with also include L. von Matačić, I. Markevič, F. Konwitschny, C. Abbado, L. Maazel, Z. Mehta, E. Bour, S. Šulek, A. Katz, K. Penderecki, A. Janigro, A. Navarra, L. Kogan, H. Szeryng, A. Ciccolini, R. Pospiš-Baldani, D. Vejzović, D. Tomšič Srebotnjak, R. Klepač, I. Pogorelić, M. Rostropovich, M. Fedotov, E. Gruberova, J. Carreras, R. Raimondi, B. Hendricks, L. Pavarotti and others. Apart from regular concerts in Zagreb and the obligation of participation in radio and television programs, the Orchestra also performs around the country and abroad. Those appearances have been re ceived with general acclaim and have made the Orchestra a true promoter of Croatian culture in the world. During the Homeland War, the musicians of the Croatian Radio Television Symphony Orchestra frequently visited the frontline and held dozens of concerts in Osijek, Pakrac, Lipik, Đakovo, Gospić, Vinkovci and Bošnjaci, as well as in Šibenik, Zadar, Karlovac, even Sarajevo. Their repertoire includes classical and contemporary pieces performed in concerts and recorded for Croatian Radio and Television and record labels, but most significantly, the Orchestra pays special attention to Croatian musical heritage and Croatian contemporary composers. Their discography includes albums containing the works of Croatian composers S. Šulek, M. Kelemen, and M. Belamarić, a CD series dedicated to the Orchestra s chief conductors, The Alpine Symphony by Richard Strauss, and an album containing the works of Italian composer G. Marinuzzi, Sr. The orchestra celebrated its eightieth anniversary in the season. For that occasion, a monograph about the orchestra s work was published, along with a double album including the recordings of the it s chief conductors: M. Horvat, K. Šipuš, J. Daniel, P. Dešpalj, V. Kranjčević, O. Danon, U. Lajovic and N. Bareza. MLADEN TARBUK pripada umjetnicima bez kojih ne bismo mogli zamisliti našu glazbenu scenu. Dirigent i skladatelj koji se osim toga bavi i producentskim i muzikološkim radom, diplomirao je kompoziciju i dirigiranje u Zagrebu i Grazu. Nakon diplome usavršavao se u Beču te radio na mnogim značajnim projektima kako u operi, tako i na koncertnom podiju. Osim što ravna operama tzv. standardnog repertoara, bavi se i suvremenim opernim ostvarenjima. Od do na čelu je Simfonijskoga puhačkog orkestra Hrvatske vojske koji se pod njegovim vodstvom razvio u jedan od najboljih hrvatskih orkestara. Njegovim je zalaganjem naručeno, praizvedeno i snimljeno više djela hrvatskih skladatelja. Od stalni je gost-dirigent Simfonijskog orkestra HRT-a, a od i njegov prvi dirigent. Mladen Tarbuk gostovao je u Austriji, Belgiji, Češkoj, Italiji, Mađarskoj, Njemačkoj, Rusiji i Sloveniji, a ravnao je orkestrima poput Državne filharmonije Halle, Državne opere iz Praga te Simfonijskog orkestra iz Graza. Na međunarodnom natjecanju mladih dirigenata Smetana-Dvořák-Janáček osvojio je posebnu nagradu za najbolju interpretaciju Janáčekove Sinfoniette, a na natjecanju Carlo Zecchi dobitnik je počasne diplome. MLADEN TARBUK is one of the artists without whom Croatian musical world would not be the same. This conductor and composer, but also an active producer and musicologist, has graduated in composition and conducting in Zagreb and Graz. After graduation, he further studied in Vienna where he worked on significant opera and concert projects. Apart from conducting standard operas, he is also actively promotes the productions of contemporary opera works. He was the head of the Croatian Army s Wind Symphony Orchestra from 1993 to 2000 and helped establish it as one of the best Croatian orchestras. He initiated the commission, performance and recording of several new pieces written by Croatian composers. He had been the permanent visiting conductor of the Croatian Radio Television s Symphony Orchestra since 1992, becoming the Orchestra s principal conductor in Mladen Tarbuk has performed in Austria, Belgium, The Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Russia, and Slovenia conducting orchestras such as the Halle State Philharmonic Orchestra, Prague State Opera and the Graz Symphony Orchestra. At the Smetana- Dvořák-Janáček international competition for young conductors, he has won the special award for the best interpretation of Janáček s Sinfonietta, and the honorary diploma at the Carlo Zecchi competition.

16 30 RASPORED NATJECANJA / COMPETITION SCHEDULE Mala dvorana / Small Hall 3. veljače / 3 rd February I. krug / 1 st Stage jutarnji dio / morning session* popodnevni dio / afternoon session* 4. veljače / 4 th February I. krug / 1 st Stage jutarnji dio / morning session* popodnevni dio / afternoon session* Objava rezultata / Result announcement 5. veljače / 5 th February II. krug / 2 nd Stage jutarnji dio / morning session popodnevni dio / afternoon session Velika dvorana / Grand Hall 7. veljače / 7 th February finale / Final Stage (l. dio / 1 st part) koncert / concert (3 finalista / 3 finalists) 8. veljače / 8 th February finale / Final Stage (II. dio / 2 nd part) koncert / concert (3 finalista / 3 finalists) Proglašenje pobjednika / Award Ceremony Finaliste prati / Finalists accompanied by: Simfonijski orkestar Hrvatske radiotelevizije / The Croatian Radio and Television Orchestra Mladen Tarbuk, dirigent / conductor 6. veljače / 6 th February II. krug / 2 nd Stage jutarnji dio / morning session objava rezultata / result announcement NATJECATELJI / COMPETITORS (abecednim redom / in alphabetical order) * Moguća promjena rasporeda - početci i završetci 2. kruga / Possible change of schedule - beginnings and end of 2 nd Stage)

17 IZUMI AMANO KAMIL BORKOVSKI (Japan) (Poljska / Poland) 29/12/1983 Japan 15/5/1991 Poljska / Poland Musikhochschule, Tokyo University Mozarteum, Salzburg Zenon Brzewski Music School, Warsaw Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw Maki Hatanaka, Yukiko Hibiya, Mari Takeda, Hitoshi Kobayashi, Claudius Tanski, Rolf Plagge. Marzena Jasińska, Alicja Paleta-Bugaj, Elżbieta Karaś-Krasztel, Jerzy Sterczyński prof. Piotr Paleczny J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u fis-molu, BWV 883 / J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp Minor, BWV 883 F. Chopin: Etida u Es-duru, op. 10, br. 11 / Etude in E-flat Major, Op. 10, No. 11 F. Chopin: Etida u c-molu, op. 10, br. 12 / Etude in C-Minor, Op. 10, No. 12 F. Chopin: Etida u F-duru, op. 10, br. 8 / Etude in F-Major, Op. 10, No. 8 M. Ravel: Scarbo from Gaspard de la Nuit L. van Beethoven: Sonata u e-molu, op. 90 / Sonate in E-Minor, Op. 90 F. Chopin: Scherzo br. 4 u E-duru, op. 54 / Scherzo No. 4 in E-Major, Op. 54 S. Prokofjev: Sonata br. 8 u B-duru, op. 84 / Sonata No. 8 in B- flat Major, Op. 84 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju br. 13/ 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 13 F. Chopin: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u e-molu, op. 11 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in E-Minor, Op. 11 J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u D-duru, BWV 850 / Prelude and Fugue in D-Major, BWV 850 F. Chopin: Etida u a-molu, op. 25, br. 11 / Etude in A-Minor, Op. 25 No. 11 A. Skrjabin: Etida u cis-molu, op. 42, br. 5 / Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 42 No. 5 G. Ligeti: Etida br. 10, Der Zauberlehrling / Etude, no. 10, Der Zauberlehrling S. Prokofjev: Sonata br. 2 u d-molu, op. 14 / Sonata No. 2 in D-Minor, Op. 14 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u Es- duru, op. 31 br. 3 / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 31 No. 3 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini No. 14 R. Schumann: Karneval op. 9 / Carnival Op. 9 S. Prokofjev: 3. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u C-duru, op. 26 / Piano Concerto No. 3 in C-Major, Op. 26

18 KRISTIAN CVETKOVIĆ GREGOR DEŠMAN (Švicarska Hrvatska / Swizerland Croatia) (Slovenija / Slovenia) 2/11/1991 Švicarska / Swizerland 6/9/1988 Slovenija / Slovenia University of Arts Zurich, University of Music & Theatre F. Mendelssohn, Leipzig, Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington, USA Karl-Andreas Kolly, Christian A. Pohl, Marcus Tomas, Andre Watts J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u Cis-duru, BWV 848 / Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp Major, BWV 848 F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 10, br. 1 / Etude in C-Major, Op. 10, No. 1 F. Chopin: Etida u As-duru, op. 25, br. 1 / Etude in A-flat Major, Op. 25, No. 1 F. Chopin: Etida u cis-molu, op. 10, br. 4 / Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 10, No. 4 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, op. 81a / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 81a B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br,14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 J. S. Bach: Talijanski koncert, BWV 971 / Italian Concerto, BWV 971 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u c-molu, op. 111 / Sonata in C- Minor, Op. 111 L. van Beethoven: 4. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u G-duru, op. 58 / Piano Concerto No. 4 in G-Major, Op. 58 Academy of Music,Ljubljana Academy of Music, Zagreb Royal Conservatoire, Den Hague Hinko Haas, Ruben Dalibaltayan, Naum Grubert J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u Es-duru, BWV 876 / Prelude and Fugue in E-flat Major, BWV 876 F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 10, br. 1 / Etude in C-Major, Op. 10, No. 1 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida br. 11, Harmonies du soir / Transcendental Etude No. 11, Harmonies du soir A. Skrjabin: Etida u cis-molu, op. 42, br. 5 / Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 42, No. 5 A. Skrjabin: Sonata br. 4 u Fis-duru op. 30 / Sonata No. 4 in F-sharp Major, Op. 30 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 2 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 2 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u E-duru, op. 109 / Sonata in E-major, Op. 109 J. Brahms: Sonata br. 3 u f-molu, op. 5 / Sonata No. 3 in F-Minor, Op. 5 L. van Beethoven: 5. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u Es-duru, op. 73 / Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major, Op. 73

19 LUCIJA DOGAN IVAN GALIĆ (Hrvatska / Croatia) (Hrvatska / Croatia) 13/7/1993 Hrvatska / Croatia 30/1/1994 Hrvatska / Croatia Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Music Academy Zagreb Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, Weimar Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Music Academy Zagreb Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt, Weimar Dalibor Cikojević, Balázs Szokolay J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u Fis - duru, BWV 858 / Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp Major, BWV 858 A. Skrjabin: Etida u cis- molu, op. 42, br. 5 / Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 42, No. 5 F. Chopin: Etida u cis -molu, op. 10, br. 4 / Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 10, No. 4 K. Szymanowski: Etida u b -molu, op. 4, br. 3 / Etude in B-flat Minor, Op. 4, No. 3 F. Chopin: Andante spianato et Grande polonaise brillante, Op. 22 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u c - molu, op. 111 / Sonata in C- Minor, Op. 111 F. Chopin: Preludiji op. 28 / Preludes Op. 28 F. Chopin: 2. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u f- molu, op. 21 / Piano Concerto No. 2 in F-Minor, Op. 21 Robert Gubaydullin, Jadranka Garin, Ljubomir Gašparović, Grigory Gruzman, Christian Wilm Müller, Ruben Dalibaltayan J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u a-molu, BWV 865 / Prelude and Fugue in A -Minor, BWV 865 W. A. Mozart: Sonata u B-duru, KV 281 / Sonata in B-flat Major, KV 281 F. Chopin: Etida u F-duru, op. 25, br. 3 / Etude in F-Major, Op. 25, No. 3 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u es-molu, op. 39 br. 5 / Etude-tableau in E-flat Minor, Op. 39, No. 5 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u D-duru, op. 39 br. 9 / Etude-tableau in D-Major, Op. 39 No. 9 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, op. 27 br. 1, Quasi una Fantasia / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 27 No. 1, Quasi una Fantasia A. Skrjabin: Sonata br. 9 u F-duru, op. 68 / Sonata No. 9 in F-Major, Op. 68 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 F. Chopin: Sonata br. 2 u b-molu, op. 35 / Sonata No. 2 in B-flat Minor, Op. 35 F. Chopin: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u e-molu, op. 11 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in E-Minor, op. 11

20 BRUNO GOMES FERREIRA LEONARDO HILSDORF (Portugal / Portugal) (Brazil / Brasil) 11/12/1997 Nizozemska / Holland 26/12/1987 Brazil / Brasil Conservatório de Música Calouste Gulbenkian de Braga Haute École de Musique de Genève Marian Pivka, Álvaro Teixeira Lopes, Dominique Weber J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u C-duru, BWV 846 / Prelude and Fugue in C-Major, BWV 846 R. Schumann: Tokata u C-duru, op. 7 / Toccata in C-Major, Op. 7 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika op. 39, br. 5 / Étude-tableau Op. 39, No. 5 F. Chopin: Etida u c-molu, op. 25, br. 12 / Etude in C-Minor, Op. 25, No. 12 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida br. 8, Wilde Jagd / Transcendental Etude No. 8, Wilde Jagd Koln MusikHochschule, Germany Chapelle Reine Elisabeth, Belgium New England Conservatory, Boston Claudio Martinez Mehner, Maria Joao Pires J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u G-duru, BWV 884 / Prelude and Fugue in G-Major, BWV 884 F. Chopin: Etida u h-molu, op. 25, br. 10 / Etude in B-Minor, Op. 25, No. 10 A. Skrjabin: Etida op. 8, br. 12 / Etude Op. 8, No. 12 H. Oswald: Etida br. 1 / Etude No. 1 F. Liszt: Španjolska rapsodija, S. 254 / Spanish Rhapsody, S. 254 L. V. Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, op. 7 / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 7 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 F. Liszt: Sonata u b-molu, S. 178 / Sonata in B-Minor, S. 178 S. Rahmanjinov: 2. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u c-molu, op. 18 / Piano Concerto No. 2 in C-Minor, Op. 18 H. Villa-Lobos: Impressoes Seresteiras L. van Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, op. 81a, Les adieux / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 81a, Les adieux J. Brahms: Varijacije op. 21, br. 1 / Variations Op. 21, No. 1 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 M. Ravel: La valse L. van Beethoven: 4. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u G-duru, op. 58 / Piano Concerto No. 4 in G-Major, op. 58

21 GENNADII ISHKULOV DAHEA JOUNG (Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation) (Južna Koreja / South Korea) 29/7/1993 Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation 11/5/1994 Južna Koreja / South Korea Murmansk College of Arts Moscow State Conservatory Natalia Trull J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u a-molu, BWV 889 / Prelude and Fugue in A -Minor, BWV 889 F. Chopin: Etida u a-molu, op. 25, br. 11 / Etude in A-Minor, Op. 25, No. 11 F. Chopin: Scherzo br. 4, op. 54 / Scherzo No. 4, Op. 54 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida br. 2 / Transcendental Etude No. 2 A. Skrjabin: Etida op. 65, br. 3 / Etude, Op. 65, No. 3 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u A-duru, op. 101 / Sonata in A Major, Op. 101 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju br. 3 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 3 F. Chopin: Sonata br. 3 u h-molu, op. 58 / Sonata No. 3 in B -Minor, Op. 58 S. Prokofjev: 3. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u C-duru, op. 26 / Piano Concerto No. 3 in C-Major, Op. 26 Musikhochschule, Düsseldorf Paolo Giacometti J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u C-duru, BWV 870 / Prelude and Fugue in C-Major, BWV 870 F. Chopin: Etida u F-duru, op. 10, br. 8 / Etude in F- Major Op. 10, No. 8 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida br. 12, Chasse-neige / Transcendental Etude No. 12, Chasse-neige S. Rachmaninov: Etida-slika op. 39 br. 5, Etude-tableau, Op. 39, No. 5 M. Ravel: Jeux d eau L. van Beethoven: Sonata u A-duru, op 2 br. 2 / Sonata in A-Major, Op 2 No. 2 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No 14 F. Chopin: Scherzo br. 4 u E-duru, op. 54 / Scherzo No. 4 in E -Major, Op. 54 S. Rahmanjinov: Sonata br. 2 u b-molu, op. 36 / Sonata No. 2 in B-flat Minor, Op. 36 J. Brahms: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u d-molu, op. 15 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in D-minor, Op. 15

22 ITO JUNICHI DMITRII KAUKIN (Japan) (Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation) 27/2/1991 Japan 19/6/1992 Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Lyon Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts M. Herve N Kaoua, M. Thierry Rosbach Prof. Evgeny Levitan F. Chopin: Etida u F-duru, op. 10, br. 8 / Etude in F -Major, Op. 10, No. 8 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u h-molu, op. 39 br. 4 / Etude-tableau in B-Minor, Op. 39, No. 4 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u d-molu, op. 39 br. 8 / Etude-tableau in D-Minor, Op. 39, No. 8 J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u Fis-duru, BWV 882 / Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp Major, BWV 882 F. Chopin: Scherzo br. 4, op. 54 / Scherzo No. 4 Op. 54 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u B-duru, op. 22 / Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. 22 F. Chopin: Sonata br. 3 op. 58 / Sonata No. 3 Op. 58 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, E. Grieg: Koncert za klavir i orkestar u a-molu op. 16 / Piano Concerto in A-Minor Op. 16 J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u E-duru, BWV 878 / Preludio and Fuga in E- Major, BWV 878 F. Chopin: Etida u cis-molu, op. 10, br. 4 / Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 10, No. 4 F. Liszt: Grandes études de Paganini, Etida br. 3, La Campanella / Grandes etudes de Paganini, Etude No. 3 La Campanella S. Rahmaninov: Etida-slika u cis-molu, op. 33, br. 9 / Etude-tableau in C-sharp Minor, Op. 33, No. 9 F. Chopin: Berceuse u Des-duru, op. 57 / Berceuse in D-flat Major, Op. 57 F. Chopin: Poloneza-fantazija u As-duru, op. 61 / Polonaise-fantaisie in A-flat Major, Op. 61 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u As-duru, op. 110 / Sonata in A-flat Major, Op. 110 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 2 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 2 P. I. Tchaikovsky: Šest komada op. 51, br. 4 / Six Pieces Op. 51, No. 4 Natha-valse C. Debussy: La plus que lente J- Strauss / A. Grünfeld : Soiree de Vienne, op. 56 I. Stravinsky: Petruška, tri stavka za klavir / Petrushka, Three Movements for Piano P. I. Čajkovski: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u b-molu, op. 23 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23

23 YURIKA KIMURA VASYL KOTYS (Japan / Japan) (Ukrajina / Ukraina) 26/3/1993 Japan 27/9/1984 Ukrajina / Ukraina Tokyo College of Music Berlin University of the Arts Lviv National Music Academy Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock Reiko Kikuchi, Katsunori Ishii, Hironao Suzuki, Markus Groh Maria Krushelnytska, Matthias Kirschnereit J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u Cis-duru, BWV 848 / Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp Major, BWV 848 F. Chopin: Etida u Ges-duru, op. 10, br. 5 / Etude in G-Flat Major, Op. 10, No. 5 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u b-molu, op. 33, br. 6 / Etude-tableau in B-flat Minor, Op. 33, No. 6 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida u b-molu, br. 12, Chasse-neige / Transcendental Etude in B-flat Minor, No. 12 Chasse-neige F. Liszt: Années de pélerinage: Deuxieme année Italie, S. 161/7 - Aprés une lecture du Dante/ Fantasia quasi sonata L. van Beethoven: Sonata u As-duru, op. 26 / Sonata in A-flat Major op. 26 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 5 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 5 Minako Tokuyama: Musica Nara (2005) R. Schumann: Karneval, op. 9 / Carnaval, Op. 9 P. I. Čajkovski: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u b-molu, op. 23 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 3 F. Chopin: Etida u gis-molu, op. 25, br. 6 / Etude in G-sharp Minor, Op. 25, No. 6 C. Debussy: Etida br. 7, Pour les degrés chromatiques / Etude No. 7, Pour les degrés chromatiques F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida u b-molu, br. 12 Chasse-neige / Transcendental Etude in B-flat Minor, No. 12, Chasse-neige J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u Fis-duru, BWV 858 / Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp Major, BWV 858 D. Scarlatti: Sonata u d-molu, K. 213 / Sonata in D-Minor, K. 213 D. Scarlatti: Sonata u d-molu, K. 141/ Sonata in D-Minor, K. 141 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u f-molu, op. 57, Appassionata / Sonata in F-Minor, Op. 57, Appassionata B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 S. Barber: Balade op. 46 / Ballade Op. 46 M. Ravel: Gaspard de la Nuit S. Prokofjev: 3. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u C-duru, op. 26 / Piano Concerto No. 3 in C -Major, Op. 26

24 IVAN VIHOR KRSNIK ČOHAR YURIM LEE (Hrvatska / Croatia) (Republika Koreja / Republika of Korea) 22/1/1997 Hrvatska / Croatia 14/6/1989 (Republika Koreja / Republika of Korea) Glazbena skola Ivan Matetic Ronjgov, Rijeka Accademia di musica, Pinerolo Conservatorio Gaetano Donizetti, Bergamo Marco Giovanetti, Enrico Pace J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u c-molu, BWV 871 / Prelude and Fugue in C -Minor, BWV 871 F. Chopin: Etida u h-molu, op. 25, br. 10 / Etude in B- Minor, Op. 25, No. 10 F. Chopin: Etida u c-molu, op. 25, br. 12 / Etude in C -Minor, Op. 25, No. 12 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida u f-molu, br. 10, Appassionata / / Transcendental Etude in F-Minor, No. 10, Appassionata A. Skrjabin: Sonata br. 2 op. 19 / Sonata No. 2, Op. 19 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u f-molu, op. 57 Appassionata / Sonata in F-Minor, Op. 57 Appassionata B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 2 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 2 C. Debussy: Estampes - Pagodes, La soiree dans Grenade, Jardins sous la pluie F. Liszt: Années de pélerinage: Deuxieme année Italie, S. 161/7 - Aprés une lecture du Dante / Fantasia quasi sonata Musikhochschule, Münster Chong-Pil Lim, Gerald Fauth, Arnulf von Arnim J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u F-duru, BWV 880 / Prelude and Fugue in F- Major, BWV 880 F. Chopin: Etida u F-duru, op. 10, br. 8 / Etude in F- Major, Op. 10, No. 8 F. Chopin: Etida u f-molu, op. 10, br. 9 / Etude in F- Minor, Op. 10, No. 9 F. Chopin: Etida u As-duru, op. 10, br. 10 / Etude in A-flat Major, Op. 10, No. 10 F. Liszt: Balada br. 2 u b-molu, br. 2, S. 171 / Ballade No. 2 in B- minor, S. 171 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u D-duru, op. 10 br. 3 / Sonata in D Major, Op. 10 No. 3 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 5 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 5 F. Chopin: Sonata br. 3 u h-molu, op. 58 / Sonata No. 3 in B- minor, Op. 58 F. Chopin: 2. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u f-molu, op. 21 / Piano Concerto No. 2 in F- Minor, Op. 21 F. Liszt: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u Es-duru / Piano Concert No. 1 in E-flat Major

25 DMITRY MAYBORODA ALEKSANDAR RAOS (Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation) (Srbija / Serbia) 8/11/1993 Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation 20/3/1998 Srbija / Serbia Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory Hochschule für Musik und Theater, München Music High School, Niš Faculty of Arts, Niš Valery Piassetsky, Adrian Oetiker Aleksandar Serdar, Ksenija Vukić - S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u c-molu op. 39, br. 1 / Etude-tableau in C- Minor, Op. 39, No. 1 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida br 12, Chasse-neige / Transcendental Etude No. 12, Chasse-neige F. Chopin: Etida u a-molu, op. 25, br. 11 / Etude in A -Minor, Op. 25, No. 11 J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u h-molu, BWV 893 / Prelude and Fugue in B- Minor, BWV 893 F. Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No. 1 J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u g-molu, BWV 885 / Prelude and Fugue in G- Minor, BWV 885 F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 10, br. 1 / Etude in C- Major, Op. 10, No. 1 A. Skrjabin: Etida op. 42, br. 5 / Etude Op. 42, No. 5 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u es-molu, op. 39, br. 5 / Etude-tableau in E-flat Minor, Op. 39, No. 5 F. Chopin: Fantasie Op. 49 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u D-duru, op. 10 br. 3 / Sonata in D- Major, Op. 10 No. 3 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 S. Rahmanjinov: Sonata br. 2, op. 36 / Sonata No. 2, Op. 36 M. Ravel: Valcer / La valse L. van Beethoven: Sonata u C-duru, op. 53, Waldstein / Sonata in C -Major, Op. 53, Waldstein F. Chopin: Sonata br. 3 u h-molu, op. 58 / Sonata No. 3 in B -Minor, Op. 58 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 2 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 2 S. Rahmanjinov: 2. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u c-molu, op. 18 / Piano Concerto No. 2 in C -Minor, Op. 18 F. Chopin: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u e-molu, op. 11 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in E-Minor, Op. 11

26 TIZIANO ROSETTI TETIANA SHAFRAN (Italija / Italy) (Ukrajina-Izrael / Ukraine-Israel) 19/11/1991 Italija / Italy 26/2/1989 Ukrajina / Ukraine Conservatory of Lecce, Conservatory of Milan, Conservatory of Bozen Jerusalem Music Academy Aldo Ciccolini, Mariagrazia Lioy, Vincenzo Balzani, Roberto Cappello, Cristiano Burato J. S. Bach: Preludij i Fuga u cis-molu, BWV 849 / Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp Minor, BWV 849 F. Liszt: Transcedentalna etida br. 4, Mazeppa, / Transcedental Etude No. 4, Mazeppa F. Chopin: Etida u a-molu, op. 25, br. 11 / Etude in A- Minor, Op. 25, No. 11 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u a-molu, op. 39, br. 6 / Etude-tableau in A-Minor, Op. 39, No. 6 F. Liszt/G. Verdi: Paraphrase de Concert sur Rigoletto L. van Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, op. 27 br. 1, Quasi una Fantasia / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 27 No. 1, Quasi una Fantasia B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 3 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 3 M. Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit F. Liszt: Années de pélerinage: Deuxieme année Italie, S. 161/7 - Aprés une lecture du Dante / Fantasia quasi sonata Oxana Yablonskaya J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u b-molu, BWV 891 / Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Minor, BWV 891 F. Chopin: Etida u F-duru, op. 10, br. 8 / Etude in F Major, Op. 10, No. 8 F. Chopin: Etida u gis-molu, op. 25, br. 6 / Etude in G-sharp Minor, Op. 25, No. 6 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida prema Paganiniju u es-molu / Transcendental Etude after Paganini ineflat minor, Campanella Mendelssohn: Scherzo Op. 61 br. 1 / Scherzo Op. 61 No. 1 Scriabin: Nocturne za lijevu ruku op. 9 / Nocturne for left hand Op. 9 L. van Beethoven: Sonata br. 2 u A-duru, op. 2/2 / Sonata No. 2 in A Major, Op. 2/2 B. Pandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 1 F. Chopin: Sonata br. 3, op. 58 / Sonata No. 3, Op. 58 F. Chopin: 1. koncert u e-molu, op. 11 / Concerto No. 1 in E-Minor, Op. 11 P. I. Čajkovski: 1. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u b-molu, op. 23 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23

27 KOSTANDIN TASHKO VITA VUKOV (Albanija / Albania) (Hrvatska / Croatia) 17/12/1997 Albanija / Albania 11/5/1991 Hrvatska / Croatia Liceu Artistik Jordan Misja, Tirana Music Conservatory Giuseppe Tartini, Trieste Valbona Kasaj, Teresa Trevisan F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 10, br. 1 / Etude in C- Major, Op. 10, No. 1 B. Bartok: Etida op. 18, br. 2 / Etude Op. 18, No. 2 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u es-molu, op. 39, br. 5 / Etude-tableau in E-flat Minor, Op. 39, No. 5 J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u a-molu, BWV 889 / Prelude and Fugue in A- Minor, BWV 889 M. Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit - Scarbo L. van Beethoven: Sonata u D-duru, op. 10 br. 3 / Sonata in D Major, Op. 10 No. 3 M. Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit - Ondine F. Liszt: Rèminiscences de Don Juan B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 S. Rahmanjinov: 3. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u d-molu, op. 30 / Piano Concerto No. 3 in D-Minor, Op. 30 Glazbena škola, V. Lisinski, Zagreb / Music School V. Lisinski, Zagreb Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Zagreb music Academy Kärntner Landeskonservatorium, Klagenfurt Ivanka Kordić, Ruben Dalibaltayan, Bokjoo Suh, Alexei Kornienko F. Chopin: Etida u a-molu, op. 25, br. 11 / Etude in A -Minor, Op. 25, No. 11 S. Rahmanjinov: Etida-slika u c-molu, op. 39, br. 1 / Etude-tableau in C-Minor, Op. 39, No. 1 C. Debussy: Etida br. 11 Pour les arpèges composés / Etude No. 11 Pour les arpèges composes J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u G-duru, BWV 884 / Prelude and Fugue in G- Major, BWV 884 S. Rahmanjinov: Preludij u cis-molu, op. 3, br. 2 /Prelude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 3, No. 2 S. Rahmanjinov: Preludij u gis-molu, op. 32, br. 12 /Prelude in G-sharp Minor,Op. 32, No. 12 R. Wagner/ F. Liszt: Isoldes Liebestod J. S. Bach: Francuska uvertira, BWV 831 / Ouverture nach Französischer Art, BWV 831 L. van Beethoven: Sonata u E-duru, op. 109 / Sonata in E- Major, Op. 109 A. Skrjabin: Sonata br. 9, op. 68 / Sonata No. 9, Op. 68 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 14 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 14 R. Schumann: Koncert za klavir i orkestar u a-molu, op. 54 / Piano Concerto in A-Minor, Op. 54

28 ERIC SHAO-CHIEH WU TATSUSHI YAMAKAWA (Tajvan / Taiwan) (Japan) 8/3/1983 Tajvan / Taiwan 25/4/1991 Japan University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz Taipei University of the Arts Royal Northern College of Music Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris University of West London Kyoto City University of Arts University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna Keiko Hirose, Makoto Ueno, Stefan Arnold Henri Barda, Manfred Tausch, Murray Mclachlan C. Debussy: Etida br. 1 Pour les cinq doigts / Etude No. 1 Pour les cinq doigts F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 25, br. 12 / Etude in C- Major, Op 25, No. 12 C. Saint-Saëns: Etida op. 111, br. 6 / Etude Op. 111, No. 6. J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u gis-molu, BWV 863 / Prelude and Fugue in G-sharp Minor, BWV 863 S. Prokofjev: Sonata br. 3, op. 28 / Piano Sonata No. 3 Op. 28 C. Debussy: Images - Reflets dans l eau L. van Beethoven: Sonata u c-molu, op. 111 / Sonata in C- Minor, Op. 111 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 3 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 3 P. I. Tchaikovsky: Dumka Op. 59 F. Chopin: Scherzo u b-molu Op. 31 / Scherzo in B-flat Minor Op. 31 I. Stravinsky: Piano-Rag-Music F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 10, br. 7 / Etude in C-Major, Op. 10, No. 7 C. Debussy: Etida br. 3 Pour les quartes / Etude No. 3, Pour les quartes A. Skrjabin: Etida op. 42, br. 5 / Etude Op. 42, No. 5 J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u d-molu, BWV 875 / Prelude and Fugue in D- Minor, BWV 875 J. Brahms: Varijacije na Paganinijevu temu, op. 35, II / Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35, II L. van Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, Op. 31 br. 3 / Sonata in E-flat Major Op. 31 No. 3 F. Liszt: Années de pélerinage: Deuxieme année Italie, S. 161/7 - Sonetto 104 del Petrarca B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 5 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 5 H. Dutilleux: Sonata za glasovir / Sonate pour piano S. Prokofjev: 3. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u C-duru op. 26 / Piano Concerto No. 3 in C-Major, Op. 6 P. I. Tchaikovsky: 1. Koncert za klavir Ii orkestar u b-molu, op. 23 / Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23

29 56 DMITRY YUDIN (Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation) 16/5/2001 Ruska Federacija / Russian Federation Moscow Gnessin Musical School for Gifted Children; Moscow Gnessin Musical College Lidia Grigorieva Održavanje 6. Međunarodnog pijanističkog natjecanja Svetislav Stančić omogućili su / The 6 th Svetislav Stančić International Piano Competition was made possible by Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Grad Zagreb - Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport City of Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sports Posebna zahvalnost za suradnju i pomoć (abecednim redom) / Our special thanks for collaboration and help to (in alphabetic order) Hrvatsko društvo skladatelja Croatian Composers Society Počasni odbor / Honorary Bord (abecednim redom / in alphabetic order) Dalibor Cikojević, dekan Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta Zagreb Ida Gamulin, predsjednica EPTA-e Hrvatska Ivana Kocelj, rukovoditeljica RJ Glazba HRT-a Tedi Lušetić v. d. pročelnika Gradskog ureda za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Dražen Siriščević, ravnatelj Koncertne dvorane Vatroslava Lisinskog Antun Tomislav Šaban, glavni tajnik Hrvatskog društva skladatelja Nositelj programa / Responsible for the program EPTA Croatia Europska udruga klavirskih pedagoga Hrvatske / European Piano Teachers Association of Croatia www. epta-croatia. hr Organizacija i provedba / Organization and realization F. Chopin: Etida u C-duru, op. 10, br. 1 / Etude in C -Major, Op. 10, No. 1 F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida u f-molu, br. 10 Appassionata/ Transcendental Etude in F-minor, No. 10 Appassionata F. Liszt: Transcendentalna etida u b-molu, br. 12, Chasse-neige / Transcendental Etude in B-flat Minor No. 12, Chasse-neige J. S. Bach: Preludij i fuga u Cis-duru, BWV 848 / Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp Major, BWV 848 J. Brahms: Varijacije na Paganinijevu temu, op., I / Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35, I Hrvatska radiotelevizija Croatian Radio and Television Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog The Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall EPTA Croatia Europska udruga klavirskih pedagoga Hrvatske Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu The University of Zagreb Music Academy Simfonijski orkestar HRT The Croatian Radio and Television Orchestra Prvi glas d. o. o. Zagreb L. V. Beethoven: Sonata u Es-duru, op. 7 / Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 7 B. Papandopulo: Tri Capriccia po Paganiniju, br. 5 / 3 Capriccios after Paganini, No. 5 M. Mussorgsky: Slike s izložbe / Pictures at an Exhibition F. Chopin: 2. Koncert za klavir i orkestar u f-molu, op. 21 / Piano Concerto No. 2 in F-Minor, Op. 21

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