Joel Martinson (Choral score) Selah Publishing Co., Inc. Hn. J œ œ œ œ œ œ. j œ. 8 5 Choir: (Women or Men) for review only. ni- mi- pax.

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Missa Guadalupe o Martson 10-911 (Choral score) Sah Publishg Co. Inc. Orr rom your avorite aler or (Or call 00--1.S. and Cada) This document is provid or revie purposes only. It is illegal to photocopy this msuc. 1 Hn. Tpt. II 1 1 0 Et ex - c - sis Missa Guadalupe as commissioned or 90th anniversary year o Cadral Santuario Guadalupe Mor Church o Roman Catholic Church o Dallas Texas. The Gloria as commissioned by Cadral Santuario Guadalupe Mor Church o Roman Catholic Diocese o Dallas or AGO Dallas 9 Natiol Convention. Gloria Lat and Spanish q=9 (e=e throughout) bo- e vo- lun - ta - tis. pax ho- mi- ni- bus ex - c- sis A Choir: (Women or Men). ter- ra De - o. Glo - Et ri - a bo- e vo- lun- ta - tis. or revie only B Choir: Por ter - ra n tu n. pax - men - All: sa Tpt. I Glo - De - o. ri - a o Martson 199 mi - ni - bus. glo - ria. por Copyright 199 Sah Publishg Co. Inc. Kgston N.Y. 101. All rights reserved. Prted.S.A. on recycled paper. It is illegal to photocopy this music. Missa Guadalupe Choral score Missa Guadalupe Organ and conductor s score(orr no. 10-910)

n. All: tu n - men - sa glo -. ria! Glo - ri - a ex - c - sis De - o. Et ter- ra pax mi - ni- bus bo- e vo- lun - ta - tis. C Choir: Te a- ra -.. te la - a- do - ra - mos gra - ci - as. Ó Ó mos te glo- ri- i - Te ba - Se - a- mos la - ba - ca - te mos n te ben - - mos te ci - n ben - mos. -. or revie only ñor Dios Rey ce - les - ci - mos te a- te da- mos do - glo- ri - i - ca - mos te da- mos gra - ci- as gra - ci- as tial Choral score Missa Guadalupe

1 D All: > Pa - Dios > dre to - do - po - - ro - so. Glo - ri - a ex - c - sis De - o. Et ter - ra pax mi - ni - bus 9 bo - e vo - lun - ta - tis. rit.. Tpts.... Timp. n E or revie only. A little sloer Choir: P P Se - qk»... ñor. Hi - P o. ú - ni - co. n e -.. su - cri -.. sto... Se - ñor. Dios Cor - Missa Guadalupe Choral score

1 - ro. Dios. Hi - o l. Pa -... dre.. dim. Hi - o dim. l rit.... Pa -.. dre; Still sloer qk».... p. tú que qui - tas pe - ca - do p... l. mun - do. 0 All: P ten P qui - pie - dad tas pe - ca -. do.. tros.. l.. mun - ten do pie - dad. a - tien - or revie only. tros; Choir: que. nue - stra G. sú - pli - ca; tú que es - tás sen - ta - do a la - re -. cha l Choral score Missa Guadalupe

1. All:.. Pa - dre. ten pie - dad tros.. ten pie - dad.. tros; P Choir: que P. qui - tas pe - ca - do l.. mun - do. a - 91 tien - sú - pli - nue - stra. ca;. H Tempo I Hn. sú - p pli - ca a - p or revie only tien - Tpt. II nue - Tpt. I stra 9... I All: Glo - ri - a ex - c - sis Missa Guadalupe Choral score

100 De - o. Et ter- ra pax mi - ni- bus bo - e vo - lun - ta - tis. 10 Choir: n. Só - lo tú e- res San - to só - lo tú n Se - ñor. só - lo tú Al - 10 110. tí - si - mo e - su -. San - to en la cri - sto glo - con ria Es -.. pí - ri - tu Es - pí - ri - tu. Dios or revie only Pa -.. dre... 11 All: K Glo - ri - a ex - c - sis De - o. Et ter - ra Choral score Missa Guadalupe

11 L All: n pax mi - ni - bus bo - e vo - lun - ta - tis. A - - - n 10 n (Cong. sgs Alto part) Rall. to end ƒ n n - - - n men a - - - - - ƒ n n or revie only men. Missa Guadalupe Choral score

Gosp Acclamation Alluia/Aluya 9 1 Ó.. Choir/Cantor. Al - le - lu - ia. le - lu- ia le - lu - o Martson. ia!.. S.A. T.B. S.A. T.B.. Al -. Al - 10 Cantor 1 Ó... le - le - lu - ia. lu -.. ia Tus palabras Señor son espíritu y Your ords O Lord are spirit and. le - lu - ia vi - lie.. Al - le - lu - ia. le - ( ) da.. Al - le - lu - ia lu - ia le - lu - ia le -. le - lu - ia le - Tú tienes palabras You have ords o ev- or revie only lu - lu - vi - er - da last -.. ia!.. ia! e- g " ter. lie.. n. le - lu -. le - lu - ia!. ia! Choral score Missa Guadalupe 9

10 Sanctus English and Spanish Descant Mody Harmony 0 With strength h= SI. SII. T. on mody A.B. on harmony ly ly ly ly ly ly. Lord. Lord. God. God o o o Martson po - er and po - er and 9. might. might high - est. high - est. heav- en heav- en and earth are and earth are A San - San - to to n ull n ull o o your your glo - glo - or revie only ry. ry. to to n.. to es. to es Se - Se - 1 n b n ñor. n n b n en n ñor. en 10 Missa Guadalupe Choral score

11 1 P B. cie - cie - lo. P. Bless- ed lo. Bless- ed is is he ho he ho comes comes me me o o Lord. Lord. 1 n b n n ƒ n n b n en n en or revie only ƒ cie - cie - lo. lo. Choral score Missa Guadalupe 11

1 Sanctus English Descant Mody Harmony 0 With strength h= SII. T. on mody A.B. on harmony SI. ly ly ly ly ly ly. Lord. Lord. God. God o o o Martson po - er and po - er and 9 1. might. might high- est. heav- en and earth are high- est. heav- en and earth are A Bless - Bless - ed ed is is he he n ull n ull o o n ho comes ho comes your glo - your glo -. ry. ry. or revie only n n n b b n n me me n n o o.. Lord. Lord. ƒ high - ƒ high - est. est. 1 Missa Guadalupe Choral score

Descant Mody 1 With maesty q= T.B.... S.A. and Cong.... Memorial Acclamation English and Spanish or English only Cri - sto Cri - sto ha ha Cri- sto ha muer- to. muer- to. Cri- sto ha re - su - ci - ta - re - su - ci - ta -. do.. do. 1 o Martson. died. b Cri - b Cri - sto sto Christ ven- drá ven- drá Christ is ris - en. is nue - nue - ris - b Christ vo. vo. en. ill Christ come ill Ó Christ come or revie only has a - a - ga. ga. Christ died. has. Note: When Memorial Acclamation is sung English only omit measures - (marked by brackets). Choral score Missa Guadalupe 1

1 Descant Mody 1 With maesty q= T.B........ S.A. and Cong. A -. A - Great Amen Sixold. men. men a - - - - a - - - - o Martson. men. men. men b a - - - - - b a - - - - - a - - - -. men.. men. a - - - - men b men Ó A - a - - - a - - - - - - men. men. A -. 10 11...... Ó or revie only A - A -. men Great Amen. men Threeold a - a - - - men b men a - men a - - - - men. men. 1 Missa Guadalupe Choral score

Descant Spanish Lat 1 Tenrly ith expression. S.T. sg mody A.B. sg harmony.= q Agnus Dei Lat and Spanish.. P.. Cor - - ro P... Ag - Tacet irst time nus P Ah. Dios. De - i que 1 o Martson qui 9 qui - tas tol - lis pec - ten. pe - ca - do ca - pie - dad mi - se - re - ta l re. mun -. mun - do di:... tros. bis ten mi - pie- dad se - re -. or revie only ten pie- dad mi - se - re - re re... tros. bis n.. tros bis Choral score Missa Guadalupe 1

1 1 1.. ten mi - pie - dad se - re - re... tros. bis... Cor -.. da - do - nos da - nos la bis.. paz.. pa -. cem. or revie only 1 Missa Guadalupe Choral score