Gift of Heaven. œ œ. œ œ œ. j œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. (Asus4) (Am) Csus4 Cm. va - tion: œ œ

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7


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None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. Table of Contents

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Performance Suggestions

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in the high Fa ther, and

By way of an opening prayer please turn to Hymn 618 in Common Praise.


2 Composed for the dedication Mass Bauccio Commons, University Portland, September 25, 2010 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Keyboard.. ift Heaven OSTINATO REFRAIN Prayerfully, confidently (q = ca. 7) Capo 3: Bread, the gift. n n life and sal - n.. n n n (E/ # ) /B n (). (Asus) (Am) Csus Cm va - tion:. (Csus) (F) sus E b Ab heav - en,.. (/B) /D When e share this. The During the verses, the choir may sing the Ostinato Refrain on oo. The keyboard accompaniment for the verses serves as an alternate accompaniment to the Ostinato Refrain. Edition 3010755

3 (Csus) sus ban - quet e re -. VERSES Melody Harmony 1. Bless - ed 2. In faith 3. Bread. Drink 5. Bread 6. Food for 1. 2. 3.. 5. 6.. (/B) /D. Through In no Ho - bro - lead () (Am7) (Esus) Cm7 sus are e this sal - y y be - ly ken, us good - love come man - blessed to (Csus) sus you, - har - good - va - hun -. ness ac - na and the.. mem - ber... Lord, fer vest, ness, tion, ger, (Csus) sus (F) Ab n. od gifts Wine taste no ta -. n e cept life, is shared king - have this so dom, come hum - truth, bread, all guide the the in ble you. n (E/ # ) /B to ble may us. (Am) Cm () n b n y fruit grace true sal - cre - e - com - n (Esus) sus give sac - on - oy - be all. (Asus) (Am) Csus Cm va - a - ter - mun - Shep - you. n n tion. tion. hands, nal. ion herd, you ri - ly ful as. n thanks. fice. ay. feast. one. days. n.. (Am) Cm () b ift Heaven

SOLO INSTRUMENT(S) in C OSTINATO REFRAIN (q = ca. 7). I VERSES 1-6 ift Heaven.. n n... n n n. n.. n. n n I..

SOLO INSTRUMENT(S) in B OSTINATO REFRAIN (q = ca. 7). VERSES 1-6 I ift Heaven.. # #.. n # #. #... #. 5 # # I..

6 HANDBELLS b b b b OSTINATO REFRAIN/VARIATION 1 (q = ca. 7) b b VERSES 1-6/VARIATION 2 b b n ift Heaven... n n n. n. b b. n

CELLO (or BASSOON) OSTINATO REFRAIN/VARIATION 1 (q = ca. 7) n. A. ift Heaven.. n VERSES 1-6/VARIATION 2. n n. Composer Notes 7 I have a personal affinity for prayerful ostinatos, here melody and text intersect to dra a person deeper into od s spiritual embrace and beauty. I like to think an ostinato as a musical ney sorts, in hich choir, instruments, and solo voices can be creatively varied or simplified to evoke differing timbres ithin the melodies and harmonies the song. I find great oy in arranging ostinatos, and I hope that you ill enoy arranging ift Heaven for y community. The text for ift Heaven as inspired by the Prayer the Offering prayed by the priest as the Liturgy the Eucharist begins. The first three verses are especially suited liturgically for the Presentation and Preparation ifts, and the subsequent verses during Communion, as the simplicity the refrain is very singable for the congregation. The verses can be sung as a solo, a duet, or choir section, ith the choir oo-ing the refrain underneath if desired. Instrumentalists, including a handbell choir, have multiple options for harmonies to embellish the singing. ift Heaven as composed for a Dedication Mass to celebrate the opening a ne campus dining hall here students, families, and members the University Portland community gather to share meals, stories, and festive events. Whenever e gather as one at the table the Lord, e share a sacred meal that is truly a gift heaven and spiritual nishment for earthly lives. I am evermore grateful for this gift, and the beauty liturgy here it is received.

8 Ostinato Refrain b b. Bread, the gift b b Assembly Edition When e share this Verses 1. Blessed are you, Lord, od salvation. Through y goodness e have come to give you thanks. 2. In faith e fer gifts y creation. In y love accept this humble sacrifice. 3. Bread harvest, Wine the fruit hands, No become life, truth, only ay. IFT OF HEAVEN. heav-en, life and sal - va-tion:. ban - quet e re - mem - ber. Drink this goodness, taste the grace eternal. Holy manna is bread, oyful feast. 5. Bread salvation, no in true communion broken, blessed and shared so all may be as one. 6. Food for hunger, table Shepherd, lead us to the kingdom, guide us all days. you. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501.