SAMPLE IN EVERY AGE. b b. œ œ œ œ. œ b œ. j œ œ. j œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. . œ œ œ œ. œ œ. b œ œ œ b œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ moun - cast, use. J œ

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Melody Keyboard VERSES (q = ca. 86) sea dust a - 4 4 4 Long Des - be-forti - ny us is make tient To have slee Ab sus2,#4 al - light eace - b IN EVERY AGE Text: Bed on Psalm 0:1 4, 12; anèt Sullivan Whitaker, b. 158. Music: anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Text music 18, 2000, anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by CP. All rights reserved. 22240-Z1 moun - ct, use of night, ind. ait. tains of. came at r si - lent time A b ays been, that fades ful - ly, b b. b b be ord have.. l re-turus stars scat-tee-ven through end - less sea - A thou-s years are like us em-brace sons of all a sin - gle mo-men our oy at ill / al - end rise. be time, gone, ain. ays be. of day. u strong. oco

IN EVERY AGE, cont. (2) RERAIN g Ó [ ] inal inal. a temo.. 1, 2 have been our 1, 2 have been our hoe, have been our hoe.. ref - uge.. Ó D.C. D.C. / have been our

IN EVERY AGE, cont. (3) sus#4 E b ref - uge, *se Simle Ending if solo instrument is omitted. **se tional Extended Ending an tro if laying ith solo instrument. **PTINAL EXTENDED ENDING ma7 hoe. **PTINAL EXTENDED ENDING a temo g P sus4 B b sus#4 E b have been our *SIMPLE ENDING hoe. *SIMPLE ENDING sus2 / Ó π (ine) (ine)

IN EVERY AGE bb sea dust a - bb Cao 3: bb 4 Long Des - To RERAIN (let ring) bb bb VERSES (q = ca. 86) have slee be - ti - us fore ny is make moun - ct, use of night, ind. ait. (sus2,#4) Ab sus2,#4. tains of came at r si-lent time. () Ab al - ays been, light eace - that fades ful - ly,. a temo.. stars scat-tee-ven tient through endyears are like less sea - A thou-s us em-brace 1, 2 be ord have.. re - us l turn be sons of all time, a sin -gle mo-men gone, our oy ain. at ill (C/D) / al - end rise have been our ays be. of day. u strong.. ref - uge. oco (let ring) Ó D.C. have been our hoe. Text: Bed on Psalm 0:1 4, 12; anèt Sullivan Whitaker, b. 158. Music: anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Text music 18, 2000, anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by CP. All rights reserved. 22240-Z2

IN EVERY AGE, cont. (2) inal bb (let ring) (C) (D/C) / bb bb (Csus#4) sus#4 ref - uge, (Solo st.) hoe. bb Ṗ bb have been our **PTINAL EXTENDED ENDING (C ma7) ma7 a temo (Gsus4) sus4 (Csus#4) sus#4 hoe, have been our *SIMPLE ENDING hoe. (D/C) / (Dsus2) sus2 have been our (let ring) (ine) (let ring) π *se Simle Ending if solo instrument is omitted. **se tional Extended Ending an tro if laying ith solo instrument.

IN EVERY AGE bb sea dust a - bb Cao 3: bb 4 Long Des - To RERAIN (let ring) bb bb VERSES (q = ca. 86) have slee be - ti - us fore ny is make moun - ct, use of night, ind. ait. (sus2,#4) Ab sus2,#4. tains of came at r si-lent time. () Ab al - ays been, light eace - that fades ful - ly,. a temo.. stars scat-tee-ven tient through endyears are like less sea - A thou-s us em-brace 1, 2 be ord have.. re - us l turn be sons of all time, a sin -gle mo-men gone, our oy ain. at ill (C/D) / al - end rise have been our ays be. of day. u strong.. ref - uge. oco (let ring) Ó D.C. have been our hoe. Text: Bed on Psalm 0:1 4, 12; anèt Sullivan Whitaker, b. 158. Music: anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Text music 18, 2000, anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by CP. All rights reserved. 22240-Z2

IN EVERY AGE, cont. (2) inal bb (let ring) (C) (D/C) / bb bb (Csus#4) sus#4 ref - uge, (Solo st.) hoe. bb Ṗ bb have been our **PTINAL EXTENDED ENDING (C ma7) ma7 a temo (Gsus4) sus4 (Csus#4) sus#4 hoe, have been our *SIMPLE ENDING hoe. (D/C) / (Dsus2) sus2 have been our (let ring) (ine) (let ring) π *se Simle Ending if solo instrument is omitted. **se tional Extended Ending an tro if laying ith solo instrument.

IN EVERY AGE SL INSTRMENT VERSE 1 (q = ca. 86) bb 4 4 Ó RERAIN VERSE 2 RERAIN VERSE 3 INAL RERAIN Note: This solo instrument art is comatible only if tional Extended Ending is used by accomanist(s). *The tional Extended Ending may be used an tro. Music: anèt Sullivan Whitaker, b. 158, 18, 1, anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by CP. All rights reserved. SL INSTRMENT in B VERSE 1 (q = ca. 86) 4 4 Ó 10 INAL RERAIN - - fuge bb bb RERAIN VERSE 2 have been our. P have been our. P *PTINAL EXTENDED ENDING a temo RERAIN VERSE 3 *PTINAL EXTENDED ENDING a temo π π Note: This solo instrument art is comatible only if tional Extended Ending is used by accomanist(s). *The tional Extended Ending may be used an tro. Music: anèt Sullivan Whitaker, b. 158, 18, 1, anèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by CP. All rights reserved. 22240-Z3