œ œ œ œ œ œ œ seal on your 2003, Matt Maher. Published by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR All rights reserved.

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ONTEMPORRY SONS OF FITH Keybord SMPLE From collection Welcome to Life Songbook #12156, ompct isc #12051 Text bed on Song of Songs INTRO (q = c 120) 4 3 4 3 / % REFRIN Melody (mle voice) *Hrmony (femle voice) % Set / me / / / / sus4 sus4 sel on your sus4 hert / # sus4 sus4 Words nd Music by Mtt Mher Keybord ccompniment by Ed Bolduc Set me *Hrmony tcet first time 2003, Mtt Mher Published by OP Publictions, 5536 NE Hslo, Portlnd, OR 97213 ll rights reserved division of OP Publictions 5536 NE Hslo Portlnd OR 97213 8005488749 wwwocporg

2 love, /F # flme, J un - yield-ing sel on your SMPLE 7 7/ to od fi dd9/ to od fi grve soul J For J 3 strong deth is Noth - ing dd9 3 1 flme 1 /

3 / sus4 sus4 / VERSE 1 Femle / Kiss g # # dd9 sus4 me, /F # lips SMPLE sus4 love, tht your sus4 S S 2, 3 flme 2, 3 nme be You in - on ( ) to Verses ( ) to Verses ( ) tox - i - cte n n

4 /B pres - ence be - º/B b b b - re, dr - Melody ing with N SMPLE n Mle How - - ling Hrmony Show me n sweet dew g n n n your fr - grnce g beu - ti - dd9 g fce, let me /B in of /F # ful /F # your her your voice, sus4 b you er - ly morn, º/B b b b b

5 N VERSE 2 Femle J N n I looked dd9 looked dd9 ~~~~~ like for for Serched through night g n n n li - ly g -mong /F # SMPLE you, /F # you, but did not /B un - til I thorns one hert find you sus4 - rest - ed in your º/B b b b b n loves; N - - - S S I 7/ sight N n Now I /

6 nev - er g hert, /F # glnce of your sus4 hon - ey let /F # you sis - ter, go dd9 - SMPLE eyes N N n J toger My hnds, bride; - g Mle use you hve - - you ve Your lips g n n n so sto - len dd9 g /B y drip with /F # - g sweet, rrh - sto - len g hert with one - dorned with º/B b b b b S l od N S l od

7 fi O sus4 SMPLE / flme flme, / / / / J sus4 sus4 U g U sus4

8 Text bed on Song of Songs Set Me s Sel (uitr/vocl) Words nd Music by Mtt Mher INTRO (q = c 120) 4 3 / sus4 / # / sus4 sus4 SMPLE % REFRIN sus4 / Melody (mle voice) *Hrmony (femle voice) Set / / me / hert strong 1 flme 3 Set me 3 J deth is / /F # love, flme, / un - yield- ing dd9/ 7 sel on your 7/ to od fi grve sus4 sel on your soul dd9 Noth - ing sus4 sus4 J For / / sus4 sus4 2, 3 S flme to Verses ( ) 2003, Mtt Mher Published by OP Publictions, 5536 NE Hslo, Portlnd, OR 97213 ll rights reserved *Hrmony tcet first time

9 VERSE 1 dd9 Femle Melody Kiss º/B b be - Mle How /F # me, lips love, tht your SMPLE sus4 ing Show me your Hrmony n sweet dew with dd9 beu - ti - You in - fr - grnce /F # ful fce, let me /B in /F # you nme be tox - i - cte /F # of your her º/B b on /B re, dr - your voice, sus4 b er - ly morn, N pres - ence J ling like S li - ly - mong thorns

10 VERSE 2 Femle I dd9 looked dd9 looked for for Serched through nev - er /F # hert, sus4 glnce of your hon - ey night /F # let you /F # you, SMPLE you, /B dd9 but did not un - til go sis - ter, eyes toger My hnds, I one hert sus4 find º/B b you rest - ed in your Mle use you hve dd9 bride; you ve Your lips /F # so y drip with sto - len /B sweet, rrh loves; 7/ / sight Now I º/B b I sto - len hert with N -dorned one with S l od

11 fi O SMPLE / sus4 \c+ ( / flme / flme, / sus4 uitr hord hrts \d bμå 9 ( b,7\ e,[[9 g\b gº\b_ g[[9 d\f+ / sus4 U sus4

12 ssembly Edition SET ME S SEL Mtt Mher Refrin 3 4 Set me sel on your Verse 1 soul grve sel on your SMPLE Finl flme Kiss me, love, tht your nme be on lips You intoxicte being with frgrnce of your presence How beutiful you re, drling Show me your fce, let me her your voice, sweet dew in erly morn, like lily mong thorns (to Refrin) Text bed on Song of Songs Text nd music 2003, Mtt Mher Published by OP Publictions, 5536 NE Hslo, Portlnd, OR 97213 ll rights reserved For strong deth is Noth - ing 1-3 hert 3 Set me love, un-yield-ing flme noth-ing flme, flme Verse 2 I looked for you, one hert loves; I looked for you, but did not find you Serched through night until I rested in your sight Now I never let you go use you hve stolen hert, sister, bride; you ve stolen hert with one glnce of your eyes Your lips so sweet, dorned with honey My hnds, y drip with rrh (to Refrin) 1st: to Refrin 2nd, 3rd: to Verses For reprint permissions, plee visit OneLicensenet or contct us t 1-800-663-150