As Christ Is for Us Assembly, Descant, Two-part Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, and Solo Instrument in C. œ œ F/C

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#21 Stand up and Bless the Lord. œ œ œ œ œ. up high is up. bless bove strength bless. and a - our and. choice; high, ours; dore; heart laud all forth

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DO NOT COPY. Not Unto Us TERMS OF USE. Kurt J. Eggert. 28N6003E Not Unto Us / Eggert SATB, congregation, optional trumpet, organ

Performance Suggestions

Performance Suggestions

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Mass of the Resurrection Keyboard/Choral Edition

SAMPLE IN EVERY AGE. b b. œ œ œ œ. œ b œ. j œ œ. j œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. . œ œ œ œ. œ œ. b œ œ œ b œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ moun - cast, use. J œ

Performance Suggestions

Oh, When the Saints Medley. œ. Œ œ œ œ. saints go march - in. œ œ œ. œ œ j. This train is bound for glo -ry, . œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ œ.

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IN PERFECT CHARITY Gently, with feeling ( = ca. 60)

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Hymn of the Week. January 20, 2019 Epiphany II, Year C. Woman in the Night

Palm Sunday 8:30 & 11:00

O Salutaris Hostia/O Saving Lamb. Tom Booth; DUGUET. SATB Keyboard, Guitar, Solo Instrument

God Alone Be Praised Zebulon M. Highben

Rhythm with percussion Soloist throughout


Copying is illegal. Review copy only. Preface

To Make You FeeL My love

I saw three ships. Trad. English carol arr. DAVID WILLCOCKS. Gaily. ships. saw Sa. come and. sail his Beth. ing la le. in dy, hem - - Christ.

Performance Suggestions

Blessed Be the Lord. Canticle of Zechariah Assembly, Soloist, Two-Part Choir, Keyboard, Guitar, Percussion and Violin

Another great feature about this is that the entire orchestration prints with one keystroke. No more opening and printing 21 individual files!

O God, You Search Me. SSAA Choir, Harp, and Solo Instrument. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ Œ œ œ. # # œ. œ j œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7

A CHRISTMAS CANTICLE. œ. œ. œ œ œ. Preview Only. legato

Canadian Anglican Cursillo

St. Andrew s Fall. Written by Blind Melon. Nah, let ring. let ring EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. and HEAVY MELON MUSIC

Epistle to be Left in the Earth

Performance Suggestions

Hymn. Lift High. the Cross. Concertato Series. The. Words by George W. Kitchin rev. Michael R. Newbolt. The Tune CRUCIFER by Sydney H.

RING THE EASTER BELLS. for S.A.T.B. voices, accompanied, with opt. handbells* Preview Only. w w

Performance Suggestions

SAMPLE PSALM 40: HERE I AM/ GOD,MY GOD,COME TO MY AID F 7 E/G. C m7. Lord, Here I. am. am, Bm7/E D/C. your. will. Amaj7. ing sac scrolls ho

CONTENTS. Mass. LiTurgy Of The hours. hymns & songs



Preview Only. Lo, How a Rose E er Blooming with Beethoven s Adagio from Sonata Pathetique. Legal Use Requires Purchase

DO NOT COPY. By Gracious Powers. Music by Hal Hopson Text by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Translation by Fred Pratt Green. paraclete press.

EXSULTET. Re joice and sing now, all the round earth, bright with a glo ri ous splen dor,

I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Em7. œ œœœ. of the. God, Lord, power of flow'r. œ œ. seas with. Word, blow. His. or - dis - that are life


horal Series Keyboard INTRO (q = 110 118) 4 3 4 3 As hrist Is Us Assembly, Descant, Two-part hoir, Keyboard, uitar, and Solo Instrument.. Janèt Sullivan Whitaker 2011, 2016, Janèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. rom collection PLENTY Songbook #30138649 ompact Disc #30138650 rom collection OUR OMMON HOME Octavo Packet #30137832 ompact Disc #30137833 / / 1.800.548.8749

2 % VERSES VERSES Melody Melody 3. 1. In 1. 2. May In 2. 3. May May % Harmony Harmony 1. give 1. give 2. earth 2. earth 3. ve 3. ve make make this this poor, poor, time. time. one. one. with with give keep give keep hun - gry, cour hun - age gry, md cour - age ful md - ful help re - sre help and re - sre fruit and fruit. J kd - ness kd ness or sake our or sake our Let whole hu - man Let whole hu man. 1. strang - er 2. scen-dants let fd hrist hon - or od s o an - - cient 3. geth - er heed cry our is - b B b b b pen de land - door. sign. home. s4 show show chil - dren s chil dren s fam - ly fam ly de - de - Edition 30137852 As hrist Is Us

3 RERAIN Descant (fal time) We a - rise each morn - g, So rise with. work work mt, mt, him.. no breath each morn - g, be be # and hrist, hrist. work,.. As hrist Is Us

4 # hrist oth - ers hrist is, oth-ers. hrist. be. hrist,.. /. hrist.. oth-ers hrist is E 7 # oth - ers..,.. hrist. hrist.. is is. be oda fi oda fi oda fi As hrist Is Us

5 1 D.S. 2 BRIDE And /B our /. home: 1 1 air E 7 that # each oth-er brea, / D.S. D.S. 2 2 so mt /B wa - ters that run, As hrist Is Us

6.. D.S. al oda flow - g with life good all. fi ODA fi fi /E..... / / / D.S. al oda U U As hrist Is Us

8 As hrist Is Us (uitar/vocal) Janèt Sullivan Whitaker INTRO (q = 110 118) 4 3 (Kbd) % VERSES 1. In 2. May 3. May 1. give 2. earth 3. ve make 1. strang - er 2. scen - dants 3. geth - er RERAIN So mt, rise this poor, time. one. with let heed be him fd each hrist with give keep B b hun - gry, cour - age md - ful or Let hrist hon - or cry morn - g, od s our / kd - sake whole ness hu - and our man o - an - cient is - oth - ers pen de - land and work, re - / help sre fruit show chil-dren fam - ly s4 door. sign. home. work de - - hrist 2011, Janèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

9 E 7 is, be hrist / oth - ers hrist BRIDE And our flow - g is /B with oda fi home: life fi ODA E 7 each / air that.. good /E / 1 oth - er brea, all. /B / D.S. so mt wa - ters / that 2 run, / D.S. al oda U As hrist Is Us

10 omposer Notes One joys servg a parish direcr mic is writg mic community. Each community h its own charism and its own unique voice, resonatg from with walls where faithful gar liturgy. While urg parish grounds Sat Joan Arc Parish San Ramon, alia, pr ok me see worship space where I w about beg work my present mistry position. As made our way dark church, I w proundly taken by brief, bold mission statement so beautifully stenciled on overhead cornice vestibule: To Be hrist Ors hrist Is Us. rom moment I w greeted by se words, I knew I wanted hear community sg m. With a few years, this song w born. It w immediately taken up with great love by community and is now sung quite ten ir celebrations. It is an effective song garg or sendg th, and h been sung at parish missions, meetgs, workshops, retreats, and most celebrations sacraments itiation. I will always be grateful community that lcomed my efts set this statement mic, and I am spired by fervor with which y sg it. Janèt Sullivan Whitaker As hrist Is Us

SOLO INSTRUMENT INTRO 4 3 (q = 110 118) % VERSES 1-3 16. RERAIN 2011, Janèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. J BRIDE fi ODA. As hrist Is Us oda fi J.. 1 D.S. 2 D.S. al oda U 11 Janèt Sullivan Whitaker

12 Assembly Edition AS HRIST IS OR US Verses 4 3 1. In 2. May 3. May 1. give 2. earth this 3. ve make 1. strang - er 2. scen-dants 3. geth - er with hun - gry, give cour-age keep md-ful poor, time. one. 2011, Janèt Sullivan Whitaker. Published by OP, 5536 NE Hsalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. or reprt permissions, plee visit or contact at 1-800-663-1501. help re-sre and fruit kd-ness show or sake our chil-dren s de - Let whole hu - man fam - ly - fd hrist o - pen door. let hon - or od s an - cient de - sign. heed cry our is - land home. Refra So rise with him each morn-g, be hrist be hrist Bridge And our flow-g with home: oth-ers oth-ers each air life that.. good and work, work mt, hrist oth-er brea, all. hrist is is so mt wa - ters that Janèt Sullivan Whitaker, 1: Verse 2 2: Bridge run, Verse 3