ST. THOMAS MORE CHORAL SERIES. Based on John 13:4 6, 8, E b. B b /D

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ST. THOMAS MORE CHORAL SERES Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Solo nstrument Clarinet in B Based on ohn 13:4 6, 8, 13 15 Keyboard NTRO (q = ca. 54) & 4 2 4 2 ALTERNATVE NTRO (q = ca. 54) E b & 4 2 (Use when no solo instruments are available) 4 2 E b 2000,. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. All rights reserved. /Ḋ /D rom the collection HOLY GTS Choral Songbook #20378 Compact Disc #20377 1. 8 0 0. 5 4 8. 8 7 4 9 o c p. o r g

2 % RERAN Descant (last time only) &. % & % Soprano Al Tenor Bass & & & div. feet, feet, ø & A 7 f, f, ma7/d 7 you must do the you must do the Bb Dm7. E b add9. Mas - ter, have Mas - ter, have Dm same one an - same one an - 7 Bb ma7. ed ed () U oth - er. () U oth - er. sus4 () u () u /Bb () u () U () U ine ine ine Edition 30106565

3 VERSES & & & 1. 2. 3. & & & 1. The 2. But Si - mon 3. You call me Bb /A 1. feet, 2. feet 3. you, e - Pe - Mas - 7 ok f D7/ # # Am7 Bb /D say - ing: you, you must sus, ter ter, when asked but he why here Eb ma7 /D had the you wa - ter e - sus whom in a an - swered, you call /Bb C7 n now /Bb This ex - am - you have no do the same /A 4 3 4 3 4 3 eat - see en with his had me as dis - soped Bb /D ba - sin Pe - ter, Mas - ter ple part add9 if have Dm A ø 7/C knelt done A with each leave me. oth - you. er. 4 2 4 2 4 2 ci - ser - ples, him, vant. down do such not a thing their C6 n 7 D.S. D.S.

4 (Guitar/Vocal) Based on ohn 13:4 6, 8, 13 15 % RERAN (G) & bb NTRO (q = ca. 54) Capo 3: (G) & bb 4 2 (Keyboard) (a7/b) ma7/d & f, ( # A ø ø 7) (D7) 7 7 feet, VERSES (G) (D/ # ) /A (Cadd9) E b add9 (C) E b (Am) (G) (Bm7) Dm7 you must do the (Bm) Dm (G/B) /D (a7) ma7 Mas - ter, have (Em) (Am7) 7 same one an - (Am) (Am) ed (Dsus4) sus4 (D) (Em/G) /Bb (D) ( U) oth - er. & 4 3 4 2 & bb 1. 2. 3. & 1. The 2. But Si - mon 3. You call me ( # m7) Am7 1. feet, 2. feet 3. you, (B7/D # D7/ # ) (G/B) /D ok f say - ing: you, you must (Em7) 7 e - Pe - Mas - (Em/G) /Bb sus, ter ter, (a7) E b ma7 (A7) C7 wa - ter e - sus whom (Em/G) /Bb now (D/ # ) /A This you do (G/B) /D when he had asked why the but here you in a an - swered, you call ex - have the (Bm) Dm (Am) eat - see ( # A ø 7/A) 7/C ba - sin Pe - ter, Mas - ter (Em) (Amadd9) add9 am - no same ple part with each if have (G/B) /D en with his had me as (D) knelt done leave me. oth - dis - soped (Em) (Em) ci - ser - (A6) C6 ples, him, vant. down do such you. er. not a thing (D7) 7 their ine D.S. 2000,. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

Composer Notes This is one of the antiphons the Matum, the ceremony that gives the name Maundy Thursday, as it is called in Britain rel. The tempo chosen depends on how the verses will sound; the second half of the verse must not be rushed. The words must be heard undersod, at a time when people s attention may be occupied by watching the ritual. Sing with the desire communicate use ruba. The accompanist should follow. 5

6 SOLO NSTRUMENT NTRO (q = ca. 54) & bb 4 2 % RERAN & bb & bb. VERSES 1-3 &. 4 3 4 2 &. N &... () U ine # n D.S. 2000,. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

CLARNET in B 7 NTRO (q = ca. 54) &4 2 % RERAN & * & U ( ) ine VERSES 1-3 & 4 3 4 2 & più f & #. *Play note first time only. # D.S. 2000,. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

8 Assembly Edition, YOUR LORD AND MASTER & Refrain 4 2 & feet,. f, you must do the Text: Based on ohn 13:4 6, 8, 13 15. Text music 2000,. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Mas - ter, have ed same one an - oth - er. & Verses 4 3 1. The 2. But 3. You Si - call mon me e - Pe - Mas - & bb 4 3 4 2 1. 2. 3. & bb 1. 2. 3. & bb eat - en had see me wa - ter in a e - sus an-swered, whom you call 1. feet, 2. feet 3. you, say - ing: you, you must with his dis - soped as sus, ter ter, ci - ser - ba - sin Pe - ter, Mas - ter knelt if have done This ex - am - ple you have no part now do the same ples, him, vant. with each when asked but he why here had the you ok f down do such not a leave you. me. oth - er. thing or reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. their Refrain