Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

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Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. Table of Contents

Celtic Mass Keyboard/Choral Edition

Glory to God 3 Mass of the Desert Tom Booth Choral arr. by Ed Bolduc

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MISSA PACEM. Penitential Act. heal the con - S, A, Assembly

None of these pages may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

in the high Fa ther, and

Spirit of God. Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar and Instruments (Solo Instrument, Harp, String Quartet, and optional C Instruments)

SAMPLE. P Œ œ œ œ. b b b. œ œ œ bœ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ bœ. Œ œ œ- & b b b. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ - œ. œ œ. œ œ bœ. œ œ. œ n. œ œ œ œ œ bœ.

Jesus The Lord. for Assembly, Cantor, SATTBB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, and Guitar. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. jœ œ jœ. œ œ œ œ j œ. REFRAIN: All. a tempo.

Love Never Fails (D) (G) B b /D. œ. œ (D) œ Œ. love is kind, Ó. Œ œ. (F # sus4) A7sus4. œ œ œ œ œ œ. joy. (A) C. (C ) E b. . œ œ œ. joy.

SAMPLE. Mass of Glory Keyboard Edition Ken Canedo and Bob Hurd. 2013, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR (503) ocp.

Commissioned by the Order of the Most Holy Trinity in celebration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Order

The Lisbon Carol A/D. œ œ œ œ. J œ œ œ. the of gi ing cre. an kings, from Star. cient yet the and tion - - œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ.

Evening Prayer. SATB a cappella. words by Thomas Ken ( ) music by Sheena Phillips

SAMPLE. œ œ. w w. w w. wœ œ œ œ. Œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. 2 for Father Dave Gutmann and the people of Holy Trinity Parish, Beaverton, Oregon God So Loved

Mass of Glory Keyboard/Choral Edition


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RING THE EASTER BELLS. for S.A.T.B. voices, accompanied, with opt. handbells* Preview Only. w w

Mass of God s Promise (Revised) Dan Schutte. Instruments

SAMPLE. Christmas Series. What Happened in Bethlehem that Cold Winter Night. Music by Steven Ottományi. Text by M.D. Ridge

28N6032E We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost / arr. Schubkegel SATB, congregation, organ, flute, and oboe. We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost

#21 Stand up and Bless the Lord. œ œ œ œ œ. up high is up. bless bove strength bless. and a - our and. choice; high, ours; dore; heart laud all forth

You Are Near. Dan Schutte. SSA Keyboard, Solo Instrument, Cello

Hail Mary: Gentle Woman/ Silent Night Medley G/A. . œ œ œ œ. A7sus4

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7


... In Endless Song. How Can I Keep From Singing. Robert Lowry. setting by Randall D. Standridge. 2 Trumpet 1. 3 Trumpet 2. 3 Trumpet 3.

Easter PPM01624 $2.90. Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today. Arr. Dennis R. Johnson DO NOT COPY. Choral Score (and optional congregation) paraclete press

Sample MARGARET RIZZA. Mass of Saint Benedict. a musical setting for Common Worship RSCM SERVICES

Praise the Holy Lamb of God!

Joel Martinson (Choral score) Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Hn. J œ œ œ œ œ œ. j œ. 8 5 Choir: (Women or Men) for review only. ni- mi- pax.


Gift of Heaven. œ œ. œ œ œ. j œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. (Asus4) (Am) Csus4 Cm. va - tion: œ œ


CONTENTS. Mass. LiTurgy Of The hours. hymns & songs

Here I Am, Lord. œ œ œ. j œ. Œ œ I I. sky, rain, flame, j œ. Œ œ œ œ. for them.

The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns. for Ricky Manalo, CSP. SATB Choir, Descant, and Keyboard. Greek translated by John Brownlie,

Book of Psalms ~ Volume 2

Hymn. Lift High. the Cross. Concertato Series. The. Words by George W. Kitchin rev. Michael R. Newbolt. The Tune CRUCIFER by Sydney H.

Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds Two-Part or SAB Choir and Organ, with opt. Congregation, Handbells (3 5 octaves), Brass Quintet, and Timpani.

I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Em7. œ œœœ. of the. God, Lord, power of flow'r. œ œ. seas with. Word, blow. His. or - dis - that are life

O God, You Search Me. SSAA Choir, Harp, and Solo Instrument. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ Œ œ œ. # # œ. œ j œ œ œ œ

We Are the Future by Paul Rardin

Praise Him. for 2 part choir + descant, with organ or piano accompaniment. (Optional brass parts available) Performance Notes:

Come, Jesus, Come. Holy Child Morning Star. Living Lord. King of kings. Carl P. Daw, Jr. Alfred V. Fedak. Come, Jesus, Come

What a Glorious Night!


10510 The God Of All Grace R. Manalo SATB $1.25 USA. The God Of All Grace

Glory to the Risen King

DO NOT COPY. Not Unto Us TERMS OF USE. Kurt J. Eggert. 28N6003E Not Unto Us / Eggert SATB, congregation, optional trumpet, organ

ROSE OF BETHLEHEM. for S.A.T.B. voices, opt. Cello, accompanied* œ œ œ. Preview Only. œ J. J œ. œ œ œ.

Traditional Basque Carol Translated by Sabine Baring-Gould ( ) 8 œ œ œ P. œ œ. J œ œ J œ œ œ. œ œ. œ.. œ. œ J œ œ œ. eyes hon - his and

Holy, Holy, Holy SATB divisi and Keyboard, with opt. Congregation, Brass Quintet, Timpani, or Full Orchestra


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SAMPLE IN EVERY AGE. b b. œ œ œ œ. œ b œ. j œ œ. j œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. . œ œ œ œ. œ œ. b œ œ œ b œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ moun - cast, use. J œ

Tom Gerou 12 of His Original Piano Solos

for the Evett family HIS UNRESISTNG LOVE mp dolce œ J œ œ œ œ w Œ œ J That œ œ n œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œnœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Preview Only. Ruth Elaine Schram

God Of This City.

Missa Nova. Service music for Christian worship. Composed by. Jeffry Hamilton Steele

Come, Holy Spirit. Jean Anne Shafferman. Words and Arrangement by 10/4627L SAB

Ave Maria. œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ j. j œ. n œ # œ œ. Lord is with. Sol m Gm

I Seek Your Shelter. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ, œ


O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair for SATB choir and organ

ST. THOMAS MORE CHORAL SERIES. Based on John 13:4 6, 8, E b. B b /D

FOREWORD. On this shining night, filled with awe and wonder God s gift of love comes down to earth, flooding the world with everlasting Light.

Wonderful Merciful Savior

Foreword. Contents. Companion Products


ChildrenSing the Classics

commissioned by the Salt Lake Vocal Artists underwritten by Crystal Tones Invocation for SATB, piano, and singing bowls* Say, Lord!

For the installation of the Rev. Lauren Dow Wegner as Associate Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church and School, River Forest, Illinois


From All That Dwell Below the Skies

I saw three ships. Trad. English carol arr. DAVID WILLCOCKS. Gaily. ships. saw Sa. come and. sail his Beth. ing la le. in dy, hem - - Christ.

Hosanna To The Son Of David. Processional for Palm Sunday. Ho san na to the Son of Da vid! Ho san na! Ho san

Angels We Have Heard On High

What Wondrous Love is This? Hymn Arrangements for Harp and Solo Instrument. Playable on Pedal and Lever Harps. Compiled and Arranged by

Community of Christ. Ó Œ œ Com - (Com) - (Com) - œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. will be done, live and cry. own, door sound done,

SAMPLE. Song of Farewell. & b b b 4 3 œ œ œ. & b b b. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ? Dan Schutte. INTRO Gently (h. = ca. 54) Keyboard

The Seed That Falls On Good Ground. Assembly, Cantor, SAB or SATB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, and Solo Instrument

In The Presence Of God. walk with the Lord. I will sing. I will walk in the pres ence of the Lord. I will sing of the

Calypso Cradle Carol Jill Gallina

Blessed Be the Lord. Canticle of Zechariah Assembly, Soloist, Two-Part Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Percussion and Violin

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Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain Exodus 15 John of Damascus, c Translated by John M. Neale, , alt. Alto

Hymn to a Blue Hour (2013) for trombone ensemble. John Mackey. commissioned by the Washington Trombone Ensemble

Palm Sunday 8:30 & 11:00

Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!

He Is Risen. j œ œ œ. j œ. j œ. - fraid, He is a -

All Praise to Thee. Volume 2. arr. Jason W. Krug. Reproducible! L2 and 3

SING WE THE SONG OF EMMANUEL (D / E / F Major) Words and Music by Matt Papa, Aaron Keyes,


Arise and Sing! 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR NPMShowcase-Cv.indd 1 4/24/15 8:27 AM


Mass o the Resurrection Keyoard/horal Edition Randall DeBruyn 2010, O 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213 (503) 281-1191 liturgy@ocorg ocorg Excerts rom the English translation o The Roman Missal 2010, International ommittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc (IEL), 1522 K Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D 20005-1202; the English translation o the Lenten osel Acclamation, some gosel verses, and some Alleluia verses rom Lectionary or Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Some Alleluia verses and some gosel verses rom Lectionary or Mass or se in the Dioceses o the nited States 1970, 1986, 1992, 1998, 2001, onraternity o hristian Doctrine, Inc (D), Washington, D All rights reserved sed ith ermission No ortion o this text may e reroduced ithout ermission in riting rom the coyright holder ulished ith the aroval o the ommittee on Divine Worshi, nited States onerence o atholic Bishos, 3211 ourth Street NE, Washington, D 20017-119; SBorg None o the ages in this ook may e reroduced in any ay ithout ritten ermission rom the ulisher Tale o ontents enitential Act ith Invocations lory to od 6 Alleluia 12 Lenten osel Acclamation 16 Eucharistic Acclamations Holy 20 We roclaim Your Death 22 When We Eat This Bread 2 Save s, Savior 26 Amen 27 Lam o od 28 Additional Mass art availale online; visit ocorg: Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison ed 30103096 The olloing arts or Solo Instrument in and B are availale online; visit ocorg: Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison ed 3010236 enitential Act ith Invocations ed 30102307 lory to od ed 30102366 Alleluia ed 30102368 Lenten osel Acclamation ed 30102370 Holy ed 30102372 Mass o the Resurrection Keyoard/horal Edition ed 30102309 Keyoard/Vocal Edition ed 30102306 uitar/vocal Edition ed 30102308 horal-only Edition ed 30102305 Revised Order o Mass ith Sulemental Mass Settings (Assemly editions) ed 30102300 Mass Settings Sulement D ed 30102299 Edition 30103097 SAMLE We roclaim Your Death ed 30102376 When We Eat This Bread ed 30102378 Save s, Savior ed 30102380 Amen ed 30102382 Lam o od ed 3010238


Keyoard m/d D(no3) riest/deacon/antor Ó mer - lé - i - cy son # ENITENTIAL AT WITH INVOATIONS You ere sent to heal the contrite o Dm Sorano/All Alto Tenor Bass Lord, Ky - ri - e, have e - SAMLE m mer - lé - i - m/d (q = ca 96) cy son u u u heart: # Dm riest/deacon/antor Lord, Ky - ri - e, have e - You came to call Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2007, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved sin - ners:

ENITENTIAL AT WITH INVOATIONS, cont (2) m6 hrist, hri - ste, B ma7 riest/deacon/antor have e - Dm mer - cy lé - i - son m6 All hrist, hri - ste, have e - Ó Asus You are seated at the right hand o the ather to inter - cede or us: mer - lé - i - n A # B cy son SAMLE All Lord, Ky - ri - e, have e - m Dm mer - lé - i - Dm A # mer - lé - i - A # cy son u # u Dm Lord, Ky - ri - e, m have e- D(no3) cy son u Ó u 5

LORY TO OD Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard 5 At a steady temo (q = ca 108) D Em Am7 earth eace, # eace 6 Dm7 Dm7/ to eo- le o good ill SAMLE /B lo - ry to od in the We Am7 D7 high - est, and on raise you, e # less you, e a - Am Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2007, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 6

LORY TO OD, cont (2) 10 1 Am7 dore you, e N Lord N N od, Dm7 glo - ri - y you, e # E # # heav - en - ly King, A7 # give you thanks or N SAMLE # O N Dm od, al - might - y Dm6 Am A your great # # Dm glo - ry, # # 6 D oco rit # a - ther oco rit oco rit u # 7

LORY TO OD, cont (3) 18 23 Lord m6 Am a temo a temo a temo e - sus # Lam o D7 od, # Dm7 hrist, m Son o the N m On - ly Be - got - ten SAMLE m7 a - ther, A 6 Son, B B E B E you take a - ay the sins E Lord od, m E A o the orld, have 8

28 E mer- cy on n A /A n 33 7 rayer; B us; you are D7 # # m/ m /A B you take a -ay the N seat - ed at the right hand o the SAMLE m/ m E A sins o the orld, re - m/ a - ther, have 7 sus N ceive N N m/ our mer - cy LORY TO OD, cont () m on N N 9

LORY TO OD, cont (5) 37 2 allargando us allargando N allargando or a temo a temo A Dm # you a - lone are the # /B you a - lone are the a temo N Most Am7 D7 Em # Ho - ly One, SAMLE High, # you Dm a - lone are the Dm e - sus hrist, ith the E Lord, # # # # # Descant Ó In the Ho - ly Sir-it, in the 10

LORY TO OD, cont (6) 6 glo - ry, the B glo - ry, the 51 rit A - rit A - rit rit / 7 glo - ry o od the a temo men a temo men a temo N glo - ry o od the a temo a - ther sus SAMLE /B a - ther Ó Ó Ó rit A - 6 A - / 7 rit rit men Am men N rit ƒ u 11

ALLELIA Keyoard Sorano INTRO Dancelike (h = ca 60) 3 3 Alto Tenor Bass Al - le - # al - le - lu - D # % % lu - ia, RERAIN: 1st time: antor, All reeat; thereater: All Descant (last time only) ia SAMLE al - le - Al - le - Al - le - - - lu - ia, - - - - - lu - ia, lu - ia, Dm7 al - le - al - le - al - le - sus lu - ia, lu - ia, Am - - lu - ia, - - - - - - Text: Some verses 1969, 1981, 1997, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Some verses 1970, 1986, 1992, 1998, 2001, D All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2007, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 12

ALLELIA, cont (2) rit last time 1 DS 2, inal to Verse (ine) al - le - lu - ia al - le - VERSES: antor A 1 2 3 1 2 3 Dm lu - ia, Blessed are you, Blessed is the The Word o od ecame Am earth; you have re - Lord: mong us To SAMLE B Am/ al - le - lu - ather, king ho lesh and rit last time ia rit last time rit last time 1 Al - le 1 DS - DS 2, inal to Verse (ine) u 2, inal to Verse (ine) Lord o heaven and o comes in the name o the made his delling a - vealed to little ones the glory to od in the highest and eace to od s those ho acceted him, he gave oer to ecome Dm/ mysteries o the eole on children o 3 3 13

ALLELIA, cont (3) 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 a temo (h = ca 60) king - earth od dom a temo (h = ca 60) Dm7/ Ordinary Time: A I am the ay, the / truth, and the \ lie, says the \ Lord; B no one comes to the ather ex/cet through \ me 5 A Whoever loves me ill / kee my \ ord, says the \ Lord, and my B ather ill love him and e ill / come to \ him 6 A I call you my / riends, \ says the \ Lord, or B I have made knon to you all that the / ather has \ told me 7 A May the ather o our Lord esus hrist en/lighten the \ eyes o our \ hearts, that e may B kno hat is the hoe that e/longs to our \ call 8 A Your ords, / Lord, are \ Sirit and \ lie; B you have the ords o ever/lasting \ lie 9 A I am the light o the / orld, \ says the \ Lord; ho- B ever ollos me ill have the / light o \ lie 10 A Seak, / Lord, your \ servant is \ listening B you have the ords o ever/lasting lie 11 A Your ord, O / Lord, is \ truth; \ consecrate us B / in the \ truth *12 A Oen our / hearts, O \ Lord, to \ listen to the B / ords o your \ Son **13 A My shee hear my / voice, says the \ Lord; I \ kno them and they B / ollo \ me ***1 A I e love one an/other, \ od remains in \ us and his B love is rought to er/ection in \ us 15 A Be / atchul and \ ready: you \ kno not hen the B Son o / Man is \ coming 16 A Be atchul, ray / constantly, that \ you may e \ orthy to B stand eore the / Son o \ Man *Also Holy amily **Also Easter Season ***Also Marriage Last Sundays in Ordinary Time SAMLE Dm7/ All Al - le - 7 DS al ine DS al ine *Additional verses (ed 30102935) or Advent, hristmastide, Eastertide, entecost, hrist the King, and various Solemnities and easts are availale ree o charge at ocorg 1


LENTEN OSEL ALAMATION Keyoard Alto raise INTRO Dancelike (h = ca 60) Dm7 Dm7 3 3 to % RERAIN: 1st time: antor, All reeat; thereater: All sus Dm7 Sorano Tenor Bass % sus glo - ry you, Lord SAMLE e - sus raise 7 to you, hrist, sus Lord King o e - sus Dm7 Dm7 end - less hrist, Text: Rerain and some verses 1969, 1981, 1997, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Some verses 1970, 1986, 1992, 1998, 2001, D All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2007, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 16

LENTEN OSEL ALAMATION, cont (2) King VERSES: antor A B 1 2 3 Ó Am/ 1 2 3 o Dm end - less Even no, rom the shining Lord, you are heart; or I am Son, ater that I may never 6 says the cloud the truly the gracious and listen to thirst a - sus rit last time glo - SAMLE 3 3 3 rit last time rit last time 1 ry 1 Lord, re - ather s voice is Savior o the a temo (h = ca 60) mer - ci - ul him gain a temo (h = ca 60) Dm7/ Am DS DS 2, inal ry u 2, inal to Verse (ine) to Verse (ine) turn to me ith your hole heard: This is my eloved orld; give me living Dm7/ DS al ine DS al ine 17

LENTEN OSEL ALAMATION, cont (3) Additional Lenten Verses: A od so loved the / orld that he \ gave his only \ Son, so that B everyone ho elieves in him might have e/ternal \ lie 5 A I ill get / u and \ go to my \ ather and shall say to him B ather, I have sinned against / heaven and against \ you 6 A I am the resur/rection and the \ lie, says the \ Lord; hoever e- B lieves in me, even i he / dies, ill never \ die 7 A I am the / light o the \ orld, says the \ Lord; hoever B ollos me ill have the / light o \ lie 8 A Whoever serves me must / ollo \ me, says the \ Lord; and here I B am, there also ill my / servant \ e 9 A Behold, I am the / handmaid o the \ Lord \ May it e B done to me ac/cording to your \ ord 10 A One does not / live on \ read a\lone, ut on every B ord that comes orth rom the / mouth o \ od 11 A Reent, / says the \ Lord; the \ kingdom o B heaven / is at \ hand 12 A I today you / hear his \ voice, \ harden B / not your \ hearts Holy Thursday: 1 A I give you a / ne com\mandment, says the \ Lord: B love one another as / I have loved \ you SAMLE 18


HOLY Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard hosts At a steady temo (q = ca 108) 7 Ho - ly, Ho - ly, # Heav-en and earth are # # Dm7 SAMLE A7 # Ho - ly Dm Dm7 N ull o your glo - ry N Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2009, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved Am /D D7 Lord od o # 2 2 2 2 # Ho - 20

Descant (2nd time only) Ó Ho - san - na, ho - Bless - ed is he ho Am san - na, ho - Am 7 san - na, ho - SAMLE san - na sus san - na in the comes in the name o the in the high - est sus () high - est () () u u () () u () (ine) (ine) (ine) Lord Ho - HOLY, cont (2) 21

WE ROLAIM YOR DEATH Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard At a steady temo (q = ca 108) sus 7 Descant We ro - claim and ro - Dm7 death, O Lord, and ro - SAMLE ess Res - ur - ess your Res - ur - We ro - claim your rec - tion, rec - tion un - Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2009, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 22

WE ROLAIM YOR DEATH, cont (2) rit you come a - gain, you come a - gain til you come a - N Em7 gain, un - Am Am/ SAMLE Dm7 / 7 rit til you come a - rit rit gain u u 23

WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard Descant At a steady temo (q = ca 108) When e eat and Bread and drink drink SAMLE this When e eat this this u, u, e ro - Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2009, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 2

WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD, cont (2) rit O Lord, you come a - gain Dm7 claim your Death, O Lord, un - SAMLE sus rit til you come a - rit rit gain u u 25

SAVE S, SAVIOR Descant At a steady temo (q = ca 108) Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard ross and Res - ur - Ó sus / 7 you 7 Am Dm7 have rec - tion you have set us SAMLE Save us, Sav- ior o the orld, or y your Dm7 # set us ree, E ree, # # Save us, rit have set us Am Dm7 rit you have set rit rit us ree ree u u Text 2010, IEL All rights reserved sed ith ermission Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2007, 2009, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 26

AMEN Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard Descant At a steady temo (q = ca 108) 7 A - Am /D D7 a - # # men, men, SAMLE A - men, rit a - Dm7 a - men, / 7 rit a - rit rit men sus men u u u Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2009, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 27

LAMB O OD Sorano Alto Tenor Bass Keyoard Esressivo (q = ca 72) take a - ay the sins o the Am sus SAMLE ma7 oco rit oco rit oco rit orld, have mer - cy on D7 # # a temo Lam o od, you sus us a temo a temo / N Music: Mass o the Resurrection; Randall DeBruyn, 197, 2002, 2007, Randall DeBruyn ulished y O All rights reserved 28

LAMB O OD, cont (2) % /E Am 7 ma7 *to oda i Lam *(rince o o od, eace,) you % D7 us # N # N take a - ay the sins o the Descant *DS *DS *DS SAMLE Lam o od, you Lam o od, you orld, have mer - cy on *to oda i take the sins o the take a - ay the sins o the # Am # *or a more extended raction rite, reeat this section as needed using other invocations (eg Bread o Lie, Word made lesh, Son o od, etc), then roceed to oda 29

LAMB O OD, cont (3) rit ine orld, A/ # orld, N # N # i ODA D7 us # # E7 # grant Dm/ rit grant N us us rit rit A7 # N N 7 SAMLE # Descant # # # # # # # # # # eace eace u u ine ine Lam o od, you D Lam o od, you 30

LAMB O OD, cont () # # rit take the sins o the orld, grant us eace # # # # # # # # A take a-ay the sins o the # Bm # B/A SAMLE # orld, N # N # Em/ rit grant N us rit rit N A7 D eace u u 31