œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7

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2 Based on salm 139 Bob Dufford, S.. Keyboard accomaniment by Randall DeBruyn Keyboard NTR: Calmly, atiently (h = ca. 54) Descant (Last time only) Melody 2 2 - m7/c 6 held me You. SAMLE. % RERAN (Temo ) % % /C (Temo ) All.... near, rest n your B b 7 n life hind me and be - fore me you sur-round. /. Lord,. in hand u-on. ẇ 7.. 7 you have me. all head. 7.. 1999, 2005, Robert. Dufford, S. ublished by C ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 9721 All rights reserved. Edition 20123-Z lease visit oc.org or call 1-800-LTRGY for available instrument arts.

3 ays. Such m7/c 6 God,. to vast for me to..... Who could SAMLE knol - edge is too... reach reach 6. so m7/c 6 so m7/c kno. your on - der-ful,. 1-3 high 1-3 high. 1-3 to Verses to Verses to Verses. thoughts, Lord,. inal high inal high. inal too.. u ine ine ine

~~~~~~ 4 VERSE 1: aster (h = 58 60) When kno. Sloing Sloing. end - ing, /C sit, hen SAMLE. When A stand, you m. move,. Lord. When. hen n rest,. kno me.. you. start to say a.. n /... No ord, 7 n.. 3 you kno the mat - ter.. 3 hat

. thoughts, still you. VERSE 2: aster (h = 58 60) f if kno. SAMLE ẇ.. soar.. 7. on the ings. fly.. to a m... far. m7/c 6 of dis - tant. morn - ing, - 5. orld,.

6. dead,. if /C there you ould.. call n. lose - self and SAMLE. God, n. me home. ẇ 7. dell a - mong the 7 n. /... Sloing Sloing e - ven m7/c 6 -

7 VERSE 3: aster (h = 58 60). Long. dark. f. all. f. bone, n here your orks n b b b b b n a - go you SAMLE n. bones kne me... ere in moth - er s made.. thank you for your on - drous 7 ev- ry breath,. ev- ry m. day. ẇ 7.. omb,. in the. n. ays: ev- ry al fine m7/c 6 al fine

8 Based on salm 139 (Guitar/Vocal) Bob Dufford, S.. % NTR: Calmly, atiently (h = ca. 54) Cao 1: () 2 2 RERAN (Temo ) Descant (Last time only) % Melody. (Keyboard) All (C/B) /C. life SAMLE hind me and be - fore me you sur - round Lord,. in hand u - on kno (). your on - der-ful, inal. all head. thoughts, Lord, (Am/G) /. (Am7) 7 too (Dm7) 7 () ays. (Em7/B) m7/c God,. you have me. (G6) 6 held Such to vast for me to (Am7) 7. reach 6 (Em7/B) (G6) m7/c me You 6 near, () rest - n (A7) B b 7 your Who could knol-edge is too so (G6) (Em7/B) m7/c reach so 1-3 high 1-3 high. to Verses to Verses ine high inal high. (G6) 6 (Em7/B) m7/c ine 1999, Robert. Dufford, S. ublished by C ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 9721 All rights reserved.

9 VERSE 1: aster (h = 58 60) bb b b b bb b b b When sit, move, hen (). start to say a (Am/G) / n No VERSE 2: aster (h = 58 60) f () b b b b b. SAMLE () rest, (E7) hen (Em) m stand, 7 Ḟ 3 ord, you you kno the mat - ter hat thoughts, fly to a () n.. soar () lose - self and on the you kno. Sloing (). kno me. end - ing,. (Em) m. ings far dis - tant (E7) 7. dell a - mong the still you of orld, kno. () (C/B) /C When. morn - ing, (Am7) (Em7/B) 7 m7/c dead, (C/B) /C Lord. When (G6) 6 - if God, if bb b b b (Am/G) / Sloing e - ven () there you ould call me home. (Am7) 7 (Em7/B) m7/c (G6) 6 -

10 VERSE 3: aster (h = 58 60) bb b b b bb b b b omb, () f. (). n SAMLE Long a - go you in the all your orks bone, n dark ev - ry here (). bones (Dm7) 7 thank you for your () breath, ev - ry kne me in ere (Em) m Ṗ made. on - drous day. (Am7) 7 ays: (Em7/B) m7/c moth - er s. n ev - ry (G6) 6 al fine -

magery/meaning This song is based on the imagery of salm 139. The salmist restles ith the exerience of God s offer of intimacy, as if the soul says, You are all around me, in all the laces go, and all the laces ith me. Sometimes relish it and rest in it; sometimes am afraid of it and run aay. The issue is trust. Do trust this closeness not to be intrusive but, rather, a secial blending of courtesy and familiarity The resonse of the soul to such a tender yet resectful offer is gratitude, every bone, every breath, every day. Highlights SAMLE The refrain should have the character of calm and simle oy. Verse one is eisodic, using a series of three teasing forays, as if the soul is testing the limits of God s resence and atchful care. Each hase begins ith a rising energy (e.g., When sit, hen stand ). Sing it ith rising intensity, so the energy is released ith a realization that God ould kno. Verse to is another series of three ayard anderings. This time the energy is not released in each hrase. Each hrase builds on the receding one, climaxing ith lose self and dell among the dead (an image of self-destructive behavior). The three hrases are folloed by an act of trust in the intimacy offered by God: even there you ould call me home. This last art should return to the tenderness of the refrain. Verse three starts ith the melody of the second half of the first to verses. ts energy should rise quickly to kne me and then diminish ith mother s omb, in the dark. The second half of this verse is a strong, grateful resonse to the faithful care of God, the high oint of hich is thank you. t ends ith another series of three measures exressing the comlete thankful resonse, every bone, every breath, every day. The hrases should be sung in a ay that reflects the deliberate self-gift, erhas ith a break beteen each one. erformance Suggestions The refrain temo should be a bit sloer than the verses, connoting a gentle resting in the resence of God. The verses robe the limits of that resence; they are more self-conscious and a little less restful. At the end of each verse, the temo should calm again to match the refrain. n the third verse, the melody begins in hat as used miday through in the other verses. t should start stronger than the other to. Liturgical sage erformance Notes This song is useful for Communion, the beginning of a retreat or day of recollection. t is also aroriate for services ith a theme of intimacy and times of reflection. 11 Bob Dufford, S..

12 BEHND AND BERE ME (Continued) bb b b b Refrain 2 - bb b b b rest your bb b b b. bb b b b Verse 1 bb b b b bb b b b bb b b b.. on - der-ful, When hand u-on sit, hen move, hen. n start to say a No hind me and be. fore me you sur- head.. vast for me to Such round me. You knol-edge is too Lord, too SAMLE stand, you rest, you kno. 3 ord, you kno the mat - ter hat reach so. kno me.. thoughts, still you end- ing, high. When kno. Lord. When to Refrain bb b b b Verse 2 bb b b b bb b b b bb b b b f. fly to a n.. soar on the lose - self and bb b b b Verse 3. bb b b b bb b b b bb b b b e - ven n Long a - go you dark here. n all your orks bone, ev - ry. ings of far dis - tant.. morn - ing, orld, dell a-mong the there you ould kne me in bones ere call me made. thank you for your breath, ev - ry. dead, moth - er s if home. on - drous day. God, if to Refrain omb, in the. n ays: ev- ry to Refrain. Assembly Edition BEHND AND BERE ME Bob Dufford, S.. Text: Based on salm 139. Text and music 1999, Robert. Dufford, S. ublished by C ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, R 9721 All rights reserved. or rerint ermissions, lease visit nelicense.net or contact us at 1-800-663-150