I Seek Your Shelter. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ, œ

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ life j œ œ E b m7

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Here I Am, Lord. œ œ œ. j œ. Œ œ I I. sky, rain, flame, j œ. Œ œ œ œ. for them.

Come, Jesus, Come. Holy Child Morning Star. Living Lord. King of kings. Carl P. Daw, Jr. Alfred V. Fedak. Come, Jesus, Come

#21 Stand up and Bless the Lord. œ œ œ œ œ. up high is up. bless bove strength bless. and a - our and. choice; high, ours; dore; heart laud all forth

Evening Prayer. SATB a cappella. words by Thomas Ken ( ) music by Sheena Phillips


Community of Christ. Ó Œ œ Com - (Com) - (Com) - œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. will be done, live and cry. own, door sound done,

Of the Father's Love

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Stephen Cleobury. Thine be the glory. arranged by. hymn-tune Maccabaeus arranged for mixed voices with descant and organ

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Written for the Philadelphia Cathedral Singers, Riyehee Hong, Director, Psalm Festival, September 29, 2006 OUT OF THE DEPTHS. j œ œ œ.


Praise Him. for 2 part choir + descant, with organ or piano accompaniment. (Optional brass parts available) Performance Notes:

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Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer

Like A Shepherd. Assembly, Tenor Descant, Optional Bass Harmony, Keyboard, Guitar and Flute*


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Emerald. Stream. Seth Houston. SANTA BARBARA MUSIC PUBLISHING, INC. Post Office Box 41003, Santa Barbara, CA WEBSITE:


Praise the Holy Lamb of God!

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None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. Table of Contents

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I saw three ships. Trad. English carol arr. DAVID WILLCOCKS. Gaily. ships. saw Sa. come and. sail his Beth. ing la le. in dy, hem - - Christ.

A CHRISTMAS CANTICLE. œ. œ. œ œ œ. Preview Only. legato


Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. tr. by Clarence A. Walworth, Allgemeines Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, ca A/D. œ. w. Œ w. . w.

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All Things Bright and Beautiful

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Grateful Hymn of Praise

Lagniappe-Potpourri 2019: Audition Selections

Nothing Can Separate Us. G D/F # Bm7 A/C # œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ P Œ. Œ œ œ. Œ œ. Aadd9 E/G #


2 for hil Bordeleau Kate Bluett Organ 5 INTRO Tenderly (q = ca. 88) lutes VERSE 1: Unison 1. All 10 rincipal 8' ' 2 2 2 TALLIS CANON LM Thomas Tallis ca. 1505 1585 Arranged by Kevin Keil ear - ied from the bur - dens borne all thirst - ing for a liv - ing spring all.... Text 2012 Kate Bluett. Music arrangement 2012 Kevin Keil. Text and arrangement published by OC 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213. All rights reserved. Edition 3013229

1 2 3 1. trou - bled by a orld of storms I seek the shel - ter of 2 2 18 2. 2.. 2.. VERSE 2 VERSE Soprano 2 Soprano Alto Alto 2. You 2. You Tenor Tenor Bass Bass 1. ing. lutes 23 23 rincipal 8' ' rincipal 8' ' 2 2 see my hun - ger and my thirst; to you I cry my ev - ery need. I see my hun - ger and my thirst; to you I cry my ev - ery need. I

27 U poco rit. V 2. hold no lit - tle yearn - ing back but trust the love that spar - ros feeds. VERSE 3 a little sloer (q = ca. 80) 3. My 3. My (for rehearsal only) 31 3. My Lord my 3. My Lord my Lord I lay my Lord I lay my bur - dens don; I here re - nounce the bur - dens don; I here re - nounce the bur - dens don; I - bur - dens don; I here re - nounce the here re nounce the u U poco rit. poco rit. U U orld of gain. orld of gain. Let orld of gain. Let orld of gain.

35 2 5 3. Let noth - ing 3. noth-ing tempt me V 3. noth-ing tempt me 39 3. Let noth - ing 3. reign. lutes tempo primo tempo primo from side: n from side: from side: n from side: n n Word guide a Word guide Word guide a Word guide a 2 2 2 2 2

6 3 VERSE Descant 52. Oh Choir/assembly rincipal 8' ' Ó 8. Ah let the that. Ah. mine in you Lord. 2 2 2 pass - es all my mind con-ceives or heart de - sires be Guard my soul un Ó Ah - til I sing ith an - gel 2 2 2 2 2.... choirs. lutes

7 57 2 rit.. 2 2 2 2 A rit. rit. Composer Notes True can only be found by laying our burdens don at the feet of Jesus and trusting in his care. The hymn is best sung ith a gentle choral sound. Take care that the soprano descant part is sung ith an open voel and never overhelms the melody. An actual oboe be used instead of a solo organ stop. In that case the organist should not duplicate that line. - men....... Kevin Keil

8 Assembly Edition I SEEK YOUR SHELTER TALLIS CANON Arranged by Kevin Keil Verses 1 2 : All 1. All 2. You. Oh ear see let - ied from the bur - dens my hun - ger and my the that pass - es borne thirst; all Text: LM 2012 Kate Bluett. Music: Thomas Tallis ca. 1505 1585; arrangement 2012 Kevin Keil. Text and arrangement published by OC 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213. All rights reserved. or reprint permissions please visit OneLicense.net or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. all to my 1. thirst - ing for a liv - ing spring all trou - bled by a 2. you I cry my ev - ery need. I hold no lit - tle. mind con-ceives or heart de - sires be mine in you Lord. 1. orld of storms I seek the shel - ter of 2. yearn - ing back but trust the love that spar-ros. Guard my soul un - til I sing ith an - gel Verse 3: Choir 3. My Lord I lay my burdens don; I here renounce the orld of gain. Let nothing tempt me from side: Word guide reign. 2. ing. feeds. choirs.