O Salutaris Hostia/O Saving Lamb. Tom Booth; DUGUET. SATB Keyboard, Guitar, Solo Instrument

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3010591 CP sheet music Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb Tom Booth; UUET STB Keyboard, uitar, Solo Instrument The material that you have requested is copyrighted Copyright la requires you to obtain a license from the copyright holder fore reproducing any copyrighted material Copyright la also requires you to print copyright lines ith reproductions copyrighted material regon Catholic Press administers the copyright to this text and music that you have requested You are hereby granted a license by regon Catholic Press to reprint this text and music 5536 NE Hassalo Portland, R 97213 180058879 ocporg

2 Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb Verses: Salutaris, St Thomas quinas, 1227 127; Verses: UUET, LM translated by Edard Cas, 181 1878 ttributed to bbé ieudonne uguet, 179189 INTR/INTERLUE (q = ca 96) & 2 VERSES Floing, chantlike 2 1 (2 To ) Sav ing Vic tim, your great name &? P / Em/ 2 2 7 * / Em/ P π 2 2 & 2 1 o pen ide The gate heav n to 2 end less praise, Im mor tal odhead, 2 us ne in lo, Three; ur &? 2 2 7 / 2 2 E7 & 1 2 &? foes press on grant us end /F from less 2 2 2 ev ry side; Your aid sup ply, length days In our true na Em7 Em7 add9/f your tive 2 2 2 rrangement, refrain text and music 2008, Tom Booth Published by spiritandsongcom, a division CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, R 97213 ll rights reserved *fter first Refrain, sing Verse 1 a cappella or sparingly accompanied to enhance chantlike feeling Resume accompaniment for Verse 2 in 3rd ending Edition 3010591

3 & 2 1 2 strength land ith 1, 3 sto to Verse 2 2 To 2, 2 thee &? 2 2 ma9 7 1, 3 / Em/ 7 to Verse 2 2, sus REFRIN & &? /F Sav ing /F F f Lamb, please take my J hand /F & &? & &? Love i /F Sav ing /F vine, Lamb, please Em7 /F take my mine Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb hand /F

& Love i vine, mine, for &? /F Em7 /F & 1 time 2 C & Em7? 7 1 / Em/ 2 2 7 C π & Final time 2 2 &? Final / Em/ 2 2 / / Em/ 2 2 &? rit / Em/ 2 2 U U Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb

5 & 2 2 2 INTR/INTERLUE (q = ca 96) VERSE 1 2 & 2 2 2 2 2 2 VERSE 2 & 2 2 J & 2 2 & REFRIN & J & J & 2 2 1 C Final & 2 2 rit U rrangement and refrain music 2008, 2009, Tom Booth Published by spiritandsongcom, a division CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, R 97213 ll rights reserved Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb Verses, UUET, LM Refrain, Tom Booth SL INSTRUMENT rranged by Rick Modlin

6 Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb (uitar/choral) Verses: Salutaris, Verses: UUET, LM St Thomas quinas, 1227 127 ttributed to bbé ieudonne uguet, 179189 translated by Edard Cas, 181 1878 Choral arrangement by Rick Modlin Soprano/ lto Tenor/ Bass INTR/INTERLUE (q = ca 96) / Em/ &? (Kbd) 2 2 7 P 1 (2 To ) P VERSES Floing, chantlike * / Em/ Sav ing Vic your great name tim, 2 2 & 2 1 2? 2 o end 7 pen ide The gate heav n to less praise, Im mor tal od head, / 2 2 us ne E7 in lo, Three; ur & 1 2? /F foes grant press us on end from less J 2 2 Em7 ev ry side; Your aid sup length days In our true Em7 add9/f ply, na your tive 2 2 & 2 1 2? 2 ma9 7 strength land ith 1, 3 / Em/ sto 7 to Verse 2 2 To 2, 2 thee sus rrangement, refrain text and music 2008, 2010, Tom Booth Published by spiritandsongcom, a division CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, R 97213 ll rights reserved *fter first Refrain, sing Verse 1 a cappella or sparingly accompanied to enhance chantlike feeling Resume accompaniment for Verse 2 in 3rd ending

7 REFRIN /F & S F f /F /F /F? T B F f Sav ing Lamb, please take my hand Love i & Em7 /F /F? vine, mine Sav ing Lamb, please take my & /F /F Em7 /F Em7 7 hand? Love i vine, mine, for & 1 / Em/ 2 7 C Final / Em/ 2 / time time? 2 2 / Em/ & 2 rit 2 / Em/ U Salutaris Hostia/ Saving Lamb

8 Verses & & 2 1 2 1 2 To 1 2 aid our ssembly Edition SLUTRIS HSTI/ SVIN LMB Sav ing your great us ne in lo, Three; The gate heav n to Im mortal odhead, suptrue na ply, your tive vic tim, name ur Verses: UUET 2 2 foes grant strength land press us ith on end 1, 3 sto ide praise, open endless Text: LM ith refrain; verses, Salutaris, St Thomas quinas, 1227 127; tr by Edard Cas, 181 1878, alt; refrain, Tom Booth Music: Verses attr to bbé ieudonne uguet, 179 189 Refrain text and music 2008, Tom Booth Published by spiritandsongcom, a division CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, R 97213 ll rights reserved from less 2 ev ry length & 2 to Verse 2 2, & Refrain Saving mine Lamb, please take my hand 2 thee side; days Love i vine, & 1, 3 2, Final (Fine) mine, for time Your In to Verses We are pleased to grant permission to reprint the assembly edition enclosed in the box at no charge for the special celebrations ordination, religious pression, first Mass or funeral Reprints must include title, composer s name and full copyright notice as it appears above If not kept as a souvenir, copies must destroyed after use For other uses please contact: LicenSingnlineorg, (800) 58879