Jesus The Lord. for Assembly, Cantor, SATTBB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, and Guitar. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. jœ œ jœ. œ œ œ œ j œ. REFRAIN: All. a tempo.

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Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

I Seek Your Shelter. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ, œ

10510 The God Of All Grace R. Manalo SATB $1.25 USA. The God Of All Grace

Midnight Silence. composed for the 100th Anniversary of the Christmas Vigil Mass, The Summit Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio

Love Never Fails (D) (G) B b /D. œ. œ (D) œ Œ. love is kind, Ó. Œ œ. (F # sus4) A7sus4. œ œ œ œ œ œ. joy. (A) C. (C ) E b. . œ œ œ. joy.

Every Valley. be ex alt ed and ev ry hill made low. be ex alt ed and ev ry hill made low. And

SAMPLE. œ œ. w w. w w. wœ œ œ œ. Œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. 2 for Father Dave Gutmann and the people of Holy Trinity Parish, Beaverton, Oregon God So Loved

None of these pages may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

ST. THOMAS MORE CHORAL SERIES. Based on John 13:4 6, 8, E b. B b /D

VERSES: O And And And

God Of This City.

Without You A D /A A E 7(11) God, there is no peace, there is no hope, A maj7 D B m E /G

Gift of Heaven. œ œ. œ œ œ. j œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. (Asus4) (Am) Csus4 Cm. va - tion: œ œ

SAMPLE. P Œ œ œ œ. b b b. œ œ œ bœ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ bœ. Œ œ œ- & b b b. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ - œ. œ œ. œ œ bœ. œ œ. œ n. œ œ œ œ œ bœ.

dedicated with love to Zachary and Erin Hoyt Beloved (In the Love of Christ)

Sing, O Sing. Chimes. Sing, O sing, like the wind and sea; let mu sic fill the

The Seed That Falls On Good Ground. Assembly, Cantor, SAB or SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, and Solo Instrument

Hosanna To The Son Of David. Processional for Palm Sunday. Ho san na to the Son of Da vid! Ho san na! Ho san

On Eagle s Wings. dim. 1. bide in his shad ow for life, say to the Lord: My

SAMPLE IN EVERY AGE. b b. œ œ œ œ. œ b œ. j œ œ. j œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. . œ œ œ œ. œ œ. b œ œ œ b œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ moun - cast, use. J œ

Like A Shepherd. Assembly, Tenor Descant, Optional Bass Harmony, Keyboard, Guitar and Flute*

The Lisbon Carol A/D. œ œ œ œ. J œ œ œ. the of gi ing cre. an kings, from Star. cient yet the and tion - - œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ.

As We Sleep. Ryan Meeboer. Instrumentation:

Oh, When the Saints Medley. œ. Œ œ œ œ. saints go march - in. œ œ œ. œ œ j. This train is bound for glo -ry, . œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ œ.

Nothing Can Separate Us. G D/F # Bm7 A/C # œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ P Œ. Œ œ œ. Œ œ. Aadd9 E/G #

Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

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Original GLEE arrangement by ADAM ANDERS and PEER ASTROM Adapted for publication by ED LOJESKI

Jim Bryson Shaffer. To contact us: All That Is Within Me. or call (800) Rhythm section: The.



All Hail the Power of Jesus Name

He Is Lord. Words & music by Ben Fielding Arranged and orchestrated by Joel Mott. the popular recording from the Hillsong album This Is Our God

Excalibur. Ryan Meeboer. Instrumentation: Flute - 8 Oboe - 2 PREVIEW ONLY

In The Presence Of God. walk with the Lord. I will sing. I will walk in the pres ence of the Lord. I will sing of the

for my older brother, Dominador J. Manalo III Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Organ, Guitar, and Solo Instruments I & II in C Eb Eb /G œ œ œ œ

Traditional Basque Carol Translated by Sabine Baring-Gould ( ) 8 œ œ œ P. œ œ. J œ œ J œ œ œ. œ œ. œ.. œ. œ J œ œ œ. eyes hon - his and

From the State of Emptiness

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Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain Exodus 15 John of Damascus, c Translated by John M. Neale, , alt. Alto

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Waiting in Silence. œ œ. œ œ. si - lence,

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CONTENTS. Mass. LiTurgy Of The hours. hymns & songs

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Prelude and Celebration

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Wonderful Merciful Savior

How Marvelous (I Stand Amazed)

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Based on Jesus rayer; hil 2:5 11; Acts 17:28 Keyboard SAMLE for Assembly, Cantor, SATTBB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, and uitar *INTRO: Reverently, eacefully, ith assion ( q = ca. 56 ) Sorano/Melody Alto Tenor Bass.. j. j j. % π π % RERAIN: All π. Roc O Connor, SJ Choral Arrangement by Dan Schutte Keyboard Accomaniment by Rick Modlin j.... J j. j. j j j 1981, 199, Robert. O'Connor, SJ and OC ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. *An arrangement for Violin I II, Viola, and Cello I II is available in manuscrit form from ublisher Edition 7051. *An arrangement for Trumet I II, rench Horn I II, and Trombone I II is available in manuscrit form from ublisher Edition 7052. *These arrangements can be used toger. 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 OC ublications

2.... J.... J - SAMLE j j.... J.... J.... J Edition 9935-Z

3 Let all cre - a - tion bend. knee.. j SAMLE j. j. J to

Ó VERSES: Cantor.... J j.. 1. 2. 3. j In J him SAMLE e Though He live, Son, lived J. J. J J j e move he did o - be - J and have not cling dient- ly Ó. our to his j j j.

j 5 1. be - 2. god - 3. a - ing; li - r s ness; ill j in but ac - 2 SAMLE. 1. him 2. came 3. death on 1. 3. 3 a j a king! slave! tree!. j. j 2 2 suddenly quicker j him emcet - tied ing suddenly quicker j. 1, 2. 1, 2. Christ, him - self, his death, sloing sloing sus, sus, sus,. D.S. D.S. j j 3 3. j in be -. J j to inal Refrain to inal Refrain j j

6 INAL RERAIN: Descantπ Tenor Sorano/Melody π Alto Bass π π.. j j SAMLE j j........ - -

.. a - a - tion tion SAMLE bend bend........ knee knee.. Let Let all all cre - cre -.... j.. j. j.... J ale 7

8... SAMLE j. j to to.... J ale.. decresc. molto molto... π u ine ine

9 erformance Notes is a simle, loving reetition of Name. It is a rayer that can involve our hole body, our hole attention. The leader of music invites assembly to a full silence beforehand, to a reverent body osture ( eole could hold ir hands on ir las, alms oen), and to a ersonal rearation for a quiet, gentle ronouncing of Name. The instrumentalists calmly kee time, alloing eole time to brea and n to ronounce Jesus a second time over a longer eriod of time. The singing can sell a bit on let all creation bend, but should decrescendo on knee, to Lord a musical genuflection. As song continues, choir and assembly may add harmonies as y ill. The song ill robably gro in breadth and in volume during its course, becoming a strong assionate raise of A sensitive leader of music can determine hat seems right during iece itself. The key is to kno and remain close to contemlative core of rayer. orks ell as a meditation during Mass, at Washing of eet on Holy Thursday, at Veneration of Cross on ood riday, and at times hen situation calls for a thoughtful reflection on SAMLE This song offers fe difficulties to erformance at liturgies of any sort. Careful attention should be aid to establishing temo of iece from outset and maintaining it throughout. One indication of a good ace: re should be some difficulty in holding out all eight beats second time name Jesus is sung in each Refrain. Throughout song, guitarists should emloy technique called hammer on every time y encounter chords 2sus and Am7/.

10 Based on Jesus rayer; hil 2:5 11; Acts 17:28 (uitar/vocal) Roc O Connor, SJ Melody Descant INTRO: Reverently, eacefully, ith assion ( q = ca. 56 ) RERAIN: All Let 1 3 all 2sus cre - 2sus SAMLE C/ *( D7/ C/ Am7/ a - tion bend D/ Am7/ ) 2sus. knee Am7/ % π π Am7/ 2sus Am7/ to Ó / to Verses 1981, Robert. O'Connor, SJ and OC ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. *Chords in arenses may be added after Verse 2.

j 11 inal Am7/ Am7/ molto ine Em VERSES: Cantor 1. 2. 3. Bm 1. 2. 3. be - ing; god - li - a - r s 1. 2. 3. Bm king! slave! tree! j In ness; ill him SAMLE e Though He j in but ac - C Em7 sloing *Chords in arenses may be used in Verse 3. D live, Son, lived 2 Em suddenly quicker j him emcet - tied ing Am7 sus, sus, sus, Am7/ j j j Christ, him - self, his death, Em e move he did o - be - *( Dsus D D ) molto and have not cling dient - ly Em. in him be - came death on 3 our Am7/. a j a to his D.S. a,7\g c\g d7\g d7\g d\g g2;'; OR

12 Assembly Edition JESS THE LORD Roc O Connor, SJ Refrain Je Verse 1 Verse 2 Verse 3 2 SAMLE 1. him Christ, in him king! Je sus, 2. Though Son, he did not cling to 2. god li ness; but em tied him self, be 2. came a slave! Je sus, 3. He lived o be dient ly his 3 3. a r s ill ac cet ing his death, death 3. tree! Je sus, Je Let all cre 3 a tion bend knee to 1. In him e live, e move and have our be ing; In Text: Based on Jesus rayer; hil 2:5-11; Acts 17:28. Text and music 1981, Robert. O'Connor, SJ and OC ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. or rerint ermissions, lease visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. on to Refrain to Refrain a to Refrain