SAMPLE. Christmas Series. What Happened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night. Music by Steven Ottományi. Text by M.D. Ridge

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30141446 What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night Steven Ottományi /M.D. Ridge 30141447 (DF) SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, Solo Instrument in C (Oboe), and Assembly Christmas Series What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night Music by Steven Ottományi Text by M.D. Ridge 1800LITURGY (5488749)

2 What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night M.D. Ridge, 1938 2017 WINONA, 75 66 87 77 Steven Ottományi Tenor/Bass or Solo(s)* 5 Darkly (q = ca. 66) 4 3 streets were de 1. What n haened in Bethlehem one cold win ter night sert ed be neath a star s great light. Inn and alace all 10 14 & & π, The slee ing like the cat tle in their stall. None no ticed a Keyboard n carenter and his regnant wie at. π. Solo Instrument in C (Oboe) all. Oo Ó lay Text 2015, 2018, M.D. Ridge. Music 2007, 2018, Steven Ottományi. Text and music ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. *I two soloists sing the irst verse, the second voice should not enter until the written harmony aears. Edition 30141446 rinted in USA

3 Sorano /Alto & & 25 2. The 20 si lence was broken by the cry o a child; the young moth er. & gazed at her &. 30 & & j n baby boy and smiled. In a single breath, the n, A world changed and would never be the same: all na tions would know the ow r in the sound o Je sus. j n n n What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

4 35 & F & &. name.. n 40 & n & Sorano Alto Tenor Bass 3. As sailed by dis (or rehearsal only) harmony, our world gone a wry, the lights o the cit y out n n n the lights o the cit y out What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

5 45 & & 49 & & shine the star shine ry the n F sky. sky. Could we (Melody) F Ah hear the an gels sing ing, in the nois y world we know, o Beth le hem born or n n n # # ot. div. love born in. (resume accomaniment) n n What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

6 53 & n & & us, so long.. & F F & 4. What 58 a go ha ened in Bethle hem that cold win ter. n n. n night n lets What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

7 62 & π & & & & hoe shine with In the 66 in us and. ills our hearts with J light. romised One, be trust ing, he will nev er lead a A n n n n n n What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

8 69 & # J (U) (Fine) & # n (U) (Fine) & & & stray, or #.. OTIONAL ENDING Lasting soon, as in. Lasting eace 74 will eace Last will Lasting eace will ing Beth le hem, last ing n n.. dawn n dawn dawn. eace will n.. eace will dawn like like. dawn.. a temo & 79 molto rit. & a temo b molto rit. b molto rit. like molto rit. molto rit.. like..... n.. like ( u) (U) ( U).. n.. n. (Fine) What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night SOLO INSTRUMENT in C (OBOE) VERSE 1 Darkly (q = ca. 66) & bb 4 3 18 & bb 38 & bb π 56 & bb 66 & bb 3 OTIONAL ENDING 74 2 & VERSE 3 14 VERSE 2 14 regnant wie at sound o Je sus π.. all. F. name. 13 us, so long VERSE 4 4 π # J a go a molto rit. 2 temo 9 Steven Ottományi. n J ( U) (Fine) molto rit.. 2007, 2018, Steven Ottományi. ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Note: Oboe art is not comatible with the hymn version.

10 What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night (Hymn Version) M.D. Ridge, 1938 2017 WINONA, 75 66 87 77 Steven Ottományi Descant Melody Keyboard & 4. hoe & 1. The 2. the 3. the 4. lets & Gently (q = ca. 72) & 4 3 & 4 3 & 4 3 4 3 shines 4. What 1. 2. 3. 4. Cao 3: (Em) Gm What ha ened in Beth le hem The si lence was brok en by As sailed by dis har mo ny, What ha ened in Beth le hem (Em) (D/E) Gm F/G ha ened in Beth le hem that cold win ter. streets young lights hoe. were moth o shine (G) Bb j (Bm) Dm n n one the cold cry win o our that world cold gone win with in (C) Eb us,. (Bm) Dm n (Em) Gm ills us with (Cmaj7) (D/F Eb # ) maj7 F/A de sert ed be neath a star s great er gazed at her ba by boy and the cit y out shine the star ry with in us and ills our hearts with (Bm7) Dm7 ter a a ter night; (A) C night child; wry, night n light. In the (E sus4) (Em) (Am) Gsus4 * Gm Cm light. smiled. sky. light. Inn and In a Could we In the * *B natural on Verse 4, lay G (E) on guitar. Text 2015, 2018, M.D. Ridge. Music 2007, 2018, Steven Ottományi. Text and music ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

11 & # 4. romised One, be trust ing, he will nev er lead a stray, & & (Em) (C/E) (D/F Gm Eb # ) /G F/A 1. al ace all lay slee ing like the cat tle in their 2. sin gle breath, the world changed and would nev er be the 3. hear the an gels sing ing, in the nois y world we 4. romised One, be trust ing, he will nev er lead a & & 4. or & # (B/D # D/F ) 1. None 2. all 3. o 4. or soon, (C) Eb will (G) Bb (C) Eb (G/B) (Em) (A/C Bb # ) /D Gm C/E n n no ticed a car en ter and his reg nant wie at na tions would know the ow r in the sound o Je sus love born in Beth le hem born or us, so long a soon, as in Beth le hem, last ing eace will dawn like (Bm) Dm N *B natural on Verse 4, lay G (E) on guitar. eace (G) Bb (Em/B) Gm/D n n n dawn like (Am9) (B7sus4) (Bm7) Cm9 D 7sus4 Dm7 (B) D stall. same: know, stray, # (Em) * Gm all. name. go * What Haened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night

12 Assembly Edition WHAT HAENED IN BETHLEHEM THAT COLD WINTER NIGHT & 4 3 & 1. 2. 3. 4. n 1. What haened in Beth lehem one cold win ter 2. The si lence was broken by the cry o a 3. As sailed by dis harmo ny, our world gone a 4. What haened in Beth lehem that cold win ter The the the lets & streets young lights hoe were moth o shine de sert ed be neath a star s er gazed at her ba by boy the cit y out shine the star with in us and ills our hearts For rerint ermissions, lease visit or contact us at 18006631501. Steven Ottományi Text: 75 66 87 77; M.D. Ridge, 1938 2017, 2015, 2018, M.D. Ridge. Music: WINONA, 2007, 2018, Steven Ottományi. Text and music ublished by OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. great and ry with night child; wry, night light. smiled. sky. light. 1. Inn and al ace all lay slee ing like the cattle in their stall. 2. In a sin gle breath, the world changed and would never be the same: 3. Could we hear the an gels sing ing, in the noisy world we know, 4. In the romised One, be trust ing, he will never lead a stray, & n 1. None no ticed a car en ter and his regnant wie at 2. all na tions would know the ow r in the sound o Je sus s 3. o love born in Beth le hem born or us, so long a 4. or soon, as in Beth le hem, lasting eace will dawn like all. name. go