Mass of Glory Keyboard/Choral Edition

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NO Glory To God during ADVENT!!! Music for 1st Sunday Advent: December 1, 2013 Music for 2nd Sunday Advent: December 8, 2013

CONTENTS. Mass. LiTurgy Of The hours. hymns & songs

Reproducible Part for Congregation and Choir

PREVIEW. O Come, My Soul, Sing Praise to God. Edited by Pearl Shangkuan and John Witvliet CALVIN


Mass Gloy Keyoad/Choal Edition Ken Canedo and Bo Hud 201, OCP 556 NE Hassalo, Potland, OR 9721 (50) 2811191 litugy@ocpog ocpog Excepts fom English tanslation The Roman Missal 2010, Intenational Commission on English in Litugy Copoation (ICEL), 1100 Connecticut Ave NW, Ste 710, Washington, DC 20064101; English tanslation Lenten Gospel Acclamation (efain and veses) and some Alleluia veses fom Lectionay fo Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Pulished with appoval Committee on Divine Woship, nited States Confeence Catholic Bishops, 211 outh Steet NE, Washington, DC 200171194; SCCBog None pages in this ook may e epoduced in any way without witten pemission fom pulishe Tale Contents Penitential Act with Invocations 4 Gloy to God 6 Alleluia! Give Gloy (Gospel Acclamation/Gaing) 14 Lenten Gospel Acclamation 22 Euchaistic Acclamations Holy 27 We Poclaim You Death 0 When We Eat This Bead 2 Save s, Savio 4 Doxology 6 Amen 7 Lam God 8 The following Solo Instument pats in C and Bf ae availale online; visit ocpog: Penitential Act with Invocations ed 0106669 Gloy to God ed 0100707 Alleluia! Give Gloy ed 92855 Holy ed 0102479 We Poclaim You Death ed 010248 When We Eat This Bead ed 0102481 Save s, Savio ed 0102485 Amen ed 92889 Lam God ed 011471 Solo Instument packages fo entie Mass ae availale online; visit ocpog: Solo Instument pats in C ed 0114755 Solo Instument pats in Bf ed 0114754 Solo Instument pats in C and Bf ed 0114994 Additional evised Mass pats availale online; visit ocpog: Kyie, Eleison ed 0102760 Alleluia! Give Gloy Seasonal Gospel Veses Advent, Chistmastide, Eastetide ed 0102761 Lenten Gospel Acclamation Holy Week Veses ed 0102762 Peface Dialogue ed 0102759 Mass Gloy Keyoad/Choal Edition ed 0114750 Keyoad/Vocal Edition ed 0114751 Guita/Vocal Edition ed 0114752 Choalonly Edition ed 011475 Mass Settings Supplement CD (Gloy to God, Holy and Memoial Acclamations) ed 0102299 o epintale Assemly Editions, please visit OneLicensenet Edition 01152

Penitential Act with Invocations Melody (h = ca 54) 2 D Piest/Deacon/Canto G/D D G/D D Piano 1 2 G/D D me cy me cy 2 2 1 2 You You wee sent came w w Gma7 m7 Sopano/All Alto Teno Bass Lod, Chist, have have to heal con to call 7 me cy me cy tite sin w 7/A on on heat: nes: D w us us w G/D Lod, Chist, Text: Invocations 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Dominic MacAlle, 1959; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1991, 2009, Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved w D have have 4

PENITENTIAL ACT WITH INVOCATIONS, cont (2) Gma7 Piest/Deacon/Canto You E7 ae seat ed at w w cede fo us: G/D me cy D D/ G N Gma7 All Lod, A/G ight hand w m7 have D Lod, 7 G/D have me cy Bm a w w D me cy G/D 7/A on G/D w us w w w w Bm7 to in te w D Lod, have D 5

Gloy to God Piano B7 RERAIN (q = 126 12) With a gospel swing q q=q e 2Canto (a cappella) 4 Glo y to God, in high Bm7 glo y to God, est, and Cma7 C on eath glo y to glo y to God, D God B7/D peace Sopano Alto Teno Bass % % to RERAIN: All peo ple Bm7 glo y to Glo y to God, G in high N est, B7 God good will Am and on eath Text 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Dominic MacAlle, 1959, and Ken Canedo; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1998, 1999, 2009, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved 6

GLORY TO GOD, cont (2) Am /B B7 Bm7/E N Bm7/E to Veses VERSE 1 1 We peace 1 glo ify Am paise you, to you, people we we D/E good will less give you thanks you, N we adoe fo you Am you, D/E geat to Veses we 7

GLORY TO GOD, cont () 1 1 C/E glo y, VERSE 2 G L 7/B God, al 2 Am Lod might y D/ Lod G e sus B7 n a n Chist, God, /B E/G heav en ly Am King, B7 /B B D/E O On ly Begot ten DS DS 8

GLORY TO GOD, cont (4) 2 2 2 C/E Son, C E/G have D/A Bsus4 a, me 2 sins wold, Am /B cy D/ Lod God, B you B on e us; G L 7/B ceive Am Lam G God, take a way ou you D/ take Am Am Son sins wold, G a way Bsus4 n paye; n n B you ae 9

GLORY TO GOD, cont (5) Am7 2 seat ed L /E 2 me cy VERSE o C/E Lod, C/D Am at ight you a on D/ C/G G hand B7 us lone ae you G alone Ho ly ae /B One, E/G Most Am High, D aug B7/D a, B7 /B B D/E you a G L 7/B e have lone ae sus DS DS 10

GLORY TO GOD, cont (6) Bsus4 Bsus2 n B Am7 C/D C/G G C/G G D aug B7/D Chist, n n INAL RERAIN a cappella L /E God Glo y to God, est, with Ho B7 ly a glo y to God, and on eath Spi it, /B peace B7 in glo y to to glo y /B B7 God peo ple to inal Refain to inal Refain in high good will 11

GLORY TO GOD, cont (7) B7 Bm7 N glo y to God, peace to Am peo ple Cma7 C glo y 12 to B7/D D God in /B B7 good will Bm7 Glo y to God, G high est, N Bm7/E N N B7 Am and on eath Cma7

GLORY TO GOD, cont (8) B7 Bm7 Cma7 B7 Bm7 A Cma7 men, B7 a N men Bm7 (A N a Cma7 men) men, Csus2/A N E(no) u 1

Alleluia! Give Gloy Descant RERAIN: (q = 76 80) All 12 8 % inal time only Sopano Alto Teno Bass Piano B 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 8 E / Al le Dm7 lu B % % Allelu ia! Dm7 lu ia! Alle N N E ia! Oo E m E lu ia! Alle Allelu ia! E m Give B / gloy Give glo y Gm7 N N and Note: Seasonal veses fo Advent, Chistmas and Easte ae availale on ocpog, edition 0102761 Text: Refain and veses 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950, 1991, 2007, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved Veses, 4, 6, 11 1969, 1981, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo; piano acc y Dominic MacAlle, 1959; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1991, Ken Canedo Pulished y OCP All ights eseved 14

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont (2) N and hon o, give glo y to Lod! C7 n hon o n n n 8v ad li B lu ia! Allelu ia! Ale lu Allelu ia! Dm7 to Lod! C7 n n 7 E / Alle E Allelu ia! E m A B Allelu Dm7 N N 15

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont () 1 ( ) ia! E ia! n E m (Al lelu!) C7 E / hon o n N to Give B w Lod! w 1 B / Gm7 glo y and 1 E B B 7 N to Vese(s) to Vese(s) 16

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont (4) inal feely n inal B / Give glo y Gm7 glo y and inal n R to to u u n and hon o C7 E / hon o n B w Lod! w to E Lod! B u u N ine ine ine 17

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont (5) *GATHERING VERSES 1, 2 E Canto o All 1 2 1 2 Whee I two am o e vine E /B N N 1 2 ae and C7 midst me n n m; N *Vese 1, Matw 18:20; Vese 2, ohn 15:5 E m gath you eed B B 7 e and I ll n e ea C7 much n in ae my B N name, anch es N E e I A am ide in in 7 E / All DS fuit A Alle DS 18

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont (6) *GOSPEL VERSES 6 E Canto Od Time Od Time Advent Easte 4 5 6 4 5 6 I Speak, Pe I O am Lod, pae am you good E /B N N 4 5 6 C7 ev y one you have ev yone I know followwods me see sheep n n N E m Light se way shep vant hed, B B 7 will and n have ev sav mine e ing C7 light last pow know is says ing n *Vese, ohn 8:12; Vese 4, 1 Samuel :9; ohn 6:68; Vese 5, Luke :4, 6; Vese 6, ohn 10:14 B N Wold; lis t ning; Lod; Lod; N E who shall my 7 E All / DS life life God me A Alle DS 19

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont (7) *GOSPEL VERSES 7, 8 E Canto Easte Pentecost 7 8 7 8 7 8 Make Come you to wod us, B B 7 N as with we n E m plain to Spi us, it Lod B N e God; N sus; E may come C7 ou and hea fie you you heats fill n E /B N N un ou with C7 love heats n n 7 E / All DS voice love A Al le DS *Vese 7, Luke 24:2; Vese 8, Veni Sancte Spiitus 20

ALLELIA! GIVE THE GLORY, cont (8) *EASTER VIGIL PSALM 118 VERSES 911 9 10 11 9 10 11 E Canto 9 10 11 Give God s The thanks ight stone E /B N N to hand which is B B 7 *Vese 9, Psalm 118:1; Vese 10, Psalm 118:16 17; Vese 11, Psalm 118:22 2a E m Lod; poweuild ful es fo ev and de clae By LORD has n C7 e woks this n and een E o I has his me shall ecome he is and e ex B N good alt ed ect ed N cy en not C7 n n 7 E / All ev God done e A dues die, ut co nelive, stone DS Al le DS 21

Lenten Gospel Acclamation Sopano Alto Teno Bass Piano RERAIN With a gospel swing (q = 88 92) q q = q e A7 /C e 4 4 4 4 Paise N and n C7 hon o to 2 B / to Vese Chist ( ) 2 to Vese sus inal Chist Note: Holy Week veses ae availale on ocpog, edition 0102762 1, B you, Chist ( ) 1, O N B / ( ) inal B o 7 Lod n n n C7sus4 ( ) Text 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Dominic MacAlle, 1959; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1998, 1999, 2000, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved DC DC ine ine 22

LENTEN GOSPEL ACCLAMATION, cont (2) VERSES: Canto *1st ABC 4th A 5th B C/E Who lone, who me, ^ ut ev and Dm One I ev on ev e fol whee v Gm/ mouth light se vant E God life e B does am e not seves y lows I C/E live light me /A on must ** wod me am, C that will e N B / ead wold; fol Gm a low comes have al n so B /C n n fom will my DC DC *Vese numeing indicates Sunday and yea Lent; eg, 5th C is appointed vese fo fifth Sunday Lent, yea C **Cue notes ae an altenative lowe melody 2

LENTEN GOSPEL ACCLAMATION, cont () VERSES: Canto 2nd ABC d A d B, 4th B 4th C 5th A 5th C I C/E will Dm Lod, get I om you God up am E ae so and ven * B a Sav gave I life, tun Gm to s io his shall me This give ev I ev fo is /A my me y have N *Cue notes ae an altenative lowe melody /A voice on say says with you C C/E shin tu loved go es now, is ly to whole Son, liv one sinned e I ing ly to u my cloud Sav io, wold a ec tion says Lod, C head: wold; Son, him: Lod; heat; my ing e lov wa who e lieves a gainst heav e am lieves ga 24 A/C B / G7 n ed in in n C that and Dm Son; te, him en me cious, so a that, who he and e that might will

LENTEN GOSPEL ACCLAMATION, cont (4) E B /D C G7 C DC lis I have and nev ga VERSE: Canto may cious not e a and Ash Wed, d C B C/E Dm ten thist te gainst e me to a nal ci * /A Re C/E him gain life you die ful pent, king dom heav en is at says C hand n DC A B / Lod; G7 n C DC DC *Cue notes ae an altenative lowe melody 25


Holy Sopano Alto Teno Bass Piano Am7 With a gospel swing (q = 104 108) q q=q e 4 4 4 4 col 8v Ho ly, God Gm hosts Am/E Ho ly, Am Text 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1991, 199, 2009, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved B Dm Ho ly B /C loco 7/C Heav en and Am7 B eath Lod ae 27

HOLY, cont (2) B full 7/C R you B m R glo y Ho ho B R n n it last time it last time san na it last time n n /C san na, C7 in A7/C 1 high est 1 ho san na, R Dm R B /C to next section to next section 28

HOLY, cont () inal ine Am/E Dm7 Dm7/C high est inal B ma7 name Am7 ine Gm7 Bless ed is R B ma7 he who R Csus4 Lod comes R C in Ho R 29

We Poclaim You Death Melody Piano With a gospel swing (q = ca 96) q q=q e /C Dm7 4 4 4 *When invitation is spoken, Into may egin hee Sopano/All Alto Teno Bass Piest We po Text 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Ken Canedo; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 2009, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved The Am/E claim * Gm7Am7 B mys t y you Dm Death, B /C faith O Lod, 0

WE PROCLAIM YOR DEATH, cont (2) 7/C B /A Gm B / /C C and po un fess you D ma7 it til it it you E Res u come a B / N gain ec tion 1

When We Eat This Bead Melody Piano With a gospel swing (q = 88 108) q q=q e 4 /C 4 4 *When invitation is spoken, Into may egin hee Sopano/All Alto Teno Bass When Dm7 Piest we R Am/E eat Text 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, and Ken Canedo; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1991, 199, 2009, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved this The R * Dm Bead Gm7Am7 B mys t y R n B /C faith 7/C and 2

WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD, cont (2) B dink C/G Death, C gain, O R Dm Lod, this Cup, n R Gm un C B m7 til 7/C un it it it you Cm7 B til you come a C/B B / gain we po Gm come a f /A claim f f you

Save s, Savio Melody Piano With a gospel swing (q = ca 108) /C 4 4 4 Sopano/All Alto Teno Bass *When invitation is spoken, Into may egin hee Save q q=q e Dm7 Piest us, Am/E Text 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Ken Canedo; choal a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 2009, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved The * Gm7Am7 B mys t y Sav io Dm wold, B /C faith 7/C B 6 /A fo y you 4

SAVE S, SAVIOR, cont (2) Gm B / /C C Coss and B m7 you it it it have Res u Cm7 set us ec tion B / N fee 5

Doxology Melody B ma7 Piest á C/B á Piano Though him, and with him, and in him, á á Am7 á unity Holy Spiit, all gloy and hon o á á Gm7 ev e and Am7 ev is B e O God, almighty a, 4 4 4 á á in a tempo (q = 88 9) With a gospel swing q q=q e C/D D yous, B /C fo Text 2010, ICEL All ights eseved sed with pemission Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; piano acc y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1991, 2009, 2010, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved 6

Amen Descant With a gospel swing (q = 88 9) q q = q e 4 Sopano Alto Teno Bass Piano Al * Paise Am Al * Paise 4 4 4 4 le and C7/G le and Note: ist time unison A ø 7 A A B men lu glo B / ia, y, lu glo ia, y, *Altenative wods fo use duing Lent /A a /C a C men Gm A /A R 1 1 men 1 B / ( ) ( ) A men C Gm/B men DC DC DC inal men inal men u inal Music: Mass Gloy; Ken Canedo, 195, and Bo Hud, 1950; a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1991, 199, Ken Canedo and Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved 7

Lam God Sopano Alto Teno Bass Piano Dm wold, With a gospel swing (q = 92 96) 4 4 4 4 Lam ( N q q = q e Gm/ ~~~~ God, 1, 2 G7 wold,) n 1, 2 n you have n n A ø 7 take away B A7/C N sins /C A7/C me cy on A A Dm us; N Dm7 have N R Music: Mass Gloy; Bo Hud, 1950; a y Caig Kingsuy, 1952, 1991, 199, Bo Hud Pulished y OCP All ights eseved 8

LAMB O GOD, cont (2) Gm /G Gm7/C inal G7 /C A7/C me cy on peace; ~~~~~ Dm B m it Dm7 N us gant Gm B o 7 it us it it n n Gm7/C n wold,) inal n peace a tempo a tempo a tempo gant us A Gm/ 9