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1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Overview Manuscripts considered for publication must be written in English and structured as a clinical or experimental investigation, technical note, editorial, case report, review, vascular images, or letter to the editors. Case reports may contain descriptions of up to 5 patients; 6 or more cases constitute a series and should be formatted as a clinical investigation. Case reports must have a unique and clinically relevant element to qualify for review, as well as at least 6- month imaging follow-up to demonstrate efficacy of a technique or treatment, if appropriate. Authors should read the JEVT Editorial Policies before constructing the manuscript; it contains detailed information about originality, authorship, primacy, research and animal experimentation, patient consent, conflict of interest disclosure, funding, permissions, scientific misconduct, peer review, contributor publishing agreement, and publication. Instructions The following instructions pertain to the construction of files for a submission, which must be made via SAGE Track ( no mail or delivery is possible. Submissions not complying with these instructions will be rejected. As part of SAGE Publishing s commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent, and fair peer review process, SAGE is a supporting member of ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers and links them with their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized. An ORCID ID is required for corresponding authors during the submission process. It is a convenient way to populate personal data in the author information section. Create an ORCID ID at before starting the submission process. Cover Letter Manuscripts (except corresponddence) must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by all authors stating (1) there has been no duplicate publication or submission of any part of the work; (2) all authors have read and approved the manuscript; and (3) there is no financial arrangement or other relationship that could be construed as a conflict of interest. If a potential conflict exists, its nature should be stated in the letter and on the title page for each author involved (see Editorial Policies for a complete explanation).

2 JEVT INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS page 2 Title Page File Construct a title that does not exceed 50 words and does not contain acronyms other than those referring to clinical trials. List first and last names, highest academic degree(s), affiliations, and addresses for all authors. Give the total word count. Acknowledge all sources of financial support (grants, fellowships, equipment, or remuneration of any kind) and any relationships that may be considered a conflict of interest (ie, employment, stock holdings, retainers, paid or unpaid consultancies, patents or patent licensing arrangements, or honoraria) that may pertain to the manuscript (see Editorial Policies, Conflict of Interest). Give details of any prior presentation, including meeting name, location, and date. List acknowledgments, any shared first authorship, and other author notes. Give the name, mailing address, and address of the corresponding author. Manuscript File for Blinded Review Note that the JEVT uses blinded and anonymous peer review, so no information that could identify the source of the submission (eg, author or institution names) can appear in the manuscript file. There is no word limit for manuscripts, but abstract length is restricted for some types of articles (see Abstract). Text material must be submitted as a single Word document (not a PDF) named the Main document. Type the title at the top of the first page followed by the abstract and keywords, text, references, appendix (if applicable), and figure legends (see below for details). Tables, figures, movies, and supplementary material are delivered as separate files. Type section heads in bold (initial capital) letters at the left margin (do not center) followed by a hard return; subheads appear in italics (initial capital) at the left margin followed by a hard return. Thirdlevel heads are in italicized type (first word capitalized) and indented to run in with the text. Section Head Second-Level Head Third-level head. Do not embed anything in the text, including fonts, links, footnotes in a hidden field, field codes, bookmarks, comments, passwords, objects, worksheets, databases, artwork, or slides (eg, PowerPoint). Do NOT use endnotes or other bibliographic style functions for reference lists. Use the formatting function for bold, italic, and sub/superscripts. Symbols, foreign letters, and short (1- line) mathematical formulas may be inline in the text (see Text below). Because the manuscripts will undergo blinded review, no author or institution name should appear in the text or header/footer. Abstract Give a substantive summary of an original article in 300 words or less, separating the abstract according to Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. For case reports, the abstract should be no longer than 200 words and divided into Purpose, Case Report, and Conclusion. Technical notes also have a 200-

3 JEVT INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS page 3 Text word abstract but divided into Purpose, Technique, and Conclusion. Abstracts for review articles may be unstructured. Provide up to 10 keywords. Organize the text for clinical or experimental investigations into sections entitled Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Case reports require only Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and Conclusion. Likewise, technical notes should be sectioned as Introduction, Technique, Discussion, and Conclusion. Editorials, vascular images, and reviews may be structured as appropriate for the material. Avoid naming any institution(s) in the work or otherwise identifying the author(s). Use Sl measurements; generic drug names should be used. Define abbreviations and acronyms when they first appear in the text; do not list them at the beginning of the manuscript file. Identify tables and figures using Arabic numerals in parentheses (eg, Figure 1). Place equations appearing in the text on their own line and number serially toward the right margin: v 1 A 1 = v 2 A 2 (1) Short expressions without a number can be inline with the text. Complex equations should be prepared with appropriate software and inserted to flow with the text. Survival Analyses All Kaplan-Meier (KM) or life table graphs require (1) at least 20 patients per group; (2) the x-axis in years or months (1, 3, or 6-month intervals); (3) the at-risk per interval patient numbers per group (datasets should be terminated at <10 patients); and (4) the standard errors (SE) of the survival estimates (not the means) per interval per group. The at-risk and SEs can be in the body of the graph or beneath it in a table. Alternatively, the SEs can be reported as a statement in the figure legend as to the time point(s) at which the SE exceeds 10% for each group. SEs in percent are calculated using the Greenwood formula (see Rutherford et al. J Vasc Surg. 1997;26: corrected version). Estimates are valid only so long as the SE remains <10% AND the atrisk numbers in all groups remain 10. Report the valid survival estimates in the text with the 95% confidence intervals (CI), not the SEs. When constructing the graphs, do not plot the CIs. Deliver each graph as a 600-dpi TIF file; do not import images into a Word document or PDF. References Follow the guidelines in the AMA Manual of Style (10th ed., 2007). Do NOT use endnotes or other bibliographic style function for reference lists. Limit to 15 the number of references for a case report or technical note. Letters may have no more than 10 references. Other article types have no limitations on references. Number references in the order of appearance in the text. Identify references in the text, tables, and legends as superscript Arabic numerals. List the first 3 authors (last name and initials separated by a comma); use et al for 4 or more authors.

4 JEVT INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS page 4 Abbreviate journal titles according to the style of Index Medicus; formats for the common types of journal citations are: Journal article: authors' names and initials, article title, journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers. Example: Görich J, Rilinger N, Söldner J, et al. Endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms: treatment of complications. J Endovasc Surg. 1996;6: Abstracts (no more than 2 years old): authors' names and initials, title followed by [abstract], journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers. Example: Reid DB, Diethrich EB. Intravascular ultrasound imaging in carotid artery stenting: results of a prospective study [abstract]. Cardiovasc Surg. 1996;4:661. Cite entire books by giving the author/editor(s), title, edition, city/state of publication, publisher, and year. Example: Ahn SS, Moore WS, eds. Endovascular Surgery, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Co.; Cite chapters in books giving the author(s), chapter title, editor(s), book title, city/state of publication, publisher, year, and inclusive page numbers. Example: Towne JB. Postintervention surveillance. In: White RA, Fogarty TJ, eds. Peripheral Endovascular Interventions. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Year Book, Inc.; 1996: Legends Type all figure and movie legends on a separate page of the manuscript file, explaining abbreviations and symbols used in the figure. Previously published figures must be acknowledged and accompanied by written permission from the publisher to reproduce the material if it is copyrighted. Do not use Word s caption function for figure legends or include the actual figures in the manuscript file. Table Files Use tables to supplement the text, not duplicate it. Make separate Word files for each table, number them sequentially using Arabic numerals, and give a title at the top of the page. Do not insert tables in the text or create/save tables as an image. Format tables using the table formatting function in Word; elaborate formatting (shading, color) should not be used. Define any abbreviations as the first footnote under the table; list the abbreviations alphabetically. Use footnotes for explanatory material, labeling each with a superscript lower case letter (a-z) in alphabetical order. Figure Files Number any pictures, charts, graphs, or line art sequentially as figures. Use color judiciously in pictures and graphics. Figures will be printed in grayscale unless color charges are paid. The fees for color are $800 for the first figure and $200 for each additional color figure for print/online display. Color figures will appear in the digital version at no charge. Please indicate Print color requested at the end of the legend of any figure that needs to be printed in color and for which you are willing to pay the fee. The

5 JEVT INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS page 5 publisher will indicate the color fee at the proof stage. Format charts and graphs using markers and line styles to differentiate the data series unless the figure is to be printed in color (fee applicable). Add arrows and symbols to digitally created images using functions supplied with the imaging program. Do not import images into the text document but transmit each image file separately. Supply all figures in a digital format of suitable quality for printing: TIF for pictures or EPS for graphs and line drawings (to preserve quality when enlarged/zoomed). Image resolution should be at least 400 ppi for color or grayscale images and 600 ppi (preferably higher) for black and white line drawings or graphs. Image size at these resolutions should be no less than 3 inches wide for vertical images and 5 inches wide for horizontally oriented figures. Use a lossless compression algorithm (eg, LZW) that does not degrade the resolution. Convert PowerPoint slides to individual TIF files for upload. Upload each image file and enter the legend in the caption box to aid with review. Movie Files Submit video clips (up to 50 Mb each) in any video format. Legends must be provided, and the callout location of each file must appear in the text. Upload a movie as a figure with its legend in the caption box. Supplementary (Online Only) Material Follow the formatting instructions above for any supplementary figures, tables, reference lists, appendices, etc. Each item (eg, table, figure) should be named Supplementary Table 1, Supplementary Figure 1, etc, and uploaded as a supplementary file. Publication Accepted manuscripts will be scheduled for publication generally in the order in which they are received after no further author revisions are required and the SAGE Journal Contributor s Publishing Agreement has been signed by the corresponding author. The JEVT reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts to comply with the journal s format, to correct grammatical faults, to remove redundancies, and to improve readability without altering the meaning. Several weeks before the scheduled publication of an article, the Editorial Office will send via an edited version of the manuscript to the corresponding author for approval. After the author has approved the edited version, the publisher will send a PDF of the page proof by . At this stage, only correction of typographical errors or mistakes in the presentation of data can be made. Approval/changes to the proof must be returned within 2 days. The JEVT and SAGE value their relationships with their authors and appreciate author compliance with these instructions. Rev: 4/3/2017

6 EDITORIAL POLICIES Originality Materials submitted to the Journal of Endovascular Therapy (JEVT) must be original; they cannot have been previously published (other than as abstracts) nor can they be under simultaneous consideration by any other journal. If the work has been presented at a meeting or has been published as an abstract, a statement to this effect must appear in Authors Notes on the title page, identifying the meeting, location, and date or details of the abstract publication. In general, manuscripts will not be considered if the work has been published in full-length conference proceedings or as a book chapter. Primacy The JEVT does not allow overt claims to first conceptualization, identification, or use of any device, technique, or treatment; however, an effort is made to convey the potential of initial publication if appropriate. Authorship Responsibility Articles submitted for consideration require consent by all contributing authors. The submitting author or author s representative should carefully check that all individuals who contributeed to the article are listed as authors. Authors are those who: made a substantial contribution to the concept and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content; approved the version to be published; and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Please refer to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) authorship guidelines. Any contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in Acknowledgements on the title page. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chairperson who provided only general support. Authors should disclose any writing assistance and identify the entity that paid for this assistance.

7 JEVT EDITORIAL AND ETHICAL POLICIES page 2 Research and Animal Experimentation Human and/or animal studies must be conducted to a high ethical standard. Studies involving human subjects should conform to the Declaration of Helsinki. Care of experimental animals must follow the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals or similar national guidelines. Studies involving human subjects or animal models must have approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or other agency responsible for human and/or animal research at the authors institution(s). Statements certifying compliance with these requirements for human subjects and animals must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript. The authors must provide the full name of the review committee and institution and an Ethics Committee reference number. In line with the Declaration of Helsinki 1975, revised Hong Kong 1989, authors are encouraged to register their clinical trials [at or other suitable databases identified by the ICMJE]. The registration information for a trial should be stated in the abstract and at first mention of the study in the body of the manuscript. Patient Consent Authors are required to follow the ICMJE guidelines Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Human subjects must have given written informed consent to participate in any study or undergo any procedure considered investigational or experimental in a document approved by the IRB or similar governing body. Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. Identifying information, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions or photographs unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that a patient who is identifiable be shown the manuscript to be published. Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. Complete anonymity is difficult to achieve, however, and informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning and the editors should so note. When informed consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the article. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Authors are obliged to disclose in the submission letter and the manuscript any financial arrangement or other relationship that could be construed as a conflict of interest for any product mentioned in the manuscript. Position your declaration on the title page, under a heading Declaration of Conflict of interests. If no declaration is made, the following will be printed under this heading in your article: The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. When making a declaration, the disclosure information must be specific and include any financial relationship that any author of the article has with

8 JEVT EDITORIAL AND ETHICAL POLICIES page 3 any sponsoring organization and the forprofit interests the organization represents and with any for-profit product discussed or implied in the text of the article. These relationships include but are not limited to employment, direct payments, stock holdings, retainers, paid or unpaid consultancies, patents or patent licensing arrangements, research funding, speakers bureau, or honoraria with any individual, company, or organization having a vested interest in the subject matter or products mentioned in the manuscript. For more information please visit the SAGE Journal Author Gateway. If the Chief Editor believes or is notified that an author may have failed to make an appropriate disclosure, the author will be contacted. Depending upon the response, the Editor will decide if a corrigendum correcting the oversight should be published or if more serious action is warranted in the case of deception. In that event, the Editor may publish a notice that the author did not comply with the JEVT s requirement to disclose a conflict of interest, calling into question the reliability of the article. Funding All authors are required to acknowledge their funding in a consistent fashion under a separate heading. Please visit Funding Acknowledgements on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway to confirm the format of the acknowledgment text in the event of funding or state in the acknowledgments that: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Permissions Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures, or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. For further information, including guidance on fair dealing with criticism and review, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway. Scientific Misconduct The JEVT and SAGE take issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism, or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. Every effort is made to protect the rights of authors, and claims of plagiarism or misuse of articles published in the journal are always investigated. Equally, the reputetion of the journal is protected against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked using duplication-checking software. Where an article is found to have plagiarized other work or included thirdparty copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgment, or where authorship of the article is contested, the publisher reserves the right to take action including but not limited to publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article (removing it from the journal); taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author s institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; banning the author from publication in the JEVT or all SAGE journals, or appropriate legal action.

9 JEVT EDITORIAL AND ETHICAL POLICIES page 4 Peer Review All manuscripts are reviewed initially by the Chief Editor, Executive Editor, and/or their representatives. A submission is rejected outright if the majority opinion finds that (1) the material does not have sufficient merit to warrant further review or (2) the subject matter is outside the scope of the Journal. The submission may also be returned for inadequate presentation or failure to comply with the JEVT s submission instructions. Instructions for Authors Manuscripts passing the initial evaluation will undergo blinded and anonymous review by two or more experts in the field. The identities of the authors are removed from the review version of the manuscript and the names of the reviewers are never revealed to the authors. Reviewers are asked to give a confidential opinion on the importance, originality, and scientific merit of the manuscript and suggest changes that will improve the article. Formal statistical or basic science review may be obtained at the discretion of the Editor. The Editorial Office will relay via the final decision on the disposition of the manuscript to the corresponding author along with the reasons for the decision and, when appropriate, the comments from the reviewers. If revisions are requested, the authors are expected to revise the manuscript appropriately and promptly, clearly indicating the changes that have been made and/or explaining any disagreement with the reviewers comments. The Editorial Office will inform the reviewers of the final decision, accompanied by the comments of the reviewers. Contributor s Publishing Agreement Before publication, the corresponding author is required to sign on behalf of all co-authors a Journal Contributor s Publishing Agreement, which is an exclusive license that grants SAGE the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the full legal term of copyright, which the co-authors retain. Consult the Frequently Asked Questions section on the SAGE Journal Author Gateway for more information. Publication Accepted manuscripts will be scheduled for publication generally in the order in which they are received after no further author revisions are required and the SAGE Journal Contributor s Publishing Agreement has been signed by the corresponding author. The JEVT reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts to comply with the journal s format, to correct grammatical faults, to remove redundancies, and to improve readability without altering the meaning. Several weeks before the scheduled publication of an article, the Editorial Office will send via an edited version of the manuscript to the corresponding author for approval. After the author has approved the edited version, the publisher will send a PDF of the page proof by . At this stage only correction of typographical errors or mistakes in the presentation of data can be made. Approval/changes to the proof must be returned within 2 days. The JEVT and SAGE value their relationships with their authors and appreciate author compliance with these policies. Rev: 4/3/2017


INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Contents 1. AIMS AND SCOPE 1 2. TYPES OF PAPERS 2 2.1. Original research articles 2 2.2. Review articles and Drug Reviews 2 2.3. Case reports and case snippets 2 2.4. Viewpoints

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