Celtic Mass Keyboard/Choral Edition

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VERSES: O And And And

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Cover photo by Malene Thyssen,

Piano = 108. wind. gently, lyrically

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Performance Suggestions

Reproducible Part for Congregation and Choir

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Table of Contents. Composer s Note. An Old Irish Blessing 10 Medium Voice and Organ. An Old Irish Blessing 14 Medium Voice and Piano or Keyboard

I Seek Your Shelter. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ, œ

3. Be still, for the presence of the Lord. SOPRANOS & ALTOS unis. r Š Š Š Š ŠŠŠŠ Š. Še. MEN or TUTTI

SING WE THE SONG OF EMMANUEL (D / E / F Major) Words and Music by Matt Papa, Aaron Keyes,


eltic Mass Keyoard/horal Edition hristopher Walker 2010, O 553 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 7213 (503) 21-111 liturgy@ocporg ocporg Excerpts rom English translation o The Roman Missal 2010, International ommittee on English in Liturgy, Inc (IEL); English translation o Lenten ospel cclamation rom Lectionary or Mass 1, 11, 17, IEL, 1100 onnecticut ve NW, Suite 710, Washington, D 2003-4101 ll rights reserved Used with permission ulished with approval o ommittee on Divine Worship, United States onerence o atholic Bishops, 3211 ourth Street NE, Washington, D 20014-114; USBorg None o pages in this ook may e reproduced in any way without written permission rom pulisher Tale o ontents enitential ct with Invocations 3 lory to od eltic lleluia 14 Lenten ospel cclamation 1 Eucharistic cclamations Holy 23 We roclaim Your Death 2 When We Eat This Bread 2 Save Us, Savior 30 Doxology and men 32 Lam o od 34 The ollowing Solo Instrument parts in and B are availale online; visit ocporg: lory to od ed 301001 Holy ed 30102 We roclaim Your Death ed 30102 When We Eat This Bread ed 30102700 Save Us, Savior ed 30102701 dditional revised Mass parts are availale online; visit ocporg: enitential ct: Dialogue ed 30102772 reace Dialogue ed 30102773 reeting, Blessing and Dismissal ed 30102774 eltic Mass Keyoard/horal Edition ed 3010325 Keyoard/Vocal Edition ed 301000 uitar/vocal Edition ed 301022 horal-only Edition ed 30100 Mass Settings Supplement D (lory to od, Holy and Memorial cclamations) ed 301022 or reprintale ssemly Editions, please visit LicenSingOnlineorg Edition 3010325

enitential ct with Invocations Melody Keyoard m dim m riest/deacon/antor p á You were sent to heal con - trite o heart: á p á Lord, have mer - cy dim Soprano/ll cresc lto Tenor Bass n Lord, have mer - cy cresc cresc m7 n Text: Invocations and solution 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 4 3 4 3 4 3 E cresc Lord, have mer - cy cresc E dim Lord, have mer - cy dim dim 3

ENITENTIL T WITH INVOTIONS, cont (2) p riest/deacon/antor You came to call sin - ners: w p S/ll T B m m m/ m/e cresc hrist, have mer - cy cresc cresc m/e 4 3 cresc hrist, have mer - cy 4 3 cresc 4 3 E /B / riest/deacon/antor p á You are seated at right hand o a-r to á p á E /D dim hrist, have mer - cy dim m/d m7 hrist, have mer - cy dim dim dim in - ter-cede or us: 4 3 4 3 4 3 E cresc Lord, have mer - cy cresc 4

ENITENTIL T WITH INVOTIONS, cont (3) Descant cresc U dim m Lord, have mer - cy BSOLUTION riest dim dim p á S/ll T B Lord have mer - cy n Lord, have mer - cy m7 cresc cresc cresc n May almighty od have mercy on us and lead us, with our sins á p á á E in - to e - ter - nal lie S/ll T B m7 4 4 4 4 Lord have mer - cy E dim U Lord, have mer - cy dim u U dim U or - giv - en, - men dim dim dim 5

lory to od Melody/ hoir Keyoard /D Melody Soprano INTRO (q = ca 72) peo - ple o good lto peo - ple o good Tenor Bass m/e will will m unis / lo- ry to od in m7 /D cresc We We cresc cresc cresc n high - est, and on n praise, we praise, we n /D Text 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, 2010, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved earth peace to E less, we a - n less, we a - n

LORY TO OD, cont (2) dore, we dore, we m Lord od, Lord od, / N /E 7/E glo-ri - y, glo-ri - y, n,,, we give we give n n heav - en - ly King, n heav - en - ly King, n n n cresc O cresc O cresc cresc /D thanks or r great thanks or r great od, al - might - y od, al - might - y E m sus4 dim n glo - ry, dim n glo - ry, dim n dim D a - r a - r B dim 7

LORY TO OD, cont (3) Melody S T m unis Lord e - sus Melody m m/b B Lord od, Lord m unis cresc a tempo od, take a - cresc a tempo sus2,4 hrist, / Lam Lam o od, o od, On - ly Be - got - ten Son o Son o rall rall rall ma7/ m7 way sins o world, E rall dim dim / dim E Son, m7/d, a - r,, a - r, N N N dim dim dim have m D mer - cresc cresc p p, p p

LORY TO OD, cont (4) / cy, have cy, have have m sins o world, sins o world, m7 mer-cy mer-cy on us; mer - on us; cy / dim N dim dim dim on m7/e us; ΠE take a - take a - o E /D re - ceive our n n re - ceive our n cresc cresc cresc cresc D way way n E / B / prayer, re - prayer, re -

LORY TO OD, cont (5) m7/e ceive ceive our our m a- r, have a- r, have D cresc prayer, cresc prayer, are are cresc cresc m mer - mer - ma7/ seat - ed at seat - ed at dim cy, cy, have dim have dim dim N m7 mer-cy on us E /D cresc right hand o cresc right hand o cresc cresc mer - cy on us or or 10

LORY TO OD, cont () unis a - lone are / /D a - lone are a - lone are n Ho - ly n One, n Most High, Most High, n a - lone are e - sus hrist, ΠΠcresc cresc E m7 e - sus with hrist, with m Lord, m7 /D Ho - ly E Ho - ly 11

LORY TO OD, cont (7) Spir - it, div N Œ Spir - it, N Œ - men, - men, / n cresc in cresc glo-ry o od, *When using piano, this chord may e played as second hal o measure Œ Œ Œ Œ n a - men, n n a - men, n n cresc cresc E /D glo - ry o od rall e cresc a - rall e cresc a - rall e cresc div rall e cresc E ƒ glo-ry o od ƒ a - r, ƒ E ƒ /D men men, a - m7 div cresc a - r cresc a - r cresc N cresc U U men u U U u U * 12


eltic lleluia Descant Soprano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard & & & RERIN: (q = ca ) 1st time: antor, ll repeat; reater: ll & & & l - le - D l - le - l - le - l - le - m lu - ia, /B D lu - ia, lu - ia, Em D lu - ia, al - le - /E D/ al - le - al - le - lu - m D D al - le - lu - 1, inal (1st time: D) div ine ia 1, inal (1st time: D) ine ia 1, inal (1st time: D) ine lu - ia m/ m7 D lu - ia 2 div ia 2 2 ia to Verse to Verse to Verse Text: Verse 1, 1 Samuel 3:, ohn :; verse 2, 1 eter 1:25; verse 3, Matw 11:25; verse 4, ohn 15:15; verse 5, ohn 10:27; verse, Herews 4:12; verse 7, ames 1:12; dvent, Matw 24:37 44; hristmas, Luke 2:10 11; Holy amily, ohn 1:14, alatians 4:1 7; Epiphany, Isaiah 0:1,, salm 72; easts o Mary, Luke 1:30; Easter, salm 11:1 2, 1 17, 22 23; entecost, ohn 7:37 3; Wedding, 1 ohn 4:7 12; adapt y hristopher Walker, 147, 15, 1, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved Music: eltic Mass; intan O arroll, 122 11, and hristopher Walker, 15, 1, intan O arroll and hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 14

& & *VERSES: antor/hoir 1 2 3 4 5 7 & Melody Harmony 1 2 3 4 5 7 & & 1 2 3 4 5 7 & The The The n Speak, Word a - I sheep Word E - Lord, o r, call o o ven r o my i ser - Lord all riends, lock, Lord n n Speak What a - is tor who hear - Word close ing o to m r o are my my m words word earth my voice, Lord Word vant lasts says says is have is or are a - to that through o all or ring I are od s I ve I us will n n cresc cresc *lternate verses on ollowing pages o is and dis - will is keep D lis - t ning ev - er lessed, Lord, Lord, live die, wis - dom, liv - ing heav - en, ci - ples lis - ten ac - tive aith - ul: ev - er - Son: King - learned know clos - give dom m; er m cre - The n or It or I They It or is make will can r n last - e - shown rom y to crown ing sus to my are o n n n n 15 Dsus4 words rought mys - known ol - udge aith - cresc a lie hrist chil - a - mine a - lie cresc dren r r ELTI LLELUI, cont (2) D to ter - to low our ul - speak us ies me, thoughts, ness D al ine D al ine a N N

ELTI LLELUI, cont (3) lternate Verses: 1 dvent; 2 hristmas; 3 Holy amily; 4 Epiphany; 5 easts o Mary; -7 Easter Vigil antor/hoir 1 2 3 The 4 5 7 Melody Harmony 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 7 *lternate Verses: 1-3 Easter; 4 entecost antor/hoir 1 2 3 4 Melody pray oy came dore Ma Out ill con day cept day lieved con van ive The The Stay I word ho Hail: Now hrist ing ry, o ing i is ing a that quered ish a ring ly he is that to most dence orn him light it death, es thanks to right hand stone which ome, wake, o is or dwell Lord, lessed tom church our will has would o in o pray news od day ull liv irst may a he with can e pened cresc at o e ing, ruits e all a mong is his meet sav ior, Son hrist o come chil dren o come e heav en to on as all od e light o his Lord, who od raised uild ers Ho all great came has o rom strength na mong na wom ris glo is me re ly times, oy, lesh dawned grace, hrist death, ened, tions, us tions, en; en; ry! good up ect Spir ed, it cresc that or ll or who he Dark Man Lord od earth prom ised liev ers pow er and with to ac to e has ness D al ine The The e Harmony 1 2 3 4 love hand comes ill o o Lord Lord cor hearts knows ner o no has stone r end tri cho aith ing umphed sen ul ll I raise and in shall en Note: horal versions o alternate verses are provided or director s convenience Use with accompaniment ound on page 2 o this song 1

ELTI LLELUI, cont (4) cresc cresc D al ine 1 2 3 4 Melody Harmony 1 2 3 dditional lternate Verses Te Deum (Song o Thanksgiving rom Liturgy o Hours) 1 2 Is nev work light lternate Verses: Wedding antor/hoir 1 i 2 od 3 So live live one 1 2 3 ra er o en in with with el die, od m I ll Dear let those riends, us, od od, we us say, od s I shall or this with we who love are love and and as love live od that od one one cresc ar, we praise as Lord, all o earth gives worship, or r maesty ills heavens, ills earth Blessed apostles sing praise; prophets and martyrs give glory: or r maesty praise Spirit, praise Son! love live, mar ire one an u an vel love od loves us, 3 4 an in is has tell in o oth nit oth will lives let ing oth love love er, ed, er no od s our r er, e in us end deeds eyes love cresc strong m love od or Be with will y ing D al ine You are hrist everlasting, orn or us all o a Virgin, have conquered death, opened heaven to all elievers Help those saved y r lood, raise m to lie with r martyrs Save r people, Lord, as ir ruler raise m up 17

Lenten ospel cclamation Descant* Soprano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard,, RERIN: (q = ca 104) 1st time: antor/hoir, ll repeat; reater: ll 4 2 raise and 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 Lord Lord raise and hon - or, m - - - - hon - or, - - - - e - sus n e - sus n n div n 1 1 hrist 1 () hon - or and hon - or and D D D 2 hrist 2 hrist 2 glo - ry, - - glo - ry, - to Verse to Verse to Verse - - - inal hrist inal hrist inal cresc glo - ry to cresc glo - ry to cresc cresc ine ine ine *ter 1st time Text 1, 11, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 1, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 1

LENTEN OSEL LMTION, cont (2) *VERSES: Year antor/hoir T ΠΠMelody 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 rom Lord, I am ev - my wa - ol - lieve S div 1 2 3 4 5 B low in ev - my wa - ol - lieve low in ry e - ter ry e - ter We shin - I res - do not ing are am ur - live cloud Sav - light rec - on a ior tion word lov - give me will me /E that ed so have will I word lov - give me will me that ed so have will I comes Son, nev - light nev - read voice o or and rom hear er o er comes Son, nev - rom hear er light o nev - er a - was lone, heard: world; world lie cresc od him! thirst lie die cresc od him! thirst lie die cresc cresc cresc ut This liv - ll ll on is ing who who e - cresc cresc D al ine D al ine D al ine *Verse 1, Matw 4:4; Verse 2, Matw 17:5; Verse 3, ohn 4:42, 15; Verse 4, ohn :12; Verse 5, ohn 11:25a 2 1

LENTEN OSEL LMTION, cont (3) *VERSES: Year B antor/hoir T ΠΠMelody 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 rom 3 4 Out Out o o 5 I ev - my lieve lieve I S div 1 2 3 4 5 B in in am, We shin - love, love, ry e - my ev - my lieve lieve I in in am, ry e - my do ing od od would not live cloud gave gave serve on a to to me, word lov - him him ser - /E that ed will will vant will word lov - him him ser - that ed will will vant will comes Son, nev - nev - al - comes Son, nev - nev - al - read voice world world ol - rom hear er er so rom hear er er so a - was his his low cresc od him! die die e cresc od him! die die e cresc cresc lone, heard: Son Son me cresc ut This ll ll Πon is who e - who e - Where cresc cresc D al ine D al ine D al ine *Verse 1, Matw 4:4; Verse 2, Matw 17:5; Verse 3, ohn 3:1; Verse 4, ohn 3:1; Verse 5, ohn 12:2 20

LENTEN OSEL LMTION, cont (4) *VERSES: Year antor/hoir 1 2 3 4 5 T ΠΠMelody 1 2 3 4 5 rom Re - I will ev - my King - sinned I S div 1 2 3 4 5 B dom a - am We shin - pent go With ry e - o gainst ev - my King - sinned I dom a - am ry e - o gainst do ing o to all not r my r live cloud sin, a - heart, on a says r and word lov - heav - heav - gra - /E that ed en en cious is and word lov - heav - heav - gra - that ed en en cious is and read voice hrist say turn comes Son, close and kind comes Son, close and kind a- a- rom hear at gainst o rom hear at gainst o a - was to to cresc od him! hand heart cresc od him! hand heart cresc cresc lone, heard: Lord, him: me, cresc ut This or I Πcresc cresc on is have or D al ine D al ine D al ine *Verse 1, Matw 4:4; Verse 2, Matw 17:5; Verse 3, Matw 4:17; Verse 4, Luke 15:1; Verse 5, oel 2:12 13 21

LENTEN OSEL LMTION, cont (5) TER THE OSEL REDIN ΠDeacon/riest (no3) cresc D al ine The os - pel o Lord n cresc n D al ine 22

Holy Soprano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard S T Descant B INTRO (q = ca 3) Lord od o E /D cresc hosts E E sus4 cresc dim Heav- en and earth Heav- en and earth Ho - ly, / Ho - ly, /D cresc cresc are ull o r n are ull o r n cresc n n Ho - ly n n dim glo - ry Ho - Dsus4 glo - ry Ho - D dim dim dim Text 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 23

HOLY, cont (2) cresc san - na in m cresc N san - na in cresc cresc m7 N san - na, ho - san - E /D san - na in high - high - est Ho - sus4 high - est Ho - n dim na dim est dim dim n san - na, ho - m n san - na in 7 (no3) n 7 Bless-ed is he who san - na, ho - high - est Ho - comes in name o n n E /B n 24

HOLY, cont (3) cresc D(no3) cresc In name o Lord Ho - cresc cresc Œ m n D ho - n san - na in 7 n Lord: Ho - E m7 san - na in N san - na, ho - high - est Ho - /E cresc san - na, sus4 high - est Ho - div san - na, ho - san - /D E cresc san - na in high - cresc cresc ƒ n na ƒ est n ƒ n ƒ n 25

We roclaim Your Death Melody Keyoard Descant (q = ca 10) 4 4 4 ΠWe pro - claim r Soprano/ll lto Tenor Bass We pro - claim r / riest m/ The mys - ter - y o 4 2 n Death, O Lord, n n Death, O Lord, n n n 4 2 4 2 / aith 4 4 4 and pro - ess r E E / and pro - ess r cresc Res - ur - rec - tion /D cresc n Res - ur - rec - tion cresc n n cresc n Text 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 2

WE ROLIM YOUR DETH, cont (2) Œ n Œ rall e cresc ƒ div n un - til come a - gain, un - til come a - gain /D Œ Œ un - til n come a - gain, n D m rall e cresc Œ Œ rall e cresc un - til rall e cresc E ƒ come ƒ n a - gain n ƒ n n 27

When We Eat This Bread Melody Keyoard Soprano/ll lto Tenor Bass Ó Ó (q = ca 12) 4 4 4 Œ Œ Œ riest When When m/ The mys - ter - y o we we m/ eat eat this / aith Bread this m/ Text 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved Œ Œ Bread and m/ and drink drink this this E 2

WHEN WE ET THIS BRED, cont (2) up, up, w Descant S we we Πun - til T B Πpro - claim pro - claim E / B / Πun - til r Death, r come /E a - gain, come n a - gain, n m7 Death, r Death, O O m7 cresc Πun - til /D E m/e ΠΠun - til cresc cresc cresc m7/d 7/ Lord, w Lord, w cresc w div come n a - gain come a - gain n n 2

Save Us, Savior Melody (q = ca 10) m 4 Πriest /E The mys -ter - y o 4 3 aith m m/ Keyoard m Soprano/ll lto Tenor Bass Save 4 4 us, m/ Sav - ior o / 4 3 4 3 world, / Descant Πm Πcresc or y r or y r or y r cresc cresc cresc Text 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 30

SVE US, SVIOR, cont (2) ross and Res - ur - ross and Res - ur - rec - tion have rec - tion ross and Res - ur - m ross and Res - ur - have rec - tion rec - tion set us ree, D/ set us ree, cresc have set us E cresc have set us cresc cresc or y r D7 or y r div n ree ree n n 31

Doxology and men Melody Keyoard á / Œ á riest Through him, and with him, and in him, á á E /B / in unity o Ho - ly Spir - it, á á OTIONL INTRO / cresc á all glory and honor is á á m m7 O od, al - might - y a - r, (q = ca 3) m rs, m/e cresc or ev - er and cresc sus4 ev - er E sus4 Text: Doxology 2010, IEL ll rights reserved Used with permission Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, 200, 2010, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved 32

DOXOLOY ND MEN, cont (2) Descant Soprano/ll lto - men, / - men, Tenor Bass a - men, n a - men, n n a - men, n n a - men, n n a - men, E /D a - men, a - a - E cresc cresc cresc cresc n a - n a - n D men, m men, m/ div n men men n n 33

Lam o od *Descant Soprano lto Tenor Bass Keyoard *ter 1st time INTRO (q = ca 7) & 4 3 & 4 3 4 3 & 4 3 4 3 /D p cresc Em dim Lam o od, Lam o od, m/ cresc Music: eltic Mass; hristopher Walker, 147, 1, hristopher Walker ulished y O ll rights reserved take a - way m /D D take a way - 34

LMB O OD, cont (2) & 1, 2 dim D sins o world, have mer - cy, mer - cy on us & & & & & Bm sins o inal world, inal world, inal grant /B 1, 2 world, 1, 2 us grant us D/ have dim peace, Em dim peace, dim /B mer - cy on us, mer - cy on rall grant rall grant rall us us div Em dim peace peace Em dim dim sus2 Dsus4 us D D D 35