Sing, O Sing. Chimes. Sing, O sing, like the wind and sea; let mu sic fill the

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2 INTRO: Choir tacet ( = ca. 108 )* 4 Chimes Dan Schutte (Timpani) VERSE 1: Chimes Soprano/Alto 1. Chimes Soprano/Alto Brightly Sing, O sing, like the wind and sea; let mu sic fill the 1. skies! Tenor/Bass 1. Lift your voice like the 1983, 1993, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. *Omit first 4 measures if timpani unavailable. Edition 9904-Z

3 1. thun d ring waves: let songs of praise a rise! 1. Praise God with drums and danc ing! 1. Praise God with flute and horn! Bless ed be our

4 Chimes S.A. 1. T.B. Organ God, Might y Lord of all! Ped.

5 VERSE 2: Unison a tempo 2. Night and day we an nounce your praise, O Lord of ev ry a tempo 2. land, give you thanks for the sun and stars, all

6 2. bless ings of your hand. Help er of 2. all who la bor, Com fort to all who mourn.

7 2. Praise to you, O God, Might y Lord of all! (Organ)

8 VERSE 3: Unison Powerfully a tempo 3. Might y Mas ter of rag ing storm, we Gt. Sw. a tempo 3. kneel be fore your pow r. Lov ing Lord of the

9 3. faith ful rain that makes the des ert flow r. 3. Giv er of song and sor row, Grow er of

10 3. ev ry seed. Praise to you, O God, Might y 3. Lord of all! Gt.

11 (Organ) molto VERSE 4: Descant Melody 4. Hear Manuals Slower ( = ca. 92 ) legato us, O Lord, we bless you this 4. Hear us, Lord of the sun and moon; we bless you night and

12 4. day. Guide us, O Lord, as we 4. day. Guide us, Lord, as we jour ney home; be 4. jour ney on our way. Spir it, 4. with us on our way. Spir it of

13 4. hear us, Pow er, God of rain. 4. field and for est, Pow er of snow and rain. 4. Praise be to you, O God, Lord of all! 4. Praise to you, O God, Might y Lord of all! pìu mosso pìu mosso pìu mosso

14 ( = ca. 104 ) VERSE 5: Majestic ( = ca. 92 ) Descant 5. Make Melody 5. Ped. us shine as we bless your Make us shine like the stars of night; we bless your ho ly Gt. + Sw. molto

15 5. name. Make love blaze; set our 5. name! Make our love like a blaz ing light; O 5. hearts a flame! Mas ter of 5. set our hearts a flame! Mas ter of

16 5. dawn, O Mak er of shin ing star. 5. Praise to you, O God, 5. dawn and dark ness, Mak er of shin ing star. 5. Praise be to you, O God, Might y Lord of Lord of

17 a tempo 5. all! a tempo 5. all! a tempo molto

18 CHIMES Dan Schutte INTRO: ( = ca. 108 ) 4 VERSE 1: Brightly VERSE 3: Tacet VERSE 5: Majestic ( = ca. 92 ) 3 2 VERSE 4: Tacet ( = ca. 104 ) ( = ca. 92 ) 3 VERSE 2: Tacet 4 23 20 16 8 Tpts. 3 molto 1983, 1993, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

19 a tempo Performance Notes This majestic hymn can be sung by the entire assembly and is most suitable as a closing piece or during the Communion Rite. It works especially well during the Easter season, but is certainly appropriate for other times of the year. The feel here is one of breadth and joyous majesty. This hymn names God as the One who continues to perform wondrous deeds for us. In turn, we ask the Master of Dawn and Darkness to make us more loving people. A conductor s score of this festival setting is available in manuscript form from the publisher, edition 7048, with sides for Flute I & II, B Trumpet I & II, French horn, Trombone, Timpani, Chimes, Violin I & II, and Contrabass. Please note that there are no sides for B Clarinet, Bassoon, Viola, and Cello, although their parts are within the conductor s score. D. S. 2 molto

20 B TRUMPET I & II Dan Schutte INTRO: Tacet ( = ca. 108 ) 12 VERSE 1: Tacet 22 VERSE 2: 12 4 3...Praise to you, our God, Might y Lord of all! II VERSE 4: Slower ( = ca. 92 ) 12 3 VERSE 3: I Powerfully a tempo...praise to You, our God, Might y Lord of 1983, 1993, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

21 ( = ca. 104 ) all! pìu mosso 3 3 3 a tempo 3 3 3 molto VERSE 5: Majestic ( = ca. 92 ) 2 3 molto 3

22 TIMPANI Dan Schutte INTRO: ( = ca. 108 ) 3 3 Tpts. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 VERSE 1: Brightly VERSE 2: VERSE 3: Powerfully a tempo Retune 20 1983, 1993, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

23 3 Tpt. molto 3 molto 3 3 3 3 3 VERSE 4: Retune ( = ca. 92 ) VERSE 5: Majestic ( = ca. 92 ) 3 3 3 16 a tempo 3 ( = ca. 104 ) 7 3 3 3 molto

24 Assembly Edition SING, O SING Dan Schutte 1. skies! 2. land, 3. pow r. 4. day. 5. name! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. praise a of your des ert on our hearts a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sing, Night Might Hear Make flute all ev snow shin O and y us, us and who ry and ing rise! hand. flow r. way. flame! sing, day Mas Lord shine Lift your voice like the thun give you thanks for the sun Lov ing Lord of the faith Guide us, Make our Lord, love as like we a jour blaz horn! mourn. seed. rain. star. like the wind and sea; let mu sic we an nounce your praise, O Lord of ter of rag ing storm, we kneel be of the sun and moon; we bless you like the stars of night; we bless your Praise God with drums and Help er of all who Giv Spir er it of of song field and and Mas ter of dawn and Bless ed be our God, Praise to Praise to Praise to Praise to you, O you, O you, O you, O God, God, God, God, d ring waves: and stars, ful rain ney home; ing light; danc la sor for dark Might Might Might Might Might 1987, 1989, 1992, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. y y y y y ing! bor, row, est, ness, Praise God Com Grow Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord let all that be O Pow Mak fill ev fore night ho of of of of of songs bless makes with set fort er er er the ry your and ly all! all! all! all! all! of ings the us our with to of of of