The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns. for Ricky Manalo, CSP. SATB Choir, Descant, and Keyboard. Greek translated by John Brownlie,

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The King Shall Come When Morning Dans for Ricky Manalo, CS. Greek translated by John Bronlie, 1852-1925 Keyboard 4 7 3 2 3 2 p. SATB Choir, Descant, and Keyboard VERSE 1 Soprano Solo or Section.. INTRO (h = 56 60) 1. The King shall.... come hen morn - ing. sim.. Gerard Chiusano Music 2001, Gerard Chiusano. ublished by OC ublications, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.. p.. dans And light tri -.. lease or call 1-800-LITURGY for available instrument parts. From the collection MARANATHA Octavo acket #11923 Compact Disc #11924 5536 NE Hassalo ortland OR 97213 OC ublications

2 10 1. um - phant breaks, When beau - ty. gilds the east - ern 13 F. 1. hills And life to.. 16 F. 1. gilds the east - ern. n n. joy a -. hills And life to akes,.. When beau - ty joy a - n Edition 12010-Z The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

19 1.. akes.. p. 22 a lit - tle child, Soprano VERSE 2 Tenor F... child, To bear and.. Not as of To bear and fight n Not as of old. old a lit - tle.. fight and. and die, die,. But croned ith n n 3 The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

4 25 F 28 But croned ith glo -. glo - ry like the sky. Ḟ sky... But croned ith f. sun. F. ry like the sun f. That lights the F But croned ith glo - ry That lights the morn - ing. morn - ing glo - ry like the F. sun like the sun That lights the The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

5 31 34 37 that lights the morn-ing morn - ing n Soprano Alto Tenor Bass... sky.... sky. ẇ VERSE 3 3. O bright - er. J. J n ẇ. than the glo - rious. The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

6 40.. n 43 3. morn When he vic - 3..... lone - some place of. to - rious.... death, De - spite the... rose And left the n. rage of. The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

7 46.. 49 52 3. foes. 3. And left the n rage of n. 4. than that glo - rious Tenor n 4. O bright - er than.. lone - some place of..... foes...... morn Shall this fair that glo - rious morn.. death, De - spite the..... Soprano VERSE 4 4. O bright - er morn - ing Shall this fair morn - The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

8 55 58 4. be, 4. -. 4. face A. ing be, When Christ, our n n. 4. shall And e his face shall. King, in beau - ty When Christ, our King, S see! see! A.. When Christ, our T B. comes And e his F.. in beau - ty comes. King, in beau - ty F ẇ When Christ, our King, The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

9 61.. n.. 4. comes And e his 4. in beau - ty comes n n cresc. poco a poco j n n.. 64 67 T/B Descant S/A...... n # n VERSE 5 n n n n n n n n. - - - - - - face shall And e his face shall n # n n # # n. n -. n b n The The King shall come f King shall come. hen morn-ing. ẇ.. see!.. see! F j n n.. # n. n n. n. j. hen morn-ing dans. dans And light and. ẇ The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

10 70 73 And light and beau - ty beau - ty Thy peo - ple pray:. pray: Come quick - ly... fl fl brings. brings. #.. j fl Hail, Christ, the. # # Come quick - ly King of. King of. Hail, Christ, the Lord!. Lord! Thy peo - ple. kings. poco poco kings.. Hail, Christ, the poco poco.. The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

11 76 ossia 79 Hail, Christ, the Lord! n. # n Lord! Thy peo - ple n. # n # n n n kings.... kings... kings. ẇ.. #. pray:. Thy peo - ple pray: A Come quick - ly F F A Al - le - F Al - Come quick - ly King of King of # lu - ia, al - le - le - lu - ia, The King Shall Come When Morning Dans

12 82 U n. lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia! al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu -. erformance Notes The King Shall Come When Morning Dans, translated by John Bronlie from an anonymous Greek hymn, speaks of the day hen Christ ill return. The text praises that day as being unsurpassed in beauty, even hen compared to the historical events of Christ s birth and resurrection. During Advent, Christians aait not only the memorial of Christ s birth at Christmas, but also, more importantly, look forard to his return in glory. The King Shall Come When Morning Dans is an attempt to breathe ne life into this classic text, commonly sung to the 19th-century tune MORNING SONG. I have composed a ne tune intended for choir not assembly and made a setting that hopefully portrays the majesty and beauty of the text. Obviously meant for use during Advent, The King Shall Come When Morning Dans could be sung as a call to orship, as a solo choral piece during the preparation of gifts, or for a lessons and carols service. It is also appropriate for the Solemnity of Christ the King. Gerard Chiusano r U.. ia! n U. n U. u.