O Beauty, Ever Ancient. for Bob Leiweke, S.J. Assembly, SAB Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, Violin, and Cello. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ.

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Grateful Hymn of Praise

Thanks for purchasing a downloadable anthem from LifeWay.com!


Performance Suggestions

DO NOT COPY. Not Unto Us TERMS OF USE. Kurt J. Eggert. 28N6003E Not Unto Us / Eggert SATB, congregation, optional trumpet, organ

EXSULTET. Re joice and sing now, all the round earth, bright with a glo ri ous splen dor,

CONTENTS. Mass. LiTurgy Of The hours. hymns & songs

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7

1st time: Cantor, All repeat; thereafter: All. love, his love, the Lord. his word the heav ns were made, by the. are hap py whose God is the Lord, the

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our con draw sing God, front near praise now now Am7 in full that of the to well long Life, we to the Rend On Who way. grace. truth.

Original GLEE arrangement by ADAM ANDERS and PEER ASTROM Adapted for publication by ED LOJESKI

A CHRISTMAS CANTICLE. œ. œ. œ œ œ. Preview Only. legato


Ave Maria. œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ j. j œ. n œ # œ œ. Lord is with. Sol m Gm

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A Place In the Choir

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Performance Suggestions

ROSE OF BETHLEHEM. for S.A.T.B. voices, opt. Cello, accompanied* œ œ œ. Preview Only. œ J. J œ. œ œ œ.

Performance Suggestions

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty q = 135 Driving

God Alone Be Praised for SAB chorus, piano, violin*, and assembly


for Bob Leiweke, S Based on a prayer from The onfessions of St Auguste Keyboard Assembly, SAB hoir, Descant, Keyboard, uitar, Viol, and ello NTRO (q = ca 88) Roc O onnor, S Arranged by Tony Ward 200, Robert F O onnor, S Published by OP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved D 7 From the collection MORNN LHT Songbook 12790 ompact Disc 12791 5536 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 OP Publications 180058879 ocporg

2 % VERSES Descant % Soprano Alto P F P F 5 Baritone % Oh, My This n had un cre had r wan dered far, per ceiv g that walked road a love at wan love lone Yet 5 ; thgs,, lone true; thgs see Yet by from r r li ness ed world dered far, li ness is per called, shone, seek fash love called, grace loved, ran glo ceiv made from, rious, g me, oh, yet that to r g crea tures, flee g ioned as a path way; yet li ness be hd all, fd the shone, summoned, and re newed me; let me seek could walked god not see road ly im all with a age summoned, and drew spir it D grief and pa with lost self iv er the drew live spir life it home them gift home! Edition 2012Z

3 O REFRAN Beau ty, ev er an cient, O Beau ty, ev er 2 2 2 2 mir ror of life re Bm! Am /B newed, let me n F n n F/ n new:, the Am/ Am fd life U DS ( ) (Fe) u ( ) ẇw U ( ) ( U) DS (Fe)

Based on a prayer from The onfessions of St Auguste NTRO (q = ca 88) (Keyboard) % VERSES P F P F 5 5 Oh, My This n un cre had r ; thgs,, lone true; thgs see Yet by O love at wan love from r r li ed dered li ness world far, ness is per D loved, ran from, glo rious, ceiv g made me, seek g crea tures, fashioneli as a path way; ness love be hd all, called, shone, summonednewed grace re me; REFRAN Beau Bm ty, ev er D an cient, 2 mir ror of for Bob Leiweke, S (uitar/vocal) life re O oh, yet that flee g yet fd the and let me Am to r 7 seek could walked god not ly grief lost and pa self iv drew live er spir life /B Beau ty, ev er F F/ newed, let me Roc O onnor, S Am/ see road im all with a age with them the gift it home! Am new:, the fd life (U) DS (Fe)! 200, Robert F O onnor, S Published by OP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved

VOLN (FDDLE*) Roc O onnor, S Arranged by Adam LaMotte 5 NTRO (q = ca 88) p w w % VERSES 13 VERSE 2: Tacet 2 VERSE fd life 8 REFRAN 2 5 w 8 REFRAN p VERSE 5 Let me fd P 2 5 1, 2 DS 3 FNAL REFRAN F 2 n U 200, Robert F O onnor, S Published by OP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved *A fiddle is a viol outfitted with steel strgs and a flatter bridge

6 ELLO Roc O onnor, S NTRO (q = ca 88) w w REFRAN (Tacet 2nd time) 7 % VERSES 13 VERSE 2: Tacet π w w w w w p n VERSE 1, 2 2 DS 2 REFRAN 8 w 2 2 n 3 w 2 (U) (Fe) VERSE 5 w w w w w 200, Robert F O onnor, S Published by OP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved

Performance Notes magery/meang based this song on the muchloved prayer by Sat Auguste (35 30) that comes from his onfessions (ca 00) and sums up his ourney toward conversion to hrist: Late loved thee, O Beauty, ever ancient, O Beauty, ever new; loved thee t is a profound recognition of the person s quest to encounter od n some ways, it is a prayer that can only be truly uttered by people who lived long enough, suffered enough, and come to understand that conversion to hrist is a long and arduous process of attraction and aversion Yet its appeal seems to go far beyond veterans of the spiritual life Highlights Dependg on the liturgical situation, the song may be terpreted a number of ways t could reflect haltg recognition and petition for od s guidance, oyful acceptance of one s path toward od, or repentance and deeper acceptance of the ospel Any of these could serve as authentic terpretation of the piece The liturgical use will determe whether the piece is a solo, a communal song or some other variation recommend cludg assembly sgg, at least on the refras, after the fal verses Verses one and two center upon the experience of the one prayg, sayg, been caught up the attractions and distractions of life lost self them because fled pa and sufferg Here, the one prayg offers a hopeful recognition of od s fidelity t ends with a petition that od reveal the truth and meang of life Still, the person s focus remas on personal experience Verse three begs to become more relational as the one prayg addresses od from the experience of beg lost the glorious world: could not recognize as the giver of all wonder was so enamored of it all! The refra becomes more poignant as the one prayg reaches out, strag to fd life od Verse four takes this all a step further and acknowledges that od has been active with the person s wandergs Much like the prodigal son comg to his senses, the one prayg discovers that amid the longg for home and wholeness, od was present all the time Here, the refra begs to take on a character of praise and oyful acknowledgment of the dive fidelity Verse five is a hymn of praise to the creator and redeemer, the one who saved and sanctified the life of the ones prayg n the same way, the refra is a paean of praise that leads to the recognition of one s contued dependence on the guidg grace of od Performance Suggestions The whole piece should build throughout A soloist for verse one might o a small group of sgers for verse two Verses three and four might be divided between men and women sgers Verse five should she with oyful sgg by all Liturgical Usage The liturgical usage could determe when or if the assembly sgs ust because the song is the reflection of a sgle soul should not limit its use to a soloist s renderg of the song ertaly an assembly could (and should) be welcomed to o on the refras, possibly even the last verses This song would serve well as a ommunion reflection piece, at the begng of a retreat or day of recollection, communal reconciliation service, Lenten liturgies and anniversaries of marriage and religious vows Also, the worshipg community might connect with themes of timacy, growth, conversion and maturation by usg this song Roc O onnor, S 7

8 Assembly Edition O BEAUTY, EVER ANENT Verses Oh, My This 5 n seek could walked 5 god 5 un cre had r not see road ly im love at wan love all with a age crea tures, path way; hd all, sum moned, newed me; flee yet fd and let g the me li ness ed world dered far, li ness is per ; thgs,, lone true; grief lost iv drew live from thgs see r Yet by r Roc O onnor, S loved ran glo ceiv made, from, rious, g me, oh, yet Text: Based on a prayer from The onfessions of St Auguste Text and music 200, Robert F O onnor, S Published by OP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 All rights reserved that seek g fash ioned love li called, grace as ness shone, and pa with self them er spir the it gift home life! to r a be re Refra O Beau ty, ev er an cient, O Beau ty, ev er 2 new:, the fd life mir ror of! life re 2 newed, For reprt permissions, please visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1800663150 let me