Walk In The Light. Traditional Refrain Arranged by Carey Landry and Jeophry Scott. INTRO ( = ca. 128) G C Cmaj7 D D7. G D/F Em Am Am7 D Am

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Choral Series for the children of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and School, Indianapolis, Indiana for Assembly, Leader(s), Two-part Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, and Flutes I and II Traditional Verses by Carey Landry Keyboard 1995, Carey Landry. Published by OCP Publications. rights reserved. Traditional Refrain Arranged by Carey Landry and Jeophry Scott Keyboard Accompaniment by Carl Rutterson INTRO ( = ca. 128) G C Cmaj7 D D7 G D/F Em Am Am7 D Am 1. 8 0 0. 5 4 8. 8 7 4 9 o c p. o r g

2 VERSES G C/G G Leader(s) D C G 1. Je sus is the Light for all: 2. The light of Je sus is yours and mine: 3. We walk to geth er in Je sus light: 4. Je sus leads us on our way: * 1. Je sus is bread of life for all: C D G D Leader(s) 1. we fol low him as we 2. nev er to hide it but to 1-4. Walk, walk in the light! 3. and let our own light 4. we help each oth er each and 1. we fol low him as we C G C D G 1. hear his call. 2. let it shine. 3. shine so bright. Walk, walk in the light! 4. ev ry day. 1. hear his call. *For First Communion celebrations, this verse replaces Verse 1 and is followed by existing Verses 2 4. Edition 30110325

3 REFRAIN Melody C Cmaj7 D D7 G D/F Walk, walk in the light! Walk, walk in the light! Harmony (after Verse 3) Walk, walk in the light! Walk, walk in the light! 1-3 Em Am Am7 D Am7 G C/G G Walk, walk in the light; walk in the light of the Walk, walk in the light; walk in the light of the 4 Final G C/G G D. S. G C/G G to Refrain G C/G G C/G G // Fine 4 to Refrain Final D. S. Fine 1-3

4 Traditional Verses by Carey Landry for the children of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and School, Indianapolis, Indiana (Guitar/Vocal) Traditional Refrain Arranged by Carey Landry and Jeophry Scott INTRO ( = ca. 128) G C Cmaj7 D D7 G D/F Em Am Am7 VERSES D Am G C/G G Leader(s) D C G 1. Je sus is the Light for all: 2. The light of Je sus is yours and mine: 3. We walk to geth er in Je sus light: 4. Je sus leads us on our way: * 1. Je sus is bread of life for all: C D G D Leader(s) 1. we fol low him as we 2. nev er to hide it but to 1-4. Walk, walk in the light! 3. and let our own light 4. we help each oth er each and 1. we fol low him as we C G C D G 1. hear his call. 2. let it shine. 3. shine so bright. Walk, walk in the light! 4. ev ry day. 1. hear his call. 1995, Carey Landry. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. rights reserved. *For First Communion celebrations, this verse replaces Verse 1 and is followed by existing Verses 2 4.

5 REFRAIN Melody C Cmaj7 D D7 G D/F Walk, walk in the light! Walk, walk in the light! Harmony (after Verse 3) Walk, walk in the light! Walk, walk in the light! 1-3 Em Am Am7 D Am7 G C/G G Walk, walk in the light; walk in the light of the Walk, walk in the light; walk in the light of the 4 Final G C/G G G C/G G G C/G G C/G G D. S. to Refrain Fine

6 FLUTE I & II Traditional Arranged by Carey Landry and Jeophry Scott INTRO ( = ca. 128) I II *VERSE 1 *VERSES 2, 3 *REFRAIN 2 2 *REFRAIN 1995, Carey Landry. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. rights reserved. *Flutes may tacet during some Refrains and Verses.

7 VERSE 4 REFRAIN 1 Final Performance Notes This strong song of commitment is best used as a closing song at Liturgy. It is a joyous song for the Easter season, but is used throughout the liturgical year. The first communion children in our parish sang it (and gestured to it) as a group after communion. The assembly then sang it again as a final song while the children processed from the sanctuary. It is a hymn that appeals to older students as well and has been used as a final song at Confirmation. The descant provided for this song adds strength when sung by a children s choir. C.L.

8 Assembly Edition Traditional Verses by Carey Landry VERSES Leader(s) 1. 2. The 3. We 4. * 1. 1-4. in the light! Je light walk Je Je sus Walk, walk in the light! walk in the light of the WALK IN THE LIGHT sus of to sus is Leader(s) is Je geth leads bread sus er the is in us of 1. we 2. 3. and 4. we 1. we fol nev er let help fol low to our each low him hide own oth him it er Walk, walk in the light! Walk, walk in the light; 1-3 Light for yours and Je sus on our life for REFRAIN all: mine: light: way: all: as but light each as Walk, walk in the light! to Verses 1995, Carey Landry. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. rights reserved. we to and we hear let shine ev hear his it so ry his Traditional Refrain Walk, call. shine. bright. day. call. 4, Final *For First Communion celebrations, this verse replaces Verse 1 and is followed by existing Verses 2 4. For reprint permissions, please visit OneLicense.net or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. walk Fine