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2 Homework 1: Note Names Music is written through symbols called notes. These notes are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet, A-G. Music notes are written on a five lines, called the stave. Notes can be placed on the lines or in the spaces between the lines. The names of the notes in the spaces are: The names of the notes on the lines are: The note names in the spaces spell FACE. Can you think of a phrase to remember the note names on the lines? For example, the phrase Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit is a simple sentence and uses the names of the notes in the correct order. E G B D F Can you name these notes?

3 The symbol at the beginning of every line of music is called a treble clef. Music notes are divided by lines on the stave, called bar lines. At the very end of a piece of music there is always a double bar line. The set of numbers at the beginning of a piece of music is called the time signature. Using the stave below, practise drawing ten treble clefs: Putting together everything that you have learned, can you label all the musical symbols on this piece of music, including the names of the notes.

4 Homework 3: Note Values There are many different types of notes. This is to represent how many beats each note is worth. They all look different and have a name. Semibreve = 4 beats Minim = 2 beats Crotchet = 1 beat Quaver = ½ beat Semi-quaver = ¼ beat This means that four quavers are equal to two crotchets, that two crotchet are equal to one minim, etc. The chart below will help to explain this:

5 How long is each note? Complete the following sentences with the right answer. The first and last sentences have been completed as examples. lasts as long as 2 lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as 8 When there are two or more quavers in music, they can be joined together, like this: When there are two or more semiquavers in music, they can also be joined together, like this:

6 Look at the following piece of music. Underneath all the notes, write in the number of beats in each one (i.e. 1 beat, ¼ beat, 2 beats etc.): Using the blank stave below, draw your own set of notes in whichever order you like. You must then label the name of each note (i.e. A B C D E F or G) and also the value of each note (i.e. 4 beats, 2 beats, 1 beat, ½ beat or ¼ beat):

7 Homework 4: Rests As well as playing notes, there are times in the music when there are silences and pauses. These are called rests. Rests have the same names as the notes that they match up with: Semibreve Rest = 4 beats Minim Rest = 2 beats Crotchet Rest = 1 beat Quaver Rest = ½ beat Semi-quaver Rest = ¼ beat Using the stave below, practise drawing ten crotchet rests: Using the stave below, practise drawing ten quaver rests:

8 Look at the following piece of music. Underneath all the rests, write in their length values.

9 Homework 5: Time Signatures It is very important to be able to count music. In all music you will find a time signature, this tells you everything you need to know when counting music. Time signatures are always placed after the key signature (treble clef) at the beginning of a piece of music. The top number tells you how many beats there are in each bar. 4/4 means that you have no more than 4 beats in each bar. (Remember a bar is divided by vertical bar lines). The bottom number tells you the type of beat that you are counting in. The 4 at the bottom represents crotchet beats. This means that 4/4 tells you there are 4 counts of 1 beat in each bar. Imagine that each bar is a cupcake box. The top number in the time signature tells you how many cupcakes each box can hold, i.e. 4 in this case. The bottom number tells you the type of cupcake each box holds, i.e. 1 whole cupcake, in this case. This tells us that 4/4 means each box can hold 4 whole cupcakes. We know now that 4/4 means 4 crotchet beats in each bar.

10 Look at the time signatures below. For each one circle the number that tells you how many beats there are in each bar. In the space below, draw a cupcake box holding the correct number of whole cupcakes for the following time signature.

11 Homework 2: Keys on the Piano The keys on a piano are notes and also have names. They match up with the names of music notes. Every black note on a piano has two different names. The two symbols shown on the diagram represent this. is the symbol for sharp. is the symbol for flat. For example: Eb means E flat, and C# means C sharp. Using different coloured pencils, work out how many different notes there are on the white keys only of a piano. Colour in the same notes in the same colour. For example, if you decide C is red, find all the C s on the diagram below and colour them in red, etc. Including both C s, how many white notes are there between two C s?. This is called an octave, (the distance between two of the same note).

12 Homework 6: Sharps and Flats We ve already had a brief look at sharps and flats. On a piano every single black key is either a sharp or a flat, as it has two names. Remember that is the symbol for sharp, and is the symbol for flat. You will notice that all the straight lines link a white note to a black note that is diagonally on the right, i.e. C to C#, F to F#, G to G# etc. All the dotted and dashed lines link a white note to a black note that is diagonally to the left, i.e. B to Bb, A to Ab, E to Eb etc. The reason for the black keys having two names is because if you flatten a note, it is being made to sound lower (the dotted and dashed lines going left on the piano). If you sharpen a note, it is being made to sound higher (the straight lines going right on the piano). Look at the following notes and their symbols. Name the note, (i.e. A B C D E F or G) and say whether they have been made to sound lower, or higher.

13 Homework 7: Musical Vocabulary When describing music, there are words and phrases used that you may not use in every day life. For example, when using the word tempo, we are talking about the speed of the music. See if you can complete the table opposite, matching up the sets of pictures to the correct musical meaning. G D A E F C B

14 Musical Definition Picture Tempo (Speed) Pitch (High or Low notes) Texture (Thick or Thin) Duration (Length) Dynamics (Volume) Structure Timbre (Sound of the Instruments)

15 Homework 8: APP You have learned a lot about music over the past weeks in your homework booklet. Putting all your knowledge together, you are going to see how much you can remember. Name these notes. What are these symbols called? the top number tells you beats there are in each bar. The bottom number tells you the beat that you are counting in. The 4 at the bottom represents beats. this makes the note higher/lower. this makes the note higher/lower.

16 Fill in the missing notes on the piano and complete the sentences. The distance between two of the same note is called an. This means there are notes. lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as lasts as long as

17 Key Signatures: The Circle of Fifths We can use a circle of fifths to tell us all the keys, all the relative keys and their key signatures. This is particularly useful when composing, as key signatures allow you to tell quickly what key a piece of music is in. DON T WORRY IF THIS LOOKS COMPLICATED! The keys in the middle are all MINOR. The ones round the outside are MAJOR. To tell a key from its sharp key signature, remember that the key is always one semitone higher than the last sharp (e.g. For G, the last sharp is F#). To tell a key from its flat key signature, subtract one flat (e.g. For Bb, subtract the Eb and the key is Bb). To remember the order of the sharps... FATHER CHARLES GOES DOWN AND ENDS BATTLE BATTLE ENDS AND DOWN GOES CHARLES FATHER To remember the order of the flats...

18 Some Practice with Key Signatures 1. Below are some major scales and key signatures A. Match up each scale with its key signature B. Name each scale and key signature 2. Use the circle to work out the relative minor of each key written on the right above and write it next to the key signature. 3. Use Sibelius to compose 8 bar melodies in: A. F major B. A major Extension: Compose melodies as above in each key s relative minor

19 AQA A Level Music Listen to Haydn s 104 Symphony a number of times and follow the score. You will be able to find the score on this website.

20 Musical Intervals Complete the table below with at least two melodies that start with each interval. Interval Distance in semi-tones Association Minor 2 nd 1 Major 2 nd 2 Minor 3 rd 3 Major 3 rd 4 Perfect 4 th 5 Away in a manger, Tritone 6 Perfect 5 th 7 Minor 6 th 8 Major 6 th 9 Minor 7 th 10 Major 7 th 11 Octave 12

21 Scales and intervals 1. Name the intervals reached for the tonic for a) a major scale b) a melodic minor scale. a) Major scale (this example: C major) b) Melodic minor scale (this example: C melodic minor) ii) Ascending ii) Descending 2. Which intervals can be found in all three excerpts above?

22 Ways of naming notes of a scale There are many different ways to name the notes of a scale. Here are some examples: Example for C major: 8 VIII Do C 7 VII Ti B 6 VI La A 5 V So Dominant G 4 IV Fa Sub-dominant F 3 III Mi E 2 II Re D 1 I Doh Tonic C *You need to know these terms* The terms Tonic, Sub-dominant and Dominant will crop up numerous times throughout the course. Make sure you know that they mean the 1 st, 4 th and 5 th note of the scale respectively! Key point to understand: The Tonic, Sub-dominant and Dominant refers to the 1 st, 4 th and 5 th note of the scale. However, these words also refer to the chords built upon each note.

23 Major Scales Every major scale has the following pattern of tones and semi-tones: T T St T T T st Because of where the black notes on the piano are placed, the key of C major uses all the white notes (no sharps or flats): Use the piano above to work out what flats or sharps are needed for major scales starting on D, E, F, G, A and B, then write them in. D major has been done for you. Example: D major: D E F# G A B C# D a) E major: E F G A B C D E b) F major: F G A B C D E F c) G major: G A B C D E F G d) A major: A B C D E F G A e) B major: B C D E F G A B

24 What accidentals do I need for each major scale? Complete the tables below: Sharps: Scale Number of sharps Which are the sharpened notes? C major 0 N/A Flats: Scale Number of flats Which are the flattened notes? C major 0 N/A

25 AMDG Name:... More on sharps and flats 1. How can we remember the order of sharps / flats that are used? If we know what sharps are used, how can we work out the key signature?... e.g If we know what flats are used, how can we work out the key signature?... e.g.... Key point to understand: The Tonic, Sub-dominant and Dominant refers to the 1 st, 4 th and 5 th note of the scale. However, these words also refer to the chords built upon each note.

26 What is the key? You need to be able to recognise ear whether music is major or minor. If you have a notated score, you should also be able to name the key of the piece (e.g. B minor ) 1. When I have music notation, I can use the following tips to work out the key signature: 2. Name the key signature for the following excerpts: a) Key signature =... b) Key signature =... c) Key signature =...

27 Triads A triad is made up of three notes: the 1 st, 3 rd and 5 th. For example, a triad on C would be C, E and G. We use roman numerals to explain what degree of the scale the triad is based on. 1. Complete the following triads on the correct note of the scale. The first 3 have been done for you a) C major I II III IV V VI VII b) Bb major I II III IV V VI VII c) B minor I II III IV V VI VII

28 Chords The aim of this task is to find out the ways that different chords can be strung together to make musical phrases. The choice of chords used and the order they are played in affects how the music sounds. What do you think is the difference between a triad and a chord? Task: Familiarise yourself with the chords below. Take three or four of the chords and choose an order to play them in. Experiment with different combinations, and note down which combinations sound particularly good. For guitarists use D major: I II III IV V VI VII D Em F#m G A Bm C#m For pianists use C major: I II III IV V VI VII C Dm Em F G Am B Hint: Chords I, IV and V are most common in music. Include one or two in each combination Your task: Try out the chpord progressions below and decide which sound the best: I V - I I II V I II V - VI I - IV - VII - I I III VI I I IV - V I V I I - IV I - III - II - V Sequences that sound good Sequences that don t sound good

29 Cadences As you should already know, most Western European music (up until 1900, at least) along with most pop and rock music, is based around chords. In the same way that words make up a sentence, chords make up a chord sequence or chord progression. How the sequence ends is very important. This is called a cadence. 1. Play the following cadences through in a key of your choice. a) Discuss which cadence i) sounds like it has returned home - perfect ii) sounds unfinished - imperfect iii) sounds unexpected - interrupted iv) sounds like the end of a hymn ( Amen ) - plagal I V IV I V VI V - I This sounds... This sounds... This sounds... This sounds... Name of cadence:... Name of cadence:... Name of cadence:... Name of cadence:...

30 Inversions Task #1: What does the word inverted mean? Discuss. When a chord is played, the lowest note...chords can be played in many different ways. Here are some different voicings of the same chord: All of the versions above will sound slightly different when played, but it is the lowest note of the chord that really affects how the chord sounds. We use the terms root position, 1 st inversion and 2 nd inversion to explain whether the 1st note of the chord, the 3 rd, or the 5 th note of the chord is lowest, i.e: Root position 1 st inversion 1 st inversion Root position 2 nd inversion It is more common, however, that the lowest note will be in the bass line. This is what you will have to listen out for in your exam. The examples below show the chord of C major in root position and with 1 st and 2 nd inversion: Other notes can be in any combination Root position 1 st inversion 2 nd inversion (C in bass) (E in bass) (G in bass) Task #2: Two for the following examples are wrong. Cross out the two descriptions that are wrong and write in the correct description underneath. 2 nd inversion Root position 2nd inversion Root position 2 nd inversion 1 st inversion Root position

31 The Development of Western Classical Music Use the template below to create a timeline showing the progression of western classical music using the information on your sheet. You should complete this using the information on your sheet and through gathering extra detail from appropriate websites. You must include: the periods of music, key composers, musical features in each period, use of instruments, types of pieces and some historical context what else was happening at the time? Timeline

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