Honesty is the highest form of intimacy."

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1 WEEK 30 DAY 1 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO FOR WEEK FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Set aside 20 minutes each morning for your morning contemplation. This should be considered me time and should be without interruptions and away from distractions. It should be somewhere that you can be comfortable. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes. You should be seated on a pillow on the floor or in a chair. If your back needs support, then make sure you have a wall or the back of a chair to support you. This is about being comfortable. As you settle in, are seated, feet flat on the floor and legs uncrossed if you are in a chair. Back upright (no slouching). If you are on the floor you can sit crossed legged or with your legs extended and uncrossed, back against a wall for support if you need it. Again, the point is to be comfortable. Take the first five minutes to settle into your body. First notice your breathing. It should be deep and regular. You should feel your stomach move in and out with each breath. If you are breathing shallowly and only in your upper lungs, make it a point to breath more deeply and slowly allowing your stomach to move in and out with each breath. Notice where any discomfort is in your body. If your shoulders seem stiff, slowly stretch them out by moving your shoulders forward and then back. If your neck feels stiff, gently and slowly move your head from side to side and bend it forward and backward slowly stretching the neck muscles. If your legs feel stiff, gently shake them out and reposition them. Give yourself five minutes to stretch, shake, and notice where stress and discomfort are. At the end of five minutes, settle into a quiet resting position breathing deeply. For the next ten minutes, contemplate the quote for the day. Allow thoughts to come and go around the quote. Anything is fair game, however the point is not to dwell on any one thought more than any other. Be like an observer and watch your thoughts, noticing them, but not engaging. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the quote. If nothing comes to mind, read the quote again, and again sit quietly and watch your thoughts come and go. If your mind wanders from the quote, bring your mind back to it. At the end of the ten minutes, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 1 of SELF-HONESTY. 1

2 WEEK 30 - DAY 1 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be writing freely about your thoughts on SELF-HONESTY. Similar to the morning contemplation, this is me time. You should set aside at least 15 minutes to do this exercise. Your journaling should be done somewhere quiet and removed from distraction and interruption. You should be comfortable and able to be relaxed and write. Have extra paper handy, if you need it so that you can write as much as you want or need to. Using this page, start by writing down everything that comes to mind as you contemplate the quote for the week on SELF-HONESTY. Don t worry about spelling or punctuation, or complete sentences, simply write. 2

3 WEEK 30 DAY 2 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION: SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. RE-READ THE INTRODUCTION FOR WEEK FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Do the same relaxation exercise that you did during your Day 1 Morning Contemplation. Relax into your body noticing where the stress and discomfort is and gently and slowly stretch and shake it out for the first five minutes, then settle in to quietly sitting, breathing deeply. Today you are going to explore your capacity for strengthening your sense of SELF-HONESTY. To do this you re going to use the stories that you tell yourself about family. These are the stories around the collective concept of family, not about the specific family members. SELF-HONESTY, when it comes to family, can be really challenging. So many of the stories that we tell ourselves around family are heavily ingrained with years of practice. Exploring and challenging these stories; being able to hold them up in an unfiltered manner to see how they truly align with your soul blueprint can be difficult. For example, It may be that I have some ingrained stories that I tell myself around family that allow me to avoid family gatherings and events. I tend to justify my behavior with these stories. When I hold these stories and behaviors up against what is written on my soul blueprint, I realize that I have been lying to myself because the stories and behaviors are directly in opposition to my core values. When I wrestle with my stories in the light of my soul blueprint I find that I am more willing to change, experiment, and step outside of my comfort zone in order to rewrite those stories and discover the truth that is reflected in those relationships, versus the lies I have been telling myself. What stories are you telling yourself about family that are counter to your ability to be SELF-HONEST? When you hold your stories and behaviors, around family, up to your soul blueprint, how do they measure up? Where do the opportunities lie for you to be more SELF-HONEST and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? At the end of the ten minutes, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 2 of SELF-HONESTY. 3

4 WEEK 30 - DAY 2 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be journaling about your experiences this morning during your SELF-HONESTY contemplation. Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes writing about the stories you tell yourself around family. How might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? Journal about this for the next 10 minutes. 4

5 WEEK 30 DAY 3 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION: SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. RE-READ THE SELF-HONESTY QUOTE OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF 2. FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Do the same relaxation exercise that you did during your Day 1 Morning Contemplation. Relax into your body noticing where the stress and discomfort is and gently and slowly stretch and shake it out for the first five minutes, then settle into quietly sitting, breathing deeply. Day 3 contemplation is about identifying your core values and the key ways to engage around those values that allows you to come from a place of SELF-HONESTY. This is where the rubber really hits the road. Developing a strong sense of SELF-HONESTY requires you to be mindful of the stories that you tell yourself and to be willing to hold them up against your soul blueprint and analyze alignment or misalignment. Too often we can find ourselves mindlessly running our stories and failing to check them against our core values. Too often it s easier to go with popular opinion, or the latest trend and to fall away from our core values in order to fit in or be accepted. SELF-HONESTY is not easy, particularly during polarizing times or around polarizing events. It s in these times, in particular, that it s important to stay in touch with your soul blueprint and write your stories from that platform. It s far too easy to get caught up in the tsunmai of emotions and behaviors that surround these types of events and to lose touch with your core values. As you look out from your soul blueprint, as you wrestle with the stories that you tell yourself each day about your life and the people in it, how mindful are you of these stories and how often do you take the time to explore their origins and what lies at their root? How often do you hold the stories that you tell yourself up to your soul blueprint and explore whether they align with your core values? Take this time to look out from your soul blueprint at your stories and test them against your core values. At the end of this contemplation process, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 3 of SELF-HONESTY. 5

6 WEEK 30 - DAY 3 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be journaling about your experiences this morning during your SELF-HONESTY contemplation. Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes writing about your core values and how they can strengthen your SELF-HONESTY. As you look out from your soul blueprint at the stories you tell yourself about money how might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? Journal about this for the next 10 minutes. 6

7 WEEK 30 DAY 4 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION: SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. RE-READ THE SELF-HONESTY QUOTE OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF 2. FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Do the same relaxation exercise that you did during your Day 1 Morning Contemplation. Relax into your body noticing where the stress and discomfort is and gently and slowly stretch and shake it out for the first five minutes, then settle into quietly sitting, breathing deeply. Today you re going to spend 10 minutes thinking about the concept of money and how it impacts your ability to come from a place of SELF-HONESTY. Success, like wealth, is relative. The media is peppered with images and benchmarks that appear to dictate the quality of both success and wealth. Given this high visibility exposure, it s easy for your stories around money to become distorted and our perception of wealth to be corrupted by the views and input of others. What does money mean to you and how do you feel about it? How do the stories that you tell yourself around money align with your soul blueprint? As you look out from your soul blueprint at the role that money plays in your life how does that interpretation of money align with your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite your stories around money and explore whether your stories align with your core values? I may have, at one time perceived money as the key to happiness. I thought that a well paid career would result in feelings of success and contentment. What I found was that I was always putting enjoyment off until the future in order to better serve my career goals. The problem was that I never arrived and that sense of success was never achieved but instead put off again and again for the next career goal, and the next. What stories are you telling yourself around money and success that are preventing you from fully enjoying and appreciating your life today? At the end of this contemplation process, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 4 of SELF-HONESTY. 7

8 WEEK 30 - DAY 4 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be journaling about your experiences this morning during your SELF-HONESTY contemplation. Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes writing about your SELF-HONESTY as it relates to money and how it impacts your ability to come from a place of SELF-HONESTY. What stories are you telling yourself around money and success that are preventing you from fully enjoying and appreciating your life today? Journal about this for the next 10 minutes. 8

9 WEEK 30 DAY 5 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION: SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. RE-READ THE SELF-HONESTY QUOTE OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF 2. FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Do the same relaxation exercise that you did during your Day 1 Morning Contemplation. Relax into your body noticing where the stress and discomfort is and gently and slowly stretch and shake it out for the first five minutes, then settle in to quietly sitting, breathing deeply. Today you re going to spend 10 minutes looking at SELF-HONESTY when it comes to your relationships. SELF-HONESTY can be challenging in relationships because we typically try to put our best foot forward in relationships and, as such, can mask our shortcomings. Relationships oftentimes depend on how others see us, and this perspective in a relationship can overshadow our capacity for SELF-HONESTY. As an example, I may be, by nature, a people pleaser. If I m not mindful I can find myself subjugating my own best interests in order to please others. This can be excessive to the point of my resenting someone for the fact that I an choosing to subjugate myself in order to please them. As I look at this story, as I m honest with myself about my programmed tendencies or the stories I tell myself about myself, versus what is truly written on my soul blueprint, I realise that this story does not align with the core value written on my soul blueprint. This is an opportunity to work on creating a better alignment and ultimately better serve myself to that I can serve others better. What stories are you telling yourself around relationships that are not in alignment with your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite those stories in order to better serve yourself? One of the sources of confusion in relationships can come from a misalignment of programmed behaviors versus what is truly written on your soul blueprint. This lack of alignment typically leads to incongruous and confusing behavior that appears, at times, contradictory. At the end of this contemplation process, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 5 of SELF-HONESTY. 9

10 WEEK 30 - DAY 5 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be journaling about your experiences this morning during your SELF-HONESTY contemplation. Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes writing about your relationships and the opportunities, in the stories you re telling yourself, that provide opportunities for better alignment with your soul blueprint. Where do you see those you are in a relationship with exhibiting a sense of confusion or seemingly misstepping and what message are they acting upon from you? How does that message align with your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? Journal about this for the next 10 minutes. 10

11 WEEK 30 DAY 6 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION: SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. RE-LISTEN TO THE AUDIO FOR WEEK 30 Link to Audio 2. FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Do the same relaxation exercise that you did during your Day 1 Morning Contemplation. Relax into your body noticing where the stress and discomfort is and gently and slowly stretch and shake it out for the first five minutes, then settle in to quietly sitting, breathing deeply. Today you re going to spend 10 minutes on SELF-HONESTY and your job/career. The challenge for your job/career when it comes to SELF/HONESTY typically lies with too much focus on the future and not enough focus of the present moment. Similar to relationships, we can find it easier to operate from the arena of what might be versus looking towards being grateful for what is today. For myself, I may find that I sometimes have the illusion that if I am happy and grateful for today and the present moment that may somehow diminish the potential of the future. When I really examine this story and hold it up against my soul blueprint I realize that this assumption simply isn t true. Through working on my stories around job/career I ve been able to embrace happiness and gratitude in the present and that has enriched my life and my work. What stories are you telling yourself around you job/career that may not be in alignment with your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? At the end of this contemplation process, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 6 of SELF-HONESTY. 11

12 WEEK 30 - DAY 6 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be journaling about your experiences this morning during your SELF-HONESTY contemplation. Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes writing about your job/career. What stories are you telling yourself about your job/career that are not in alignment with what is written on your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? Journal about this for the next 10 minutes. 12

13 WEEK 30 DAY 7 - MORNING CONTEMPLATION: SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THIS PROCESS: 1. RE-READ THE SELF-CARE QUOTE OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF 2. FOLLOW THE LESSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME 3. END YOUR DAY WITH JOURNALING TIME MORNING CONTEMPLATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS: Do the same relaxation exercise that you did during your Day 1 Morning Contemplation. Relax into your body noticing where the stress and discomfort is and gently and slowly stretch and shake it out for the first five minutes, then settle in to quietly sitting, breathing deeply. Today you re going to spend 10 minutes connecting SELF-HONESTY as it relates to your God/source/creator. What is written on your soul blueprint is the result of the truth of your alignment with your God/source/creator. Through the process of life lessons and the impact of those who have been influencers in your life, in the past, you have stories that you tell yourself about your God/source/creator that are a result of of those influences from the past. As an example, I may have had a pretty strict upbringing when it came to God/source/creator that was really about instilling the fear of God in people so they wouldn t sin. I may have had a lot of shame around my failures and that shame was magnified by the influencers in my life. Thus the stories that I told myself around God/source/creator may not have been loving, kind stories like the ones I have rewritten. What stories are you telling yourself around your God/source/creator that may not be in alignment with your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? At the end of this contemplation process, check in with your body again and see where the tension or stress is and gently stretch and shake it out again. That s the morning contemplation for day 7 of SELF-HONESTY. 13

14 WEEK 30 - DAY 7 - END OF DAY JOURNALING: JOURNALING INSTRUCTIONS: Today you will be journaling about your experiences this morning during your SELF-HONESTY contemplation. Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes writing about your God/source/creator. What stories are you telling yourself about your God/source/creator that our out of alignment when you hold them up against your soul blueprint? How might you rewrite those stories to better align with your soul blueprint and to develop a stronger, more honest sense of self? Journal about this for the next 10 minutes.. 14

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