Community of Christ. Ó Œ œ Com - (Com) - (Com) - œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. will be done, live and cry. own, door sound done,

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ seal on your 2003, Matt Maher. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR All rights reserved.

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No Turning Back. Ab2 [F2] Ab2/C [F2/A] w Œ. Ab2. œ œ w [F2] back, Bbsus [Gsus] œ œ

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Jim Bryson Shaffer. To contact us: All That Is Within Me. or call (800) Rhythm section: The.


2 Shirley Erena Murray Comnity iocese Brenod (Racial Justice Sunday) escant by Craig Kingsbury escant Melody Keyboard 1 make 2 past 3 hom sh INTRO (q = ca 96) s Cross Chur ch s ord st s ill 6 SMPLE 1 2 3 Com (Com) (Com) (When) men ill on, und F# m VERSES When men ace a 6 see cli mate melts a ay, ay, ho 7 creed risk ref u gee, us tice orld Text 1992, Hope Publishing Co ll rights reserved Used ith permission Music 2002, Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 ll rights reserved Edition 11979Z Please visit ocporg or c 1800LITURY available instrument parts

orld at in 1 2 3 hun hole a orld 1 hom 2 3 ob kind 1 2 3 Sun; SMPLE lone: poor round: Sun; orlds less in can li ness C m7 n n ev you tears race ash an guish de ev neigh in hs dis arm cur ho ears face, ith op pressed, po rs ar ren cy love sus kind ness la, la, / bor s hose ng feet oy 13 curren cy F# m love 13 chil dren el bombs are a bread, 13 /F# ter, 2 Com 3 Com When 3 sus / / / Comnity

food food faith more more / / a6 SMPLE faith shared shared as one F# / # sus ev er ev er sus a\d d\f+ e,\g g\d ( Comnity

Shirley Erena Murray Comnity iocese Brenod (Racial Justice Sunday) (uitar/vocal) 5 VERSES INTRO # (q = ca 96) # 1 make 2 past 3 hom sh 1 2 3 hun 1 face, 2 pressed, 3 ar love 1 2 3 s F # m Cross Chur ord ill ** hole * 6 ch s st a orld SMPLE F # m 1 Com 2 (Com) 3 (Com) (When) on, und lone: poor round: Sun; C m7 hom ob kind ev tears you race ash an / Com Com When 2 3 sus ev er orlds less in can li ness guish de men dis see cli mate * 6 a ay, * 7 ho creed ref us u tice risk gee, orld sus hs arm cur / la, sus ev neigh in bor s food faith / / more hose ho ears ith po rs ren cy 13 /F # chil dren el bombs are a bread, op / / ng feet oy ter, F # shared as one / sus Text 1992, Hope Publishing Co ll rights reserved Used ith permission Music 2002, Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 ll rights reserved *When guitar accompanies ith keyboard, se chords can placed on previous at (third measure), ** (on at 3) can replace

6 1 2 3 1 2 3 Com Com Com When on, und 1 lone: 2 poor 3 round: Sun; 1 2 3 1 2 3 hom ob kind men ssembly Edition COMMUNITY OF CHRIST a ay, SMPLE see cli mate dis hs arm cur less li orlds in can ness de ev tears shared you as Text: Shirley Erena Murray, 1992, Hope Publishing Co, Carol Stream, IL 60188 ll rights reserved Used ith permission Music 2002, Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 ll rights reserved ho creed ref u risk gee, us tice orld ho ears ith po rs ren cy la, hose race ev ash neigh bor s an guish in one ev er make past hom sh hun op s Cross Chur ch s ord st ill face, pressed, ar love hole chil dren el bombs food ng feet oy more a orld are a ter, bread, faith For reprint permissions, please visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 18006631501 Composer Notes The diocese Brenod in Essex is a large diverse group parishes, both innercity rural It is blessed ith many cultures, many races, many opportunities I as invited rite a hymn diocesan celebration Racial Justice Sunday The intention as unite everyone in one common mission For text this hymn I chose poerful ords Shirley Erena Murray, y are an uncompromising c action Live creed risk is her chenge This is ho faith comes real, hen e it collectively The Scriptures tell us kingdom is not ust ords, it is poer (1 Corinthians :20) Wher singing in cadral or canteen (cafeteria), keep tune oyful rhythmic, full energy Teach it simply, ith voice alone (singing la ) The accompaniment can gr or simple The keyboard part moves along harmonicy, ith strong movement purposefully If you re accompanying ith organ, register creatively build end, final evermore! When accompanying ith guitar on on (hich can ust as effective), you might ant adapt or simplify chord progressions