Infant Holy. Gm/F F/C. p œ. Glo-ri - a. ly, ing ble ber; low - keep - sta - slum -

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2 Verses 1, 2 translated y Edith M. Reed Verses 3, 4 y Dan Schutte W ZLOBIE LIEZY Arranged y Dan Schutte Keyoard VERSES Descant Soprano Alto p P f In locks As Wake Baritone / re 4 3 4 3 p Glo ri a! ho sleep j spir ney its in shepto herds ir Gm/ / Glori a! low keep sta slum Gm/ le er; h ed a vig il till like men send dark ness B Glori a /A B cat tle morninlong st new, on a its go, way. Mical arrangement text verses 3 4 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Pulhed y OP Pulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. s4 De o! Ox en saw are ill s4 Edition12805Z

3 Glo ri a! Glo ri a! Glo ri a De o! low glo hop hearts lit heard to joy tle d Al le lu ia! w joic l an come gels an free at all n B G/B know sto cov won Gm/ er der hrt tid s what se on th gels s sor th man around j n Al le lu ia! row, ger, ; # ae pil less a grims ed gos pel came to hrtm /A B no lls pra es r voic k shep herd, grace less A/# # j Al le lu ia tid greet friend now s sur Gm/ true. know. day. s4 Swift ly Th re All are Songs /A De o! r mor strang round s4 : row: er.. hrt hrt hrt hrt e

4 lt time. Al le lu ia! Glo ri a! Al le lu ia! ae ae ae orn /A B hrt hrt hrt hrt Gm/ / ae ae ae ae ae ae e B lt time orn lt time /A B lt time 13 s4. orn s4.. inal s4 7 / U. U..

Verses 1, 2 translated y Edith M. Reed Verses 3, 4 y Dan Schutte (Guitar/Vocal) W ZLOBIE LIEZY Arranged y Dan Schutte 5 VERSES apo 3: p In Pf locks As Wake Ox saw ill B en are / 4 3 p re (Keyoard) ho sleep j spir ney its in shepto low glo hop hearts (E/G#) G/B w joic l an (D/#) /A ae ae ae come gels B an free at all orn gels th a lit heard to joy tle d herds ir Gm/ Gm/ Gm/ / low keep sta slum le er; know sto cov won er der (#/A#) A/ # s sor man round (Bm) row, ger, ; hrt hrt hrt hrt h vig il like send (D/#) /A B (D/#) /A hrt ae tid s what se pil a grims on th less ed no lls pra es k grace e (D/#) /A (Bm) B ed a till men dark ness B Gm/ r voic shep herd, less B lt time ae ae ae orn tid greet friend now gos pel came to hrtm s sur (Ds4) s4. cat tle morninlong a on its (As4) s4 (Ds4) s4 st new, go, way. (Ds4) (D/#) s4 /A (As4) s4 true. know. day. Swift ly Th re All are Songs r mor strang round : row: er.. hrt hrt hrt hrt / e (Keyoard) Gm/ / B 13 (As4) s4 inal (As4) s4 (A7) 7 U. Mical arrangement text verses 3 4 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Pulhed y OP Pulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

6 LUTE I II Traditional Polh Melody Arranged y Dan Schutte I II 4 3 VERSES 14 lt time 13 lt time. inal Th arrangement 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Pulhed y OP Pulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Permance Notes Th amazly eautiful carol W ZLOBIE LIEZY comes Polh tradition. Two new verses have een added to exp imagery lengn piece. In its original m it very rief. With added verses, it works ll an semly hymn or a choral piece. It could also e ed dur preparation gifts, or part a hrtm choral program. U. u As heard on record ackone accompaniment a woodwind quartet. Parts flutes, ooe, soon are in Instrument Packet (OP 70428). The parts could also e played y a str quartet, or rs quartet. A keyoard part provided so that it can e done out instruments, if none are availale. Dynamical it might e helpful to study phres each verse note how y grow develop. The short phres found in second half each verse are most effective when sers allow m to crescendo one to next, n final climax in line hrt ae Also, it helps when repeat th lt phre quieter gentler than first time it sung. Dan Schutte

OBOE Traditional Polh Melody Arranged y Dan Schutte 7 4 3 VERSES 14 13 lt time inal U. Th arrangement 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Pulhed y OP Pulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. BASSOON 3 4 # Traditional Polh Melody Arranged y Dan Schutte VERSES 14 n lt time. 13 inal U. Th arrangement 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Pulhed y OP Pulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

8 Assemly Edition INANT HOLY 4 3 In locks As Wake st new, go, way. re Ox saw ill ho sleep j ney spir its en are ae pil less a grims ed Text: Vss. 1, 2 tr. y Edith M. Reed; Vss. 3, 4 y Daniel L. Schutte, 2002, Daniel L. Schutte. Pulhed y OP Pulications, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. W ZLOBIE LIEZY in low h ed a cat tle shepherdto sta le like melong a keep vig il till morn ir slumer; send darkness on its low glo hop hearts gos pel came to hrtm no lls pra es r voic k shep herd, grace less hrt hrt hrt hrt true. know. day. e tid greet friend now ae ae ae lit heard to joy tle d know sto cov won Swift ly w Th re joic All are l come Songs an gels er der s r : hrt ae mor row: hrt ae strang er. hrt ae sur round. hrt e orn. hrt tid what on s se th an gels s free at th sor row, man ger, all around ; orn or reprint permsions, plee vit or contact at 1800663150 3