In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Order of Carmelites in America. Flos Carmeli ( Flower of Carmel )

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In celebration the 150th annivsary the arrival the rd melites in Amica meli ( mel ) Assembly, SATB Choir, Descant, Piano, Guitar, Solo Instrument I & II in C Asamblea, Coro a Cuatro Voces, Teclado, Guitarra, e Intrumen I y II en Do Based on meli, attr. melite St. Simon Sck, 1165 1265; Spanish trans. adapt. by Jorge Montroso,.m. English adapt. by Ricky nalo, CSP Piano INTR With prayful thanksgiving (q = ca. 116) Bb /D 4 3 P 4 3...... & b b Fm7 /G b Spanish translation adaptation 2013, Jorge Montroso,.m. English text adaptation music 2013, 2014, Ricky nalo, CSP. Text music published by CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights resved. Ab 6 A b Bb. Ricky nalo, CSP Ab /C Bb /D.. From the collection IN THE SIGHT F THE ANGELS ctavo Packet #30135021 Compact Disc #30135022 800.548.8749

2 % REFRAIN/ESTRIBILL (a tempo) P P & b b P (a tempo) % Soprano b (Latin) (English) (Español) % Descant Al Tenor P mé li, Vi tis flo rí ge ra, Splen mel, Tall vine blos som; Splen dor me lo, Vi ña flo ri da, Esplen dor Bass (a tempo) (a tempo) cae hea cie. cae heav cie mé li, Splen mel, Splen dor me lo, Es plen dor /G li, cae ven, hea lo, cie. A b add9.... A b ma7 A b. li, ven, lo,. J. J. B b 7.. J dor dor Cm li, Vir go pu ér pe en, Child bear ing id lo, Vir gen fe cun. B b sus4. B b B b /D.... J J ra en, da Edition 30135388 meli ( mel )

3 16. Vses/ a las Estras Sin None y gu lá ris. mé e quals you. sin gu lar. me Sin None y gu lá ris, mé e quals you, sin gu lar, me Ab /C Final. Final... Final Cm Bb /D..... Cm/Bb Fm /G n. Ab 6 A b Bb 16.. 16. Vses/ a las Estras Vses mé me F. n n n. n n A Fm /G A meli ( mel )

4.. U Fine/ Fin mé me VERSES mé me.. Ab 6 A b Bb ur... Moth Strong Pur Strong way gen Bb.... /G Ab Bb 7 U. U. U u Fine/ Fin Fine/ Fin stem so tend Jes, se, who who no bore man one did bright know, flow r, on be est lil ies, that flow rs a mong thorns, bring est ar mor, trust in might: un c tain, sur round ed by foes, un tle Moth who in mel reigns,. sus4 Note: Spanish vses may be found on page meli ( mel )

5 ev help un fail share mel s chil dren fa vors be sw. Star the near us guard us each hour, who sve you the true heart that in ak ness turns trusts in d man tle, hard pressed in the fight, call ing coun sel you give those who turn with s vants that glad ness you gained now en Bb b Sea, he, you, you, you. oy. Db b b b b fa vors be guard us each trust in trust in turn glad ness you... sw! hour! you! might! you! gained! Bb sus4 b mel, up on mel, be near mel, turn mel, come mel, un c mel, share b b... J /G... Ab add9 J.. J. /G... J.. Fm7 us us tain, in that Fm7 Ab ma7 B b 7 D.S. D.S. meli ( mel )

6 ESTRFAS Tú Tú h En Tú los que cre tu es ti dul e e fu la in e Bb Bb. dre ti na, Vir gen dre; res vás ta go Je sé, res el li rio in ma cu la do te ar ma du ra con fia mos en ti, c ti dum bre nos das tu con se o, res Rei na me lo sus4 me li tas pro te a tu nom bre. Es tre lla ha g mi na do u na flor. P mí te ce en tre es pi nas. A yú da ca pu la rio, fién nos. Pro té e con fia mos en la ad v si dad. Con cé ce dre do tu pue b Llé na b r! Db b b b b.. a que con en y h me lo, oh Vir gen me lo, es tar siem pre me lo, en nues tra me lo, en el mo me me lo, lo, tu dul ce y da b b b. /G.. J... Fm7 meli ( mel )

7.. al % c men ti tu. dre ca Dios. ti. bi li dad. prue no a con le sue grí B b sus4.. ba. a. J A b add9. J /G. J Compos Notes Fm7 A b ma7 B b 7 meli ( mel ) is a traditional pray the melites the Blessed Virgin ry. Tradition ascribes its composition St. Simon Sck,. m. (1165 1265), whom the Blessed Virgin ry appeared in what is known as the Scapular Vision in the 13th century. With the passage time, the text was set music has been a hallmark hymn the melites. In celebration the 150th annivsary the establishment the rd melites in the U.S., the Province the Most Pure Heart ry commissioned me compose a contemporary vsion this ancient pray. In 1992, when I was studying at the Washingn Theological Union in Washingn, D.C., I frequented the melite house studies, Whitefriars Hall, participated in their liturgies. It was during those visits that I first encounted bilingual (English Spanish) multicultural liturgies. Und the direction Elaine Rendl with the help melite seminarians from Mexico, the music was accompanied on piano guitars with songs taken from the CP hymnal y Can. In collaboration with Jorge Montroso,.m., who provid the Spanish text, Ray Valido, who provid the musical transcription the Spanish text (i.e., he aligned the melody with the Spanish text), I crafted a trilingual song in Latin, English, Spanish. While the refrain is in three languages, I recommend the more popular singing the Latin refrain, a text familiar most melites. Depending on the context, consid varying the languages during the vses. al % Ricky nalo, CSP, Ron akham,. m. meli ( mel )

8 In celebration the 150th annivsary the arrival the rd melites in Amica meli ( mel ) (Guitar/Vocal) Based on meli, attr. melite St. Simon Sck, 1165 1265; Spanish trans. adapt. by Jorge Montroso,.m. English adapt. by Ricky nalo, CSP & bb b 4 3 (G/B) B b /D INTR With prayful thanksgiving (q = ca. 116) Capo 3: (Piano) (Dm7) Fm7 /G % REFRAIN/ESTRIBILL & bb P (a tempo) b (Latin) (English) (Español) (Fadd9) Ab add9 & bb b (Fma7) Ab ma7 cae heav cie & bb b & bb b (F/A) Ab /C Sin None y Final (Am) Cm. e sin gu quals gu (G/B) B b /D /G lá you, lar, (Am/G) Cm/B b. mé me ris.. (F6) (F) (G) Ab 6 A b B b li, mel, lo, (D) F (F) Ab (Gsus4) B b sus4 Vi tis Tall Vi ña li, en, lo, (G) B b (Dm) Fm /G (F/A) Ab /C. (G7) B b 7. Ricky nalo, CSP (G/B) B b /D flo rí ge ra, Splen vine blos som; Splen dor flo ri da, Esplen dor (G/B) B b /D Vir Child Vir go bear gen mé me pu ing fe (F6) (F) (G) Ab 6 A b B b n mé me.. (Am) Cm ér pe id cun 16. A dor ra en, da Vses/ a las Estras (Dm) Fm /G Spanish translation adaptation 2013, Jorge Montroso,.m. English text adaptation music 2013, 2014, Ricky nalo, CSP. Text music published by CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights resved.

9 (F6) (F) (G) Ab 6 A b Bb VERSES mé me ur (G) Bb (G) Bb & bb b & bb b ev help un d fail share with (Bb ) Db b Sea, he, you, you, you. oy.. Moth Strong Pur stem est Strong est way gen mel s the ing & bb b fa guard trust trust turn glad vors us in ness be each in you /G. (F) Ab so un tle tend, Jes se, lil ies, ar mor, c tain, Moth chil dren near us true heart man tle, coun sel s vants that in hard you that b (Gsus4) Bb sus4. sw! hour! you! might! you! gained! who who that sur who in fa vors guard us ak pressed in give glad ness /G (Fadd9) Ab add9 mel, mel, mel, mel, mel, mel,. (G7) Bb 7 (Csus4) sus4 no bore flow rs trust round be each ness the you /G. sw. hour, turns fight, those gained man one a in ed did bright mong by mel who who up be un (Dm7) Fm7 know, flow r, thorns, might: foes, reigns, U Fine/ Fin on be bring Star sve trusts call turn now (Dm7) Fm7 on near turn come c share us us tain, in (Fma7) Ab ma7 un the you in en that (G7) Bb 7 D.S. Note: Spanish vses may be found on page 10. meli ( mel )

10 ESTRFAS & bb b Tú Tú h En Tú (G) B b (G) B b e e fu la in & bb b e los me que cre ha ce tu es ca pu ti con dul ce (Bb ) Db b r! h c men ti tu dre ca bi no a li con le res te ar c dre res el ma ti res ti na, vás ta go li rio in du ra con dum bre nos Rei na li tas pro te a g mi na do u en tre es pi la rio, fién fia mos en la ad v dre do b (Gsus4) B b sus4 Dios. ti. dad. prue sue grí ba. a. (Csus4) sus4 /G me lo, me lo, me lo, me lo, me lo, me lo, (Fadd9) Ab add9. Vir ma fia mos das tu tu na si tu. nom flor. nas. nos. dad. pue /G. gen Je cu en con bre. b oh es en en tu sé, la ti, se me Es P A Pro Con (Dm7) Fm7 dre; do o, lo a que con en y tre lla mí yú té cé Llé te da e na Vir tar nues siem el dul (Dm7) Fm7 gen pre tra mo ce y da (Fma7) (G7) A b ma7 B b 7 al % meli ( mel )

meli ( mel ) SL INSTRUMENT I & II in C Ricky nalo, CSP 11 I II INTR With prayful thanksgiving (q = ca. 116) 4 3 % REFRAIN. P J. (a tempo) J.... 16.. 3 & b b b A J VERSES 16 J 2 Vses Final... J. n Ÿ~~~~~~. Ÿ~~~~~~.. 3 J n n U. u.. b. 2... Ÿ~~~~~~~ Ÿ~~~~~~~ Fine D.S. 2014, 2015, Ricky nalo, CSP. Published by CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights resved.

12 Assembly Edition FLS CARMELI ( FLWER F CARMEL ) Refrain/Estribillo & bb b 4 3 (Latin) (English) (Español) & bb b Splen Splen dor dor dor cae heav cie Sin gu lá ris. None e quals you, y sin gu lar, Last time mé me n li, mel, lo,. Vi tis Tall Vi ña li, en, lo, flo vine flo Text: Based on meli, attr. melite St. Simon Sck, 1165 126 Spanish translation adaptation 2013, Jorge Montroso,.m. English text adaptation music 2013, 2014, Ricky nalo, CSP. Text music published by CP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights resved. A mé mé me me Vses Moth so tend, who no man did know, on mel s children favors besw. Star the Sea, mel, upon us favors besw! Strong stem Jesse, who bore one bright flow r, be ev near us guard us each hour, who sve you he, mel, be near us guard us each hour! Purest lilies, that flow rs among thorns, bring help the true heart that in akness turns trusts in you, mel, turn trust in you! Strongest armor, trust in might: und mantle, hard pressed in the fight, call you, mel, come trust in might! ur way unctain, surround by foes, unfailing counsel you give those who turn you. mel, unctain, turn you! gentle Moth who in mel reigns, share with svants that gladness you gained now enoy. mel, share in that gladness you gained!. Ricky nalo, CSP rí ge ra, blos som; ri da, Es plen. Vir go pu ér pa Child bear ing id en, Vir gen fe cun da Vses/a las Estras. mé me.. Estras dre tina, Virgen dre; a los melitas protea tu nombre. Estrella r! h melo, oh Virgen dre Dios. Tú es vástago Jesé, que ha gminado una flor. Pmíte melo, estar siempre cca ti. Tú es el lirio inmaculado que crece entre espinas. Ayúda melo, en nuestra bilidad. h fute armadura confiamos en ti, con tu escapulario, fiénnos. Protée melo, en el momen prueba. En la inctidumbre nos das tu conseo, en ti confiamos en la advsidad. Concé melo, tu dulce y tino consue Tú es Reina melo y dulce dre do tu pueb Lléna melo, da tu alegría. For reprint pmissions, please visit or contact us at 1800452980