Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. tr. by Clarence A. Walworth, Allgemeines Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, ca A/D. œ. w. Œ w. . w.

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% VERSES %? INTRO (h = c 76) (no3)? p 1 Ho od, Hrk! loud 3 Ho F (no3) 1 3? bo Three /C be re e Ho od, We Pre Thy Nme Te eum ludmus; ttr to St Nicets, c 335 414; rosser ott, ir loben dich; tr scr to Ignz Frnz, 1719 1790; ROSSER OTT, 78 78 77 ith dditions tr by Clrence Wlorth, 180 1900 llgemeines Ktholches esngbuch, Vienn, c 1774 Bridge, Rick Modlin rrnged by Rick Modlin SMPLE e ce r, pre les Ho til fore e! ll on r ; Cher u nme e; While in /B Bm nme; hymn Son, / / erth bim es nd sence Lord n Ho of ll, gel choirs Spir scep Ser on ter e clim, phim, One, Bridge text nd music, nd th rrngement 01, Rick Modlin Publhed by Spirit & Song, divion of OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portlnd, OR 9713 ll rights reserved Prts for Solo Instrument in C (30114331), Solo Instrument in Bb (3011433), nd Solo Instrument in Eb (30114333) re vilble online Vit ocporg Edition 30130904

3?? 1 ll In 3 Un in un di 1 nite, hev ns 3 dor? ith, /C 1, Finl 1 reign 3 y 1, Finl (no3) hev n ces vid ed vst seet bend SMPLE do c cho od /C min, cord: knee, rus e Em7 /F Ev Ho While / dore e; pr ; clim e; /B er, e In Fill nd fi lst ho, ho on mys ter / sus4 S to Verse (Fine) S to Verse (Fine) Lord! (no3) Ho od, We Pre Thy Nme

4? BRIE?? Ho F f reign sus4 / SMPLE nme; ev Ho /B sus4 /F Hev n nd 1 nme! 1 /C erth pro clim: sus4 er /F nme! /C / /F you shll S l fine S l fine? Ho od, We Pre Thy Nme

Performnce Notes The vocl rrngement in th edition rittenin form designed to be flexible for groups of vry forces nd bilities s such, re no one right y to divide prts mong different voices Here re some possibilities: 5 BRIE Lord n Ho of gel Ho ll, choirs Spir e Option 1: Option : Option 3: (Tenor/Bss tcet) (Soprno/lto tcet) Soprno Soprno Tenor Tenor/Bss (one octve loer) SMPLE lto Tenor/Bss lto Bss lto ThreePrt texture: FourPrt texture: FivePrt texture: Soprno Soprno Bss (one octve loer) Soprno Britone (one octve loer) Tenor lto Tenor lto Bss (one octve loer) One possible performnce suggestion: Verse 1: ll voices in unon Verse : Soprno/lto (toprt) for first 16 mesures Tenor/Bss joins, doubl melody through end of verse Bridge (first pss): Threeprt textur Bridge (on repet): Fiveprt texture Verse 3: ll voices in unon for first 8 brs; n ith lto n hrmony prt through end Rick Modlin Ho od, We Pre Thy Nme

6 Ho od, We Pre Thy Nme (uitr/vocl) Te eum ludmus; ttr to St Nicets, c 335 414; rosser ott, ir loben dich; tr scr to Ignz Frnz, 1719 1790; ROSSER OTT, 78 78 77 ith dditions tr by Clrence Wlorth, 180 1900 llgemeines Ktholches esngbuch, Vienn, c 1774 Bridge, Rick Modlin rrnged by Rick Modlin % VERSES (no 3) Melody 1 3 Ho Hrk! Ho INTRO (h = c 76) (no 3) Hrmony (Kbd) od, loud F /C /B 1 3 bo Three be re e 1 ll in In un 3 Un di SMPLE e ce r, fore e! r ; nme e; hev n ces vid pre les Ho til Bm ll on Cher u While in ed / / nme; hymn Son, erth bim es nd sence Lord n Ho of gel scep Ser on /C /B cho od rus e dore pr clim e; ; e; ll, choirs Spir ter In Fill nd clim, phim, One, (let r) e fi Bridge text nd music, nd th rrngement 01, Rick Modlin Publhed by Spirit & Song, divion of OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portlnd, OR 9713 ll rights reserved

7 3 /C 1 nite, hev ns dor BRIE ith, 1, Finl (no 3) 1 reign 3 y (no 3) Lord! vst seet bend Ho sus4 reign /B Ho do c Em7 /F min, cord: knee, Ev Ho While er, e SMPLE /F Hev n sus4 nme; 1 /C nme! nd / / erth pro / lst ho on, ev er sus4 clim: sus4 ho mys ter S to Verse (let r) (Fine) you /F /C (let r) nme! / /F shll S l fine Ho od, We Pre Thy Nme

8 ssemb Edition HOLY O, WE PRISE THY NME ROSSER OTT rrnged by Rick Modlin Verses 1 Ho od, Hrk! loud 3 Ho F 1 Lord n 3 Ho 1 ll Cher 3 While 1 3 ll In Un 1 In Fill 3 nd SMPLE of ll, gel choirs Spir on u in 1 Ev Ho 3 While in un di e erth bim es hev n ces vid fi nite, hev ns dor er, e e ce r, nd sence ed ith, pre les Ho bo Three be re e scep Ser on til Text: 78 78 77 ith dditions; Te eum ludmus; ttr to St Nicets, c 335 414; rosser ott, ir loben dich; tr scr to Ignz Frnz, 1719 1790; tr by Clrence Wlorth, 180 1900 Music: llgemeines Ktholches esngbuch, Vienn, c 1774 Bridge text nd music, nd th rrngement 01, Rick Modlin Publhed by Spirit & Song, divion of OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portlnd, OR 9713 ll rights reserved cho od vst seet bend rus e ter do c nme; hymn Son, fore e! r ; nme e; clim, phim, One, dore e; pr ; clim e; min, cord: knee, lst reign (to Verse ) ho, ho Lord! (to Bridge) on mys ter y (Fine) (to Verse 3) Bridge Ho nme; ev er Hev n nd erth pro clim: Ho you shll reign nme! For reprint permsions, plese vit OneLicensenet or contct us t 18006631501