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Unit 4 Names 学生証 氏名 すみだともこ角田智子 学生番号 9978525 生年月日 1999 年 12 月 1 日 4.1 PREVIEW QUESTIONS The following questions refer to the object depicted above. Discuss thes following questions with a partner. 1 What does this card say (at the top)? What does it mean? 2 Is this student a man or a woman? (Would you be able to tell even if you could not see the picture? How?) 3 What s her full name? 4 Is her name written in English (i.e., Roman letters) or in Japanese? 5 Is Sumida her first name or her last name? 6 What is her first name? 7 How does she spell her first name? 8 What else does the card say? Does it say the name of her school? 4.2 DIALOG PRACTICE Kelly is talking to the Japanese woman depicted on the ID card. Kelly What s your name? Tomoko My name s Tomoko. Kelly Is that your full name? Tomoko No, Tomoko is my first name. My last name is Sumida. Kelly Can I call you Tomoko? Tomoko My friends call me Tomo, so please call me Tomo. And your name is Carrie? Kelly No. It s Kelly, not Carrie. Tomoko How do you spell it? Kelly It s spelled K-E-L-L-Y. Kelly. Tomoko Kelly? Kelly That s right. Tomoko It s sometimes hard for Japanese to hear the difference between L and R. Practice the above dialog with a partner. Be sure to practice both parts.

4.3 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Answer the following questions based on the dialog. ANSWER in FULL SENTENCES. 1 Is Tomoko the Japanese woman s last name? 2 What do her friends call her? 3 How does the other woman spell her name? 4 How is her name pronounced? 5 Why did the Japanese woman call her Carrie? 4.4 SELF INTRODUCTIONS Introducing Yourself Observe some of the ways that you can introduce yourself (or others) in English. STEP ONE Please let me allow me to introduce myself. my friend. STEP TWO My name is I m [ フルネーム ]. STEP THREE [ 名 ] is my first personal given name, and [ 姓 ] is my last family surname. name. STEP THREE (option) My first personal given name is [ 名 ], and my last family surname name is [ 姓 ]. STEP FOUR Please You can call me [ あだ名 ]. STEP FIVE I m a [ 学年 ]-year student at [ 学名 ], where I study major in [ 専攻科目 ]. EXTRA (if you've moved): I'm originally from I was born (and raised) in [ 出身地 ], which is in near [ ], but now I live in [ ] EXTRA (if live in same place): I live in [ 出身地 ], (which is) where I was born and raised. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 72

Note: It is important to indicate which is your personal name and which is your family name because titles such as "Mr.," "Miss," or "Dr." should not be used with a person's first name. ÒÒMr. Masashi Mr. Kobayashi Miss Tomoko Sumida Miss Sumida Practice Practice introducing yourself using the paradigm and the following examples. EXAMPLE 1 Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sumida Tomoko. Sumida is my last name, and Tomoko is my first name. Please call me Tomo. I m a third-year student at Wakayama University, where I study tourism. EXAMPLE 2 Please let me introduce myself. I m Masashi Kobayashi. Kobayashi is my family name, and Masashi is my personal name. You can call me Masa. I m a first-year student at Osaka University, where I major in English. GRAMMAR GUIDE: "let" v. "allow"/"permit" など The causative verbs "let" and "allow" are similar in meaning (i.e. to give permission, not to prevent). But they are used differently. "let" や "allow" という使役動詞は 意味の点では同義である ( 容認や許可を表す ) が 用法においては異なる The teacher lets us use dictionaries. The teacher allows us to use dictionaries. 先生は私たちに辞書を使わせてくれます (= 先生は 私たちが辞書を使用するのを許可します ) In English, certain causative verbs take an infinitive after the object while others take a "bare infinitive." 英語の使役動詞では 目的語の後 原形不定詞をとる動詞と to- 不定詞をとる動詞がある "let" のような動詞の場合 : 主語 +let+ 目的語 + 原形不定詞 (bare infinitive = "to" が付かない不定詞 ) Please let me introduce myself. ÒÒPlease let me to introduce myself. "allow" のような動詞の場合 : 主語 +allow+ 目的語 + 不定詞 ("to" が付く不定詞 ) Please allow me to introduce myself. ÒÒPlease allow me introduce myself. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 73

4.5 SUBSTITUTION DRILL 1 Practice with a partner. Use the CUES to make new sentences. Be sure to make all other necessary changes. BEGIN Please allow me to introduce myself. 1 my partner... Please allow me to introduce my partner. 2 let... Please let me introduce my partner. 3 present... Please let me present my partner. 4 allow... Please allow me to present my partner. 5 tell you about... Please allow me to tell you about my partner. 6 us... Please allow us to tell you about ourselves. 7 our situation... Please allow us to tell you about our situation. 8 explain... Please allow us to explain our situation. 9 me... Please allow me to explain my situation. 10 let... Please let me explain my situation. 11 myself... Please let me explain myself. 12 introduce... Please let me introduce myself. 4.6 TRANSFORMATION DRILL Change following sentences as in the examples. (Note the form of the pronouns.) EXAMPLE 1 I want to go home. ÄÄLet me go home. EXAMPLE 2 They want to go home. ÄÄLet them go home. 1 She wants to borrow your car. 2 We want to explain. 3 I want to ask you a question. 4 He wants to see the photo. 5 You want to take a break. Note the following sentences and their equivalents: "Give it to me." = "Let me have it." "Show [it to] me." = "Let me see [it]." "let me have a look." "Tell me." = "Let me know." 4.7 DIALOG COMPLETION Fill in the blanks in the following conversation with "see," "show," or "look." >> Is that your driver's license? >> Please don't! >> Oh, c'mon. Let me it! >> No! I hate my photo. I don't want to it to anyone! Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 74

COLUMN: FIRST NAME? LAST NAME? In many Asian countries, including Japan, family names come before personal names. This custom differs from that of Europe and America, where personal names come first and family names come last. When introducing yourself in English, you do not have to change the order of your name; however, since Japanese names may be unfamiliar to your listeners, you should indicate which is your family name and which is your personal name. When talking about famous names from history, it is best to preserve the original order. So instead of saying Ieyasu Tokugawa, you should say Tokugawa Ieyasu. And certainly you wouldn't want to say that the most famous master of the tea ceremony was Rikyū no Sen (or No Rikyū Sen? Rikyū Sen No?) See what I mean? 命Questions 1 Is Japan the only country where family names come before personal names? 2 When introducing yourself in English, do you have to give your personal name first? 3 Why is it important to indicate which name is your family name and which name is your personal name? 4 What was the personal name of the most famous master of the tea ceremony? Just for Fun... What would happen if a woman named Maki Kobayashi married a man named Ryōsuke Hara? Or if a couple named 加田 named their daughter 真里? Can you think of any other unfortunate or silly combinations? 4.8 PREVIEW QUESTIONS The following questions refer to the object depicted to the right. Discuss thes following questions with a partner. 1 Do you know what this object is called? 2 What does it say? 3 What is it for? 名結愛あゆ平成二十七年四月十五日生Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 75

4.9 DIALOG PRACTICE Amanda is asking Mayumi about the same object. Amanda What s this? Mayumi: Let me see. Amanda It looks like a postcard. Is it? Mayumi It looks like one, but it s not. Amanda What is it? Mayumi It s called a meimeishi. Amanda What s it for? Mayumi People use it to write the name of a newborn baby. It s an old custom in Japan. Amanda What are you supposed to do with it? Mayumi People display it in their tokonoma or on a Shinto altar in their homes. Amanda Is it for good luck? Mayumi Yes. It s a kind of prayer for the health and happiness of the new baby. Amanda And what does this one say? Mayumi Well, it gives the baby s date of birth and name. Amanda I suppose the name is written with the big characters in the middle. Mayumi Right. This baby s name is Yua, and it s written with the kanji for bind and love. Amanda That sounds nice. Is it a boy s name or a girl s name? Mayumi It s a girl s name. Actually, I think this name is a little strange. Amanda How come? Mayumi It sounds like the English word your, at least the way Japanese people sometimes pronounce it. Amanda Hmm. I guess you re right. It could be confusing if she ever lives in America. Questions 1 What is the newborn baby s first name? 2 Is the baby a boy or a girl? 3 What is the baby s last name? 4 Is the baby s name written only once? 5 When was the baby born? 6 Who thinks the baby s name is a little strange? Why? Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 76

GRAMMAR GUIDE : Yes/No 疑問文と選択疑問文を比較してみよう Let's compare Yes/No questions with "choice" questions Is Sumida her first name? No, it isn t her first name. Her first name is Tomoko. Is Sumida her first name or her last name? It s her last name. X と Y のどちらかを問う場合 or を用いる Is this a paper clip or a hairpin? It s a hairpin. Are these pencils or pens? They re pencils. 上の文の答えには Yes や No は使いない Yes/No 疑問文と選択疑問文 事実は質問の選択肢に含まれていない場合 neither 及び not either を用いる Is the capital of Australia Sydney or Melbourne? It s neither Sydney nor Melbourne. (It isn t either Sydney or Melbourne.) It s Canberra. 事実だけで答えばいい場合もある Is Sumida your last name or first name? My name isn t Sumida. It s Tsunoda. 選択肢として or not を使うこともある しかし これは普通の Yes/No 疑問文になる Are you interested or not? Yes, I m interested. or No, I m not interested. 4.10 PRACTICE Work with a partner. Practice the following dialogs. EXAMPLE 1 your boyfriend Japanese American Is your boyfriend Japanese or American? He s American. or Is your boyfriend Japanese or American? He s neither Japanese nor American. (He isn't either Japanese or American.) What do you mean? He s Canadian. EXAMPLE 2 this class interesting boring Is this class interesting or boring? I think it s boring. or For me, it s boring. EXAMPLE 3 our teacher rich poor Is our teacher rich or poor? I don t know, but he looks poor to me. or I m not sure, but I think he s... Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 77

Continue with the following CUES. Answer freely 1 you married single 2 today sunny cloudy 3 your bicycle old new 4 your next-door neighbors noisy quiet 5 English easy difficult 6 gorillas ugly cute 7 bananas cheap expensive 8 Wakayama big small 9 your parents strict easygoing 10 clowns funny scary 11 you Chinese Korean 12 Hōjōki a play a novel 4.11 MATCHING CHALLENGE (also just for fun...) The following table shows the titles of some imaginary books and their imaginary authors. Work with a partner. Try to match the title with its author. Use a dictionary. (Hint: think about the sound of each author s name!) The first two are done as examples. Title How to Get Rich Quick Introduction to Chemistry Tragedy at the Cliff How to Pray Predictions for Your Future Japanese Ritual Suicide Guide to Manners Popular Modern Novels The Counterfeiter When the Alarm Clock Rings Personal Religious Beliefs Author Harry Carry Tess Tube Curtis E. Furst Robin Banks Mike Reed Neil Down Sheila Wake Eileen Dover Faye Kingham Bess Sellers Horace Cope EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 2 Who do you think wrote How to Get Rich Quick? I think it was written by Robin Banks. Why do you think it was written by Robin Banks? Because his name sounds like robbing banks! Who do you think wrote Introduction to Chemistry? I think it was written by Tess Tube. Why do you think it was written by Tess Tube? Because her name sounds like test tube Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 78

GRAMMAR GUIDE Passive Voice 受動態 英語の文には能動態 (Active Voice) と受動態 (Passive Voice) の 2 種類がある 能動態の文では 主語が動詞の表す動作を行う 一方 受動愛では その目的語が文の主語になる Active Voice 能動態 Passive Voice 受動態 The postman delivers the mail every morning. 主語 動詞 目的語 受動態の作り方 Formation of the Passive The mail is delivered by the postman every morning. 主語動詞 ( 動作主 ) 能動文の目的語が受動文の主語になる 動詞は Be 動詞 + 過去分詞からなる Active Voice 能動態 Passive Voice 受動態 The garbage man collects the trash twice a week. 主語 ( 動作主 ) 動詞目的語 The trash is collected by the garbage man twice a week. 主語動詞 ( 動作主 ) 態 (Voice) を変えても 動作の働きかけが変わらず ただその動作 作用を受けるものの強調度が高くなる 主な意味は変わらない 動作主 (Agent) を表す前置詞 ( 通常は by を省略することもある ) Active Voice 能動態 Passive Voice 受動態 Farmers plant rice in June. Rice is planted in June. 主語 ( 動作主 ) 田植えをする人は言うまでもないので 上の文ではあえて by farmers ( 農民によって ) を付け加える必要はない 時制 人称 数は Be 動詞の形で表す 法助動詞 (can, should, will など ) の場合 その法助動詞を Be 動詞の前に置く Active Voice 能動態 Passive Voice 受動態 Farmers planted this rice last June. Farmers planted these fields last June. Farmers are planting rice. Farmers should plant rice in June. など ただし 現在 過去 未来の完了進行形は滅多に受動態にならない The farmers had been planting the rice. ÄÄL The rice had been being planted. This rice was planted last June. ( 過去形 ) These fields were planted last June. ( 複数の主語 ) Rice is being planted. ( 現在進行形 ) Rice should be planted in June. ( 法助動詞 ) 能動文で直接目的語 (direct object, D.O.) と関節目的語 (indirect object, I.O.) がある場合 2 通りの受動文は可能 受動文では 関節目的語の前に to を置く Active Voice 能動態 Passive Voice 受動態 English is taught to us by Yamamoto-sensei. Yamamoto-sensei teaches us English. 主語 ( 動作主 ) I.O. D.O. We are taught English by Yamamoto-sensei. 受動態に変化できない文 Sentences that cannot be changed to passive voice 受動態になる動詞は目的語を取る他動詞 (transitive verbs) に限る The dish fell on the floor. ð 該当なし 自動詞 状態を表す動詞は受動態になれない This car costs $3000. ð 該当なし She has three children. ð 該当なし 相互関係を表す動詞も受動態に変えられない We met each other in college. ð 該当なし He resembles you. ð 該当なし I cut myself. ð 該当なし 能動文の補語 (complement) は受動態の主語にならな い He became a doctor. ð 該当なし They named their daughter Tomoko. ÄÄTheir daughter was named Tomoko. ÄÄL Tomoko was named their daughter. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 79

4.12 PRACTICE Change the following sentences from the ACTIVE to the PASSIVE voice as in the examples. Omit the AGENT and make two sentences when possible. Be sure to use the correct form of the be-verb, too! EXAMPLE 1 The Chinese invented kanji. ÄÄ Kanji were invented by the Chinese. EXAMPLE 2 ÄÄ EXAMPLE 3 ÄÄ ÄÄ We can read this kanji many different ways. This kanji can be read many different ways. My grandmother gave me my nickname. My nickname was given to me by my grandmother. I was given my nickname by my grandmother. Continue with these CUES: 1 People call her Tomo. 2 Her parents named her Tomoko. 3 People speak Portuguese in Brazil. 4 Columbus discovered America. 5 Soldiers fight wars. 6 Smoking can cause many diseases. 7 People celebrate Christmas in December. 8 Tokyo will host the 2020 Summer Olympics. 9 Someone broke the mirror. 4.13 Q&A 10 The teacher gave the students a test. 11 Who painted this picture? 12 When will he finish his novel? 13 Someone has canceled the concert. 14 Someone should give me an award. 15 No one has ever done this before. 16 We don t pronounce the t in mountain. Work with a partner, use your own knowledge and the PASSIVE VOICE to answer the following questions. EXAMPLE Who wrote Hōjōki? Ä ÄHōjōki was written by Kamo no Chōmei. 1 Who wrote the novels Botchan and Kokoro? 2 Who discovered the cure for yellow fever? 3 Who founded Mt. Kōya? 4 Who created the character Atom Boy? 5 Which Japanese emperor moved the capital to Kyoto in the year 794? 6 Who directed the movies Totoro and Ponyo? 7 Who assassinated Soga no Iruka? 8 Who undertook two invasions of Korea in the 16th century? 9 Who established the Kamakura Shogunate? 10 Who won the Battles of Kawanakajima? Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 80

REVIEW: Talking about How Words are Written The passive voice can be used to describe words and names, etc. This kanji word is pronounced spelled written [ ] My His (etc.) first last name is written with the kanji Chinese character(s) for that mean(s) [ ] This word same kanji Chinese character(s) as EXAMPLE 1 和歌山 è The place name Wakayama is written with the kanji for a kind of poem (called a waka) and mountain. è The place name Wakayama is written with the Chinese characters that mean waka and mountain. EXAMPLE 2 若山 è The family name Wakayama is written with the Chinese characters that mean young mountain. è The family name Wakayama is written with the kanji for young mountain. EXAMPLE 3 東京 è This word is pronounced Tōkyō. è Tōkyō is written with the Chinese characters that mean east and capital. 4.14 YOUR TURN Complete the following sentences about the word that appears below. CUE: 京都 1 This word is Kyōto. 2 is written with. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 81

4.15 DIALOG PRACTICE Ryan is talking to Tomoko. Ryan Your name s Tomoko, isn t it? Tomoko Yes. Ryan I know another Japanese girl named Tomoko. Tomoko You mean Tomoko Tanaka? Ryan Yes. Do you know her, too? Tomoko Of course. But actually, our names aren t really the same. Ryan What do you mean? Tomoko Well, they re both pronounced the same, but they re written with different Chinese characters. Ryan How s that? Tomoko I write my name with the kanji that means friend, and she writes her name with the character that means wisdom. Ryan I see. That s very interesting. Tomoko Aren t some English names pronounced the same but spelled differently? Ryan Yes. Like Sean and Shawn. Tomoko Well, it s a little like that with Japanese names, only much more common. Practice the above dialog with a partner. Be sure to practice both parts. 4.16 CHALLENGE Look carefully at the sign on the right. What does it say? Do you notice anything strange? Explain in English. (HINT: How many times does the name of the bus stop appear?) Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 82

What s in a namae? * Since the Meiji Period, all Japanese have both a family and personal name. The only exception to this rule is the imperial family, which does not use a surname. Japanese names are normally written in Chinese characters, or kanji, although some personal names can also be written in either hiragana or katakana. As in several other cultures, many Japanese family names come from geographical features such as mountains and hills ( 山 岡 ), rivers and valleys ( 川 谷 ), various kinds of fields ( 原 田 畑 ), or other things found in nature. Certain names tell us something about the family s history. For instance, the various Japanese family names that end in tō 藤, meaning wisteria, suggest a connection with the once-powerful Fujiwara ( 藤原 ) clan. Personal names are normally given by a child s parents. Parents often choose names that express a virtue or quality that they hope their child will exhibit. For instance, the feminine name Kumiko conveys the parents wish that their daughter be an eternally lovely child. Male names sometimes indicate the order of birth, using the character 郎 -rō, meaning clear or bright, as a counter for sons. The fact that Japanese names are written in kanji makes them somewhat difficult to read and write, even for native Japanese. This is because a single sound may be written with several different kanji, and a single kanji can often be pronounced in more than one way. For example, if a young man introduces himself as Masaaki, it is impossible to guess how to write his name as it could be written in a variety of ways: 正明, 雅章, 昌昭, etc. Sometimes, the same Chinese character can be read in more than one way. A good example of this is the kanji 東, which means east. As a family name, this kanji may be read Higashi or Azuma. Sometimes, the context determines the way that a name in kanji may be read. The combination 熊野 (bear/field) is read Kumano as a place name, but the same pair of kanji is read as Yūya when referring to a famous Nō play. Comprehension Questions Answer the following questions in FULL SENTENCES. Use the information in the reading and your own knowledge. 1 Have Japanese people always used family names? 2 Since when have most people had a family name? 3 Do all Japanese people have a family name? 4 What are kanji? 5 Are all family names written in kanji? 6 What about personal names? (Are they written in kanji?) 7 Where do many Japanese names come from? 8 How is the name Fujiwara written? *Note: The title of the above reading plays on a famous quotation from Shakespeare s "Romeo and Juliet" (1591-95?).At the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2, Juliet asks, What's in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet. Can you guess what she s talking about? Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 83

9 Who usually chooses a child s name? 10 How do parents sometimes choose a name for their child? 11 How do you think the name Kumiko is written? (Can you write it based on the description in the reading?) 12 What does the character 郎 rō usually indicate when used in a boy s name? 13 Why are Japanese names sometimes difficult to read and write? 14 What does the family name Azuma mean? Discussion Questions Discuss the following questions with your classmates. 1 Can you give an example of a Japanese family name that ends in the kanji for wisteria? (How many other names can you think of?) 2 What do you think the word once-powerful means? 3 The reading mentions the name Kumiko. How do you think this name is written? 4 If a boy is named Jirō, what does that suggest? 5 The reading mentions certain kanji, like 東, which can be pronounced in more than one way. Can you think of any other family names that present the same difficulty? 6 If a girl is named Satsuki, there is a good chance that her birthday is in May because Satsuki is the old name for the fifth month. What if a girl is named Yayoi? 7 Can you think of any names that can be used as either a family name or a personal name? 8 Most family names are written with two Chinese characters. Can you think of any names that use more than two? What about more than three? What are some family names written with just one kanji? COLUMN: "NAMED AFTER..." It's a custom in many countries to name children after other family members, such as parents and grandparents. It's a form of respect and admiration. However, it is not just children who are named after people. Cities, streets, airports, even countries are sometimes named after famous men or women (usually men). For example, the city Columbus, Ohio, and Columbia University (in the U.S.) as well as the South American country of Colombia were all named after the man who discovered America. Strangely, North and South America themselves were not named after Christopher Columbus. They were named after another, less famous Italian explored named Amerigo Vespucci. Sometimes, a person is named after a place. Already, we have read about Lafcadio Hearn, who was named after the Greek island where he was born. The famous nurse, Florence Nightingale was named after the city in Italy where she was born. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 84

4.17 MATCHING CHALLENGE Can you match the things in the column on the left with those in the column on the right? In each case, be sure to give the name of the person and the thing named after him (or her). One of them is done as an example. The thing the second planet from the sun New York City's biggest airport a city in Australia two months of the year a prestigious international award an Asian country a popular lunchtime food a Japanese company The person it was named after a Spanish king the goddess of love an English statesman and aristocrat a famous scientist the inventor of dynamite two Roman emperors a man from Wakayama a U.S. president EXAMPLE The second planet from the sun is [was] named after Venus, the goddess of love. 4.18 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 Do you remember how to introduce yourself in English? Try to fill in the blanks. Please me to introduce myself. is Tanaka Erika. Tanaka is my name, and my name is Erika. You call me Eri. I m a first-year student at Osaka University, I in Business. 4.19 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 Let's review the Passive Voice. Use the following CUES to make sentences. Use the first word in each cue as the subject. Decide whether the sentence should be in the passive or active voice. (Use an appropriate verb tense.) EXAMPLE 1 this land own the government ÄÄThis land is owned by the government. Continue with these CUES: 1 honey make bees 2 a typhoon destroy the village 3 many tourists visit Kyoto s Kiyomizu Temple 4 his story not believe anyone 5 the baby name her parents 6 Tezuka Osama create Astro Boy 7 the results will announce the teacher 8 Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet EXAMPLE 2 ÄÄ smoking can cause cancer Smoking can cause cancer. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 85

4.20 REVIEW EXERCISE 3 Change the following sentences from the ACTIVE to the PASSIVE VOICE. Omit the AGENT when possible. 1 He writes his name with the kanji for forest. 2 My parents named me after my great-grandfather. 3 She wants people to call her Tomoko. 4 Did the performance satisfy the judges? 5 He spells his name with two r s. 6 We can pronounce this kanji Azuma or Higashi. 7 We spell the names Geoff and Jeff differently but pronounce them the same. 8 How many strokes do you use to write your name? 9 The Japanese usually use katakana to write foreign words and names. 10 Often, the context determines the way to read a Chinese character. EXPANSION What s wrong with this sign? What does the word "close" mean? What should this sign say? STATIVE PASSIVES 状態受動態 受動態には動作受動態と状態受動態の 2 種がある Observe the following: The store is far. popular. closed. "far" と "popular" は形容詞で "closed" は動詞の "close"( 閉める ) の過去分詞である ご覧のように 過去分詞も形容詞として使われる 動作受動態と状態受動態との区別 1 The park is closed every night at 9:00 PM. 2 The park is closed now. は動作ではなく むしろ動作を受けた結果を表す 形容詞の "open" v. 動詞の "open" の過去分詞 "opened" 状態を表す為に 過去分詞と同様な意味を持つ形容詞がある場合 形容詞の方を使うことが一般的である 1 The park is opened. 2 The park is open now. 過去分詞を使う は動作を表すと解釈されるでしょう Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 86

4.21 FILL IN THE BLANKS Choose the VERBS in the following list to complete the following sentences. Be sure to change each into the CORRECT FORM. The first is done as an example. marry divorce locate hide break set stick go lose do make block EX. Wakayama is located one hour by train south of Osaka. 1. My alarm clock to go off at 7:00 AM. 2. The elevator, so we have to use the stairs. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Foster no longer. They. 4. Don't look in the closet! Your Christmas present there. 5. My umbrella was here a minute ago, but now it! 6. We can't eat the cookies. They yet. 7. We. Can you tell us how to get to the station? 8. My car won't move because the rear wheels in the mud. 9. These shoes of leather. 10. No one can go inside. The entrance. Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 87

4.22 INFORMATION EXCHANGE In the next exercise, you will work with a partner. One of you will be Student A; the other will be Student B. For this exercise, you will each have a sheet with the same illustrations of various people. Some of the information will be missing. You must ask your partner for the missing information.the following is an example. INFORMATION EXCHANGE YOUR PAGE INFORMATION EXCHANGE YOUR PARTNER'S PAGE Ask about the man. Tell your partner about the man. 吉川晢 Kikkawa Tetsu 上山慶子 Kamiyama Keiko Tell your partner about the woman. Ask about the woman. EXAMPLE 1 What s the man s last name? His last name is Kikkawa. What s his first name? His first name is Tetsu. How does he write Kikkawa? It is written with the kanji for good fortune and river. What about Testsu? It is written with the same kanji as in the Japanese word for philosophy. EXAMPLE 2 What s the woman s name? Kamiyama Keiko. Kamiyama is her family name and Keiko is her personal name. How is her family name written? It s written with the Chinese characters for above or up and mountain. Is Keiko written with the kanji for scenery or blessing? It isn t written with either of those characters. It is written with the same kanji as in Keio University. As you practice with your partner, try two use different version of these questions and answers. Also feel free to ask other questions (for example, about how the names are spelled). Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 88

INFORMATION EXCHANGE STUDENT B Ask about the boy, the groom, the patient, and the pitcher. Tell your partner about the girl, the bride, the doctor and the batter. 美登利 Midori 城戸綾香 Kido Ayaka 喜多真 Kita Makoto 永井紀夫 Nagai Norio Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 89

INFORMATION EXCHANGE STUDENT A Ask about the the girl, the bride, the doctor and the batter. Tell your partner about the boy, the groom, the patient, and the pitcher. 植野翔太 Ueno Shōta 毛利一男 Mori Kazuo 五島剛 Gotoh Tuyosi 基 Hajime Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 90

4.23 DIALOG SCRAMBLE Work with a partner. Rearrange the following statements to make a complete dialog. Practice the dialog. It s actually pronounced Nakajima, not Nakashima. Yes, it is. Oh, I m sorry. What do you mean? Not exactly. Is it written with the same kanji as Nakashima? That s all right. Your family name is Nakashima, right? 4.24 DISCUSSION Work with other students in a small group. Discuss your answers to the following questions. 1 Is your name easy or difficult for people to read? 2 What characters do you use to write your name? 3 Who chose your name? 4 How did you get your name? Are you named after anyone? Who? 5 Do you like your name? 6 Do you like the way your name is written? 7 Have you ever thought about changing the way your name is written? Equivalents The word "equivalent" can be used as either an adjective ( 形容詞 ) or a noun ( 名詞 ). The expression "be equivalent to" or "be the equivalent of" can be used to describe terms that have a corresponding relationship. The Japanese word "sayonara" is the equivalent of word "good-bye." expression is equivalent to the English expression name "Oka" corresponds to name "Hill." What might be the Japanese equivalents of the following English names? Underwood Middleton Blackstone Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 91

Vocabulary announce (v.) 発表する batter (n.) バッター bee (n.) 蜜蜂 blessing (n.) 恵 block (v.) 塞ぐ break (v.) 壊す bride (n.) 新婦 花嫁 cancel (v.) 取り消す capital (n.) 首都 cause (v.) の原因となる celebrate (v.) 祝う Chinese character (n.) 漢字 choose (v.) 選ぶ cloudy (adj.) 曇った collect (v.) 回収する 収集する combination (n.) 組み合わせ consideration (n.) 考慮すべき事柄 context (n.) 文脈 背景 correspond (v.) 対応する create (v.) 創造する custom (n.) 習慣 destroy (v.) 破壊する determine (v.) 決定する 限定する differ (v.) 相違する 異なる disease (n.) 病気 疾病 divorce (v.) 離婚する doctor (n.) 医者 easygoing (adj.) ゆったりとした 寛大な equivalent (adj.) 相当する equivalent (n.) 相当するもの eternally (adv.) 永遠に exception (n.) 例外 exhibit (v.) 表す express (v.) 表す family name (n.) 姓 feature (n.) 特徴 feminine (adj.) 女性の foreign (adj.) 外国の garbage man (n.) ゴミ収集人 geographical (adj.) 地形上の 地理的の given name (n.) 名 groom (n.) 新郎 honey (n.) はちみつ host (v.) 主催する imperial family (n.) 皇室 indicate (v.) 示す introduce (v.) 紹介する judge (n.) 審判 kanji (n.) 漢字 major (n.) 専攻 major (v.) 専攻する married (adj.) 結婚している 既婚 mean (v.) 意味する mention (v.) 述べる mirror (n.) 鏡 missing (adj.) 欠けている name (v.) 名をつける name after (v.) を因んで名をつける neighbor (n.) 隣人 next-door (adj.) 隣の nickname (n.) あだ名 nickname (n.) あだ名 noisy (adj.) うるさい やかましい observe (v.) 観察する あることに気がつく order (n.) 順番 patient (n.) 患者 performance (n.) 演技 personal name (n.) 名 pitcher (n.) ピッチャー plant (v.) 植える play (n.) 芝居 劇 postman (n.) 郵便配達人 present (v.) 提示する pronounce (v.) 発音する quotation (n.) 引用文 resemble (v.) 似る result (n.) 結果 satisfy (v.) 満足させる scenery (n.) 景色 set (v.) 置く 設定する single (n.) 独身の spell (v.) 語を綴る strange (adj.) 変な stick (v.) はまり込む strict (adj.) 厳しい stroke (n.) 一画 一筆 suggest (v.) 示す ほのめかす 暗示する sunny (adj.) 晴れた surname (n.) 名字 title (n.) 肩書き tourist (n.) 観光客 trash (n.) ゴミ typhoon (n.) 台風 ugly (adj.) 醜い unfamiliar (adj.) なじみのない variety (n.) 数々の異なったもの various (adj.) 色々な 様々な virtue (n.) 美徳 wisteria (n.) 藤 Talking About Japan, Unit 4 "Names" p. 92