for my older brother, Dominador J. Manalo III Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Organ, Guitar, and Solo Instruments I & II in C Eb Eb /G œ œ œ œ

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horal Series for my older ror, Dominador Manalo III Assemly, SATB Choir, Descant, Organ, Guitar, Solo Instruments I & II in C Inspired y Pope Francis s encyclical, Lauda Si Organ & INTRO With maesty (q = ca 80) & Fm7 A E /B Cm E E /G A 6 A 6 Fm7 B sus B 2015, Ricky Manalo, CSP Pulished y OCP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved E Ricky Manalo, CSP Arr y Gerard Chiusano B From collection IN THE SIGHT OF THE ANGELS Octavo Packet #015021 Compact Disc #015022 180058879 ocporg

2 REFRAIN (1st time unison) & & & & & Soprano Al & Tenor Bass Lau - da - Be d, O God! All na - tions B /D A /C B E E /G sing cre - a - tion s song, A add9 A 6 B that we may share with those in B /A all cre - a - tion cries out in : Lau - da - Fm7 A E /B Cm A 6 Fm7 B sus B E E /G Cm7 need E /G Now Verses Verses Edition 015019

VERSES 1- & & & & & & 1 All 2 All All All E /D C e e e e D /C Broth Sis Broth - er Sis G - - Wind er ter Sun, Moon, Air, - ter Wa - ter, D so se so 1 rings us light of day we are stew-ards of 2 pre-cious so right fair those seek ref - uge fair srm - y weath - er made those are dread-ing ca - pre - cious quench-ing pure those are thirst - ing for C D E n E /D C 1 na - ture earth; this light is a source of re - irth 2 shel - ter in night, may na - tions shine as ea - cons of light lam - i - ties srms, may char - i - ty love e norm wa - ter pure clear, may springs riv - ers flow ev - ery - where G D C D D /C E sus/b E N

VERSE 5: SATB (a cappella) E /D C S & & & A T B 5 All D e D /C G Broth - er D Fire, C m 5 right - en night those are fro - zen, G 5 dread cold night s E n D air, may % REFRAIN & Soprano Descant % & % & S A T B Lau da C E /D we pro-vide C D warmth for ir D /C E sus/b care Lau - da - All na-tions sing cre - a - tion s - - Be d, O God! All na-tions sing cre - a - tion s E E /G A 6 B E /G Cm7 E n B /D A /C B

& & & song song, We that we may share with those in A add9 & & & share with those in B /A : Lau - da - : Lau - da - A 6 * Fm7 B sus B 1 1 1 E Verse 6 Verse 6 Verse 6 need need E /G Now Final Final Final E All cry out in all cre - a -tion cries out in Fm7 A E /B Cm Fm/E E U U u Fine Fine Fine 5 *Cue notes last time only

6 VERSE 6: SATB/All & & & & & & 6 All E /D e C D /C Sis - ter, Moth - er Earth, sus - tain - ing G D C 6 gov - ern - ing all those are hun - gry for D n E n E /D 6 sus - te - nance food, may we pro-vide G D C C means from D D /C few E sus/b n E N DS al fine DS al fine

Composer Notes 7 On May 2, 2015, Pope Francis issued encyclical, Lauda Si : On Care for Our Common Home The encyclical calls world s inhaitants an integral ecology that involves a dialogue etween human activity, care of earth, care of one anor, especially those are poor I was so inspired y encyclical that I immediately drew up a first draft of this hymn day document was issued The text of refrain is my interpretative summation of encyclical The first half of each verse draws from St Francis s Canticle of Creatures, while second half applies oth texts current ecological ustice concerns Susequently, this hymn ecame first song in my collection, In Sight of Angels, a proect that focuses on collaorations To this extent, I invited my friend rilliant colleague, composer Gerard Chiusano, arrange music for SATB choir, organ, 2 trumpets, 2 tromones, timpani This hymn is dedicated my older ror, Dom Manalo, a passionate advocate for environment Ricky Manalo, CSP

8 for my older ror, Dominador Manalo III (Guitar/Vocal) Inspired y Pope Francis s encyclical, Lauda Si Ricky Manalo, CSP INTRO With maesty (q = ca 80) Capo 1: (D) (D/F # ) & (Organ) (Em7) (G) (D/A) (Bm) Fm7 A E /B Cm & % REFRAIN (D) (D/F E E # ) /G E E /G (G6) A 6 (Em7) Fm7 (G6) A 6 (Asus) (A) B sus B & Lau - da - Be d, O God! All na - tions (A/C # ) B /D A /C B (G6) A 6 (A) B (D/F E # ) /G (D) E (A) B (Bm7) Cm7 & sing (D/F E # ) /G (G/B) (A) cre - a - tion s (Gadd9) A add9 song, that we may & & 1-6 (D) E need Now (Em7) (G) (D/A) (Bm) Fm7 A E /B Cm all cre - a - tion cries out in Verses Final (D) E (Em/D) Fm/E (A/G) B /A share with those in (G6) A 6 (Em7) Fm7 : Lau - da - (D) E (Asus) (A) B sus B U Fine 2015, Ricky Manalo, CSP Pulished y OCP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved

9 VERSES (D/C) E /D & & 1 All 2 All All All * 5 All 6 All 1 2 5 6 A so se so sus - (B ) C & & 1 we 2 those those those 5 those 6 those 1 2 5 6 (B ) C e e e e e e (C/B ) D /C (F) G (B ) C (C) D rings pre - cious fair pre - m tain - are seek are are are are us srm - cious ing (C/B ) D /C so y stew - ards ref - uge dread - ing thirst - ing fro - zen, hun - gry light of right weath - er quench - ing right - en gov - ern - of ca - for for (F) (B ) (C) C D light is na - tions shine char - i - ty springs we we pro - pro - riv - vide vide a as ers source ea - love flow warmth means of cons e ev - for from G Broth - Sis - Broth - er Sis Wind - Broth - Sis - ter, Moth - ing (D) E day fair made pure night all na - ture shel - ter in lam - i - ties wa - dread ter pure cold sus - te - nance re - of ery - ir er ter ter er er night s (Dsus/A) E sus/b irth light norm where care few (C) D Sun, Moon, Air, Wa - Fire, Earth, (C) D earth; night, srms, clear, air, food, (D) E ter, (D/C) E /D this may may may may may DS *If choral parts are sung, accompaniment tacets Verse 5

10 SOLO INSTRUMENTS I & II in C Ricky Manalo, CSP Arr y Gerard Chiusano & & I II REFRAIN VERSES 1-6 & & & & & & INTRO With maesty (q = ca 80) & & Lauda P P 2 2 n 2 2 2 in : Lauda 2 n 2015, Ricky Manalo, CSP Pulished y OCP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved

11 REFRAIN & & & & & & Lauda F F 1-5 f f Final - - U U

12 Assemly Edition LAUDATO SI! BE PRAISED, O GOD! Ricky Manalo, CSP & Refrain Lau-da - Be d, O God! All na-tions & sing cre-a-tion s song, & & & that we may share with those in need Now all cre-a-tion cries out in : Lau-da- Verses 1 All e Broth - er Sun, 2 All e Sis - ter Moon, All e Broth-er Wind Air, All e Sis - ter Wa - ter, 5 All e Broth - er Fire, 6 All e Sis - ter, Moth - er Earth, 1 rings us 2 so pre-cious se fair srm so pre - cious 5 m 6 sus - tain - ing & & 1 we 2 those those those 5 those 6 those 1 this 2 may may may 5 may 6 may are seek are are are are light of so right - y weath - er quench-ing right - en gov - ern - ing stew - ards ref - uge dread - ing thirst - ing fro - zen, hun - gry light is na - tions shine char - i - ty springs riv - we we pro - vide pro - vide a as ers of na - ture shel - ter in ca - lam - i - ties for wa - ter pure dread cold for sus - te-nance day fair made pure night all night s source of re - irth ea - cons of light love e norm flow warmth means ev for from - ery ir - where care few earth; night, srms, clear, air, food, Refrain Text inspired y Pope Francis s encyclical, Lauda Si Text music 2015, Ricky Manalo, CSP Pulished y OCP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved reprint permissions, please visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1-800-66-1501