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None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. Table of Contents

Glory to God 3 Mass of the Desert Tom Booth Choral arr. by Ed Bolduc

Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

MISSA PACEM. Penitential Act. heal the con - S, A, Assembly

Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

Celtic Mass Keyboard/Choral Edition

in the high Fa ther, and

Jesus The Lord. for Assembly, Cantor, SATTBB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, and Guitar. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. jœ œ jœ. œ œ œ œ j œ. REFRAIN: All. a tempo.

The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns. for Ricky Manalo, CSP. SATB Choir, Descant, and Keyboard. Greek translated by John Brownlie,

The Lisbon Carol A/D. œ œ œ œ. J œ œ œ. the of gi ing cre. an kings, from Star. cient yet the and tion - - œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ.

SAMPLE. Song of Farewell. & b b b 4 3 œ œ œ. & b b b. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ? Dan Schutte. INTRO Gently (h. = ca. 54) Keyboard

Hail Mary: Gentle Woman/ Silent Night Medley G/A. . œ œ œ œ. A7sus4

10510 The God Of All Grace R. Manalo SATB $1.25 USA. The God Of All Grace

Commissioned by the Order of the Most Holy Trinity in celebration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Order

Gift of Heaven. œ œ. œ œ œ. j œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. (Asus4) (Am) Csus4 Cm. va - tion: œ œ

Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds Two-Part or SAB Choir and Organ, with opt. Congregation, Handbells (3 5 octaves), Brass Quintet, and Timpani.

Praise Him. for 2 part choir + descant, with organ or piano accompaniment. (Optional brass parts available) Performance Notes:

Easter PPM01624 $2.90. Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today. Arr. Dennis R. Johnson DO NOT COPY. Choral Score (and optional congregation) paraclete press

SAMPLE. œ œ. w w. w w. wœ œ œ œ. Œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. 2 for Father Dave Gutmann and the people of Holy Trinity Parish, Beaverton, Oregon God So Loved

Sample MARGARET RIZZA. Mass of Saint Benedict. a musical setting for Common Worship RSCM SERVICES

Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain Exodus 15 John of Damascus, c Translated by John M. Neale, , alt. Alto

For the installation of the Rev. Lauren Dow Wegner as Associate Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church and School, River Forest, Illinois

I Seek Your Shelter. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ, œ

Midnight Silence. composed for the 100th Anniversary of the Christmas Vigil Mass, The Summit Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio

Sing, O Sing. Chimes. Sing, O sing, like the wind and sea; let mu sic fill the

28N6032E We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost / arr. Schubkegel SATB, congregation, organ, flute, and oboe. We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost

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EXSULTET. Re joice and sing now, all the round earth, bright with a glo ri ous splen dor,

Mass of God s Promise (Revised) Dan Schutte. Instruments

Hymn. Lift High. the Cross. Concertato Series. The. Words by George W. Kitchin rev. Michael R. Newbolt. The Tune CRUCIFER by Sydney H.

Here I Am, Lord. œ œ œ. j œ. Œ œ I I. sky, rain, flame, j œ. Œ œ œ œ. for them.


SAMPLE. Christmas Series. What Happened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night. Music by Steven Ottományi. Text by M.D. Ridge

SATB, Brass Quartet, and Organ, with opt. Congregation. . œ Œ Œ # œ. # w. cresc.

Joel Martinson (Choral score) Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Hn. J œ œ œ œ œ œ. j œ. 8 5 Choir: (Women or Men) for review only. ni- mi- pax.

O God, You Search Me. SSAA Choir, Harp, and Solo Instrument. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ Œ œ œ. # # œ. œ j œ œ œ œ

Walk In The Light. Traditional Refrain Arranged by Carey Landry and Jeophry Scott. INTRO ( = ca. 128) G C Cmaj7 D D7. G D/F Em Am Am7 D Am

PREVIEW. O Come, My Soul, Sing Praise to God. Edited by Pearl Shangkuan and John Witvliet CALVIN

ST. THOMAS MORE CHORAL SERIES. Based on John 13:4 6, 8, E b. B b /D

In The Presence Of God. walk with the Lord. I will sing. I will walk in the pres ence of the Lord. I will sing of the

Spirit of God. Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar and Instruments (Solo Instrument, Harp, String Quartet, and optional C Instruments)

#21 Stand up and Bless the Lord. œ œ œ œ œ. up high is up. bless bove strength bless. and a - our and. choice; high, ours; dore; heart laud all forth

RING THE EASTER BELLS. for S.A.T.B. voices, accompanied, with opt. handbells* Preview Only. w w

Every Valley. be ex alt ed and ev ry hill made low. be ex alt ed and ev ry hill made low. And

Traditional Basque Carol Translated by Sabine Baring-Gould ( ) 8 œ œ œ P. œ œ. J œ œ J œ œ œ. œ œ. œ.. œ. œ J œ œ œ. eyes hon - his and

What a Glorious Night!

The Reign Of God. Based on Revelation 19 Optional Interlude based on Matthew 25: and. great Lord. small, lords, whom shall.

Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth. Al le lu ia, al le. Al le lu ia, al le

Performance Suggestions

Holy, Holy, Holy SATB divisi and Keyboard, with opt. Congregation, Brass Quintet, Timpani, or Full Orchestra

Hosanna To The Son Of David. Processional for Palm Sunday. Ho san na to the Son of Da vid! Ho san na! Ho san

Oh, When the Saints Medley. œ. Œ œ œ œ. saints go march - in. œ œ œ. œ œ j. This train is bound for glo -ry, . œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ œ.

DO NOT COPY. Not Unto Us TERMS OF USE. Kurt J. Eggert. 28N6003E Not Unto Us / Eggert SATB, congregation, optional trumpet, organ

Let All Creation Bless the L ord

I saw three ships. Trad. English carol arr. DAVID WILLCOCKS. Gaily. ships. saw Sa. come and. sail his Beth. ing la le. in dy, hem - - Christ.


Missa Nova. Service music for Christian worship. Composed by. Jeffry Hamilton Steele

From All That Dwell Below the Skies

SAMPLE. Sacred Rounds

Behold, a Branch Is Growing / Linda Moeller

Without You A D /A A E 7(11) God, there is no peace, there is no hope, A maj7 D B m E /G

Performance Suggestions

Performance Suggestions

Community of Christ. Ó Œ œ Com - (Com) - (Com) - œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. will be done, live and cry. own, door sound done,


Performance Suggestions


2 lovingly dedicated to my daughters, Stephanie and Andrea Berberick. Cm7/Bb. A b. œ œ. œ œ. Œ œ œ. œ œ. to ten. new. light! hear. and.

Blessed Be the Lord. Canticle of Zechariah Assembly, Soloist, Two-Part Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Percussion and Violin

Overcome with Blessed Assurance

3. Be still, for the presence of the Lord. SOPRANOS & ALTOS unis. r Š Š Š Š ŠŠŠŠ Š. Še. MEN or TUTTI

On Eagle s Wings. dim. 1. bide in his shad ow for life, say to the Lord: My

Love Never Fails (D) (G) B b /D. œ. œ (D) œ Œ. love is kind, Ó. Œ œ. (F # sus4) A7sus4. œ œ œ œ œ œ. joy. (A) C. (C ) E b. . œ œ œ. joy.

Evening Prayer. SATB a cappella. words by Thomas Ken ( ) music by Sheena Phillips

Praise the Holy Lamb of God!

Mass of Glory Keyboard/Choral Edition



You Are Near. Dan Schutte. SSA Keyboard, Solo Instrument, Cello

Revelation Song. Words and music by Jennie Lee Riddle. Arranged by Dan Galbraith

Come, Jesus, Come. Holy Child Morning Star. Living Lord. King of kings. Carl P. Daw, Jr. Alfred V. Fedak. Come, Jesus, Come

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7

Performance Suggestions

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Angels We Have Heard On High

Creator of the Stars of Night #60 (For Voice, Guitar, Bass and Timpani)

for my older brother, Dominador J. Manalo III Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Organ, Guitar, and Solo Instruments I & II in C Eb Eb /G œ œ œ œ

The Seed That Falls On Good Ground. Assembly, Cantor, SAB or SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, and Solo Instrument

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Book of Psalms ~ Volume 2


SAMPLE. P Œ œ œ œ. b b b. œ œ œ bœ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ bœ. Œ œ œ- & b b b. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ - œ. œ œ. œ œ bœ. œ œ. œ n. œ œ œ œ œ bœ.

Reproducible Part for Congregation and Choir

Nothing Can Separate Us. G D/F # Bm7 A/C # œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ P Œ. Œ œ œ. Œ œ. Aadd9 E/G #

Flute / Oboe / Violin ORCHESTRATION. Treble Clef C Instruments Melody 8va / Alto 8va

Please note that not all pages are included. This is purposely done in order to protect our property and the work of our esteemed composers.

Performance Suggestions

Waiting in Silence. œ œ. œ œ. si - lence,

O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair for SATB choir and organ


aelic Mass Keyboard/Choral Edition Christopher Walker 2017 OC 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 (503) 2811191 liturgy@ocporg ocporg SAMLE Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 2010 International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL) 1100 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 710 Washington C 20036 All rights reserved Used ith permission The English translation of the gospel verses from Lectionary for Mass 1969 1981 1997 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission ublished ith the approval of the Committee on ivine Worship United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 3211 ourth Street NE Washington C 200171194; USCCBorg None of these pages may be reproduced in any ay ithout ritten permission from the publisher aelic Mass Keyboard/Choral Edition ed 30138946 uitar/vocal Edition ed 30138947 Choralonly Edition ed 30138948 Keyboard/Vocal Edition ed 30139975 Solo Instrument in C (online ) ed 30138952 ull Score (Brass Quartet and Timpani) of lory to od only Composer Manuscript ed 30140073 or reprintable Assembly Editions please visit OneLicensenet Edition 30138949 2

Table of Contents lory to od 4 ospel Acclamation 8 Eucharistic Acclamations Holy 12 Institution Narrative 17 We roclaim Your eath 18 When We Eat This Bread 20 Save Us Savior 22 oxology and Amen 24 Lamb of od 26 SAMLE Composer Notes The aelic Mass as inspired by hearing in Ireland the unique beautiful and often contemplative ay that the Irish people sing at liturgy The mass may be sung ithout accompaniment or embellished ith the choral harmonies keyboard and other instruments To melodic instrument parts are available A flute or violin playing the top part and oboe or clarinet on the second ork ell Other instruments may sound better in your church Christopher Walker 3

lory to od Keyboard % RERAIN Melody %? %? Soprano Alto Tenor Bass INTRO Joyfully (h = ca 63) 4 3? 4 3 f E SAMLE Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2012 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved Note: The assembly may oin the cantor or choir singing the verses or festive occasions (such as Christmas Easter and Christ the King) add brass and timpani (ed 30140073) Am N Bm lo ry to od glo ry to od glo ry to f lo ry to od glo ry to od glo ry to f f Em Am C Bm 4

LORY TO O cont (2) Em od in the Am/C high est cresc and on earth E peace Am and on earth???? od peace peace J in the J high Bm peace SAMLE est to peace to C cresc and on earth cresc cresc peo ple of J J peo ple of ( ) peace ƒ good ƒ gooḍ ƒ ƒ ( ) and on earth ill ill N N ine ine ine 5

VERSES: Cantor/Unison Choir or All /??? 1 2 3 á We praise Lord Jesus Christ Only or you alone á C á 1 e 2 you take aay the sins of the orld have 3 you alone are the Most High á á you e Be got ten are the bless you e adore you Son Lord od Lamb of od Son of Holy One you alone are Am7/E á á SAMLE give 1 Lord od heav 2 you are seated at the right hand 3 in the glory of á 4 3 4 3 Am6/C you thanks e the the mercy on us; you take aay the sins of the orld receive Je sus Christ ith the Ho Em7 / á for your Cma9 / á sus4 a tempo 1 2 3 a us men ther á en ly King O od almight of the ather have mercy od the ather Amen Am7 Am7/E á á S S glorify you ather Lord great our ly Am6/E glory prayer; Spirit y on a 4 3 4 3? 4 3 a tempo 6


ospel Acclamation: Alleluia Keyboard b b b? b b b b b b? b b b INTRO eacefully (q = ca 56) E b b b b 8 6? b b b 8 6 J J m/e b % RERAIN: 1st time: Cantor All repeat; thereafter: All Soprano % Alto SAMLE Verses text 1969 1981 1997 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2002 2008 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved or additional verses see the choral octavo Alleluia Beati (print ed 20984; digital ed 89943) Visit ocporg E b m B b Al le lu ia al le lu ia al le lu Tenor/Bass E b J J m/e b E b m B b E b J ia E b A b ma7/e b J 8

OSEL ACCLAMATION: ALLELUIA cont (2) b b b escant J J Al le lu ia al le lu ia al le lu J ( ) ia (ine) b b b? b b b b b b? b b b b b b b b b? b b b J SAMLE Al le lu ia al le lu ia al le lu E b J 1 Your 2 My 3 Your J J VERSES: Cantor or Choir (eneral Use) (unis) ords sheep ords E b ΠCsus4 O Lord hear Lord give my are m/b b m7/a b J J m7 ( ) ia E b ( ) (ine) (ine) ( ) ( ) oy to my heart your teach ing is light is voice says the Lord; I kno them and they Spir it and life; you have the ords of ev er A b /E b E b ΠA b ma7/e b 9

OSEL ACCLAMATION: ALLELUIA cont (3) b b b 1 2 3? b b b b b b? b b b b b b? b b b b b b? b b b light fol last A to my lo ing eyes me life Al Al Al le le le lu lu lu ia ia ia al al al le le le lu lu lu Bb add9/ Cm S SAMLE T B Ab ma7 1 teach 2 kno 3 you ing them have is the light ords and of Eb Πm7 is light to they fol ev er last ia ia ia m7 my lo ing eyes me life Ab /E b Eb m7 J your I J (s 19:9) (Jn 10:27) (Jn 6:63c 68c) S S 10


riest Optional: Sung End of reface to the Eucharistic rayer Œ U á 1 E II 2 E IV 3 OT I II 4 OT IV 5 E var IV And so ith the Angels and With them e too confess your name in And so ith Angels and Archangels ith Thrones and ominions and ith all the hosts and o SAMLE ers And so ith the company of An gels And so ith all the Angels and Saints e exalt and bless 4 3 1 your 2 ery 3 your 4 of 5 your glo crea glo your glo (q = ca 126) Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Keyboard 4 3? 4 3 4 3? 4 3 all ex the Saints e declare ul tation giving voice to ev of and your ry as ith one voice e ac ture under heav en as e ac ry praise as as ith ith out out end end e e ac ac ry as ith out end e ac Note: The keyboard may give a quiet pitch to give the priest his first note eacefully in one (q = ca 126) C/ S/A T/B Holy Ho heaven Saints name claim: claim: claim: claim: claim: ly Ho ly Ho Am/ e sing the hymn of e sing the hymn and sing the hymn of ly C/ Lord Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved Note: Sing in a gentle oneinabar feeling 12

HOLY cont (2)??? /B Lorḍ? Bm7/E Ho SAMLE glo ry Ho san na ho san na in the high Am/C od Em san na ho san na in the high est of hosts Em/ Cadd9 Am/C Am7 C/ est Œ Œ S A Heaven T B Em and Em/ Am/C earth are Em full of your 13

HOLY cont (3) C/ /B Em Bm Am/C Bless ed is he ho comes in the name of the Lord Ho???? C/ Melody san san SAMLE na in the high est Ho na in the high est Ho in the Am/ high est Ho / 14

HOLY cont (4) san Cadd9/ sus4 na in the high est?? san san na in the high SAMLE na in the high est est 15


Institution Narrative U 4 3 The priest says or intones the ords of the Eucharistic prayer ending ith the ords gave it to his disciples saying: this is my He shos the consecrated host to the people genuflects in adoration and continues the Eucharistic prayer ending ith the ords gave [the chalice] to his disciples saying: for ne and e you and for o this U (q = ca 116) riest SAMLE Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved Take this all of you and Bod y hich ill be giv en this is the Take this chal ice of my ter nal cov e nant all of you and Blood man y for the for give in mem o ry of eat of it up hich ill be me ness of for you drink from the it for Blood of the poured out for sins U He shos the chalice to the people genuflects in adoration and then says or intones: The mystery of faith Note: The keyboard may give a quiet pitch to give the priest his first note 17

We roclaim Your eath Keyboard??? riest The mys ter y of Ó Soprano/Alto Tenor Bass We SAMLE Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved faith pro (q = ca 92) Note: The choir sings in unison ith the assembly If the acclamation is repeated add the choral harmony parts ith the descant 4 4 C/ sus4 We proclaim your eath O Lord and pro fess your Res ur 2nd time: escant (or instrument) C/ ẇ claim your Res ur Bm Am/C Em ẇ Am7 18

f WE ROCLAIM YOUR EATH cont (2) rec tion un til you come a gain un???? C/ rec SAMLE tion un til you come a gain un Œ Am Bm/ Am/ til /B til you you C (no3) come Am/C /B Am7 come f f a a gain Am/C sus2 C/E (optional repeat ith descant) gain ẇ (optional repeat ith descant) (optional repeat ith descant) 19

When We Eat This Bread Keyboard??? riest The mys ter y of Œ When e eat this /B /C C Soprano/Alto Œ Tenor Bass When e eat this Œ Œ 2nd time: escant (or instrument) SAMLE Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved faith (q = ca 112) Note: The choir sings in unison ith the assembly If the acclamation is repeated add the choral harmony parts ith the descant 4 4 Œ Bread sus4 Bread and and A/ drink drink ẇ this Am7 this 7 N Cup Bm Cup Am/C e pro e pro e pro 20

WHEN WE EAT THIS BREA cont (2) (optional repeat ith descant) claim your eath O Lord un til you come a gain?? Em Am/C claim your eath O sus4 SAMLE Lord un Am/ til you come a 7/ (optional repeat ith descant) gain (optional repeat ith descant) 21

Save Us Savior Keyboard??? riest The myster y of 2nd time: escant (or instrument) Save Soprano/Alto Tenor Bass us Save us faith (q = ca 126) 4 3 4 3 SAMLE Sav ior of the C/ Sav ior of the Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved Note: The choir sings in unison ith the assembly If the acclamation is repeated add the choral harmony parts ith the descant orld /B orld C/ /B for by your Bm/ for by your Cross Em Cross 7/A and and 22

SAVE US SAVIOR cont (2) Res ur rec tion you have set us??? Em/ Res free sus4 free ur rec Am/C Bm tion SAMLE you /B have you have Cadd9 you set Am7 set /B have us us free free Am set us (optional repeat ith descant) (optional repeat ith descant) (optional repeat ith descant)? 23

(q = ca 104) 4 riest oxology and Amen Through him and ith him and in him O od al might y SAMLE a ther in the u ni ty of the Ho ly Spir it all (q = ca 92) *? glo ry and hon or is yours for ev er and ev C/? Bm Soprano/Alto Tenor Bass escant (or instrument) A C/ A rit er men a Bm 7/A men a Em7 A/E Text 2010 ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved *This tobar introduction may be omitted if the oxology is sung Add the choral harmonies once the assembly is familiar ith the melody 24

rall e dim OXOLOY AN AMEN cont (2) U men a men a men Bm/ men?? C a N /C SAMLE /B C/E rall e dim A (Mel) men a rall e dim rall e dim S /B C sus2 u men u U U u U U u 25

Lamb of od Keyboard???? Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Em INTRO eacefully (q = ca 120) 4 3 p? 4 3 p Lamb p p orld orld orld orld of Bm/ have have have C od Πyou have C SAMLE C mer mer mer mer /B take a cy cy cy Em ay Bm on on on the us us Bm sins cy have mer cy sus4 Cma7 us on Am/C of us C the Music: aelic Mass; Christopher Walker b 1947 2010 2017 Christopher Walker ublished by OC All rights reserved Note: Begin in unison and add the choral parts and instruments at the repeat 26

LAMB O O cont (2)?? Melody Lamb?? Am9 grant of Em od you 7/A Bm take Am us a 7 cresc ay the n SAMLE sus4 peace cresc cresc n Cma7 Œ Œ sinṣ rall e dim rall e dim rall e dim C grant grant grant Am6/C of a /C us the us C us /B orld sus2 peace peace peace Em U u U U u Œ Œ 27