The Seed That Falls On Good Ground. Assembly, Cantor, SAB or SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, and Solo Instrument

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horal Series Psalm 65 The Seed That Falls On Good Ground ssembly, Cantor, SB or STB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, and Solo Instrument Keyboard INTRO: ( = ca. 90) M. D. Ridge Keyboard ccompaniment by Rick Modlin 1991, M.D. Ridge. Published by OCP Publications. Keyboard accompaniment 1994, OCP Publications. ll rights reserved. From the recording BY CROSS ND WTER SIGNED Compact Disc #10060 1. 8 0 0. 5 4 8. 8 7 4 9 o c p. o r g

2 REFRIN: 1st time: Cantor; Each time thereafter: ll Soprano / Melody lto Baritone The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruit ful har vest. 1 D. S. 2-5 to Verses 1 D. S. 2-5 to Verses Edition 0128906

VERSE 1: Cantor or Sopranos ( = ca. 96) 1. You come to our land with life giv ing rain. 1. The riv ers of heav en o ver flow their banks. D. S.

4 VERSES 2 & : Sopranos and ltos Soprano/Melody ( = ca. 96) lto 2.. life. filled: 2.. The plow d The prom earth ise is of read y spring You soft en it with show your bount y spill ing o ers, ver to spring in har give bless til bar ing ren in to vest ful to its lands have

5 1 div. rit. 2. yield. 1 D. S. D. S. 2 bloomed.. bar rit. rit. D. S. ren lands have bloomed. 2 D. S. rit.

6 VERSE 4: SB Choir ( = ca. 96) Soprano / Melody lto 4. blan ket of grain shines in the val leys like Baritone 4. gold; flocks like a snow y robe cov er the

7 4. fields. The hill sides are full of joy; molto rit. 4. they sing to the Lord for joy. 4. Lord for joy. molto rit. molto rit.

8 FINL REFRIN: Descant ll Soprano / Melody lto Baritone rise to har vest. fruit ful har vest. The seed that falls will The seed that falls on good ground will yield a Fine Fine Fine

Performance Notes Psalm 65 is the psalm for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year ; it is also appropriate for Thanksgiving, graduation, and evangelization. 9 The optional Descant may be used on any Refrain after Verse 1. Selected sopranos (one or two, at most) will work best. The solo instrument part really adds a great deal, especially at the end of the Verses; it s intended to reinforce the feeling of the text. The overall tone of is one of joyous, wondering thanksgiving. Give the triplets adequate emphasis. MDR

10 M.D. Ridge Psalm 65 Keyboard ccompaniment by Rick Modlin Descant Soprano lto Tenor Bass Keyboard OPTIONL STB REFRIN: ( = ca. 90) Melody The seed that The seed that falls on good ground The seed that falls on good 1991, M.D. Ridge. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 Keyboard accompaniment 1994, OCP Publications. ll rights reserved.

11 1 D. C. falls will rise to har vest. 1 D. C. ground will yield a fruit ful har vest. 1 D. C. 2 Fine rise to har vest. 2 Fine fruit ful har vest. 2 Fine

12 Psalm 65 (Guitar/ Vocal) INTRO: ( = ca. 90) D G/ D F m G/B sus4 M.D. Ridge 1. rain. REFRIN: 1st time: Cantor; Each time thereafter: ll D G Melody Descant F m fruit The seed that falls G/B ful har vest. rise to har vest. VERSE 1: Unison Choir or Cantor 1. You come 1 2-5 sus4 D. S. sus4 1 ( = ca. 96) to our The D. S. land riv 2-5 ers sus4 of 7 on good ground The seed that falls will to Verses to Verses G/B heav en D Final sus4 Dmaj7 Final will yield a with life giv ing Em o Fine Fine ver flow their Dmaj7 Em7 sus4 D. S. 1. banks. 1991, M.D. Ridge. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. ll rights reserved.

1 VERSES 2 & : Two-part Choir ( = ca. 96) Em 2.. VERSE 4: SB Choir Dmaj7 4. gold; Dmaj7 4. fields. The plow d The prom 2. You soft. your bount ( = ca. 96) 4. earth ise rit Ạsus4 is of en it with y spill ing blan ket of read y spring G/B show ers, give bless o ver til bar flocks like a snow The grain hill 2 Fmaj7. bloomed. G shines y robe to in spring har ing to its ren lands have Dmaj7 sides are full sus4 rit. in the val in to vest ful 1 Dmaj7 yield. of leys cov life. filled: joy; G/B like er the D. S. G Fmaj7 molto rit. sus4 D. S. 4. they sing to the Lord for joy.

14 SOLO INSTRUMENT M.D. Ridge INTRO: ( = ca. 90) 2 REFRIN: The seed that falls... VERSE 1: ( = ca. 96) 1. You come to our land... 1 REFRIN: VERSE 2: ( = ca. 96) 2. The plow d earth... rit. 1991, M.D. Ridge. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. ll rights reserved.

15 REFRIN: VERSE : ( = ca. 96). The promise of seed... VERSE 4: ( = ca. 96) 4. blanket of grain... FINL REFRIN: rit. REFRIN: molto rit.

16 ssembly Edition THE SEED THT FLLS ON GOOD GROUND THE SEED THT FLLS ON GOOD GROUND (Continued) Ps 65 M.D. Ridge REFRIN: 1st time: Cantor; Each time thereafter: ll 1 2 to Refrain to Refrain The seed that falls on good ground will Fine bless bar ing ren VERSE 4: to lands its have yield.. bloomed. yield a fruit ful har vest. VERSE 1: 1. The riv VERSES 2 & : 2.. The The ers of heav en o ver flow their banks. 1. You come to our land with life giv ing rain. to Refrain plow d earth prom ise is of read y to spring in spring har in vest to ful 4. blan 4. gold; flocks like a snow y robe cov 4. fields. The hill 4. they sing ket of grain shines in the val sides are full of joy; to the Lord for joy. leys like er the to Refrain 2.. life. filled: You your soft bount en y it spill with ing show ers, give o ver til 1991, M.D. Ridge. Published by OCP Publications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721. ll rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-66-1501.