Without You A D /A A E 7(11) God, there is no peace, there is no hope, A maj7 D B m E /G

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2 Based on a Prayer of St. Francis = 80 INTRO ad lib. for Roc O Connor, SJ TOM KENDZI (flute/oboe) Soprano lto Tenor Bass REFRIN out you, O D / E 7(11) Piano God, there is no peace, there is no hope, E 7 maj7 D B m E /G 1991, OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. Edition 30128926

3 there is no love. out you, O God, there is no COD peace. D /F E B m B m/ E /G C7 9/E C7 mer cy; we long to be (we) Fm Fm/E D 6 D D /E last time your last time E 7 peace. D / to Verses to Verses rit.

4 VERSE 1 1. To be love where ha tred is com mon, to for give ev ry VERSE 2 C7 9 C7/E Fm Fm/E 2. To be light when dark ness sur rounds us, to be truth when /C D maj7 Cm7 Fm Fm/E D maj7 1. man ner of wrong; be your love and your care, in the 2. jus tice has failed. In the dark ness of night, you a Cm7 B B /D C/E Fm D E E /D rall. 1. face of de spair, be your peace rall. 2. lone are our light. You a lone, a live in the world. O God, are peace. D B m D /E E 7 4 S.. T. B. D.S. D.S. to refrain rall.

5 VERSE 3 animato 3. To be bread for those who hun ger for truth, to be /C E C7 9/E C7 Fm Fm/E wine for all thirst ing for you. In your Spir it a D Cm7 Fm Fm/E D maj7 live, we are sight to the blind. B /D E C7/E C7 Fm (Slowing) We are love when love can t be (Slowing) gently, ad lib. gently, ad lib. B m7 D /E (Slowing) gently, ad lib.

6 found. Fm B m ad lib. G maj7 D /F D /E E 7 /C D D /F 4 D.S. to refrain D.S. to refrain

7 Guitar Chord Charts B7 9 B7 9/D D7(add11) Performance Notes Inspired by the well-known prayer attributed to St. Francis of ssisi, is a setting of that popular prayer re-focused for liturgy and community sung-prayer. The challenge of Christ to be Eucharist and the realization that God is our peace are the two predominant themes found in this piece, making it appropriate for many occasions and liturgical actions. is not a song for the Greeting of Peace, though it is an appropriate piece for Communion. Care should be taken in choosing that neither drags nor rushes: one that supports the lyric nature of the music. T.K.

8 Based on a Prayer of St. Francis for Roc O Connor, SJ (GUITR/VOCL) TOM KENDZI INTRO VERSES 1, 2 (G/B) /C 1. 2. ( = 80) (Flute/Oboe) ad lib. 4 REFRIN (D7(11)) E 7(11) (D/F ) E /G hope, (B7 9/D ) C7 9/E there To To is be be (Cmaj7) D maj7 (B7) C7 no (Cmaj7) D maj7 love light (C/E) D /F there (Em) Fm mer (D7) E 7 out you, O God, is cy; where when (D) E no (Em/D) Fm/E (Bm7) Cm7 (Bm7) Cm7 ha dark we (Gmaj7) maj7 (G) love. (C6) D 6 long tred ness Capo 1: (G) (C) D to is sur there is no (C/D) D /E (Em) Fm com mon, rounds us, () B be (C) D peace, (m) B m out (D7) E 7 your you, (C/G) D / (m) B m (m/g) B m/ O (G) peace. (Em/D) Fm/E (G) there is no (/C ) (B/D ) B /D C/E (D/F ) E /G God, to to (Em) Fm to Verses for be 1. give 2. truth ev ry when man jus ner tice has of wrong; failed. be In your the 1991, OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved.

9 (C) (D) (D/C) (B7 9) (B7/D ) (Em) (Em/D) D E E /D C7 9 C7/E Fm Fm/E 1. love and your care, in the face of de spair, be your 2. dark ness of night, you a lone are our light. You a (C) (m) (C/D) (D7) (G) (G4) (G) D B m D /E E 7 4 rall. D.S. (to refrain) peace a live in the world. lone, O God, are peace. VERSE 3 animato (G/B) (D) (B7 9/D ) (B7) (Em) (Em/D) /C E C7 9/E C7 Fm Fm/E To be bread for those who hun ger for truth, to be (C) (Bm7) (Em) (Em/D) D Cm7 Fm Fm/E wine for all thirst ing for you. In your (Cmaj7) (/C ) (D) (B7/D ) (B7) (Em) D maj7 B /D E C7/E C7 Fm (Slowing) Spir it a live, we are sight to the blind. We are (m7)* (C/D)* (Em) (m) (G/B) B m7 D /E Fm B m /C gently, ad lib. decresc. love when love can t be found. ad lib. (C) (C/E) (Fmaj7) (C/E) (C/D) (D7) (G) (G4) (G) D D /F G maj7 D /F D /E E 7 4 D.S. (to refrain) COD (G) (C/G) (G) D / rit. 2 peace. Fine *Strum downbeats only

10 FLUTE/OBOE INTRO solo ad lib. TOM KENDZI REFRIN VERSE 2 16 VERSE 3 animato To be light rall. REFRIN VERSE 1 2 16 16 - out you To be love REFRIN To be bread 1991, OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved.

11 INTERLUDE 4 2 2 ad lib. (Slowing) decresc. 2 FINL REFRIN rit.

12 REFRIN TOM KENDZI out you, O God, there is no peace, there is no hope, there is no love. out you, O God, there is no mer cy, we long to be your peace. Text: Based on a prayer of St. Francis, 1182 1226; Tom Kendzia. Text and music 1991, OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit OneLicense.net or contact us at 1-800-663-1501.