Traditional Basque Carol Translated by Sabine Baring-Gould ( ) 8 œ œ œ P. œ œ. J œ œ J œ œ œ. œ œ. œ.. œ. œ J œ œ œ. eyes hon - his and

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2 THE ANGEL GABRIEL Traditional Bque Carol Translated y Saine Baring-Gould (1834 1924) Andrew Wright Keyoard Moderato (q = ca 72) 9 8 9 8 ΠSoprano Alto 1 2 1 2 The or an - know gel a His wings All gen - of er - Ga - less - drift - a - ri - el from ed Moth - er heav - thou en shalt ed snow, tions laud his and eyes hon - or n came, e, Πflame; thee, Music 2005, Andrew Wright ulished y OC ulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortland, OR 97213 All rights reserved All Thy Edition 20248-Z

3 1 2 hail, Son said shall he, e thou low - Em - man - ly u - maid - el, en y Ma - seers fore - 1-2 Most high - ly fa - vored, most high - ly fa - vored 1-2 Glo - ri - a, Πry told ΠΠThe Angel Gariel

4 Soprano Alto 4 el, Vs 3: p Vs 4: 3 head; 4 orn ΠTo In me Beth - ΠΠe le - Solo p 3 Then gen - Tutti 4 Of her, Πhem, (Verse 4 only) Πtle Ma - Em - man - 4 Of her, Em - man - u - all on a Christ - m it ple - all on eth God! a Christ - ry meek - u-el, she m ly the owed Christ, Πmorn, her w Πsaid morn; My And The Angel Gariel

5 Π4 Oo 3 soul 4 Chris - tutti tutti shall tian laud folk and mag - through - out 3-4 Most high - ly fa - vored, 3-4 Most high - ly fa - vored, ni - fy the world his will ho - ev - ly er most high - ly fa - vored most high - ly fa - vored Πname say: ( ) The Angel Gariel

6 f Glo - ri - a, f f Glo - ri - a, inal rit rit rit a, a, inal 1 1 a, a, n Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ U Ó U Ó U p U The Angel Gariel

7 Composer Notes The Angel Gariel is a simple two-part choral setting of the text of a traditional Bque carol translated and paraphred y Saine Baring-Gould (1834 1924) The familiar and uplifting Scriptural text of the Annunciation narrative upon which the carol is ed, eautifully and poetically unfolded and elaorated, appears the Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Advent Year B (Luke 1:26 38) The piece is especially effective a short anthem for the latter part of Advent In terms of overall mood, the musical setting focuses on the refrain ( Most highly favored lady ) where the narrative pauses and gives a rief moment to reflect on these central words The dynamics throughout and the quiet solo in verse 3 are key to setting the mood The vocal parts are written in close harmony, and so would suit any comination of equal voices women, children, or men The entire piece may e sung y the whole semly, since the melody is eily learned and the tessitura is moderate Any type of keyoard would e effective in providing the accompaniment ust enough melodic douling h een included to sist ut not dominate unnecessarily The melody eing fairly angular, effort should e made to render the accompaniment smoothly and gently The metronome indication suggests adequate, flowing movement inally, a gentle melody instrument (eg, flute) could e played in the introduction and interlude (using the up-stemmed keyoard notes), could doule the refrain melody, and play the descant in verse 4 to the end Andrew Wright The Angel Gariel

8 Assemly Edition 8 9 Œ Œ 1 1 His wings 2 All 3 To gen me - 4 In Beth - Œ 1 2 3 4 All Thy My And THE ANGEL GABRIEL The an - gel Ga - ri - el from 2 or 3 Then know gen - a tle less - ed Moth - er Ma - ry meek - ly 4 Of her, Em - man - u - el, the Andrew Wright Text: Trad Bque Carol, tr y Saine Baring-Gould, 1834 1924 Music 2005, Andrew Wright ulished y OC ulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, ortland, OR 97213 All rights reserved heav - thou owed Christ, of drift - ed snow, his eyes er - a - tions laud and hon - e le - hem, it all ple - on eth a God! Christ - en came, shalt e, her head; w orn or she m flame; thee, said morn; hail, Son soul Chrissaid he, thou low - ly maid - en Ma - ry, shall e Em - man - u - el, y seers fore - told shall laud and mag - ni - fy his ho - ly name tian folk through-out the world will ev - er say: 1-4 Most high - ly fa - vored, most high - ly fa - vored 1-3 Œ 1-4 Glo - ri - a, inal 4 glo - ri- a, glo - ri- a, Œ or reprint permissions, plee visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1-800-663-1501 Œ