Jesus Shall Reign or I Know That My Redeemer Lives

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Jesus Shall Reign or Kno That My Redeemer Lives Edin T Chlds 425-401 Selah Publishing Co, nc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahpubcom (Or call 800-852-6172 in US Canada) T document is provided for revie purposes only t is illegal phocopy t music 2 saac Watts, Jesus Shall Reign saac Watts rote t paraphrase of second part of Psalm 72 for publication in Psalms of David, mitated in Language of Ne Testament (1719) First publisd ith eight stanzas, its title, Christ s Kingdom Among Gentiles, lyrics echoed groing contemporary aareness of non-estern orld t also anticipated missionary activity that folloed in ake of British imperial expansion Acclaimed as an early missionary hymn, it gained popularity especially in nineteenth century as estern Christians carried ir faith around orld Watts (1647 1748), a Dissenting clergyman, contributed immeasurably form corpus of English sacred song As a youth in Southampn, Engl, trained in rric classical prose shared ith far a taste for learning poetry an unusual facility ith ords Watts disliked psalm-singing in far s congregation, claiming observed a palpable dull indifference negligent thoughtless air as psalms ere sung n response, produced several alternatives that made him a pivotal figure in ry of Christian song Among se as Psalms of David containing imitations of 18 of 150 Psalms Watts differed ith many of contemporaries in insistence that Psalms did not offer adequate expression of Christian orship emotion Since Reformation, y had constituted principal corpus of English Christian song n Psalms of David, Watts set out give hat termed an evangelic turn bre sense accommodate book of Psalms Christian orship His Psalms of David offers precisely hat title indicates: not ne versifications of Psalms, but imitations Literary critic J R Watson notes in T English Hymn that Watts recast bre, as if psalmist ere riting in Christian era Watts often anglicized or esternized as ell as Christianized Psalms For example, second stanza of Jesus Shall Reign read: Behold sls ith ir Kings, And Europe r best tribute brings; From North South Princes meet To pay ir homage at feet American hymnals generally omit t as ell as Watts third seventh stanzas: Tre Persia glorious behold Tre ndia sts in Eastern Gold; And barbarous nations at ord Submit bo on ir Lord Wre displays aling poer Death curse are knon no more; n him tribes of Adam boast More blessings than ir far lost T first recorded American publication of Jesus Shall Reign came in 1741 in an edition of Watts Psalms of David publisd in Bosn for Jonathan Edards By end of century, Congregationalist Universalist hymnals had adopted hymn With nineteenth-century expansion of missionary enterprise, Jesus Shall Reign entered hymnals of most American denominations including, in 1841, hymnal of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Several tunes have been associated ith Watts majestic imitation of Psalm 72: GALLEE, ritten by Philip Armes, cadral organist at Chicster Durham (printed ith hymn in definitive Hymns Ancient Modern); WARRNGTON by a Presbyterian minister from Lancashire; TRURO, taken from Psalmodia Evangelica (1789); SAMSON, arranged from l s Orario; DUKE STREET, by John Hatn DUKE STREET first appeared anonymously in a 179 selection of tunes compiled by nry Boyd, a teacr of psalmody Boyd titled tune Addison s 19 th Psalm ( T Spacious Firmament on High ) n 1805, a collection of psalm hymn tunes compiled by W Dixon as publisd as Euphonia re tune as reprinted as DUKE STREET attributed John Hatn Hatn named it for a street in St lens, Merseyside, on hich once lived American hymnals generally set Jesus Shall Reign DUKE STREET Several American hymnals have added refrains Samuel Medley, Kno That My Redeemer Lives Medley s hymn is also often set DUKE STREET T lyrics illustrate Medley s penchant for repetition T hymn originally contained 6 lines, 2 of lines began ith same ords: Based on Job 19:25, t hymn interprets scriptures from bre Bible from perspective of Ne Testament faith Samuel Medley (178 1799) had a varied career before entering English Baptist ministry in 1767 T son of a schoolmaster, joined for revie only continued on p 10 T hymn arrangement is sponsored by nstitute for Study of American Evangelicals (SAE) at Wan College, Wan, L 60187, through a grant from T Lilly Endoment T SAE exists encourage support research on evangelical Christianity in North America

Jesus Shall Reign Wre er Sun or Kno That My Redeemer Lives SATB, organ, brass quintet, timp, opt cong saac Watts, 1719 Samuel Medley, 1775 Moderately, in 2 (h=54 64) Brass? 2 2 f J DUKE STREET, John Hatn, 179; setting by Edin T Childs 5? 10? A 16 f Choir + Cong Je - us kno shall that f Organ reign r - Re - J for revie only e er deem - er sun ; does O its suc - seet? A conducr s score ith instrumental parts is available separately (cat no 425-402) Copyright 2000 Selah Publishing Co, nc Kingsn, NY 12401 selahpubcom Printed in USA on recycled paper t is illegal phocopy t music

Jesus Shall Reign or Kno That My Redeemer Lives Edin T Chlds 425-401 Selah Publishing Co, nc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahpubcom (Or call 800-852-6172 in US Canada) T document is provided for revie purposes only t is illegal phocopy t music 4 21? 26? 1? ces - joy sive t shore once as more ad 4 Jesus Shall Reign/ Kno That 425-401 jour - sen - neys tence shore, dead; B run; gives! king - dom, till moons shall, TB unison + opt cong men f To him shall tri - ax ev - for revie only end - um - less phant spread, from ho er - J J prayer from be ane last - made, grave; no ing

7? end - less e - prais - ter - es nal - cron ly ẇ ad; save; name like ex - 5 42? 47? seet alt - per - ed, sac - church in ri - fume throned fice love shall & rise bove; C Man ith ev - SA unison + opt cong omen F Peo F - ple ery realms bless of me for revie only morn - rule ing J j ev - ith ery 5 ngue love,? dell on still love pleads ith for seet - me est song, bove; 425 401 Jesus Shall Reign/ Kno That 5

Jesus Shall Reign or Kno That My Redeemer Lives Edin T Chlds 425-401 Selah Publishing Co, nc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahpubcom (Or call 800-852-6172 in US Canada) T document is provided for revie purposes only t is illegal phocopy t music 6 58? 62? in -, fant n ir ear - ly n 67 D SA ΠF TB F? 71? Bless - Bless - ings, ings, ho Πho pris - oners still ill pris - still 6 Jesus Shall Reign/ Kno That 425-401 oners ill voic - hun - es gry n bless - lp n ings in bound kind, re ise, bound kind, re ise, on time shall soul of pro - Πre Name need e er con - stant for revie only leap keep me leap keep me e er con - lose stant ir lose ir claim feed; reigns; Friend; reigns; Friend; chains, end; chains, end;

75 7? Πe ry, find hile e - ter - nal ill rest, sing, e, ry find hile e - ter - nal ill rest, sing, 79?? 8? Je - all sus, ho Je - all sus, ho suf - Proph - suf - Proph -, fer et, fer et, J ant Priest ant Priest are are Brass blest King blest King for revie only j J 425 401 Jesus Shall Reign/ Kno That 7

Jesus Shall Reign or Kno That My Redeemer Lives Edin T Chlds 425-401 Selah Publishing Co, nc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahpubcom (Or call 800-852-6172 in US Canada) T document is provided for revie purposes only t is illegal phocopy t music 8 87? 9? Descant Choir + Cong Organ pe - pe - cu -, Ped liar 8 Jesus Shall Reign/ Kno That 425-401 E f Let f Let ev - ery, all f cu - liar, hon - Sav - ev - ery, all cre glo - - cre glo - hon - ors Sav - ior, ors ior, ture ry still still our our ture ry rise rise for revie only bring Name; bring Name; King; same; King; same;

97 Π9 an - hat gels joy an - hat gels joy de - de - scend blest scend blest ith as - ith as - songs sur - ance songs sur - ance gain, gives: gain, gives:? 101? Πearth kno earth kno re - that re - that rit peat peat Re - Re - rit loud deem - loud deem - er er men! men! for revie only U U U u 425 401 Jesus Shall Reign/ Kno That 9

Jesus Shall Reign or Kno That My Redeemer Lives Edin T Chlds 425-401 Selah Publishing Co, nc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahpubcom (Or call 800-852-6172 in US Canada) T document is provided for revie purposes only t is illegal phocopy t music 10 Royal Navy evade being apprenticed After being severely ounded in a battle ith French navy in 1759, Medley retired from active duty Soon afterard, one of saac Watts publisd sermons effected Medley s conversion joined a Baptist Church in London establisd a school, all hile preaching as a layman accepted first pasral call in 1767 n moved Liverpool in 1772 re spent last 27 years as pasr of a large congregation Medley rote most of hymns during pasrates Many first appeared in magazines or on individual sets of paper Books magazines remained beyond reach of many ordinary people of day, so sought ays make hymns available caply plentifully Medley s hymns gained popularity especially among English Baptists, several found acceptance in many denominations notably, Kno That My Redeemer Lives, Oh, Could Speak Matchless Worth, song Medley rote give thanks for conversion, Aake, My Soul, To Joyful Lays Kno That My Redeemer Lives first appeared in a hymnal anonymously in 1875 n it as included in 21 st edition of George Whitefield s Psalms Hymns, Extracted from Different Authors Kno That My Redeemer Lives has been publisd in North America since its first incorporation in a Baptist collection of 200 hymns publisd in Ne York in 179 n 1797, a Luran hymnal included Medley s text, by midnineteenth century, most American Protestant denominations incorporated t hymn in denominational hymnals Over years, especially in second half of 19 th century, various refrains appeared ith text, most often in non-denominational collections Edin T Childs Ed Childs (b 1945) is a native of Ne Hampshire studied composition ith Jack Goode at Wan College in llinois (BM), ith Wayne Barlo Samuel Adler at Eastman School of Music (PhD) has taught music ory composition at Philadelphia College of Bible, Biola University in California, currently teacs at Moody Bible nstitute in Chicago is an arranger composer of sacred secular choral, vocal, keyboard, instrumental orks Childs received llinois American Choral Direcrs Association Composition Aard for 1998 His music has been issued by several publisrs is a member of ASCAP for revie only